First Sunday of Lent • February 22, 2015 St. Thomas More Catholic Parish “Go and make disciples” 8035 South Quebec Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112 • 303.770.1155 Sunday Masses Saturday: (Anticipatory) 4:00 & 5:30pm Sunday: 7:00, 8:30 & 10:30am, 12:30 (ASL) & 5:30pm (Youth Mass) Daily Masses Monday—Friday: 6:30 & 9:00am Saturday: 7:30am / Holy Days: See Bulletin Confessions Thursday: 6:30pm Saturday: 2:30-3:30pm Morning Prayer Monday—Friday: 8:30am Holy Hour for Vocations Sunday: 7:30-8:30pm Perpetual Adoration Chapel 24 hour Eucharistic Adoration Contact: 720.482.3595 or Sacrament of Baptism Sundays (in the Church): 1:30pm Contact Parish Office to schedule. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact Parish Office no less than eight months prior to the wedding. Sacrament of the Sick Contact Parish Office at onset of illness. In case of death in the family, call Parish Office immediately. Discovery: Job Network 303.220.3384 Director: Liz Stelloh Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-4:00pm Padre Restaurant 303.770.1155 x139 for reservations Breakfast Buffet Sundays: 8:00am-12:00pm STM Gift Shop “It’s a Ministry” 303.221.9229 or Manager: Joanie Zagorsky Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm Saturday, 9:00am-7:00pm Sunday, 8:00am-2:00pm Stephen Ministry Contact: Evelyn Marko, 303.741.5458 or John Dolan, 303.771.4652 or 303.304.0584 Parish Library - Open Daily Pastor: Msgr. Thomas Fryar Deacons: Parochial Vicars: Dcn. Robert Cropp, Dcn. George Brown, Rev. Israel Gonsalves, O.C.D. Dcn. Timothy Kenny, Dcn. Alan Rastrelli, M.D., Rev. Doug Grandon, Ph.D. Dcn. Gary Rogge, Dcn. Steve Stemper Rev. Rohan Miranda, O.C.D. In Residence: Rev. Mel Thompson SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Pastor’s Note Parish Directory Faith & Academic Formation Office of Catechesis 303.770.0531 / Fax: 720.529.0157 Director: Whitney Elliott x1 School Office: 303.770.0441 Principal: Jan Altevogt x162 Youth Ministry: 303.220.3388 Director of Youth Ministry: David Tschumper x1 Parish Office 303.770.1155 / Fax: 303.770.1160 Hours: Monday—Friday: 8:00am—5:00pm Business Manager: Dick Rapp x116 Communications & Stewardship Director: Irene Lindemer x179 Facilities Manager: Tony Mercado x805 Funeral Planning: Maryanne Carter x101 Information Coordinator: Carly McGillick x104 Liturgy and Music Director: Jeff McGarrity x154 Marriage and Family Life Director: Jo Holt x108 Pastor’s Assistant: Shannon Hooper x117 Receptionist: Kathy Weiland x100 Pastoral Council John Ahern, Barbara Oliverio, Mark Pavlik, Catherine Satkowski, Santhe Talley, Mike Visocky, Trina Visocky, Jon Weisiger, Jenny Wolpert For hearing devices, please check with the sound technician before weekend Mass. Bulletin Guidelines Please email your submission to bulletin@ Limit your submittal to 50 words. All entries are subject to editing and are due Thursdays, 10 days prior to the Sunday of publication. ? QUESTIONS of the WEEK Adult: When or how could you step away from your daily responsibilities to renew yourself, so that you can do a better job of following in the footsteps of Jesus? Child: What good habit could you work on during Lent so you could grow closer to God? 2 This weekend, a group of men are giving their time and attention to the Lord by attending a Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Retreat here at St. Thomas More. I have mentioned this before, but this is a great opportunity to again express my deep appreciation for the men and women who take the occasion of these retreats to refocus and renew their spiritual lives. That is very much a tangible fruit of what this whole Lent is meant to be for each and every one of us. So I would ask you to remember the men on retreat in your prayers this weekend, at Mass and at other times. And examine when and where in your life you are taking a deliberate step to come away with the Lord. To pray to Him. To listen to Him. And like the psalmist says, to “be still and know that I am God.” This next year the pope is having a special meeting in Rome in which the topics of families, faith and family life will be very much in discussion. You are invited to play a role in the preparation for this event by