6757 Simms St., Arvada, CO 80004, Phone 303.467.2020 Website: ww.ChristCommunityCovenantChurch.org Email: Family@ChristCommunityCovenantChurch.org Pastoral Staff Dave Scherrer, Senior Pastor ● Gloria Merritt, Pastor of Worship Arts ● Curt Vogt, Pastor of Family Life ● Scott Parr, Pastor of Youth Ministries ● Brittany Romine, Children’s Ministry Director ● All Believers, Ministers Check out the 4Cs Website See the all church calendar, sermon information, event registrations, photos, and more! In addition to lots of helpful information, you can also make tithe and building fund payments online. Check it out at: www.ChristCommunityCovenantChurch.org. Attendance and Giving Hubbard Winslow: Timeless advice regarding wealth. “A wealthy man who obtains his wealth honestly and uses it rightly is a great blessing to the community.” Attendance and Giving Information for this week: Ministry $22,729., Benevolence $0., Attendance 483 FAITH MOVING yÉÜãtÜw The Faith Moving Forward stewardship campaign continues. Even though we have been in our beautiful building for over a year now, expenses with the land, updates and upkeep on this facility continue. Thank you to those who have pledged and given in advance! And to those of you who have faithfully continued your pledge. If you are considering making an ongoing pledge, contact Jim at jim.auslen@Christcommunitycovenantchurch.org or (x25). Do You Bank Online? Online? Did you know that 4Cs can accept Electronic Funds Transfers, Credit Cards and Debit Cards? For repeating and non-repeating gifts and tithes by credit or debit, go to: www.ChristCommunityCovenant Church.org, click “Stewardship” and scroll down to “Give Online.” For Electronic Funds Transfers, call Jim Auslen at the church office (303.467.2020 x25) or email him at: jim.auslen@christcommunitycovenantchurch.org Christ Community Covenant Church “Keep your eyes on the horizon and your hands on the plow” Pastor Dave Scherrer March 22, 2015 Welcome to worship! We are here to celebrate the glorious victory of Christ over sin and death. Let us rejoice exuberantly and give God the glory. Hallelujah! The Lord lives and reigns. Forever and forever. Please fill out the Connection Card in the bulletin weekly and place it in the offering plate. We ask that visitors give us your full information so that we can send you a welcome letter and get to know you better. The opposite side is for your prayer(s) and praise. We are led in worship today by: Dutch Smith (bass), Nick Tempel (mandolin and electric), Jim Wobermin and Ken Himes (tech), Connor Vogt and Gloria Merritt (vocals), Laura Merritt (vocals and ukulele), Ben Merritt (drums), Michael Merritt (guitar). Easter is less than a month away. Has anyone invited you to church yet? Well, consider yourself invited! We’d love to have you join Because He Holy Week Schedule • • • We conclude the Mark series in the next couple of weeks. Join us during Holy Week for the following events: March 31 through April 2 - Prayer Journey in the Fellowship Center each day from 1:00—4:00 pm and 6:00—8:00 pm. Note that Wednesday evening might be quite busy with students. April 3 at 7:00 pm - Good Friday Service in the Worship Center April 5 - Celebration Sunday with services at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am. Common Grounds is closed this week. Please feel free to help yourself to free coffee and snacks in the lower level or in the Fellowship Center. We’ll be back up and running next week. Extra postcard invitations are available for your use at the Usher Stand and at the Information Center in Common Grounds. Community and Covenant Events Covenant Heights Camp in Estes Park has some great events coming up. Mark these dates and consider being a part: Men’s Retreat – May 1 & 2; Work & Worship – May 15 - 17. Baby and Kid Stuff— Stuff—Arvada Church of Christ has on ongoing resource to raise funds for Casa, their Mexico mission. They are having a sale of baby and children’s equipment, toys and clothing on March 27, 28 at the Arvada Christian Church from 8:00 am—4:00 pm. 4Cs CommunityGroups— —Experience the joys of sharing life together by joining a Community Community Group! Joining, hosting or leading a group is easy. No prior experience needed; just a desire to "do life" with others. Please contact Katy McCormic, katymccormic@gmail.com or Curt Vogt (x24) curt.vogt@christcommunitycovenantchurch.org for more info. Blessing Bags— Bags—Bags are available at the Common Grounds Information Center. Please help yourself and pass them out when an opportunity arises. “There will always be poor people in the TODAY— are going to the History Colorado Center this TODAY—Senior Adult Community Field Trip—We Trip afternoon. Meet at the church at 1:30 pm for a van ride to the museum (limited space). A group of 10+ people will get a $2 discount on tickets. Tickets are $10 for 65+ and $12 for under 65 (before discount). For more information, see: http://historycoloradocenter.org. Any seniors that are not on the SAC mailing list (haven’t received a postcard about this event) but would like to be on the list, please note on your Connection Card. Bag Monster— Monster—You can continue to bring your plastic grocery bags for Hearts ‘n’ Hands and leave them in the container near Cold Storage. The trash can is marked “bag monster”. Decorating with spring flowers— flowers—If you would like to make a donation “in honor of” or “in memory of” loved ones (or just want to donate) to help us beautify our church for Easter, place your donations and named honorees in the