BAG COLLECTION Next Sun 1st March Money for ‘old rope’! Bag up your old clothes, shoes, bags, jewellery, and soft toys ... we can take them! (NB No linen, towels, curtains or duvets) It is an easy way for us to fundraise. We have raised c. £2.3k during the last 2 years! Collecting bags available in the Foyer Please read them for what is acceptable and if you want more please collected from wicker basket. Collection Sunday is Sun 1st Mar after all Masses so get sorting through your drawers! Many thanks. PORTSMOUTH DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL Sat 16th May at Lakeside, North Harbour St Margaret Mary would like to submit a team! We need 20 young people (16 years and under) to take part in this fun event. No previous experience necessary. Please contact Maggie if you are interested (tel. 575375) and also watch this space for date of information meeting. See the website for a flavour of the fun! CHRISM MASS CHOIR - At the Cathedral Come & join the Choir for this year’s ‘Mass of the Oils’ on Holy Tues 31st March at 11am. Rehearsal on Saturday 7th Mar 10am - 1pm St Bede's Ch, Popley Way, Basingstoke. RG24 9DX Please email Chris Olding, with your contact details, voice & parish at: DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Fri 21st – Fri 28th Aug ‘15 If you wish to join the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage, please speak with Fr John or Clare . Flying from Southampton! We take about 120+ ‘Portsmouth Pilgrims’ and we are always looking for Volunteer Adult helpers, Nurses, Doctors & especially the Young Helpers to join the Pilgrimage. Without them, we could not take care of our Assisted Pilgrims who are at the heart of this Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Please mention the pilgrimage to anyone who would like to go to Lourdes, but is perhaps worried about their health or ‘wisdom of years’. All are welcome! LOURDES MASS AND REUNION ‘THANK YOU’ from Msgr. Vincent Harvey (Director of the Pilgrimage) Msgr Vincent has written to thank the Parish for hosting, yet again, the annual reunion of regular and prospective pilgrims to Lourdes. “It was an excellent day with no detail missed: from car parking to the Mass (thanks to all who exercised a ministry), from welcoming at the beginning to the reception at the end. From beginning to end a memorable occasion.” # SWEET BAGS FOR THE RAINBOW CENTRE Our thanks to Olivia Planner & Amber McLaren for arranging the ‘pilot’ of the sale of sweet bags after 10.15am Mass in aid of the Rainbow centre. The Rainbow centre, in Fareham, need to raise £500k each year to continue their work. They help children with cerebral palsy as well as working with adults who have suffered a stroke or have M.S. or Parkinson’s. Indeed several of our parishioners are benefitting from their assistance. The girls sold out in minutes and managed to raise £50 profit from this pilot!! After Lent, the girls will have more bags to sell regularly after Mass (at 30p/50p/75p). We hope you can support them with this ongoing initiative. Well done Olivia & Amber! CRAFT GROUP Thurs 26th Feb 2-4pm In Paray Room. All very welcome. ROSARY - Mondays & Wednesdays at 10.30am In the Lady Chapel after Mass. All very welcome. BETHANY PRAYER GROUP Weds 10.30 - 11.45am Meets in Paray Rm for prayer, reflection & bible study EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Thursdays 6 - 8pm Silent vigil of adoration An oasis of peace and prayer. Feel free to pop in. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE EXPERIENCE 2016 A 12 Day, all inclusive 3 centred experience through the Holy Land; Negev, Jerusalem and Galilee. Fully guided & all fees included. Travelling Sun. 14th - Fri. 25th Feb 2016. Brochures are available in the Foyer. ALPHA VISION & TRAINING Sat 28th March 10am-2pm at Bishop Challoner School, Basingstoke A training day with Michael Roche from Alpha in a Catholic Context. The day includes an intro to Alpha in a Catholic Context, Principles of Alpha, Intro to Small Groups and prayer ministry followed by a lunch and a concluding session on where do we go from here. All welcome. To book your place, please email Fr John would be delighted if parishioners would consider attending this, with a view to helping start Alpha (in a Catholic context) for our community. Alpha is an introduction to a relationship with Jesus, for those who are at a basic enquiry level. It is a great tool for Evangelisation, that could be a useful method of outreach and invitation to sharing our faith. Please let us know if you’d be interested in attending