6757 Simms St., Arvada, CO 80004, Phone 303.467.2020 Website: ww.ChristCommunityCovenantChurch.org Email: Family@ChristCommunityCovenantChurch.org Christ Community Cove- Pastoral Staff Dave Scherrer, Senior Pastor ● Gloria Merritt, Pastor of Worship Arts ● Curt Vogt, Pastor of Family Life ● Scott Parr, Pastor of Youth Ministries ● Brittany Romine, Children’s Ministry Director ● All Believers, Ministers Check out the 4Cs Website See the all church calendar, sermon information, event registrations, photos, and more! In addition to lots of helpful information, you can also make tithe and building fund payments online. Check it out at: www.ChristCommunityCovenantChurch.org. Attendance and Giving “What we call liberality is seldom more than the vanity of giving; we are fonder of the vanity than the generosity of the action.” ~ François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) in Day’s Collacon compiled and arranged by Edward Parsons Day (New York: IPPO, 1884) 505. Attendance and Giving Information for this week: Ministry $13,123, Benevolence $578., Attendance 430 Communion Note— Note—On Communion Sunday, during our time at the Lord’s Table, we introduced gluten free elements. In an effort to be more attentive to our congregation who may have allergies, we will be offering this option on communion Sundays, along with the regular wafers. The new wafers are gluten, soy, egg, dairy and nut free. If you have any questions, contact Donni (x28). FAITH MOVING yÉÜãtÜw The Faith Moving Forward stewardship campaign continues. Even though we have been in our beautiful building for nearly a year now, expenses with the land and updates and upkeep on this facility continue. Thank you to those who have pledged and given in advance! And especially to those of you who have faithfully continued your pledge. If you are considering making an ongoing pledge, contact Jim (x25) in the church office or jim.auslen@Christcommunitycovenantchurch.org. The Power of Christ Revealed The Request of James and John: Power! ~ Mark 9:33-37, Mark 10:35-45 A Prayer for Ash Wednesday. “O loving God, we come to the Holy season of Lent truly sorry for our sins that have often separated us from you. We confess that we need to repent of our offenses against you which we have committed by thought, word and deed. We humbly pray for your mercy and forgiveness. We pray for a new quest for holiness on our part that we may become faithful and righteous servants of Christ. In His name, we pray. Amen.” Please fill out the Connection Card in the bulletin weekly and place it in the offering plate. We ask that visitors give us your full information so that we can send you a welcome letter and get to know you better. The opposite side is for your prayer and praise. We are led in worship today by: Dave Johnson, Jodi Mowery and Karissa Karins (vocals), Kevin Quackenbush (vocals and guitar), Tim Harrelson (drums), Keith Lopez (bass), Aaron Wolle (cello), Gloria Merritt (keys and vocals), Leo Oury and Gary Merritt (tech). Today the Senior Adult Community (SAC) is sponsoring a “You Are Loved” potluck. Join us in the Fellowship Center immediately following second service. All senior adults are welcome. And then...Save the Date of March 22 for our next event. Details coming soon. Worship Choir Invitation for Easter— Easter—It is our tradition to celebrate Christ’s resurrection with joyful music from our worship choir! If you enjoy that sort of thing, please join us for rehearsals in March as we prepare for Resurrection Sunday on April 5. Rehearsals will be held on Sunday afternoons in March from 3:00 until 4:30 pm in the Worship Center (Sanctuary). Our final rehearsal will be held on Thursday evening, April 2. Please contact Gloria (x29) or email: gloria.merritt@christcommunitycovenantchurch.org to participate. We welcome all ages from 9th grade and up. Blessing Bags— Bags—Bags are available at the Common Grounds Information Center. Please help yourself and pass them out when an opportunity arises. “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore, I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11 Ash Wednesday is February 18 (this week). week) Please plan to attend a special time of worship at 7:00 pm, in the Fellowship Center. This is a contemplative worship service and will include some “stations” Center that will enrich our experience as we observe various spiritual disciplines. More information about Ash Wednesday, taken from AboutChristianity.com: In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter (Sundays are not included in the count). Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. During some Ash Wednesday services, the minister will lightly rub the sign of the cross with ashes onto the foreheads of worshipers. The Bible does not mention Ash Wednesday or the custom of Lent, however, the practice of repentance and mourning in ashes is found in 2 Samuel 13:19; Esther 4:1; Job 2:8; Daniel 9:3; and Matthew 11:21. 4Cs Youth Events Powderburn “ON SALE!”— SALE!”—We have more room and want more students to come! Only $160 (we’ve removed the late charge); charge) we have lots of scholarship funds left to give out – let Scott know if you’d like to come but can only afford to pay $50, $75, or $100! $100 Bring a new friend and get $30 off yours and $30 off theirs! Powderburn is a weekend (February 20-22) at the fabulous Crooked Creek Camp near Winter Park. Skiing/Snowboarding are optional, and camp has an awesome speaker, band, free time activities, tubing, and more. Over 300 high school students and leaders from youth groups around Colorado will attend. Time to Register for Dare2Share! Due February 12! Registration info and forms are at the youth info center. This awesome event will help kids clearly understand the good news of Jesus and hear a challenge to share it with friends. Nationally recognized speakers and band (“Starfield) right here in Arvada at Faith Bible Chapel. Friday, February 27 at 6:30 pm to Saturday, February 28 at 5:00 pm. Meet and pickup at Faith Bible Chapel (62nd & Ward). Cost is $25 for youth leaders, $60 for students. Financial assistance gladly granted – just mention to Scott in an email (scott.parr@christcommunitycovenantchurch.org) or x32 at church. Week at a Glance for February 16— 16—22 CHIC registrations are also available at the Youth Information Center. Monday, February 16 ● 9:00 am NO Mothers of Young Children, 5:15 pm Zumba Tuesday, February 17 ● 9:00 am Women’s Bible Study, 6:30 pm Fusion “Underground Church”, 6:30 pm Vitality team Wednesday, February 18 ● 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Service Thursday, February 19 ● 9:00 am Praying Moms, 5:15 pm Zumba, 6:30 pm Missions, 6:30 pm Security Team Friday, February 20 ● Powderburn weekend, 6:00 am Male Call Saturday, February 21 ● Sunday, February 22 ● 9:00 and 10:30 am Worship Services, Christian Education Classes • • • Confirmation Class— Class—Class runs during the 10:30 am hour Sundays in the Youth Center Questions? Contact Elizabeth Hoon at 303.460.0138 or eghoon7@aol.com Fusion (Jr. High) Tuesday evenings from 6:30—8:30 pm. This week Underground Church and teaching. High Point (Sr. High) Wednesday evenings from 6:30—8:30 pm. This week join us upstairs for the Ash Wednesday service (a tactile, interactive experience!) and then getting cocoa or coffee in small groups. Adult Ministry Classroom— —It is never too late to Bible in 2015, Sunday morning 9:00 am in the Youth Center Classroom begin reading the Bible along with us as this interesting, page-turning saga continues! In Exodus we see God's numerous, amazing miracles and the Israelite's forgetful, complaining attitudes. Hmmmm....What is the lesson there for us? Calendars are available at the Usher’s Stand and the Information Table. Call Linda Hindley at 303.431.4518 with any questions. Adult Sunday School, Sunday morning 10:30 am in the Fireside Room— Room—We’re submersed in the study of 1 Peter. This week is “Get Ready for a Rough Ride” 1 Peter 4:1-19. This is an open class so join in at any time—Led by Pastor Curt. Destination: Relationship (for women of all ages), Sunday morning 10:30 am in the Balcony Classroom— —Devotions, conversation, encouragement, and friendship. Led by Cindy Oury Classroom cj_oury@yahoo.com. This is an open class; feel free to join us at any time! Bible Study for Mothers of Young Children, Monday morning 9:00 am in the Fireside Room— Room— We are doing a Bible study called “Stuck” by Jennie Allen. If you have any questions or are able to help with childcare, childcare please contact Alicia at 720.556.8133, amquackenbush@gmail.com Center— —Breakfast served, Women’s Bible Study, Tuesday morning 9:00 am in the Fellowship Center no childcare available. A new study has started…”Encountering God” by Bill Hybels. Group is led by Linda Friskney, deckmom@msn.com. Grounds— —Same study and Women’s Bible Study, Wednesday evening 6:30 pm in Common Grounds content as the Tuesday morning study. Led by Linda Friskney. room— —All are welcome to join Moms in Prayer, Thursday morning 9:00 am in the Kindergarten room us in praying for our children and their schools. Your prayers make a difference! Come experience God’s peace and hope when you pray alongside others. Please contact Shelley Buchwald (RLBuchwald@yahoo.com) or 303.246.4367 for more information. 