J a n u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 • I s s u e 1 6 4 • h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a E-NEWSLETTER SGPS Office Hours The SGPS Office is open Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (we are now open from noon-1). We are located in room 021 in the John Deutsch University Centre (corner of University and Union streets). SGPS ELECTION & REFERENDUM SGPS Elections are upon us, and nominations are officially open! If you have ever wanted to get involved with running your student society, this is your chance. Nominations packages are available at: http://www.sgps.ca/jobs/election.html and are due back to the SGPS Office no later than 4pm on January 29th, 2015. The above link also provides information about the positions available and the timeline for the election, but if you have any questions about the process, or anything to do with the election, please contact the SGPS Chief Returning Officer, Peter, at cro@sgps.ca or anyone currently holding any of the positions. Their contact information can be found at: http://www.sgps.ca/info/people.html Elections season is always an exciting time of year, so keep your eyes peeled for any news as it comes your way; the best places to look are • • • • SGPS SGPS SGPS SGPS Newsletter Twitter Account: @QueensSGPS Elections Website: http://www.sgps.ca/jobs/election.html Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/groups/2310661892/ SGPS EQUITY COORDINATOR: JOB OPPORTUNITY The SGPS seeks candidates for the position of Equity Coordinator. This will be a partial term position, running from date-of-hire until October 31, 2015. Pay for the position is $166.67 per month. For more complete details, please check: http://www.sgps.ca/jobs/jobs.html RECYCLE AT THE SGPS OFFICE Drop off your used batteries, compact fluorescent light bulbs, used electronics, ink cartridges and old cell phones at the SGPS office and we will recycle them. SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 1 of 5 • www.sgps.ca J a n u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 • I s s u e E - N E W SGPS LOGO CONTEST 1 6 4 S • L h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a E T T E R The SGPS wants you to design us a new logo! We will accept high-resolution files (preferred in vector format). The SGPS Executive and Council will vote to determine the winner of the logo contest. The winning submission will receive $500. Please submit your logo ideas to Sean (info@sgps.ca). The deadline for submissions is February 2, 2015. Preferred file formats include AI and EPS in the CMYK space. Please be sure to highlight the name(s) of any fonts that you use in the logo. If you are submitting a non-vector version of a logo, please submit a version that will print on an 11x17 sheet of paper. A Message From Swift Eyewear EYE EXAM DAY ON CAMPUS Eye exams available for Tuesday, February 10th and Wednesday, February 11th (the 11th will open up once 10th is full cause we gotta keep the doctor busy!). Book online at http://e4e.schedulething.com If there are no appointments available online, we’re sorry but that means we are completely booked for the event. To be contacted when Swift is returning in the future, please email Amanda at arudy@swifteyewear.com and let her know to keep in touch. Get an eye exam or come to purchase frames with your current prescription. There is no appointment necessary to only purchase glasses. SGPS Health & Dental Plan Coverage: $70 for eye exams $175 for glasses (incl. Rx sunglasses) Swift eye exams $80 Eyeglasses $200 2 single vision pairs (1 Swift brand pair & 1 designer brand pair) OR 1 progressive vision pair (Swift brand) Payment for services required at the time, but we will have the necessary claim forms. Acceptable forms of payment are credit card (no interact credit cards) and cash. Reimbursement will be provided by your insurance provider. Upgrades available! Date: February 10 & 11 Time: 9 AM to 6 PM Location: Room 504, Queen's Centre SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 2 of 5 • www.sgps.ca J a n u a r y 1 5 , E 2 0 1 5 - N • I s s u e E W 1 6 4 S • L h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a E T T E R A Message From Drama Department and the Student Life Centre ANDRINA MCCULLOCH PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION Registration is now open for the Andrina McCulloch Public Speaking competition. This is a Queen’s wide event, co-sponsored by the Drama Department and the Student Life Centre with the prize money coming from an endowment in Student Awards. Participation is open to all Queen’s students in any faculty. This is a great opportunity for students to showcase your public speaking skills, build your resume and win some money. (Total prize money is $2400). This year the preliminary rounds will be held Monday 26 January and Tuesday 27 January 27 at 7pm. The finals will be Wednesday 28 January at 7pm. All events will take place in the JDUC on the 2nd floor. Audience members are very welcome. For more information and to register please visit: http://www.queensu.ca/drama/publicspeaking Questions about the competition can be directed to Jenn Stephenson (Drama) jenn.stephenson@queensu.ca or public.speaking@queensu.ca. NOT IN THE SYLLABUS: GRADUATE STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH SURVEY Dear Graduates and Professionals, I encourage you to take this survey on mental health and wellbeing to help us better understand