logging on to the Archdiocese of Denver website at and responding to a survey. I know that word went out to those whose email addresses we have about this effort, and I had folks mention it after last Sunday’s Masses. But if you haven’t heard, and are able to participate in the global effort, please log on and take the survey. It shouldn’t take more than 5–10 minutes. – Msgr. Tom Our Prayer Intentions This Week’s Mass Intentions: Sunday, February 22: First Sunday of Lent 7:00am Penny Shaw † 8:30am Martha Gonzales † 10:30am Mass for the People 12:30pm Michael Bell 5:30pm Baby Lupton Monday, February 23: 6:30am Josephine Elder † 9:00am Patsy Lopez † Tuesday, February 24: 6:30am William Holford † 9:00am James Aguirre Family Wednesday, February 25: 6:30am Piper Shannon 9:00am Sullivan Marx Thursday, February 26: 6:30am Joe Timlin † 9:00am Fred Polakovic Friday, February 27: 6:30am Michael Cassidy † School Mass 9:00am Holy Souls In Purgatory Saturday, February 28: 7:30am Lisa and Scott Nance 4:00pm Dennis Fleming † 5:30pm Sandra Ferrero Family Sunday, March 1: Second Sunday of Lent 7:00am Elvira Miller 8:30am Bud Siemers 10:30am Mass for the People 12:30pm Patricia Regan † 5:30pm Mary Beth Curry’s Mother † Our ill parish members & relatives: Crissy and Tessie Cicarelli, Sam Hambright, Richard Miner, Michael Taul, Jeff Weiland Our deceased parish members & relatives: Joan Hansen, John LaBanc, Terry Myers, Rob Proctor, Audrey Vaniczek Due to the Privacy Act, only immediate family members may request a name to be placed on the prayer list. Please call the parish office at 303.770.1155. Funeral times at STM are published on our website and on our parish app when arrangements are finalized. For prayer requests, please visit our website at or use our parish app. Daily readings are available on our website at and on our parish app. Today’s Gospel Mark 1:12–15 “The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and He remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among the wild beasts, and the angels ministered to Him.” St thomas more Catholic Parish FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT The Best Lent Ever! Every Friday of Lent On your Lenten journey, make this the best Lent ever and build a closer personal relationship with Jesus through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Stations of the Cross Cantata Every Friday of Lent The STM Chancellors will present a musical Stations of the Cross that includes familiar hymns. Check out the insert page in this bulletin and in the bulletins each week of Lent for great activities, insights, inspirational quotes, interesting facts, reflection topics, prayers and more. Stay connected to our parish using digital media too: • App: Receive Lenten messages and access daily readings, prayers, a confession guide and much more! If you have not already downloaded the free app, download it now by searching for “myParish - Catholic Life” in your app store. • Facebook: “Like” our page at stthomasmorecatholicparish. Check your news feed for our Lenten posts and share with family and friends! • Website: Visit our website at frequently for updates and information for Lent. STM Catholic School Excellence in education STM Catholic School is now taking registrations for the 2015–2016 school year for preschool – 8th grade! Your family is invited to join this outstanding community of faith, excellence, values and charity. Friday, February 27: 7:00pm in the church Parish Lenten Fish Fry Every Friday of Lent Friday, February 27: 5:00–7:00pm in McCallin Hall Join your parish family for a Lenten fish dinner and fellowship. Dinner includes baked and fried cod, cole slaw, potato wedges, mac & cheese, dessert and more! Adults: $11; Kids 5–12: $6; Kids under 5: Free! Family pricing for two adults & all kids (under age 16) just $35. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. For more information, call 303.770.0441 or visit our website at Healing Mass Portrait Pickup Your portraits are ready for pickup! If you were photographed at St. Thomas More in January and you placed a portrait order with Bettinger Photography, you may pick up your order now in the Information Cove. If you did not place an order, your free 5x7 will be delivered with your free copy of the directory. Thank you for your time and participation! It’s Not Too Late! We need you in the directory! STM will not publish another directory until 2020! Don’t miss your chance to be in the 2015 directory, an important part of STM history. It only takes about 20 to 30 minutes to be photographed. Schedule your appointment today! Call Bettinger Photography at 303.400.6023 or go online to For more information, visit Monday, March 9: 6:00pm in the church Father Israel Gonsalves, O.C.D., will preside at this healing Mass. There will be laying of hands by the priests. Respect For All Life “A society that is not surrounded by children, that considers them a problem, a burden, has no future,” Pope Francis told pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for his February 11 general audience address. – CNA/EWTN News February 11, 2015 3 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Life Line Screening A preventive health event Stewardship of Time & Talent Tuesday, March 3: 8:00am–4:30pm in McCallin Hall I Donut Sunday Come for an affordable, non-invasive, painless health screening. Screenings are offered for blocked arteries, abdominal aortic aneurysms, hardening of the arteries, atrial fibrillation and bone density (osteoporosis). This Sunday, February 22: In McCallin Hall following the 7:00, 8:30 & 10:30am Masses Meet representatives and learn more about our religious education programs at this month’s Donut Sunday hosted by the Office of Catechesis. Join us for food, fellowship and fun! Diaper Donations To register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1.888.653.6441 or visit www.lifelinescreening. com/community-partners. A donation bin is available at the front entrance of the church for disposable diapers. All diapers will be given to Catholic Charities for their various ministries assisting families and mothers who have chosen life for their babies. Thank you for your generous donations! Billings Method of Natural Family Planning Find out about this method of NFP Wednesday, March 4: 7:00pm in St. Francis Hall (Room 118) Want to learn the Billings Method of Natural Family Planning? Come to an instructional meeting to begin the method! Please contact Marie Taylor for registration at marietaylor519@gmail. com or 720.737.0551. New Life A social, spiritual support group for single, widowed, divorced and separated persons ages 50+ N P F A group for all seniors over age 60 to build community, foster fellowship and share our faith Please register with Olivia Demsko at 4 Friday, March 6: 10:00am (right after the 9:00am daily Mass) in McCallin Hall The members of Forever Mores would like to extend an invitation to all St. Thomas More parishioners and guests to attend our next meeting. We always meet on the first Friday of each month. Meetings often feature guest speakers, announced ahead of time. If you would like to bring a healthy snack to share, that would be appreciated. Come join us! For more information, please call Gail Marsh at 303.797.9251. Saturday, March 7: 2:00–3:30pm in the Padre Join other couples for an informative presentation about Natural Family Planning (NFP). Learn the facts and discover some resources. Friday, March 6: 7:00pm. Meeting in the Youth Center to plan activities for April, May and June. Forever Mores Introduction to Natural Family Planning Come learn about NFP! Wednesday, February 25: 9:30am. Breakfast at Egg and I (located on University Blvd). Contact: Ardis R. at 303.979.4949. Young Adult Ministry For all young adults – single, dating, engaged or married – in their 20s & 30s Friday, February 27: 5:30pm in McCallin Hall Join us every Friday during Lent to attend the parish Fish Fry and Stations of the Cross together as a group. Text “STM” to 720.863.4239 & join Facebook group STM Young Adults. St thomas more Catholic Parish STM Singles Ministry Ages 40 and over Saturday, February 28: In the Padre following 5:30pm Mass Join us for our monthly movie night! Pizza and wine will be provided. For more information, call Jean S. at 720.841.5272 or visit Stewardship of Vocations Daily Prayer Intentions February 22: Seminarians in 4th Theology and 3rd Theology February 23: Seminarians in 2nd