February - St Michael and All Angels Church, Middlewich

The Messenger
Parish Magazine of
St Michael and All Angels, Middlewich
with St John the Evangelist, Byley
February 2015
Service plan for February 2015
1st February– 4th of Epiphany
8.00 am
9.15 am
11.00 am
All Age Worship
11.00 am
Morning Praise
6.30 pm
No Evening Service
8th February– 2nd before Lent
9.15 am
11.00 am
Morning Praise
11.00 am
2.00 pm
6.30 pm
Seminar-New Atheism-1
(Keith Ravenscroft in No. 28)
15th February– Next before Lent
9.15 am
11.00 am
All Age Worship
11.00 am
Morning Praise
6.30 pm
Seminar-New Atheism-2
(Keith Ravenscroft in No. 28)
18th February– Ash Wednesday Communion– 7.30 pm
22nd February– 1st of Lent
9.15 am
11.00 am
Morning Praise
11.00 am
2.00 pm
6.30 pm
Church @ 28
Healing Service each Tuesday and Communion Service each Thursday at
9.30 am
St Michael’s Church Office
28 Hightown, Middlewich, CW10 9AN
01606 738005
Office hours 10am-2pm Monday-Friday
Office Manager : Beth Deakin
For further contact details please see p20 …
St Michael’s Church Charitable Giving:
As many will know the PCC at St Michael’s is committed to supporting four
charities during the year. The PCC gave £1,000 directly to each charity from
its income and an additional amount was raised through specific fundraising
activities. The amounts raised and sent off during 2014 were as follows:
Christ for All In Andhrah Pradesh £1,400
St Luke’s Hospice
Congo ABC Link
Save The Family
A big thank you to our charity champions; Ruth & Steve Broadfoot, Sylvia
Bosomworth, Kate Smith, Thia Hughes, Elaine Reynolds and Jo Hulse.
In 2015 we will support the same four charities across the four quarters, the
order being as follows:
Jan-March Congo ABC Link
April-June St Luke’s Hospice
July-Sept Save The Family
Christ for All in Adhrah Pradesh
In addition to these four charities many church members have Children’s
Society collecting boxes and last year, including the collection at Christingle,
we raised £1,759 for them.
Our thanks to David and Miriam Sant for being our Children’s Society
Letter From the Rector
Dear Friends,
Dr Robert Seizer, in his book Mortal Lessons:
Notes in the Art of Surgery, tells a remarkable
true story. He had performed surgery to remove a
tumour from a young woman in which it was
necessary to sever a facial nerve, leaving the
young woman’s mouth permanently twisted in
palsy. He describes an incident shortly after the
Her young husband is in the room. He stands on
the opposite side of the bed, and together they z
seem to dwell in the evening lamplight, isolated from me, private. Who are
they I ask myself, he and this wry-mouth I have made, who gaze at and
touch each other so. The young woman speaks. ‘Will my mouth always be
like this?’ she asks. ‘Yes,’ I say ‘it will. It is because the nerve was cut.’ She
nods, and is silent. But the young man smiles. ‘I like it,’ he says. ‘It is kind of
cute.’ All at once I know who he is. I understand, and I lower my gaze. One is
not bold in an encounter with God. Unmindful, he bends to kiss her crooked
mouth, and I, so close, can see how he twists his own lips to accommodate
to hers, to show that their kiss still works.
February this year contains two key dates. The first is Valentines Day on 14th
February, as it is every year. It is a celebration of love and romance and a
commercial gold mine for the retail and leisure trades. Everyone knows it’s
arrived, even if you receive no valentines wish yourself, you cannot miss the
pink fluffy heart shaped decorations and gifts that appear in our shops.
The other is Ash Wednesday on 18th February. It is the beginning of Lent,
the traditional time of spiritual preparation for Easter, which Christians
observe, or think about at least. Ash Wednesday is a festival of penitence, a
particular day to acknowledge our failures and wrongs to God and to seek
his forgiveness. Outside of the church however no-one will probably even
notice it pass by. Most households will gladly celebrate Pancake Day (Shrove
Tuesday) but not Ash Wednesday.
Yet there is in a sense a link between the two. We live in an imperfect world
and true love must learn to adapt itself to the imperfections of humanity, as
Robert Seizer’s story so powerfully illustrates. Speaking of God’s love for us
St Paul says; God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were
sinners, Christ died for us. In the Christian experience love and imperfection
are inextricably linked.
On Ash Wednesday we remember that we are imperfect people. Though we
are made in the image of God we have marred that image by our
disobedience and failure. God however does not turn away from us in
disgust, but he became like us that we might experience his love through
Jesus Christ, God made man.
