SERVING GREATER SPRINGFIELD SINCE 1892 FEBRUARY 2015 | VOL. 28, ISSUE 1 EXPECTATIONS WWW.HOPE4SPRINGFIELD.ORG HOPE FOR TODAY...TRANSFORMATION TOMORROW Your Gifts and Prayers Are Inspiring Hope! Inspiring Relationships that Heal The friendship of “The Five” is a testimony to the power of the Holy Spirit to inspire forgiveness, healing, encouragement, and life change! “I was a mess and it was scary,” admits Derek, who came here to the Rescue Mission as an absolute last resort when he’d lost everything that mattered to him—including his family. “My choices had put me in a position that I never thought I would be in,” Derek remembers. But here, he began to find the healing—and the hope—he’d been missing for a long, long time. He also met a few friends to help him along his journey to rehabilitation. They’re known by staff and guests as “The Five,” and their story inspires hope for many others they meet who suffer hunger, hurt, and homelessness. “A lot of us are friends here,” says Elliot. “But actually the five of us are close. And yes, we talk to everyone,” he smiles. But just last year, Elliot had no friends, no hope, and nowhere to go but up. Continued on page 2. OPERATION HOPE TOTE 2015 Our annual Hope Tote campaign provides daily essentials such as soap, toothpaste, and shampoo to the poor and homeless throughout Greater Springfield. Since 2003, tens of thousands of Hope Totes have been shared with men, women, and children. And this year’s Operation Hope Tote is an exciting collaboration between the Springfield Rescue Mission and friends like you, your church, schools, businesses, and organizations. 1 Tote Bags 3 Drop Off Use an empty grocery bag or Hope Tote bag from the Rescue Mission, or box up large quantities of like items. Contact Julie for bags at or 413-732-0808, ext. 114. Bring your filled bags to Springfield Rescue Mission, 19 Bliss Street, Springfield, MA, by April 15 or soon thereafter. Thank you for inspiring HOPE! Continued from page 1 2 Fill With Items 4 Pray Fill the bag with items that will bring hope to those living in crisis. Use the Toiletry Item List (see on back of the enclosed reply slip). Write a note of encouragement and prayer for the person receiving the tote. The Friendship of “The Five” “I was drinking all the time, got in trouble, then jail,” Elliot says. But thanks to the Rescue Mission and the relationships he formed here, Elliot found his way to a better future. “These guys helped me out—and it was awesome.” Mark also needed that same kind of help in a big way, but he says, “The Rescue Mission taught me that if you put your trust in God, everything is possible with Him!” Matthew couldn’t agree more. “I struggled with heroin and alcohol for 14 years,” he says, “The Bible teaching here has shown me how to get rid of my old ways and rely on God. You’ve pointed me to Jesus, and that’s just what I needed to change my life.” Keith adds, “My faith continues to grow daily!” Through relationships forged at the Rescue Mission and supported by caring hearts like yours from our community, “The Five” have found new life . . . and real hope! “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” —Matthew 18:20 NIV 2 | WWW.HOPE4SPRINGFIELD.ORG Mark Your Calendar: Spring Activity Saturday, April 4, 2015 Easter at the Rescue Mission At this year’s festive Easter Banquet, we expect to serve over 500 men, women, and children at the Rescue Mission. Volunteers are needed to prepare, serve, and deliver meals. Breakfast is at 7:00 a.m. Deliveries go out to the elderly and disabled at 2:00 p.m. Dinner is served at 4:00 p.m. Please visit to learn more or email us at Foundations to Build On The Rescue Mission recognizes the generous foundations whose commitment to Springfield’s poor and homeless has made them valued partners in 2015. • Bank of America Foundation • Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts • First Niagara Bank • Liberty Mutual Foundation • Mifflin Memorial Fund • Peoples United Community Foundation • United Way of Pioneer Valley • Walmart Foundation • Mary Collins Moynahan Foundation • Virginia and Earl Jahn Foundation • Carris Reels Corporate Foundation • Phyllis E. and Donald G. Campbell Foundation • Frances Cooper Trust We are grateful for their compassion—and for every member of our community like you who chooses to make a difference to the less fortunate through the Springfield Rescue Mission. Graduation Invitation The Board, Executive Director, and Staff of The Springfield Rescue Mission Cordially invite you to attend the Men’s New Life Program Graduation Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. Pioneer Valley Christian School 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA R.S.V.P. by May 1 Julie Barnes, 413-732-0808, ext. 114 Please reply with number of guests attending. Thank you! Easter Needs Between now and Easter Sunday, we plan to serve more than 12,000 meals, including 500 or more men, women, and children on Easter alone! Easter Meal Needs Include . . . hams, butter, potatoes carrots, green beans frozen vegetables rolls, eggs, pancake mix syrup, juice, milk sausage, bacon, salt/pepper sugar, seasoning, gift cards for food needs And since it costs the Rescue Mission just $1.92 to provide a meal to someone in need, your gift today can make a crucial difference this Easter! So send your generous Easter gift today, or to provide any of the items above, contact us for more information at 413-732-0808 or Thank you! 3 We’re Moving! Dear Friend, The Springfield Rescue Mission is a Christ-centered ministry that for over 123 years has served the spiritual and physical needs of men, women, and children in this community. With support like yours, we offer hot meals, safe shelter, a chance for rehabilitation and renewal—and the inspiring hope of Christ. And because this is a community wide ministry, I urge you to join me in prayer as we seek to serve the least, the last, and the lost this Easter season and beyond. As our ministry has progressed through the years, it has been increasingly difficult to provide critical services in our Bliss Street facilities. Well before a casino was even proposed for Springfield, we had been looking to relocate to a larger and more modern facility within the South End that would allow us to better meet the needs of those we serve. While we explored a number of locations within the South End, the former Orr Cadillac parcel was the only site that truly fit our needs. We look forward to working with our neighbors and City officials to completely renovate this long-dormant facility so that we may continue providing the type of care and support this community has come to expect from the Springfield Rescue Mission. I know God will continue to bless us as we reach out to those who need us this Easter season and beyond. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Thanking God for you, Ronald Willoughby Executive Director/CEO Springfield Rescue Mission 19 Bliss Street | P.O. Box 9045 Springfield, MA 01102-9045 413-732-0808 fax: 413-732-5512 Visit us on the web at: Email us at: No person is denied services based on race, creed, gender, or nationality. MISSION STATEMENT The goal of the Springfield Rescue Mission since 1892 is to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the hungry, homeless, addicted, and poor by introducing them to Christ and helping them apply the Word of God to every area of their lives. “Just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” —Romans 6:4 NIV “That was the beginning of my salvation . . .” “During Lent about 5 years ago,” Springfield Rescue Mission volunteer Greg Clark recalls, “I got in my car, turned on the radio, and heard a message about the Springfield Rescue Mission looking for volunteers. So I called and I said I’d like to come down and do some volunteering. I started helping to cook and serve breakfast to the residents every Tuesday and Wednesday. The amazing thing is that you go to give to the Rescue Mission, but I got so much more in return! You can donate your used cell phone, ink and laser cartridges to the Rescue Mission! Like us on hope4springfield Follow us on @hope4spfld “That was the beginning of my salvation, Greg Clark, SRM volunteer of wanting to know more about the Bible, thirsting for the Bible. And I think that’s what the Springfield Rescue Mission is all about—bringing people to the Lord!” Praise God for hearts like Greg’s and friends like you for your compassion in action! SPR0307NL1 Our newsletters are sent in appreciation to friends who have supported the Mission financially within the last 24 months.
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