The Parish of St Martin de Porres, Wakefield Weekly . St Austin’s Wentworth Terrace, WF1 3QN English Martyrs Dewsbury Road, WF2 9DD Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: 15th February 2015 Prayer St Martin de Porres Pray for us Please pray for the faithful departed, especially those who have died recently: Patricia Gordon, Ludwik Krzyszczyk James Leslie Smith Michael Francis King and all whose anniversaries are at this time. Please pray: -for our Holy Father, Pope Francis and for Benedict, Pope Emeritus; -for our Bishop, Marcus; -for Fr Tim and Mgr John Wilson as they look to new beginnings; -for Elliott Wright, Tim Whitwell and Nicholas Palmer & all who are exploring vocations to the priesthood & religious life; and for Fr Tony Rosso, recently ordained; -for the unemployed, who cannot find work, or are unable to work; -for peace & unity in the world, and for the victims of war & terrorism; -for immigrants, for the displaced, asylum seekers & refugees; -for The Wednesday Word mission; -for our schools: to be academically excellent and passionately Catholic; -for human life & for the vulnerable, particularly the unborn, the sick & elderly; -for the sick & housebound and those in hospital and the hospice; -for the elderly infirm in this winter; Bulletin and -for the grace of a good and refreshing Lent. Prayer of the Church: Week 2 (4 from Weds) Please deliver or e-mail items for this bulletin by noon on Thursdays Sixth Week in Ordinary Time “Be cured!” In the first Sunday Reading from Leviticus we hear from the old law: amongst the many rules devised for the survival of the tribes of Israel were those for lepers. In the Psalm (31) Happy the man whose offence is forgiven, responds the Psalmist. We then hear more from Paul‟s first letter to the Corinthians: “Do everything for the glory of God”. In the GOSPEL from Mark, a leper comes to Jesus, who immediately touches and heals him: Jesus‟ healing ministry continues: the leper breaks the taboos by coming to Jesus, and Jesus does likewise by touching & healing him. Jesus is anxious to keep his identity secret- for the present, but people cannot stop spreading the Good News. Daily readings from the book of Genesis come to a sudden pause for Lent as we begin the story of Noah, whilst daily Gospels finish for now at chapter 8 of Mark. Just one saints’ day this week before Lent- the Seven Founders of the Servites- on Tuesday: seven rich Florentines who renounced all and founded an order in the 14th century. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, which extends until the evening of Maundy Thursday- six weeks and a day. It is a time for reflection and renewal. We are always asked to look at three elements- Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving- but these have many facets. Prayer can mean building our relationship with Godadmitting Him to the whole of our lives. Fasting is not another word for dieting, but looking to live a life of simplicity. Almsgiving means giving not only our money but our time to others in need. Wednesday‟s ashes symbolise our recognition of our humanity and our need to journey as a pilgrim to God. Weekday readings will now follow various Lenten themes with first reading and Gospel usually matched. Choose life! Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, when we limit our meals and avoid meat, choosing something simpler. The sick and aged are exempt. Today is a special day of prayer for the unemployed. LENT IS COMING- Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday! In addition to our regular Masses and devotions (see page 2) there will be Stations of the Cross on Thursday evening (St Austin‟s) and Friday lunchtime (English Martyrs). Later on Thursday Evenings there will be Lent Courses at English Martyrs: these start with three interactive meetings on themes of the national PROCLAIM 15 initiative, led by diocesan Proclaim 15 representative Bernard Martin- from 26th February. Other topics will follow. You can increase your charitable giving – apart from the appeal below, remember the