Newsletter Gatton Laidley Catholic Parishes 1st Sunday of Lent Parish Priest: Fr Malachy Onuoha Website: Mobile: 0488 033685 Secretary: Jenny Hatcher Parish Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 9am-2pm Thursday - Closed Office (Gatton/Laidley) Ph: 5465 3131 37 John Street South, Laidley Email: 37A John Street Laidley Ph: 5465 1240 Fax: 5465 2505 Nathan Haley Our Lady of Good Counsel Principal: Year B CONTACT PERSONS PASTORAL COUNCIL Chairperson: Jan Maltry 5465 3995 Deputy Chairperson: Michael Hagan 5462 6460 Secretary: Jill Crellin 5411 4616 Parish Schools: St Mary‘s Principal: 22 February 2015 20 Maitland Street Gatton Susan Carpenter MASS TIMES THIS WEEK: Sunday: 22 February - 7am Forest Hill 9am Laidley Tuesday: 24 February - 5pm Forest Hill Wednesday: 25 February - 8am Gatton Thursday: 26 February - No Mass Friday: 27 February - 10am Karinya Saturday: 28 February - 6pm Laidley Sunday: 1 March - 7am Glenore Grove 9am Gatton Reconciliation: Saturday 21 Feb: 5.15pm - 5.45pm (Gatton) Saturday 28 Feb: 5.15pm - 5.45pm (Laidley) PROJECT COMPASSION FOOD FOR LIFE Ph: 5462 2675 SCRIPTURE READINGS - Year B Readings for this weekend Genesis 9:8-15 1Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:12-15 Response: Your ways, O’Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant Readings for next weekend Genesis 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18 Romans 8:31-34 Mark 9:2-10 First Sunday of Lent This week we meet Eric and Ma who are thriving in their homeland of Fiji, thanks to a training course that changed the direction of their lives. Twenty-five years ago, ,married couple Eric and Ma worked hard, but their farm was unprofitable. They had a very limited income and diet, until they took a training course at the Tutu Rural Training Centre (supported by Caritas Australia). Using the skills they learnt there, the couple have built a successful family life, and a thriving farm that provides them with a healthy diet and sustainable source on income. Please donate to Project Compassion today and help people in isolated areas of Fiji gain the skills they need to grow food for life. You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by visiting projectcompassion or phoning 1800 024 413. FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Brian Goodchild John & Noreen Gallagher Nathan Haley Zac MacDonald Lewis O‘Donoghue Derek & Chris Pingel Adrian & Margaret Shepley ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK We offer the mass this week for the following whose anniversaries occur at this time: Thanh Thi Nguyen Judy Ryan - Requested by the Laidley Catholic Ladies Dang Son Ha May they Rest in Peace. Amen STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS 22 February 2015 1st Sunday of Lent MEETINGS Pastoral Council Meeting Tuesday 24th February at 7pm Gatton Community Centre Liturgy Meeting Wednesday 25th February at 7pm Gatton Community Centre Finance Meeting Tuesday 3rd March at 7pm Gatton Community Centre “After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God..” Mark 1:14 Do you ever think about how difficult it must have been for Jesus to come into Galilee, knowing that John had just been arrested for teaching the same message that Jesus was proclaiming. It must have taken great love and trust for Jesus to do what the Father had sent Him here on earth to do. In the same way, following a life of stewardship takes great love and trust from us. We must be willing to surrender completely to God, trusting that God will always give us all that we need to fulfil His plan for us. PARISH NEWS and NOTICES Lent: A Holy Period to embrace God’s mercy and love The Lenten season is here! With Ash Wednesday, a 40-day holy season ushers us into a spiritual pilgrimage where we encounter and journey with Jesus, the Leader of the journey. An important aspect of this