Fe b r u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 • I s s u e 1 6 6 • h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a E-NEWSLETTER SGPS Office Hours The SGPS Office is open Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (we are now open from noon-1). We are located in room 021 in the John Deutsch University Centre (corner of University and Union streets). SGPS ELECTION & REFERENDUM RESULTS Total number of ballots cast in the election: 613 (approx. 14.17 percent of the SGPS membership) President Do you agree to the acclamation of Chris Cochrane to the position of President of the Society of Graduate and Professional Students at Queen's University? Yes: 395 No: 38 VP Campaigns and Community Affairs Do you agree to the acclamation of Lorne Beswick to the position of VP Campaigns and Community Affairs of the Society of Graduate and Professional Students at Queen's University? Yes: 356 No: 35 VP Finance and Services Do you agree to the acclamation of Christina Huber to the position of VP Finance and Services of the Society of Graduate and Professional Students at Queen's University? Yes: 363 No: 30 VP Graduate Dinah Jansen Mark Kellenberger 203 SGPS E-Newsletter 216 • Page 1 of 8 • www.sgps.ca Fe b r u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 • I s s u e 1 6 6 • h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a E - N E W S L E T T E SGPS ELECTION & REFERENDUM RESULTS R VP Professional Mark Asfar Azeem Manghat 242 130 Referendum Results Should the SGPS increase a Class C Mandatory fee (not indexed to inflation) from $6.00 to $7.50 (an increase of $1.50 per student) for the SGPS Student Advisor Program? This fee last went to referendum in 2006/2007. Yes: 303 No: 197 Should the SGPS increase a Class C Mandatory fee (not indexed to inflation) from $46.50 to $66.25 (an increase of $19.75 per student) for Bus-It? This fee hasn't been to referendum in at least 10 years. Yes: 388 No: 167 Should the SGPS increase a Class D Mandatory fee (not indexed to inflation) from $3.50 to $6.50 (an increase of $3.00 per student) for The Queen's Journal? This fee last went to referendum in 2012-2013. Yes: 176 No: 335 Should the SGPS renew a Class A Optional fee (not indexed to inflation) of $1.00 for Queen's Daycare? This fee last went to referendum in 2008-2009. Yes: 405 No: 110 Should the SGPS renew a Class A Optional fee (not indexed to inflation) of $1.00 for the Four Directions Aboriginal Student Centre? This fee last went to referendum in 2008-2009. Yes: 372 No: 140 SGPS BURSARIES The SGPS administers the following bursaries: • Emergency Student Aid • Dental Bursary • Grants Program • Sustainability Action Fund • Sports Fund • Club Fund For more information: http://www.sgps.ca/services/awards.html SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 2 of 8 • www.sgps.ca Fe b r u a r y 1 5 , E 2 0 1 5 • N E - I s s u e W 1 6 6 S • L h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a E T T E R A Message From The School of Graduate Studies 2015 AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN GRADUATE STUDENT SUPERVISION The School of Graduate Studies invites nominations of faculty members for consideration for the 2015 Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Supervision. The purpose of this award is to recognize those outstanding supervisors who demonstrate excellence in advising, monitoring and mentoring their graduate students. Two awards will be presented at the Fall 2015 Convocation: one in the Social Sciences and Humanities, and one in Life Sciences, Natural Sciences and Engineering. Nomination forms and award guidelines are available from the Office of the Dean, School of Graduate Studies (deansgsr@queensu.ca) or at http://www.queensu.ca/sgs. Nomination packages should be submitted to the Dean, School of Graduate Studies, Queen’s University, Gordon Hall 425, 74 Union Street, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 by 4pm on Thursday, May 28, 2015. A Message From Queen’s SASS LEARNING STRATEGIES AND WRITING CENTRE FREE SUPPORT Wondering how you’re going to complete your thesis or dissertation? Having trouble staying motivated and on track with everything you have to get done? We can help! Student Academic Success Services (Learning Strategies and the Writing Centre) offers free support for graduate and professional students, including 1:1 consultations with Learning Specialists and Writing Consultants. Visit our website – http://sass.queensu.ca – for more information, or book an appointment by calling 613-533-6315. A Message From Career Services FEBRUARY GRAD DROP-IN CAREER ADVISING TIME CHANGE The Gradudate focused career advising time for February ONLY has changed to a different DAY and TIME. Wed, Feb 25, 3:00-4:00 – CANCELLED Monday, February 23, 10:00-11:00 am – NEW DROP-IN CAREER ADVISING TIME/DAY Graduate students are more than welcome to attend any of our regular drop-in career advising times, in addition to this specially-focused one. More info about drop-in career advising can be found here: http://careers.queensu.ca/students/services-students/drop-career-advising. SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 3 of 8 • www.sgps.ca Fe b r u a r y 1 5 , E 2 0 1 5 • N E - I s s u e W 1 6 6 S • L h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a E T T E R A Message From Student Affairs NOMINATIONS FOR AWARDS Graduating this year? Nominations