1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 OLG STAFF Msgr. Mark Svarczkopf Fr. Francis Joseph Fr. Mauro Rodas Judy Koch Peggy Henninger Fran Reiley Tony Cooper Sandy McGill Jeff Havens Kent Clady Becky Cope Reynaldo Nava Diane Swint Sr. Ushatta Mary Patty Schnarr Larry Sahm Sue Turnquist Dave Lekse Judy Zahorick Convent Pastor Associate Pastor Hispanic Ministry Pastoral Assoc. Administrative Asst. Business Manager Stewardship/Develop. Administrative Asst. Music Director School Principal DRE/Volunteer Co-ord. Hispanic Religious Ed Bookkeeper Parish Visitor Youth Minister PLC Mgr./Custodian Webmaster Parish Council Chair Bulletin Editor FIH Sisters Cell 370-3078 frfrancis@olgreenwood.org Home: (317)-791-0346 cell 529-8820 888-2861 ext. 244 888-2861 ext. 225 888-2861 ext. 229 888-2861 ext. 236 888-2861 ext. 235 kclady@ol-g.org becky@olgreenwood.org Home: (317)-887-1770 888-2861 ext. 226 888-2861 ext. 230/865-6013 pschnarr@olgreenwood.org 374-3425 gwmsue@olgreenwood.org Reach through parish office bulletin@olgreenwood.org 203-0224 Cell (317) 374-3477 Cell (317) 654-8211 judy@olgreenwood.org peggy@olgreenwood.org fran@olgreenwood.org tony@olgreenwood.org sandymc@olgreenwood.org jeffhavens@olgreenwood.org 881-1300 888-2861 ext. 231 Reynaldo@olgreenwood.org diane@olgreenwood.org srushattamary@olgreenwood.org 888-2861 ext. 228 larry@ol-g.org franciscansisters@olgreenwood.org Let us pray for those who are ill -Joseph Bauzon -John Benefiel -Jerry Benefiel -Kaleb Buck -Edith Caruso -Lavania Cook -Celine & Ruth Corbett -Melissa Craft & Cathy S. & Gina G -Martha Cudney -Vicky Dike -Ernie Dillehay -Carolyn Dollens -Betty Durako -Patty Duty -Sherry Eddleman -Constance Emerson -Tammy F. -Julie Ferrell -Ruth Fillyan -Fr. Francis & his Mother, Martha -Rita A Francis -Marie Franklyn -Suzie Gaither -William J. Gale -Lauren Gill -Tammy Hall -Glen Hager -Joan Hager -Infant Girl -Bill Johnson -Jenny Kelly -Anna Kinstler -Rita Kleemann -Marie Knust -Jennifer Lupton -Mark Mayse -Garvin McDaniel -Cynthia McDaniel -Ruthie Mendel -Glen Molitor -J. Thomas Noone -Marlene Nothstine -Kim & Ruth Parshall -Johnny Peddicord -Jenny Phelps -Bonnie Prior -Leo Roos -Darlene S. -Dorothy Saltanovitz -Ken Sanders -Betty Schmidt -Nigel Schonfeld -Mr. & Mrs. Rich R. Seniore -Pat Shannon -Marilyn Squillace -Jim Thomas -Jennifer Vermillion -Jenaba Waggy -Pamela & Andrew Wardell -Marie Williams -Eleanor Wingham -Kathy Zahm Food Pantry Needs: Crackers-all kinds Pancake Mix Small cans of Chicken & Tuna Adoration Chapel Remember the chapel can not remain open with this many hours. Please consider taking an hour to spend with Jesus who is in the Adoration Chapel waiting for you to come to HIM. Sun Morn 1-2 AM Sun Morn 4-5 AM Fri Morn 2-3 AM Sat Morn 11-12 Noon I want to Thank everyone. About 12 hours have been taken in the last month. God Bless, Anne If you can pray at these hours please call: Anne Schoettle at 317-919-0177 Or e-mail at: anneschoettle@yahoo.com THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS!! Names will remain on the Prayer List for one month from request unless resubmitted. These are some of the items used in the pantry if you see something on sale please consider buying extra. Please leave food items near the elevator OLG FOOD PANTRY www.olgreenwood.org Reminder to bulletin contributors: Next Deadline is at our regular day & time: Friday February 27th @ 3:00pm For the March 8th Bulletin. Thank you Baptisms February 15, 2015 Samuel David Garnica Alayna Grace Garnica Layla Katherine Garnica Children of Carlos and Christina ____________________ Charlotte Rose Dant Daughter of Joseph & Sarah 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B Calendar SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21 9:00AM Girl Scout World Thinking Day Event in ULMH & LLMH 4:30PM Reconciliation in Church 6:45PM RCIA in Parish Conference Center SUNDAY FEBRUARY 22 RITE OF SENDING AT 10:00am MASS 8:00AM K of C Breakfast in McGivney Hall (LLMH) 9:15AM SMRE & RCIC in School 1:00PM Baptisms in Chapel 1:00PM Men’s Ministry Euchre Tournament in Rectory 6:00PM Rite of Election at SS Peter & Paul Cathedral 7:00PM Life Night for HS Youth in ULMH MONDAY FEBRUARY 23 5:30AM Fitness Ministry in Parish Life Center 3:00PM 8th Grade Girl Scouts in McGivney Hall (LLMH) 6:30PM Digital Media Committee in Parish Conference Center 7:00PM K of C Meeting in McGivney Hall (LLMH) TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24 5:30AM Fitness Ministry in Parish Life Center 10:00AM Mom’s & Tots Playtime in ULMH 5:00PM Girl Scouts in McGivney Hall (LLMH) 6:15PM Divine Mercy Prayer Group in Chapel 