FEBRUARY 22, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 1502 E. Wallen Road, Ft. Wayne, IN 46825 www.saintv.org Join us Wednesdays in Lent Lenten Love of the Lord Series Wednesday, February 25—6:30 PM (in the church) St. Teresa of Avila: Walking the Way of Perfection Rev. Matthew Coonan (Pastor—St. Vincent de Paul, Elkhart) Wednesday, March 4—6:30 PM (in the church) Saint Josemaría Escrivá: Footprints in the Snow Rev. Terrence Coonan, Jr. (Parochial Vicar—St. Pius X, Granger) Wednesday, March 11—6:30 PM (in the church) St. Philip Neri: Friendship with the Apostle of Rome Rev. Benjamin Muhlenkamp (Parochial Vicar—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, FW) Wednesday, March 18—7 PM (in the church) Parish Lenten Penance Service Wednesday, March 25—6 PM (Feast of the Annunciation) —Viewing of the movie “Mary of Nazareth” (in the Msgr. John Kuzmich Life Center) FRIDAY LENTEN SERVICE SCHEDULE: 5:30 pm—Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:30 pm—Mass—in the Church 7:15 pm—Stations of the Cross LENTEN RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE: Saturdays at 8:45—9:45 am Wednesdays, February 25, March 4 & 11— 4:30—5:30 pm Thursday, March 5—6:00—8:00 pm—”The Light Is On” Wednesday, March 18—7:00 pm—St. Vincent de Paul Parish Lenten Penance Service 2 N E W S & N O T E S MASS INTENTIONS Monday, February 23 *6:30 am INT Bernadette Becker 8:00 am Mary Beeler Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday, February 24 *6:30 am Deceased members of Murray/Martin families 8:00 am Michael Miller Is 55:10-11/Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday, February 25 *6:30 am John Hirschfeld 8:00 am Joseph Woenker All Mass Jon 3:1-10/Lk 11:29-32 Thursday, February 26 *6:30 am Larry Kem 8:00 am James Pulver Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Mt 7:7-12 Friday, February 27 8:00 am Cheryl Cramer 6:30 pm John Wood Ez 18:21-28/Mt 5:20-26 Saturday, February 28 8:00 am Judy Keys Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 5:00 pm John Palmer Sunday, March 1 7:15 am Martin & Margaret Braun 9:00 am Denis Mockenhaupt 11:00 am Stephen Busch 12:45 pm Eva Fritsche Anointing of the Sick 6:00 pm For the Parish (Life Teen Mass) Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10 *Chapel ANOINTING OF THE SICK We will offer Anointing of the Sick at the 12:45 pm Mass next Sunday, March 1. If you will be having surgery, have a grave/terminal illness or are elderly, please sign in before Mass in the Gathering Space. FROM THE PASTOR On this first Sunday of Lent, the Gospel speaks to us of the forty days Jesus spent in the desert, summing up in His own Person the forty years the people of Israel spent in the wilderness moving from slavery to the Promised Land. The forty days of Christ’s testing also provide the form for our own facing of temptation and the grace of sharing the Lord’s triumph over it. Toward this Easter goal, I have enclosed in this week’s bulletin a very powerful, truly inspired talk that Pope Francis gave recently to his assistants in the Roman Curia. The Curia is that network of official collaborators based at the Vatican who coordinate the various activities of the Catholic Church throughout the world. Pope Francis offered this talk as a radical examination of conscience to himself and his co-workers---and, by extension, to each of us---to reform our lives toward a deeper, more vibrant service of the Gospel. The Holy Father identifies fifteen temptations we must face---he calls them “diseases” to be cured by the Lord---if we are to live our life in Christ well, in a way that really helps others to love Jesus and His Church. The Holy Father’s wisdom provides enough spiritual food to savor for the entirety of these forty days. Please also consider organizing your Lenten schedule around the upcoming Wednesday evenings of excellent preaching and music, film and reconciliation. To remember the details of each event, post this weekend’s bulletin cover on your fridge! As I mentioned last weekend, if you go to our Parish website (www.saintv.org), you will find a link to entries of a blog I kept two years ago as I was recovering from jaw surgery after an orthodontic accident. Each reflection is based on the Lenten Gospel of the day. During the several month period of my jaw’s immobilization in a splint, my preaching had to be in written rather than spoken form. I offer to you these reflections borne of the Lord’s mercy in great thanksgiving for Christ’s healing in my life---physical and spiritual---and for His entrusting of my life to yours. Finally, please keep in your prayers the work of our Principal Search Committee. You will find a copy of my letter to St. Vincent School families introducing Committee members and inviting input for the Committee’s discernment. I also invite any other interested parishioners to offer their counsel to the Search Committee. Details for how to do so are in my letter. I have great confidence that the Holy Spirit will work through every stage of the Search Committee’s discernment to identify the best candidate to be our new Principal for the coming school year. In St. Vincent’s love of Christ, Fr. Daniel Scheidt THE RITE OF SENDING AND ELECTION