IDF INTERNATIONAL Flight Attendant Trip Selection for MARCH 2015(02 MAR – 31MAR) Open Bidding 0001 16 FEB 15 local base time Close Bidding 0001 20 FEB 15 local base time Military 0900 23 FEB 15 Central time Awards will be available outside MOD office by 23:59 on 25 FEB 15 Military Information: HTTP://JETNET.AA.COM FROM AAFS (FLIGHT ATTENDANT WEB SITE) SELECT CREW RESOURCES LOOK FOR INFORMATION Flight Attendant Change of Status/Update to Quals/ Finger Prints/ Passports Each Flight Attendant is responsible for notifying the Base Planner if there is a change to your absence status, additions or deletions of qualifications, updated fingerprints, or updated passports. Your Base Planner must be notified no later than the 19th of the month in order to receive a bid. Please be aware that if your plan to clear date changes to an earlier date that you must notify your Base Planner in order to be awarded a bid. If you extend your plan to clear date though the end of the bid month, please contact your Base Planner because you will not be active for bidding. Base Planner Email: Base Planner Phone: VIP CREW #, 5, 9, 9 or ICS 817-967-3939 Flight Attendant Service Center 1-800-VIP-CREW Log-in, option #, then 6 Monday – Friday (except holidays) - 0700-1800 Central Standard Time FMLA Please contact FMLA representatives no later than two calendar days from your return to work date to have your absence recoded to FMLA. Representatives can be reached by phone or by sending an email to Training Support Desk Training Support Desk representatives may be reached through one of the following options: Phone, HISEND, or Live Chat - Hours 0700-1800 CST - Monday – Friday (except holidays). The chat function is found on the Flight Service website. Click on “Training”, and then “Chat with us Live!” in the upper right corner of the page. MONTHLY BIDDING INFORMATION: Fall-offs: Approximately 0 international fall-offs. Open Replacements: Remarks may not be honored for the period of MAR 02 - 06, 2015. Approximately 0 - 0 Open Replacements may be awarded. Reliefs may be busted at bid run. Bidding information is now available on the Flight Service website accessible via From AAFS select CREW RESOURCES/QUICK LINKS/Bidding Information. SENIORITY NUMBERS IN DECS AND THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE DIFFERENT: RELATIVE SENIORITY HAS NOT CHANGED. Equipment 777-300 777-200 777-200 3CLS*** 777-200 2CLS 777-200 2CLS 777-200 2CLS*** 767- 300ER 767-300 ER # 767-300 ER ## 757 757 ### 737 A319 A321S International Cabin Positions/Equipment Codes EQ Codes F/C B/C 82 1, 5* 4*,6 ,7, 10, 11 AE 1, 5*, 6 4*, 7, 8 AE 1, 5* 4*, 7 AE 1, 5*, 6 AF 1, 4, 5*, 6, 7 AF 1, 5*, 6, 7 34, D0, D7 1, 5*, 6, 8 34, D0, D7 1, 5*, 6 34, D0, D7 1, 5*, 6 49, 62, B0, B1, BA 1, 3 BA 1, 3 B8, B9, CE 1 91 1 75, 76 1, 3 M/C 2*, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13 2*, 3, 8, 9, 10 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 2*, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 2*, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 2*, 3, 4, 8, 9 2*, 3, 4, 7 2*, 3, 4, 7 2*, 3, 4, 7 2*, 4, 5 2*, 4, 5, 6 2, 3, 4, 5 2, 3, 4 2, 4, 5 Flex Pos++ VMC Pos 10, 11 12, 13 6 11 9 6 11 9 3, 6 9 3, 6 7 3, 6 3 5 3, 6 6 3, 4 3, 5 3 3 5 Administration Representatives are here to assist you with questions related to maternity, paycheck items and many other administrative topics. Please contact a representative at your convenience. Returning Safely to Work from an Illness or Injury To return safely to work from an illness or injury, please refer to “Return to Work” in Jetnet. The Call-A-Nurse page enables both the employee and manager to view the return to work status in Jetnet. Please contact Call-A-Nurse (CAN) at 1-800-555-2373 to process your clearance in returning to work. The Flight Attendant Service Center is awaiting your call! # When aircraft is flown in the Mexico / Caribbean / LFS Market ## When aircraft is flown in Hawaii Market ### 757 (16F/166Y configuration) when flown in IFS Markets *Paid galley position - F./A is paid galley pay only on scheduled 3-class service, routes and galley assignment is the ++ Final cabin assignment based on customer load, market flown and F/A staffing. Flex positions may be assigned *** When 777 is flown as a 3-CLS/2CLS with a liquor/beverage service in FC and B/C and Coffee/Juice Service in Bid compliments may vary by market seasonally. 2015 Vacation Bidding 2014 VACATION ACCRUAL FOR 2015-2016 VACATION - Your 2015-2016 vacation was calculated in accordance with the provisions of the 2003 AA/APFA Restructuring Agreement. Your vacation was accrued during the calendar year 2014 using the minimum 420 paid hour threshold. The amount of vacation you accrue is based on your years of service (YOS) during the accrual year, not the year you are using the vacation. All vacation must be taken during the fiscal vacation year between May 2, 2015 and May 1, 2016. Flight Attendants with questions concerning their Vacation accrual amount should contact their Flight Service Manager. DATES TO KNOW February 13 th March 9 th March 16 th March 16 rd March 23 th March 30 th - 1700 0800 1400 1600 0900 1600 - Vacation accruals will be posted in your HIVC and Round 1 (Primary bidding round) opens Round 1 closes Round 1 results posted Round 2 (Secondary bidding round) opens Round 2 closes Final results posted DEFERRING VACATION TO 401K/VACATION DONATION TO WINGS - LAA Flight Attendants will be able to defer some or all of their accrued vacation to their individual 401(k) account or donate to the Wings Foundation to benefit fellow Flight Attendants. To choose one of these options, you will need to submit your th request ballot no later than 0800 March 9 , 2015. The ballot may be accessed via the link of the Flight Service home page under Helpful Links. | Crew Resources / 2015 401K Contribution or | Crew Resources / 2015 WINGS Donation Form COMBINED DOMESTIC/INTERNATIONAL SENIORITY LIST FOR 2015 VACATION BIDDING – If you are currently in an International bid status, your HI8 and 3* have been updated to show your next status as Domestic and the combined base name which would be the adjacent Domestic crew base. A combined th domestic/international seniority list, as of Jan 30 , 2015 for each crew base is now published on the Crew Resources link from the Flight Service website. To see this list, click on the following link and then open the file for your combined crew base. | Crew Resources / Vacation. Reserve – Combined Operation – Effective May 2nd 2015 RESERVE ROTATION: Although the seniority of reserve may change at many crew bases with a combined list, your rotation will not change. So if you were on reserve in April at an International base, you will not be on reserve again before your 1 on 1 off or 1 on 3 off rotation occurs. TIME ACCRUED RESERVE SYSTEM (TARS): With the combined reserve list, you may be assigned a trip in either division. TARS will attempt to honor your preference, if you submitted one, but there is always a possibility that you may be assigned to a trip in the other division. And if no preferences are submitted then TARS uses the logic that you will be assigned to the highest time trip for which you are qualified, legal and available regardless of division. RESERVE PREFERENCES: Reserve Flight Attendants will have a new HIPREF option when submitting preferences for trips for the next day. You will be able to indicate an order of preference for both Domestic and International trips. Furthermore, you can also indicate a preference for layover city. TARS, the application used by Crew Schedule to assign Reserve trips, currently uses 4 preference types for layover city, sequence duration, departure time, and co-terminal. Effective for trips th originating on or after May 2, 2015, Reserve Flight Attendants will also be able to have a 5 preference for the Division (DV) of the trip, using INT or DOM. Preferences may be listed in any order which is most important to you. If DV is the most important, you may list that one first indicating the Division INT or DOM. For trip assignments, TARS will check for the order in which they are placed. Standby assignments presently only check for CT (co-terminals) and DT (time of the day) for assignments. Note: Something to consider when using the HIPREF preference for division - The Division preference is broad and includes all trips within the selected division. If a Division is specified as your ONLY preference, then TARS will look at open trips within that division, if any, and will assign the highest time trip for which you are legal. Also keep in mind that if you only want domestic trips and you only indicate a domestic layover station as your preference, you should enter a domestic DV preference as a higher priority since it is possible that a sequence could be international with a layover in that domestic city. For example, if you submit a preference for a MIA layover as your only preference, you could be assigned an international sequence with a MIA layover. nd Reserve Preference codes. The first four are effective currently and the new Division (DV) code will be effective for trips originating on or after May 2 , 2015. Layover City Sequence Duration Departure Time Co-Terminal: (NEW) Division LO DS DT CT DV The specific Personal Mode entry will be a variation on the current HIPREF entry, adding “DV” for the preference type, and INT or DOM. The Flight Attendant HIPREF display will also include the additional preference type. ENTRY: HIPREF/month/priority#/preference type/PREF Example for entering a preference for International trips: HIPREF/MAY/1/DV/INT HIPREF/MAY/2/LO/LHR HIPREF/MAY/3/DT/AM2 PM1 HIPREF/MAY/4/DS/3D HIPREF/MAY/5/CT/LAX Priority = the priority ranking of your preference. One (1) is the most important, five (5) is the least important. HIPREF< MAY RESERVE PREFERENCES FOR F/A JJ SMITH EMP 99999 LAX AS OF 15MAY/0932 . . . ASSIGNMENT PREFERENCES . . . MOST IMPORTANT 1.Preferences DV INT Next Day Assignment LEAST IMPORTANT ... 2. 3. 4. 5. LO LHR DT AM2 PM1 DS 3D CT LAX RESERVE OPTIONS . . . REQUEST LONG CALL TOMORROW – NO FUTURE - NO REQUEST RELEASE TOMORROW – NO FUTURE - NO SHORT CALL VOLUNTEER TOMORROW – NO FUTURE - NO DUTY FREE SLIDE NO Type = type of preference (co-terminal, departure time, trip duration, layover, division). You must use the two-letter code which applies to the preference type CT = co-terminal DT = departure time DS = trip duration LO = layover city DV = division To Change the Order of Priority To change the order of priority, or “swap” preferences, enter HIPREF/MONTH/PRIORITY NUMBER/PRIORITY NUMBER Example: HIPREF/MAY/1/2 HIPREF/MAY/1/LO/ATL/PHL/PDX/SEA/ORD HIPREF/MAY/2/DT/AM1/AM2 HIPREF/MAY/3/DS/3D/2D HIPREF/MAY/4/CO/JFK/LGA HIPREF/MAY/5/DV/DOM In the above example, your first preference would become departure time (DT) and your second preference would now be layover city (LO). Ready Reserve Preferences Following the assignment of trip sequences, reserve flight attendants without assignment may be assigned to ready reserve. If you are assigned to ready reserve, you may indicate one or more of the following preferences: 1. 