7:00PM RCIA in McGivney Hall (LLMH) 7:00PM Parish Pastoral Council in Parish Conference Center WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 25 5:30AM Fitness Ministry in Parish Life Center 8:30AM School Liturgy in Church 3:00PM 6th Grade Girl Scouts in McGivney Hall (LLMH) 3:00PM Parish Staff Meeting in Parish Conference Center 6:00PM Life Teen Music Practice in Church 6:15PM Rosary Group in Chapel 6:30PM Cub Scout Bear Den Meeting in McGivney Hall (LLMH) 6:30PM Cursillo Meeting in Library/Meeting Room 7;00PM Confirmation Meetings in ULMH 7:00PM Boy Scouts in School Cafeteria THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26 5:30AM Fitness Ministry in Parish Life Center 6:00PM Deacon Meeting in Parish Conference Center 7:00PM Confirmation Meetings in ULMH 7:00PM Men’s Guitar Practice in Church 7:00PM Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University in McGivney Hall (LLMH) FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 5:30AM Fitness Ministry in Parish Life Center 5:00PM Lenten Fish Fry in School Cafeteria 6500PM Middle School Overnight Retreat in OLG Gym 7:00PM Lenten Speaker in Church SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28 4:30PM Reconciliation in Church 6:45PM RCIA in Parish Conference Center SUNDAY MARCH 1 BENEDICTION AFTER 10:00AM MASS 8:00AM Coffee & Donuts 9:15AM SMRE & RCIC in School 1:00PM Baptisms in Chapel 7:00PM Life Night for HS Youth in ULMH February 22, 2015 Mass Intentions Saturday February 21 7:30AM In Memory of those lost through Miscarriage, Abortion or Early Childhood Death by Respect for Life Committee 5:30PM In Memory of Esteban Vivaldo by Martha McQueen Sunday February 22 8:00AM For the Parish 10:00AM In Memory of Charles Hellmich by Ruth Bishop 12:00NN In Memory of Fred Schoettle by His Children 1:30PM Armancio Cruz by Cruz Family 6:00PM In Memory of John Mulinaro by Jo Ann Murello Monday February 23 7:30AM In Memory of Irene Hellmich (Anniv of Death) by Ruth Bishop 5:45PM James Kirch by Family Tuesday February 24 7:30AM Marianne Unrue by Curtiss Unrue 5:45PM Marilyn Schneider by John & Alice Davis Wednesday February 25 7:30AM John Caporale by Greg & Toni Cole 8:30AM Dorothy Saltanovitz (Grandmother of Lexi, Sophie & Sam Markowicz) by Murray Family 5:45PM Kenneth Roland Thursday February 26 7:30AM Todd Harris by Mom & Dad 5:45PM Kevin O’Leary by Maureen Francek Friday February 27 7:30AM Thekla Ryan by Friends From Work 5:45PM Amancio Cruz by Family Saturday February 28 7:30AM Tom Williams by Margie Williams 5:30PM In Memory of Greg Benefiel by Irene Thrasher Sunday March 1 8:00AM Eva Lee Taylor by James & Kathleen Steuer 10:00AM Robert & Rita Cekay by Bob & Bobbi Cekay 12:00NN For the Parish 1:30PM Joe Lombardo by The George & Catherine Cord Family 6:00PM In Memory of John Mulinaro by The Shaw Family www.olgreenwood.org Liturgical Ministry Schedule FEBRUARY 28, 2015 5:30PM Presider: Msgr. Mark Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Lectors: Marti Mosemiller & Ruby SantaMaria Gift Bearers: MARCH 1, 2015 8:00AM Presider: Fr. Francis Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Lectors: Abel Balhon & Tina Bradshaw Gift Bearers: Shields Family 10:00AM Presider: Msgr. Mark Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Lectors: Jay Nothstine & Frank Rankin Gift Bearers: Leske Family 12:00NN Presider: Fr. Francis Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Lectors: Ruth Abney & Tom Alvarez Gift Bearers: Hasty Family 6:00PM Presider: Msgr. Mark Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: YOUTH MASS Lectors: YOUTH MASS Gift Bearers: YOUTH MASS 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 Msgr. Mark Dear Community, Usually on the first Friday of Lent we have our Theological Lecture. This year the speaker we wanted was not available until the Second Sunday of Lent. So last Friday we had Stations of the Cross. This Friday Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB, the Rector of St. Meinrad School of Theology will present a Theological Lecture in church on the topic of “The Pilgrim Way.” People have asked me why the speaker is listed as the “Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB.” Of course the OSB stands for “Order of St. Benedict.” The term “Very Rev.” is reserved for theology rectors and rectors of cathedrals. So I guess we ever wrote a letter to Fr. Pat Beidelman, we would address it to “The Very Rev. Patrick Beidelman. The term “Most Rev.” is for bishops. And the title “Right Rev.” is for deans like Fr. Wilmoth. Try to make it to a Friday night Fish Fry in the School Cafeteria. Meals are served