The Parish of St Martin de Porres, Wakefield Weekly . St Austin’s Wentworth Terrace, WF1 3QN Prayer St Martin de Porres Pray for us Please pray for the faithful departed, especially those who have died recently: Nora Winifred Lowell and all whose anniversaries are at this time. Please pray: -for our Holy Father, Pope Francis on his anniversary; and for Benedict, Pope Emeritus -for our Bishop, Marcus; -for Fr Tim and Mgr John Wilson as they look to new beginnings; -for Elliott Wright, Tim Whitwell and Nicholas Palmer & all who are exploring vocations to the priesthood & religious life; and Deacon Sean Crawley to be ordained priest in July, and John Walsh, deacon, on 21st March. -for those seeking to enter the church -for the unemployed, who cannot find work, or are unable to work; -for peace & unity in the world, and for the victims of war & terrorismincluding persecuted Christians, especially those in Syria & Iraq; -for the sick & housebound and those in hospital and the hospice; -for immigrants, for the displaced, asylum seekers & refugees; -for The Wednesday Word mission; -for our schools: to be academically excellent and passionately Catholic; -for human life & for the vulnerable, particularly the unborn, the sick & elderly; -for the grace of a good and refreshing Lent. Prayer of the Church: Week 3 Please deliver or e-mail items for this bulletin by noon on Thursdays Bulletin English Martyrs Dewsbury Road, WF2 9DD Third Sunday of Lent: 8th March 2015 Third Week of Lent “Take this all out of here!” In our Sunday Readings, The Ten Commandments are brought to the people by Moses as their guide for life. The psalm responds with praise of the law of the Lord. In the second reading, Paul is preaching the power of a crucified Christ- but some seek miracles and others wisdom. Our Gospels are now from John: Jesus arrives at the Temple in Jerusalem- and disturbs the comfortable. Zeal for God’s house, as the prophet wrote, consumes Jesus, who expels the tradesmen from it: people’s hearts must return to God’s ways and laws which we heard from Moses, even if it means destroying and rebuilding the temple of Christ’s own life. We should look at our own temple- our church: do we help to provide a welcoming atmosphere in God’s house- as Jesus would wish? Our third week of Lent- we are nearly half way! We continue to explore the richness of scripture in our daily readings: we hear from the great prophets, and against them are set the teachings of Jesus, of Isaiah’s suffering servant himself. On Monday, we hear the Old Testament story of Naaman the Syrian about which Jesus reminded his hearers in the synagogue at Nazareth- and his life was threatened as a result. On Friday, after Hosea describes our loving God, we hear Jesus asked which is the greatest commandment, and replying with scripture well known to his audience. LENT: in addition to our regular Masses and devotions (see page 2) there will be Stations of the Cross on Thursday evening (St Austin’s) and Friday lunchtime (English Martyrs). You can increase your charitable giving –remember the SVP, CAP and Suzy. Follow scripture - the Word of God - through Wednesday Word or websites like Sacred Space (links on our website) PARISH LENT COURSES: PROCLAIM '15: Something for Lent? Come and join us at English Martyrs Centre for the last session this Thursday (12th March) at 7.00 for 7:15 pm - for a cuppa, a reflection and a prayer. We are invited to share in these evangelisation-themed sessions from the Proclaim '15 project of the Bishops of England & Wales, based on Pope Francis' Evangelii Gaudium. Finish about 8:30pm. TAIZE at 75: this year this French based but world-wide religious community celebrates the 75 years since its founder, Brother Roger, came to Taize and 100 years since his birth. On Thursday 19th March at 7:30pm there will be a presentation about the Community, its outreach and prayer, and its work with young people: two volunteers from there were at English Martyrs Mass last Sunday, beginning visits to 18 schools around the UK to invite them