The Parish of St Martin de Porres, Wakefield Weekly . St Austin’s Wentworth Terrace, WF1 3QN Prayer St Martin de Porres Pray for us Please pray for the faithful departed, especially those who have died recently: Sheila Ashton, Mark Peter Bell (October 2014) and all whose anniversaries are at this time. Please pray: -for our Holy Father, Pope Francis and for Benedict, Pope Emeritus; -for our Bishop, Marcus; -for Fr Tim and Mgr John Wilson as they look to new beginnings; -for Elliott Wright, Tim Whitwell and Nicholas Palmer & all who are exploring vocations to the priesthood & religious life; and for our new Cardinals from across the world Bulletin English Martyrs Dewsbury Road, WF2 9DD First Sunday of Lent: 22nd February 2015 First Week of Lent “..and was tempted by Satan.” In the first Sunday Reading from Genesis, God makes a covenant with Noah after the flood- the earth will not be destroyed again. The Psalm responds: Lord- make me know your ways. The Second Reading is from the first letter of Peter: People were destroyed by the water of the flood: now they are saved by the new covenant- the water of baptism. In our GOSPEL, Mark is short and straight to the point: Jesus is driven out into the desert by the Spirit and is tempted: John is arrested & Jesus is ready to begin his ministry. In the first reading God makes a covenant with us after the flood, and as Peter tells us, this flood is linked to baptism when Jesus begins his ministry: so repent- turn back- and observe the covenant by believing the Good News of the Gospel! Readings at daily Mass take on a Lenten theme, linking the prophets and the Gospels- this week, mostly Matthew: on each day the first and second reading complement each other- the new law, the new Word of the New Testament complements and fulfills the old. On Wednesday we hear part of the wonderful story of Jonah, about repentance- but am I a judgmental Jonah? We then hear Jesus in the Gospel talking about Jonah and the way that the people of Nineveh listened and repented. Saints‟ memorial days in Lent are- for the liturgically technical- replaced by “optional commemorations”. There is just one this week- the early martyr Polycarp (+155- Monday) a disciple of the Apostles & bishop of Smyrna. His writings witness to the beliefs of the early Christians. Today, the Rite of Election is celebrated at the Cathedral. Pray for all who have elected to enter the church at Easter. -for the unemployed, who cannot find work, or are unable to work; LENT: in addition to our regular Masses and devotions (see page 2) there will be Stations of the Cross on Thursday evening (St Austin‟s) and Friday lunchtime (English Martyrs). On Thursday Evenings there will be Parish Lent Courses at English Martyrs Centre: these start this week- see next paragraph. Other topics will follow. You can increase your charitable giving – apart from the appeal below, remember the SVP, CAP and Suzy. Follow scripture - the Word of God - through Wednesday Word or My Day by Day booklets from here (different ages- just £1 or 50p). -for peace & unity in the world, and for the victims of war & terrorism especially, today, our fellow Christians from Egypt; PARISH LENT COURSES: PROCLAIM '15: Something for Lent? Come and join us and at English Martyrs Centre, beginning next Thursday, from 7 p.m. for a cuppa, a reflection and a prayer. We are invited to share in three evangelisation-themed sessions from the Proclaim '15 project of the Bishops of England & Wales. Based on Pope Francis' Evangelii Gaudium, week one is 'Meeting Jesus – the only one who can save me'. Finish about 8:30pm.