Feb 22, 2015 - St. Catherine of Sienna Church

Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, New York 11010-3692
Parish Social Ministry
Interim Coordinator
Maureen Miedreich
Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi
Faith Formation
Debbie Hurley
Associate Pastors
Rev. Allan Arneaud
Rev. Johnny Mendonca
Rev. Charles N. Srion
Music Director
Jennifer Wells
Priest in Residence
Rev. Jose Luis Tenas
Dennis Canese
Marion G. Dreyfus
Joseph Benincasa
Frank Gonzalez
Parish office: (516) 352-0146
Parish FAX: (516) 326-7427
Faith Formation: (516) 354-4554
Social / Outreach: (516) 775-0840
VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.stcatherineofsienna.org
Sunday Masses
Parish Membership
Saturday: Saint Catherine Chapel-Sienna Center 5:00PM
Sunday: Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center
7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, 1:00PM
& 5:00PM (Spanish)
ALL are welcome to join our parish family; please REGISTER
on the First Sunday of the Month at the Pastoral Table after
Mass or anytime at the Parish Office. We invite you to be part
of our Parish Ministry through various groups and activities.
Weekday Masses
Adoration: Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center
Every Friday after 8:00AM Mass to 9:00PM
and 24 Hour Exposition every First Friday
Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after 8:00AM Mass
Monday through Saturday: 8:00AM
Parish Office Hours (990 Holzheimer St.)
Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM—8:00PM
Friday: 9:00AM—7:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM—4:00PM
Sunday: 10:00AM—1:00PM
Parish Social Ministry Outreach Hours
(995 Lutz Street)
Monday through Friday, 11:00AM-1:00PM
Thursday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Additional hours by appointment only.
Anointing of the Sick
Communal Anointing of the Sick on Thursdays during the
8:00AM Mass. Please notify priest if family member is sick
at home. Emergency Sick Calls: Call 352-0146
Celebrate Baptism
We welcome Children & Adults to Catholicism through
Baptism. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements.
Children: Baptism Celebrated First & Third Saturdays of
each month at 12:30PM.
Baptism Preparation Class: 2nd Tuesday of each month at
7:30PM (pre-registration is required).
Adults: Adults to be Baptized (or Confirmed) are
invited to call the Parish Office for assistance.
Parish Prayer Life
Parishioners with Special Needs
The Church, Saint Catherine Chapel and Sienna Center are
accessible through doors on right side of the Church where
buildings meet. The Sienna Center is also accessible through
its front doors and has an elevator at ground level for upper
and lower levels (left side of staircase) allowing access to
Church as well.
Assisted Listening Devices are available for the hearing
impaired. Please ask an usher if you need one.
Special Needs Advocacy: Dr. Priscilla O’Connell may
be reached by calling the Parish Social Ministry Office at
775-0840; contact if you have other needs to be addressed.
Mass For Those with Special Needs is celebrated on the
3rd Saturday of each month at 3:00PM in Saint Catherine
Chapel-Sienna Center.
Professional Therapy & Counseling
Family, marriage, and individual therapies, provided by
New York licensed therapists, are available to our parish.
Call Dr. Giuliani, Catholic Counseling Ctr., 631-243-2503.
Celebrate Marriage
Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon
before making your social arrangements.
Reconciliation (Confession/Penance)
Every Saturday: 4:00PM-5:00PM
February 22, 2015
5:00 PM
Feb. 21– St. Peter Damian
Travis Richards
Salvatore Impennato
Anthony Letteriello
Margaret Villanueva
For The Intention of Yuri True
For The Intention of Rocco Musaccia
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM
Feb. 22 - The First Sunday of Lent
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Feb. 23 - St. Polycarp
Mrs. Gertrude Dufort
William Mossbrugger
8:00 AM
Feb. 24
Gloria & Mark Bednar
Rosa Zerillo
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Feb. 25
Thank You For Prayers Answered
Phyllis Maida
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Feb. 26
Francesco Cervini
Jacques Thomas
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Feb. 27
Marvin Vadnais
The Intention of Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Furnari
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Feb. 28
Maria Vezza
Kelly Covello
Mary Elizabeth Grugan
For The Intention of Alberto Laquer
Melvin McLeod
Krystyna, Michal, & Helena Tyszkiewicz
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM
Mar. 1 - The Second of Lent
For The People of the Parish
Rosa Zeppieri - Anthony Ortiz
Anita Caldarera
Grace Ottomanelli - Teresa Leo
Mass in Spanish
For The People of the Parish
Joseph Tetro - Patrick James Herrity
Ignatius Byrne
Paul Brito & Ignazio Sanfratello
Mass in Spanish
PRAY for DECEASED and their Families:
Catherine Rivera, Antoinette Calabrese,
Jean Russo, Consuelo Martinez
During Week of February 22
will burn
For the Priests of the Parish
with love & prayers from: Friends
will be used at all Masses
In Memory of Peter Patterson
with prayers of: Mary Patterson & Family
Work We Do To Help Others This Week Is
For the Priests of the Parish
with prayers of: Friends
Host Family/Individual:
Rosely Simon
The Fromann Family
PRAY for those serving in MILITARY
Sgt. Patrick Brady
Maj. Thomas Babbitt
PFC Erik Jacobsen
Maj. Catherine Babbitt
LCpl. Michael P. Kelly
Capt. Shaun R. Cullen A.N.G.