2. 5. 3. Division (DV) = A preference for domestic or international trips. 4. To Delete a Preference To delete a preference enter HIPREF/MONTH/PRIORITY NUMBER/D Example: HIPREF/MAY/3/D HIPREF/MAY/1/LO/ATL/PHL/PDX/SEA/ORD HIPREF/MAY/2/DT/AM1/AM2 HIPREF/MAY/3/DS/3D/2D HIPREF/MAY/4/CO/JFK/LGA HIPREF/MAY/5/DV/DOM AM or PM RESERVE - A daily Reserve preference that replaces long call and allows a reserve to be on call for only part of a day instead of for the entire day. AM Reserve is from 0000 – 1300, but may be contacted beginning at 2200 Home Base Time (HBT) for a report no earlier than 0000. PM Reserve is from 1100 – 2400, but may be contacted beginning at 0900 HBT for a report no earlier than 1100. HIPREF< MAY RESERVE PREFERENCES FOR F/A JJ BROWN EMP 99998 LGA AS OF 15MAY/0932 - . . . ASSIGNMENT PREFERENCES . . . MOST IMPORTANT LEAST IMPORTANT ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LO ATL PHL PDX SEA ORD DT AM1 AM2 DS 3D 2D CT JFK LGA DV DOM RESERVE OPTIONS . . . REQUEST LONG CALL TOMORROW – NO FUTURE - NO SHORT CALL VOLUNTEER TOMORROW – YES FUTURE - YES Long Call Ready Reserve = not applicable. Replaced with AM/PM status (See below for more information) Short Call Out = a willingness to be contacted out of time accrued order for the purpose of assignment to a trip sequence which departs in less than two (2) hours. A short call-out preference can be restricted to a specific co-terminal. Duty-Free Slide = a willingness to be contacted out of time accrued order for the purpose of assignment to a trip sequence which would cause a conflict with a planned duty-free period. Release Assignment = a release from assignment for a stipulated period of time. REQUEST RELEASE TOMORROW – YES FUTURE - YES DUTY FREE SLIDE YES - To preference AM or PM Reserve, you should: Submit an AM/PM Ballot via the Flight Service Web no earlier than 0001 and no later than 1459 Central Time the day prior. The ballot may be submitted more than once, but the latest ballot submitted prior to 1459 Central Time will be considered the final ballot. The ballot offers both a first and second choice. The ballot is only good for one day – tomorrow – so you will need to submit a new ballot for each reserve available day, if desired. If you change your mind and do not wish to preference AM/PM, you will need to submit a new ballot prior to 1459 Central Time with the “cancel request” box checked. If you do not submit an AM/PM preference ballot and are not otherwise assigned to a trip or standby, you will remain on 24 hour ready reserve. RELIEF AND OPEN REPLACEMENT (AVAILABILITY) BIDDING – When bidding for preferences for an open replacement or filler trips on a relief line, the following preference codes may be used. This includes the new preferences for domestic or international sequences for the May bid month. Remarks are looked at in the order they are listed. Enter what you desire in priority order. Therefore the highest priority remarks request should be requested first. The program will ignore DF and NP for relief lines. Code Explanation of Code Example Preference Explanation Selections Applicable AT Arrival Time AT1500-1600,1800-1900 Preferred trip termination time (second HHMM is optional and defaults to 1 hour after first HHMM). 3000/3300 series CT Co-terminal Airport CTJFK,LGA or (Use slash / if prefer hierarchy) Means both JFK and LGA are equally desirable 3000/3300 series DS Nbr of Days in Sequence DS3,2 or (use slash / if prefer hierarchy) Means both 3 day and 2 day are equally desirable 3000/3300 series DT Departure Time DT0800-1000,1000-1200 Prefer sequence origination 0800-1000 or 1000-1200 (second HHMM is optional – defaults to 1 hour after first HHMM). 3000/3300 series LO Layover City LOHNL,LAX,DFW or (use slash / if prefer hierarchy) Prefer a layover at HNL or LAX or DFW 3000/3300 series WP WP2,4,5 WP2,4,5 or (use slash / if prefer hierarchy) Work position 3000/3300 series WN Work Narrow Body Pos WN1,2,3 or (use slash / if prefer hierarchy) Narrowbody work position 3000/3300 series WW Work Wide Body Pos WW10,11,12 or (use slash / if prefer hierarchy) Widebody work position 3000/3300 series D Domestic sequences 3000/3300 series I International sequences 3000/3300 series DF Duty Free Periods (MMDD) DF0525-0528,0505-0508,0515 Preferred DFPs May 25-28, May 5-8, May 15 3000 series NP No Pre-plot NP No pre-plotted sequences preferred 3000 series The computer processes the requests in the order listed. Place your most important request first. Relief replacement is a non-contractual bid preference that American Airlines provides to flight attendants. Those who are awarded reliefs must correctly request preferences in the remarks section of their ballot. Flight attendants are not guaranteed any specific preference(s). Prior to awarding requests, there are certain objectives that must be met. Open time trips must be plotted. There must be adequate available day coverage spread throughout the month on each relief schedule that is built. As a result of accounting for the above mix of variables, occasionally, specific preferences may be awarded out of seniority order. Relief Schedules: Only use exact categories listed. Seniority, total requests, and operational requirements will affect your bid. Entering Preferences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If submitting bids using DECS, choose Option 2: Type one line (63 characters is maximum limit) of pertinent remarks if needed. To delete existing remarks, type * on blank line and enter. Always list requests in priority order. Dates must include month and day. (Example: 05(month)/01 (day) AT and DT must show range and time should be in 24 hour format. SEPARATORS - Separators are very, very important and must be used between choices and categories. a. Enter / Slash between category choices or requests to distinguish hierarchy, but only between the separate preference categories. ex: CTEWR/DS1/DS2/DT1550-1700 b. Enter - Dash to indicate a range DT1500-1700 c. Enter , Comma between like choices within a category to make requests equally desirable - DS1,2 d. Do not space between requests e. When bidding for a co-terminal preference, a comma (,) separating the airports indicates that either airport is equally desirable. A slash (/) between the preferenced airports means that the first airport listed is more desirable. 7. 8. 9. 10. Only 10 DFP requests will be considered. When bidding for duty free periods (scheduled days off) enter DF followed by the numeric month and date or a range of dates with a dash (-) between the dates. Duty free period requests and no preplot are not considered for relief selections. These schedules will be built to the highest projection possible. When bidding vacation reliefs, trips from open time will be the same division as the relief unless remarks indicate either the division indicator “D” / “I” or specific layover cities. If using the division indicator, any cross division trips for which the flight attendant is qualified, will be considered. If requesting specific layover cities, only those sequences will be considered. For Example a flight attendant holding a domestic relief enters these remarks: DT0800-1000,1300-1500/LOLHR This flight attendant would be considered for LHR layovers. However, if there are none available, the assigned trips from open time would only be domestic. 11. Do not add illegal text or characters. Comments like “please” or “thank you” could negate your request. Tip: Have your requests handwritten so your ballot will not time out. Example of Co-Terminal Preference: CTLGA,JFK – Co-terminals LGA and JFK are equally desirable. Trips will be added from either co-terminal. CTLGA/CTJFK – Co-terminal LGA is more desirable than co-terminal JFK. LGA trips will be added first. JFK trips will be added second if still under-projected. nd th Example of Duty Free Period Preference: Flight Attendant is requesting May 2 -5 as a DFP. nd th nd th nd th ENTRY: DFMMDD-MMDD (DF0502-0505 indicates May 2 -5 as a preferred DFP. The replacement program will try to give May 2 -5 . If not possible, it will try to give May 2 -4 . If not nd rd possible, it will try to give May 2 -3 , etc. Examples of Combination Requests: AT1500-1600,1700-1900/CTLGA/DS3/WP1 = Arrival time preferred 1500-1600 or 1700-1900, co-terminal LGA, 3 day sequence, work position 1 CTEWR/DT0800-1000,1300-1500/LOPHX = Co-terminal EWR / Departure Time (indicates equally desirable because a comma separates the times)...0800-1000,1300-1500 / Layover city PHX Remember, the program may plot an entire schedule with EWR trips regardless of departure time. If there is only one EWR trip to plot, it will look for trips with the requested departure time. DF0525-0528,0505-0508,0515/NP = Duty free periods on 25-28 May, 05-08 May and 15May / no pre-plotted trips WP2,4,5/DS1,2/LODFW/DF0502-0505,0528-0530 Work Positions 2,4,5 / Turn-arounds and then 2 day Trips / Layover in DFW / Days Off 02-05May and then 28-30May CTJFK/WW1 = The award program will look for trips out of JFK first (regardless of position). It does not look at Co-Terminal and Widebody requests together. Each request is plotted as a separate category. Example of an Incorrect and a Correct bid preference: This would be an INCORRECT bid preference: CT/LGA,JFK,DT/0900/AT/2200/DS/3,2/LO/SAN,SEA,LAX,SFO/I This would be a CORRECT bid preference: CTLGA,JFK/DT0900/AT2200/DS3,2/LOSAN,SEA,LAX,SFO/D DUTY PERIOD WAIVER AND LOCATION DELAY PREMIUM PAY JCBA Section 14.D.1. NON-LONG RANGE INTERNATIONAL DUTY PERIOD WAIVER (This provision does NOT apply to Long & Extended Long Range Flying.) 