Today is a big step for our Candidates and Catechumens in the Catholic Church! In the Rite of Sending, the catechumens are asked to stand before the congregation and let the congregation know that they are prepared and ready to take the next step of their journey. After agreeing, they are asked to sign the book of the elect. The candidates are also asked to stand and state that they too are ready to go to the next level. They however don’t need to sign because they are already listed (because they were issued baptism certificates from their churches). As with the first Sunday of Lent, it is the time for the Right of Sending and the Rite of Election for members of the RCIA programs throughout the country. If you attend Mass on this Sunday you may see people at the front of your church. They may be using words like Candidate and Catechumen. The next step is to go to the service with the Bishop on March 1 where each of the Catechumens are called specifically by name and presented to the Bishop. Bishop Rhoades reviews the names in the books of the elect and after again asking if they are ready, he accepts their petition to become part of the Church. The Candidates also have to say they are ready. As of that day our Catechumens are no longer Catechumens, they are the elect. On the next five Sundays, the elect and the candidates will go through scrutinies until they reach their final goal of Easter Vigil where they will enter into full communion with the church. C HURCH N EWS MAY GOD GRANT ETERNAL LIGHT AND PEACE Donald Ley, Father of Ron Ley; Kathy Pence, sister of Sean Lyons; Ken Bohnstedt, spouse of Karen Bohnstedt and father of Nolan Bohnstedt; Dorothy Goffer, mother of Philip Goffer; Nancy Gorsuch, spouse of Dean Gorsuch and mother of Mark Gorsuch; Russell Skinner; and Kenny Valerian, father of Francine Voje. BAPTIZED DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY August Rose Herron, daughter of Tylor S. and Kalissa N. (Blanchette) Herron Hudson Wallace Acker, son of Joshua R. and Gina M. (Ventura) Acker Ella Marie Krouse, daughter of Luke D. and Kathleen K. (McWhinney) Krouse Grace Katherine Purnell, daughter of Eric A. and Laura A. (Niezer) Purnell Cora Marie Ottenweller, daughter of Daniel C. and Tess M. (Pappas) Ottenweller OLIVEWOOD SALES Alfred & Grace Salsa, natives of Bethlehem, will be with us on the weekend of February 28 & March 1 with their beautiful display of the Holy Land religious items made by the Christian families who live behind the separation wall in the Holy City. Please stop by their display in the Parish Library after all Masses as you will find meaningful religious Easter gifts and many other items for different occasions. Thank you and God Bless. HAVEN’T BEEN TO CONFESSION IN AWHILE? Interested, but worry you don’t remember how to give a good Confession? No problem. Simply see next week’s “God’s Gift of Forgiveness” and “How to go to Confession” inserts for helpful guidance. Then, stop by any Catholic church in the diocese on Thursday, March 5, from 6:00-8:00 pm, for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and quiet prayer. SEMINARIAN CARE PACKAGES Winter can sometimes seem very long, especially if you are studying away from home! As part of our commitment to our seminarian students, the Vocations Committee would like to prepare "care packages" for each of them to get through some of those days when it seems like winter is dragging on! There will be a "gift tree" near the Information Center with ideas for each of the care packages. Please consider taking a tag, and purchasing the item on the tag. All donations need to be back to the church office no later than March 4. If you do not have time to purchase items, but still want to help, any monetary donations will be used to help purchase gas cards and other gift cards for the seminarians. Thanks for your help with this project! 3 ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY PANTRY The Saint Vincent de Paul Society pantry is in need of Canned fruit Peanut butter Canned pasta (ie. Spaghetti O's) THANK YOU for your continued support! May God bless you! MEETINGS OF THE WEEK Monday, February 23 6:30 pm Light Weigh—Parish Library Tuesday, February 24 6:30 am Christian Servant Leadership—Comm Rm A 8:45 am Two-By-Two—Parish Library 1:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry—Parish Library 6:00 pm Adult Confirmation—Parish Library 6:30 pm Shepherds of Christ—Blessed Sacrament Chapel 6:45 pm RCIA—Community Rooms A&B 7:00 pm 7-Steps—Parish Library 7:30 pm Respect Life Committee—Church Conf. Room Wednesday, February 25 9:00 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9:00 am WINGS—Life Center Conference Room/Café 6:30 pm “Love of the Lord” Series—Church Thursday, February 26 9:00 am WINGS II—Community Room A 6:30 pm Early Childhood Education Committee— Parish Hall Saturday, February 28 Men’s Christ Renews His Parish Weekend 9:00 am NFP Class—Parish Library Olivewood Sales after Mass Sunday, March 1 12:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Blessed Sacrament Chapel Olivewood Sales After Masses—Parish Library 12:45 pm Anointing of the Sick at 12:45 pm Mass 7:00 pm Rekindle the Fire—Parish Hall BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASSES Attendance at two Baptismal Preparation Sessions is required before your child is baptized — Session I and Session II. You may attend Session II before Session I, if necessary. Each session will begin at 7:00 pm. It is recommended that both parents attend before the birth of your child so that there will be no delay in setting a date for the baptism once the baby is born. Godparents, too, are welcome. At least one parent and one godparent must be practicing Catholics. Also, parents must be registered in the Parish. Please call the church office to sign up for your sessions. Session I (Parish Library) - March 12 Session II (Church Conference Room) - March 26 4 Y O U T H M YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR Sunday, February 22 Life Night: Marriage Night #2 6:00 pm Mass until 9:00 pm @ LC Tuesday, February 24 Lenten Mass & Breakfast—6:30 am Mass @ SC/food @ LC Retreat Prelude: 7:00 - 9:00 pm @ LC Wednesday, February 25 Mini Hour - 7:30 - 9:00 pm @LC Thursday, February 26 Retreat Prelude: 7:00 - 9:00 pm @ LC Sunday, March 1 Life Night: Persona Christi (after 6:00 pm Mass) LENTEN MASS & BREAKFAST: Every Lent, we joyfully rely less on sleep and more on Christ as we go to the 6:30 am Mass every Tuesday during Lent. We then head over to the Life Center to eat some delicious breakfast to help us get through the day. Bring your parents too if you need a ride!! And if anyone would be able to help us out by making a hot dish like a casserole or biscuits & gravy or any other dish, please talk to Sarah - we’d be ever so grateful! Thanks!! LIFE NIGHTS We talked last week about marriage as a sacrament. This Sunday we’re delving into the practical side of how to make marriage work and what not to do. We’d love to answer your questions, so take some time out to devote to your future spouse. Hope to see you there! INTO THE DEEP Our Spring Retreat, Into the Deep, is set for April 17 - 19. It’s going to be an incredible weekend to get away from your usual routine and have some time to really grow closer to Christ through talks, small groups, witnesses, skits, praise and worship music, randomness, silence and so much more. Spots fill up very quickly, so grab a retreat form from a Core member, from the Information Desk, or on our website and turn it in! Forms will only be accepted from St. Vincent and OLGH teens until March 1, when it will open up to any teen who wishes to attend. INTO THE DEEP PRELUDE Prelude is where we make all the Palancas and decorations for the retreat. We meet every Tuesday & Thursday from 7-9 @ the Life Center, so just stop by anytime you have a free moment. We’d love to say hi. LIFE TEEN ON THE WEB To stay current on what’s going on with Life Teen, especially when it gets to inclement weather, we will post notices on our FB page, our Twitter account, and our webpage: www.saintvym.weebly.com. So be sure to Like, Follow, or check us out. The Spring Retreat will be here soon, and forms are now available too, so now is a good time to bookmark it and check it out for a schedule of events and other info. CORE TEAM Have you felt God calling you to serve Him, but aren’t sure how? Maybe He is calling you to serve His teens. This is an amazing ministry and I encourage you to pray about joining the Core team. If you are interested, or if you have someone else to suggest, please talk to Sarah (435-0453) or any of the Core for more information. I N I S T R Y Coming up in Edge February 23: Two Become One March 9: Around the Table March 16: Mysterious Paths EDGE BOYS’ RETREAT Yellow forms are in the back of Church for the Edge Boys' Retreat, “You Never Let Go,” March 20-21. ALL 7th and 8th grade boys of the parish are invited for a weekend of music, games, meeting new people, discussion, powerful talks, sacraments, prayer, food, and more! Space is limited, so reserve your spot now!! For information about our EDGE Program, please contact Lindsay Klinker LindsayKlinker@saintv.org. ST. VINCENT’S AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS: FAITH, SERVICE, FUN All young ladies (ages 5 to 18 years) within the St. Vincent de Paul community are invited to attend this year’s American Heritage Girls (AHG) Lenten Retreat to be held at the Parish Life Center on Saturday, March 7 from 12:30—4:30 pm. Girls who are not currently registered members of St. Vincent’s AHG program are required to attend with a parent/grandparent or another adult family member. This year’s theme is “Thy Word.” Participants will spend the afternoon learning about the fruits of the spirit, helping others with a crafting service project and attending the 5:00 pm Mass together as a group. Cost is $3 per girl with a snack provided. Please RSVP to Holly Dailey at hollydailey@gmail.com by March 1. We invite you to spend an afternoon preparing your heart for Easter. American Heritage Girls is a Christian-based Scouting-like organization with a character building program whose mission is to build “women of integrity” through service to God, family, community and country. For information about our Life Teen Program, please contact Sarah Hill, 435-0453 or Sarahhill@saintv.org. ST. THOMAS MORE’S PRAYER (PRAYED DAILY BY POPE FRANCIS) “Grant