- Bernard Martin -for those seeking to enter the church -for the sick & housebound and those in hospital and the hospice; -for immigrants, for the displaced, asylum seekers & refugees; -for The Wednesday Word mission; -for our schools: to be academically excellent and passionately Catholic; -for human life & for the vulnerable, particularly the unborn, the sick & elderly; -for the grace of a good and refreshing Lent. Prayer of the Church: Week 1 Please deliver or e-mail items for this bulletin by noon on Thursdays THIS WEEK’S PARISH FINANCE UPDATE Many thanks for your support and generosity following the Parish Finance team appeal last week. £1461 was raised up to Sunday night, and some parishioners have taken envelopes to return in coming weeks. As mentioned we are looking to maximise contributions by asking parishioners to Gift Aid offerings where they are able. If you are a regular donor who pays any tax, we can claim £1.25 for every £5 pledged but to do so, we need you to use offertory envelopes, standing orders or the yellow Gift Aid envelopes. In coming weeks the new supply of weekly envelopes will be available and if anyone wishes to use weekly envelopes or to sign and set up a standing order we would be happy to make the arrangements. In the meantime the yellow envelopes can be used and they can be placed in any of the collections. Your ongoing generosity and support is greatly appreciated GENERAL ELECTION: Citizens UK General Election Meeting-West Yorkshire Tuesday 24 February 2015 4pm – 6pm: St Austin‟s Church Community Centre Wentworth Terrace, Citizens UK is the largest civil society alliance in the UK, with 350 member communities reaching three quarters of a million people, that take action on the common good. One of its founders (as London Citizens) is Wakefield born hymn and liturgical composer Bernadette Farrell. See notice boards for more details. Fr Timothy Swinglehurst: Fr Michael Kelly: Dcn Nick Shields Parish Office: 6 Wentworth Terrace, Wakefield, WF1 3QN 01924 372080 website: Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity 249404 Holy Mass & Devotions in the Week DAY TIME LOCATION INTENTION FEAST Sat 21 Feb 9.30 am Mass 10.00 – 11.00 am 5.15 – 5.45 pm 6.15 pm Vigil Mass St St St St Caroline Dalziel – RIP Exposition and Confessions Confessions John and Anne Francis – Golden Wedding Anniversary First Sunday of Lent Sun 22 Feb Austin‟s Austin’s Austin’s Austin‟s 8.15 am Mass 9.30 am Mass 11.00 am Mass 3.30 pm Mass 6.00 pm Mass St Austin‟s English Martyrs St Austin‟s St Austin’s People of the Parish Mavis Whitworth - Anniversary Catherine Wilson - Anniversary Polish Mass Sue Law – Birthday Anniversary 23 Feb 9.00 am 9.30 am Mass 7.00 pm St Austin’s St Austin‟s St Austin’s Exposition Mary Wade - RIP Novena, Exposition & Night Prayer Tue 24 Feb 9.30 am Mass 11.30 am 12 noon Mass St Austin‟s English Martyrs English Martyrs Edith Hannan – Anniversary Exposition O‟Brien & Elley families Wed 11.30 am Requiem Mass 6:30-7:30 7.30 pm Mass St Austin‟s English Martyrs English Martyrs Sheila Ashton - RIP Prayer & Praise Trevor Vokins - RIP Thu 26 Feb 11.30 am 12 noon Mass 6.00 pm 6.30 pm Mass 7:00pm St St St St St Exposition Return to Health – Special Intention Stations of the Cross Phyllis O‟Brien–Birthday Anniversary SVP Prayer Fri 27 Feb 11.30 am 12 noon Mass Mass 7:00 pm English Martyrs English Martyrs School English Martyrs Stations of the Cross John Joseph Hough – Anniversary November Dead List Taize Prayer around the Cross Sat 28 Feb 9.30 am Mass 10.00 am – 11.00 am 5.15 – 5.45 pm 6.15 pm Vigil Mass St St St St Alice Elizabeth – Birthday Confessions and Exposition Confessions Kathleen Killen - RIP 8.15 am Mass 9.30 am Mass 11.00 am Mass 2:00pm Mass 3.30 pm Mass 6.00 pm Mass St Austin‟s English Martyrs St Austin‟s English Martyrs St Austin’s St Austin‟s Mon 25 Feb Sun 1 Mar Austin’s Austin‟s Austin’s Austin‟s Austin’s Austin‟s Austin’s Austin’s Austin‟s Private Intention Linda Salkow–Birthday Thanksgiving Margaret Chappell - RIP Syro Malabar Mass Polish Mass People of the Parish Second Sunday of Lent SACRAMENTS THE POPE’s INTENTIONS FOR THIS MONTH Sacrament of Reconciliation Peace: that prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild their lives with dignity. Please pray an Angelus or Rosary for this intention. St Austin‟s: Saturday 10.00 – 11.00 am; Saturday 5:15-5:45 English Martyrs: on request BAPTISMS Congratulations to Ruby Elizabeth Exley baptised today. For Baptism parents should attend a Saturday afternoon programme: please contact Deacon Nick or e-mail Next programme 25th April. CONFIRMATION 2015 Bishop Marcus will confirm our young people on Thursday 14th May. More information when final arrangements made. E-mail Our candidates will