We don’t have to be perfect for God to love us – just penitent. God will do
the rest!
Yours in Christ
Simon Drew
Parish Weekend Away 2016 – Cloverley Hall
Advance notice: We have booked another parish weekend away at
Cloverley Hall in Shropshire on Friday 30th September to Sunday 2nd
October 2016. We have no further details yet but please do make a note
in your diaries/planners if you want to come.
Bereavement Service
On Sunday 1st March 2015, at 4:00pm in St Michael’s Church we will be
holding a bereavement service. This is an opportunity for people who
have experienced the death of a relative, or close friend, to come and
remember that person before God and to receive support and prayer. If
you would like to be a part of this do come along, or if you know someone who would benefit from this invite them to come.
Special Events & Services coming soon:
Ash Wednesday – Wednesday 18th February 2015, 7:30pm Communion service at St Michael’s Church
Bereavement Service – Sunday 1st March 2015, 4:00pm at St
Michael’s Church
(Please do invite friends and neighbours who you think would appreciate
Confirmation Service – Sunday 8th March 2015, 6:30pm at St
Michael’s Church
This year we welcome the Bishop of Birkenhead (Keith Sinclair) to do
our confirmations
– A Two Part Seminar
The sooner we can understand the reasoning behind the New Atheist attacks
on religious belief, the better we shall be able to engage and to counter their
dishonest claims with confident knowledge and fluency.
This is the purpose of the two seminars we are planning to hold on; Sunday
8th and Sunday 15th February 2015 (both at
6:30pm in No28 Hightown, Middlewich). They are
based on a series of workshops that have been held
in the presenter’s own parish church, and also given
to audiences of Readers, Pastoral Workers and
Ordained Ministers throughout the Diocese.
This thorough ‘road testing’ has demonstrated that
confronting atheism in this way engages even the
hostile, as well as doubters and enquirers, and that
it can also energize existing believers into a new understanding and sense of
urgency in defending their faith. The seminar leader will be Keith
Ravenscroft, who some of you may remember joined us as our Church@28
interview guest several months ago.
We do hope you can be a part of this initiative.
Clutter (By Sam Doubtfire)
My room is full of clutter
And so much like my life
As they’re both packed full of memories
Made special with my wife.
They fill the shelves and cupboards And make it hard to dust –
And if one gets moved just
Half-an-inch, the mark that’s left is
Just like a friend
Who’s there – then gone To remind us of life’s race
Which always is best run
With the help of God’s own grace
Now seen in the Man in everyone
Who carries us along
That we might cross the finishing line
To hear God say, ‘Well done’!
With Valentine’s Day and romance in mind…
Marriage is….
- not always just a word; sometimes it is a sentence.
- a very good way to promote civilisation – according to Socrates, if you get
a good partner you will be happy, if you get a bad one you will become a
- the only permanent cure for love.
Marriage license - the only permit taken out after the hunt is over.
Don’t blame her!
The famous author Alexander Dumas once grumbled: “Woman inspires us
to great things, and then prevents us from achieving them.”
Christmas Concert
The concert with Chris Eaton and Abby Scott on Saturday, 13th December
was enjoyed by all
who attended. It was
a very relaxed evening
with a good mix of
worship, carols and
Christmas songs. The
Festival Choir enjoyed
being part of the
evening, in particular
singing along with
Chris and Abby to their
song "1914 : The
Carol of Christmas".
positive feedback from
many of the people
who attended.
Chris and Abby with Josie, Neil and Jeremy
Before the concert
We would like to thank all those
who helped, either before the
concert or on the night - it was
great to have such good support
for this venture.
With thanks
Josie and Neil
The duo perform!
The Festival choir form a backing group!
The choir sings (and waves) with great enthusiasm
Parish Registers for 2015
Middlewich Funerals
2nd December
Aaron APPLETON, Kitfield Avenue
Ann THORNLEY, Long Lane South
3rd December
George Sidney WASHINGTON, Newton Court Care Home
12th December
Reginald MANLEY, Willow Court
22nd December
Carol Helen HALL, Hubert Drive
16th January
Margaret EVANS, The Manor Care Home
20th January
Christine McCRYSTAL, Corbrook Court Nursing Home
Byley Funerals
22nd December
Kathleen COOPER, Goostrey
Crematorium only Funerals
8th January
Trevor GWILLIAM, Bembridge Court
15th January
John BRISCOE, Elm Road
Cemetery only Funerals
13th January
Anita BOOTH, King Street
14th December
Madeleine Rose PARRY
There were no weddings during this period
Lent Course 2015:
John’s Gospel – Light and Life
John’s gospel is a book with a message. He wrote it
so that his readers ‘may believe that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you
may have life in his name’. Light and life are
dominant themes in this gospel and the loving
purpose of God in coming in person to this dark and
needy world is presented and explored. During Lent
this year we will be running a Lent Course on
Tuesday evenings looking at John’s gospel,
discovering more of how the amazing story of
salvation is portrayed within its pages.