me, O Lord, good digestion, and also something to digest. Grant me a healthy body, and the necessary good humor to maintain it. Grant me a simple soul that knows to treasure all that is good and that doesn’t frighten easily at the sight of evil, but rather finds the means to put things back in their place. Give me a soul that knows not boredom, grumbling, sighs and laments, nor excess of stress, because of that obstructing thing called ‘I’. Grant me, O Lord, a sense of good humor. Allow me the grace to be able to take a joke and to discover in life a bit of joy, and to be able to share it with others.” SCHOOL & YOUTH NEWS Religious Ed News RECONCILIATION On Saturday, March 7 at 11:00 am in the church there will be a Lenten Reconciliation Service for Sunday & Wednesday RE students Grades 3-8. Please plan to attend. GRADE 4 RETREAT FOR WEDNESDAY RE STUDENTS The retreat for 4th Grade students will be Wednesday, February 25, from 6:00—7:30 pm in the Spiritual Center. Letters for the retreat can be mailed to the church or Religious Ed Office marked to the attention of Debbie Blackburn with the students name written on the back of the envelope. A drop box will also be available at the door of the Spiritual Center on the night of the retreat. CONFIRMATION CANDIDATE INFORMATION SHEETS & BAPTISM CERTIFICATES If you wish for your child to be Confirmed, we need this information ASAP! CONFIRMATION SERVICE HOURS Service hours are due in March. Please make sure your child is working on them, so they can be completed on time! Important Sacrament Dates: CONFIRMATION: Practice (Sponsor & Student) Tuesday, April 7, 7:00 pm—Church Sacrament of Confirmation Wednesday, April 8, 7:00 pm—Church FIRST COMMUNION: Retreat – Saturday, April 11, 7:45 am—noon – School First Communion - April 26, 12:45 Mass and May 3, 12:45 Mass (or at any Mass on the weekend of May 2/3 by written request to Debbie Blackburn) 5 YOU CAN LEND A HAND FUNDRAISER! Please help support St. Vincent de Paul School. The annual "You Can Lend A Hand" coupon book sales for diocesan schools is underway. You can purchase a booklet from any St. Vincent student, or stop by the school office. The coupon books are just $3 and have over a $100 value with offers to: Burger King, Chili's, Fort Wayne Komets, and Fort Wayne Mad Ants. This is an important fundraiser that has raised over $13,000 for our school. Please support this cause and help improve our children’s education by purchasing a "You Can Lend A Hand" coupon book now through the end of February. SCRIP NEWS—EARNINGS STATEMENTS We are currently working on calculating the year-to-date TIP profits for each and every account in our system. We’ll get earnings statements out to everyone via email within the next few days. If you’ve purchased SCRIP this year, and your email address is in our system, you should receive an email from us indicating your TIP profit earned so far this year. (NOTE: if you donate your TIP to another family, the earnings statement will go to them instead.) Please watch for your statement to arrive; if you don’t receive one and you were expecting to, please call us. Also, if you do receive your statement and have any questions about it, please don’t hesitate to contact us: Danielle Ball or Margee Tippmann – SCRIP office – 489-3537, ext 234 or scrip@saintv.org. Thanks so much for your support of SCRIP this year! MARKET DAY Our March sale is on March 12, with orders due by March 6. Get a FREE 4-pack of ChicNSteakes with a $90 purchase and MARBONUS in the promo code box. It is also yummy dessert month! A great selection of cakes and pies! Questions, please call Eva at 490-9329. RE CALENDAR Preschool February 22 March 1 Sunday February 22 March 1 Wednesday February 25 March 4 Preschool Preschool RE-- Stations of the Cross, Grades 7&8 RE RE—4th Grade Retreat - 6:00 - 7:30 pm, Spiritual Center RE HUNGERING FOR A BETTER LIFE Our journey with CRS Rice Bowl begins in Tanzania, where a simple soybean is changing lives! What actions can you take this Lent to change lives—at home and around the world? AFTER SCHOOL CARE NEEDED Looking for immediate after school care for my 10, 12 & 14 year old children. Responsibilities may include assisting with homework, transporting to activities, serving a light meal, and light house duties (folding laundry). Please call 260-515-3858 ASAP if interested. 6 M I N I S T R Y YOU DID IT FOR ME After being abandoned by her husband, a mother and her children were living on the streets, struggling to make ends meet and provide food for the family. She came to Catholic Charities for assistance, not knowing where else to find food. The food services she received stabilized her family's situation and helped her realize the job training resources available to help her get back on track. "I wouldn't have a full-time job if it weren't for Catholic Charities," she said. "I am so grateful." THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY This is a letter from a mother who received “Miss Virginia’s Christmas Dinner”. I would like to give a huge THANK YOU!! to all the Christmas Helpers. It was a big blessing! I was having a hard time with food, that Christmas wasn’t a thought this year. Thanks to your wonderful help we