are open for the 2015 Baillie Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching. Please take the time to nominate a high school teacher who had a positive influence on you. Teacher-recipients each receive $5,000 and are invited to your convocation ceremony to receive their award. Nomination deadline is Sunday, March 1 at 11:59 p.m. Access the on-line form now! http://queensu.ca/studentaffairs/funding-and-awards/baillie-award-excellence-secondary-school-teaching Do you know students who are active in the community or who are amazing peer leaders? Nominations are being accepted until March 5 at 11:59 p.m. for the 2015 Brian Yealland Community Service Award: http://queensu.ca/studentaffairs/funding-and-awards/brian-yealland-community-leadership-award AND the Peer Leadership Award: http://queensu.ca/studentaffairs/funding-and-awards/peer-leadership-award A reception to honour this year's award recipients and all students who work or volunteer across the Division of Student Affairs is being held on March 26 from 4:30-6:00 p.m. in the ARC. Save the date! Help improve the living and broader learning environment for women studying at Queen’s! The Eilidh Balkwill Fund supports initiatives that respond to gender-based social issues and promote a positive, healthy and inclusive campus environment. Apply now! http://queensu.ca/studentaffairs/funding-and-awards/eilidh-balkwill-fund RECYCLE AT THE SGPS OFFICE Drop off your used batteries, compact fluorescent light bulbs, used electronics, ink cartridges and old cell phones at the SGPS office and we will recycle them. INFORMATION SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Information Services and Technology Student Advisory Committee is looking for an SGPS member to serve as the graduate student representative. The are not looking for a grad student with IT knowledge, just a grad student with grad student knowledge. Topics under discussion will include: the IT resources currently provided; the IT resources that IT providers are looking at providing; and the IT resources that aren’t provided that grad students need or would like. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact SGPS Executive Assistant, Andria Mahon at ea@sgps.ca. SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 4 of 8 • www.sgps.ca Fe b r u a r y 1 5 , E 2 0 1 5 • N E - I s s u e W 1 6 6 S • L h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a E T T E R A Message From CFRC 101.9fm CFRC 101.9FM EVENTS CFRC Volunteer Application Deadline, February 23 CFRC is recruiting volunteers for its spring training cycle. Apply online at http://CFRC.ca/volunteer and make your radio dreams come true! CFRC Homelessness Radio Marathon, February 25-26 CFRC is hosting the 13th annual National Homelessness Radio Marathon, an all-night broadcast shared by radio stations from coast-to-coast, raising awareness about homelessness in Canadian communities. For more information or to get involved, visit http://CFRC.ca/homelessness NEW WEBSITE FOR REGISTRAR’S OFFICE The Registrar’s Office has updated their website to include some new features. Some of these features include: • • • • • now scalable on mobile devices a new A-Z directory more tutorials for using SOLUS an internal search function for the site not to mention a new look As with any new or updated website, watch out for broken or missing links. http://www.queensu.ca/registrar "I COUNT” EQUITY CENSUS Are you currently working as a TA or as a TF? Queen’s Equity Office would like to hear from you! The annual "I Count” Equity Census has started and the Equity Office is looking to hear from all Queen’s staff in order to ensure that accurate information on the composition of the workforce is collected at Queen’s. In order to participate, please visit: https://eservices.queensu.ca/apps/equity/index.jsp Check out the informational packet at the end of this newsletter for more information. SGPS OFFICE HOURS The SGPS Office is open Monday - Friday from 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. We have extended our hours and we now stay open during lunch. HEALTH AND DENTAL INSURANCE CLAIMS Need help filing an insurance claim through your SGPS insurance? Stop by the SGPS Office for help getting your claim in the mail. We will help with the paperwork and pay the postage! SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 5 of 8 • www.sgps.ca Fe b r u a r y 1 5 , E - 2 0 1 5 • N E I s s u e W • 1 6 6 S L h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a E T T E R A Message From The Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Science Fair CALL FOR SCIENCE FAIR CATEGORY JUDGES Volunteer judges are needed for student projects at the upcoming regional science fair. All that is required is your expertise and an evening of your time. The Frontenac Lennox and Addington Science Fair (FLASF) is celebrating its 44th Anniversary this year. We offer the opportunity for the students in all schools across the counties of Frontenac and Lennox & Addington to present their science projects to the public. One of approximately 100 such regional fairs across Canada, FLASF brings together about 220 students presenting around 170 science projects across the disciplines of Human Health Science, Life & Earth Science, Physical & Mathematical Science, and Engineering & Computing Science. Students from Grades 5 to 12 may enter the fair, with the majority