Lordswood Sports Club - Kent Petanque League

The First County Qualifier will take place at
Lordswood Sports Club
North Dane Way, Chatham ME5 8YE
Sunday 29
March 2015
Entry Fee is £10 per adult team player
(all junior players are free)
Registration 8:45 to 9:15
Remember the clocks go forward that morning! 
The competition will be played strictly in accordance with the
County Qualifying Competition Rules (See county website
for details) and the EPA Rules and Code of behaviour.
Teams must wear matching tops; KPA tops must not
be worn
All players intending to play must produce their
membership card at registration
For further information contact:
Andy Mills (andy.d.mills@btinternet.com )
Annette Eggleton (eggleta@ntlworld.com)
The top 12 teams will qualify to represent Kent in the
Inter Regional Championship and the Overall Winners will
be the KPA’s official representatives at the Dunkerquoise