SVP, CAP and Suzy. Follow scripture - the Word of God - through Wednesday Word or My Day by Day booklets from here (different ages- just £1 or 50p). PARISH FINANCE There will be an appeal at all masses this weekend to help us to stabilise the parish finances. You will note that there are a number of yellow Gift-aid envelopes available to help us to maximise any offerings. If you are not a Gift-Aider and, because you pay very little or no income tax, cannot use Gift Aid, please place your donation in the collection bag as you leave the church. If you are not a regular Gift aider but will pay enough tax this year for a one-off donation, please use one of the yellow envelopes - you must add name, address, & post code, then sign & date the envelope. If you are a regular parish Gift-aider, please also use a yellow envelope but only write your name in Block Capitals & date it as we already have your Gift-aid details. Please take an envelope if you can - each can be returned over the next few weeks in any of the collections. Your generosity & support is greatly appreciated. Niall CATHOLIC FILM CLUB next meeting Shrove Tuesday 17th February: “Faith of our Fathers – In search of the English Martyrs” - with Fr Marcus Holden and Fr Nicholas Schofield at St Austin‟s Community Centre. Doors open 6.45pm for teas/coffees. Film 7.15pm then discussion time- & refreshments at reasonable prices - finish at 9pm. Donations appreciated: All welcome. Fr Timothy Swinglehurst: Fr Michael Kelly: Dcn Nick Shields Parish Office: 6 Wentworth Terrace, Wakefield, WF1 3QN 01924 372080 website: Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity 249404 Holy Mass & Devotions in the Week DAY TIME LOCATION INTENTION Sat 14 Feb 9.30 am Mass 10.00 – 11.00 am 5.15 – 5.45 pm 6.15 pm Vigil Mass St St St St Margaret Chappell Exposition and Confessions Confessions People of the Parish Sun 15 Feb 8.15 am Mass 9.30 am Mass 11.00 am Mass 3.30 pm Mass 6.00 pm Mass St Austin‟s English Martyrs St Austin‟s St Austin’s St Austin‟s Private Intention Margaret Ainsworth – Intentions Paddy O‟Malley - Anniversary Polish Mass Margaret Dawkins –Return to Health Mon 16 Feb 11.00am Funeral Mass 7.00 pm St Austin‟s St Austin’s Ludwik Krzyszczyk – RIP Novena, Exposition & Night Prayer Tue 17 Feb 9.30 am Mass 11.30 am 12 noon Mass St Austin‟s English Martyrs English Martyrs Beverley Hall - RIP Exposition Terry Gallon - RIP Wed 18 Feb 7.45 am Mass 12 noon Mass 7.30 pm Mass St Austin‟s St Austin‟s English Martyrs Private Intention Philomena Melican – RIP O‟Brien & Elley families Thu 19 Feb 12 noon Funeral Mass 6:00pm 6.30 pm Mass St Austin‟s St Austin’s St Austin’s Patricia Gordon – RIP Stations of the Cross David Froggett - Anniversary Fri 20 Feb 9.30 am Mass 11.30 am 12 noon Mass St Austin‟s English Martyrs English Martyrs November Dead List Stations of the Cross Andrew Clarke - RIP Sat 21 Feb 9.30 am Mass 10.00 am – 11.00 am 5.15 – 5.45 pm 6.15 pm Vigil Mass St St St St Caroline Dalziel - RIP Confessions and Exposition Confessions John and Anne Francis – Golden Wedding Anniversary Sun 22 Feb 8.15 am Mass 9.30 am Mass 11.00 am Mass 3.30 pm Mass 6.00 pm Mass Austin‟s Austin’s Austin’s Austin‟s Austin‟s Austin’s Austin’s Austin‟s St Austin‟s English Martyrs St Austin‟s St Austin’s St Austin‟s People of the Parish Mavis Whitworth – Anniversary Catherine Wilson - Anniversary Polish Mass Sue Law – Birthday Anniversary FEAST Ss Cyril and Methodius Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ash Wednesday First Sunday of Lent THE POPE’s INTENTIONS FOR THIS MONTH SACRAMENTS Sacrament of Reconciliation St Austin‟s: Saturday 10.00 – 11.00 am; Saturday 5:15-5:45 English Martyrs: on request BAPTISMS Congratulations to Ethan Austin Joseph Curry baptised into the church this weekend Parents wanting Baptism for their children are asked to first attend a Saturday afternoon programme: please contact Deacon Nick or e-mail The next programme will be on 25th April CONFIRMATION 2015 Bishop Marcus will confirm our young people on Thursday 14th May. More information when final