!"#$%"&&"'()*+',-)./01! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))23%45")16()7$$4")6) President’s Message 8"9"'+%)*""&:9;) "#$%&'(!"&)*+!,(!-./0! +&) <-")=+'9+>)?-':9"'$@)<"5A%") BB1/)?34',"$)C34%"D+'E()FFG) ! 123#4567#$3!873*5337#$!9!12:)23+;2$63!<!=>?.! @;! "2267$A!B!C>D0!@;! ! Guest Speaker A Prison Warden Tells her Story Julie Cobb Warden, Archambault Institution A presentation of the Correctional Service of Canada, its legal mandate and mission as well as an overview of what a federal penitentiary in Canada looks like. Given the shifting legal landscape surrounding incarceration due to the government’s “toughon-crime” policies, it will be interesting to hear a warden’s impression of the impact of such changes in correctional facilities. Ms. Julie Cobb began her career at the Correctional Service Canada (CSC) in 1988 as a Correctional Officer and since September 2012, Ms. Cobb has held the position of Warden at the Archambault Institution. In addition, over the years, Ms. Cobb has participated in various projects and working groups both regionally and nationally, and thereby has gained expertise in case operations and mental health management. ! ! Arrangements for the Quebec Provincial Council AGM are well under way. The event will take place at the Stewart Hall Cultural Centre on April 25th 2015. All members will receive an invitation with all the details shortly. The main event will be a town hall led by Mutsumi Takahashi of CTV News. She is open to answering questions on a wide range of subjects. Please forward your questions to mluwc.specialevents@gmail.com by April 10th. Volunteers are needed to make this happen. Those wishing to help are asked to communicate with me as soon as possible. You will recall that all CFUW members were asked to participate in a survey concerning a name change for the IFUW.The results are as follows: Votes in favour 55.7% Votes against 44.3% Less than 15% of the CFUW membership participated in the survey so at the end of the day we did not give the board any real direction. Discussions continue. At this time of year the weather is a major topic of conversation. As we complain let us spare a thought for those who are not only cold but also hungry. Christmas donations of food are running out and the food banks need replenishment. Charity begins at home so let us help the Roxboro Food Bank. At the next general meeting there will be a collection of non-perishable food items. Please give generously. Our local Members of the National Assembly have contributed generously to our Scholarship Fund. Our thanks go to Martin Coiteux - Nelligan, Geoff Kelley - Jacques Cartier and Carlos Leitão - Robert Baldwin. Constance Ellis mluwc1@mluwc.com Membership What a great evening we had at the February meeting - 2 great speakers and we had 3 guests join us for the evening. Hopefully we made a good impression and they will soon be joining our club. We had another successful Networking breakfast in February - we raised $70.00 for the Scholarship Fund and we continued our outreach to the general public. The word networking has been in the press a lot lately but do we really know what it means? Here is the Webster definition: the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business. Here is another newer definition: the development of social and professional contacts; the sharing of information and services among people with a common interest February’s general meeting was a wonderful example of networking - I have a child who is suffering from post concussion migraines and another member's son is suffering from mental illness. We, along with the other members of the Club, were able to ask questions and learn more about advances in the treatment of mental health. Inflammation of the brain is just like cancer or heart disease but it is still a taboo subject. What we were doing Monday evening was networking. We were sharing information and contact information to help each other. Certainly people network for business related reasons, but networking, especially as seen among younger women, and on Facebook - is about connecting, learning and helping each other. [Editor’s Note: More information on mental health at: www.mentalhealthcommission.ca] Save the date Monday April 13th is Members’ Night. This is a great opportunity to learn about your fellow members' hobbies, talents and work. Please let me know if you will need room at our display tables. I look forward to seeing all of you in March Linda Sestock Vice-President & Membership Chair 3 Fund Raising Please remember our Games Day & Luncheon scheduled for Thursday, April 30th, 2015. Details to follow next month. We look forward to your continued support of the MLUWC Scholarship Fund. Mary Vlahos Fundraising Chair CFUW News Resolutions Anybody who is interested in the CFUW resolutions should read the documents that were emailed to you in preparation for the discussion at the meeting on March 9, STARTING AT 6:30PM. Refreshments will be served. Suzanne Chaussé Vice President & CFUW Liaison 4 Communications ! "#!