period is that, we come face-toface with some blockages in our relationship with God, ourselves, and with people around us. Remarkably, we are enabled through prayer to ‗melt-down‘ these blockages. In the gospel this weekend, Mark tells us that Jesus was tempted by the Satan. Lent offers us opportunities to arm ourselves through prayer, fasting and almsgiving against everything that pulls us down. It is a special season that enables us to embrace God‘s mercy and love, and in turn, render same to others. As we enter into this special days of repentance, recollection, renewal and reconciliation, let us pray that God will raise our minds and hearts so that we will be mindful of our thoughts, words and actions. Lent is a Holy Time of Grace! So, be part of it! Fada Malachy COMMUNION UNDER BOTH KINDS Drinking from the chalice is the preferred method of receiving the Blood of Christ because of the Lord‘s command: ―Take and drink‖. If intinction is used, it is the minister who dips the host in the chalice and places it in the communicant‘s mouth General Instruction of the Roman Missal – GIRM 286-287. (cf. Ordo 2015, p. 30) DONATION TO THE LAIDLEY PARISH We would like to announce that towards the end of last year, the Laidley Parish received a donation of $5,000 left as a bequeath from the Estate of the late Monica Anna Sippel. We would sincerely like to thank the family of Monica for this generous gift. LENTEN GROUP The Lenten program will commence this week in: Laidley = Wednesdays at 9am, Parish Office, 37 John Street Sth YOUNG ADULT LENTEN PROGRAM This Lent, a young adult Lenten program will be running in the parish. It will run once a week throughout lent for approximately hour and half on Tuesdays at 6.30pm. Those who would like to join please email the parish office at for further information. THE 100 CLUB – 50% sold! ThIs is a fundraising activity for both Gatton and Laidley parishes to raise money towards our property maintenance. There are ONLY 100 NUMBERS available in each parish. You choose your number and it is yours for the duration of 2015. You can purchase as many numbers as you like, each number costs $100 ... every week commencing March, one number will be drawn at each parish, and that person wins $100. So you can win many times throughout the year. Thank you to everyone who has already purchased numbers and sold some to their friends as well Numbers on sale after some Masses. You can also contact Adrian Shepley for numbers in the Laidley Parish 100 Club on 5465 1323 or Chris Pingel for Gatton Parish 5462 4001. LAIDLEY CATHOLIC LADIES MEETING There will be no meeting in March as the Ladies will be attending the World Day of Prayer. The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting and it will be held on Friday 10th April 2015 at 9am in the Parish Hall. Note: Change of date is due to Easter. All welcome. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER A preparation meeting for the World Day of Prayer will be held on Wednesday 18th February 2015 at the Uniting Church, Gatton starting at 10am. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER This year the World Day of Prayer has been written by The Bahamas WDP Committee. The Laidley WDP will be held on FRIDAY 6TH MARCH. Venue: Function Room, Laidley Cultural Centre. Hosted by Baptist Church. Time: Gather at 9.45am, Morning Tea 10.00am, Prayers begin 10.30am. If you are attending please provide a plate of goodies towards Morning Tea. As the day has a Bahaman theme you are invited to wear colourful attire if you wish. THE BIGGEST MORNING TEA FOR CANCER The Laidley Catholic Ladies are hosting ―Biggest Morning Tea for Cancer‖ (Devonshire Tea) commencing 10.30am on Friday 1st May 2015 in the Parish Hall. LADIES BREAKFAST will be held on Saturday 28 February 2015 at the New Hope Lockyer Church, Senior Citizens Hall, North Street, Gatton