offering envelope (be sure to clearly mark your donation for flowers). We look forward to the extra beauty this will add to our lovely church home! land. Therefore, I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11 2015 Aeration Fundraiser Spring is coming fast and Marv and his crew will soon begin aerating lawns for Hope House of Colorado. All donations will be matched again by Xcel Energy. If you would like to have your lawn aerated, contact Marv Giddings at church on Sundays or call him at 303.421.9682. They plan to begin aerating at the end of March and will contact you so you can prepare and water as needed. If you want to help as a volunteer with the outside work, let him know that also. This will enable them to reach their goal without a burden on a few. Last year they were able to complete 120 lawns and donate $10,000 to programs at Hope House. Adult Ministry Bible in 2015, Sunday morning 9:00 am in the Youth Center Classroom— Classroom—It is never too late to begin reading along with us as this interesting, page-turning saga continues! Calendars are available at the Usher’s Stand and the Information Table. Call Linda Hindley at 303.431.4518 with any questions. Adult Sunday School, Sunday morning 10:30 am in the Fireside Room— Room—Join us as we continue our series on Connecting with Biblical Figures by taking a look at Ezra. This is an open class so join in at any time—Led by Pastor Curt. Destination: Relationship (for women of all ages), Sunday morning 10:30 am in the Balcony Classroom— —Devotions, conversation, encouragement, and friendship. Led by Cindy Oury Classroom cj_oury@yahoo.com. This is an open class; feel free to join us at any time! Bible Study for Mothers of Young Children, Monday morning 9:00 am in the Fireside Room— Room— We are doing a Bible study called “Stuck” by Jennie Allen. If you have any questions or are able to help with childcare, childcare please contact Alicia at 720.556.8133, amquackenbush@gmail.com Center— —Breakfast served, Women’s Bible Study, Tuesday morning 9:00 am in the Fellowship Center no childcare available. The class is studying “Encountering God” by Bill Hybels. Anyone can join at any time because prep time is not required. The group is led by Linda Friskney, deckmom@msn.com. Grounds— —Same study and Women’s Bible Study, Wednesday evening 6:30 pm in Common Grounds content as the Tuesday morning study. Led by Linda Friskney. room— —All are welcome to join Moms in Prayer, Thursday morning 9:00 am in the Kindergarten room us in praying for our children and their schools. Your prayers make a difference! Come experience God’s peace and hope when you pray alongside others. Please contact Shelley Buchwald (RLBuchwald@yahoo.com) or 303.246.4367 for more information. Male Call (Men’s Ministry), Friday morning 6:00 am in the Fellowship Center— Center—Every week we will be further exploring the last Sunday’s sermon. Donuts and coffee provided! Volunteer Appreciation Dinner— Dinner—Coming Soon! SAVE THE DATE & WE NEED YOUR HELP...Your invitation and more details will be coming in the mail soon, but on April 26, 4C’s HELP... Staff and Council will host a volunteer appreciation dinner. If you have photographs or even short videos of church activities with volunteers and workers, please email them to family@christcommunitycovenantchurch.org or bring them by to be scanned or downloaded from a portable drive. We’re especially looking for pictures from our move, remodeling and any painting or fixing up. Thanks for helping. If, for some reason, you did not receive an invitation in the mail and would like to attend, please pick up a brochure at the Information Center or at the Usher Stand and be sure to RSVP by the date given. Thanks! 4Cs4Kids Children’s Ministry Sunday schedule for 4Cs4Kids ⇒ 9:00 am—If you choose as a family to attend the 9:00 am service, there is a children’s am bulletin at the name tag stand (Pre-K-elementary age) if you would like one. ⇒ The Main Nursery is open for birth thru age two and in the Kindergarten room we have Sunday school for ages 3-5 years. Please check-in in the classroom for the 9:00 hour. ⇒ 10:30 am— am—Sunday school for all ages: Main Nursery (birth-2 year olds), Preschool (3-5 year olds), Kindergarten, Elementary ⇒ For security purposes, ALL children ages three-6th grade need to be checked in to the Kid Central desk at the top of the stairs before entering a classroom. No exceptions. We want to invite ALL children ages K-6 to be a part of the kids musical called L.O.S.T. But Now I’m Found. We will be performing in both services on Sunday, May 10, (Mother’s Day). Rehearsals are Sunday mornings, from 9:00-10:00 am with Terri Hughes and drama rehearsal with Cindy Oury from 9:50-10:30 am. We really encourage your child(ren) to be at rehearsals on Sunday mornings as well as be on time. We need parents and/or volunteers to get involved. Terri needs people to collect props, organize costumes stuff, back stage help, snacks for dress rehearsals and artists for set design. Please contact Terri Hughes if you would like to help. You can either email her at teresarhughes@comcast.net or call her at 303.421.7919. Parents— Parents—If your child is participating in the kid’s musical you are encouraged to have them stay for regular children’s programming during 2nd hour. Adults are welcome to attend the adult class in the Fireside Room at 10:30 am (see information under “Adult Ministry”). KICK and C4— C4—If you are in 1st-6th grade then please join us on Monday nights for K.I.C.K. (1st-4th) or C4 (5th-6th). K.I.C.K. and C4 will meet together for games, craft and snack but each will have their own break out session for Bible/worship time. We will start promptly at 6:30 pm and will be finished by 8:00ish pm. Parents are always welcome to stay and play. Our next meeting is, Monday, March 30. We will be meeting every other week (a calendar with meeting dates will be available for pick up at the sign-in desk). Colorado ACTS presents a Community Production of “Quilters” on March 27, 28 at 7:00 pm. 11455 W. I-70 Frontage Rd. N., Wheat Ridge. Adults $8/students & $7/ seniors. Go to www.coloradoacts.org or 303.456.6772 for more information 4Cs Youth Events • • • • • • March/April Calendars are now available at the Youth Info Board CHIC registrations are still available at the Youth Info Center Confirmation Class— Class—Class runs during the 10:30 am hour Sundays in the Youth Center Questions? Contact Elizabeth Hoon at 303.460.0138 or eghoon7@aol.com Fusion (Middle School) Tuesday evenings from 6:30—8:30 pm. High Point (Sr. High) Wednesday evenings from 6:30—8:30 pm. 4Cs Youth are again looking for volunteers to provide meals for their leaders on Fusion (Tue) and High Point (Wed) nights through the end of May. If you would like to help, please contact Heather in the office. Other Reloadable King Soopers or Safeway Gift Cards are such an easy way to pay for events!! We all buy groceries and gas—and with your reloadable card, you earn 5% for every $100 you add to your card at the store. Pay for Powderburn, CHIC, Covenant Heights Camp, ...anything 4Cs/church related can be paid out of your scrip family account. If you don’t do any of these events, you can donate your funds toward scholarships or the general fund. Initial cards are available at Heather’s desk (reception) near the north entrance. Cost is $10 (they are preloaded with $10). Questions? Call the office or email: Heather.Jaeger@ChristCommunityCovenantChurch.org. Week at a Glance for March 23—29 Monday, March 23 ● 9:00 am NO Mothers of Young Children (spring break), 5:15 pm Zumba, Tuesday, March 24 ● 9:00 am Women’s Bible Study, 6:30 pm Fusion Middle School AND High Point (Senior High) together for game and movie night Wednesday, March 25 ● 6:30 pm NO High Point Senior High (see Tuesday), 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study, 6:30 pm Open Hands meeting Thursday, March 26 ● 9:00 am Praying Moms, 5:15 pm Zumba, 1:00—5:00 pm Students “Make Somebody’s Day” Friday, March 27 ● 6:00 am Male Call, 8:00 am—4:00 pm Casa garage sale Saturday, March 28 ● 8:00 am—4:00 pm Casa garage sale Sunday, March 29 ● 9:00 and 10:30 am Worship Services, Christian Education Classes, Noon Town Hall meeting and Potluck!! 12:30 pm Iglesia Covenant Luz of Hope, 3:00 pm Easter Choir practice Save the Dates: March 29, Town Hall Meeting and Potluck!! Following second service. Child care available upon request (you must RSVP via your connection card or contact Brittany x36). March 31—April 2, Prayer Journey (see Holy Week Schedule for details) April 3, Good Friday Service, 7:00 pm April 5, Resurrection Sunday, services at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am April 26, Volunteer Dinner, 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Center (all are invited, but you need to RSVP) Selah: Aninvitation topauseandrelect 4Cs Women's Spring Retreat 2015 Registra(on forms are available at the Common Grounds Informa(on Center or at the Usher’s Stand We have a confident expectation that when we create space to meet with God, He will meet us. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-19) Our lives are full of some beautiful noises, distracting commotions and dull humdrum, all creating a symphony of sounds that challenges our ability to recognize the small voice, the gentle impression, and the wise guidance of our Lord. Selah is an Experience, Experience and you are invited to journey with other women as we seek to quiet our hearts and adore the Lord through a gift that He longs for: your time. On Saturday, May 2, we will start our day as a large group, meeting together at 4Cs, enjoying a continental style breakfast, conversation, worship and some encouragement. After a rich time together, we will break into groups of six to ten and continue the retreat in warm and comfortable host homes. In each home there will be a facilitator who will lead the time, with the hope of creating a space for you to come to Jesus and experience more of Him. You will be experiencing this retreat alongside other women, but it is really YOUR personal experience. There are no prerequisites. If you are still curious about Jesus or have been following Him a long time, if you are extraverted or introverted, if you are contemplative by nature or gregarious, if you are in a sweet time of peace or staring a trial right in the face, no matter how you are wired, or what season of life you are in, this experience is for you. It is for you, because you are a child of God who has a Heavenly Father who longs for you to pause, enjoy Him and be enjoyed. This retreat is NOT about exposing ourselves to one another or working out all our issues. It is an act of worship, giving God our time and trusting He is good and desires to refresh our soul. It is about receiving rest, freedom, and life. After some time in host homes, which includes lunch, there will be another light-hearted gathering (optional) for women who want to continue the day. We hope you will join us. Your presence is a gift.
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