The sessions will take place in no 28 on four consecutive Tuesday evenings
at 7:30pm (lasting for about 90 minutes). Dates are 24 February, 3 March, 10
March, and 17 March. Do come and join us. (For further information contact
Simon Drew).
Lorraine Reed
All the rooms at Number 28, which is opposite St Michael’s Church, are
available for rent when not being used by the Church.
The rooms seat between 8 and 60 people, are well appointed and
would suit private functions or business meetings.
A full commercial standard kitchen is also
Go to the Number 28 Website
to see details, or phone the office on 01606 738005.
The cost of heating and lighting St Michael's for a whole year
is nearly £6,650:
Heating alone costs about £38 per day. So please turn the lights off
and shut the door after you!
The Normal week at St Michael’s
Staff Meeting at Number 28 with prayers
1.15 pm
SMILERS at church (not during school holidays)
7.00 pm
Rehearsals for the Festival Choir in Church
7.30 pm
SMAART St Michael’s handbell ringers
9.30 am
Healing service and coffee at Number 28
7.30 pm
Tower ringing practice in church
7.00 am
Prayer in church
9.30 am
Prayer @ 28
6.00 pm
Worship group
7.30 pm
Choir practice
9.30 am
7.30 pm
Card Group at Number 28
6.00 pm
BLOG (Club for Years 4, 5 and 6) not during school
7.30 pm
DYN@MIC (Club for Years 7, 8, 9) not during
school holidays
8.00 pm
AFTER DARK (Club for years 10 and above) not
during school holidays
Easter Flowers
The churches of Middlewich and Byley always look
wonderful at Easter. This great festival is on 5 th April
this year, so Janet is asking for early donations.
If you would like to contribute towards
flowers for the churches during this season in memory
of a loved one, please fill in the form on the facing page
and send/give it to the Church Office (for St. Michael’s)
or Glenys Richardson (for St John’s).
A list of contributors and those so beautifully
remembered will be published in the magazine after Easter.
Easter Flowers
I enclose £…………………..towards the cost of Easter flowers at
Byley/Middlewich Parish Church (please delete one).
In Memory of
Please complete in block letters and return to:
Church Office, Number 28, High Town, Middlewich CW10 9AN (for Middlewich)
Or Mrs G. Richardson , The Gables, Byley Lane, Byley (for Byley).
Future events
Tuesday, 10 February
Branch AGM, chaired by Rev’d Simon Drew. If any member would like to be
nominated for the committee at the AGM, please let me know. Similar to
other branches in our Deanery, we do not have a Branch Leader but operate
with a committee and it works very well indeed. The AGM will be followed by
a talk from Janet Chisholm, asking “Who would believe it?” Janet will be
sharing with us the news that she had been nominated for a British Empire
Medal in the New Year’s Honours List of 2013, and her subsequent visit to
Buckingham Palace.
Friday, 6 March
Women’s World Day of Prayer will be held at St Michael’s church this year.
The service starts at 1.30pm and has been prepared by the women of The
Bahamas. The title is: Jesus said to them: Do you know what I have done to
Tuesday, 10 March
It is always a pleasure to welcome Joan Colwell to our meetings. She will be
talking about “MUGS”. We never know what to expect from Joan, but it will
be very amusing.
Thursday, 19 March
Hot Cross Bun coffee morning at 10.30am in No.28 following the mid-week
communion service. Refreshments, table top sale and a raffle.
Tuesday, 24 March
Deanery Festival Service at St Mary’s, Whitegate at 7.00pm. Transport will
be available.
Tuesday, 14 April
A visit from Heather Cable reminiscing about some very eventful days: “Call
the Midwife!”
Special date for your diary.
On Tuesday, 12 May we shall not be holding our usual monthly meeting. We
plan to attend the MU Diocesan Festival in Chester Cathedral at 2.00pm.
Bishop Libby Lane, the new Bishop of Stockport and MU member will be
officiating. Lynne Tembey, Worldwide MU President, will be speaking and our
new MU Chaplain, Canon Chris Humphries, vicar of Whitegate and Little
Budworth will be commissioned. Chester Archdeaconry branch banners
will be processed, which will be a first outing to the Cathedral for our own
new banner. This service will be an historical and important occasion for
the Mothers’ Union and we are truly thankful to the Church of England,
through the Diocese of Chester for having the belief and courage to appoint
a female Bishop.