$%&'()! Emma-Lou Kathleen Walter, 1928-2015 Sadly we have lost a member, Emma-Lou died January 9th, 2015. She was a proud graduate in 1981, from Concordia in Journalism and Women’s Studies. She was a member of the MLUWC for more than thirty years and served on the executive as chair of the Interest Group committee 1992 - 1994. For many years the leaders of the Jaunters group were always able to count on her to be a driver, even after she moved from Beaconsfield. She was terrific at bridge, among other pursuits. She was a wonderful hostess and indeed very dear to her 5 children and 12 grandchildren. We extend our sincere sympathy to her family and friends. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Our sympathies are extended to Donna Bourne on the death of her mother Marjorie Fraser who died February 5th in her 92nd year. She will be missed by her family and friends and our thoughts are with Donna and her family. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! 5 REPORT FROM MONTREAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN (MCW) LE CONSEIL DES FEMMES DE MONTRÉAL “A Voice for Women in Montreal” since 1893 The following was reported in the MCW-CFM February 2015 edition of “THE BULLETIN” “The WOMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD 2014 Luncheon, held on November 21, was a huge success with over 100 guests in attendance. The criteria for the recipient of the 2014 award focused on an Aboriginal Woman who had made an outstanding contribution to Aboriginal women’s causes. MCW recognized two outstanding and driven Aboriginal leaders, who are relentless in their work, addressing the tough issues pertinent to the Aboriginal population both locally and nationally. Michèle Taina Audette and Nakuset are two accomplished women, both strong advocates for Aboriginal rights. Michèle is President of the 38th Annual General Assembly of the Native Women’s Association of Canada and is an effective advocate of Aboriginal women’s positions nationally and, Nakuset is the Executive Director of the Women’s Shelter in Montreal. Both honorees arrived with an entourage of native family, friends and colleagues with much joy in their hearts and appreciation for their honour. Part of the opening of the event and presentation was an invocation by an elder.” The guest speaker at the MCW February Luncheon Meeting on Thursday, February 5th was Dr. Charmaine Nelson, Professor of Art History at McGill University. In her topic, entitled, “Revolutionary Saint Domingue (Haiti) and African Enslavement in 18th Century Montreal”, Dr. Nelson discussed Francois Malepart de Beaucourt’s painting of a “Portrait of a Haitian Woman” (1786), which is exhibited in the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts’ Canadian Collection. It was most interesting to note that its original name, “Portrait of a Negro Slave”, painted at a time when Blacks were portrayed as exotic slaves, was changed to its present name “Portrait of a Haitian Woman” by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in 2011. UPCOMING MCW PROGRAM EVENTS: DATE: Thursday, March 5th, 2015 at 12:00 Noon; Light Lunch @$10/person PROGRAM: “International Women’s Day”, a Panel Discussion which will include guest speakers Marlene Jennings, former MP for NDG – Lachine Riding 1997-2011 and, Maïr Verthuy, C.M. former MCW President; first Director of the Simone de Beauvoir Institute LOCATION: Les Jardins du canal, situated at 2700 Rufus Rockhead, opposite Atwater Market APRIL 2, 2015 – ENVIRONMENT- Dida Berku- Counselor in the City of Cote St. Luc, and an Attorney at Lawenvironment May 14, 2015 – MCW ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – Dr. Epstein , Concordia Professor- “Get the Stolen Art Back”Wartime thefts May 21-24, 2015 - The NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN will hold their Annual General Meeting in Montreal. (More details to follow) You can contact your representatives to the Montreal Council for Women for further information OR let us know if you want to receive the MCW monthly BULLETIN by email. Frances Lortie and Renate Sutherland MCW Representatives 6 Advertising space available. $10/ issue. Please contact: newsletter@mluwc.com 7 Interest Groups BON APPÉTIT CLUB - Twenty-two ladies spent an enjoyable evening dining out at M. Épicé in January. Our thanks to Ausma Groskaufmanis and Shirley Wick for organizing this outing. Our next dining experience is Restaurant Sahib, in Pointe Claire, on Thursday, February 26th, at 6:30 p.m. Co-ordinators are Franca Ferrara and Margaret Stephenson. Details for the evening have now been distributed to the interest group members. Our March outing will take us to Fuji, Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar in Pierrefonds/Roxboro on Thursday, March 26th at 6:30 p.m. Janet Ilavsky and Jill Rollins will plan this evening for us. If you are looking for a lovely evening out, please feel free to join our dining club, if you have not had an opportunity to do so. Everyone is most welcome. Victoria Pinnell BOOK CLUB I - Our March 11th meeting will be very special as we welcome Mark Abley to discuss his book "Conversations with a Dead Man", The Legacy of Duncan Campbell Scott. He has been invited to meet us at The Cambridge, 300 Hymus Blvd. Pointe Claire (the second building) at 3 p.m. I would like all the book club members to meet at 2:30 p.m. so we will be ready with coats off, coffee or tea in hand, before he arrives! Patricia Khal, our hostess, and book club members will be on hand to welcome you. I would appreciate a