in Grades 6 to 8. We are seeking a diverse judging pool including professors, teachers, student-teachers, professional scientists and engineers, health care professionals, technicians, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research associates. Some projects need to be judged in French and we need a few fluently bilingual judges. Returning and new Category Judges are welcome, so if you are interested in judging in this year’s fair, please go to the science fair web site (http://www.flasf.on.ca) and click on “Judges”: • New judges: go to “Registration/Log-in” and complete your registration • Returning judges: go to “Registration/Log-in” to login and update your profile The on-site commitment for Category Judges is one evening of judging: Thursday, 26 March, starting with welcome and training at 5:30 pm, followed by the judging from 6:00-9:00 pm. A light supper (sandwiches and refreshments) will be provided (starting at 5:00 pm). Please visit the science fair web site (http://www.flasf.on.ca) for complete information on the fair and judging requirements. ISIC CARD FOR SGPS MEMBERS The SGPS produces International Student Identity Cards (ISIC) for all SGPS members at no additional cost. All you need to do is bring your validated Queen’s student card to our office and we will produce the card for you on the spot. NOT IN THE SYLLABUS: GRADUATE STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH SURVEY Dear Graduates and Professionals, I encourage you to take this survey on mental health and wellbeing to help us better understand everyone's lives, and to more fully appreciate the contours of our daily routine in post-secondary education. http://www.notinthesyllabus.ca SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 6 of 8 • www.sgps.ca Fe b r u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 • I s s u e E - N E W SGPS DENTAL BURSARY 1 6 6 S • h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a L E T T E R The SGPS Dental Bursary is an amount of money set aside in the SGPS annual budget that is used to help alleviate the financial difficulty of SGPS members due to specific dental procedures only covered at 10% by Green Shield. It is available for any SGPS member or a member of their family who is enrolled in the SGPS Dental Plan. The procedures mentioned above include: • Root Canals • Gum treatments • Crowns • Bridges It also exists for those members who have used the maximum of $750 for the benefit year. In order to apply for the bursary, please visit our website at http://www.sgps.ca/services/awards.html and click on the PDF icon under the Dental Bursary heading. Once you have completed the form, you can either: • Drop it off to the SGPS office located in the lower JDUC, Room 021 • Mail it to 99 University Avenue, Room 021 JDUC, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 • Email it directly to our office - frontdesk@sgps.ca • Fax it to 613-533-6376 **Hard copies of the form are also available at the SGPS office. Once your completed application has been submitted, it will be sent to the SGPS VP Finance & Services. He or she will then forward the anonymized application on to the SGPS Finance & Services Committee for review. The committee will assess your application and then make a decision based on the Dental Bursary Policy outlined in the SGPS Bylaws & Policies (P.1.4). In 5 to 10 business days from the application submission, you will receive a response from the VP Finance & Services either indicating the need for more information, clarification or of the committee's decision. If your application has been approved, a cheque will be made within the next 3 to 4 business days and you again will be notified by email. If your application has been declined, you will be given the reason(s) behind the committee's decision. If you have any questions regarding your application or the SGPS Dental Bursary, please send an email to the SGPS VP Finance & Services (vpfs@sgps.ca). FOLLOW THE SGPS The SGPS is using Twitter and Facebook to keep you updated. We will be posting things like upcoming social events, election info, deadlines (registration, optional fee opt-outs, health and dental) and lots of other important information for our members. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2310661892 http://twitter.com/QueensSGPS SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 7 of 8 • www.sgps.ca Fe b r u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 • I s s u e 1 6 6 • h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a E - N E W S L E T T E FIND YOUR FUTURE @ MYGRADSKILLS.CA R MyGradSkills.ca is a resource for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to enhance the professional skills so that they can succeed during their studies and research, and in a range of career paths. MyGradSkills.ca includes a number of self-paced, online modules on a range of #GradProSkills topics, including teaching & learning, to career development, to community engagement, to entrepreneurship, and much more. As the site expands, we also will be offering blogs, virtual career panels, an information clearinghouse, as well as additional online modules. Please visit: https://www.mygradskills.ca A Message From The Grad Club ROCKIN' DISCO BINGO AT THE GRAD CLUB! Rockin' Disco Bingo is a free event that happens every Tuesday night at The Grad Club starting at 8PM! Join host Rich T. and