1. Non-Long Range Duty Period - An on-duty period, containing an International segment(s) or International and Domestic segments, shall not be scheduled or rescheduled to remain onduty in excess of fourteen (14) consecutive hours and, in no case, shall a Flight Attendant be required to remain on duty in excess of sixteen (16) hours during any such on-duty period. A Flight Attendant shall not be required to remain on-duty beyond the maximum flight duty limits as specified in this Paragraph. If the combination of a delayed departure time and scheduled flight time(s) projects the Flight Attendant’s duty to exceed the maximum duty of sixteen (16) hours, Crew Schedule may offer, and a Flight Attendant may voluntarily agree to continue working. A Flight Attendant crew who agrees to remain on-duty for more than sixteen (16) hours shall receive pay for the duty period at a rate of two hundred percent (200%) including premiums and credit at one hundred percent (100%). The flight can operate with minimum crew if some of the crew chooses not to fly. Once a Flight Attendant has volunteered to exceed the maximum duty limitations, she/he will receive the pay specified above, even if the duty limitations are not exceeded. In such circumstances, the rest provisions contained in Paragraphs H and I, will apply at the end of the extended duty period. Note: Once a flight has departed (taken-off) and the duty period is delayed such that the crew would exceed 16 hours on duty, this premium is not applicable nor may the crew have the option to discontinue the trip. EXAMPLE: Non-Long Range Duty Day Waiver – Seq 697 is scheduled for 10:55 on duty and the duty period is worth 5:31. In actual operations, flight 987 out of MIA is delayed such that the crew would actually be scheduled over 16:00. The Flight Attendants agree to waive duty day limitation to exceed 16 hours. The Duty Period is actually 16.30. Based on the Duty Rig 1 for 2, the crew would be paid 8:15 for this duty period. Because the crew agreed to waive the 16:00 duty limitation, they are now entitled to 200% Duty Day Waiver Premium. Pay = 8:15 duty period pay + 8:15 (200% premium) = 16:30 total pay (plus premiums)/8:15 credit for this duty period ORIGINAL SEQUENCE SEQ SKD SKD SKD D/P SKD SKD SKD SKD D/P SKD U/S SEQ 697 BASE IMA SEL 5231 INT 737 DT EQ FLT STA DEP M STA ARR AC FLY GTR GRD 22 B9 1157 MIA 0956 CUN 1058 2.02 1.10 22 B9 1157 CUN 1208 MIA 1445 1.37 2.44 22 B9 987 MIA 1729 KIN 1921 1.52 SKD 5.31 P/C 0.00 TL 5.31 ONDUTY 10.55 ODL 12.11 23 B9 1696 KIN 0902 MIA 1055 1.53 1.40 23 B9 1245 MIA 1235 PLS 1422 1.47 1.05 23 B9 1245 PLS 1527 MIA 1720 1.53 SKD 5.33 P/C 0.00 TL 5.33 ONDUTY 9.48 0.00 SKD 11.04 P/C 0.00 TL 11.04 TAFB 32.54 ACTUAL SEQUENCE DELAYED DUTY PERIOD SEQ ACT SKD ACT SKD ACT SKD ACT D/P SKD ACT 697 BASE IMA SEL 4323 INT 737 DT EQ FLT STA DEP M STA ARR AC FLY GTR GRD 22 B9 1157 MIA 0956 CUN 1058 2.02 1.10 22 B9 1157 MIA 0956 CUN 1058 2.02 2.02 22 B9 1157 CUN 1208 MIA 1445 1.37 2.44 22 B9 1157 CUN 1208 MIA 1445 1.37 22 B9 987 MIA 1729 KIN 1921 VE 1.52 8.49 22 B9 987 MIA 2304 KIN 0056 VE 1.52 GTR 5.31 P/C 2.44 TL 8.15 ONDUTY 10.55 ODL 12.11 ONDUTY 16.30 ODL 08.20 ACT JCBA Section 11.O. - VOLUNTARY WAIVER OF FLIGHT DUTY LIMITATIONS 1. A Flight Attendant shall not be required to remain on duty beyond the maximum flight duty limits as specified in Paragraph F. If the combination of a delayed departure time and the scheduled flight time(s) projects the Flight Attendant’s duty to exceed the maximum duty limitations specified in this Agreement, Crew Schedule may offer, and a Flight Attendant may voluntarily agree to continue working. Once the Flight Attendant has agreed, such agreement may not be rescinded. When such Flight Attendant voluntarily agrees to continue working, in addition to any pay for the trip, the Flight Attendant will be paid, but not credited, at the rate of one (1) minute of flight pay for each two (2) minutes on duty for the entire duty period, commencing at the duty period’s actual report time and ending fifteen (15) minutes after the actual block-in. Once a Flight Attendant has volunteered to exceed the maximum duty limitations, she/he will receive the pay specified above, even if the duty limitations are not exceeded. In such circumstances, the rest provisions contained in Paragraphs I and J, will apply at the end of the extended duty period. The flight can operate with minimum crew if some of the crew chooses not to fly. EXAMPLE: Domestic Duty Waiver – Sequence duty period is scheduled for 10:32 on duty and has a value of 8:26. Flight 112 out of DEN is delayed. The Flight Attendant crew agrees to waive maximum actual on duty limitation of 15:00. Upon completion of the duty period, the crew ended up on duty for 15:30 total. Based on the Duty Rig of 1 for 2, the crew would be due 7:45 for a 15:30 duty period. However, the flight time on the sequence is greater than the Rig time so no Duty Rig pay is due. But because the crew agreed to voluntarily waive on-duty limits, the crew will be paid the Duty Limit Waiver Premium 1 for 2 in addition to the sequence value. Pay = 8.26 pay & credit + 7:45 pay no credit (1 for 2 of 15:30 duty period) = 16:11 total pay (No premiums) ORIGINAL SEQUENCE SEQ SKD SKD D/P SKD SEQ ACTUAL SEQUENCE DELAYED DUTY PERIOD 9283 BASE MIA SEL 36 DT EQ FLT STA DEP M STA ARR AC FLY GTR GRD 21 75 299 MIA 0700 DEN 0939 4.39 0.51 21 75 112 DEN 1030 MIA 1617 3.47 SKD 8.26 P/C 0.00 TL 8.26 ONDUTY 10.32 SKD 8.26 P/C 0.00 TL 8.26 TAFB 10.32 SEQ ACT SKD ACT SKD ACT D/P SKD ACT SEQ 9283 BASE MIA DT EQ FLT STA DEP M 21 75 299 MIA 0700 21 75 299 MIA 0700 21 75 112 DEN 1030 21 75 112 DEN 1728 GTR 8.26 P/C ONDUTY 10.32 ONDUTY 15.30 GTR 8.26 P/C SEL 32 DOM 320 STA ARR AC FLY GTR GRD DEN 0939 4.39 0.51 DEN 0939 4.39 4.39 7.49 MIA 1617 VE 3.47 MIA 2115 VE 3.47 4.08 0.00 TL 8.26 TAXABLE EXP 15.30 0.00 TL 8.26 TAFB ACT 15.30 JCBA Section 14.M.7. - Location Delay Incentive When a Flight Attendant is delayed departing from an International station (IFS) for more than ten (10) hours from the scheduled departure time for reasons such as mechanical or failure of an inbound aircraft to arrive, the Flight Attendant shall receive an incentive of an additional five (5) hours of pay and credit, including all premiums in addition to the value of the trip. Once the delay is greater than twenty-four (24) hours, an additional five (5) hours, including all premiums, will apply for each subsequent twenty-four (24) hours or fraction thereof. Should greater pay protection be provided through Illegal Through No Fault, Last Trip of the Month or Crew Substitution, the provisions of Paragraph M.7 may be waived to accept the greater pay protection. th th EXAMPLE: IPD SEQUENCE LOCATION DELAY INCENTIVE – HKG Sequence was scheduled to return on the 7 . The crew reported on the 7 but due to a mechanical the flight was cancelled, the crew th was sent back to the hotel, and rescheduled to fly the same flight back on the 8 . The flight was scheduled to depart at 1340. However, it did not actually depart until 1448. As a result the crew was delayed at the location for more than 24 hours so each Flight Attendant was paid a premium of 10 additional hours in addition to the sequence value. Note: The 3:00 hour mid-sequence call out pay will apply unless the trip rig pays more. ORIGINAL SEQUENCE SEQ SKD D/P SKD SKD D/P SKD SEQ 219 BASE IDF SEL 5069 DT EQ FLT STA DEP M STA ARR 04 82 137 DFW 1130 L HKG 1835 SKD 17.05 P/C 0.00 TL ONDUTY 18.35 ODL 41.35 07 82 138 HKG 1340 L DFW 1455 SKD 15.15 P/C 0.00 TL ONDUTY 16.45 SKD 32.20 P/C 0.00 TL AC FLY 17.05 17.05 ACTUAL SEQUENCE LOCATION DELAY GTR GRD ACT 15.15 15.15 32.20 TAFB 76.55 Below is how the additional location delay pay will appear on your HI1: 04 05 06 07 08 71 71 71 71 71 08 71 219 -137 17.05 16.53 17.05 RON RON C138 -138 15.15 32.20 14.35 15.15 32.20 219 EXP TAFB 101.15 HKG 10 LE PAY 10.00 10.00 SEQ 219 BASE IDF SEL 5075 LPAY DT EQ FLT STA DEP M STA ARR SKD 04 82 137 DFW 1130 L HKG 1835 ACT 04 82 137 DFW 1210 L HKG 1903 D/P GTR 17.05 P/C 0.00 TL SKD ONDUTY 18.35 ODL 65.35 ACT ONDUTY 19.03 ODL 65.07 SKD 07 82 138 HKG 1340 L DFW 1455 ACT 82 138 HKG L DFW SKD 08 82 138 HKG 1340 L DFW 1455 ACT 08 82 138 HKG 1448 L DFW 1515 D/P GTR 15.15 P/C 0.00 TL SKD ONDUTY 16.45 ACT ONDUTY 17.05 SEQ GTR 32.20 P/C 0.00 TL ORG SCH INT 777 AC FLY 17.05 16.53 17.05 GTR GRD ACT 17.05 15.15 0.00 0.00 CXLD LO15.15 LO14.35 15.15 RCD 0.08 15.15 EXP 101.15 32.20 TAFB 101.15 IDF CQ TRAINING MAR 2015 ----- CQ Training Update ----2015-16 CQ Training is a two day program as follows: Day One: Will begin at Flagship University (FSU). Check-in will be in the CQ Training Hall 2E40D Class 1 FA Tablet Checks / Drill Practice Session begins at 1200 and class start time is 1330. Class 2 FA Tablet Checks / Drill Practice Session begins at 1630 and class start time is 1800. Please arrive early enough to allow time (at least 20 min) for your Flight Attendant Tablet eManual to be checked prior to class start time. Day Two: Will begin at the Flight Academy Class 1 begins at 0700 and class end time is 1030. Class 2 begins at 1130 and class end time is 1500. Drill videos will not be shown at the Flight Academy; however; they are available on the Flight Service website and Flight Attendant tablet. Flight Attendants should review these videos prior to attending Training. To access the drill videos, click the media link on the Flight Service Website. Flight Attendants are expected to be familiar with the material contained within the FA Tablet eManual, Revisions and Bulletins on their effective date and could be evaluated on this material while at CQ Training. WHEN TO ENROLL IN CQ TRAINING: Each flight attendant is responsible for knowing when his/her qualifications will expire and ensuring any required training is completed when due. Flight attendants are expected to attend CQ Training in their Base Month. CQ Training may not be postponed into the Grace Month unless you are on vacation, sick, LOA, injury, personal or operational emergency during your Base Month. ***Flight Attendants who do not attend training in their base month will be pre-plotted in their grace month. *** To verify your base month, refer to your *9 Training Record. (In your personal mode in DECS, enter HI*9) It is recommended that you do not alter your schedule until after you have scheduled training. Altering your schedule could make you illegal for training and may result in trip removal without pay to accommodate training. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis and fill quickly. It is best to enroll early. Classes at the beginning of the month typically have openings. Please try to schedule yourself into a class in the first half of the month, if possible. If MAR is your Grace Month, you must enroll in CQ Training before bids open for enrolled. Crew Manning will not award a live bid to any flight attendant who will not be qualified on the first day of the new bid month. If APR. It is your responsibility to notify the Base Planner you have MAR is your Grace Month, you must notify the Base Planner no later than MAR 19 if you have been scheduled for training to be awarded a bid. Flight attendants returning from a Leave of Absence (LOA) must notify the Base Planner and Pay Comp of training and return to work dates. Flight attendants who do not attend CQ Training by the end of their Grace Month will be required to complete the Requalification Training WBT lesson prior to CQ Training. This lesson must be completed no more than two months prior to CQ Training. You cannot fly until this is accomplished. If you attend CQ Training in the month prior to your base month, your HI*9 (training record) will be updated to reflect the first day of your current base month If you attend CQ Training in your grace month, your HI*9 (training record) will be updated to reflect the last day of your current base month To realign your Base Month, you must attend CQ Training at least two months prior to your Base Month. For example, if JUN is your Base Month, you must attend CQ Training by APR to realign your Base Month. Flight attendants may not realign CQ Training into a reserve month due to limited reserve slots. IDF ~ MAR 2015 Class Dates MAR 2~3 3~4 4~5 5~6 6~7 9~10 10~11 11~12 12~13 13~14 16~17 17~18 18~19 19~20 20~21 23~24 CQ Training Class Rosters Class 1 Day 1 Day 2 1330-1730 0700-1030 270 272 273 274 302 303 305 309 320 321 336 337 340 341 342 343 If you are not enrolled in a class by MAR 06, please contact the TSD as soon as possible for assistance with enrollment. Class 2 Day 1 1800-2200 Day 2 1130-1500 361 362 364 366 367 368 369 414 415 416 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 HOW TO ENROLL IN CQ TRAINING: Self-enrollment will be activated at 0900 CST FEB 25. IFS call-in enrollment will begin at 0700 CST FEB 26. International Flagship Service (IFS) TSD call-in enrollment will begin at 1100 CST FEB 26. ***Please do not call the Training Support Desk regarding CQ Training enrollment prior to call-in enrollment. *** Grace month trade requests will be handled on FEB 27. Reserve Flight Attendants may self-enroll on days IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING a duty-free period. Requests for enrollment or changes must be received no later than three (3) full business days before the scheduled training date. The TSD is open Mon – Fri, 0700 – 1800 Central Time. SELF-ENROLLMENT (in DECS) To self-enroll, enter your personal mode in DECS. Enter HIU/class# <enter>. The response will be “OK” if you have successfully enrolled. To view class numbers, in your personal mode in DECS, enter HITJ/START DATE/END DATE <enter>. The response will be title, class roster #, dates, times and base. If there is no class information on listing, all classes are full on the requested date. To view individuals in a class, enter HIV/CLASS # <enter> AUTOMATED SELF-ENROLLMENT (AVRS) Dial 1-800-VIP-CREW or 817-956-CREW. Enter first 4 characters of your password, followed by employee number. Enter hot-path 9-5-1-1. LIVE CHAT or HISEND Form 100 You may contact the Training Support Desk (TSD) via LIVE CHAT from the Flight Service Website or complete a HISEND form 100 during the self-enrollment period. CLASS CANCELLATION / FAILURE TO ATTEND TRAINING Class cancellations must be made no later than three (3) full business days prior to the scheduled training date. Flight attendants who cancel within 24 hours of class or who do not show for training will receive a missed assignment (MA). Additionally, if you are on reserve and would have been available to fly on the dates scheduled for training, you will be available for flight assignment. You must contact Crew Schedule and inform the scheduler of any changes to your status. Failure to do so may reduce your monthly pay guarantee HOTEL AND TRANSPORTATION Hotel information is located on the Flight Service website. Click on Training, then Lodging Info under the CQ Training header. Information is posted one week prior to the scheduled class date. It is recommended that you check hotel information the day before you travel to be sure you have the most up-to-date information. The lodge is no longer accepting personal checks. An ATM is available in the lobby for your convenience. TRAVEL If you have self-enrolled in a CQ Training class, flights to/from training will automatically be booked from your base station (EXCEPTION DFW/IDF SINCE THEY ARE LOCAL). To access your flight information in DECS, type: HSS/1/sequence#/ddmmm. Your name should also appear on the crew ”NS” deadhead list for each American Airlines segment. To change or make travel arrangements: If booking your own flight to training or in the event of Irregular Operations (IROPS) or your flight cancels, please see the entries below for selfre-booking: 1. First remove the original flight booked automatically when enrolling in CQ Training: (Class # and Flt # can be found on your HI1) HIGOR/(Flt Nbr)/ (Date)/FA/(From Sta)/(To Sta)/(Pass Class -without “D” indicator)//(ClassNbr) Sample: HIGOR/701/7JAN/FA/LGA/DFW/A1//334 (note the double slash) OR 2. To remove a flight if booked separately when you enrolled in CQ Training: IMPORTANT: The TSD will not be able to make flight changes once class has begun. HIGOR/(Flt Nbr)/(Date)/FA/(From Sta)/(To Sta)/(Pass-Class-A1 to, A3 from) Sample: HIGOR/701/7JAN/FA/LGA/DFW/A1D For local FAs who are driving to training: The South OR 3. To book a flight to/from CQ Training: HIGOA /(Flt Nbr)/(Date)/FA/(From Sta)/(To Sta)/(Pass-Class-A1D to, A3D from) Sample: HIGOA/593/7JAN/FA/DFW/BNA/A3D Sample: Eagle Flts- HIGOA/MQ593/7JAN/FA/ DFW/BNA/A3D (note the MQ for Eagle) Irregular Operations (IROPS) & CANCELLATIONS parking lot at the Flight Academy (adjacent to the pool area) is a restricted parking lot and has curbs which are painted blue. Cars without a blue Flight Academy hang-tag displayed from the rear view mirror will be ticketed and/or towed. Flight attendants may park in the East parking lot in front of the C.R. Smith Museum which has yellow curbs. Although the parking spaces are labeled “Reserved”, you may park in these areas without risk of being ticketed or towed. FAs are required to stand by for all departing flights for the remainder of the day up to duty time (14 hrs. Domestic, 14 hours International) Upon arrival at your base/home, should you have a trip the next day or are on RSV, please call scheduling at (800) 847-2739 or (800) VIP-CREW to inform them of your arrival time and flight cancellation. If you are not able to get on a flight home, call The Lodge at (817) 956-1000 and ask for accommodations. TRAINING SUPPORT DESK HOURS: 0700-1800 CENTRAL TIME M-F Note: If you book to a later flight, call TSD as soon as possible and provide flight information so that TAFB can be adjusted. REQUALIFICATION TRAINING Requalification Training is required for Flight Attendants who are attending CQ Training after their grace month. Requalification Training is completed via a web based course titled RQT, While You Were Away. Contact the Training Support Desk at 1-800-VIP CREW, login, #, Option 6 for enrollment and complete details. 2015-2016 CQ TRAINING PROGRAM Class Information Class 1 & 2 Day One: Travel to DFW and report directly to Flagship University (FSU). Check-in will be in the CQ Training hallway room 2E40D. Transportation from DFW Airport – Lower Level by Gate C24 (Known Crew Member ID Portal) (Class 1)Shuttle Pickup from DFW Airport: 1100, 1130, 1200, 1230, and 1300 (Class 2)Shuttle Pickup from DFW Airport: 1530, 1600, 1630, 1700, and 1730 (Class 1) Check-in starts at 1200 and ends at 1330. Class begins promptly at 1330 (Class 2) Check-in starts at 1630 and ends at 1800. Class begins promptly at 1800 (Late arrivals may not be admitted into class). Please allow approximately 20 minutes for your FA Tablet eManual to be checked prior to the 1330(CL1) & 1800(CL2) start times. (The Tablet Bar is no longer offered during CQ). (Class 1) Day 1 pickup from FSU (North Entrance) to hotel spot @ 1745; depart 1800, 1830, 1900 (Class 2) Day 1 pickup from FSU (North Entrance) to hotel spot @ 2215; depart 2230 or released by MOD Day Two: Travel from Hotel and report at Flight Academy to complete workshops and drills then travel home. Scheduled van from Hotel to Flight Academy will run at 0600 (Intl) & (Dom) for Class 1 Scheduled van from Hotel to Flight Academy will run at 1030 (Intl) & (Dom) for Class 2 If you are staying at The Lodge, there is no van service to the Flight Academy. You will need to walk across the street. Van service from the Flight Academy (Front Entrance) to DFW Airport (Lower Level by Gate C24) runs every 15 minutes Alternate transportation: Flight Academy van runs every 15 minutes from DFW (Lower Level by Gate C24) to the front entrance of the Flight Academy. You will need to walk across the street to Flagship University (FSU). Or you may take the Airport Shuttle at the lower level to FSU (Lodge Entrance) which departs DFW every 30 minutes at quarter past and quarter till the hour. Please call 817-956-1000 to verify pick up location based upon your Terminal. Where: CQ Training will begin at FSU What to wear: Business Casual Attire and flat, closed-toe shoes. No shorts are allowed at FSU. You may want a sweater, as classrooms can be cool. If you opt to wear your uniform, you must be in full uniform compliance in order to be admitted to CQ. What to bring: Flight Attendant crew I.D., equipment key, jet bridge key (old CR key to gain access to the Flight Academy), FA Tablet eManual with Charger and Battery. A snack is suggested, as there are no scheduled meal breaks. Web Based Training (WBT) All flight attendants must complete the WBT lesson(s) prior to attending CQ All flight attendants are required to complete the same WBT lesson titled CQ Training 2015-2016, you will find multiple lessons within this title You cannot be admitted into training unless all WBT lessons have been completed To complete WBT training, go to the Flight Service Website, click the “Training” link, and then click on the “Online Learning Center” link under Resources on lower right hand side in RED print. This will take you to the Online Learning Center. Next, click on the course title under the “In-Progress Learning Activities” (i.e. CQ Training 2015-2016) then click “Launch” With this lesson, you will not receive a confirmation code at the end of the WBT To receive credit for the WBT lesson, you may START and COMPLETE the lesson within two months prior to attending CQ 2015-16. For example: If your base month is June: You may start and complete the WBT in April, May or June prior to your class date If, due to circumstances beyond your control, you are not able to attend training in your base month, you will be required to complete the WBT prior to attending training in your grace month. If you have completed your WBT and then become QI, you must retake the WBT lesson