Please sign the sheet at our next meeting, if you require transport to
Whitegate or Chester. I am hoping that Deidre Savage will be able to come
to the Cathedral with us, as she designed and made our lovely banner.
Jo Hulse
Mothers’ Union Sunday Rota
Susan Hawkes
Pauline Ashley
Thelma Ashley
Susan Hawkes
Miriam Sant
Cynthia Sant
Chris Overton
Thelma Ashley
Edna Rose
Angela Tempest
Susan Hawkes
Pam Dunning
There is always someone available to pray with you after
Just ask.
It’s good to pray!
Equally, if you would like someone to come and
pray with you at any time speak to :
Sylvia, Elaine or Sue Ikin.
Byley Community Association 1st event of 2015
80’s Night
Saturday 7th February
(Ticket only event from Tracy and Graham Lowe)
Smash hits of the 80s
Live music and disco
7.30pm in Byley Village Hall
Dress to impress 80s style (prizes)!
For more information ring Graham Lowe on 01505 737807 after 6.30 pm
(mobile 07767640740)
Bring your own drinks, glasses and nibbles.
Tickets £12.50 each
Miscellaneous observations on life…
It's easy finding reasons why other folks should be patient.
Families are often like fudge - mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others, whenever they go.
I sat up all night thinking about the sun. Then it dawned on me.
It is said that if you line up all the cars in the world end to end, someone would be stupid enough to try to overtake them.
You can't have everything - where would you put it?
If the shoe fits, get another one just like it.
Love is grand. Divorce is a hundred grand.
Advert in newspaper:
Never been figured out.
Home computer, as new.
Be nice to your kids. They’ll choose your nursing home.
The trouble with referees is that they just don’t care which side wins.
Flower Festival Spectacular
Visitors from across the county and beyond came to Byley on the last weekend of September to view a Flower Festival at St John's church and at Manor
Farm, the home of Wilf and Pam Lomas.
The festival, entitled 'Last of the Summer Wine', was organised by the
Cheshire area of NAFAS and arrangers from flower clubs around the county
were involved in the event.
The spectacular floral displays both inside and out at Manor Farm took
inspiration from popular TV programmes, past and present, including
Countryfile, The Great British Bake-off, and A Question of Sport.
The church was beautifully decorated to the theme of 'Songs of Praise' and
arrangements depicted lines from popular hymns. The tree at the church
gate was turned into a 'Tree of Blessings', where visitors could place a
carnation as a symbol of prayers of thankfulness.
Refreshments were served all weekend at Lowe's Farm Shop, and a 'Songs
of Praise' service at church brought the weekend to a close on Sunday
The event saw over £7,000 raised for charity, with the money being split between the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institute (RABI), and the British
Heart Foundation.
To visit photos from the weekend visit www.nafascheshire.org.uk and click on
Glenys Richardson
Seen in a church notice sheet:
For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a crèche
Next Friday the church will host an evening of fine dining, super
entertainment and gracious hostility. Do come along!
Don’t forget to check out the 28 website...www.at28.org
Byley Notices
Cleaning Rota
8th — 15th February
22nd — 1st March
Glenys Richardson
Christine Hankey
Flower Rota
25th Jan — Feb 1st
Anne Nichol
8th — 15th
Caroline Oakes
Lent begins on Wednesday 18th February
Byley Notices
Carol Singing
A total of £323.25 was raised on the Carol Singing Evening; this has now
been forwarded to The Childrens’ Society. Thank you to all the singers and
hosts during the evening for your generous donations, and to Jonathon and
Josie Trelawny for hosting the final stop.
Rose Fete
The date for the 2015 Rose Fete is Saturday 13th June. We have yet to fix
a date for the selction of the Rose Queen and retinue, other than it will be in
March. Please look out for notices giving details.
Bible Study Group
The February meeting of the study group will be on Wednesday 4th February at 7.30pm at Ravenscroft Hall. The March meeting will be on 18th again
held at Ravenscroft Hall at 7.30pm.
No dates for future PCC meetings at present, as the January event does not
take place until the end of the month!