fun folks from Queen's and the Kingston community for five rounds of bingo action (including the legendary trivia bingo round) mixed with epic disco, funk, and other sweet musical magic spun for everyone's listening and boogie-down pleasure. Win fun vintage prizes! Enjoy tasty beverages! Eat nachos! Seriously, it's the best Tuesday gig SGPS members will each week in the city. It's also a great way to enjoy social nights and mixers with colleagues, club pals, and volunteers in all kinds of organizations. Talk to Rich about hosting a night for your group or club! Rockin' Disco Bingo is brought to you by CFRC 101.9 FM and the Grad Club. See you there! HAZING PREVENTION AND RESPONSE TASK FORCE The Hazing Prevention & Response Task Force has been established in order to influence a more strategic, collaborative, and coordinated approach, across university community stakeholders, to propose and mobilize strategic efforts to prevent and respond to hazing on campus, thereby fostering a respectful, inclusive, harassment-free, and violence free campus environment. More information is available in the attached pdf at the end of this newsletter. This task force is seeking a graduate student member. If you are interested, please contact SGPS Executive Assistant (Andria) via email (ea@sgps.ca). SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 8 of 8 • www.sgps.ca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click DRUGSMART • SAME-DAYSERVICE EARL ARC JDUC UNION click • PHARMACISTALWAYSONDUTY • SGPSPLANHOLDERSGETENHANCEDCOVERAGE • SGPSPLANHOLDERSGETENTIREFEECOVERED • LOCALLYOWNED YOURONE-STOP CAMPUS HEALTHSHOP MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8AM TO 10PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY - 10AM TO 8PM T 613 507 7775 DIVISION • ON-CAMPUSCONVENIENCE UNIVERSITY PHARMACY Terms of Reference HAZING PREVENTION AND RESPONSE TASK FORCE Preamble Hazing is an issue that has the potential to harm students’ physical and psychological well-being. The Queen’s University Student Code of Conduct defines hazing and identifies it as conduct that violates the standard of behaviour to which Queen’s students will be held: Students shall not organize or participate in hazing activities, on or off-campus. Hazing is defined as any activity expected of someone joining a group (or to maintain full status in a group) that humiliates, degrades or risks emotional and/or physical harm, regardless of the person's willingness or consent to participate. Any action taken or situation created may be deemed hazing regardless of the intent of the organizer(s).1 (Student Code of Conduct, 2014) Mandate The Hazing Prevention & Response Task Force has been established in order to influence a more strategic, collaborative, and coordinated approach, across university community stakeholders, to propose and mobilize strategic efforts to prevent and respond to hazing on campus, thereby fostering a respectful, inclusive, harassment-free, and violence free campus environment. Objectives The Task Force is charged with the following: 1. Developing and promoting a comprehensive framework and strategy for hazing prevention and response at Queen’s;; 2. Consulting widely with internal campus stakeholders (students, faculty, and staff), as well as external experts in the field, to better understand hazing behaviour and experiences at Queen’s, the impacts and implications, as well as ways to encourage alternative behaviour; 3. Developing and promoting resources and tools to influence a consistent understanding of and approach to hazing prevention and response at Queen’s and to empower campus leaders to effect change within and among their groups, clubs, teams, and organization; and, 4. 1 Identifying and recommending priorities for hazing prevention and response in areas related to: (a) awareness-raising and communication; (b) education and training; (c) pro-social group and team building; (d) policy and protocol development; and (e) research and assessment. http://www.queensu.ca/secretariat/policies/senateandtrustees/Code_of_Conduct_final_2008.pdf Membership The Task Force should feature a broad membership from across the university, including representatives from Student Affairs (e.g., DSA, A&R, Residence Life, Health Promotion, and Counselling Services), SOARB, and the AMS. The current membership includes: AMS Vice-President (University Affairs) (Co-Chair) Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs or designate (Co-Chair) Director of HCDS or designate Health Promotion Coordinator or designate AMS Campus Activities Commissioner AMS Orientation Roundtable Coordinator AMS Social Issues Commissioner AMS Commissioner of Internal Affairs Executive Director of A&R or designate Director of Residence Life or designate Student athlete or Varsity Leadership Council representative Student athlete or Varsity Leadership Council representative Residence Don SOARB Co-Chair, student representative SOARB Co-Chair, non-student representative The Task Force will seek out the expertise and experience of relevant internal and external professionals and/or stakeholders as needed. Accountability and Operation The Task Force is s subcommittee of the Health and Wellness Steering Committee (HWSC). The HWSC, chaired by the Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs, drives the strategic direction and vision for a campus committed to enhancing