from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Sincerely, Msgr. Mark This is the 1st Sunday of Lent, and we prepare ourselves for the mysteries of our salvation that we will celebrate in 40 days at Easter. The Stewardship message runs through today’s readings. In the Noah’s Ark saga, God was displeased with mankind’s stewardship of the earth. Mankind was wicked and God decided to destroy both people and animals. Only Noah and his immediate family were spared. God directed Noah to build the ark. Noah is the human being who carries out God’s stewardship plan to keep humanity, animals, plants, and other living things from extinction. God makes a covenant with Noah, because of his righteousness. He tells him, “you alone have I found to be truly just. Noah loaded his family and all the animals onto the ark. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. The flooding killed every living thing upon the earth, and only Noah, his family, and the animals on the ark were saved. When the waters receded, God directed Noah to leave the ark, with his family and the animals and to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. The first thing Noah did was to offer holocausts (burnt offerings) to the Lord from the best of the animals and birds. What a wonderful model of stewardship for us. God saves us from our sin through his death and resurrection. He claims us for himself through the waters of baptism. He works through us today, as he worked through Noah in OT times to bring about his plan of salvation. How do we respond? Hopefully, we will be like Noah, and return to God the first-fruits of our labors. As we begin Lent, we talk about giving back to God our first-fruits through our stewardship of treasure. Stewardship is an act of faith. We believe that God gives us everything, even our very lives. God asks that we return to him a portion of our time, talent, and treasure. The more generous we are, the more the Lord can accomplish through us, and through our parish family at OLG. In Him, Tony Cooper-Stewardship and Development Due to the office closed on President’s Day and deadline for the bulletin to be published the Gifts will be published next week. www.olgreenwood.org 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 The 2015 Sanctity of Life Dinner WE ARE PROUD TO BE A BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL School Liturgy The next School Mass will be on Ash Wednesday, February 25th at 8:30am in the Church…...Come and join us! Support OLG 5th and 6th Graders Present the ad on Page 8 to the Culver’s near State Road 135 and Main Street on February 24th from 5pm-8pm and have 20% of sales donated back to Our Lady of the Greenwood for the 5th & 6th Grader’s trip to Washington, D.C. Great fun, great food , great experience and all for a GREAT cause! We look forward to seeing you there! Come for a Visit Want to learn more about Our Lady of the Greenwood School? Registration for the 2015-2016 school year for families new to OLG will begin February 1, 2015. Information regarding registration is available all year long. Stop by school and we will be happy to provide you with a tour and information about our school. Ministry Of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) Is returning to Our Lady of the Greenwood! *Have you often thought you would like to participate in a moms group in our parish? *Do you want to meet other mothers that share your Catholic faith and values? *Do you want to grow spiritually and personally? *Are you interested in building a stronger faith and relationship with Christ? *Do you want to meet other women and build new friendships? We will reintroduce this Ministry to all mothers of our parish beginning with an 8 week journey of self discovery, exploration and spiritual growth. Mothers of all ages and stages are invited to join us as we come together in a small group to discuss and share our stress, worries, spirituality, values, friendships, and our gifts. During our time together you will experience personal spiritual growth and celebrate new beginnings and relationships. We will meet each Tuesday from March 31st thru May 19th from 9-11am at OLG. Each session will invite prayer, awareness, listening, reflection, silence and sharing. Each week we will cover a new topic. Some outside work is required, but it is minimal. Childcare is provided. The session fee is $25 and includes your own book with personal journal. This 8 week session is limited to 12 women. Registrations are due by March 9th. If you have questions or would like to register, please contact Susie Gallagher at 908-9880 or Carolyn Schausten at 519-6208. The 2015 Sanctity of Life Dinner, benefiting the Office of Pro-Life and Family Life of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, will held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at Primo Banquet Hall & Conference Center (2615 National Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46227. Eileen Hartman, Executive Director of Great Lakes Gabriel Project, will be honored for her contribution to building a culture of life and civilization of love in Central and Southern Indiana. The keynote address will be given by our very own, The Most Rev. Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R. Doors open at 6:00pm for a reception and cash bar, with dinner served at 6:40pm. Cost is $50/adult, $40/student (8 individuals/table) For more information, please contact Elizabeth Ricke at: ericke@archindy.org or 317-236-1551. Registration deadline is Wednesday, February 25, 2015. 2015 POLAR PLUNGE Support your Greenwood Knights of Columbus Council #6138 with a donation as they will be participating in the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Indiana on March 7th at 10:30 am at Eagle Creek. Last year the plunge was in water with ice 1’6” thick. You don’t have to be a Knight to participate or sponsor. If you would like to join the team and take the plunge or make a donation go to: https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/ GregBendel/indianapolis2015 Drawing for 02-08-2015 Parishioner envelope #2216 was drawn. Booster Club regrets that parishioner #2216 was not a paid in player. Next week’s drawing on 02-15-2015 will be for a minimum of $986.00 of which the winner will receive half. Thanks to all, Booster Club www.olgreenwood.org 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 Patty Schnarr, Office of Youth Ministry pschnarr@olgreenwood.org Office 317-888-2861 ext.228 Cell Number 317-690-6249 February 22nd Life Teen Mass at 6 pm and Life Night from 7 to 9 pm March 1st Life Teen Mass at 6 pm and Life Night from 7 to 9 pm New Semester starts tonight Life Teen Mass at 6 pm and Life Night from 7 to 9 pm March 8th MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP February 27th And 28th 7th and 8th Grade Lenten Retreat in OLG School Gym Overnight Retreat Starts at 6:00 pm and Ends after attending 5:30 pm Mass on Saturday as a group. Check your emails for flyers and for the registration form in this bulletin. 7th and 8th Grade Confirmation Candidates You may use this Retreat as your Confirmation Retreat All Confirmation Candidates must attend a Confirmation Retreat At sometime during formation. This is one of 3 options given to you. Experience your Catholic faith more fully. Discover an enhanced relationship with God. Become motivated to engage in a spiritual Life filled with joy, laughter and enthusiasm. Spring Weekends: English Men's Weekend - March 12 - 15, 2015 Women's Weekend - March 26 - 29, 2015 Spanish Men's Weekend - May 7-10, 2015 Women's Weekend - May 14-17, 2015 Please contact JudyAnne @ 317-603-9050 Hello Our Lady Of Greenwood Parishioner, My name is Gabriel Proctor and I am a boy scout from the resident troop 265. I have begun an eagle project to make a grotto to St. Francis for the resident sisters and renovate a few areas around the church. The sisters have wanted something like this ever since they became the sisters of this parish and it is finally possible with this project. What we will need to finish the project will be a total of $1,500 by the end of March. Any donation that you can give will be greatly appreciated and any extra funds will be devoted to the area that we renovate so that the area will be taken care of for many years to come. With any donation that you may make, the check or envelope can be addressed to OLG – Grotto for the Sisters. Thank you for reading this and have a blessed day. Sincerely, Gabriel Proctor 317-735-6263 www.olgreenwood.org 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 REGISTRATION FOR THE 7th and 8th GRADE LENTEN RETREAT BE NOT AFRAID STARTING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH AT 6:00 PM ENDING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH AFTER 5:30 MASS COST FOR THE RETREAT IS $20.00 Youth Name: _______________________ Address:________________________________City:____________________________ Zip: ________ Email:___________________________ Parent’s Email:______________________________________ Sex (Please Circle) Male Female T Shirt Size ____S ____ M _____L ____ XL Liability Waiver: I, ______________________(parent/guardian name), grant permission for my child, _______________ To participate in the 7th & 8th