Theology and 1st Theology February 24: Seminarians in 2nd Philosophy and 1st Philosophy February 25: Seminarians in the Spirituality Year February 26: Seminarians who are college sophomores and freshmen February 27: Vocations ministry February 28: Applicants and prospective seminarians For vocations of the Archdiocese of Denver FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT RAD Retreat for Vocation Discernment For high school men open to a vocation to the priesthood Celebrate your anniversary with the STM community by having your names printed in the bulletin that week! Honoring the vocation of marriage Email Jo Holt at at least two weeks before your anniversary date. Include your names, anniversary date and the number of years of marriage you will be celebrating. Learn About the Dominican Friars Attention all men interested in the consecrated religious life! Stewardship of Treasure The waters of Baptism make us part of the new covenant in Christ. But the bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us that “there is a fundamental obligation arising from the Sacrament of Baptism ... that people place their gifts, their resources – their selves – at God’s service in and through the Church.” National Collection for Black & Indian Missions Building the Body of Christ in Native American, Alaska Native and African American Catholic communities In lieu of a second collection, the Stewardship Committee has authorized a donation of $2,000 on behalf of the parishioners of STM to support the national collection. This collection provides religious support for evangelization programs among African Americans and Native Americans in 133 (arch)dioceses in the United States. This funding helps respond to pressing needs and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ through schools, parishes and other missionary services. For more information, visit our website at Stewardship of Treasure at Work Donations on behalf of the Children’s Charity Account: $ 200 Face the Challenge form Mrs Donovan’s 7th grade class $ 200 Wounded Warrior Project from Mrs Monark’s 5th grade class $ 100 Discalced Carmelite Friars from Mr. Misiak’s class $ 100 Discalced Carmelite Friars from Ms. Ryan’s 4th grade class Join us for prayer, Mass, discussion, discernment and friendship! For more information and to register, go to For more information and the list of seminarians in each year, please visit Celebrating an Anniversary? For men in high school Sunday, March 1: 9:30am–4:00pm St. John Vianney Seminary Friday–Sunday, March 6–8: St. Dominic’s Priory, Denver For 800 years, men of faith have been gathering together as sons of St. Dominic to preach the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Will you join us on this mission? Learn more at the “Come and See” weekend with the Central Province Dominicans. If interested, contact Fr. Luke Barder at 303.455.3613 x107. Traveling Chalice A week of prayers for vocations Praying for Vocations The Cruz Family To receive the chalice, sign up in the Information Cove or call Jeanne Iske at 720.482.3594. The Catholic Foundation Lent provides an opportunity to strengthen our devotion to God through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Please prayerfully consider this time to make a current or planned gift to the St. Thomas More Parish fund held at The Catholic Foundation which, in the future, will strengthen the ministry of our Catholic community and keep our faith alive in the generations to come. Please contact The Catholic Foundation at 303.468.9885 for more information. 5 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Stewardship of Prayer 40 Days for Life Prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach to end abortion Continuing now through Palm Sunday, March 29: Sign up for a day of fasting and prayer. Cancer Novenas Wednesday, March 4–Thursday, March 12: 5:30pm in the school room 215 (use the “St. Francis Hall” entrance) Wednesday, March 25 & Saturday, March 28: 7:00am–7:00pm outside Planned Parenthood at 7155 E. 38th Ave, Denver Novenas will be prayed for those afflicted with cancer and for their families. Praying these novenas will take approximately 40 minutes. The prayers may be said privately when