to Taize schools weeks. POPE FRANCIS has asked that on Friday 13th March and Saturday 14th March we join with him in ’24 Hours For The Lord’. We are fortunate in having so much of what the Pope requests already in place here…On Friday 13th, there will be Stations of the Cross followed by Mass at English Martyrs: both our churches are then open during the afternoon for individual visits: on Saturday 14th there will be Mass at 9:30 at St Austin’s followed by Confessions during an hour’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Our Bishop says: “Let us not underestimate the power of so many voices united in prayer!” He also reminds us of the Lenten Day of Reconciliation at Leeds Cathedral on Tuesday, 24th March 2015 with Confessions from 7am to 7pm. TIM WHITWELL: please keep Tim in your prayers as Bishop Marcus institutes him as a Candidate for the Priesthood on Tuesday (10th March) at Oscott Seminary. PARISH FINANCE UPDATE 4: Parish roles and responsibilities. There are many people involved in the running of the parish and in coming weeks we will highlight some of these.. We are always looking for more people to get involved - if you are interested please speak to any of the clergy. The Parish Finance and General Purposes team consists of 8 parishioners along with the Parish Priest and Deacon Nick. Quarterly meetings discuss financial and premises related issues- income, expenditure, budgets, maintenance and general upkeep. The next meeting is on Tuesday 21 April. Fr Timothy Swinglehurst: Fr Michael Kelly: Dcn Nick Shields Parish Office: 6 Wentworth Terrace, Wakefield, WF1 3QN 01924 372080 website: Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity 249404 Holy Mass & Devotions in the Week DAY TIME LOCATION INTENTION Sat 7th Mar 9.30 am Mass 10.00 – 11.00 am 5.15 – 5.45 pm 6.15 pm Vigil Mass St St St St Ann McNabb - RIP Exposition and Confessions Confessions Arthur Day - Anniversary Sun 8th Mar 8.15 am Mass 9.30 am Mass 11.00 am Mass 3.30 pm Mass 6.00 pm Mass St Austin’s English Martyrs St Austin’s St Austin’s St Austin’s Private Intention Elizabeth Milburn – Birthday Anniv. People of the Parish Polish Mass Deceased Members Murphy family Mon 9th Mar 9.00 am 9.30 am Mass 7.00 pm 7.30 pm Mass St St St St Exposition Arthur Starford - Anniversary Novena/Exposition Sheila Ashton - RIP Tue 10th Mar 9.30 am Mass 11.30 am 12 noon Mass St Austin’s English Martyrs English Martyrs John Meehan – Anniversary Exposition Patrick Walsh - Anniversary Wed 11th Mar 9.30 am 10.00 – 11.00 am 6:30-7:30 7.30 pm Mass St Austin’s St Austin’s English Martyrs English Martyrs Liturgy of the Word & Communion Exposition Prayer & Praise Mary Clarke - RIP Thu 12th Mar 11.30 am 12 noon Mass 6.00 pm 6.30 pm Mass St St St St Exposition CWL Intentions Stations of the Cross Special Intention Fri 13th Mar 11.30 am 12 noon Mass English Martyrs English Martyrs Mass School Stations of the Cross Mary Wade – Birthday Anniversary Joseph Gerard Pearce - Anniversary November Dead List 9.30 am Mass 10.00 am – 11.00 am 5.15 – 5.45 pm 6.15 pm Vigil Mass St St St St Tony McTiernan - Anniversary Confessions and Exposition Confessions Return to Health 8.15 am Mass 9.30 am Mass 11.00 am Mass 3.30 pm Mass 6.00 pm Mass St Austin’s English Martyrs St Austin’s St Austin’s St Austin’s Sat 14th Mar Sun 15th Mar Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s SACRAMENTS Sacrament of Reconciliation St Austin’s: Saturday 10.00 – 11.00 am; Saturday 5:15-5:45 English Martyrs: on request BAPTISMS Congratulations to Sophie Brooke Langham baptised into the church this Sunday For Baptism parents should attend a Saturday afternoon programme: please contact Deacon Nick or e-mail Next programme 25th April. CONFIRMATION 2015 Bishop Marcus will confirm our young people on Thursday 14th May. E-mail Our candidates will be enrolled on Sunday 19th April at 9.30 Mass at English Martyrs or 11am Mass at St Austins Next Meeting Friday 20th March 7.15 - 8.45. Angela Caines, Simon Bolton, Dannie Crook & Fr Michael. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015 14th and 21st June at St Austin’s and 28th June (inc. Vigil Mass) at English Martyrs: details from your catechists. Parents’ meeting this Wednesday - St Austins 7:30pm Private Intention Ruth Samuroff – RIP David McDonald – Anniversary FEAST Third Sunday of Lent Fourth Sunday of Lent Private Intention THE POPE’S INTENTIONS FOR THIS MONTH That all cultures may accept the rights and dignity of women. Please pray an Angelus or Rosary for this intention. PONTIFEX- Words from Pope Francis God “generously forgives” those who “learn to do good”, but what he doesn’t forgive is “hypocrisy and fake saints”, said Pope Francis last week. There has never been any doubt that God prefers “sanctified sinners” – people who, despite their past sins, learn how to do a greater good - to “fake saints” – people who are more concerned with appearing saintly than doing good. The Pope was reflecting on the day’s reading from Isaiah, which he described as an "invitation and an imperative" that comes directly from God: "Cease to do evil, learn to do good" defending orphans and widows, "those who no one remembers". This includes the "abandoned elderly", and children "who do not know how to make the sign of the Cross". It is an invitation to conversion. “How can I convert?” “By learning to do right!- the path of doing good. Seek justice, encourage the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow- do justice to them, go to the wounds of humanity, where there is so much pain ... And by doing good, you will cleanse your heart ". ST MARTIN’s PARISH DIARY PARISH DIARY week beginning March 8th Tuesday Players Rm 1 Wednesday Prayer & Share 9am EM Wednesday Friends 2pm SA1 Scripture Study 7:30pm SA2 First HC Parents (all) 7:30pm SA1 Thursday Parents & Toddlers 9-11 SA Thursday Club 12:30 SA Lent Course 7-8:30pm EM Singing for Pleasure 1:30 SA Prayer services and devotions are now shown on p2 ROME MARATHON - Elliott Wright, a seminarian from our Parish who is at present studying for the priesthood at the English College, will run the Rome Marathon on Sunday 22 March for "Friends of the Holy Land" an organisation which offers financial aid to persecuted Christians in that troubled part of our world. Sponsorship forms are available in both churches. Please support him and them if you can. Your sponsorship can be placed in the collecting bags or posted through the letter box of St Austin's Presbytery. BOOKS, DVDs, CDs: as Fr Tim prepares to leave he is shedding quite a few books and other items accumulated over many years. These have been placed in the narthex at St Austin’s. Some items are just to take, but for most you may like to leave a suitable donation which will go to parish funds (please place monies in the wall slot marked “Fr Tim’s books”) next to the paper slot in St Austin’s narthex. IRAQI CHRISTIANS IN NEED The recital at St Austin’s by Carl Bahoshy was a lovely evening of organ and piano playing: Carl also gave details in words and pictures of how our fellow Christians were suffering at the hands of IS in Iraq. An appreciative audience donated over £400. If anyone would like to contribute to this worthy cause there is information on the table in the narthex or visit CATHOLIC FILM CLUB Tuesday 17th March in St Austin’s Community Centre. “Faith of our Fathers – In Search of the English Martyrs” Part 2 - with Fr Marcus Holden and Fr Nicholas Schofield. Doors open 6.45pm for teas/coffees. Film at 7.15pm with discussion time to follow, plus refreshments - finish at 9pm. Donations appreciated to fund this Club. All welcome. NEWS FROM BECKETS: As part of the Lent Commitment in school, form groups are busy raising money which will support the work of Catholic Care. This week assemblies will focus on listening to God’s Word and putting it into action. Based on exam results from 2014 which placed Beckets in the top 25% nationally, a report from the Department of Education has identified Beckets as one of the highest attaining schools in Yorkshire. THE REAL EASTER EGG is an Fair-Trade Easter Egg with a copy of the Easter Story in each egg. More than a million have been sold. It comes in various packaging and sizes and is available from Tesco or Waitrose (perhaps Morrisonsconflicting replies) or online at GENERAL ELECTION: 7 MAY the Bishops have written a letter to all Catholics in England and Wales. Copies are available at both churches: it includes twelve questions for your candidates: don’t just look at one issue, they say: First two questions: 1. Where do your candidates stand on assisted suicide, euthanasia, abortion and other life issues? 