Grade Lenten Retreat to be held in the OLG Gym and Cafeteria on February 27th and 28th. I will not hold OLG Parish, The Archdiocese of Indianapolis, chaperones or representative associated with this Retreat responsible in the event of injury. Further, I agree to accept any and all financial responsibility as a result of scheduling necessary emergency medical treatment. I hereby warrant to the best of my knowledge, my child is in good health and I assume all responsibility for the health of my child. In the event of an emergency, I hereby give permission to transport my child to a hospital for emergency medical treatment. I wish to be advised prior to any further treatment by the hospital or doctor. Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date:__________________ In case of an Emergency please contact: __________________________Relation:__________________ Phone:___________________ Cell Phone _________________ Doctor & Phone:__________________ Healthcare Provider:_____________________________ Policy #:_______________________________ List all special medical needs or dietary restrictions:__________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ THINGS YOU NEED TO BRING WITH YOU TO THE RETREAT: Pillow and Sleeping Bag , Toiletries (No Showers Available), Any medications youth needs to take (make sure they are in the original container & with parents written instructions and all in a baggy with youth’s name on it) Lenten Small Groups! Forms will be in the pews and on the Narthex desk for the next few weeks. Please sign up for a Small Group. The topic this Lent is Discipleship. Be sure to sign up if you are already in a small group or if you are not. Just put your card in the collection basket. We will get you assigned to a group! Ushers needed at both the Noon and 6:00pm Masses. Please call Peggy at the parish office (888-2861) to volunteer or call Maria at 777-4485. These Masses have traditionally had trouble getting enough Ushers to handle the Mass. Please consider volunteering for these Masses. Thank you www.olgreenwood.org 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 OUR CHRISTIAN DUTY The following is from Life Matters: Call to Greatness, 2012 USCCB Respect Life Program: “Every Christian is called to work for the common good and against the evils and injustices of their day. We all are called to witness to life in whatever job and setting God places us.” Please pray for the courage and grace to love as Christ loves, and by bearing witness to the Truth, may others come to know and see Christ in our world. If you have any questions, please call Jo Ann Benek at 317-882-1721. What’s happening in the coming week: Wednesday, February 25, after 5:45 PM Mass - Cenacles of Life: Ten decades of the Rosary will be offered petitioning our Lord, through the intercession of His Blessed Mother, for religious liberty to safeguard the church and the United States of America and to intervene to bring an end to the culture of death. Cenacles like these are being said all across the country. Prayer is our greatest weapon! What a simple way to be a part of the solution! PREGNANCY HELP--877-734-2444 ADOPTION INFO--787-3412 POST ABORTION HEALING--236-1521 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, PLEASE PRAY FOR US! OLG FITNESS MINISTRY IS LOOKING FOR YOU!!!! If you’re looking to change your life MIND BODY AND SOUL this is just what you need. Come Join us every morning or pick and choose which days’ work best for you. Classes begin at 5:30 a.m. and end at 6:30 a.m. (Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes early to warm up) The following is our weekly schedule: Monday – Strength – Cardio - Concentrating on Arms (Turbo is every other week Monday or Tuesday) Tuesday – Strength – Cardio – All over body workout (Power Ropes Kettle Bells) Wednesday – Strength Cardio – Concentrating on Chest and back Thursday – Cardio Circuit Friday – Strength – Cardio – Concentrating on Lower Body If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at karen.parson@claconnect.com or (317) 850-2422 Planning Ahead for the Children’s Clothing, Toy, and Book Sale Each year, Hearts for Haiti puts on a Children’s Clothing, Toy, and Book Sale. This is one of our major fundraisers and is an important event in helping us support our mission. This year’s sale will be on Saturday, April 11 from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The sale is open to the public and most items are sold for fifty cents. All proceeds support children and families of St. Georges Parish in Bassin-Bleu, Haiti and surrounding mountain villages Have Items to Donate? All