Cpl. Thomas R. Kroez, Jr.
M. Sgt. Peter Jacobsen
Sgt. Michael Salemi
Lt. Col. Christopher Congalise
Cpl. Christopher Montes
Lt. Col. Andrew Phillips
Cpl. Joseph Blaikie
Robert Vitale
Esn. Anthony Patrick Huskisson
ET3 Peter J. King
A1C Phil Gautiere
E3 Thomas Mannle
Lt. John Debonis
Chaplain Col. Msgr. Mark Rowan
Sgt. Robert Thornton
PRAY for the SICK:
Michael Reddington, Arlene Milano,
Susan Thornton, Joseph Pecora,
Theresa DePalo, Niki Zisel, Fran Sall,
Gilbert Lozada, Debbie Klein Balderama,
Catherine Rojas
As members of Saint Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Parish, we are committed by our Baptism to spread the
teachings of Jesus Christ by living our faith in loving service to all people. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and through
worship and prayer, we use our time, talent and treasure, to nourish the soul, care for the needy, minister to
the alienated, nurture the children and WELCOME all people into our community of faith.
Scriptural Reflection for the Week
“[Baptism] is not a removal of dirt from the body but an
appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ…”. (see 1 Peter 3:18-22) Here
we have our Lenten journey before us. Our Baptismal day
freed us from the grasp of original sin and made us
adopted children of God. But as His children, still suffering
the effect of sin, we rebel against God and the demands of
love – Because of this rebellion, we allow our consciences
to be dulled to the serious effects and consequences of
sin. In effect, we have made peace with our sinfulness.
We no longer want to battle and overcome it through
Christ. But now, in Lent, we strive once again for this
“clear conscience” which is the ability to distinguish between good and evil. Sacred Scripture and the Teachings
of the Church as noted in the Catechism of the Catholic
Church form a clear conscience. Your conscience can only
be your guide when it is guided by these sources of morality. Otherwise, right and wrong become very subjective.
What I consider right you may consider wrong and vice
versa. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Easter, proves
the Truth of Jesus’ words, deeds and teachings. We
journey during these forty days of Lent from a situation
where we tend to fool ourselves by making sin appear
harmless to acknowledging how dangerous it really is
when we measure it against the life and love that only
Jesus taught and lived. Christ, risen from the dead, is our
life and hope. By the light of His Resurrection we seek to
live with a clear conscience, never confusing selfishness
and sin for selflessness and sincere love.
“Do This In Memory of Me”
We welcome Father Tony Stanganelli who is preaching
at all Masses this weekend on our Lenten theme in
preparation of our Retreat Night on Tuesday, March 3 rd
with Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski.
Lenten Examination of Conscience
 What is my attitude to Confession? Do I sincerely want
to be set free from sin, to turn again to God, to begin a
new life, and to accept Jesus as my Saviour? Or do I
look on it as a burden, to be undertaken as seldom as
Is my heart set on God, so that I really love Him above
all things and am faithful to His Commandments? Or
am I more concerned about the things and temptations
of this world?
Is my faith in God firm and secure? Am I wholehearted
in accepting the Church’s teaching? Have I made time
to grow in my understanding of the faith, to hear and
read God’s Word, to listen to instructions on the faith,
to avoid dangers to the faith?
An Act of Contrition
“Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Resumption of 8pm Saturday Mass
will be on March 21st due to the need to have
additional Masses while the Church building is
unavailable. Spread the word!