2. Do they have a commitment to support marriage & family life More in the next weeks. ANNUAL LENTEN RETREAT DAY: Saturday 28th March at The Briery Ilkley-10:00am to 4:00pm. Open to anyone seeking a quiet day during Lent with the chance for prayer and reflection. For further information/ booking please contact Catherine or Angela on 0113 261 8040 or ALMSGIVING FOR LENT ASYLUM SEEKERS: LENTEN FOOD BOX During Lent there will be a box at the back of both churches for contributions to the Support Fund's Food Bank. Items needed are: sugar, cooking oil and rice to be distributed to destitute Seekers each week as a contribution to the household budgets of their hosts. CAP has the pleasure of inviting you to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Community Awareness Programme this Tuesday 10th March 2015 7.00pm - Charity’s Headquarters 2-8 Market Street Wakefield WF1 1DH- THERE ARE CAP BOXES at each church and gifts of clothing and easily prepared food for the homeless are always appreciated. THE SUZY FUND is grateful for your weekly giving which goes to help the poorest in the world SVP: collection this week to help local people in need. ST AUSTIN’S SCHOOL: 2 permanent classroom teachers required for September (teacher for Y5/6 and teacher for either Y1/2 or Y3/4). See notice board for details. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN WAKEFIELD The Good Friday Walk of Witness will take place as usual, starting from New Life George St at 9:30am PILGRIMAGE TO THE BATTLESITES & MEMORIALS OF WORLD WAR ONE: meeting to confirm further details will take place on 23rd March at 7pm in the Upper Room at St Peter and St Paul. Letters with more details available at both churches. A CELEBRATION of the launch of "The New Evangelization: Faith, People, Context and Practice" 6.30pm, Tuesday 24th March, Leeds Trinity: sung Vespers of the Vigil of the Annunciation, presider Bishop Marcus Stock, a lecture by Michelle Moran on "The New Evangelisation: our unfolding mission". Book a free place: web: (; tel: 0113 2837240). PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM on the Feast of the Annunciation. “A wonderful day of prayer prior to Holy Week:” coach £20. Concessions- various pick-ups see poster- tel Melanie/07857685312 or Pat/07747698553 2015 LEEDS ST PATRICK’S DAY PARADE sets off at 11.00am prompt from Cookridge Street on Sunday, 15th March Everybody is welcome to take part, but be there by 10.45am to join in the Parade. Great entertainment all afternoon in Millennium Square.' PARISH CENTRES: The Hall or Rooms in St Austin’s Community Centre are available to hire, for single or series events. Contact Paul Blackburn on 01924 374248. The Centre at English Martyrs Church is also available for hire. Contact Deacon Nick or Bernard Lowrie 372928. You can find lots of information about parish life on our website- you can access the latest Parish Bulletin- usually posted on Saturdays in colour!….or follow us on Twitter- see the website homepage or search @wakefieldstm PARISH COLLECTIONS: THANK YOU! Envelopes: Loose: Standing Orders: Total: £635.72 £596.49 £781.45 £2,013.66 Suzy Fund: CAFOD: £141.74 £703.22 Special collection for parish funds raised a further £250 last week. This brings the total to £3,664.65. Many, many thanks for such generosity in these difficult times. This weekend there will be a retiring collection for our SVP. Next weekend there will be a second collection for Catholic Care.
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