IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH BELLEVUE, OHIO 44811 LITURGIES THIS WEEK Saturday, February 14 4:30pm Mary & Earl Dick Deceased Members of the William Magyar Family Sunday, February 15 8:00am 10:30am For the Parish Genevieve Powers Beatrice Gazo Monday, February 16 8:30am No Mass Tuesday, February 17 8:30am Delbert Daniel Christy, Lenus, Carrie Missler Wednesday, February 18 8:30am 7:00pm February 15, 2015 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Wednesday 2/18 7:00pm Saturday 2/21 4:30pm Sunday 2/22 8:00am Ash Wednesday Domenic J. Laviola Sam Loparo Leon Moyer Mary Jane Schneider Monday 2/22 10:30am 1. T. Shumway 2. S. Brandal 3. M. Phillips 4. J. Haynes 5. J. Horn 6. J. Zieber 7. K. Hickey 1. J. Zieber 2. P. Dick 3. J. Haynes 4. J. Fox 5. K. Loparo 6. T. Felder 7. S. Felder 1. D. Gasteier 2. K. Baumgartner 3. M. Dendinger 4. L. Dendinger 5. M. Esbenshade 6. H. Gasteier 7. J. Kreh 1. R. Widman 2. L. Widman 3. C. Palsa 4. G. Miller 5. H. Musser 6. R. Smith 7. A. Valko SCRIP VOLUNTEERS Thursday, February 19 8:30am Larry Nottke Terry Rospert 1:30pm Mass at the Willows Saturday, February Sunday, February Sunday, February Friday, February 20 8:30am Rose Pine Josephine Cooksey There will be no scrip order the week of February 16 th. The next scrip order will be February 23rd. Orders are placed every other week during the school year. If you are having trouble getting your scrip order to the office due to weather, consider signing up for online ordering. Please have your order to the parish office by 9:00am. We have a limited supply of Marathon $100 gift cards available for purchase. Saturday, February 21 4:30pm Deceased Members of the Beery Family Rose Mary Harnden Sunday, February 22 8:00am Jacob Zeller Marilyn Campbell For the Parish 10:30am Memorial Candles Intentions: In Memory of Marlin & Starla Vickey In Memory of Red Morfier In Memory of Lena Douglas In Honor of Dave Sabo 21 4:30pm 22 8:00am 22 10:30am Krista Horn Lori Mays Deb Hay Offertory Weekly Budget Over (Under) Year-To-Date Over (Under) $ $ $ $ 11,003.00 10,980.00 23.00 (7,287.00) LECTORS Wednesday, February Saturday, February Sunday, February Sunday, February 18 7:00pm 21 4:30pm 22 8:00am 22 10:30am Cecilia Strecker Kathy Loparo Adam Esbenshade Cecilia Strecker ALTAR SERVERS Wed. February 18 7:00pm Elizabeth Harper, Dominic Prenatt, Luke Roth Sat . February 21 4:30pm Dominic Prenatt, Ethan Prenatt, Luke Roth Sun. February 22 8:00am McKenna Davis, Delaney Davis, Aurora Branco Sun. February 22 10:30am Claire Wilson, Sophia Wilson, Isabella Natole SACRISTY LAUNDRY Volunteer for 2-15-15 is Joyce Hoersten. Laundry may be picked up after the 10:30 Mass on Sunday or during the week and returned by 4:30 Mass on Saturday. Monday, February 16 Parish Office Closed 6:30pm St. Christopher Study Club Tuesday, February 17 1:00pm Prayer Service & Burning of Palms Wednesday, February 18 9:00am Lenten Bible Sharing 6:30pm CCD 6:30pm RCIA Friday, February 20 7:00pm Stations of the Cross Saturday, February 21 8:00pm AA Meeting Sunday, February 22 9:00am to 1:00pm ICS Open House 9:00am to 1:00pm Pancake Breakfast (Church Basement) (Church) (Church Basement) (School) (Church Basement) (Church) (Church Basement) (School) (School) The Parish Office will be closed, Monday, February 16th in observance of President’s Day. SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. All persons 14 and older are bound by the law of abstinence (no meat). Adults from age 18 through 59 are required to fast which means only one full meal daily and two other small meals not equal to the full meal. Guidelines for Lenten Abstinence: Catholics are to practice the discipline of abstinence on the Fridays of Lent. The law of abstinence forbids the eating of meat, but not of eggs, the products of milk or condiments made of animal fat. Permissible are soups, gravy and sauces flavored with meat. Abstinence is to be observed by all Catholics from the completion of their 14th year – from the day after their 14th birthday – and throughout life. These days of abstinence are binding only to those in good health. St. Vincent de Paul Society: There will be a meeting