prior to attending CQ Special Note for Mac, iPad and Personal PC Users rd iPad Users: Requires iOS 7 or greater. The videos in this course require users to enable 3 party cookies. The iPad Mini is not currently supported. Internet Browsers: The Online Learning Center (OLC) is supported on Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0 or higher. Mozilla Firefox is not supported. If you receive a warning message that your operating system is not compatible, stop and do not continue with this activity as your progress will not be recorded. You must use a supported browser/platform combination in order to receive full credit. If you experience difficulties with your internet, go to Jetnet/Help/Technical or contact the Help Desk at 800-447-2000. For technical assistance, click on Employee Help located under your name on the Training Site home page, then click on Technical Assistance. For WBT lesson content issues, contact the TSD at 1-800-VIP CREW, login, #, Option 6. How to Prepare The more prepared you are the more successful you will be. Your FA Tablet eManual and WBT lesson(s) are excellent resources to study prior to CQ. Training videos to include drills, CPR and Monitor and Challenge can be found on the Flight Service website /Training Home/ Training Videos or on the Flight Attendant Tablet through the Flight Service Training App. Be prepared to demonstrate your proficiency regarding the following procedures: Evacuation Drill commands and actions Adult CPR/ Infant Heimlich Levels of Threat Planned Emergency Checklist Monitor and Challenge Emergency equipment operation General ditching principles You will perform the following drills (based on aircraft qualifications): S80: (DOM/INTL) FWD Entry Door FA 1. If only S80 qualifed, FWD Entry Door as FA 1 unplanned ditching. 737: (DOM/INTL) OWE Drill as FA 5 757: (DOM/INTL) 4 L/R Door Drill as FA 2 with FA 4 767: (DOM) unplanned ditching at 3 L/R. (INTL) planned ditching at 3 L/R If FA is not qualified on the 737, they will complete an Overwing Exit 2R as FA4 (or 2L as FA6) 777-200:(DOM/INTL) 1L Door drill as FA 1. If INTL and not 767 qualified, 1L Planned Ditching as FA 1 777-300:(DOM/INTL) 3L Door drill as FA 7 787: (DOM/INT) 1L land evacuation A321T/S: (DOM/INTL) 3L Door drill as FA 1 A319: exit operation at 1L You Know the Drill Session: A Voluntary Session to Prepare for Drills Held at FSU prior to class start (Class 1 1200-1315; Class 2 1630-1745) You may use this session as practice only or if you would like to receive credit then you must pass the drill on the first attempt You may practice as many drills as class size and time permit MARCH NON-TRIGGER MONTH FOR AIRCRAFT TRAINING MARCH NON-TRIGGER MONTH FOR AIRCRAFT TRAINING 777-300ER Trigger Training Enrollment Airbus Trigger Training Enrollment ***IDF, LAXI, JFK and IMA-based F/As only*** ***DFW, IDF, LAXD, LGA, SFO, MIA and IMA based F/As only*** Enrollment Date: FEBRUARY 27, 2015 Enrollment Time: 10AM CST Enrollment Date: FEBRUARY 27, 2015 Enrollment Time: 10AM CST Class dates have not been finalized as of the printing of the bid sheets Class dates have not been finalized as of the printing of the bid sheets Class dates will be posted on the Flight Service Training Calendar located on the Flight Service website Training page prior to enrollment date. An email message will give notice when the class dates are posted. If I successfully held a 777-300ER trigger, how do I enroll in a class? If you have successfully held a trigger for 777-300ER aircraft and wish to attend training, you will need to contact the Flight Attendant Service Center (TSD) or send a HISEND 100 during the specified date above. If you have not contacted TSD on the date listed above, it will be considered Voluntary Training. 777-300ER training is a two (2) day classroom/instructor-led training with a required online lesson that must be completed prior to class start. Class dates will be posted on the Flight Service Training Calendar located on the Flight Service website Training page prior to enrollment date. An email message will give notice when the class dates are posted. If I successfully held an Airbus trigger, how do I enroll in a class? If you have successfully held a trigger for Airbus aircraft and wish to attend training, you will need to contact the Flight Attendant Service Center (TSD) or send a HISEND 100 during the specified date above. If you have not contacted TSD on the date listed above, it will be considered Voluntary Training. Airbus training is (2) day classroom/instructor-led training class with required online lessons that must be completed prior to class start. What You Should Know About Trigger Training in a Non-Trigger Month In order to be eligible to attend Trigger Training, your name must appear on the successful trigger list, which will be posted on the Flight Service website – Training Page – Trigger Information. In order to trigger for training, the aircraft or service that you desire must appear on your base’s bid sheet. You must be in an active status in order to trigger for training. Training is scheduled on a first come, first served basis. You need to have DO’s on your schedule because you cannot be trip removed during a non-trigger month. No trip removals also include reserve day removals and/or available day removals. You may not trigger for training on reserve months, however if you successfully triggered in a non-reserve month you can attend trigger training during a reserve month. In non-trigger months, you may attend trigger training by relinquishing duty-free periods. Did you know? Additional details can be found on the Flight Service website – Training Page – Trigger Information. How to Trigger Choose option 11 on the “HIB” menu and the following menu will be displayed: TRIGGER TRAINING – FLIGHT ATTENDANT EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATIONS 767 S80 777-300 Airbus For 777-300ER Differences Training. ENTER 100 For Airbus Differences Training. ENTER 320 SERVICE QUALIFICATIONS 24 – ASIA INTERNATIONAL PREMIUM EXPERIENCE Simply type in the applicable code (e.g. 24) for the qualification you’d like. Indicate your desired qualifications in the order of your preference – separating each choice with a slash “/”. You can enter up to nine (9) things. Example: 767/100<ENTER> Sabre response should be: 767 ADDED TO TRIGGERS 100 ADDED TO TRIGGERS TRIGGER ADD COMPLETE TYPE H FOR HELP WHILE ON THE TRIGGER MENU TO DELETE A TRIGGER REQUEST: EXAMPLE: D/767 <ENTER> *** TRIGGERS ARE NOT ACCEPTED ON A SECONDARY BID BALLOT*** Designated trigger training months are: January, May and September Voluntary Training for March 2015 Voluntary Training for March 2015 777-300 and Airbus Voluntary Training Class Dates: Class dates have not been finalized as of the printing of the bid sheets 737, 757, and 777-200 Voluntary Training Class Dates: Class dates will be posted on the Flight Service Training Calendar located on the Flight Service website Training page prior to Trigger enrollment dates. An email message will give notice when the class dates are posted. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23 HOW TO VOLUNTEER FOR 737, 757 OR 777-200 Flight Attendants who would like to obtain an equipment qualification on the 737, 757, or 777-200 aircraft, either in conjunction with Recurrent Training or on a day off, may submit a web-ballot. If attending aircraft training in conjunction with Recurrent Training, you must schedule Recurrent Training prior to submitting a web enrollment form. Please place your desired dates of training in order of preference. Flight Attendants on a reserve or available month can only attend on days off. They must relinquish a duty free period to attend training and they will receive training pay. Voluntary enrollment will not involve trip removals. 737, 757, and 777-200 training is a one day training class. You will need sufficient DO's and DFPs on your schedule to accommodate training. Voluntary Training requests are honored after Flight Attendants who successfully triggered an aircraft or service qualification have had an opportunity to enroll in class. Your request to be enrolled in a course will be processed one (1) business day after you submit the enrollment form. Training consists of an online portion (Phase 1) and a Hands-On Training (Phase 2). The Phase 1 online lesson for the 777, 757 and 737 must be completed prior to attending Phase 2 Hands-On Training. You should complete the online portion at least 48 hours prior to attending Phase 2. If you do not, you won’t be permitted to attend hands-on training. International Flight Attendants and Domestic Flight Attendants who hold current International qualifications must complete the International Ditching online course. For additional information regarding voluntary training, visit the Flight Service website Training Page. HOW TO VOLUNTEER FOR 777-300 OR AIRBUS If you desire to qualify on the 777-300 or Airbus, you may submit a web ballot after the Trigger enrollment dates. Please do not submit your web ballot until February 28, 2015 after trigger enrollment. Please place your desired dates of training in order of preference. Note: Due to the large number of F/As needing the 777-300 and Airbus training, there may be times you will not receive your first choice. Voluntary enrollment in the 777-300 and Airbus training courses will not involve trip removals, including reserve duty or available days. 777-300 and Airbus are multi-day training classes that will require an overnight stay in DFW (for non-DFW/IDF FAs). You will need sufficient DO's and DFPs on your schedule to accommodate training. Non DFW/IDF based FAs will be provided hotel accommodations for 777-300 or Airbus voluntary training. Only FAs who currently hold a current 777-200 qualification and current international qualification are eligible to become 777-300 qualified. Your request to be enrolled in a course will be processed one (1) business day after you submit the enrollment form. 777-300 and Airbus training consists of an online portion (Phase 1) and a Hands-On Training (Phase 2). The Phase 1 online lesson for the 777-300 and Airbus must be completed prior to attending Phase 2 Hands-On Training. You should complete the online portions at least 48 hours prior to attending Phase 2. If you do not, you won’t be permitted to attend hands-on training. International Flight Attendants and Domestic Flight Attendants who hold current International qualifications must complete the International Ditching online course. For additional information regarding voluntary training, visit the Flight Service website Training Page. TO: IDF INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT ATTENDANTS RE: 787 Training Proffer – March Reserve TO: IDF INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT ATTENDANTS RE: 787 Training Proffer – March Regular (non-reserve) The following is a proffer for IDF-I based reserve Flight Attendants desiring to qualify on the 787 aircraft. We are proffering for up to 15 March reserve Flight Attendants to be trained in March. Only those Flight Attendants who are on reserve in March will be eligible for this proffer. If insufficient proffers are received, Flight Attendants may be assigned training in reverse order of seniority. The following is a proffer for IDF-I based non-reserve Flight Attendants desiring to qualify on the 787 aircraft. We are proffering for up to 30 March non-reserve Flight Attendants to be trained. Only those Flight Attendants who are not on reserve in March will be eligible for this proffer. If insufficient proffers are received, Flight Attendants may be assigned training in reverse order of seniority. You will be advised of your successful proffer or assignment via HI6 message. This e-mail will contain all the details you will need. You will be advised of your successful proffer or assignment via HI6 message. This e-mail will contain all the details you will need. Online course completion is required prior to attending hands-on training at FSU. You will not be admitted to hands-on training without having completed the online portion. Flight Attendant Planning will schedule the hands-on portion of training on one of the following dates: Online course completion is required prior to attending hands-on training at FSU. You will not be admitted to hands-on training without having completed the online portion. Flight Attendant Planning will schedule the hands-on portion of training on one of the following dates: One reserve day for completion of online training followed by one of the following: March: 5-6, 10-11, 25-26 March: 5-6, 10-11, 25-26 Pick-up locations for the shuttle from DFW to the AATCC (FSU) operate from the lower level. It is recommended that you call 817-956-1000 for pick up as the shuttle service is often on call. Pick-up locations are as follows: B7, C24, D17, D29. The van will be marked AATCC. For pick-up from terminal A, please call for current location. Note: Proffers may not be rescinded. Duty free periods may be moved for the purpose of scheduling training for F/As who proffer. M2’s may be moved at the company’s option to accommodate training. Please understand that due to the large volume of proffers, we are unable to honor requests for class dates or changes. Pick-up locations for the shuttle from DFW to the AATCC (FSU) operate from the lower level. It is recommended that you call 817-956-1000 for pick up as the shuttle service is often on call. Pick-up locations are as follows: B7, C24, D17, D29. The van will be marked AATCC. For pick-up from terminal A, please call for current location. Note: Proffers may not be rescinded. Classes will be scheduled on days that least impact the Flight Attendants schedule. Duty free periods may be moved for the purpose of scheduling training for F/As who proffer. Please be aware that altering your schedule (TT/OE) may affect Planning’s ability to schedule training. For those Flight Attendants holding a regular bid who are unable to attend due to planned absence (i.e.SK/VC), training will be deferred to a subsequent month. Please understand that due to the large volume of proffers, we are unable to honor requests for class dates or changes. Proffer must be accomplished via a web ballot **Please use the following guidelines** Sign into the Flight Service website. Go to the Crew Resources page. Look for Featured Links. Under Crew Planning, double click on the 787 March Training Ballot. Review ballot and answer the questions on the screen. Click the NEXT button at the bottom of the screen. Review your answers and click the CONFIRM button if correct. Print a copy of the confirmation number for your records. The bid status (Reserve or Non-Reserve) for some flight attendants may not be known until bids are final. Proffer results will be posted within 24 hours of bid finalization. PROFFERS MUST BE RECEIVED IN PLANNING BY 1000 Central Time, Friday, February 20, 2015 Proffer must be accomplished via a web ballot **Please use the following guidelines** Sign into the Flight Service website. Go to the Crew Resources page. Look for Featured Links. Under Crew Planning, double click on the 787 March Training Ballot. Review ballot and answer the questions on the screen. Click the NEXT button at the bottom of the screen. Review your answers and click the CONFIRM button if correct. Print a copy of the confirmation number for your records. The bid status (Reserve or Non-Reserve) for some flight attendants may not be known until bids are final. Proffer results will be posted within 24 hours of bid finalization. PROFFERS MUST BE RECEIVED IN PLANNING BY 1000 Central Time, Friday, February 20, 2015 TO: IDF INTERNATIONAL SPANISH SPEAKING FLIGHT ATTENDANTS RE: 787 Training Proffer – 10 Regular or Reserve TO: IDF INTERNATIONAL MANDARIN SPEAKING FLIGHT ATTENDANTS RE: 787 Training Proffer – 20 Regular or Reserve The following is a proffer for IDF-I based Spanish speaking Flight Attendants desiring to qualify on the 787 aircraft. We are proffering for up to 10 Flight Attendants to be trained. Only those Flight Attendants who are qualified Spanish speakers will be eligible for this proffer. If insufficient proffers are received, Flight Attendants may be assigned training in reverse order of seniority. The following is a proffer for IDF-I based Mandarin speaking Flight Attendants desiring to qualify on the 787 aircraft. We are proffering for up to 20 Flight Attendants to be trained. Only those Flight Attendants who are qualified Mandarin speakers will be eligible for this proffer. If insufficient proffers are received, Flight Attendants may be assigned training in reverse order of seniority. Online course completion is required prior to attending hands-on training at FSU. You will not be admitted to hands-on training without having completed the online portion. Training will be plotted on your schedule on one of the following: Online course completion is required prior to attending hands-on training at FSU. You will not be admitted to hands-on training without having completed the online portion. Training will be plotted on your schedule on one of the following: March: 5-6, 10-11, 25-26 March: 5-6, 10-11, 25-26 Reserve Flight Attendants will receive an additional D8 removal on a reserve day for completion of the online courses. You will be advised of your successful proffer or assignment via HI6 message. This e-mail will contain all the details you will need. Reserve Flight Attendants will receive an additional D8 removal on a reserve day for completion of the online courses. You will be advised of your successful proffer or assignment via HI6 message. This e-mail will contain all the details you will need. Pick-up locations for shuttle service to FSU are all from the lower level. It is recommended that you call 817-956-1000 for pick up as the shuttle service is often on call. Pick-up locations are as follows: B7, C24, D17, D29. The van will be marked AATCC. For pick-up from terminal A, please call for current location. Pick-up locations for shuttle service to FSU are all from the lower level. It is recommended that you call 817-956-1000 for pick up as the shuttle service is often on call. Pick-up locations are as follows: B7, C24, D17, D29. The van will be marked AATCC. For pick-up from terminal A, please call for current location. Note: Proffers may not be rescinded. Classes will be scheduled on days that least impact the Flight Attendants schedule. Duty free periods may be moved for the purpose of scheduling training for F/As who proffer. M2’s may be moved at the company’s option to accommodate training. Please be aware that altering your schedule (TT/OE) may affect Planning’s ability to schedule training. For those Flight Attendants holding a regular bid who are unable to attend due to planned absence (i.e.SK/VC), training will be deferred to a subsequent month Note: Proffers may not be rescinded. Classes will be scheduled on days that least impact the Flight Attendants schedule. Duty free periods may be moved for the purpose of scheduling training for F/As who proffer. M2’s may be moved at the company’s option to accommodate training. Please be aware that altering your schedule (TT/OE) may affect Planning’s ability to schedule training. For those Flight Attendants holding a regular bid who are unable to attend due to planned absence (i.e.SK/VC), training will be deferred to a subsequent month Proffer must be accomplished via a web ballot **Please use the following guidelines** Sign into the Flight Service website. Go to the Crew Resources page. Look for Featured Links. Under Crew Planning, double click on the 787 March Training Ballot. Review ballot and answer the questions on the screen. Click the NEXT button at the bottom of the screen. Review your answers and click the CONFIRM button if correct. Print a copy of the confirmation number for your records. The bid status (Reserve or Non-Reserve) for some flight attendants may not be known until bids are final. Proffer results will be posted within 24 hours of bid finalization. PROFFERS MUST BE RECEIVED IN PLANNING BY 1000 Central Time, Friday, February 20, 2015 Proffer must be accomplished via a web ballot **Please use the following guidelines** Sign into the Flight Service website. Go to the Crew Resources page. Look for Featured Links. Under Crew Planning, double click on the 787 March Training Ballot. Review ballot and answer the questions on the screen. Click the NEXT button at the bottom of the screen. Review your answers and click the CONFIRM button if correct. Print a copy of the confirmation number for your records. The bid status (Reserve or Non-Reserve) for some flight attendants may not be known until bids are final. Proffer results will be posted within 24 hours of bid finalization. PROFFERS MUST BE RECEIVED IN PLANNING BY 1000 Central Time, Friday, February 20, 2015 PDF SELECTIONS IDF-INTERNATIONAL NONE TO BID OPEN REPLACEMENTS-ENTER 4000. REMARKS ARE CONSIDERED IN OPEN REPLACEMENTS (NOT PDF’S) BIDDING INFORMATION IS NOW AVAILABLE ON THE FLIGHT SERVICE WEBSITE ACCESSIBLE VIA HTTP://JETNET.AA.COM FROM AAFS (FLIGHT ATTENDANT WEB SITE) SELECT CREW RESOURCES LOOK FOR INFORMATION. Attention All Flight Attendants bidding for Open Replacement Selections: The duty free pattern for open replacement lines will