Joint Pastoral Council and Finance Committee
Meeting Regarding Church Repairs
will be held on Wednesday, March 4th to discuss
funding for our church repair project which is
expected to be in the six figure range. Also, there is
the need to integrate this funding with the annual
Catholic Ministries Appeal. Both consultative bodies
will consider the best methods to accomplish our
goal. I especially want to thank those few parishioners who have already made donations to the Church
repair project of four figures. Your support and
understanding is very much appreciated.
One Final Thought
“Loves does not measure; it just gives.”
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
or “speaking about Parish funding & finance”...
We demonstrate being good stewards of our Parish by
sharing our blessings through our weekly offertory gift,
and as donors of special funding for others in need.
Sat. 5:00PM SC
Sun. 7:30AM SC
9:30AM SC (Family)
11:00AM SC
1:00PM SC
5:00PM SC (Spanish)
Received by Mail
Received thru Faith Direct
Last Week’s Offertory
Last Week’s Collection Total:
Average Weekly Parish Expenditures: $32,000
lit · ur · gy
n. a form of public worship;
a collection of formularies for public worship;
the celebration of the Eucharist
Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish
February 2015
(Month of Passion of Our Lord)
Stations of the Cross
March 2015
(Month of Saint Joseph)
Second Sunday of Lent
Family Mass - Level 6
Parish Lenten Retreat
Stations of the Cross
Scripture Readings for
the NEXT SUNDAY. . .
Second Sunday of Lent
Reading I - Genesis 22: 1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18
Reading II - Romans 8: 31b-34
Gospel Mark 9: 2-10
For weekday readings visit our diocesan website at
www.drvc.org and go to THE DAILY READINGS
Prayer Corner
God of Love,
through this Lenten journey,
purify my desires to serve you.
Free me from any temptations to judge others,
to place myself above others.
Please let me surrender even my impatience
with others,
that with your love and your grace,
I might be less and less absorbed with myself,
and more and more full of the desire
to follow you, in laying down my life
according to your example.
Why is Eucharistic Adoration Important ?
Part 3
By Rev. Johnny R. Mendonca
One of the other problem we often hear is the lack of time, especially with so much
work to do for God and His people. Some ask, "Can we really justify the luxury of
spending time in private prayer? Wouldn't it be better to spend that time, say,
visiting the sick"? To answer that question, let me once again refer to Blessed
Mother Teresa. The whole world knows that Blessed Mother Teresa's sisters
devote their lives to seeking out and caring for the most helpless and abandoned
of the poor, the sick and the homeless. Most of the world knows and admires
the work of Mother Teresa's sisters, but I doubt that many know about the prayer
life of their community. Each day, before they go out into the streets to find the sick
and the dying, Blessed Mother Teresa's sisters spend two to three hours in prayer,
participating at daily Mass and in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Once a well
-meaning critic asked Blessed Mother Teresa how she could justify her sisters'
spending so much time in private prayer instead of using that time to serve the sick
and the poor. Blessed Mother Teresa replied, "If my sisters did not spend so much
time in prayer, they could not serve the sick and the poor at all". Their prayer
before the Holy Eucharist is the source of the strength and all that is needed to
carry out their extremely difficult apostolate.
The love of God must be expressed and strengthened so that love of neighbor
might flow from it. One time when Blessed Mother Teresa was visiting the United
States, a group of American women asked her what they could do to help her in
her work. Blessed Mother Teresa replied, "The greatest help they could give her
would be to spend one hour each week in silent adoration before the Blessed
Sacrament". That is good advice for us too.
Sometimes those who object to Eucharistic adoration complain that adoration is
too much "Jesus and I". They charge that adoration intends to be selfish, turning
our thoughts and attention inward instead of reaching out to others. Again, an
obvious response is to look at Blessed Mother Teresa's sisters and just to mention
the time they spend in private prayer and adoration. I doubt that anyone can match
their concern for their neighbor, especially for the most desperate of the abandoned. Who would dare to call their work selfish? Any parish that has Eucharistic
Adoration in his will testify that the regular adorers are among the most active
members of their parish. From my own experience, I know that active adorers are
very often, also the most active pro-lifers in the parish.