be enrolled on Sunday 19th April at 9.30 Mass at English Martyrs or 11am Mass at St Austins Angela Caines, Simon Bolton, Dannie Crook & Fr Michael FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015 will be celebrated on 14th and 21st June at St Austin‟s and 28th June at English Martyrs: details from your catechists. MARRIAGE Our Marriage Course for 2015 is on 28th February at 9:30 at English Martyrs Centre- Enquiries to Deacon Nick. PONTIFEX- Words from Pope Francis: Last Sunday the Pope spoke to the 16 new Cardinals: I urge you to serve the Church in such a way that Christians – edified by our witness – will not be tempted to turn to Jesus without turning to the outcast, to become a closed caste with nothing authentically ecclesial about it. I urge you to serve Jesus crucified in every person who is marginalised, for whatever reason; to see the Lord in every excluded person who is hungry, thirsty, naked; to see the Lord present even in those who have lost their faith, or turned away from the practice of their faith, or say that they are atheists; to see the Lord who is imprisoned, sick, unemployed, persecuted; to see the Lord in the leper – whether in body or soul – who encounters discrimination! We will not find the Lord unless we truly accept the marginalised! May we always have before us the image of St. Francis, who was unafraid to embrace the leper and to accept every kind of outcast. Truly, dear brothers, the Gospel of the marginalised is where our credibility is at stake, is discovered and is revealed!” ST MARTIN’s PARISH DIARY Week beginning February 22nd Tuesday Players 7:30 SA Citizens UK 4pm SA Wednesday Prayer & Share 9am EM Wednesday Friends 2pm SA1 Scripture Study 7:30pm SA2 Thursday Parents & Toddlers 9-11 SA Thursday Club 12:30 SA Lent Course 7-8:30pm EM Singing for Pleasure 1:30 SA1 Players 7:30 SA Friday Charity Concert 7pm see below Prayer services and devotions are now shown on the schedule on p2 FILM CLUB – by kind permission of “Fluidity Films” we are able to give you a once-only showing of “Private Peaceful” a film based on events during the First World War- by War Horse author, Michael Morpurgo: Wednesday 4 March in St Austin‟s Community Centre – doors open 6 30 pm for 7 pm. Bar, and tea and coffee, and ice creams. No charge but donations most welcome. Do not miss this unique occasion and share it with your friends. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN WAKEFIELD WOMENS WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: Friday 6th March. A service will be held at Trinity Methodist Church, Aberford Road, Wakefield at 10.30am. An invitation is extended to all Churches. Anyone willing to take part in the service is asked to contact Janet Thompson 01924256223 email …..more on PIANO & ORGAN RECITAL (romantic genre) in Aid of Iraqi Christians in Need (ICIN) supporting refugee families in Northern Iraq. St. Austin’s Friday 27th February 2015 7pm- by Carl Bahoshy; (UK-born Iraqi Catholic pianist & organist) Works by Beethoven, Chopin, Messiaen, Schubert, Vierne & Widor. FREE ADMISSION - RETIRING COLLECTION. Iraqi Christians In Need (ICIN) is a UKregistered charity that provides direct financial relief to displaced refugee families under the care of the Catholic Chaldean, Syriac and Orthodox churches in Erbil, northern Iraq. Current needs include the procurement of medical aid and long-term shelter. All aid is channeled through Bishops of the churches OTHER NOTICES TAIZE PRAYER- around the Cross: this Friday at 7pm at English Martyrs Church: a quiet hour to end the week. ANNUAL LENTEN RETREAT DAY: Saturday 28th March at The Briery Ilkley-10:00am to 4:00pm. Open to anyone seeking a quiet day during Lent with the chance for prayer and reflection. For further information/ booking please contact Catherine or Angela on 0113 261 8040 or St TERESA OF AVILA: This year we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of a great Spanish saint, mystic and Doctor of the Church- Teresa of Avila. The Carmelites have a website for it at and there to for a „virtual, international Carmelite choir‟ singing her prayer “Nada te turbe”- Nothing can trouble you, nothing can frighten