everyone's lives, and to more fully appreciate the contours of our daily routine in post-secondary education. http://www.notinthesyllabus.ca A Message From The Grad Club ROCKIN' DISCO BINGO AT THE GRAD CLUB! Rockin' Disco Bingo is a free event that happens every Tuesday night at The Grad Club starting at 8PM! Join host Rich T. and fun folks from Queen's and the Kingston community for five rounds of bingo action (including the legendary trivia bingo round) mixed with epic disco, funk, and other sweet musical magic spun for everyone's listening and boogie-down pleasure. Win fun vintage prizes! Enjoy tasty beverages! Eat nachos! Seriously, it's the best Tuesday gig SGPS members will each week in the city. It's also a great way to enjoy social nights and mixers with colleagues, club pals, and volunteers in all kinds of organizations. Talk to Rich about hosting a night for your group or club! Rockin' Disco Bingo is brought to you by CFRC 101.9 FM and the Grad Club. See you there! SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 3 of 5 • www.sgps.ca J a n u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 • I s s u e E - N E W SGPS DENTAL BURSARY 1 6 4 S • h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a L E T T E R The SGPS Dental Bursary is an amount of money set aside in the SGPS annual budget that is used to help alleviate the financial difficulty of SGPS members due to specific dental procedures only covered at 10% by Green Shield. It is available for any SGPS member or a member of their family who is enrolled in the SGPS Dental Plan. The procedures mentioned above include: • Root Canals • Gum treatments • Crowns • Bridges It also exists for those members who have used the maximum of $750 for the benefit year. In order to apply for the bursary, please visit our website at http://www.sgps.ca/services/awards.html and click on the PDF icon under the Dental Bursary heading. Once you have completed the form, you can either: • Drop it off to the SGPS office located in the lower JDUC, Room 021 • Mail it to 99 University Avenue, Room 021 JDUC, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 • Email it directly to our office - frontdesk@sgps.ca • Fax it to 613-533-6376 **Hard copies of the form are also available at the SGPS office. Once your completed application has been submitted, it will be sent to the SGPS VP Finance & Services. He or she will then forward the anonymized application on to the SGPS Finance & Services Committee for review. The committee will assess your application and then make a decision based on the Dental Bursary Policy outlined in the SGPS Bylaws & Policies (P.1.4). In 5 to 10 business days from the application submission, you will receive a response from the VP Finance & Services either indicating the need for more information, clarification or of the committee's decision. If your application has been approved, a cheque will be made within the next 3 to 4 business days and you again will be notified by email. If your application has been declined, you will be given the reason(s) behind the committee's decision. If you have any questions regarding your application or the SGPS Dental Bursary, please send an email to the SGPS VP Finance & Services (vpfs@sgps.ca). FOLLOW THE SGPS The SGPS is using Twitter and Facebook to keep you updated. We will be posting things like upcoming social events, election info, deadlines (registration, optional fee opt-outs, health and dental) and lots of other important information for our members. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2310661892 http://twitter.com/QueensSGPS SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 4 of 5 • www.sgps.ca J a n u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 • I s s u e 1 6 4 • E - N E W S L ISIC CARD FOR SGPS MEMBERS h t t p : / / w w w. s g p s . c a E T T E R The SGPS produces International Student Identity Cards (ISIC) for all SGPS members at no additional cost. All you need to do is bring your validated Queen’s student card to our office and we will produce the card for you on the spot. SGPS OFFICE HOURS The SGPS Office is open Monday - Friday from 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. We have extended our hours and we now stay open during lunch. HEALTH AND DENTAL INSURANCE CLAIMS Need help filing an insurance claim through your SGPS insurance? Stop by the SGPS Office for help getting your claim in the mail. We will help with the paperwork and pay the postage! SGPS BURSARIES The SGPS administers the following bursaries: • Emergency Student Aid • Dental Bursary • Grants Program • Sustainability Action Fund • Sports Fund • Club Fund For more information: http://www.sgps.ca/services/awards.html FIND YOUR FUTURE @ MYGRADSKILLS.CA MyGradSkills.ca is a resource for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to enhance the professional skills so that they can succeed during their studies and research, and in a range of career paths. MyGradSkills.ca includes a number of self-paced, online modules on a range of #GradProSkills topics, including teaching & learning, to career development, to community engagement, to entrepreneurship, and much more. As the site expands, we also will be offering blogs, virtual career panels, an information clearinghouse, as well as additional online modules. Please visit: https://www.mygradskills.ca SGPS E-Newsletter • Page 5 of 5 • www.sgps.ca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hat