starting at 7.30am. GLEN VINES SEMINAR ―Foundation of Spiritual Warfare‖ Glen Vines, a special Warfare Teacher will be speaking at two Seminars to be held in Gatton. Friday 6th March - 6.30pm-9pm at the Christian Life Centre, Golflinks Drive, Gatton. Saturday 7th March - 9am-3pm at the Church of Christ, cnr Allan & Hickey Streets, Gatton. Please bring a plate to share for lunch. Morning and afternoon tea is provided. For more info, please contact Annie Cathcart Ph: 0401 556 215 or Yvonne Nash Ph: 5462 8607 LENTEN/HOLY WEEK/EASTER MASS SCHEDULE 2015 Ash Wednesday - 18th February = Laidley 9am = Gatton 7pm Palm Sunday - 28th March - 29th April = Laidley 6pm = Glenore Grove 7am = Gatton 9am Holy Thursday - 2nd April = Gatton 6pm Good Friday - 3rd April = Stations of the Cross = Gatton 9am = Forest Hill 9am = Glenore Grove 10am = Passion = Laidley 3pm Holy Saturday - 4th April = Easter Vigil = Gatton 6pm Easter Sunday - 5th April = Forest Hill 7am = Laidley 9am Stations of the Cross in Lent Every Thursday Every Friday = 9am Gatton = 4pm Laidley ‘STEWARDSHIP—‘Once one chooses to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, stewardship is not an option.’ ‘United States Bishops Pastoral letter on Stewardship.’ As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. (1 Peter 4:10) HELP NEEDED - Volunteers are urgently needed to help in the Lockyer District High School tuckshop. If you are able to offer any assistance, please contact the school on 5466 2333. FULL SPIRITUAL EXERCISES IN DAILY LIFE DATE: Mid March - Mid October, 2015 VENUE: Faber CIS, 111 Sir Samuel Griffith Drive, Bardon DETAILS: 30 weeks in Daily Life throughout the year For bookings/enquiries: or visit QUIET SATURDAY AT FABER IN MARCH DATE: 7th March, 2015 VENUE: Faber CIS, 111 Sir Samuel Griffith Drive, Bardon DETAILS: Communion of Saints presented by Cecilia Formby "What is the Church if not the assembly of all saints?" For bookings visit LENTEN RETREAT DATE: 13th March - 19th March, 2015 VENUE: Santa Teresa, Ormiston DETAILS: 2, 4 or 6 day individually directed silent retreat Facilitated by Fr John Reilly sj For bookings visit MARRIAGE Couples intending to marry in the Parishes of Gatton, Laidley are required to take the following recommended steps to help them prepare for their marriage. STEP 1: Invest in a FOCCUS marriage preparation. There are trained facilitators within our parishes. Please contact the Parish Office for more information and to register. Phone 546 53131 or email: STEP 2: Complete Parish Application to Marry Form—nominating Church, preferred date and time. STEP 3: Time and date will be confirmed by priest or parish office staff. STEP 4: Plan and book wedding reception, etc. STEP 5: Priest will contact couple to arrange a suitable date and time to prepare paperwork and liturgy for the ceremony. STEP 6: Wedding Day—Congratulations and may God continue to guide and bless you as you journey through your life together. CARING FOR THE SPIRITUAL NEEDS OF THE HOUSE BOUND & SICK IN GATTON AND LAIDLEY Would you like to advertise your business or service in our weekly newsletter? THIS SIZE SPACE AVAILABLE From only $ 20 per week Great advertising rates and options available. Please email the parish office for more information. Advertising rates start from only $ 11 per week with a 12 month advertising commitment. Opportunity to change your print copy on a regular basis, so you can include specific offers and promotions from your business or service. Options also available for 3 or 6 month periods. A person who is ill or house bound wishes to receive a visit from a member of the Catholic Community in the Gatton and Laidley Parishes. A person who is ill or house bound wishes to receive Holy Communion on a Sunday or another suitable day of the week, that person or a close relative needs to contact the office on 5465 3131 or email: so the