February 15, 2015 We celebrate the Holy Eucharist primarily to give honor, praise, glory, and gratitude to Almighty God. It is also offered for the needs of the Church universal, for the intentions of those assembled, and also for particular intentions, which for this week are the following: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 Vigil: The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00pm For your intentions SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am For all the sick 9:30am For priestly and religious vocations 11:30am For your intentions Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Holy Word of God First Reading: Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 The lepers are to be brought to the priest. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 Do everything for the glory of God. Gospel: Mark 1:29-239 Jesus healed the leper who spread the word. Please refer to At Home with the Word, pages 46-47 for suggested practices, insights into today’s Scriptures, and reflection points. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 , 2015 Weekday in Ordinary Time, President’s Day Saturday, February 14th: Vigil: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 9:00amLisa, Connor & Matthew Hotchkiss-req Mom & Dad Holy Eucharist: 5pm. Confirmation Liturgy of the Word during Mass. Spaghetti dinner tickets on sale after Mass: $10. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2015 The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 9:00am Frances Pia -req Anna Marrone WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday 9:00am Joseph L. Zunino -req Pat & Teresa Waller family 7:00pm Special Intention THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2015 Thursday after Ash Wednesday 9:00am Mary Frascella– Family FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2015 Friday after Ash Wednesday 9:00am Palma Manfredini—req Dom Manfredini family SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2015 Saint Peter Damian, bishop, doctor of the Church 9:00am Denise Merget—req Melanie Villar SATURDAY, February 21, 2015 Vigil: First Sunday of Lent 5:00pm For your intentions SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 First Sunday of Lent 7:30am For all the sick 9:30am For priestly & religious vocations 11:30am For your intentions Sunday, February 15th: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Holy Eucharist: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am. Spaghetti dinner tickets on sale after Masses: $10. High School Youth Group: 6pm at Saint Gabriel Hall. Monday, February 16th: Holy Eucharist: 9am. PREP sessions: 4:30pm to 5:45pm & 6:30pm to 7:45pm. Tuesday, February 17th: Holy Eucharist: 9am. Rosary: 6:30pm in the Narthex. Choir rehearsal: 7pm to 8:30pm. Wednesday, February 18th: Holy Eucharist: 9am & 7pm. Imposition of blessed ashes within each Mass. Thursday, February 19th: Holy Eucharist: 9am. Stewardship/ Finance Council Meeting: 7pm. Friday, February 20th: Holy Eucharist: 9am. Spaghetti Dinner Setup at Hall: 6pm. Saturday, February 21st: Rosary:8:30am in the narthex. Holy Eucharist: 9am. Churchkeepers: 9:30am. Spaghetti Dinner Prep at Hall: 10am. Sacrament of Reconciliation: 4:00pm-4:30pm. Saturday, February 21st: Vigil: The First Sunday of Lent. Holy Eucharist: 5pm. Spaghetti dinner tickets on sale after Mass: $10. Sunday, February 22nd: The First Sunday of Lent. Holy Eucharist: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am. Annual Spaghetti dinner at Hall: Specific Mass intentions are accepted for most 12:30pm to 5pm. Take-out ends at 4:30pm. Tickets on sale after weekdays. Please arrange through the Church Masses: $10 and at the door. Office. Weekend Masses are celebrated for the intentions of all present or for the designated intention cited or for the presiders’ intentions of obligation. There are some available Mass intention dates for March and April. Please contact the Church Office. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Our Parish Religious Education and Faith Formation Program, PREP, is for all children in grades 1 through 8, who are not enrolled in a full-time Catholic school. Sessions are held every Monday from either 4:30 pm to 5:45 pm or 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm from September through April. Families who have children in our program are expected to celebrate the weekend Mass with our parish community and to support the work of the parish prayerfully and financially. We respectfully request at least a $3/week offering to the weekend collection. PLEASE PRAY For the sick in our parish and larger community, especially: Barry Zsilavecz, Nicholas Vitale, Ashley Margetich, Nancy and Steve Murphy, Hanna Goodwin, Nancy McKee, Sophie Akridge, Karen Alison, Mike Prendergast, Ralph Papa, Syd Nunn, Lonnie Stanley, Diane Miller, Tommy Vaheym, Ro Ferranto, Keyra Bryant, Jordan Dougherty, Maryann Steele, Jordan Guerin, Stephanie Price, Hilaire Lysle, Kari Albertus, Sandy Henry, Robert Gallagher, Edward Lafferty, Pat Kelleher, Scott Riale, Thelma D’Amico, Clara Bertz, Jennie Lupo, Carol Greenhalgh, Lisa Estock, Julia Donohue, Debbie Geist, Pat Rybinski, , Russell Carmosino, John Lucas, Steve Pizzini, Ann-Marie Farquharson, Dan Powers. The names of the sick will be posted for six weeks. Upon request they will continue to remain on our prayer list. Please also remember in your prayers all our servicemen and women. Please pray for all who have died especially Mary Frascella. 