attendance is inconvenient. Call Marge Chardavoyne at 303.721.7015 with questions. To submit names for the list, email Sign up for an hour during the peaceful prayer vigil. Father Doug will offer Holy Mass at 1:00pm on March 25. Bus transportation will be offered for the Mass. Contact respectlife@ or call Mary Dalton at 303.841.3296 to sign up for a day of prayer and fasting, for an hour at the vigil or to ride the bus. First Saturday Devotional Group Come pray with us on five first Saturdays! Saturday, March 7: Following the 4:00pm Mass in the Devotional Cove Our Blessed Mother has asked us to, on five consecutive Saturdays, go to confession, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the rosary and reflect on one of the mysteries for 15 minutes. Great things have been promised to those who help heal Mary’s heart! For questions, please contact Doug Dalman at 303.980.3794. Children’s Holy Hour Time for children to pray and worship Friday, March 6: 4:00–5:00pm in the Adoration Chapel Come adore Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament every First Friday. All ages are welcome. Contact: Smita Rodrigues at 720.221.4665. Perpetual Adoration An adorer is needed on Sundays at 2:00am, Thursdays at 2:00am and Fridays at 9:00pm. Please consider spending a prayerful hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament on a regular basis. If you are interested in becoming an adorer, please contact us at 720.482.3595 or St. Thomas More Catholic School Our Week at a Glance Public Rosary Ministry Join us to pray the rosary! Saturday, March 7: 10:00am Civic Green Park in Highlands Ranch Regardless of the weather, we are out there praying for our Lady’s intercession for our country. We would love to have you pray with us! Contact: Dana Trenovich at 720.383.1224. 6 STM Catholic School Monday, February 23: 303.770.0441 Fourth Grade Field Trip to Lone Tree Events Center: 9:15am Principal: Jan Altevogt x162 Elementary Asst. Principal: AnnaMarie Murillo x163 Middle School Asst. Principal: Diane Nelson x136 Preschool Director: Stacey Dodge x130 Principals’ Secretary: Linda Trask x174 Middle School Admin. Asst.: Debbie Greenwood x219 Middle School Secretary: Teresa Wardrop x219 Receptionist/Registrar: Laura O’Dea x161 Friday, February 27: Parents in Prayer: 8:00am Fifth Grade Liturgy: 8:00am–2:50pm School Mass: 9:00am (Dress Uniform) Saturday, February 28: Advanced Spelling Bee Sunday, March 1: April hot lunch ordering opens online St thomas more Catholic Parish 7071 E. Otero Ave., Centennial, CO 80112 Stewardship of Faith Final Days to Register for Middle School Confirmation! Hurry! Register by this Thursday, February 26! Pilgrimage to Philadelphia Celebrate the family with Pope Francis! Middle School Confirmation is a spring through fall program, beginning in March and ending in November. Registration is for students who will be in 6th, 7th or 8th grade in fall 2015, are currently in a religious education class, are baptized Catholic and have received their First Eucharist. Registration is available online or in the Office of Catechesis through Thursday, February 26. For more information and the link to our registration page, go to For more information, pick up a flyer in the Information Cove or visit Current 5 , 6 & 7 Graders: This is the last week to register for 2015 Middle School Confirmation! It starts next month. th th Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots Wednesdays starting February 25: 9:45–11:30am in St. Francis Hall Join us for this 10–episode class. “Part 1: Knowing the Faith” takes you through the Creed, the statement of beliefs that Catholics all around the world profess at Mass. Symbolon is not just about an intellectual understanding of Catholicism. It is about a journey of faith, discovery and friendship with Christ that will make a lasting impression on our lives. Enjoy great classes and fellowship, coffee, tea and snacks. Small materials fee. Exploring the Biblical origins of our Catholic traditions Adult Bible Study: Psalms Register by Tuesday, March 3. Forms are available in the RE Office or Information Cove. Materials fee will apply. For more information, contact Ana Cruz at 303.770.0531 x5 or email Religious Book Club