arrangements can be made for this ministry to take place. BAPTISMS For future reference the Sacrament of Baptism will take place at the following times:Gatton - 1st Sunday of the Month after 9am Mass Laidley - 4th Sunday of the Month after 9am Mass To arrange baptisms please phone 5465 3131 or Email to book in for a Baptismal preparation EVENING. Next meeting: Gatton Parish: 7pm Monday 16 March, 2015 St. Mary‘s Church Community Centre, Cnr Maitland & Spencer St, Gatton. Laidley Parish: 7pm Tuesday 17 March, 2015 Parish Office, 37 John St South, Laidley. (cnr Whites Rd & John St South) THIS SIZE SPACE AVAILABLE From only $ 11 per week New to our Parish Changing address Need Planned Giving Envelopes Need Direct Debit Forms Please complete details below and place on collection plate at Mass Name ……………………………………………………. Address …………………………………………………… ……………………………………Postcode …………… Phone ………………. Email ………………………………. Parish: Gatton / Laidley (Please circle home parish.) ROSTER FOR WEEKEND MASSES Gatton: Saturday 21 February at 6pm Ministers of Communion: Shirley De Berg, Bernadette FitzGerald, Patrick Webster, Gary Chalmers, Nora Ring Readers: Beckie Jacobsen, Pat Ziebarth, Laurie Didsman Sunday 1 March at 9am Ministers of Communion: Pat Ziebarth, Pauline Brennan, Margaret Turvey, Anna Webster, Daphne Ryan Readers: Syd Thomson, Tony FitzGerald, Steve Harper Altar Servers: Liturgy of the Word for Children: 1 March: Maria Chalmers; 15 March: Beatrice Webster Altar Society: 1 March: Jenny Stephens, Wilma Hyde, Kathy Robinson; 7 March: Shirley De Berg, Joan Reimann Cleaning : 15 Feb - 28 Feb: Carol Scott, Terry O‘Sullivan, Lewis O‘Donoghue Counters : 21 Feb: Kevin Smith, Glen Kluck 1 March: Chris Freeman, Tina Van Ansem, Mary Bauer, Wilma Hyde Morning Tea: 1 March: Nora Ring & Friends; 15 March: Margaret Brandon, Patrick Webster, Brigid Webster Glenore Grove: Sunday 1 March at 7am Ministers of Communion: Tom Linnan, Pat Heenan, Rita Bichel Readers: Marie Linnan, Clare Hogan, Michael Sippel Sunday 15 March at 7am Ministers of Communion: Laidley: Tom Linnan, Michael Sippel, Pat Heenan Readers: Marie Linnan, Rita Bichel, Anne Sippel Sunday 22 February at 9am Welcomers: Jan Maltry Ministers of Communion: Joy Orrin , Nathan Haley, Mollie Haley Readers: Bev Reid, Mike Nowlan, Maureen McCarthy Cleaners: Danny & Margot McDade Saturday 28 February at 6pm Welcomers: Patsy O‘Shea Ministers of Communion: Rita Ilka, Aileen Seng, Col Seng Readers: Jan Maltry, Bev Reid, Mike Nowlan Cleaners: Jo Litzow, Christine Wilks & Bec Stock LIFE BEQUESTS - Make a gift that lives on: A gift to the Laidley or Gatton Parishes in your Will is a simple yet powerful way to impact future generations. Forest Hill: Sunday 22 February at 7am Ministers of Communion: Needed Readers: Needed PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Helena Auchter, Bronek Pianko, Monica Hocking, Steve Thelander, Ron Carroll, Carolynne Curry, Brian Cliffe, Alfonso Vidal, Darius Arnold Vidal, Mary Van Ansem, Larry Gould, Sarah McNeish, Elisabeth Maltry, Trevor Hawley, Norma Hall, Elma Portman, Gordon Browne, Louisa Longland, (Carolynn Curry‘s sister), Tim Fairchild, Iris Ewing, Kelly Roberts, Margaret Brown, Janene Cornelius, Brenda Flint, Anne Hobbs, George Farquason, Des Trebbin, Sean Martin, Patricia McMorrow, Rhonda Harding, Colin Webb, Kath Goodwin, Katy Maltry, Timothy Maltry, Margaret Vaux, Catherine and Michael Kimmings, Lil Warland, Fr Vince Reilly, Michael Smith, Marianne Kellett, Ben Beling, Carmel Porter, Lucy Kimmings (12), Peter O‘Shea, Michael Woodfield, Val Hughes, Pat Manstone, Kelly Roberts, Cate Mumford, Sienna McDonald, Kevin Trebin, Allison Corcoran, Michelle Reuben, Rachelle Panzram, Peta Linnan, Gwen Cassimatis, Suemantha Tyler, Les Long, Helen Colley, Betty Schulz, James McDade, Raymond Hearn, Ken Volk, Esmay Volk, Mary Kavanagh, Margaret Stephenson, John