this day. FAREHAM FOOD BANK Thank you so much for your support. Donations welcome of: tinned fish/meat, tinned rice pudding, tinned fruit/veg/soup, squash, dried pasta, biscuits, custard, cereals, soap, sugar, coffee, tea, long life milk, jam, pasta sauce, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorants, razors, toilet rolls, nappies & wipes. Please leave donations in the box in the Foyer. The Catholic Parish of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Fareham & Gosport FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Year: B Weekday: Cycle 1 22NDFEBRUARY 2015 Prayer of the Church: Psalter Week 1 SUNDAY THOUGHT: Make room for God in your life - be a cheerful giver. Fr Peter Glas ARE YOU TOO BUSY FOR GOD? So many times when we invite people to pray, study the WOMEN’S* WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 6th March Bible or to do something extra for their spiritual life they are not very enthusiastic or willing. The excuse they give is that This year the service has been prepared by Christian they are just too busy. They would love to but they just women of the Bahamas on the Theme: Jesus said to them: don’t have time right now but…… perhaps later……. “Do you know what I have done to you?” Everyone in our culture seems to want to have lots going There will be services throughout the local area – this on. Maybe we use busyness to help us know we’re valued, service is interdenominational and is open to all. or maybe it’s just the by-product of too many options. It is *It is called Women’s World Day of Prayer because it is just so hard to say ‘no’ when there are so many wonderful prepared by women but is not exclusive to women things to say ‘yes’ to! Whatever the case may be, if we are too busy for God, then we are too busy. MAKE A NOTE OF THESE DATES: CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE [CWL] MEETING – Lent is upon us. It is traditionally a time when we give WEDNESDAY 4TH MARCH - MARYHOUSE, GOSPORT. things up, stop doing things we like, make ‘sacrifices’ for TH – SACRED HEART, FAREHAM God. I’m giving up chocolate and ‘a pint’, and limiting FIRST FRIDAY – 6 MARCH TH FIRST SATURDAY – 7 M ARCH – ST MARY’S, GOSPORT myself to one DVD a week during Lent. But there is more to Lent than simply ‘giving things up’. Lent is also about DID YOU TAKE HOME YOUR COPY OF THE LENT ANCHOR? taking positive action to do something for God. In choosing PLEASE NOTE: THE RECONCILIATION SERVICE in St Mary’s, what we are going to ‘do for Lent’, it might help if there is Gosport, will be on WEDS 25TH MARCH (NOT TUESDAY) after some purpose to it…. What positive actions that we might the 7PM MASS take…. perhaps by taking positive steps in our faith. Taking a decision to not just give something(s) up, but to take positive actions, may involve sacrifice and involve “my private time,” but it will ultimately help us grow in our relationship with God. I invite you to consider this idea more closely as your plan for Lent. Can you ‘un-busy’ your life and make time for the worship of God. Fasting is a spiritual discipline we are familiar with in the season of Lent. Why not make the ‘Fasting’ be about giving more time to the Lord – time gained by sacrificing something you enjoy. I really believe God will bless us with our deepest heart's desires, but we have to give God something to work with……….. Parish Priest: Fr John Cooke: 01489 572797 Associate Parish Priests: Fr Joe Gruszkiewicz: 01329 318869 Fr Peter Glas: 02392 580119 Fr John Chandler 01329 663435 Q.A. Hospital Chaplain Fr Joe McNerney: 02392 286 408 HEALING MASS in St Mary’s Church, High St, Gosport, on FRI 27TH FEB at 7pm, followed by prayer for healing of the family tree, deliverance prayer, & individual healing prayer, plus anointing & blessing from Fr Peter. All are welcome. Keep in touch with the latest news! The Diocese of Portsmouth now issues a weekly e-news with photos, news, and information from around the Diocese. Go to and add your email address to receive these updates. Are you on Facebook? Like ‘Diocese of Portsmouth’ to see the Lent Video Clips & the latest info as it happens. Parish Deacon: Dcn Langford Vincent: 01329 285617 Parish Staff: Clare Ryan (PG): Doug Savege (G): Maria Owen (L&S): Daniel Russell (F&P): 01489 572797 02392 580119 01329 664260 01329 318869 Our Church Communities St Mary’s, Gosport; Sacred Heart, Fareham; St John the Evangelist, Lee-on-the-Solent; St Margaret Mary, Park Gate; St Columba, Bridgemary; Immaculate Conception, Stubbington; St Philip Howard, Fareham; St Mary’s Anglican Church, Portchester; The Chapel of St Thomas More, Park Place, Wickham Parish Website: ST. MARGARET MARY CHURCH Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish: Fareham & Gosport Middle Road, Park Gate, Southampton, SO31 7GH Tel: 01489 572797 Email: Web Site: Reg. Charity No. 246871 Priest: Rev. John Cooke. First Sunday of Lent Year of Mark (B) Sun 22nd February 2015 THE WEEK AHEAD Diary - at a glance ... BAPTISM ‘Welcome to God’s Family!’ Sun 22nd 3pm 5pm 8pm Mon 8am 10.30am 12 noon 7pm Tues 6pm 7.30pm Weds 10.30am Thurs 6pm Fri am/pm 10.30am 1.25pm 5pm Sat 7am 10.30am 11am 2pm Sun 1st am/pm 3pm 4.30pm 5pm Our next preparation sessions Mondays 11th & 18th May at 7.30pm (Hall) Application forms with details of preparation sessions are available in the Foyer. Why not take part while you are still expecting? One less thing to worry about! Meeting with a wedding couple Stations of the Cross & Benediction Padre Pio Prayer Group Lourdes School Roadshow Rosary in Lady Chapel HMP Winchester ‘Sycamore’ project RCIA ‘Jesus the Messiah’ Baptism Family Visit Choir Practice Bethany Group & Rosary Exposition of Blessed Sacrament CAFOD Fast Day SVP Meeting St George College Mass Baptism Family Visit HMP Winchester FHC Family Workshop Diocesan Youth Worker Day Winch SVP ‘Vinnies’ drop in Bag Collection Sunday Meeting with a wedding couple Confirmation session Stations of the Cross & Benediction CHANGES IN THE O.L.S.O.T.S. PARISH ... At Masses this weekend, we will share a letter from the Bishop with some exciting news regard a project within our area. This has been a ‘work in progress’ since the New Year, and both Fr John & Mrs Clare Ryan have been very involved with it, working with the Diocesan curia & the Bishop’s Vicar Generals. Please watch this space for further details & developments! The project is going to take some resource from St Margaret Mary’s, especially in the short term, to help oversee things. This comes as part of Fr John’s role as Co-ordinating Pastor (along with the setting up of an Evangelisation Strategy Team), and on top of the Chaplaincy work at HMP Winchester, and the extras with the annual Lourdes Pilgrimage ... To allow us the flexibility to be able to respond to the evolving situation, the Diocese has offered to fund some temporary admin support to assist both Fr John & Clare. Mr Chris Lane, who already works in the office on a voluntary basis, has kindly agreed to take up this post, initially on a 6 month contract. Chris will be working in the Parish Office Tuesday to Thursday, from 8.30am til 12.30pm. These will be the new Office ‘Opening Hours’. It maybe the office is open at other times, but this can’t be guaranteed. Please keep us, and the project, in your prayers. FIRST EUCHARIST PROGRAMME 2015 Family Workshop ‘ We look at our lives’. Sat 28th Feb 10.30am-12.30pm in the Hall. ‘Simply Perfect’, a stockist of First Holy Communion clothes/shoes/gifts will be in the Paray Room too. CONFIRMATION 2016 Session: ‘Dignity of the human person’ Sun 1st March 4.30 - 6pm in the Hall ADULT JOURNEY IN FAITH - R.C.I.A. Meeting in the Paray Room, the room on the right as you enter the Foyer. Mon 23rd Feb. 7pm - 8.30pm Theme: ‘Jesus, the Messiah. Why did he die?’ Our group is an ongoing programme for Adults who may be considering becoming a Catholic, or would like to be Confirmed. If you would like to know more please speak to Suzanne Hogg, Fr. John or Clare. REST IN PEACE Please pray for Tony Trigg RIP who died on 11th Feb. No date has been arranged for his funeral as yet. Please keep Ann and all the family in your prayers. Also, please pray for Regis Nobre RIP (aged 40) who died in a motorbike accident last week. May they rest in peace & rise in glory. PRAYERS PLEASE For Frankie Lane, who suffered a serious fall on Monday and has broken her ankle. Prayers also for Joseph Tobin suffering from bowel cancer and very is very close to being called by the Lord. LENT Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving Lent is here! A season of grace in which we prepare ourselves to celebrate with profound joy the death and resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. During Lent we are called to fast, to pray and to give alms. Stations of the Cross & Benediction Sundays 5pm CAFOD Family Fast Day - Friday 27th February Collection of savings taken on Sunday 1st March. ‘40 hours’ Vigil Fri 13th Mar 3pm - Sun 15th Mar 7am Continuous Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Lenten Reflection Evenings Weds 4th & 18th March 7 - 8pm Service of Reconciliation with Confessions Sun 