of the items sold at the sale will again come from your generous donations. We can use gently used baby and children’s clothing (including school uniforms), maternity clothing, equipment (high chairs, bouncer seats, etc.), bicycles and tricycles, toys and books. We will collect these items during the school afternoon pickup lines on Monday March 30, Wednesday April 1, Friday April 3, Monday April 6, Wednesday April 8, and Thursday April 9. Donations will also be collected in school classrooms and the church basement between March 30 and April 9th. Interested in Volunteering? This sale takes a lot of work from a lot of people. We can use help with collecting items, sorting and organizing, setting up on Friday, April 10, and on the sale day itself. If you are interested in volunteering to help with any of those task, or if you have questions about the sale itself, please contact Jessica at: 317-691-5374, or jfinabnitt@sbcglobal.net. For more information on OLG Hearts for Haiti: Website: http://olgreenwood.org/min_cs_haiti.htm Twitter: http://twitter.com/olghearts4hait Facebook page: OLG Hearts For Haiti Picture albums: http://bit.ly/olgh4hpictures Email us at olghearts4haiti@gmail.com Call Mike Martin (887-6612) or Ryan Benich (319-5104) www.olgreenwood.org 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 Daughters of Mary Ministry We welcome women of all ages and stages of faith to embark on a journey to deepen your devotion and faith in our Heavenly Mother. We will grow closer to Jesus and strengthen our Catholic faith through Mary. For more information about this ministry, please visit www.olgreenwood.org/min_ffc_daughters_mary.htm Please join us in March Date: Time: A RECAP OF OUR Location: Topic: FEBRUARY MEETING… The Daughters of Mary were pleased to welcome Fr. Pat Beidelman back to OLG as he shared his insights and suggestions on how we can imitate the Blessed Mother in our lives. Speaker: Questions? Monday, March 2 Refreshments – 6:30pm Rosary and Presentation – 7:00pm -8:30pm Madonna Hall Preparing a Garland for Jesus in the Desert Fr. Francis Joseph Please contact Co-chairs, Juanita Russell nita.russell@comcast.net or Jeannie Dupont jeanniedupont@comcast.net Please RSVP to Jeannie Dupont at: 616-916-0569 or olgdom@olgreenwood.org SUPPORT OLG 5th and 6th GRADERS 5TH ANNUAL REVERSE RAFFLE Catholic Charities Indianapolis’ Crisis Office is hosting its 5th annual Reverse Raffle to raise funds to assist in providing basic needs to low-income people in the Indianapolis area. The event will be held at Marian, Inc. on Saturday, February 28. Doors open at 6:00pm. Tickets are $50 person, which includes dinner, drinks and entry into the raffle. For more information or to register, go to: www.HelpCreateHope.org or call Valerie Sperka at 592-4072. Join us February 24th from 5pm-8pm At Culver’s near State Road 135 and Main Street Present this flyer to have 20% of sales donated back to Our Lady of the Greenwood Washington D.C. Trip. Great fun, great food, great experience and all for a GREAT cause! We look forward to seeing you there! Expect More From an Adult Education Program Marian’s Adult Programs at Marian University offers a variety of degrees, certificates, and classes specifically designed for working adults. Learn more by calling 317-955-6271 or visit us online at: www.marian.edu/MAP THANK YOU This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The advertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity. www.olgreenwood.org 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 Moms of babies and toddlers age birth - 4 years: Join us from 10:00-11:15 am on the third Tuesday of the month in the Upper Level Madonna Hall for a playgroup! Our next playgroup dates are: Tuesday, February 24 Tuesday, March 24 Tuesday, April 21 *Please bring your own blanket and toys* This is a great chance for the children to socialize and for you to meet other moms in the parish! Dads, grandparents, and caregivers are also welcome! If you would like to join the playgroup, you MUST first complete the Safe & Sacred online training: www.safeandsacred-archindy.org Class Begins at OLG: February 12, 2015; 7-9pm The Journey To Financial Peace Begins TODAY! Financial Peace University Starts Soon Learn how to: ~Beat debt and build wealth; God’s way. ~Make a budget that you will understand and use. ~Communicate with your spouse about finances. ~Invest with confidence. ~Change your financial future. For More Information Contact: Mike and Jami Bonner 317-441-8760 or mowquick420@gmail.com Josh Matthews 317-840-2148 or jmatthews4059@gmail.com www.olgreenwood.org 