Saint Joan of Arc 3357 Mendon Road • Cumberland, Rhode Island 02864-2112 Rectory Office Telephone: 658-2084 • Fax: 658-2086 • Website: THE REVEREND NORMAN W. BOURDON, PASTOR THE REVEREND MONSIGNOR GEORGE L. FRAPPIER, ASSISTING SENIOR PRIEST Mass Schedule Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 AM Weekdays Monday – Friday 7:30 AM Saturday 8:00 AM Office of Religious Education Grades K -10 Mrs. Francine M. Salinger, Administrator CCD Office: 658-0734 Special Religious Education (S.P.R.E.D.) Mrs. Colleen Touchette, Director • 658-1174 Sacrament of Penance Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 PM First Saturday of the month: 7:30 AM to 7:50 AM Greater Woonsocket Catholic Regional School System (Grades Pre-K through 8) 762-1095 Sacrament of Baptism Celebrated the First Sunday of the month at 12:30 PM. Please see one of the priests after Mass in Church for arrangements. New Parishioners To register in the parish, please see one of the priests after any weekend Mass in Church. SAINT JOAN OF ARC CHURCH MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM – Arthur St. Laurent by – Nancy TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2014 The 7 Holy Founders of the Servite Order 7:30 AM – Paul Gadoury by – His sister, Francine and family WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday 6:30 AM – People of St. Joan’s 7:30 AM – Michael Harrison by – Evelyn and Ron Milette 12:00 NN - People of St. Joan’s 5:00 PM - People of St. Joan’s 7:00 PM - People of St. Joan’s THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2015 Thursday after Ash Wednesday 7:30 AM - Gabriel Gadoury 26th Anniversary by - Family FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2015 Friday after Ash Wednesday 7:30 AM – Gene St. Laurent by – His wife SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2015 Saturday after Ash Wednesday (St. Peter Damian) 8:00 AM – Viniamor DelaPena by – Family Vigil First Sunday of Lent 5:00 PM – Waltar J. Polucha 1st Anniversary by – Wife and Family SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 First Sunday of Lent 7:30 AM – People of St. Joan’s by – St. Joan’s 9:30 AM – Kenneth Hogan by – Kerry and Kyle Garon 11:30 AM – Eugene Wante 6th Anniversary by - Wife and Family Sanctuary Lamp: In memory of Souls in Purgatory. CUMBERLAND, RI Lent 2015 Ash Wednesday Masses February 18 6:30 AM 7:30 AM 12:00 NOON 5:00 PM 7:00 PM There will be a collection at all Masses. (You have an envelope in your packets for Ash Wednesday) Lenten Daily Mass Schedule Monday to Friday: 7:30 AM, Saturday 8:00 AM Lenten Fast and Abstinence Regulations Abstinence from meat on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and all Fridays of Lent for those 14 years of age and older is required by Church law. Ash Wednesday (February 18) and Good Friday (April 3) are also fast days for those between the ages of 18 and 59 which means you should eat less, take no solid food between meals, only one full meal that day and no meat. Serious reasons such as one’s health can excuse a person from these rules. Rice Bowls Rice bowls are in your homes during this Lenten season. Remember this is a gift we give to the poor and a true gift is always a sacrifice. We sacrifice something in our life and give the cost of it to the poor. This is a project from the oldest to the youngest in one’s family. The collection for your Lenten Sacrifices will be taken up in a second collection at Palm Sunday Masses on March 28/29, 2015. Your donations go to Catholic Relief Services for the poor and starving of the world. Poor Boxes In addition to the Rice Bowls, we ask that you donate $1.00 or more a week to the poor box for local needs and an extra $1.00 or more a week to the poor box for our adopted mission in Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Tuesdays of Lent (beginning this Tuesday, February 24) following 7:30 AM Mass till 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross and Benediction. Stations of the Cross and Benediction Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM beginning Tuesday, February 24. Page 1 - 923 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 15, 2015 Rooted Youth Lenten Take home project…….. Daily Audio Bible (Every Lent I usually have a Lenten speaker following the Stations of the Cross on Tuesdays. I hesitated this year to arrange anything because of the continuing bad weather so I am proposing an alternate Lenten activity - listening to the Daily Audio Bible at home, in the car, on the go. I started it myself on January 1st this year) Did you know only 7% of Catholics read the Bible daily? This audio podcast is a great way to dive into the Bible! Every year, it starts January 1 and goes through December 31, taking you through the Bible in a year, about 30 minutes a day. Thousands of people around the world listen to this podcast and send in prayer requests. Each day, there is a reading from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. They use different Bible Translations each week. This is a great way to meditate on God’s Holy Scripture and a great source for God’s word in your daily life. It is February 15th, so you will have to catch up and listen to all of January and most of February but, you can listen to multiple each day until you catch up. This podcast can be obtained from any podcast smartphone app, or you can download their app, “Daily Audio Bible” from any app store on your smartphone for only 99 cents. If you don’t have a smartphone, you can listen online for free at There are many people in our parish who have been listening to this for years, and some that have just started this year, and many have said that hearing the Bible daily has completely changed their life. It also has different audio Bible presentations for teens and for your younger children. For more information about this wonderful ministry, check out their website at It is time to think about Steubenville East 2015 once again. Registration has already begun so we need to make a decision quickly in order to register as soon as possible. This year Steubenville East will be held July 17-19 at U Mass Lowell. For specific information go to <> (Very excited Fr. Jose is the guest priest! ) A $50 non-refundable deposit is due by Sunday February 22th. (I will only register those who give me a deposit, since we lost money last year on youth who changed their minds after I sent in the deposit). This Sunday February 15th the youth group will hopefully be going iceskating (weather permitting) from 5pm-9pm. leaving from St Joan's parking lot. I will be available from 4:30-until 5 PM collecting a deposit for anyone interested in attending Steubenville east 2015. Please spread the word and forward this e-mail to anyone currently in high school or entering in 2015 that you think may be interested in going to Steubenville this year. It is a wonderful faith-filled fun weekend for all! I’m looking forward to experiencing it with all of you again this year. If you have any questions please contact me, Kim Medeiros, at 658-0502. Collections Weekly 02/08/15 ..................................... $6,726.00 plus online $555.00 Poor Boxes 02/08/15 ....................................$176.00 Thank you for making up your weekly offering if you were not able to get to Mass because of the weather. Thank you for your ongoing support Religious Ed Classes Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Sundays - attend 9:30 AM Mass followed by class until 11:15 AM on February 22. No class on February 15. Parent Meeting on Sunday February 22 for Grade 2 parents in Church following the 9:30 AM Mass. Grades 6, 7, 8, 9: Mondays: Classes Mondays 6:30-7:30 PM at St. Joan’s school on February 23. No class on February 16. Grade 10 Confirmation Class: Sundays: sign in and attend the 11:30 AM Mass followed by class until 1:30 PM Classes on February 22. No class on Sunday February 15. Page 2 - 923 