In 1996, Pope John Paul wrote a letter commemorating the 400th anniversary of
the Forty Hours devotion. He wrote this: "Closeness to the Eucharistic Christ in
silence and contemplation does not distance us from our contemporaries but on
the contrary, it makes us open to human joy and distress, broadening our hearts
on a global scale. Anyone who prays to the Eucharistic Savior draws the whole
world with him and raises it to God". Obviously, there is nothing selfish about
Eucharistic Adoration.
Some of the mistakes about personal devotions and private prayer, I think, are
rooted in a misreading and misunderstanding of Vatican II. One of the main thrusts
of Vatican II was its emphasis on the social nature of man, and consequently of
the church. Man is a social being. He lives in a community – the family, parish,
city, nation, and world. In the "Constitution of the Church in the Modern World",
Vatican II declared that the role of the church is not to oppose the world, not to
conquer the world but to work with the world to improve it. Carrying this social
concept into the realm of worship, Vatican II issued the Constitution on the Liturgy,
emphasizing the social and community nature of the worship of God. This document, probably the most visible results of Vatican II, had the greatest impact on the
everyday Catholic. These changes were all aimed at a greater understanding and
participation in the liturgy by the faithful. Community participation has always been
the ideal but it was not easily accomplished.
Despite the difficulties in the early days after Vatican II, we can say that now, the
social nature of the worship of God and community participation in the liturgy is
generally acceptable.
( To be continued )
I Domingo de Cuaresma
Edición n° 1
Todos los domingo a las 5:00 PM, por favor no faltes e invita a otros a asistir a la
Santa Misa
Charla pre bautismal: Todos los terceros viernes de cada mes, a las 7:00 PM. Lugar: Mt. Carmel
(pequeño salón ubicado dentro de la misma parroquia). Por favor, hacer una cita previa a la charla
durante la semana en la oficina parroquial con el P. José Luis Tenas. No olvides traer contigo el registro
de nacimiento del niño/a
Celebración del bautismo: Todos los cuartos domingos de cada mes a las 6:00 PM, o inmediatamente
después de misa, por favor quedarse a escuchar misa
Baby Bottle Campaign
The Saint Catherine of Sienna
Respect Life Committee will be holding a
baby bottle campaign again this year during the Lenten
Season. It’s a way to collect “change for life” for The
Life Center of Long Island. The Life Center facilities
offer pregnancy testing, sonograms, counseling and
support to women and families who are experiencing
an unplanned pregnancy. Baby bottles will be
distributed the weekend of February21st & 22nd. Take
your baby bottle home and drop loose change into the
bottle as an offering for Lent. Bottles will
be collected the weekend of April 11th &
12th. This is an opportunity for families to
reverence, love, and respect all
God’s creation.
The waters of Baptism make us part of the new
covenant in Christ. The Bishops’ pastoral letter
on stewardship reminds us that “there is a
fundamental obligation arising from the
sacrament of Baptism...that people place their
gifts, their resources - their selves - at God’s
service in and through the Church.”
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our
parish whose giving - whether of alms, time or
service - will be an expression of gratitude for
what the Father has given them.
Lenten Reflection
The Office of Communication for the Diocese of
Rockville Centre wants to make it easier for you to
have access to updated events and information.
LOG ON to drvc.org at www.drvc.org/bulletinboard.
Where are you focused more on “ you” than
God? Are we going to use the forty days of
Lent as a retreat – making time for prayer and
to be more reflective?
Parish Lenten Retreat
Tuesday, March 3rd, 6:30-9:30PM
The retreat begins with Mass at 6:30PM
Followed by
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,
Confession and a Lenten Meditation
presented by
Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski.
24 Hour Adoration
Friday, March 6th
with a special
Night of Prayer
11PM - 6AM
Led by Father Johnny
All parishioners are welcome and encouraged to attend
these prayerful events .
Saint Catherine of Sienna
Our pantry is always in need of peanut butter, jelly, tuna fish, canned meats, canned fruit,
prepared jarred spaghetti sauce, juice, cereal, coffee, soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, deodorant,
razors. Please keep in mind that regular size items are most needed by those we serve in our
This week we are especially in need of:
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Remember, if you are in need of assistance, we are here for you. All information is kept strictly confidential.
Call us at 775-0840 EXT 412.
Thank you to our generous parishioners for being the hands of Christ to those who are in need!
“When I was hungry, you fed me.”