vary from month to month. The DFP's will more accurately support the operational needs throughout the month. The significant change that you might see would be a decrease in DFP's on the weekends. As a reminder, Preferences are awarded based on seniority. Please make sure that you back up your preferences for open replacement selections, especially if you are junior. VACATION RELIEF SELECTIONS IDF-INTERNATIONAL Reliefs are not built for Flight Attendants: On Reserve list On Vacation for the entire month Do not have at least 10 days of VC Qualifications not current at beginning of month For vacation relief bidding procedure including Remarks refer to the Flight Service Website accessible via HTTP://JETNET.AA.COM from AAFS (FLIGHT ATTENDANT WEB SITE) select CREW RESOURCES look for information. RLF SEN 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 7105 8249 6879 8380 9818 10387 10456 7809 6720 7278 5498 9101 62 89 90 106 IDF-INTERNATIONAL VACATION RELIEFS EMP NAME START END QUALS 307870 356740 141015 362126 532574 533496 450736 335411 182852 321150 164099 446926 16239 26453 54270 34669 BRADSHAW SM CHAVEZ T HAEFLI M ROSARIO MA PISAR L FRIEDHEIM I HOVANEC I WILSON RH BODELSON CE LLANOS MT DAVIES VI HONG HK ROBERSON MJ IZARD IM MILANO DE PSARAKIS RR 03/09/15 03/09/15 03/04/15 03/11/15 03/06/15 03/11/15 03/11/15 03/11/15 03/11/15 03/09/15 03/11/15 03/06/15 03/18/15 03/18/15 03/18/15 03/18/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/25/15 03/31/15 03/24/15 03/29/15 03/29/15 03/28/15 03/27/15 03/24/15 03/25/15 03/20/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 PO TFS TFS TFS TFS TFS TFS TFS P1 TFS TFS P1 TFS TFS TFS TFS SP SP PO SP PO SP 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 **** 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 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Check your HI10 for your vacation dates. PO IDF RESERVES BACK UP FLIGHT ATTENDANTS SHOULD INCLUDE SOME RESERVE SELECTIONS AND RESERVE FLIGHT ATTENDANTS SHOULD INCLUDE SOME REGULAR SELECTIONS IN THEIR BALLOT. FLIGHT ATTENDANTS TRANSFERRING IN OR CHANGING TO ACTIVE STATUS ON THE FIRST CONTRACTUAL DAY OF THE MONTH SHOULD BID ACCORDINGLY IF THEY FALL WITHIN THE SENIORITY RANGE BELOW. RESERVE BIDDING INFORMATION IS NOW AVAILABLE ON THE FLIGHT SERVICE WEBSITE ACCESSIBLE VIA HTTP://JETNET.AA.COM FROM AAFS (FLIGHT ATTENDANT WEB SITE) SELECT CREW RESOURCES LOOK FOR INFORMATION SENIORITY NUMBERS IN DECS AND THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE DIFFERENT; RELATIVE SENIORITY HAS NOT CHANGED. BACK UP RESERVE LIST Sen Emp Name Quals 6508 6520 6527 6532 6533 6541 6545 6556 6560 6561 6564 6576 6579 6597 6604 196228 196112 196291 196303 196307 185528 185732 196354 196378 196380 196390 301117 301121 196371 301182 P1 P1 PIPER LUCARELLI CHENAULT BASS BAILLARGEON CARR BAUER LASITER LAVINE SQUILLACE GALLEGO-SMITH THOMAS SHERMAN BUSICK WHITE FR SP P1 SP P1 GE 6614 6632 6633 6637 6640 6643 6644 6648 6661 6678 6709 6712 6713 6716 6719 6720 6722 6727 6728 6734 6736 6738 6739 6780 6884 6918 6927 7012 7119 7133 7284 7363 7407 7559 7631 7803 7843 8106 8213 8262 8313 8327 8342 8380 8431 8481 8553 8572 8658 8949 9040 9050 9129 9275 9300 9310 9317 301209 301265 301267 301279 122369 301301 301308 301315 301363 301410 301479 301487 301488 301491 301494 182852 72249 301530 301536 301560 301565 301570 301571 307020 307328 307402 307429 307660 307889 307900 321280 321491 321554 321742 334970 134303 335496 345450 155913 356770 356951 357009 361983 362126 362274 362409 362644 362701 371511 446616 446776 446790 446826 447323 378543 378814 450747 CASILIO CURTRIGHT VAWTER WOLTERS AKIN TESCHE NIPP LOBZA-TESCHE LOMBARD KENNEDY GARDNER MEJIAS ODOHERTY MERZ FINLEY BODELSON ONDARZA ENGLAND CASHMAN LAFFOON POST DENTON JONES STEWART POWELL HAMILTON BULLOCK SHERBERT LEAU HILL VALTER WADDELL WENCEL LEE DUNAWAY HEADLEY MCPHIE SANDLIN CUADROS MCWHIRT VALDES BRANDALESI STEWART ROSARIO LESSLEY FREDERICKSEN RANDOY MCCAIN KNOX HICKS AMANN GRANTVEDT PASEA MANAVES CARUSO POWELL TELLO-DELGADILL P1 P1 FR P1 P1 SP P1 SP PO P1 GE P1 SP P1 FR P1 JP JP GE P1 JP CM JP P1 GE JP JP KO JP JP P1 P1 SP P1 FR JP SP FR PO CM KO SP P1 P1 P1 SP PO GE JP 9459 9479 9503 9705 9730 9866 10214 10275 10350 10403 10427 10442 10456 10473 10476 10477 10481 10554 10558 10572 10585 10657 10667 10681 10689 10720 10724 10726 518981 519027 65045 532389 532421 532662 533410 456857 563704 142019 563851 563877 450736 563924 191723 387698 563954 564059 145119 564113 564166 516318 564337 532257 564394 364686 564452 564496 ARRIOLA MCAFEE MARAVENTANO OLENJACK DREW HORANY BATES INGEL PENDLETON KIDWELL WARREN HERRINGTON HOVANEC BARHAM SALVATO HERRING NAKI ASHLEY-JR HICKERSON GODWIN BARNETT CABRERA ROLFE SANFORD PEDERSON BETROU CHEEK WALTERS Sen Emp Name 10729 10761 10814 10847 10870 10872 10905 10909 10962 11010 11033 11039 11043 11058 11118 11406 11423 11425 12058 12121 12268 12279 564492 564536 564643 564715 564728 450895 564844 564851 564622 565074 565125 373964 564500 415577 579288 565580 406698 565617 593424 593561 593888 581093 SP CM CM SP P1 P1 KO P1 P1 RESERVE LIST STEVENSON HERFORD BRASLAU LOPEZ BARNES LANE SMITH MCPADDEN DENNISON KELLY CONLEY BRACY HONEYCUTT INGRAM ROSS ZIELINSKA SILVA OSTROWSKI CARDENAS EDAN LI CARRERO Quals PO CM P1 P1 GE P1 SP KO P1 SP SP CM SP 12284 12323 12381 12385 12401 12415 12710 13305 13338 13339 13341 13343 13350 13356 13373 13377 13381 13382 13384 13396 13397 13405 13409 13426 13429 13430 13442 13459 13471 13473 13477 13480 13489 13491 13493 13496 13497 13502 13528 13548 13564 13565 13569 13574 13582 13595 13597 13598 13626 13645 13661 13671 13763 13773 13813 13866 13940 472928 594001 594108 12319 594152 594184 655769 655912 644718 644744 692254 485024 644747 644746 621980 621983 621963 621989 621985 621960 621957 621902 621900 621910 621892 621901 623049 623053 623395 321747 544732 623398 623388 651885 625095 623433 623921 623385 623917 625469 625492 646311 623967 678450 625515 625571 625533 625502 686388 461655 626662 626470 629111 626384 629155 629206 632046 CHANG CM LI CM FU CM STRINGER SP LUNA-MARTINEZ SP HUANG-GERARRD CM GARDIS SP VILLEGAS SP LEI CC LEE CC FRECH CM DAHLMAN CM LI CM LEI CM LEE KO BIRCK PO MOON KO YOUNG CM LEE KO ESTRELLA P1 SP CARPIO P1 SP UM KO YOO KO CHUNG KO JOHNDRO CM YOU KO BRANDT KO LEE CM ATHERTON-IRIZARR SP GREEN SP ESCHBERGER KO BLANCO-PENDERGRAF SP DIAZ-PERLA SP GONZALEZ SP KANG-WATROUS KO YUN KO HAN KO SHIN KO KIM KO LEE KO DENG CM DUVON P1 SP LIN CM OTERO SP KERR CM KIM KO TINDALL SP HA KO SUNG KO NG-IP CC XU CM YOU KO MIN KO LEE KO LEE KO LI CC NITTA CM FR CM CM 13972 13980 14091 15002 15038 15076 15120 15128 15271 15276 15355 15389 15401 15409 15461 15469 15477 15516 15518 15523 15548 15554 15570 15579 15625 15664 15673 15684 15708 15726 15743 15774 15804 16436 16524 632963 632518 633049 666278 666270 666279 667678 667601 670689 687089 687151 687149 687120 687118 687284 687332 687283 695471 687367 687368 695524 695474 687741 695472 695469 696283 695937 696016 695683 695918 695449 696533 696268 752694 752644 CHAU CHAN YU ONEAL CUI CHEN NOLAN LIN WU GUO TAN BAI WEI TO WANG JIA FENG YU LUO JIANG POON KWAN LEUNG HAU CHEN XU LIU JIN CHEN ZHOU YAM LI YOU LU ROLLO-SILVA CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CM CM CM CM CC CM CM CM CM CM CM CC CC CC CC CM CC CM CM CM CM CC CC CM CC PO CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM JP *BOLD INDICATES PAY BID NO Reserve Credit: Bidding on to reserve with vacation or after being granted a leave of absence will not fulfill your reserve rotation obligation and you will not get reserve credit. JP CM CM JP CM RESERVES IDF INTERNATIONAL RESERVES REGULAR RESERVE 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017 6018 6019 6020 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 X X X X X X X X X M X X X X M M M X X X X X X X X X 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M X X 7 X 8 X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X M X X X X X X X X X M X X X M X X 9 10 11 12 13 14 X X X M X X X X X M X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X M X X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 15 16 17 18 19 X X X X X X X M X X M X X X X X X X X X X X M M X M X X X X M M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M X X M X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X 20 21 22 23 24 M X X X X M X X X X X X M X X X M X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M M X X X X M X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X M X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X 25 26 X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 27 28 29 30 31 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 4 3 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 6200 X 6201 X 6202 6203 3 X X 4 X X 5 X X 6 X 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 X X M X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 JP RESERVE 2 6700 X 6701 X 6702 6703 3 X X 4 X X 5 X X 6 X 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 X X M X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 KO RESERVES 2 6300 X 6301 6302 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 X X M X X X X X 1 M X X X X X X X X X X X 1 M X X X X X X X X X X X 1 SP RESERVE 2 6900 X 6901 X 6902 X 6903 6904 6905 3 X X X 4 X X X 5 X X X 6 X X 7 X 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 X X X X X M X X X M X X M X X X X M X X X X X M X X X X X 19 20 21 22 23 M X X X X X X X X X X 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CC RESERVES Two CC speakers will be required. Please bid from the regular reserve lines. FR RESERVES Two FR speakers will be required. Please bid from the regular reserve lines. GE RESERVES One GE speaker will be required. Please bid from the regular reserve lines. PO RESERVES Two PO speakers will be required. Please bid from the regular reserve lines. X=DUTY FREE M=MOVABLE THE RESERVE COUNT MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Crew Allocations Department FLIGHT ATTENDANT Schedule highlights for the month of: March 2015 (03/02/2015 – 03/31/2015) DOMESTIC ALLOCATION & POSITION DEFINITIONS ALLOCATION EQUIP POS COMMENTS 767 1-6 Basic 767, not 3-class Transcon. WBM Any VFA VMC extra positions being bid for month. Found in PVM bids. CHANGES TO THE MASTER BID SHEET. To check for changes made to the master bid sheet by Crew Allocations see HIDIR/FA/BID/ALOC/CHG. It is the responsibility of each crewmember to determine for him or her self if a change has been posted to the Master Bid Sheet. To facilitate this, enter the following.... RF 2028 NBR for domestic or RF 2029 NBR for international. You can then display the changes in