not only received a wonderful Christmas but also, what was probably our best meal ever! This has been one of the hardest years of my life! Thank you for not only making Christmas wonderful for my family, but also for reminding me that no matter how hard this world is, the hearts in this world are bigger! You have been an angel this holiday and (I) pray God blesses all with many returns! Thank you again! - A Renewed Mother Thank you, St. Vincent Parishioners for always giving so generously! - Suzy Beard EYEGLASS COLLECTION During Lent, donate your old eyeglasses, including sunglasses, to the Lions Club (basket in the WEST church entrance by the restrooms). They will be refurbished and distributed free to those in need. FR. DAN’S LENTEN BLOG Look for and click on the icon on our website, saintv.org, to view Fr. Dan’s daily Lenten blog—Lenten Healing & Conversion: Daily Gospel Meditations on a Medical Odyssey Happily Completed. HOLY HOUR FOR VOCATIONS The Holy Hour for vocations to the priesthood and the sanctification of priests, will be held at the St. Mother Theodore Guerin Chapel, next to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, on Tuesday, March 3, at 7:00 pm. Bishop Kevin Rhoades will preside and preach. All are welcome. L I F E Christ Renews His Parish The Christ Renews His Parish weekend offers you a rare opportunity to reflect on where you are now and where you are going in your relationship with God and others. Come, take time out of your busy life to meet with and get to know others in the parish. All men and women over age 21 are invited. Men’s Weekend: February 28-March 1 (T.J. Charland @ tjchar88@aol.com or 443-3571) Women's Weekend: March 14-15 (Mandy Keller @ mschloemer@gmail.com or 567-224-0487) “I came to the retreat in really bad shape, mentally and spiritually. I was struggling in my prayer life because of all the rough times I was going through. I was unexpectedly touched and moved by a segment of the retreat that I thought, not being a Catholic, didn't involve me at all... I can just say this, God has showed me one more time that he loves and still cares for me, and he works in a mysterious way that I don't understand, I just have to surrender and trust in him. My faith is growing day by day as I have the assurance of the presence of God by my side.” “The ‘Christ Renews His Parish’ weekend gave me the chance to focus on my relationship in Christ in ways I had never experienced. It sparked a greater desire to seek His presence both personally and, especially, as a community.” PRAYER SHAWLS AVAILABLE We currently have a nice selection of prayer shawls available for giving. A Prayer Shawl can be given to someone who is in need of prayers – someone who is ill – at home or in the hospital, someone who has recently lost a loved one, someone who has moved away from family & friends, an individual with cancer, a long-term illness or depression, someone recuperating from an accident, someone suffering from loneliness, someone who needs comfort… and the list goes on and on. There is no cost involved except the time it takes you to pick one out and deliver it. A prayer shawl combines needlework and prayer into a tangible, unconditional symbol of care, concern, and celebration. God’s joy weaves its way through people’s lives, touching, healing and comforting shawl-makers, shawl-givers and shawl-receivers. Prayer shawls are available in plastic bins located in the cupboard under the Information Center located in the gathering space. Instructions for taking one are with the prayer shawls. If you are interested in a different color or shape, please call Marilyn Fischer at 489-6917. If you knit or crochet or would like to learn how, you are welcome to join us in this ministry. We meet every three weeks on Tuesday from 1:00—3:00 pm. Our next meeting will be held Tuesday, February 24 in the Parish Library. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Sunday, 12:00 pm—5:30 pm and Wednesday, 9:00 am—5:30 pm P R I N C I P A L S E A R C H 7 February 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday Principal Search Committee Members: Biographical Profiles Dear families of St. Vincent’s, Jamie Lancia, Chairman of the Principal Search Committee I am writing to share with you details of the formation of the Principal Search Committee for our Grade School, which will discern our Principal Sandra Guffey’s successor, in preparation for her retirement after sixteen years of dedicated service at the end of the school year. I am a devout Catholic and married to my loving wife, Katie, of 9 years. Our lives have been blessed with three wonderful children, who continue to amaze us every day. I am the Vice President of Construction at Lancia Homes Inc. and a past President of the Home Builders Association. I currently serve as a State Director for the Indiana Builders Association, a member of the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity, and President of the St. Vincent's School Board. The Search Committee is chaired by Jaimie Lancia, the President of our School Board. The faculty and staff of the School elected Amy Johnson and Bea Royal to represent them, and our School Board members chose Dustin Tirpak as their delegate. I