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 150th ANNIVERSARY Knights of Columbus Monsignor Sheridan Council #6138 NEWS The Parish of St. Patrick Church is Celebrating its 150th Anniversary. WHEN: Tuesday Evening, March 17th, 2015 WHERE: 950 Prospect, Indianapolis, IN 46203 PRESIDER: Archbishop Joseph Tobin Reception Following Mass Joint in Thanksgiving for 150 memorable years. For more information, call (317) 631-5824 Feb 20—Mar 27 ◊ OLG Lenten Fish Fry Knights are helping supply deserts; If you can supply a desert or two contact Jo Watt @ 887- 3461 Feb 22: ◊ Knights Breakfast Breakfast as usual ! After 9 and 10 O’clock Mass Feb 23: ◊ Social Meeting ( 7:00 in McGivney Hall)) SAVE THE DATE WOMEN’S RETREAT MARCH 14 & 15 2015 Mar 7: ◊ Special Olympics Polar Plunge Support or join us (see ad in bulletin) R.C.I.A. 2/24 Saying Yes to Jesus What is lent Anyone is welcome to attend any of the RCIA sessions. Watch this space for each week’s topic and join us any Tuesday in Lower Level Madonna Hall at 7:00 PM or Saturday evening in the Parish Conference Center starting at 6:45PM. Mar 9: ◊ Meeting McGivney Hall Rosary 7 0’clock, Meeting 7:30 Your Grand Knight: David Renick, 888-3360 Remember to join us on Facebook Book Club Come join us as we continue into our 5th year of Book club! We have been meeting every other month for 4 years and we’re having a great time reviewing wonderful books! We always welcome new members, so if you’d like to join us, our meetings occur the fourth Tuesday of every other month (odd months beginning with January) from 7-9pm. Yes, you can just read the book and show up! We’d love to meet you! Our next book club selection is “All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr. Our next meeting is Tuesday, 3/24/15 @ 7pm in the Prayer Room. We look forward to seeing you there! www.olgreenwood.org For additional information contact: Christine Milne (317) 201-7123 Or Angie Tomlin (317) 439-8567 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 Keenagers Outing....All invited! Come join us for lunch and great company at Firehouse Subs on Wednesday, February 25th at 11:30 a.m. There will not be a bus. Everyone is responsible for their own transportation. Firehouse Subs is located at 884 US 31 in Greenwood which is located on the northwest corner of Fry Road and US 31 in the Greenwood Shoppes. This shopping center also contains the Men’s Warehouse, Half-Price Books, Party City, China Buffet, and McGee’s Jewelry Store and is across the street from On the Border and Rally’s. Everyone will be able to choose from the menu and will be responsible for his/her own bill. Please call Donna Uhlenhake at (317)-889-3126 if there are questions. THANK YOU for your generous contributions to the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. Your gift is an expression of solidarity with the suffering people of this region. Through Joining in the work of this collection, you are helping to restore the Church and build the future. Please visit: www,usccb.org (search in Central and Eastern Europe) to learn more about what your donations have accomplished. THE LIGHT US ON FOR YOU! The opportunity for individual confession is being made available in each of the parishes (or clusters of parishes) throughout the Archdiocese on Both Wednesday, March 4 and Wednesday, March 18 from 6:30-8:00 pm. Go to http://www.archindy.org/thelightison/ to find several resources about confession. Come celebrate God’s forgiveness and make a new beginning with his grace! VOLUNTEERS WANTED Retired or semi-retired? Looking to give back? Information meeting for people over 50 interested in 1-2 day per week meaningful volunteer assignments with the poor, supported by IVC in the Jesuit Tradition. Come to The Catholic Center (1400 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis) February 24 at 7 PM …… For more information, see http://www.ivcusa.org or e-mail ivcindianapolis@gmail.com Notice to all people working or volunteering with children: You need to complete Safe and Sacred. On the Safe and Sacred website you should complete three items: 1. Read the 45 minute Safe and Sacred program and answer the questions 2. Fill out the background check form 3. Read and acknowledge Code of Conduct Go to the following site: https://safeandsacred-archindy.org/login/index.php Any questions, call Becky Cope at 888-2861 or email: becky@olgreenwood.org. Come and See Vocation Weekend – March 20-22, 2015 Do you have questions about what God is calling you to do with your life? Come on retreat at Our Lady of Grace Monastery and share in the life and prayer of the sisters as you learn more about