4Cs4Kids Children’s Ministry Sunday schedule for 4Cs4Kids 9:00 am—If you choose as a family to attend the 9:00 am service, there is a children’s bulletin at am the name tag stand (Pre-K-elementary age) if you would like one. The Main Nursery is open for birth thru age two and in the Kindergarten room we have Sunday school for ages 3-5 years. Please check-in in the classroom for the 9:00 hour. 10:30 am— am—Sunday school for all ages: Main Nursery (birth-2 year olds) Preschool (3-5 year olds) Kindergarten Elementary For security purposes, ALL children ages three-6th grade need to be checked in to the Kid Central desk at the top of the stairs before entering a classroom. No exceptions. KICK and C4— C4—If you are in 1st-6th grade then please join us on Monday nights for K.I.C.K. (1st4th) or C4 (5th-6th). K.I.C.K. and C4 will meet together for games, craft and snack but each will have their own break out session for Bible/worship time. We will start promptly at 6:30 pm and will be finished by 8:00ish pm. Parents are always welcome to stay and play. Our next meeting is, Monday, February 23. We will be meeting every other week (a calendar with meeting dates will be available for pick up at the sign-in desk). Winter Trailblazer Camp at Covenant Heights— Heights—This camp is February 27 – March 1, 2015, for ages 8-12 and cost is $119. For more information please go http://www.covenant heights.org/#/events/winter-trailblazer to sign up and register. Covenant Heights is also looking for leaders that are 19 years and older. It is free for leaders but you must be willing to give a background check. For more information please visit http://storage. cloversites.com/ covenantheightscampretreatcenter/documents/Sample%20Leaders%20Letter%20(packet).pdf Male Call (Men’s Ministry), Friday morning 6:00 am in the Fellowship Center— Center—Every week we will be further exploring the last Sunday’s sermon. Donuts and coffee provided! Divorce Care and Divorce Care for Kids—On Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Grace Church of Arvada (6969 Sheridan Blvd, Arvada, CO 80003). This is a 13 week class, but you can join at any point in time. Divorce Care/DC4K online link (through Church Initiative) to the City Unite churches in our area who are not offering the program. Women of 4Cs— Saturday, May 2 for a One Day Spring 4Cs—Save the date of Retreat. We’re excited to share a wonderful, Spirit-filled, relaxing day together! More details Retreat coming soon. Divorce Care for Kids ages 5-11, if you are interested in that – their workbooks are the same price as the adult’s ($16.50). If you go to the website – www.grace-alone.org (Families, dropdown Family Support), you can get all the information you need and you can register and purchase your book online – it will be waiting for you in class if purchased before Thursday. 4Cs CommunityGroups— —Experience the joys of sharing life together by joining a Community Community Group! Joining, hosting or leading a group is easy. No prior experience needed; just a desire to "do life" with others. Please contact Katy McCormic, katymccormic@gmail.com or Curt Vogt (x24) curt.vogt@christcommunitycovenantchurch.org for more info. Alternatives Pregnancy Center Bottles— Bottles—This week and next is when you should turn in your baby bottle banks. Please place them in the basket at the Info Center. If you are unable to do stairs, hand them to an usher and they will place it in the basket for you. Native American Outreach Mission Trip— Trip—This August— August—Save the Date Pastor Scott has been gathering details for a “multi-generational, family friendly, singles, couples, whole family” aka all inclusive mission trip to New Mexico this summer. Here are some details: The trip will be from August 6-10, to serve with a Native American community near Gallup, New Mexico. We will be focusing on children’s ministry, elderly visitation, “honeydo” light construction, and an evening of worship for the entire community. There will possibly be a sightseeing excursion nearby, perhaps bringing along people in the community with whom we’re ministering. Estimated cost of trip: $96 per adult 11+, $80 per child 33-10 yrs, $30 per child age 2 & under. Includes bunkhouse lodging and meals at camp, VBS and construction materials, tshirt, excursion, and misc. supplies. Does not include: include travel meals; motel for those unable to stay in bunkhouses; gas cost (approx. $20-$60 per seat depending on fuel efficiency, gas prices, and number in vehicles). Contact Scott if you are interested in joining this trip. Also, if anyone would be interested in taking an aspect of leadership of the trip, in helping coordinate logistics, meals, children’s ministry, or other ministry opportunities, please contact Scott directly at X32 or scott.parr@christcommunitycovenantchurch.org. Women of Faith is coming to Denver on their Farewell Tour "Loved" this August 7 and 8. This will be the final tour that Women of Faith is sponsoring. The sessions are Friday, August 7, from 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm and Saturday, August 8, from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. The cost of the tickets is $99, but would reduce to $89 if ten or more are interested in attending. Boxed lunches are available for Saturday at $12. If you have questions or are interested in attending, contact Joani Nelson at joanimom@comcast.net or call 303.809.4139. 