Matt 25:35
“Evenings of Respite”
We welcome all parents /guardians with special needs children/young adults to take a couple of hours to themselves while we enjoy your special needs children and their siblings. We invite your children to spend time
with our trained and enthusiastic volunteers. They can play ball in the gym, enjoy games, painting, puzzles
and arts and crafts. We will also have pizza and chicken fingers for dinner. Our next evenings are:
March 13, 2015
May 29, 2015
Stations of the Cross
Fridays during Lent
2/27/2015 @ 7:30PM
Will be led by
Morning Star Youth Group
Sharing faith through the
eyes of our Catechists:
Join your fellow parishioners in prayer during Lent.
Faith Formation
Level 6 Mass
All sixth grade students and their families are
invited to attend Mass on:
Sunday, March 1, 2015
9:30 am
Saint Catherine Chapel - Sienna Center
This is an opportunity to participate in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation as part of your Lenten
Levels 3 & 4 - Saturday, February 28th
12:30 pm in the Sienna Center
Levels 5 & 6- March 7th
1:30 pm in the Sienna Center
Level 7 - Thursday, March 19th
Level 8 - Thursday, March 12th
7:00 pm in the Sienna Center
Level 8 Confirmation Retreat
The schedule for retreat has been mailed home.
If you have not received your child’s retreat
information, contact the Faith Formation office
354-4554 ext. 303.
I began teaching in 2007 children
who did not make any of their
sacraments. I’ve taught other
grades and now I am a teacher of
8th grade Confirmation classes. I
try to combine part of my classes
with "real life" experience. I let
my children speak their minds - on
or off topic because I believe that
sometimes these kids need to be
heard, and they do have some
amazing observations. I started my
first class with Faith - I told them I
have a great faith but faith can't be taught - it
has to be felt and lived - almost enjoyed. "Faith
is not only believing that God can - it's
KNOWING that He will." I try to instill in them
the beauty of prayer - going to God in their
darkest moments and happiest times - knowing
that it is God in all things and knowing that when
we feel the most alone - God is always there
and he loves us. We may not get what we want
immediately but God knows what is good for us.
I also teach them to be good people - do things
for others - speak to a kid who no one talks to - I
tell them it's okay to do it quietly - just do it - for
God. My favorite part of the program is the Faith
Conversations - seeing them interact with an
adult in their life - OUSTANDING. I do feel for
those kids who never bring anyone - I always try
to fill in. Knowing they are prepared for their
Confirmation - the day they are welcomed fully
into the community of St. Catherine's is my
Annie Karcinski
8th Grade Catechist
A poem of Home of Peace for Children and
their families :
Just for a Minute
I remember when I was only four
encouraging families and individuals
to pray daily in the home
Mother would bring me ‘round to the store,
And just outside of the church she’d stand,
And “Come in,” she’d say, reaching down for my hand,
“Just for a minute.”
And then when I started going to school
She’d take me there every day as a rule,
But first the steps to the church we’d climb
And she’d say, “We’ll go in, you’ve always got time,
Just for a minute.”
When I got bigger and was seven years old
I’d go out by myself, but was always told,
“When you’re passing the church, don’t forget to call
and tell Our Lord about lessons and all,
Just for a minute.”
And now it’s sort of a habit I’ve got,
In the evenings coming from Casey’s lot,
Though it takes me out of my way a bit
To slip into church with my hat and mitt,
Just for a minute.
There are things inside of me, bad and good,
That nobody knows and nobody could,
Except for Our Lord and I like Him to know,
And He helps, when in for a visit I go
Just for a minute.
This program promotes daily praying of the
Rosary. Started in 1987 by a parishioner devoted
to Our Lady of Fatima and praying of the Rosary, it
has touched hundreds of families and individuals
over the years. A ‘pilgrim’ statue of Our Lady of
Fatima travels to a home, delivered by a member of the parish,
and displayed to inspire praying the Rosary and other prayers
DAILY. There are specific prayers led by the person that delivers and picks up the ‘pilgrim’ statue and a booklet with prayers
for use by those that gather in the home to pray throughout
the week.
The CUP OF PRAYER reminds us that daily prayer is
important. The CUP has traveled throughout the
community to the home of families and individuals.
This program was initiated in 2010 by a group on a
pilgrimage hosted by our parish that visited Ars, the
home of Saint John Marie Vianney, the Patron of Parish Priests.