student health and wellness and provides guidance as well as seeks input from a cluster of interrelated working groups focused on alcohol, campus safety, mental health, physical activity, sexual assault prevention and response, and, now, hazing prevention and response. The Co-Chairs, on behalf of the Task Force membership, will report regularly through the HWSC. As the Task Force has also been endorsed by the Principal, a final report and recommendations will be sent to both the Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs and the Principal for their consideration. The Task Force will begin its work in January 2015 and aim to complete its mandate and present its recommendations to the HWSC by April 30, 2016. It will meet at least monthly. Changes to the frequency of meetings will be made at the discretion of the C-Chairs, taking into consideration member availability as well as progress on identified deliverables. Meeting dates and times will be organized through the Office of the Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs. Extended Travel Coverage Canadian Citizens Only Extending Provincial Coverage If a student’s trip duration outside of their province of residence is scheduled to be longer than 6 continuous months (7 months for Ontario), it is necessary to obtain an extension of their provincial health insurance coverage from their Ministry of Health prior to departure. As an example, for Ontario residents, this means contacting their local ServiceOntario centre in person and applying for an absence. They may need to show a document explaining the reason for their absence; for example, an acceptance letter from their school abroad, including information regarding the courses they will be taking and the duration of their stay. They will also need to provide three pieces of identification. The list of acceptable IDs can be found here: http://www.forms.ssb.gov.on.ca/mbs/ssb/forms/ssbforms.nsf/GetFileAttach/ 014-9998E-82~1/$File/9998-82E.pdf Once they have applied for a provincial health insurance extension, they will need to call ServiceOntario at 1-888-359-8807 and request that they mail them a letter detailing that they’ve applied for an OHIP extension. For other provinces or territories, please call your provincial Ministry of Health for detailed instructions on how to apply for a health insurance extension. Extending SGPS Coverage Students participating in a school sanctioned study or work term outside of their province of residence must apply to RWAM to extend their travel coverage beyond the 120 day maximum. To request an extension, students need to complete an Application for Student Study/Work Term Travel Coverage Extension form, which can be found here: https://www.studentvip.ca/Forms/SGPS/Study_Abroad.pdf?caseredirect=1 This form needs to be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to departure. In addition, the provincial extension letter from the Ministry of Health needs to be attached to the Application for Student Study/Work Term Travel Coverage Extension form. Please submit these documents to the attention of Pam Asselstine, Assistant Executive Director (aed@sgps.ca). For more information, please see our website. http://www.sgps.ca * Page 1 of 1 * EXTENDED TRAVEL COVERAGE Nominate a GREAT Queen’s instructor 2015 Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching. Deadline is February 27, 2015. Nominations are accepted from Queen’s students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Submit online: queensu.ca/alumni alumni@queensu.ca queensu.ca/alumni/ 613.533.2060 14-0675 Queen’s University Marketing for the E N I L N O E L I F R U O Y S E E X A E T R R O F F using As a member of the Canadian Federation of Students you can prepare and file your taxes online with UFile.ca for free using promo code FAY1493. The Canadian Federation of Students is your national and provincial students’ union uniting over 600,000 students across Canada. Learn more at cfs-fcee.ca Canadian Federation of Students I COUNT Queen’s Equity Census Information Package Equity Office • Macintosh-Corry Hall, Room B513 • Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada • K7L 3N6 • Tel (613) 533-2563 equity@queensu.ca YOUR PARTICIPATION This census is about you. It is about you helping us to ensure that accurate information on the composition of the workforce is collected at Queen’s. Filling in the information is voluntary but the Federal Contractors Program requires the form be returned. However, if you complete the self-identification, which will be emailed to you shortly, as fully and accurately as possible, you will ensure that we have accurate information on our workforce. HOW CAN YOU HELP MEET THE COMMITMENT? The participation of every employee is important in helping to: • Achieve an accurate profile of who we are and how representative we are of the Canadian workforce; • Identify areas where changes in policies, practices and systems are likely to be most effective in achieving fairness in equity and employment; • Pinpoint where we need to eliminate barriers that limit or exclude equity seeking groups (Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities/racialized groups, women and LGBTQ Communities) from opportunities that should be open to all employees. COLLECTING AND USING THE DATA Some important factors you should know: • Why should everyone complete the self-identification