4Cs’ Mission Team Members Needed— Needed—If you would like to be part of the 4Cs team that works with our missionaries—both within the US and abroad, please contact Pastor Curt Vogt for more information at curt.vogt@ChristCommunityCovenantChurch.org or 303.467.2020 x24. Meetings are once a month at the church. The 11th Annual Colorado Rockies Faith Day is coming up on Sunday, July 26, 2015. The musical guest this year will be Michael W. Smith! Smith You can get tickets by visiting the website: www.rockies.com/faith day. Reloadable King Soopers or Safeway Gift Cards are such an easy way to pay for events!! We all buy groceries and gas—and with your reloadable card, you earn 5% for every $100 you add to your card at the store. Pay for Powderburn, CHIC, Covenant Heights Camp, ...anything 4Cs/church related can be paid out of your scrip family account. If you don’t do any of these events, you can donate your funds toward scholarships or the general fund. Initial cards are available at Heather’s desk (reception) near the north entrance. Cost is $10 (they are preloaded with $10). Questions? Call the office or email: Heather.Jaeger@ChristCommunityCovenantChurch.org. presents an 8-12 year old Friday Morning Homeschool Class Production of: Colorado ACTS p The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, Adapted from the Classic by Cindy Oury. Join us for a swashbuckling, adventurous romp in Sherwood Forest as Robin Hood and his band of Merry Folk save the poor from the tyranny of the elite. Maid Marian and her court of maidens fair also enlist the aid of the brave men and women who stand for justice no matter the cost. Performs: February 20, at 10am and 7pm and February 21, at 7:00 pm. Tickets: $5.00 per person, $20 Family Limit, Children 5 and Under are always free. Location: The Colorado ACTS Theater, 11455 W. I-70 Frontage Road North, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, 303.456.6772, www.coloradoacts.org. Fresh Start Marriage Workshop— Workshop—9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday, March 7, Vista Ridge Community Center, 2750 Vista Parkway, Erie CO. Cost: $50 per couple (at the door) a love offering will also be received. Presenters: Bob Baker, Steve and Patty Keller. Lunch on your own at nearby CU Golf Club/Masters Restaurant. Come and learn how to: • Get a fresh start in your marriage by addressing the “real” issues--instead of trying to mask the symptoms and staying stuck. • Use a simple (yet powerful) tool to search out and deal with the “soul wounds” from your past that continue to rob your present and dim your future. • Shift from anger and frustration with your partner to having compassion for how they landed where you now find them. • Transform your relational challenges into a compassionate response of healing prayer for one another (with renewed awareness that it’s God himself who actually brings about the healing and heart change needed to sustain a God-honoring marriage). • For those of you who are new friends of our teaching team, we have attached short bios to help you know us better. Space is limited at the venue, so please reserve your spot right away by emailing: Baker.MarriageFoundations@gmail.com. Shop—Free training!! More teams Baristas and Helpers Needed for Common Grounds Coffee Shop are needed for Sunday morning. You’ll be committing to one Sunday morning a month and will be trained on our equipment. Contact John Mowery for more information at: 303.944.7033 or jmowery@broomfield.org. Local Christian Radio Stations: Stations K-LOVE, FM 91.1 (contemporary music); KRKS, FM 94.7 (teaching), KPOF AM 910 (more traditional music and teaching, great local news and weather); KXGR 89.7 Grace FM (teaching and music) and WAY FM 101.9. Zumba Fitness—If you are interested in joining the Zumba group, classes are on Monday and Fitness Thursday at 5:15 pm. If you have questions, contact Karleen Quackenbush at 303.877.7453 or karleen.quackenbush@gmail.com. Baby and Kid Stuff— Stuff—Arvada Church of Christ has on ongoing resource to raise funds for Casa, their Mexico mission. They are having a sale 3/27, 28 at the Arvada Christian Church. If you would like to “preview” the sale, contact Donni or Heather in the 4Cs church office.
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