which you are interested by keying "RF" and the file name shown. For example, if the file name shown is 2029 LAXI merely enter RF 2029 LAXI to see the changes for LAX international F/A’s. HOTEL INFORMATION: Allocated hotel assignments are subject to change after publication. You can get up to the minute hotel information for your flight by entering HIHTL/flight #/date/station ( example: HIHTL/256/2JUN/ORD) IN DECS. One quirk, station is the last departure station prior to the layover. OFF-LINE DEADHEADING For information on reservations and tickets for off-line deadheading see HIDIR/FA/DHD. You should check with base administration for information regarding ticketing procedures at your base. ALLOCATION/TRIP SELECTION CODES Will print between departure time and arrival time when there are 2 duty periods in a 24hr. period. = Will print between departure time and arrival time if the departure time of the first leg in a duty period is between 0001 an d 0059 local time, s inclusive or between 0001 and 0029 local time, inclusive when deadheading. t Will print between departure time and arrival time when there is an over midnight flight time condition as measured from the point of last departure and includes flight time and pay & credit. @ Printed when a sequence, which may or may not fly across midnight as measured from the point of last departure and including flight time and pay & credit, has more flying beyond the last day of a contract month which is not printed on the trip selection # Indicates that the sequence flies across midnight on the last day of the contract month, as measured from the point of last d eparture and including flight time and pay & credit, but all flying is credited within the current contract month. FR SP Flight Attendant only - Language indicator which will appear at the top of a trip selection if any leg of any sequence goes to a language destination. A maximum of 3 can show. If more language destinations are included an MX will show. A language indicator does not indicate etc. that the trip selection will be bid as requiring a language. p / * Indicates that the arrival of that duty period or flight segment is the previous day condition as measured from the point of last departure and including flight time and pay & credit. Indicates on the allocation that meal service is only scheduled in first class on this flight. No main cabin meal will be pr ovided. * between departure station and time indicates the flight segment is the first leg of that flight number. * between arrival station an d time indicates the flight segment is the last leg of that flight number. CURRENT LANGUAGES DU = Dutch JP = Japanese FN = Finnish FR = French PO = Portuguese KO = Korean GE = German SP = Spanish CC = Chinese Cantonese IT = Italian RU = Russian CM = Chinese Mandarin HU = Hungarian ALLOCATION SERVICE AND MEAL CODES Breakfast B Lunch L Dinner D Snack S Continental breakfast or breakfast snack K Food for Sale F Liquor service Q Partial liquor service X No liquor service * i March 2015 3 CLASS TRANSCONS, POSITIONS 1 -6, BASES BOS DCA DFW LAX LGA MIA SFO TOTAL ROUND TRIP BOS-LAX-BOS 0 SFO-MIA-SFO 0 IAD-LAX-IAD 0 JFK-LAX-JFK 7 5 12 JFK-SJC-JFK 0 JFK-SFO-JFK 2 3 5 BOS-SFO-BOS 0 LAX-MIA-LAX 0 JFK-SAN-JFK 0 MIA-SEA-MIA 0 TOTAL R/T 0 0 0 7 7 0 3 17 Job Comparison March 2015 vs February 2015 BOS INTL 777 BIDS 36 CHG 0 BOS 737/757 S80/319 DOM TTL IDF LAX JFK IMA IOR RDU 1512 549 965 1804 694 54 0 33 51 16 -8 75 0 DCA DFW LAX LGA MIA ORD BIDS CHG WBM DCA STL SFO 5614 0 0 167 SLT SFO TOTAL 80 0 0 BIDS 0 0 0 10 91 174 168 42 80 0 CHG 0 0 0 6 -30 0 0 BIDS 184 240 1040 532 524 640 628 CHG -8 8 84 28 64 80 -16 12 1104 78 42 99 135 BIDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 119 594 12 -12 136 3924 0 4 244 117 21 1608 CHG 0 -3 12 3 0 12 0 0 0 -3 21 BIDS 184 252 2235 784 734 861 763 0 117 276 6206 CHG -8 5 96 37 34 102 -16 0 0 13 263 BOS DCA DFW LAX LGA MIA ORD RDU STL SFO TOTAL TOTAL BIDS 220 252 3747 1333 1699 2665 1457 54 117 276 11820 TOTAL CHG -8 5 129 88 50 94 59 0 0 13 430 Purser Trip Selections March 2015 This chart will let you know how many Purser lines are on this bidsheet for your base and how many you have to bid to equal the needed 80% Ex. BOS - 767 - 11/9 = 11 total purser selections/ 9 is 80% of 11. INT BOS DCA DFW LAX LGA MIA ORD RDU SFO SLT Total 100%/80% 100%/80% 100%/80% 100%/80% 100%/80% 100%/80% 100%/80% 100%/80% 100%/80% 100%/80% 100% 86 /69 35 /28 29 /24 51 /41 38 /31 36 /29 44 /36 19 /16 49 /40 53 /43 19 /16 124 /100 777 767 48 /39 757 6 /5 13 /11 737 3 /3 13 /11 320 DOM 39 /32 8 /7 239 153 6 /5 160 185 26 /21 31 23 /19 777 8 8 /7 WBM 13 /11 29 /24 28 /23 6 /5 95 19 /16 757 0 737 0 0 320 Total 9 0 181 103 161 309 83 6 19 0 871 ii Summaries International BOSI: Six selections with the sequences placed back to back. Six selection that have a Spanish speaker requirement. IDF: Four LIM selections with the sequences placed back to back for a six day on cadence. 14 pure turnaround selections. Change of equipment on CDG and LHR during March. LAXI: Eight PVG selections, two NRT selections and six GRU selections split and filled with Hawaii flying. Two PVG selections filled with a LHR flyout sequence. Additional LHR trip effective 3/29. IMA: Change of equipment on BCN effective 3/29. One GRU selection filled with a LHR sequence. Five pure 767 turnaround selections. No mixing of FLL and MIA departing sequences within selections. Two day trips placed back to back when 14:00 hour at home rest met. Five pure Airbus turnaround selections. Thirty-seven pure 757/737 turnaround selections. IOR: Eleven Spanish and one French narrow body selections. One NRT selection filled with a six day LHR sequence. Four CDG selections with the sequences placed back to back for a six day on cadence. Two LHR selections mixed with FCO sequences. One FCO sequence in open time. Six pure 737 turnaround selections. JFK: No mixing of JFK and EWR departing sequences mixed within selections. Two day trips placed back to back within selections to the extent possible. Change of equipment on MAN trip effective 3/29. DUB service effective 3/29. MAN mixed with two CDG and one ZRH selection. DUB mixed with one ZRH selection. Two Portuguese selections split and filled with DUB and MAN. One MAN selection filled with a DUB sequence. Fourteen 757/737 turnaround selections. RDUI: Two selections with the sequences placed back to back for a six day on cadence. WBM/777 Four schedules for the month: March 02nd thru March 4th, March 5th thru March 07th, March 08th thru March 28th, and March 29th thru March 31st (30 day bid month). In addition to the schedule changes there is a DST change effective 8-March. Purity and cadence is somewhat inconsistent in both the Allocations and Bid Selections due to the schedule changes. 777 MIA: Two MIA-LAX Transcons for the full month. Effective 29-March flights 1403 MIA-LAX and 252 LAX-MIA both convert to an AF 777 which is a 2class 777. The 2-class 777 has a crew compliment of 8 FA’s therefore both MIA 777 pairings are split down to 8/2 to accommodate the aircraft change. Neither sequence can be built back-to-back due to home base rest requirements. WBM DFW: Two turns, two 2-days – four of the 2-day Selections are built back-to-back (2 on each sequence). WBM LAX: LAX has a total of 7 JFK Transcons: 292/1, 256/255, 32/19, 22/3, 180/117, 10/293, 30/185. Several of the Selections are built back-to-back for longer blocks of days off. WBM JFK: JFK has a total of 7 daily LAX Transcons: 9/118, 15/24, 33/34, 133/2, 181/4, 177/16, 21/12. Several Selections are built back-to-back for longer blocks of days off. WBM MIA: One MIA-MCO double turn operating all month. One MIA-MCO-MIA-DFW 2-day – operates all month. Two of the 2-day Selections are built backto-back. WBM SFO: SFO has a total of 3 JFK Transcons: 164/179, 20/85, 18/163 and one SFO-MIA Transcon 3-day sequence with an MIA-MCO turn on day 2. Several Selections are built back-to-back for longer blocks of days off. 757/737 For the month of March we had a schedule change on the 5th, a time change on the 8th, and a major schedule change on the 29th. This has a negative effect on the bidlines cadence and purity of the lines. Most bidlines are mixed by departure times and trip types. Below is a list of things that stick out for the month. Flying was heavier at the start of the month. BOS: 46 lines. Had to mix a few multiday trips with turns. DCA: 60 Lines. Trip types are mixed as well as times. DCA has 49 lines, IAD has 5 lines, and BWI has 6 lines. DFW: 260 Lines. Had to mix departure times tried to keep trip types together. We were able to put some 2day trips back to back. Had to mix all trip types to get lines to utilization. I kept YVR turns together as much as possible they do go away after the 5th. Some lines with 1 day off between trips due to the schedule changes. LAX: 133 Lines. Had to mix departure times in bids. 9 San bids. LGA: 131 Lines. Had to mix some departure times and trip types. Tried to put some 2days back to back. MIA: 160 Lines. 9 FLL, 4 PBI, and 0 ATL. Had to go back and add some turns into the multiday lines due to schedule changes. ORD: 157 Lines. Put some 2 day trips back to back as requested by the base. Trip types are mixed due to the schedule changes and time change. SFO: 34 Lines. Kept like trips together as much as possible. I did separate the turns as requested. SLT: 0 Lines. STL moved to all S80 per scheduling. S80/319 March is a 30 day contractual month (3/02-3/31) with schedule changes on the 5th and the 29th. There is also the time change on the 8th. DCA: There are four lines of a two day trip in BWI with a utilization of 80.53. DFW: There are 368 lines with utilization of 77.22. There are 31 speaker lines and two trips in open time which are french speakers for a total of 123 hours. LAX: A total of 22 lines with utilization of 76.25. There are nines lines in ONT and 13 in LAX. SAN: There are four lines with an average utilization is 79.51. There is a total of 107 hours in open time. LGA: All 14 lines are in EWR. The average utilization is 75.28. There are 141 hours of open time. MIA: A total of 28 lines with eight (1 mixed) speaker lines. The average utilization is 76.56. ATL: There are five lines with a utilization of 75.53. There is a total of 204 hours of open time at the end of the month. ORD: There are 41 lines with utilization of 77.51. MSP: There are four lines with utilization of 79.41 with 49 hours of open time. SFO: Four lines in SJC with utilization of 77.43. SMF: Three lines with utilization of 74.36. STL: There are 39 bid lines for the month averaging 76.57. iii
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