Williams, Amy Haines, Anna Baessler, Patrick Mkyles, WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: Ellen Hughes, Joyce McDonald, Peg Oliver, Judy Ryan, Rose Mary Bartlett, Athol Romer, Connie Durkin, Quinton James Diete, Helena King, Tony Tromp, Doreen Agnes Portley, Bernardine Cleary, Paula LeBrocq, Peter Van Ansem, Daniel Joseph Phillips, Frances & Bob Menzies, Owen Cusack, Kathleen Pomerenke, Yvonne Conroy, Julie Mary Simmons, Mervyn Knight, Thomas Cornelius O’Brien, Fr James Vincent Cahill, Catherine Murphy, Eva Grace Marsh, Agnes Dolley, Edgar John Reimann, Francis Frederick Reuter, Patty Brennan, Michael Devith Ryan, Kevin Bowe, Ursula O‘Connor, Kathleen Roache, Frank Hobbs, Bridget Dwyer, William Redmond, Curtis Sutton, Cecily Frances Ward. CATHEDRAL OF ST STEPHEN SUNDAY MASS WEBCAST ONLINE: Our own Archdiocese has a weekly webcast of the Sunday Mass 10am at the Cathedral. WORDS OF WISDOM ―Living out one‘s faith is either no way to live or the only way to live; it‘s either imprisonment, or the only path to freedom. It offers happiness, or it frustrates the pursuit. There is no half-love, half -religion, half-worship, half-belief, half-truth. There is no kinda-sorta.‖ Tarek Saab, Gut Check PARISHES WEEKEND MASS TIMES 2015 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of Month—Mass Saturday: 6:00pm Laidley Sunday: 7:00 am Glenore Grove 9:00 am Gatton 2nd & 4th Sunday of Month—Mass Saturday: 6:00 pm Gatton Sunday: 7:00 am Forest Hill 9:00am Laidley PARISHES WEEKDAY MASS TIMES 2015 (Subject to change at short notice due to unforseen circumstances) Mondays Tuesdays 5pm: Wednesdays 8am: Thursdays 9am 1.30pm Fridays: 9am 10am No Mass 1st, 3rd & 5th week Laidley; 2nd & 4th week Forest Hill Gatton 1st week Mass of the Sick 3rd week Regis Nursing Home 1st & 2nd Laidley 3rd week Tabeel MASS SCHEDULE 2015 - JANUARY TO JUNE Gatton—Laidley Catholic Parishes Date Date Mass Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Apr 4 5 Easter Weekend Gatton 6:00 pm Forest Hill 7:00 am Laidley 9:00 am Jan 10 11 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Apr 11 12 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Jan 17 18 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Apr 18 19 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Jan 24 25 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Apr 25 26 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Jan 31 Feb 1 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am May 2 3 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Feb 7 8 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am May 9 10 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Feb 14 15 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am May 16 17 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Feb 21 22 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley May 23 24 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Jan 3 4 Mass 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am May 30 31 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am FIFTH SUNDAY Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Feb 28 Mar 1 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am June 6 7 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Mar 7 8 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am June 13 14 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Mar 14 15 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am June 20 21 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Mar 21 22 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley June 27 28 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am FIFTH SUNDAY Mar 28 29 Laidley Glenore Grove Gatton 6.00pm 7.00am 9.00am Fifth Sundays: March 28/29; May 30/31 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am
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