Looking for a spiritual book club? Contact Whitney Elliott at 303.770.0531 x1 or whitneye@stthomasmore. org for more information. Tuesday mornings beginning March 10: 9:45–11:45am in St. Francis Hall Join us for “Psalms: The School of Prayer.” In this program, you will: • Discover a rich school of prayer for all of life’s circumstances. • Experience the transforming power of the psalms in the Mass. • Study the ways the psalms foretell the life and mission of Jesus. Wednesday, February 25: 10:00–11:30am in the Padre Come join us once a month! Our next meeting is on the book My Life with the Saints. For more information, please call Carol K. at 303.770.0337 or Carolyn G. at 303.770.1607. Christ Renews His Parish Make this part of your Lenten journey! Women’s Retreat: Saturday & Sunday, March 14 & 15 Refresh your spiritual life and meet other parishioners! Brochures and forms are available in the Information Cove or under the Ministries tab of the STM website. Continues on Thursdays. Next class is Thursday, February 26: 7:00–8:45pm in the school small cafeteria (Room 105) Join us for the next session to learn about the Biblical roots of incense, candles, sacred images, relics, and fasting and mortification. No RSVP needed. All are welcome! RSVP for the class by Monday, February 23 to Whitney Elliott at or 303.770.0531 x1. An 8-week DVD-based adult Bible study September 23–28: Travel with Msgr. Tom and Deacon Alan to Philadelphia to celebrate Mass with Pope Francis. Also visit various shrines and historical landmarks. Singles, couples and families of all sizes are welcome! Half of the spots are full, so act now! th Symbolon Come on this faith journey with Christ FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Office of Catechesis 303.770.0531 Director, Adult Ed., M.S. Confirmation: Whitney Elliott x1 Family Program: Dana Trenovich x4 H.S. Confirmation & Small Wonders (3–5-year-olds): Ana Cruz x5 PDO Director: Heather Griffin x6 RCIA, Adult Confirmation: Michael Garcia x3 Registrar & Child Care Coordinator: Patty Harrison x8 Shepherd’s Promise (Gr. 1-6), Vacation Bible School & First Eucharist/ First Reconciliation Prep.: Linda Enloe x7 Special Needs Religious Ed: Sheri Funderburk x1 7 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 YOUtH St. Thomas More High School Events Sunday, February 22: YDisciple: 7:00–8:30pm Please see the info to the right/below Wednesday, February 25: Breakaway and The U.C. Food Bank visit: 4:00–7:30pm Friday, February 27: Senior Night Out: 6:00–10:30pm Please see the info to the right Wednesday, March 4: Breakaway and The U.C. Thursday, March 5: Core Team and YDisciple leader meeting: 6:30–8:00pm Graduating Class of 2015 Senior Night Out Friday, February 27: 6:00–10:30pm Sunday, March 29: Meet in the Youth Center at 3:00pm Graduating seniors, this night is for you! Join us for Beau Jo’s pizza, ice cream sundaes and discussion as we look back at the last four years and ahead to life after high school. All middle school and high school youth and their families are invited to join us for our annual Palm Sunday Walk, a 4-mile walk with a large cross to witness to our community about the beginning of Holy Week. All are welcome! Just meet us in the Youth Center at 3:00pm. Dress for the weather and bring a water bottle. All seniors are welcome, so invite your friends! Call David Tschumper with questions at 303.220.3388 x1. Please see the info to the right/below Wednesday, March 11: Breakaway and The U.C. An opportunity to refocus your Lenten journey before Holy Week begins Friday, March 13: Servant Leadership Night: 6:00–10:00pm Breakaway for all high school students meets Wednesdays: 6:00–7:45pm The U.C. for juniors and seniors meets Wednesdays: 8:00–9:30pm Contact Kelley Contreras for details at 303.220.3388 x5 or kelleyc@ 8 Join youth from STM, St. Michael the Archangel and All Souls for a weekend retreat over Palm Sunday weekend. This retreat is held at STM and includes talks, discussion, plenty of good food, down time and prayer. It’s the perfect way to refocus your Lenten journey in time for Holy Week. Call David Tschumper with questions at 303.220.3388 x1. Both groups meet in the High School Youth Center. Join the JPII Youth Choir! Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 7:00– 9:00pm. We sing each Sunday at the 5:30pm Youth Mass. Anyone 8th grade and older is welcome to join us. Friday, March 27–Sunday, March 29: As part of the retreat, we will participate together in the Palm Sunday Walk, which is open to all youth and their families. Meet at 3:00pm in the Youth Center, bring a water bottle, and dress for the weather. We will return to STM in time for the 5:30pm Mass. High School Youth Groups St. John Paul II Youth Choir Call David Tschumper with questions at 303.220.3388 x1. I Will Rise High School Lenten Retreat Friday, March 6: Challenge 9th & 10th grade: 6:00–7:30pm Sunday, March 8: YDisciple and Parent Ministry The Walk Palm Sunday YDisciple Small group discipleship ministry Next meeting: Sunday, February 22: 7:00–8:30pm High School Youth Center If you are interested in small group ministry, check out YDisciple! Join us after the Youth Mass, two Sundays each month (see the monthly calendars for dates). Please call David Tschumper at 303.220.3388 x1 if you’re interested in knowing more about YDisciple. St thomas more Catholic Parish Steubenville of the Rockies High School Retreat Register now! Friday–Sunday, June 19–21: All students currently in 8th–12th grade are invited to attend this dynamic summer conference. Deposit required to save a spot. Only 10 spots left! For more information or to reserve a spot, email Ana Cruz at MiNiSTRY Middle School Lenten Retreat This retreat will be a great part of your Lenten journey! FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Youth Mass every Sunday at 5:30pm Middle School Events Saturday & Sunday, March 28 & 29: Held at STM in the Catacombs Sunday, February 22: Youth Mass: 5:30pm Join us for a weekend retreat over Palm Sunday weekend. This retreat includes talks, discussion, games, plenty of good food, down time and prayer. It’s the perfect way to refocus your Lenten journey in time for Holy Week. Monday, February 23: Bible & Beyond: 4:30–6:00pm As part of the retreat, we will participate together in the Palm Sunday Walk, which is open to all youth and their families. Meet at 3:00pm in the Youth Center, bring a water bottle and dress for the weather. We will return to STM in time for the 5:30pm Mass. With questions or for more information, call Greg Johnson or Jaclyn Greenwood at 303.220.3388. Parent Ministry Sunday, March 8: 7:00–8:30pm Our parent ministry meets every month. All parents of middle school and high school youth are invited to join us as we grow in faith together and support each other in parenting. Call Kelley Contreras for details at 303.220.3388 x5. Challenge Girls Retreat For all girls in grades 5–8 Friday–Sunday, March 13–15: Ponderosa Retreat Center in Larkspur Join us on the UnFrozen Girls Retreat! Spend time with Christ and make new friends. RSVP by Monday, February 23. Cost: $155. For more information, contact Mona Chase at 303.918.9060 or challengecolorado@ Office of Youth Ministry 303.220.3388 Check out the Youth Center for more information on many events, plus calendars and The Spark. Email: Website: Like us on Facebook! St. Thomas More Catholic Youth Ministry Centennial, CO Director of Youth Ministry: David Tschumper x1 High School Youth Minister: Sue Frank x3 Middle School Youth Ministers: Jaclyn Greenwood x4 Greg Johnson x2 Youth Music Director: Kelley Contreras x5 Boy Scouts Scoutmaster: Doug Ingalls 720.670.7551 Cub Scouts Committee Chair: Debbie Sears 303.522.6291 Tuesday, February 24: Challenge: 6:45–8:15pm Youth Choir: 7:00–9:00pm Wednesday, February 25: ECHO: 6:00–7:30pm Thursday, February 26: Crossfire: 6:00–7:30pm Sunday, March 1: Youth Mass: 5:30pm Monday, March 2: Bible & Beyond: 4:30–6:00pm Wednesday, March 4: ECHO: 6:00–7:30pm Thursday, March 5: Crossfire: 6:00–7:30pm Middle School Youth Groups Crossfire (6th Graders) meets Thursdays: 6:00–7:30pm ECHO (7th & 8th Graders) meets Wednesdays: 6:00–7:30pm Bible & Beyond Learn about Scripture and have a blast! Meets on Mondays: 4:30–6:00pm in the Catacombs (6th, 7th & 8th Grades) Bible and Beyond is a great opportunity to make new friends, learn more about Christ and have fun! Contact Kelly Westover at 9
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