The cup was presented to the parish to encourage increased
daily prayer in the home. Through this prayer program intentions are presented for needed vocations to the priesthood, for
our parish priests and their intentions, for our parish family,
and for the intentions of those that pray in the presence of
the cup. The CUP is presented at weekend Mass of your choice;
the family or individual receives a blessing witnessed by those
in the assembly. A Cup of Prayer booklet provides suggested
He finds it lonesome when nobody comes
(There are hours and hours when nobody comes)
And He’s pleased when anyone passing by
Stops in (though, it’s only a little guy),
Just for a minute.
I know what happens when people die
But I won' t be scared and I'11 tell you why:
When Our Lord is judging my soul I feel
He'11 remember the times I went in to kneel
Just for a minute.
There are still many
current dates available
Sanctuary Lamp,
Bread & Wine,
Please consider this special way to honor
a loved one, living or deceased.
Faith Formation Students, please take this page to class
Name_________________________ Grade Level___________ February 22, 2015
Use the clues below to help you to answer the questions.
Prepare and don’t worry,
just believe in the Gospel
Find and circle his words in the word search.
Use the code cracker to find out.
990 Holtzheimer Street
3-6 yrs
11-14 yrs
7-10 yrs
SUMMER FUN for Everyone!
Chinese authorities
refuse to release body of
deceased 'underground'
Catholic World News - February 09, 2015
Chinese government officials have not returned
the body of the late Bishop Cosma Shi Enxiang
“At Camp Sienna we recognize that each child is a unique gift
from God. We create a safe, supportive, and fun summer
environment where every child can make memories
and build lasting friendships.”
to his family, probably because of fears about
June 29th—August 7th
On January 30 a government official revealed
(Closed July 3rd in observance of Independence Day)
the reaction among the Catholic faithful, the Asia
News service reports.
that Bishop Shi—who had been held incommunicado for almost 14 years—had died at the age of
Regular Day:9:00am-3:00pm
Extended Day: 9:00am-6:00pm
94. But when his relatives pressed for release of
(DON’T MISS OUT!!! We’re filling up fast!)
Bishop Shi had been arrested on April 13, 2001.
Summer is a time to enjoy …
have fun, experience something new, make new
friends in a faith based atmosphere!
Come for the entire season of 6 weeks OR
select the weeks that work for you
OR join us for the day.
Rates: Special All Season, Weekly, Daily
For information regarding Camp Sienna’s prices, enrollment
and deposit policy please call:
Phone (516) 352-0146 ext. 403
Email: campsienna@stcatherineofsienna.org
his remains, other officials claimed that they
knew nothing of his death.
Since that time the government had not released
any information about his condition or his whereabouts. No charges against him were ever revealed.
Asia News, in a report on the case, notes that in
the past, when a deceased bishop’s body has
been released to his relatives, there have been
indications of torture or starvation.
“underground” Church loyal to the Holy See,
Game Truck
spent 52 years of his life in prisons and labor
camps because of his resistance of government
control over the Chinese Catholic Church.
Camp Sienna is inspected by the Nassau County Department of Health twice
yearly. Inspection reports concerning such camps are filed at 200 County Seat
Drive, Mineola, NY.
If you wish for us to send you a statement of
your contributions to Saint Catherine’s Parish
for 2014, please email your request to:
parishoffice@stcatherineofsienna.org or call
Our Welcome Desk at 516-352-0146 ext. 400.
Kindly have your envelope number ready when
you call.
The story behind Pope Francis' surprise visit to a Rome shantytown
Vatican City, Feb 10, 2015 / 05:47 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis made
a surprise stop at a shantytown on his way to celebrate Mass at a Roman parish
Feb. 8 – a “secret” plan that only the pontiff knew about and which prompted
tears of joy from residents.
“We forgot that we can cry also for joy. We cry for shame and for suffering.
Today, we remembered that we can pray for joy. This was the best day of our
lives.” According to Gianna Iasilli, who spoke with CNA Feb. 10, these were
the sentiments of those who live in the “Arcobaleno” shantytown, where
Pope Francis made a stop on his way to celebrate Mass at the Roman Parish of
San Michele Arcangelo Feb. 9. A member of the Sant’Egidio community, Iasilli
was one of three representatives from the community who accompanied 30 of
the shantytown’s inhabitants to the papal Mass. After stopping briefly at the
town itself, Pope Francis met with the 30 individuals in the parish hall before
Mass began. Built in the 1930s, the block where the town is located was constructed as a provisional allocation for
those evicted from their homes in downtown Rome following the restructuring of the city by early 20th century Prime
Minister, Benito Mussolini.