call from the leaders of the other book clubs with an idea of the number of participants. Marg Nicoll-Griffith CROSS COUNTRY SKIING - The cross-country ski group meets at The Morgan Arboretum at 9:45 a.m. on Tuesday, March 3 and Tuesday, March 10. All welcome. Janet Anderson DUPLICATE BRIDGE - The duplicate bridge group will meet at Centennial Hall, Beaconsfield, at 9 a.m. on Thursday, March 12 and Thursday, March 26. The group is in great need of spares who are willing to play. If you are interested in being a spare, please call Jane Quail to let her know. Jane Quail EVENING BOOK CLUB – The Evening Book Club meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month at the home of a member. For March we will be discussing A House In The Sky, a memoir by Amanda Lindhout, co-written with journalist Sara Corbett. It recounts Lindhout's experience in southern Somalia as a hostage of teenage militants from the Hizbul Islam fundamentalist group. We are looking for new members, please contact either Linda Sestock or Helen Findlay if you are interested. Helen Findlay 8 Interest Groups continued FILM CLUB - On March 17, we shall be showing the film “Temple Grandin”, at the Dollard Des Ormeaux’s Library, Room F005. SYNOPSIS TEMPLE GRANDIN A young, autistic woman sees the world like no other, taking snapshots of the world in her mind, and recalling them without thought. She substitutes human contact for a life of caring for animals, developing humane methods of taking care of livestock destined for the slaughterhouse. Her peculiar communication skills and intelligence shed new light on pre-conceived norms of autism. Misunderstood her entire life by her peers, her parents, and her teachers, she manages to teach them all new lessons in life. She excels at all levels of school, and eventually becomes a college valedictorian, and even manages to earn her doctorate. Suzanne Chaussé GERMAN CONVERSATION GROUP - the group will meet at Margarita Reti's house on Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 at 9.45 a.m. We will be working on Chapter 12, which is the Review. Christine Hamilton ISSUES AND ACTION GROUP - With the federal election and recent events in Quebec, the recent Supreme Court decision re the right to physician-assisted death and International Women’s Day, there are many issues to consider and decide what actions we wish to take, if any. The next meeting of the I&A Group will be at L’Académie restaurant (near Chapters in the Point Claire Shopping Centre) on Friday, February 20, at 1:00 p.m. Hope to see you all there! Please call one of us below to let us know if you wish to attend the meeting. Nancy Doray and Patricia DuVal JAUNTERS - The Jaunters will be going to McGill University to tour some of the Secrets of McGill, namely the Osler Library and the Maude Abbott Medical Museum. Date: Wednesday March 25, 2015 Time: 10:15 a.m. Meet on the 3rd Floor of the McIntyre Medical Building (round building), tour at 10:30; tour of Medical Museum at 11:30, Strathcona Building; (note: there is a 10 minute walk between tours; those with limited mobility can stay at the library and enjoy the ambiance longer prior to the lunch). Cost: $8.00 Lunch: La Taj 2077 Stanley (near Sherbrooke) at 1:00 p.m. Carpool: 9:10 a.m. Pointe Claire Plaza Parking: McGill - at the corner lot at Penfield and Drummond/Sir William Osler (entrance to lot through driveway for Hosmer House from Osler; or from Mountain take first driveway north of Penfield, east side of Mountain). Street parking is also possible. RSVP/Contact: Gisele Lambert; state if you are driving, need a ride, staying for lunch. Patricia Jones 9 Interest Groups continued MUSIC APPRECIATION – Music Appreciation will meet Thursday, March 19, 10 a.m., at the home of Mary Wells in preparation for the MSO morning concert the following Thursday, March 26, at Maison Symphonique. Addie will prepare refreshments. Dianne will present Khachatourian's "Concerto Rhapsody for Cello and Orchestra" and Addie will present Tchaikovsky's "Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op. 64." For details contact Maria Cranker. Maria Cranker. TÊTE-À-TÊTE (French Conversation) La prochaine réunion sera chez Maria Kolodziej le 20 mars . Si vous avez le goût de nous joindre pour parler en français dans une ambiance amicale veuillez me donner un coup de fil. Dianne Robinson TRAVEL - The travel group meeting is scheduled for March 2nd at 7 p.m. You will receive an email with the details. Maria Korab-Laskowska TUTTO ITALIANO - )is meeting on the 10th of March at 1:30 at Lilian Marier’s . We shall continue with our interesting series about Venice . Please advise if unable to come. Renata Bagga 10 11 March 2015 Monday 2 Travel Group 7 PM 9 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 X Country Ski 9:45 AM 4 5 6 11 Book Club1 2:30 PM 12 Duplicate Bridge 9 AM 13 18 19 Music Appreciation 10 AM 10 X Country Ski 9:45 AM German Conversation 9:45 AM Tutto Italiano 1:30 PM 16 17 Film Club 7 PM 23 24 Evening Book Club 30 25 Jaunters 10:15 AM 26 Duplicate Bridge 9 AM Bon Appétit 6:30 PM 20 Tête-à-Tête 27 31 Newsletter Editor: Barbara Armbruster newsletter@mluwc.com Proofreaders: Janet Guay & Gilda Martinello Deadline for APRIL submissions: Friday March 13, 2015 12
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