22nd March 3pm WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Fri 6th March 2pm at Duncan Road Church Please join us (men welcome too!) ‘EUCHARISTIC MINISTER’ APPEAL Sat. 7th Mar. 2015 - Wembley Arena. This fantastic event is organised by the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation for those in Year 9 to Young Adults. Prayer, worship, speakers, 10,000 others, music & lots more. We have 50 tickets for our parish youth - with a coach going to / from Park Gate. Please ask for a consent form asap - tickets are going fast and you don’t want to miss out!! We urgently need some more Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist who are willing to take the Lord to sick & housebound parishioners on a regular basis. If you are willing and able (and either have, or are happy to have, a D.B.S. check done), please contact Mr Chris Sadler on email: or phone 01489 580426. Fr John will need to meet with you and then we can offer you some training! PARISH S.V.P. GROUP ‘St Vincent de Paul’ For Irene Hollywood, Wyn Harfield, Susan Morris, Margaret & Ces Smith, Cathy Hutley, James Brown, Julia Taylor, Pat Juke, Leila Kroon, Marion Scott, Abigail & Siobhan Jefferies, Samantha Donohoe, Paddie Hughes, Tim Healey, May & Bernard Maginn, Marion Celand, Alan Dixon, Simon Zasc, Florrie Jones, Eileen Parsons, Shauna Corr, Danny Watts, Joseph Dolan, Ellen Notley, Stuart Mercer, Jane Savage, Ernest Anthony, John Marvao, Pat Cooke, Thomas McCartney, Dennis Allen, Kol Thelis, Pat Elward, Bob Slater, Polly Stansbridge, Joan Jones, Chris & Frankie Lane, Susan & John Forer. Thank you. Bishop Philip writes: “Could God be calling you to help the Evangelisation Strategy Team? Do you love Christ and his Church? Do you have a passion for others to come to know Jesus? Do you have basic skills in organisation, collaboration and communication? Are you keen to find new and creative ways to help others discover Christ and build a relationship with him? You could be just the person we need for our Pastoral Area’s Evangelisation Strategy Team! The commitment would be one meeting a term, in addition to assisting with simple, realistic Evangelistic projects. If you feel God might be calling you to join the team, please contact Fr John.” To find out more, go to /evangelisation-teams ‘THANK YOU’ Our grateful thanks to the anonymous donor of a new Lectionary Vol II (Weekday Scripture Readings). Our copy was defaced by someone in the Lady Chapel. PADRE PIO SUNDAY PRAYER GROUP Sun 22nd Feb 8pm in Lady Chapel. All welcome. We will also include the Divine Mercy Chaplet as recommended by Pope Francis. Please join us. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays from 6 - 8pm NATIONAL YOUTH CONGRESS - ‘FLAME 2’ PRAYERS PLEASE MESSAGE FROM BISHOP PHILIP Evangelisation Strategy Teams Last Saturday of the month 2-4pm 'Vinnies' Drop-in. (Next date 28th Feb) Please pop in for a Cuppa, Chat, some time for you We will either be in the Paray Room or the Hall. SUNDAY COLLECTION Thank you for your generosity. Sun 15th Feb Loose Plate £247.92 Envelopes £326.68 Bankers Orders c.£470 TOTAL £1,014.60 Today, a second collection for the Easter Flowers Next weekend, a CAFOD Family Fast Day collection Mass Times, Services & Intentions First Sunday of Lent B Sun 22nd Feb ‘15 Lent - Week 1 of 6 Prayer of the Church Week 1 Dawn Mass 8am Day Mass 10.15am Lent Devotions 5pm Evening Mass 6.30pm Tony Trigg RIP (Mudie) For the People of the Parish Stations Cross & Benediction Margaret Harnett RIP Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Lent Lent Lent Lent Lent 9.45am 12 noon 9.45am 9.45am 9.45am 1.25pm Sat HMP Winch 10.30am — Liturgy of Word & Eucharist Y. & A. Zino RIP (Armstrong) Ints. of Joseph Tobin Liturgy of Word & Eucharist Holy Souls (Ip) At St George College Ints. of the prisoners Sorry, no confessions Second Sun of Lent B Sun 1st Mar ‘15 Lent - Week 2 of 6 Prayer of the Church Week 2 Dawn Mass 8am Day Mass 10.15am Lent Devotions 5pm Evening Mass 6.30pm For the People of the Parish Holy Souls - FOSS (Armstrong) Stations Cross & Benediction Mary Morrish RIP Sacrament of Reconciliation Sorry, no confessions PPC & Group Reps Chair Mrs Helen Gardner. Tel. 557580 Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Clare Ryan c/o Church Office Contact tel. 572797 / e-mail: Church Office open: Tues-Thurs 8.30-12.30pm Safeguarding Co-ordinator Mrs. Christine Millward Concerns & Advice Tel. 023 9281 6396 (Diocesan Office) St Anthony’s Primary & Pre-School Office Tel. 579100
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