form? The information you provide will be used to determine the relationship between representation at Queen’s and that of the Canadian workforce. All employees are part of our workforce, whether or not you are in a designated group. Completing the form ensures that information on our workforce is complete and accurate. • How will census information be used at Queen’s? The Equity Office will use this information to assess designated group representation in different occupational groups and levels, help departments and faculties set goals and monitor progress in reaching those goals. • What is reported to the Federal government? Queen’s is required to submit a progress report to the Federal Contractors Program. The Federal Contractors Program applies to all organizations with more than 100 employees who receive money from the Federal Government or bid on Federal contracts worth $200,000 or more. These institutions are I COUNT – Queen’s Equity Census Information Package Equity Office Page 2of 4 Revised May 2013 required to maintain information on the representation of the four designated groups within their workforces in order to meet the compliance reviews conducted by the Labour Standards and Workplace Equity Division of Human Resources Development Canada. • How will my self-identification data be used? What does self-identification do for me if I am a person in a designated group? All self-identification information will be used for statistical purposes: ► to compile workforce representation figures for Queen’s, ► to prepare reports required by the Federal Contractors legislation, and ► to develop and monitor Employment Equity programs at Queen’s. • Can anyone else identify me for Employment Equity purposes? No. You are responsible for completing a census form and thus self-identifying. Only you can identify yourself. Neither your manager, your supervisor, your department head, your dean nor your colleagues are permitted to provide this information without your authorization. • Is the information confidential? Your self-identification information is confidential. It will be stored in the Equity Office data warehouse. In addition, all information is protected by a code of confidentiality which is included in this package. • Who has access to my census responses? Only the staff of the Equity Office have access to your census information. • Why do I need a netid and password? In order to complete the census online you are required to have an @queensu.ca netid. This ensures the security of the census information. • I have a disability, but have been accommodated in the workplace. Should I still identify as a person with a disability? All people with disabilities, including those who have been accommodated in the workplace, are asked to self-identify. This is the only way that information on our workforce will be complete and accurate. • Can I identify in more than one group? Employment Equity legislation permits employees to identify in more than one designated group. The census form includes definitions to help you accurately identify which group(s) you belong to under this legislation. • What if my information changes later on? If you wish to update information about yourself, you should contact the Equity Office and complete a new form. You may also review and correct your own information at any time by contacting the Equity Office. I COUNT – Queen’s Equity Census Information Package Equity Office Page 3of 4 Revised May 2013 HOW DO I PARTICIPATE? Only you can count yourself in! Complete the census form as fully and accurately as possible, as soon as you can. Make a personal commitment to ensure fairness at Queen’s. Self-identifying is a contribution only you can make. If you need more information or require assistance to complete the questionnaire, please contact the Equity Office. Macintosh-Corry Hall, Room B513 Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 Tel: (613) 533-2563 Email: equity@queensu.ca Code of Confidentiality 1. Confidentiality begins when you use your Queen’s netid and password to respond directly to the Census. 2. Only authorized persons involved in Employment Equity will have access to the census information. 3. The Census information will only be used to comply with the Federal Government Employment Equity legislation and to develop and monitor Employment Equity programs at Queen’s. 4. All reports based on the census information will be in summary form only, so that no individual can be identified. 5. Census information provided by any individual can be changed upon the written request of that individual. I COUNT – Queen’s Equity Census Information Package Equity Office Page 4of 4 Revised May 2013 Participate)in)Women’s)Health) Research!! Seeking'women'ages'18+'to'participate'in'a'study'of' women’s'health'and'genital'pain'(often'experienced'as' painful'sex).' Study!Procedures:! ! Completion'of'online'questionnaire' ! Participation'typically'takes'30D45'minutes'per'part'' ! All'information'is'strictly'confidential' ~COMPENSATION)PROVIDED~) Interested? '' For'more'information,'please'visit'the'study'website:' https://surveys.psyc.queensu.ca/Checkbox/VPAQ.aspx! or'contact'the'Sexual!Health!Research!Laboratory:' 613.533.3276'|'SHRL@queensu.ca' ' Investigators:'Emma'Dargie,'M.Sc.,'Caroline'Pukall,'Ph.D.,'' &'Susan'Chamberlain,'M.D.' ' '
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