arrangements made. E-mail Angela Caines, Simon Bolton, Dannie Crook & Fr Michael FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015 will be celebrated on 14th and 21st June at St Austin‟s and 28th June at English Martyrs: details from your catechists. MARRIAGE Our Marriage Course for 2015 is on 28th February Enquiries to Deacon Nick Peace: that prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild their lives with dignity. Please pray an Angelus or Rosary for this intention. PONTIFEX Words from Pope Francis: Identity Last week, Pope Francis spoke of life being a journey upon which we set out with restless hearts- allowing God or life to test us means taking a risk. “This is what the giants of Scripture did, like the prophet Elijah, or Jeremiah, or Job, braving dangers or feeling themselves defeated by fatigue and distrust- but there is a way in which we risk being stationary and falsify our search for God.” Pope Francis pointed to the Gospel episode where the scribes and Pharisees rebuke Jesus because his disciples eat without having performed the ritual ablutions: "In the Gospel, Jesus meets people who are afraid to set out on the path in search of their true identity and who content themselves with a caricature of God. It is a false identity. These lethargic people have silenced the restlessness of their heart, they depict God with commandments and forget Him: By neglecting the commandment of God, they observe the tradition of man”, In doing so they turn away from God, they do not journey towards God and when they are insecure, they invent or make up another commandment". ST MARTIN’s PARISH DIARY PARISH DIARY week beginning February 15th Monday UCM/Mothers Prayers 6:30 EM Tuesday Players 7:30 SA Catholic Film Club 6:45 SA Wednesday Prayer & Share Half term Wednesday Friends 2pm SA1 Scripture Study 7:30pm SA2 Thursday Parents & Toddlers Half term Thursday Club 12:30 SA Singing for Pleasure Half term SVP 7pm SA2 Prayer services and devotions are now shown on the schedule on p2 CONGRATULATIONS to Fr TONY ROSSO who was ordained priest for our diocese recently in Florida.PIANO & ORGAN RECITAL (romantic genre) in Aid of Iraqi Christians in Need (ICIN) supporting refugee families in Northern Iraq. St. Austin‟s Friday 27th February 2015 7pm by Carl Bahoshy; (UK-born Iraqi Catholic pianist & organist) Works by Beethoven, Chopin, Messiaen, Schubert, Vierne & Widor. FREE ADMISSION - RETIRING COLLECTION. Iraqi Christians In Need (ICIN) is a UK-registered charity founded in 2007 that provides direct financial relief to displaced refugee families under the care of the Catholic Chaldean, Syriac and Orthodox churches in Erbil, northern Iraq. Current economic needs include the procurement of medical aid and long-term shelter. All aid is channeled through Bishops of the churches St TERESA OF AVILA: This year we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of a great Spanish saint, mystic and Doctor of the Church- Teresa of Avila. The Carmelites have a website for it at and there go to for a „virtual, international Carmelite choir‟ singing her prayer “Nada te turbe”- Nothing can trouble you, nothing can frighten you; those who seek God shall never go wanting: God alone fills us! - “Solo Dios Basta! It can also be found on You Tube. SUZY FUND Thanks for your last week‟s collection of £142.74. Amongst other donations- St Cuthbert's Ackworth £ 242.90 and individual donations totalling £210. There will be a social evening to mark the 40th anniversary of the Suzy Fund on Friday 22 May- more will follow. Fund Secretary Paul Haley is directing a production of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe at the Theatre Royal later this ENGLISH MARTYRS SCHOOL DEPUTY HEADTEACHER - required September 2015, or as soon as possible Group 2: L9-L13- see church notice boards for details. The Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust Board is seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and dedicated Deputy Headteacher, who can make a substantial contribution to the leadership and management, of this popular and oversubscribed recently converted academy. SAINSBURY’s Active Kids Vouchers are now available again for our schools who benefited greatly from your cooperation last year. The scheme is now running again so please put yours in the collecting bags and we will do the same again for them this year, – with your help. Many thanks. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN WAKEFIELD WOMENS WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: Friday 6th March. A service will be held at Trinity Methodist Church, Aberford Road, Wakefield at 10.30am. An invitation is extended to all Churches. Anyone willing to take part in the service is asked to contact Janet Thompson 01924256223 email …..more on OTHER NOTICES GROWING OLD GRACE-FULLY a Diocese of Leeds initiative, seeks a development worker for 16 hrs a week. See flyer or Closing date 27 February. GOG has arranged… A QUIET DAY for older people on 11 March at Wheeler Hall, led by Srs Catherine Houlihan and Mary B Potter. CAP has the pleasure of inviting you to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Community Awareness Programme. Tuesday 10th March 2015 7.00pm -Charity‟s Headquarters 2-8 Market Street Wakefield WF1 1DH ANNUAL LENTEN RETREAT DAY: Saturday 28th March at The Briery Ilkley-10:00am to 4:00pm. Open to anyone seeking a quiet day during Lent with the chance for prayer and reflection. For further information/ booking please contact Catherine or Angela on 0113 261 8040 or FROM DARKNESS INTO LIGHT: a peaceful response to violence: Margaret Mizen MBE & Barry Mizen MBE Thursday 5th March 6:30pm Leeds Trinity University- see flyers HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE 23 - 30 November 2015: you might wish to join St. Joseph's Wetherby on their forthcoming Pilgrimage. Cost: £965.00 (per person in a twin bedded room) Single supp £335.00. Fly from Manchester to Tel Aviv with EasyJet, early booking ensures the lowest cost. Booking forms available from Canon John Nunan, St. Joseph Church, Westgate, Wetherby LS22 6LL Telephone 01937 582283 email WAYS OF PRAYING: a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ that calls us to Mission. A day to reflect upon what the Gospels tell us about prayer and how prayer is part of our everyday lives at home, at work, in our neighbourhood and beyond..... All welcome. Saturday 28th February 2015, 9.00 am - 3.30 pm at The Briery Retreat Centre, 38 Victoria Avenue, Ilkley, LS29 9BW. To book contact Catherine or Angela on 0113 261 8040 or SCHOOL FOUNDATION GOVERNORS: are you interested in becoming a Foundation Governor of St Thomas a Becket Catholic Secondary School? We require Governors who can commit time and are practising Catholics. Our Full Academy Council meets every term (4 meetings per year). Governors support and act as a “Critical Friends” of the School; they are not the management nor is it an opportunity to raise individual complaints or issues. Foundation Governors must also ensure that the Catholic nature and ethos of the school is maintained on behalf of the Bishop/Diocese. If you would like to know more about the role or are interested in becoming a Foundation Governor please give your details to your parish Priest. PARISH CENTRES: The Hall or Rooms in St Austin‟s Community Centre are available to hire, for single or series events. Contact Paul Blackburn on 01924 374248. The Centre at English Martyrs Church is also available for hire. Contact Deacon Nick or Bernard Lowrie 372928. WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS PARISH OF ST MARTIN de PORRES? You can find lots of information about parish life on our & you can access the latest Parish Bulletin- (like this one, but with colour- usually posted on Saturdays)-or follow us on Twitter- for link see the website homepage or search @wakefieldstm PARISH COLLECTIONS: THANK YOU! Envelopes: £716.81 Loose: £642.89 Standing Orders: £781.45 Total: £2,141.15 Suzy Fund: £142.74 This weekend there will be a second collection for parish funds.
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