the Benedictine way of life. Enjoy the opportunity to explore your questions and experience religious life firsthand at Sisters of St. Benedict - Our Lady of Grace Monastery, Beech Grove, IN. For single, Catholic women ages 18 – 44 For more information contact: Sister Jennifer Mechtild Horner, OSB at: (317) 787-3287, ext. 3032 ---- vocations@benedictine.com -or- www.benedictine.com 16th Annual Roncalli Reverse Raffle Saturday February 28, 2015 The Atrium - 3143 East Thompson Road Doors open@ 6:30, Dinner served@ 7:30, Raffle begins@ 8:00 $5,000 GRAND PRIZE!!!!! Additional Raffle Items Include: PS4 ™ PlayStation, Apple® iPad, Big Screen TV Silent Auction for prize baskets, 50/50’s and Pull Tabs Please contact the RHS Athletic Department for ticket and registration info. Chris Lauck: clauck@roncalli.org, 317-787-8277 x 264 BULLETIN SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: SOUTH SIDE FAMILY PHYSICIAN Dr. Brian Coppinger, M.D. See ad on Page 16 www.olgreenwood.org ON YELLOW RAMP IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH People with walkers and canes depend on using that ramp when coming into church. 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 Sunday Morning Religious Education Contact Becky Cope, DRE 317-888-2861 ATTENTION BIRTHLINE MINISTRY IS CURRENTLY IN URGENT NEED OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: Classes are held on Sunday Mornings 9:15 to 10:45a.m. in the school Feb 22 Class March 1 Class March 8 Class Cathedral High School Placement Test Prep Course Current 7th graders who want to maximize their potential for success on the High School Placement Test might want to consider Cathedral’s Placement Test Prep Course. For only $75, students can take a practice placement test on a Monday, receive direct instruction from math and English teachers for three days, and take another practice test on a Friday. Choose from mornings or afternoons during one of the two weeks—June 15-19 or July 13-17. Visit www.gocathedral.com/testprep or call: (317) 968-7370 to learn more! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Diapers - size newborn (none on hand) Diapers - size 1 (none on hand) Onesies - all sizes (very low supply of each size) Girl Sleepers - size 0-3 months (none to very low supply) Girl Sleepers - size 3-6 months (none to very low supply) Boy Sleepers - size 6-9 months (none to very low supply) Boy Sleepers - size 12 months (none to very low supply) Receiving Blankets Maternity clothing Items such a s baby clothes (from newborn to size 2) blankets, bassinets, bouncy seats, strollers. Toys, books, diapers, wipes, etc. are also needed. Donations can be placed in the pack and play by the stairs near the church office or you may call Linda and Sylvan Ebert at 859-0993 and we will be happy to pick up your items. All donations are tax deductible (Tax deduction forms will be provided). Birthline is a social services organization that supports pregnant women and their newborns in the greater Indianapolis area. Expectant mothers are screened prior to referral and must meet eligibility requirements of MEDICAID. This non-profit organization sponsored by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis needs your help. The Marian Center, with the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, is hosting the 10th Annual Indiana Catholic Women’s Conference; Treasuring Womanhood on March 21, 2015 at the Ballroom of the Marriott Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. Enjoy Mass with Archbishop Joseph Tobin, as well as internationally known speakers Fr. James Blount and Annie Karto, and nationally known Danielle Bean & Yvonne O’Brien. Lunch is included with registration. Economical and easy parking, too. For more information visit: www.indianacatholicwomen.com or call 317-888-0873 or 317-881-8797. The largest parish group (over 10) will be given a special gift & VIP Seating. Start gathering your group now and invite your mother, sister, daughter and friends. Special prices for groups & students. Notice to all parishioners: We will be distributing a new parishioner phonebook in April 2015. If you do not want your name, address and/or phone number to appear in the directory, please call the Parish Office @ 888-2861 #244 by February 23rd. If you have asked in the past years to not place name or information, please call me and remind me because I do not want to make a mistake and place your information in if you wish it to not be published. Thank you! www.olgreenwood.org 1st SUNDAY OF LENT –CYCLE B February 22, 2015 www.olgreenwood.org
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