have also appointed Conda Schenkel, Prof. Matthew Smith, and J. Fred Tone to the Search Committee for their long-standing and multi-faceted professional expertise in education. Biographical profiles of the Search Committee members are included. The Principal Search Committee will work in close coordination with the Diocesan Catholic Schools Office, which provides the structure for the discernment process. The Catholic Schools Office has formulated a survey instrument to gain input from the St. Vincent’s community to assist the Search Committee in their task of identifying the best candidate to serve as Principal of our School. Amy Johnson I am married to my husband Ryan and have three kids: Ryan (6th grade), Marie (4th grade) and Jude (Kindergarten). I have taught Kindergarten for 11 years, six of those at St. Vincent's. It gives me great joy to teach the Catholic faith, to go to Mass and pray with my students; I love watching them grow in faith! My children attend St. Vincent de Paul School---where I also attended as a child---so I truly know the value of Catholic education. I feel incredibly blessed to teach with an amazing staff at our wonderful School. Beatrice Royal Our family has been blessed to receive a Catholic education for each of our seven children, all graduating from St. Vincent de Paul School. We have valued the partnership with the School in raising our children in the faith. I have been teaching at St. Vincent de Paul for 11 years and have benefited spiritually from Here is where we need your help: The five-question survey teaching in this community. With support from our Diocese, I am will be accessible as a link on our website (www.saintv.org) currently pursuing a Masters degree in Educational Leadership through the University of Notre Dame. I believe Catholic from Friday, February 20 to Monday, March 2. All members of the St. Vincent de Paul Parish community are education is a valuable contribution to the gospel mission of the invited to provide their best counsel via this survey. If you Church. do not have easy access to a computer, our staff in the Parish Office can provide you with personal and confidential help in completing the survey. Conda Schenkel ultimate recommendation to me. It is my hope that the new Principal will be identified by the Search Committee and introduced to the St. Vincent’s community by mid-May, before the end of this school year. Dr. Matthew Smith generations to come. I am confident that the Lord will provide generously for us under the guidance of His Holy Spirit in the years ahead through your continued loving support. Dustin Tirpak I have been a member of St. Vincent’s Parish for 30 years. My husband and I have four children and 12 grandchildren---all members of St. Vincent's. I graduated from Ball State University All of the input received by March 2 will be forwarded to and obtained my Masters degree from Indiana University. For the Catholic Schools Office for compilation and distribution 30 years I have been an educator, the majority of those years to the Search Committee to assist their discernment and teaching at St. Vincent’s School. I am a Fort Wayne native, a graduate of St. Vincent De Paul School, and currently serve as Vice President of Institutional Advancement at the University of Saint Francis. In my 14 years at USF, I have served as Chair of English and Foreign Languages, Finally, I ask you to keep this whole process in your Director of General Education, and Dean of Arts and Sciences. I constant prayer throughout the season of Lent. The have 19 years of full-time experience in higher education and selection of a new Principal is among the most important currently sit on the boards of Science Central, the Downtown events in the life of our Parish and will influence the lives Improvement District, and the Central YMCA. I am proud to of countless students and families, teachers and staff, and serve the School that shaped me during my first eight years of the whole community in and beyond St. Vincent’s for education. In St. Vincent’s love of Christ, (Rev.) Daniel Scheidt, Pastor I am a 1996 graduate of St. Vincent de Paul Grade School, a lifelong resident of Fort Wayne, and a member of our Parish for about as long. I am happily married to my wife Laura, and our - Biographies continued on page 8 8 MISCELLANEOUS Principal Search Committee Members: Biographical Profiles— continued from page 7 Continuation of Dustin Tirpak life revolves around our three year old son, Will. As a practicing attorney with the firm of Rothberg Logan & Warsco, I specialize in medical malpractice defense litigation. J. Fred Tone I have spent 42 years at Bishop Dwenger High School, serving as a history teacher, Admissions Director, Dean of Students, Assistant Principal, and---for the last 16 years---Principal. I also served as football coach and wrestling coach for 27 years. Currently retired, I frequently substitute-teach at four Catholic grade schools, including St. Vincent's. I have been married for 48 years to my wife Sandra. We have two adult children and six grandchildren. It is an honor and privilege to serve on the Principal Search Committee. VOICES OF RESTORATION Wednesday, February 25, 7:00—9:00 pm