does SAFETY mean to you? ! Do you feel about safety on campus? Off-campus? What makes an area safe or unsafe? Join us for a focus group discussion to share your thoughts about campus and University District safety: Tuesday January 27th 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Queen’s Centre Rm 506 Free Pizza and Prizes! To attend or for more info, please RSVP to Nanci Corrigan at corrigan@queensu.ca. Hosted by: Queen’s Campus Safety Working Group Version française au verso RESEARCH AWARD For undergraduate and graduate research at a university outside Canada The Mitacs Globalink - Research Award provides up to $5,000 toward student travel for research collaborations between students and faculty in Canada and their counterparts in the following partner countries: Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Turkey and Vietnam. Interested faculty and students develop a research plan for a proposed 12-24-week project, which is submitted to Mitacs for funding consideration. Following Mitacs approval, students travel to the partner country and begin the project under the joint supervision of the host and home faculty members. BENEFITS The award supports building and strengthening international research connections through student mobility. Students refine their research skills in a new environment, gain cultural fluency and expand their professional network. Other benefits include: Open to all disciplines Simple and quick application process Canadian students, permanent residents and international students are eligible TO APPLY Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria: Students Full-time senior undergraduate or graduate students at a Mitacs full or associate partner university * Home faculty members Eligible to hold Tri-Council funding at a Mitacs full or associate partner university * Host faculty members Appointed at an accredited university in a Mitacs partner country * For a list of eligible universities, please visit www.mitacs.ca/about/academic-partners Applications are accepted at any time. Mitacs recommends that applicants submit proposals 10-12 weeks prior to the student’s projected departure date. Results are typically announced within 4 weeks. All forms and application instructions are available at www.mitacs.ca/globalink/globalink-research-award. Mitacs awards are forwarded as a research grant to the home faculty member’s university. [January 24, 2014] CONTACT US Contact Mitacs International at international@mitacs.ca for more information on this award and other mobility initiatives for Canadian and international researchers. To learn more about Mitacs and the programs we offer, visit www.mitacs.ca. UNIVERSITIES Are you faculty member seeking a collaborative platform for your research? Are you a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow looking to expand your research? Do you want to collaborate with a private sector partner to address a short or long-term research challenge? Mitacs Accelerate is Canada’s premier research internship program. It enables both interns (graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) and faculty members to broaden their research impact by connecting with organizations within the private sector and applying their skills to new challenges. ABOUT MITACS ACCELERATE Accelerate is flexible by design. Projects can range from a single four-month project to multi-year, multiintern, multi-university collaborations, all customizable for the applicants’ research needs. The Mitacs team provides expert support during every stage of the application process. Accelerate Standard Accelerate Clusters Scalable in 4 month internship segments Option for projects with broader scope Projects can range from a single four-month internship segment to multiple segments combined together to accommodate longer projects Intended for longer, multidisciplinary projects involving multiple interns, universities and industry partners Cost-shared with Mitacs matching 1:1 the industry partner contribution $7,500 Mitacs $15K Cost-shared model with improved leveraging of 1:1.22 1 1.22 1 1 Industry Partner Minimum 3 interns and 6 four-month internship segments $7,500 Research grant + Minimum 1 internship segment + Industry Partner $36,000 Mitacs $80K $44,000 Research grant + Minimum 6 internship segments + Minimum 1 intern $10,000 minimum stipend per intern Minimum 3 interns $10,000 minimum stipend per intern Up to $5,000 project expenses per segment Up to $20,000 project expenses per segment Through the IRDI internship program [February 20, 2014] 1 HOW IT WORKS 1 APPLICATION SUBMISSION 2 APPLICATION REVIEW ANYTIME 3 PROJECT APPROVAL 4 PROJECT LAUNCH ~ 6 WEEKS* 5 PROJECT COMPLETION FINAL REPORT 6 &EXIT SURVEY MIN . 4 M O N T H S 1 MONTH *For up to 5 internships. Contact us about review timelines for 6+ internships. 1 Mitacs invoices partner 2 Partner sends funds to Mitacs 3 Mitacs sends award to university 4 University administers award Approx. 