Pope Francis' visit to the Arcobaleno “was a visit that the Holy Father left a secret, truly a secret. No one knew,” Iasilli
said, revealing that the Pope had asked his driver to stop at the town’s address while on his way to the parish. She noted
that when the Pope arrived he couldn’t find the shanties, and had to call the parish priest for additional directions. Once
he arrived, the Pope was greeted by a mainly Latin American group, as they live closest to the entrance. Francis greeted the group in Spanish, asking how many of them spoke his language. His question was met with a resounding
“todos!” meaning “all of us!”
In addition to Latin Americans, the shantytown is also inhabited by Ukrainians, Romanians, Poles, Eritreans and Russians. Of these, the Ukrainians and Romanians “are the least well off,” Iasilli said. Among the 30 shantytown inhabitants
present at the parish for the Pope’s Mass were all nationalities except for Latin Americans and Eritreans. The encounter
between the Pope and the Arcobaleno dwellers “was a significant gesture that showed depth and mercy,” Iasilli noted,
revealing that the Pope came into the parish hall before Mass and closed the door, before asking for each of them where
they came from. “It was very moving. They were moved. Many are alcoholics, many live in the shanties or sleep on the
streets. They live in front of shops, looking for a bit of warm air at night,” she said, and recalled how Pope Francis asked
to know which ones lived on the streets. She said that some of the participants in the papal encounter don’t have places
to stay in the town, but are too embarrassed to return to their own countries. Many used to work, but have lost their jobs,
she noted. Many who were present in the papal audience asked for peace, including the Ukrainians and the Russians,
who said that while they live side-by-side in the town, their countries are at war.
Iasilli recalled how Pope Francis told them that “he prays for peace every day between the nations.” Several individuals
approached the Pope asking for prayers, including a man who had hurt his hand. When he asked for prayers for his healing, the Pope took his hand “and prayed at length” for his recovery. There was also a former mercenary who had fought
in Afghanistan that asked the Pope to forgive him for his sins and for “not having loved.” He bowed before the Pope, who
blessed him. Pope Francis also offered his blessing to a woman who asked forgiveness for having “greatly sinned.” The
Pope, Iasilli noted, “told her that we’re all sinners. She repeated it and he blessed her.” Many also asked for prayers
regarding their health, because “if you get sick on the streets, it’s very difficult.”
Upon hearing that many of the people in the audience and in the Arcobaleno suffer from violence, including alcoholism
and arson fires that destroy their homes, the Pope told those present that people call them homeless, “but without saying
your names.” The encounter, Iasilli said, “was very moving because it was so profound,” and noted that there was “a
sense of mystery” in everyone. Sant’Egidio has been working with the shantytown for 15 years and is on a first-name
basis with many of the inhabitants. In additions to offering showers in a local parish where the homeless can get new
clothes and sheets, the community brings dinner to the town every Tuesday and Thursday.
The Pope thanked the community for their “generosity and patience,” and told inhabitants that he gives them “courage
from the Holy Spirit because your lives are like ash. When the fire goes out the ashes remain. But if the wind blows, the
fire is rekindled. That wind is the Holy Spirit.” Despite the difficult reality of those who participated in the encounter, the
Pope’s visit “was a gesture that helps us to understand that we’re able to change the cities to make them more united,
more human, so they can be more inclusive to the people,” Iasilli said. She recalled how the Pope told them that
Rome must rebuild itself “from the peripheries. Only in this way is a city able to start over. If we exclude the poor, we
exclude God.” Iasilli also spoke about the recent Vatican initiative to include showers for the homeless in the bathrooms
of St. Peter’s Square.
Calling the move a model of “revolution,” she said that the act serves as a sign that “it’s possible for everyone if it’s
possible for the Vatican and for the Pope.” “The city and the way we live should be rethought and also how we should
live with more solidarity,” she said. To live with the poor “is a great joy. This I can bear witness to. Being a friend to the
poor brings joy. It’s a great joy to be with the poor.”
Friday & Saturday
Date: April 17th – 18th, 2015
“Funny Girl” at the
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre
Angels on the Road is proud to present “Funny Girl” at the Dutch
Apple Dinner Theatre. Enjoy a fabulous 2 day trip in Lancaster, PA with a
sit down luncheon at the homestead of the Stolzfus Family as they share
their stories of the Amish Life.
Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation ,1 Night Hotel Accommodations at the Heritage Hills Golf Resort
1 Breakfast, 1 Amish Home Cooked Luncheon, 1 Dinner at Dutch Apple Dinner
Theatre, 1 All You Can Eat Dinner Buffet
See the show “Funny Girl” at Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre, Visit the Biblical
Tabernacle, Visit Kitchen Kettle Village
Visit the Bird – N – Hand Farmers Market
All Taxes and Meal Gratuities
Price: Quad $269.00pp Triple $279.00pp Double $299.00pp Single $359.00pp
Make checks payable to AMAZING DESTINATIONS
For More Information Call Maryann
(516) 352-0082 or (516) 209-2256.
Don’t Wait - Call Today. This show will sell out fast!
Part-Time Job Opportunity at Catholic Charities –
Diocese of Rockville Centre
Part-time Driver – Meals on Wheels Program, Freeport, LI
(19 hrs./wk. – Need flexible availability
from 9 am – 2 pm, Mon. – Fri.)
We are seeking an experienced delivery driver who is familiar with South
Nassau routes to deliver meals to homebound seniors while monitoring
and reporting any changes in their physical, emotional or mental
status. HS/GED and a valid NYS Driver’s License required. Our ideal
candidate will have at least 2 years’ experience as a delivery driver and
demonstrated knowledge of vehicle maintenance. Solid communication,
organizational and client service skills are needed.
Email resume and cover letter of interest
to: jobs@catholiccharities.cc or fax to: 516.733.7038.
Please include “MOW Driver” in the subject line of your email or fax.
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Rockville Centre
“Care With Dignity; Life With Hope”
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Saint Catherine of Sienna
Lenten Soup Super
An evening of prayer and of praise
March 26, 2015
Parish Auditorium
For May 2nd SAT Exam
Course will be held on the following
February 28
March 7, 21, & 28
And April 18 & 25
9:00—11:30 a.m. in Marian Hall
St. Dominic High School
Course fee: $250.00
For more information call
Mrs. Stutzmann
@ 516-922-4888 ext. 5241
February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015
“Dancing on the Head of a Pin:
The Angelic Doctor on Angelic Natures.”
A Workshop on Angels
The Seminary of the Immaculate Conception
440 West Neck Road, Huntington
For more details call
March 19, 2015
American Legion Malverne Post 44
AC Trip Bally’s Casino
Tickets $40.00
For more information call
Bob Guarneri @516-483-5631
John Hassett @ 516-887-7473
Holy Name of Mary Church
55 East Jamaica Ave. Valley Stream
NY 11580
An 8 week bereavement program is
planned for Tuesdays at 7:30PM in the
Outreach Office of Holy Name of Mary
Church beginning in March. This program,
led by professionals and leaders having
experience with grieving and group
processes, offers support for anyone who
has experienced the death of a spouse,
child, parent, sibling, relative or friend.
There is no fee for this program, but we
would appreciate it if you would call Holly
Name of Mary Parish Outreach Office at
516-825-0177 to register.
Cure of Ars Church
2323 Merrick Ave
Merrick NY 11566
Phone# 516-623-1400
Mission Schedule
Sunday, March 1st
Monday, March
5:30pm: Mission Talk - Presented by Fr. Dwight
9:00 am: Holy Mass 9:45 am: Mission Talk 7:00 pm: Holy Mass 7:30 pm: Mission Talk 8:30 pm: Confessions
Presider, Fr. Dwight
Presented by Fr. Dwight
Presider, Fr. Dwight
Presented by Fr. Dwight
Tuesday, March 3rd 9:00 am: Holy Mass Presider, Fr. Dwight
9:45 am: Mission Talk - Presented by Fr. Dwight
7:30 pm: Mission Talk - Presented by Fr. Dwight
Susan’s Closet & The Family of the late Susan Grace and Baby Gerard will be hosting it’s
Fifth Annual
Date: Sunday, February 22,2015
Time: Between 12:00 and 4:00pm
Location: 1115 Mosefan Street
Franklin Square N.Y. 11010
We invite you to stop in, sit a while with us and celebrate the meaning of motherhood which meant so much to Susan. It would be greatly appreciated that all donations be new items that will be gifted to:
Mercy Medical Centers OB & Pediatric Dept.
& The Mary Brennen Inn
In honor of Susan Grace and Baby Gerard.