on Tuesday, March 10th at 6:00pm in the Sacred Heart Room. All current members are invited to once again actively participate in serving our poor, as well as extending an invitation to new potential members. Amy Aschmeier, the Diocesan Council President of Toledo St. Vincent de Paul will be attending the meeting on March 10 th to begin the restructuring process and to answer questions. Monroeville Knights of Columbus will be hosting their BREAKFAST BUFFET this Sunday, February 15th at the Monroeville Knights of Columbus Hall, Peru Center Road. They will be serving from 8am to noon. Adults: $7.00, Children: $3.00, children under 6 are free. The public is welcome. Lent By Candlelight At The Shrine: On Sunday, st March 1 , the Sorrowful Mother Shrine, south of Bellevue will host Lent by Candlelight from 6:30 to 8:00pm in the Shrine cafeteria. It will be an opportunity to reflect on Jesus’ Divine Mercy as well as enjoy some fellowship and hors d’oeuvres. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will also be available. To register for this program or for more information, call 419-483-3435, extension 6. Cost is a donation. K of C Lenten Fish Fry: The Bellevue Knights of Columbus will host a perch, shrimp and chicken tender dinner each Friday from February 20th to April 3rd. Dinners include bread, choice of baked potato, french fries, or onion rings, and choice of apple sauce or handmade cole slaw. Dinners are served from 5:00pm to 7:30pm at 816 Monroe Street and the cost is by donation. The proceeds support scholarships for local high school seniors. BELLEVUE FISH & LOAVES is asking ICC parishioners to donate Canned Vegetables (corn, beans, peas) for the month of February. The Fish & Loaves baskets are located by the candle room. Thank you for your generosity! MESSAGE FROM FATHER JONATHAN Dear Parishioners, This is the commitment weekend for our diocese’s Annual Catholic Appeal. You should have received a letter from the diocese (carrying my name) asking for your support. This appeal, along with parish assessments, supports the larger work of the Church in our diocese. One of the main expenses this money is used for is the education and support of seminarians, especially those in the final years of theological study before ordination to the priesthood. Our own Austin Ammanniti will be ordained a transient deacon in Carey on March 28. I am happy to say that he will be with us for the Sunday Masses on Palm Sunday. He has been serving his pastoral year (much like an internship) at St. Michael’s in Findlay, and he will return to Rome to continue his studies in the fall. He will return home to be ordained a priest in late spring of 2016. Your support for the ACA has helped make his studies and ministry possible. Sometimes in such appeals, it does help to see a “face” where our gifts go. I know Austin appreciates the generosity of Catholics in our diocese and especially from his own parish. I certainly encourage your gift to the ACA. On behalf of Bishop Thomas and all who benefit from your gift, I thank you for your generosity. Father Jonathan 2014 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS: If you wish to receive a copy of your 2014 contribution statement, please call or email the parish office. Statements can be picked up, emailed or mailed to you. Email address is or call 419-483-3417. Are you looking to deepen your prayer life this Lenten season? If so, please consider spending six minutes a day with “The Little Black Book.” “The Little Black Book” contains daily Scripture passages and reflections for each day of the Lenten season, beginning with February 15th, the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, and ending on April 5th, Easter Sunday. “The Little Black Book” will be available after each weekend Mass in the vestibule of the church for a $1.00 donation. They are also available in the parish office. ICS CYO Winter Sports Awards will be held Thursday, March 5th at 7:00pm in the ICS Gymnasium. Family and friends are welcome to attend to support our athletes and coaches on a season well played!! Sponsor of the week:
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