3 weeks Funding timelines are subject to the receipt of partner funds. MITACS ACCELERATE BENEFITS Mitacs matches partner dollars – no additional university funding required Increased leveraging for larger cluster projects helps attract private sector partners Accelerate provides a minimum $10,000 stipend per intern Up to $5,000 per internship is awarded for eligible project expenses Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international candidates are eligible. Applications are accepted at any time and from all disciplines, from STEM to social sciences and humanities. Program is non-competitive; proposals undergo peer-review to ensure academic excellence. Internships can be embedded within graduate curricula, providing experiential learning opportunities, a predictable source of program funding and potential for post-graduate recruitment. For more information about Mitacs Accelerate, please visit www.mitacs.ca/accelerate or contact a Mitacs Business Development Director in your region. “ Mitacs Accelerate is a great way to show the value of my research and the benefits it can have for industry partners. My core research is more theoretical, but with Mitacs, I can demonstrate its applicability to tangible, real-world challenges with industry for an outcome that has commercial and financial benefits.” Dr. Stephen Chen School of Information Technology, York University Niraj Kumar, PhD Business Development Specialist nkumar@mitacs.ca 613.329.3516 Mitacs Inc. 945 Princess Street Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 To learn more about Mitacs and the programs we offer, visit www.mitacs.ca. 2 Call for Applications Deadline: January 31, 2015 Ten Young Professionals Ten months on Parliament Hill One extraordinary “behind-the-scenes” experience! The Parliamentary Internship Programme is an independent non-partisan initiative of the Canadian Political Science Association delivered in cooperation with the House of Commons and is supported by private and public sector sponsors. It gives ten young professionals the opportunity to work and study on Parliament Hill from September to June. Following orientation, interns interview and select the Members of Parliament for whom they work during two separate placements, one with a Government MP and one with an Opposition MP. They study Parliament and Canadian politics through weekly seminars, discussions with leading thinkers and policy makers, comparative study tours to legislatures in Canada and abroad and through their own original research. In workshops and online, they also share their experience and knowledge with younger Canadians. Interns are selected through a national competition open to university graduates in all disciplines who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents under 35 years old. Interns receive a $23,000 stipend for this ten month programme. Applications are due on January 31, 2015. For more information, and to submit an application, please visit: www.pip-psp.org Parliamentary Interns, 2014-15 Career Services Peer (Volunteer) Career Services is searching for candidates for the Career Services Peers Program. Career Services Peers work one-to-one with undergraduate or graduate students, focusing primarily on strategies for improving resumes (or cover letters) rather than proofing or editing. We are seeking individuals who would be interested in developing or furthering their coaching skills and learning, in particular, how to guide interactions in appointments so as to lead to transformative learning (“Aha” moments) for clients. As a peer, you would offer 6 half-hour appointments at Career Services per week during office hours (at times suited to your schedule). We train peers on coaching skills including: active listening the ability to ask good questions providing effective feedback explaining options and strategies helping clients assess options and form their own goals. While these skills will focus on career strategies, they are transferable to professional work that requires an advising or coaching skillset (such as consulting, law, counselling, teaching, academia, or any work with clients). The amount of supervision (some of it based on direct observation) available throughout the program makes this opportunity a significant one for a graduate student seeking professional development in this area. Currently, 90% of our team is comprised of graduate students. Information Session: Friday Feb 6th, 2015, 3:30 – 4:30 pm Stauffer Library, Seminar Room 121 Application due: Feb 9th, 2015 11:59 PM Please send Resume & Cover Letter by email to julia.blackstock@queensu.ca For Questions and Information: Julia Blackstock, Career Counsellor Career Services | 74 Union Street (Gordon Hall, 3rd floor) Queen’s University Tel: 613-533-6000 x78350 | Email: Julia.blackstock@queensu.ca | Web: http://careers.queensu.ca LinkedIn.com: ca.linkedin.com/in/juliablackstock/ Nominate a GREAT Queen’s instructor 2015 Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching. Deadline is February 27, 2015. Nominations are accepted from Queen’s students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Submit online: queensu.ca/alumni alumni@queensu.ca queensu.ca/alumni/ 613.533.2060 14-0675 Queen’s University Marketing for the Participate)in)Women’s)Health) Research!! Seeking'women'ages'18+'to'participate'in'a'study'of' women’s'health'and'genital'pain'(often'experienced'as' painful'sex).' Study!Procedures:! ! Completion'of'online'questionnaire' ! Participation'typically'takes'30D45'minutes'per'part'' ! All'information'is'strictly'confidential' ~COMPENSATION)PROVIDED~) Interested? '' For'more'information,'please'visit'the'study'website:' https://surveys.psyc.queensu.ca/Checkbox/VPAQ.aspx! or'contact'the'Sexual!Health!Research!Laboratory:' 613.533.3276'|'SHRL@queensu.ca' ' Investigators:'Emma'Dargie,'M.Sc.,'Caroline'Pukall,'Ph.D.,'' &'Susan'Chamberlain,'M.D.' ' '
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