2014 FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION VERIFICATION A statement letter, for tax purposes, confirming your donations for last year (2014) is available upon request. We can only verify what has been donated in the offering envelopes or identifiable by check. Please contact the Church Office. We are grateful for your generous financial support. TIME + TALENT + TREASURE Stewardship We offer our sincere thanks to all who are contributing in any way to the building up of our parish community. On the weekend of February 7-8, there were 523 worshippers. The regular collection amounted to $7,855. 176 envelopes were presented for an average of $41.95 per envelope donor. The weekly collection goal for this fiscal year remains at $10,000. Our average weekly collection is $8,750, which includes e-giving. Thanks to all donors, who are helping us reach our goal. We need and appreciate your support. May God reward your generosity, which helps us meet our expenses, save for our capital projects, and provide for our future. We rely on your generous participation in our Sacrificial Giving—Tithing Way of Christian Stewardship. Thank you for doing your share to help build up your parish by giving of your time, talent, treasure. Please give serious prayerful consideration to participating in tithing, a spiritual way of Church support, which entails contributing 5% (or as close as you can come to this standard) of your weekly income as a sign of giving back to the Lord in gratitude the first fruits of all with which he has blessed you. He will provide for your needs and will never be outdone in generosity. Another stewardship standard for sharing financial resources is to contribute weekly an hourly wage or compensation or its equivalent. Trust in the Lord’s providence! Decide to be a generous steward. You will be rewarded in many ways. Electronic giving (or e-giving) is an optional way to support our parish and its mission. Currently e-giving adds about $1500 to our reported weekly collection. For more information, please contact the Church Office or our parish website. When away, please remember to make your needed and appreciated donations before or afterward. Thank you! Stewardship is also expressed by giving of time and talent to the Lord’s work in the parish. We have many ministries and invite you to consider participating in at least one. SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIAL This votive candle signals the Eucharistic presence of the Lord Jesus in the tabernacle and burns continuously. (14 days) Donations are accepted for these candles to memorialize the deceased or for any other worthy intention. This week the candle will burn for a special intention. SAINT GABRIEL CANDLE A seven-day votive candle at the statue of our parish patron, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother, may be lit in memory of the deceased or for any other worthy intention. This week the lamp will burn for a special intention. NEW PARISHIONERS All Catholics living in our parish area should register at your earliest convenience, to acquire a sense of belonging to our faith community and to avail yourself of the services of the parish. Please fill out the preliminary form below and drop in the Sunday offering basket. The Church office will telephone to arrange for an appointment to meet with the pastor to welcome you and to complete a full registration form. Thank you and God bless you. Name ___________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ We are concluding the winter portion of Ordinary Time in the Church’s liturgical year. This Wednesday ushers in the Paschal cycle, the Lenten-Easter season. In its origins, Lent began as a season to more intensely prepare catechumens for the Easter sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. It was also a season for the already initiated to prepare to renew their baptismal commitment by the traditional works of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These are still worthwhile practices. Daily Mass is certainly worth celebrating, if not every day, then one or more days. On most Wednesdays, we will have Mass at 7:30pm preceded by Stations of the Cross. Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence from meat. Fasting means eating only one full meatless meal and not in between meals. The Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from meat. Almsgiving means being sensitive and charitable especially to the poor and needy. Operation Rice Bowl neatly combines these three traditional practices. They are available in the vestibule by the pamphlet rack. The rack has many good booklets on this special season of grace. See also the special insert in today’s bulletin. SAVE THE DATE Our 26th annual spaghetti dinner will be held on Sunday, February 22nd. Many volunteer helpers are needed and wanted. High school students needing service hours are welcome. Please check the poster in the Narthex. Tickets are on sale for $10 after Masses or from the Church Office. Don’t miss this special parish event and community builder, as well as enjoying a delicious home style dinner suitable for all age groups! PARISH CHOIR Saint Gabriel Choir continues to invite all to join in their ministry of leading and supporting our sung praise of the Lord at our liturgies. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 9pm at Church. The choir is scheduled to lead the sung worship once a month and also for special days. For more information call or e-mail our choir directors: Judy & Bob Boesch 570-401-7950 or rrboesch@pa.metrocast.net. “He who sings, prays twice.” (St. Augustine) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults This process introduces our Catholic faith to all who may be interested in exploring this treasure. Non-Catholic inquirers, returning Catholics and life-long Catholics who wish to know more about our faith are welcome to participate. Committed Catholics are also sought as team members. For more information, telephone the Church Office at 610-268-0296. Sessions are held on Tuesdays at 7 pm in the Church Office Conference Room. CATHOLIC SCHOOL INFORMATION Saint Gabriel parishioners may apply for admission of their children to Catholic schools in our area in the Philadelphia Archdiocese,: especially Assumption, B.V.M. School, West Grove, and Bishop Shanahan High School, Downingtown, subject to their requirements as well as ours. Please contact the principals: Mrs. Danielle White at Assumption School, 610869-9576 or Sister Maureen McDermott, IHM, at Bishop Shanahan High School, 610-518-1300. These schools are worth considering. Call the schools for more information or to arrange for a tour or visit their websites. Saint Gabriel parishioners who wish to register their child(ren) at these schools must request a letter of sponsorship from our parish. Our requirements for sponsorship are regular Sunday Mass attendance at Saint Gabriel Church, participation in parish life, and a minimum contribution to our Sunday collection of $15.00 /week for the entire calendar year (52 weeks) for one or more students from the same family. This latter requirement is to help defray the $1,000.00 per student charge per year that Saint Gabriel parish pays in subsidies to these parishes for each of our children, as well as the archdiocesan assessment for the support of Bishop Shanahan and the other diocesan high schools. These schools are currently enrolling students for next school year. MANUP PHILLY The annual men’s spirituality conference will be held this year at St. Joseph’ University Hagan Arena on Saturday, March 7th. Featured dynamic speakers include: Dr. Scott Hahn, author of Rome Sweet Home. Registration is $50; $25 for students, which includes lunch. Visit manupphilly.com to register. Highly recommended! 2ND COLLECTION The annual collection for the care of the aging and infirm priests of the Archdiocese will be taken up next weekend, February 21-22 as a 2nd collection after the distribution of Holy Communion. Thank you for your usual generosity. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parents who desire baptism for their children should contact Father Maisano well in advance for the important instruction. Faith practice and good standing in the Church are required of both parents and sponsors. Letters of eligibility from the sponsors’ respective parishes are required. Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd weekend of the month at the 5pm Saturday Mass or at the 11:30 am Sunday Mass. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples requesting this sacrament are asked to contact Father Maisano well in advance of the desired wedding date. Archdiocesan norms require at least six months advance notice. Pre-Cana sessions are also required. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION This sacrament of God’s pardon and peace is celebrated every Saturday from 4pm to 4:30pm or at other times by appointment. Please contact the Church Office to arrange a suitable time. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION FOR CHILDREN The next Liturgy of the Word for 1st Reconciliation & 1st Eucharist candidates will be on Sunday, February 8th at the 9:30am Mass. For Confirmation candidates, the next Liturgy of the Word will be held during the 5pm Mass on Saturday, February 14th. At the Liturgy of the Word, sacramental candidates will receive a printed handout with an accompanying short worksheet, which should be completed and submitted to the candidate’s catechist or placed in the weekend collection. The handout itself should be kept by the candidate. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Group 2 Confirmation candidates are reminded of their Service Witness project on Monday, March 2nd, beginning at 6:30pm. Candidates are to be able to recite their Word of Scripture and share some information about their Confirmation name. CONGRATULATIONS! The parish offers prayerful best wishes to William Timothy Scanlon, son of M/M Timothy and Katie Nussbaum Scanlon, who was baptized last Sunday. May he continue to grow in age, wisdom, and God’s grace. HERITAGE OF FAITH—CONTINUING TO BUILD GOD’S KINGDOM CAPITAL CAMPAIGN & PROJECT Phase 2 of our building plans continues. This includes erecting a much-needed religious education center, a small multi-use chapel, and perhaps a bell tower or campanile at a later date. We need and seek the support of all parishioners. You may place donations and fulfill pledges by making use of the goldcolored envelopes found in your mailed monthly packet. Thank you for your generosity. We are presently pursuing plans to construct the multi-use Chapel, one of the projects we can presently afford. We have approximately $600,000 to apply to this project. Contingent upon sufficient funds available in the future, we will address the Religious Education Center project. Many are continuing to fulfill their pledges. We are also grateful to all who, although having completed their pledge, continue to make donations. Because of the generous stewardship of many parishioners and friends of the parish, we have thus far built and furnished our Church, the Church Office, and the Rectory, all of which have been paid for. All parish families who have not made a financial faith promise or pledge are encouraged to do so. If you would like more information, please contact the Church Office. Please pray for the continued success of our campaign and project. Please consider an end of year donation. Thank you. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AID FOR FRIENDS Our parish participates in this food and friendship outreach, providing meals and friendly visits for those in need, financial or other. Please contact our new parish coordinators: Ron & Lenore Lupo at 610-268-5927 or 484-888-3012 or lenore.lupo@gmail.com or the Church Office (610-268-0296) to participate in or to benefit from this outreach ministry. There is a supply of trays in the vestibule near the food donation basket in the vestibule. Please help yourself and return the filled trays to the freezer at Saint Gabriel Hall during the scheduled times. There is also a freezer at the Saint Rocco Parish Center,9016 Gap Newport Pike, just south of our Church. Our parish freezer is located at Saint Gabriel Hall, which will be open on Friday and Saturday, from 8am to 8pm, on Sunday, 8am to 3pm and Monday through Thursdays from 8am to 4pm. Please use the right-hand side door closest to the PREP Building. POPE FRANCIS’ FEBRUARY PRAYER INTENTIONS Universal Prayer: Prisoners That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. Evangelization Prayer: Separated Spouses That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. Please keep these intentions in your prayers. His Word Today by Rev. William J. Reilly Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 15, 2015 Scripture Readings This Week Sunday, February 15, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Levitcus 13:1-2, 44-46; 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1; Mark 1:40-45 Monday, February 16, Weekday Genesis 4:1-15, 25; Mark 8:11-13 Tuesday, February 17, Servite Order Founders Genesis 6:5-8, 7:1-5,10; Mark 8:14-21 “I turn to you , Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation.”… “A leper came to Jesus and kneeling down begged him and said, ‘If you wish, you can make me clean.’ Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him, and said to him, ‘I do will it. Be made clean.’” We read the psalms - praising, thanking, seeking forgiveness and begging assistance. Our goal should be to make the psalmist’s prayer our own. How important to turn to the Lord with great confidence whatever the circumstance, as we seek His joy and peace. It was with confidence that the leper approached the Lord, seemingly reminding Him of His ability to change his life. The words of Wednesday, February 18, Ash Wednesday Mark are clear describing his kneeling and attitude, earnestly askJoel 2:12-18; 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 ing help. What follows is the attitude and response of Jesus. Thursday, February 19, Lenten Weekday Moved with pity He reached and touched, something prohibited in Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Luke 9:22-25 society at that time, and spoke a healing word. Whatever my needs, healing of a relationship, forgiveness, the gift of faith, I Friday, February 20, Lenten Weekday come to God today with great confidence. I do not need to say ‘if Isaiah 58:1-9a; Matthew 9:14-15 you wish,’ as the Lord wants what is best for me. I need only to Saturday, February 21, Lenten Weekday approach Him with humility and confidence that expresses my Isaiah 58:9b-14; Lk 5:27-32 faith and dependence on He who can do what I both want and need. CONGRATULATIONS! The Parish extends prayerful best wishes to Michael B Loftus and Ashley E. Stoddard, who entered into the Sacrament of Marriage last Saturday. May their mutual love continue to reflect the love of Our Lord Jesus for his spouse, his Holy Church. WORD OF LIFE Father, all life is in your care. You have entrusted us to one another, that we may show our brothers and sisters the same love you have for us. We pray, then, for the least among us, the children in the womb. Protect them from the violence of abortion. We pray for those that are scheduled to die. Save them from death. Give new hope to their parents that they may turn away from the desperate act of abortion. Grant conversion to the abortionist and to the staff. Show us how we are to respond to the bloodshed in our midst, and lead us to the day when this place of death will be transformed into a haven for life. Guard us with your joy and peace for in you, life is victorious. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. Everyone deserves a birthday! Choose Life! PRAY THE ROSARY Oremus Communications (OC) is currently hosting a daily series of live streaming recitations of the Holy Rosary, praying especially for promoting the culture of life. Live broadcasts are at 12:15pm Monday thru Saturday and Sundays at 2pm. Log on to: oremuscomms.com then clicking onto Listen Live. Petitions and suggestions may be sent to oremuscomms.@gmail.com. Special interesting guest speakers are often featured, so please tune in regularly. The Rosary is also prayed on most Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm in the Narthex before the statue of Our Lady of the Pieta,’ and on the first Saturday of each month at 8:30am. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES This international event is coming to Philadelphia, September 22-27, 2015. Be part of this historic event and learn more at the official website: WorldMeeting2015.org. All the seats on the two busses which the Parish has arranged for transportation to the Papal Mass on September 27 have been taken, so, regretfully, no more reservations are available. In the event of cancellations, you may request to be on a waiting list. CALLING ALL HIGH SCHOOLERS Our get-togethers on Sunday evenings have been enjoyable , filled with many interesting activities! The Group welcomes all high schoolers from the parish and beyond. Bring a high school friend. The Group meets most Sunday evenings at 6pm at Saint Gabriel Hall. If you have any questions, contact Kate Bolten (610-470-5438) or Michael Uhle (484-643-3818). PARISH/ARCHDIOCESAN CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES Many parishioners are very solicitous about providing for the needy in our area by regularly donating food, clothing, and money. Non-perishable food only may be placed in the basket in the Church vestibule anytime. Monetary donations may be placed in a “St. Vincent de Paul” envelope found in the vestibule and placed in the weekend collection. The food is taken weekly to a local pantry. The monetary donations are placed in a fund and given to needy families and individuals as needs arise. If you or anyone you know in our parish or community, who could use assistance, on a temporary or long-term basis, please notify the Church Office. The Parish and Our Good Samaritan ministry can provide some help or direction. The Archdiocesan Catholic Social Services has a local office in West Chester. It provides a wide range of services that we encourage you to utilize, such as counseling, adoption services, etc. Phone 267-3312490 or CSSHelp@chs-adphila.org. ARCHDIOCESAN FAMILY LIFE OFFICE offers the following programs Natural Family Planning Classes are held throughout the Archdiocese. For more information and dates, phone the Family Life Office,215-587-5639 or visit famlife@adphila.org. Separated and Divorced Catholics Support group meetings are held at various parish sites throughout the archdiocese. For more information, please call the Family Life Office. Marriage Encounter This weekend has touched millions of couples, priests, and religious. For more information and a schedule of upcoming weekends, or to register, please telephone 1-800-456-8330. Courage Spiritual support group for homosexual men and women seeking to live according to the Church’s teaching on sexuality. For information call 1-215-5874505. Confidentiality is assured. Encourage A support group for parents, relatives, and friends of homosexually orientated persons. For information call 1-215-587-4505. Retrouvaille This is a process to help heal troubled marriages, which has helped many couples. For more information, phone 1-800-470-2230. COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES This Scripture based faith sharing group has met weekly for many years on most Wednesday evenings from 7pm to 8pm to discuss and reflect on the Scriptures for the following Sunday or some other Scripture based topics. We are hoping to expand the number of participants. If you are interested, please come Wednesday night to the sacristy near the statue of Our Lady of the Pieta’. For more information, call the Church Office. DAILY MASS & VISITS TO THE BLESSED SACRAMENT We remind all that we celebrate the best prayer, the Holy Eucharist every weekday, Monday through Saturday at 9am. Come pray, in this prayer given us by the Lord himself, to praise him and to seek his blessings for yourself and others. Your parish Church is also open for prayerful visits every weekday from 8am to 5pm and on Sunday from 7am to 3pm. Come pray in the Eucharistic presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. CATHOLIC CLINICAL CONSULTANTS This is the behavioral health company of Catholic Healthcare Services of the Archdiocese, which provides individual couples, and family counseling in a welcoming and supportive environment. Staff includes psychologists and Master’s level professsional psychotherapists. Day and evening hours are available. This is a Medicare provider and accepts most health insurance. Offices are in Levittown, East Norriton, Northeast Philadelphia, South Philadelphia, and Springfield, Delaware County. To schedule an appointment, please phone 855-518--2223. PARISH EMISSARIES The Parish is seeking visitors in each neighborhood of our Parish to visit other parishioners and others to give them some literature about the parish and also some spiritual reading material. If interested, please contact Fr. Maisano at the Parish Office. Our emissaries have found this ministry to be very spiritually rewarding. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION It is spiritually rewarding to celebrate this sacrament of God’s pardon and peace. It is available on Saturdays from 4pm to 4:30pm or by appointment. Please avail yourself of this opportunity. GREETERS We are renewing our efforts to have parishioners welcome worshippers to our weekend Masses. Individuals and/or families are welcome to participate. It entails coming 15 minutes before Mass starts, saying hello or shaking hands with worshippers, and bringing up the bread, wine, & collection. If interested, please contact Angelique Raezer our coordinator at 610-444-1575.
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