University of Saint Francis, North Campus Auditorium (2702 Spring Street, Fort Wayne) Decades before bringing the Bridges to Life program for reconciliation between victims and offenders to Indiana, Misty Wallace was a victim – not only of a shooting, but of the fear, isolation, and resentment that came with it. Today, her life is defined not by the crime committed against her, but her response to it. Come listen to a story of transformation. Then, find your voice, and the voice of the community, as we determine what is needed to heal from social harm through the framework of restorative justice. For more information please visit http://www.diocesefwsb.org/jail-ministry, or contact Audrey Anweiler, (260)969-9146 or aanweiler@diocesefwsb.org. RETROUVAILLE Is It Too Late To Save Your Marriage? – Retrouvaille ('re-trō-vī) has helped tens of thousands of couples at all stages of disillusionment or misery in their marriage. Some couples attend at the first sign of problems. Some have grown apart. Others have been ripped apart by a marriage crisis such as infidelity, financial problems, abuse, addictions, etc. This program can help you. There are still a few openings for this next weekend, February 27— March 1: call 317-489-6811 or email: register@RetroIndy.com or visit the web site at www.HelpOurMarriage.com. OUTDOOR STATIONS OF THE CROSS DAILY DURING LENT Available 8:30 am—4:00 pm, Monday—Friday During Lent, individuals or groups are welcome to walk the outdoor Stations of the Cross on the property of Victory Noll. Please sign in at the front desk at the Victory Noll Administration Building. Station booklets will be available for those who wish to use them. Contact Victory Noll Center, 260-356-0628. DIOCESAN WOMEN’S RETREAT Saturday, March 21 from 10:00 am—7:00 pm at St. Felix Catholic Center in Huntington, IN. Cost is $20, which includes lunch and a simple dinner. Information and Registration link at http://www.diocesefwsb.org/Adult-FaithFormation. SEMINARY LIVE-IN AT PONTIFICAL COLLEGE JOSEPHINUM On March 12-14, the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio (7625 N. High Street), and the Office of Vocations, will host a College Live-In for young men who are juniors, and seniors in high school, or college students who are interested in knowing more about seminary life. The Live-In schedule will include a tour of the campus, discussions, meals and prayer with the college seminarians, attendance at classes, and time for recreation. There is no charge for the weekend. For further information please visit www.discernpriesthood.com. Attention teens and parents: The Ignited Retreat has been scheduled for March 6-8 and promises to be another fantastic weekend for teens from all over the Diocese. Don’t miss this opportunity to encounter the risen Christ in a deep and transforming way; come grow in your faith with hundreds of other high school teens, great priests, brothers, nuns, adult leaders, musicians and more. Visit www.IgnitedRetreat.com to watch the video and learn more. Register soon, because spots are filling fast. See you there! MAXIMILIAN, SAINT OF AUSCHWITZ Tickets for the matinee (1:00 pm) and evening performance (7:00 pm) of “MAXIMILIAN, Saint of Auschwitz” on Saturday, February 28 will be available after all Masses this weekend, February 21 & 22. University of St. Francis Robert Goldstine Performing Arts Center (431 W Berry St, Fort Wayne). Cost is $10 for Lower General Seating and $5 for Upper General Seating or $15 for a family in the Upper Level. Checks should be made payable to the Diocesan Seminarian Vocation Fund. Sponsored by Redeemer Radio and Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. (For more information, visit www.stmaxdrama.com.) 9 MINISTRY SCHEDULE Feb 28, 8 AM Feb 28, 5 PM Mar 1, 7:15 AM Mar 1, 9 AM Mar 1, 11 AM Mar 1, 12:45 PM Sternal, Geraldine Sternal, Sheryl McComb, Francie McComb, Ted Alfeld, Joann Swaim, Robert Voje, Francine Voje, Neil Lauer, Randy Walsh, Laurel Brady, Matthew Dimberio, David O'Brien, Daniel Todoran, Michael Frantz, William Grant, William Niezer, Bernard Roherty, Daniel Freson, Paul Leffers, Timothy Siman, Joseph Sorg, Jeffrey Wilder, Scott Garwood, Duane Gerardot, Todd Hodges, Kelvin Hodges, Yvonne Scheumann, David Tomlinson, Deborah Tomlinson, Robert Zoretich, Michael Zoretich, Sheila Dumford, John Hilger, Eli Tucker, Katie Yolevich, Rose Anderson, Leah Garcia, Justin NOT FILLED NOT FILLED Hudson, Tyler Sarrazine, Joseph Sarrazine, Johnathan Schreck, Benjamin DeGroote, Spencer Rohloff, Grace Wagner, George Wagner, Gus Bowman, Christian Cortezano, Sabrina Meyer, Nick Stroud, Mackenzie Lead Server Yolevich, Sam Beeber, Jack Reith, Danny Hagar, Chris Stroud, Colin Lector Dumford, Amy (1) Von Rohr, Robert (2) Johnson, Christopher (1) Trout, Marti (1) Johnson, Marna (2) Talbott, Michael (2) Noll, Kevin (1) Trego, Mary (2) Stroud, Marianne (1) Lauer, Bobbi (2) Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Alderdice, Monique Berkshire, Mary Buescher, Bob Buescher, Monica Kawka, Chuck Kiraly, Sandra Lehman, Molly Lehman, Terry Ley, Ronald McCarthy, Linda Piropato, Len Voors, Nancy Welch, Vicki Welch, Craig Lybrook, Stephen— Captain DeCook, Gordon DeCook, Cynthia Filler, Jeannine