O’Neill Funeral Home & Cremation Services Brighton • Vera Bradley • Pandora 3751 Mendon Rd., Cumberland, RI 02864 Ph: (401) 658-3470 BLACKSTONE Body Lic. #131 • Dealer Lic. #69 12 ANN & HOPE WAY CUMBERLAND, RI 02864 Mary Ellen Rose Sales Associate C: 401.651.2254 John O’Neill, Director F: 401-725-6350 GRIME FIGHTERS Commerical & Residential Small Business • Office • Home • Apt. Nursing Homes & Assisted Living Facilities 5 STAR RATING AT HOMEADVISOR.COM Prompt Efficient Services 401-658-1155 1 Social Street, Woonsocket, RI 02895 3102 MENDON RD., CUMBERLAND DEPAULT HARDWARE CUMBERLAND PLAZA 2000 Mendon Rd., Suite 9 401-333-9855 • Fax 401-333-2046 Wallcovering • Propane Refill Station 401-225-3304 Commercial - Residentail - Industrial - Fire Alarms 21 Powder Hill Road • Lincoln, RI 401-334-9302 • Fax 401-334-9307 Rene Bisson Rainer Spiegel (AVAILABLE 24 HOURS / 7 DAYS) Auto Sales & Body, Inc. 401-334-0334 SUMMIT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. BLACKSTONE VALLEY PEDIATRIC & ADOLESCENT MEDICINE Just Kids RI 2 MEEHAN LANE CUMBERLAND, RI Monday -Friday noon - 8pm SICK CARE Saturday & Sunday 9am - 7pm 401.658.2525 “For a life worth celebrating celebrating” P: 401.769.7821 x 204 • F: 401.766.2420 747 VICTORY HWY. SLATERSVILLE, RI 2 Meehan Lane 401.769.7075 Cumberland, RI 401.658.CARE (2273) Specializing in Buyer & Seller Representation & Distressed Properties 401.333.0087 2081 Diamond Hill Rd., Cumberland, RI 02864 KAFIN OIL/HVAC Service-Sales-Installations Oil-Gas-Air Conditioning Boilers-Burners-Gas Conversions Water Heaters-Furnaces-Duct Work On-Demand & Direct Vent Systems Automatic Oil Deliveries 27 Hamlet Ave. Woonsocket (401) 765-3881 (401) 767-5577 Family Integrity & Craftsmanship Brian Hunter (401) 769-9500 Since 1874 Murray Monument & Stone Co. 9 Farm St., Blackstone, MA 508-883-8544 15-0266-4/14 Headquartered in Milwaukee, WI. Products and services not available in all states. pmCOMPUTER SERVICE D & B Landscaping, Inc. Fr Co ee Town & County nsultation Mike Lambrese Cell: 401-447-3232 SUSAN DIPARDO, DIRECTOR 334-2300 401-334-1931 • Lincoln, RI Emergency 24 Hr Svc. 401-786-2827 MEMORIAL CHAPEL FUNERAL HOME 1583 Diamond Hill Rd. Woonsocket, RI 02895 • Unique Member Benefits • Life Insurance • Simplified Issue Plans • Annuities 757 Mendon Road Cumberland The Lambrese Group Res. • Comm. • Ind. • Lic. MA & RI Fire Alarm Systems • Parking Lot Lighting Professional Full Service Electrical Contractors You Can Count On THOMAS P. MILLER, PRESIDENT S. DIPARDO Represented by Hunter Insurance Putting Catholic Values into action for over 45 years Dennis Bernardo d | Jeffrey ff Bernardo d | Brian Bernardo d EASTLAND ELECTRIC, INC. Darleen Lambrese Cell: 401-447-4400 441 Diamond Hill Rd., Woonsocket, RI 02895 762-0550 • Paul Landry Business & Personal Computer Service/Support Commercial & Residential 401-766-3443 Complete Landscape Service New Seeding & Lawn Repairs - Lawn Mowing Trimming & Pruning of Shrubs & Evergreens Prune Trees - Spring & Fall Cleanups - Snow Plowing Don Heroux Cell 401-474-9703 Parishioner Brian Heroux Cell 401-996-8989 David Towle & Son’s Excavating COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL SERVICES “Serving the community for more than 30 years” FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED • LICENSED & INSURED Septic System Design & Installation • Excavation Land Clearing • Landscaping Certified to Design & Install: Bottomless Sand Filters, Shallow Narrow Drain Fields, Fast Systems, Elgen Systems, Traditional Systems and Title 5 MEMBER A+ Rating 401-333-1909 • Cell: 401-265-8764 Pole 13, 42 Tower Hill Rd. • Cumberland, RI MICHAUD AUTO BODY 401-769-1983 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 ALL REPAIRS 100% GUARANTEED FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN THE VEHICLE 923 St. Joan of Arc, Cumberland, RI (B) FX John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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