Byley This Month
1st February
Morning Praise
8th February
15th February
Morning Prayer
22nd February
Thia Hughes
Celia Wilkinson
Glenys Richardson
James Bennion
Liz Woode
James Bennion
Alan Boyle
Celia Wilkinson
Tony Woode
Jean Percival
Vera Farrow
Simon Drew
Glenys Richardson
Vera Farrow
Nigel Martin
Home Communion
If anyone in the Byley area would like Home
Communion please phone Glenys on :-01606 834343
Byley Readers
For those who like to prepare well in advance:
the readers for March 1st are:
Anne Nichol and Anita Halman
Rev Simon Drew, Rector– Middlewich and Byley
The Rectory, Poplar Fell, Nantwich Road, Middlewich
CW10 9HG
01606 833440
Middlewich and Byley Church Staff
Jeremy Coles, Director of Music & Family Work
6 Shilton Close, Middlewich CW10 0RN
office: 01606 738005
mobile:07981 051776
Rev Liz Woode, Curate & Tony Woode, Reader
6 The Grange, Hartford, CW8 1QH
01606 75030
Rev Thia Hughes, Curate
The Vicarage, 50 Norley Road, Sandiway, CW8 2JU
01606 883286
mobile 07970 734507
Rev. Lorraine Reed, Curate
1 Douglas Close, Hartford, CW8 1SH
01606 781071
Rev Simon Hamill-Stewart, Assistant Priest
& Christine Hamill-Stewart, Reader
87 Warmingham Lane, Middlewich CW10 0DJ
01606 737329
Steve Broadfoot, Reader
Ruth Broadfoot, Electoral Roll
22 Angus Grove, Middlewich CW10 9GR
01606 738373
Jacqui Briscoe, Reader and Alpha leader
& Bob Briscoe, Health and Safety Officer
53 Lewin Street, Middlewich CW10 9BG
01606 836460
Sylvia Bosomworth, Pastoral Care Worker
98 Sutton Lane, Middlewich, CW10 0BY
01606 737338
Elaine Reynolds, Pastoral Care Worker
28 Westlands Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HN
01606 832596
Sue Ikin, Pastoral Care Worker
110 West Ave., Rudheath, Northwich CW9 7ET
01606 42258
Beth Deakin, Office Manager (Mon-Fri 10am-2pm)
Church Office, 28 Hightown, Middlewich
CW10 9AN
01606 738005
Steve Bailey, Middlewich Church Warden
4 Ladies Walk, Middlewich CW10 0BH
01606 834264
Other Middlewich Contacts
Graham Ikin, Middlewich Church Warden
110 West Avenue, Rudheath, Northwich
01606 42258
Elaine Reynolds, Church Warden
28 Westlands Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HN
01606 832596
Christine Malkin, Middlewich PCC Secretary
5 Lindisfarne
Close, Middlewich, CW10 9HS
01606 833023
Stuart Barber, Middlewich PCC Treasurer
24 Waterside Way, Middlewich CW10 9HP
01606 833161
Jo Hulse, Middlewich Mothers Union
56 Nantwich Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HG
01606 832198
John Briggs, Pledges Officer
85 Rolt Crescent, Middlewich CW10 0BE
01606 832810
Janet Chisholm, Middlewich Flower Guild
37 Brooks Lane, Middlewich CW10 0JG
01606 836263
Anne Hardy, Organist
54 Westlands Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HN
01606 832121
Middlewich / Byley Contacts
Ian Taylor, Middlewich Bellringers
78 Long Lane, Middlewich CW10 0EN
01606 834095
David & Miriam Sant,
Children’s Society local representatives
29 King Street, Middlewich CW10 9EJ
01606 832583
Glenys Richardson, Byley
The Gables, Byley Lane, Byley, CW10 9NL
01606 834343
Anne Nicol, Byley PCC Secretary
The Round House, Byley Lane, Cranage,
CW10 9LW
01606 836314
annenicol@btinternet .com
Frank Walton, Byley Church Warden
Woodside Farm, Goostrey Lane, Cranage, Holmes
Chapel, CW4 8HD
01477 533284
Alan and Jean Percival,
Byley Church Warden and treasurer
The Green,Yatehouse Lane, Byley, CW10 9NS
01606 833808
Christine Hankey, Byley Village Hall
Chestnut Farm, Byley
01606 832938
If you have any articles or photographs for the next magazine, please would
you e-mail them by 15th February 2015 to the Church Officeadmin@middlewichparishchurch.org.uk . You can also place articles in the
pigeon hole for the Church Office. Alternatively, you can e-mail direct to
Margaret English at:
The church website address is
St Michael’s is a registered charity, number 1127335
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Neil Hopley, Electrical Contractors Ltd
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Brooks Lane, Middlewich, Cheshire
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Byley Village Hall
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receptions, meetings and groups
01606 832938
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