Garcia, Joseph Lyons, Sean Lyons, Denise Schanbacher, Mitchell Schanbacher, Thomas Schanbacher, Lisa Schanbacher, Alexandra Jones, Thomas - Captain A'Hearn, Chad A'Hearn, Melissa Brown, Joseph Ehlerding, Mary Kay Fox, Kevin Jackson, Phyllis Knepper, Joe Marshall, John Schmidt, Geri Schreck, Michael Swaim, Teresa Trout, Mark Vickery, Nancy Waldschmidt, Edward Heiny, Debbie - Captain Heiny, Martin - Captain Blackburn, Brien Blackburn, Deborah Burns, Sheila Byrne, Leslie Casiano, Lori Dougherty, Kathleen Dusseau, June Fean, Thomas Knepper, Diane Minnich, John Moreau, Paul Pequignot, Robert Roy, Dan Schuerman, Dorothy Noll, Rhonda - Captain Becker, John Cook, Scott NOT FILLED Fisher, Elise Kearney, Katie Nieuwlandt, Amy Nieuwlandt, Brian Wolf, Suzanne Arnold, David - Captain Arnold, Ann - Captain Lallow, David E Schanbacher, Thomas Sorg, Kevin Smith, Darryl Lane, Sarah Greeter Usher Server Sacristan Anthony, Isabel Bailey, Addison Didier, Joe Strzelecki, Erin Schafer, Mary Friday, Mar 6, 6:30 PM—(Mass/Stations of the Cross) Servers Braeden Noll / Noah Wilder / NOT FILLED / NOT FILLED PARISH STAFF Pastor ............................................................ Fr. Daniel Scheidt Parochial Vicar ......................................... Fr. Andrew Budzinski Parochial Vicar ........................................ Fr. Polycarp Fernando Deacon ............................................. Deacon James Fitzpatrick Pastoral Associate ..................................... Dorothy Schuerman Pastoral Associate ...................................................... Julia Thill Business Administrator .................................... Tom Schuerman School Principal .................................................. Sandra Guffey School Assistant Principal ................................ Elizabeth Kleber Dir. of Religious Education ............................. Debbie Blackburn Director of Music .................................................. Tony Andorfer Facilities Manager ............................................... Bruce Cadwell Youth Director ............................................................. Sarah Hill Youth Director .................................................... Lindsay Klinker Parish Secretary ................................................ Mary Berkshire Parish Secretary ................................................. Marie Andorfer Parish Secretary .................................................... Geri Schmidt Parish Nurse/Homebound Ministry ....................... Deb Andrews Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson ...................... Dan Rohloff Rectory Housekeeper …………………………...... Corrine Boyer TELEPHONES Church Office…Hours: 8:30—4:30 pm M - F ......... (260) 489-3537 Church Fax .......................................................................... 497-9405 E-Mail .................................................................... church@saintv.org Religious Education Office .................................................... ext. 204 Youth Ministry Office ............................................................. ext. 228 Director of Music ................................................................... ext. 210 Wedding Coordinator Rhonda Noll .................................... 341-1249 Development Director Linda McCarthy ................................ ext. 247 Scout Lodge ........................................................................ 489-1763 Prayer Line Laurie ............................................................... 755-0816 Mary ................................................................. 483-4369 Lector Kevin Noll BULLETIN DEADLINE Items should be e-mailed to bulletin@saintv.org by Monday at 9:00 am. MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 am, 12:45 pm and 6:00 pm Life Teen Mass Weekday: Monday—Thursday: 6:30 am and 8:00 am; Friday: 8:00 am and 5:30 pm; Saturday: 8:00 am Holy Day: WILL BE ANNOUNCED Holiday: 9:00 am SACRAMENTS Reconciliation—Wed. 4:30 pm (priests must finish by 5:30 pm). Sat. 8:45 - 9:45 am or anytime by appointment. Baptism—Sunday following the last Mass; also baptisms may be scheduled during Sunday Mass. Baptismal Catechesis is required prior to baptism. Matrimony—Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Sick and Communion Calls—Please keep us informed of the sick and homebound, particularly when there is serious illness. ST. VINCENT de PAUL PARISH SCHOOL (1720 E. WALLEN ROAD) A Catholic education for children (grades K-8) Office Hours ........................................................... 7:15 am-3:15 pm School Office, Mary Tess Roof.................. (260) 489-3537 ext. 213 School Attendance Line, Ellen Ryan ..................................... ext. 214 School Kitchen ....................................................................... ext. 220 School Secretary, Kathy Palmer ............................................ ext. 212 NEW PARISHIONERS Registration for new members is held on the second Sunday of the month following the 9:00 am Mass. CATECHUMENATE— We welcome persons interested in embracing the Catholic faith. Please call the church office.
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