you; those who seek God shall never go wanting: God alone fills us! - “Solo Dios Basta! SUZY FUND: Last week: £142.65 collected here. Thank you. Cheques for £2000 are on the way to Ethiopiaid and Medecins sans Frontieres and £1000 to Sister Rose Carmel. A date for your diaries: Friday Evening 22 May: A Celebration to mark the 40th Anniversary of the Suzy Fund 200+ CLUB: This month's winners are £175 to Vanessa Hunter (no. 9) and £20 each to 171,102, 148 (John Ann Peat, Anne John Francis, Siggy Lesczyenski).I will collect next week. It is the annual payment at the end of March but to help me cope with the rush some may wish to pay this month (cheques payable to St Austin's 200 club). From April prizes will change to two per month of £200 and £50. I hope this will attract some newcomers. Thank you for your continuing support as we help parish finances and enjoy other folk winning! One day, one day ... God bless, Bernard ENGLISH MARTYRS SCHOOL DEPUTY HEADTEACHER - required September 2015, or as soon as possible Group 2: L9-L13- see church notice boards for details. The Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust Board is seeking to appoint an enthusiastic & dedicated Deputy Headteacher, who can make a substantial contribution to the leadership of this popular and oversubscribed academy. ST AUSTIN’S PLAYERS are presenting a rehearsed reading of Under Milk Wood on Saturday 7th March at the Orangery on Back Lane. Performance 7.30pm: Tickets, £5 and £3 from Fiona on 01924 216629 or by visiting our online box office at LENTEN FOOD BOX During Lent there will be a box at the back of both churches for contributions to the Asylum Seekers Support Fund's Food Bank. The specific items needed are: sugar, cooking oil and rice. These will be distributed to destitute Seekers each week as a contribution to the household budgets of their hosts. GROWING OLD GRACE-FULLY a Diocese of Leeds initiative, seeks a development worker for 16 hrs a week. See flyer or Closing date 27 February. GOG has arranged… A QUIET DAY for older people on 11 March at Wheeler Hall, led by Srs Catherine Houlihan and Mary B Potter. CAP has the pleasure of inviting you to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Community Awareness Programme. Tuesday 10th March 2015 7.00pm -Charity‟s Headquarters 2-8 Market Street Wakefield WF1 1DH DISCERNING A WAY: the Leeds Diocesan Discernment Group for young men and women meets on Friday 6th March, 6.30pm, at the Carmelite Monastery, Linton, (LS22 4HZ). Includes a presentation on Carmelite spirituality, personal testimonies, Evening Prayer and dinner in a nearby pub. The Minibus will be leaving Leeds Trinity at 5.30pm. More information: Mgr Paul Grogan, 07841 584042. WAYS OF PRAYING: a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ that calls us to Mission. A day to reflect upon what the Gospels tell us about prayer and how prayer is part of our everyday lives at home, at work, in our neighbourhood and beyond..... All welcome. Saturday 28th February 2015, 9.00 am - 3.30 pm at The Briery Retreat Centre, 38 Victoria Avenue, Ilkley, LS29 9BW. To book contact Catherine or Angela on 0113 261 8040 or THE BISHOP KONSTANT CATHOLIC ACADEMY TRUST is looking to appoint a Trust Development Officer, a Trust Finance Officer, a Trust Human Resources Officer and a Trust Administrator. Details of posts are on the notice boards. Please contact Claire Daniel (Chair of the Trust) on for more information. Closing date for applications 2.00 pm on Friday 6th March 2015. PARISH CENTRES: The Hall or Rooms in St Austin‟s Community Centre are available to hire, for single or series events. Contact Paul Blackburn on 01924 374248. The Centre at English Martyrs Church is also available for hire. Contact Deacon Nick or Bernard Lowrie 372928. PARISH COLLECTIONS: THANK YOU! Envelopes: £705.50 Loose: £515.99 Standing Orders: £781.45 Total: £2,002.94 Suzy Fund: £142.65 Special collection for parish funds: £1,460.65 Friday is Family Fast Day: please take a CAFOD envelope and return it to Church next weekend. CAFOD can double your giving this Lent as part of a national scheme.
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