St. Sebastian Catholic Church First Sunday of LentFebruary 22, 2015 A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg 801 Broad Avenue ~ Belle Vernon, PA 15012 Parish Staff Rev. Msgr. Roger A. Statnick ........................ Pastor Mr. Daniel F. Lisovich... .............. Business Manager Mrs. Christy Cabaniss....................... Parish Minister Mr. Christopher Manderino ............................... Coordinator of Youth Ministry Mr. Eugene Lancas Coordinator of Liturgical Music Mrs. Linda Drury ........................... Parish Secretary Mrs. Darleen Koury...Bulletin/Faith Formation Secretary Parish Telephone Numbers: Parish Center/Office: ..................... 724-929-9300 Parish Fax: ........................................ 724-930-7611 Faith Formation Office: .................. 724-930-8504 Parish Hall: ....................................... 724-929-9982 Parish Website: Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 11:30 a.m. Parish Office Hours: Sunday8:00 a.m.8:45 a.m.; 10:00 a.m.1:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon 12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saint Sebastian Regional School Mr. Steven J. Dorko ....................................Principal Mrs. Connie Simboli ........ School Office Manager School Telephone ............................ 724-929-5143 School Fax ....................................... 724-929-3038 Website ............................................ Ministry to the Homebound: To arrange for the Sacraments of the Eucharist, Reconciliation or Anointing of the Sick, call Christy Cabaniss. Extraordinary Ministers are available for Communion to the Homebound on Sundays. Catholic Charities: Counseling is available through the Diocesan Catholic Charities Office located in our Parish Center. Call 724-929-4699. Religious Education/Formation: Please call the Faith Formation Office at 724-930-8504. (RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Anyone interested in information on the Catholic Church or in becoming a Catholic, please contact the Faith Formation Office. Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements are to be made at least six months in advance. Couples must participate in Marriage Preparation sessions. Sacrament of Baptism for Infants: Please contact the Faith Formation Office to schedule Baptism. Parents must attend a Baptism Preparation Session prior to their child’s Baptism. Bulletin Deadline: 9:00 a.m. on Monday. Please print or type all announcements. MISSION STATEMENT We the Parish Family of Saint Sebastian, Belle Vernon, serve people in Westmoreland and Fayette Counties. We are Roman Catholics of various ethnic backgrounds with strong family values demonstrating a variety of skills, trades and professions. The purpose of the parish is to glorify God by assisting the community on the “Journey of a Lifetime” through the Liturgy and Sacraments, teaching and preaching the Word of God, and witnessing to our faith. As a community of faith, we are committed to love of God and neighbor through worshiping together and serving others in caring for their spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Each of us is called to strengthen and reach beyond our parish through being responsible stewards of our time, talent and treasure in the spirit of our patron, Saint Sebastian. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE 1 FEBRUARY 22, 2015 St. Sebastian Church Weekly Report for Period EndingFebruary 16, 2015 Beginning Checking Account Balance February 10, 2015 Income: Sunday Collection February 14/15 Miscellaneous Receipts Expenses: Expenses for Period Closing Checking Account Balance: February 16, 2015 Less holding accounts: Those in Need Collections owed Diocese Athletic Association Roof Fund Balance for daily operating expenses $ + 56,311.62 + + 5,178.08 2,279.00 - 11,835.71 $ 51,932.99 $ - 2,853.19 807.10 - 3,385.19 - 2,082.00 $ 42,805.51 2015 Roof Fund to Date: $ 2,015.50 2014 Roof Fund to date: $52,668.69 2013 Roof Fund final proceeds: $ 74,343.862012 Roof Fund final proceeds: $ 60,592.73 Finance Council Members: John Ciccarelli, Mark Ramsier, Louis Toth, Carol Shernisky, Lawrence Bender, David Free, Richard Triggiani. Pastoral Council Members: Cliff Gorski, Sandy Wawro, Rachel Hoffman, Michael Couser, Mary Anne McMillen, Steve Zolock, Mark Druciak. Paschal Candle The Paschal Candle is a symbol of the risen Christ. On Easter Sunday it is placed next to the pulpit for the 50 days of Easter; after Easter it is placed near the Baptismal Font and is lighted for Baptisms and Funerals. If you would like to sponsor a portion of the cost of the Paschal Candle this year, please call the Parish Office. This Candle may be in memory of a loved one, or for a special intention. Lent 2015 Little Black Book This booklet with prayers and reflections for the Lenten Season is available in the church vestibule. Please place your donation of $3.00 in the envelope provided and return it to the Parish Office. Second Collection This weekend the second collection is for the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Your donation to the Catholic Home Missions Appeal, on the First Sunday of Lent, can be an expression of your faith in this holy season of Lent. Sunday Office Hours Beginning next Sunday, March 1, Sunday office hours will be discontinued. There was little response to this service, and it proved to be a burden to the staff. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Parish Office during regular office hours, Monday thru Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon and 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. at 724-929-9300. Saint Sebastian Web Site Visit our web page for information on upcoming events, forms and applications. Memorial Pavers You may reserve a memorial paver for the Saint Joseph Memorial Shrine by contacting the Parish Office. The price for each paver is $200, and sheets to reserve each memorial are available in the vestibule and the church office. A check must accompany each reservation, and please note the number limit for the characters that can be engraved on each paver. Reservations can be taken during parish office hours. 150 pavers will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. ST. SEBASTIAN CHURCH PAGE 2 BELLE VERNON, PENNSYLVANIA Belle Vernon Ministerium Liturgy & Lunch Mass Schedule for the Week The Belle Vernon Ministerium will again sponsor a series of Lenten Midday Services on Wednesdays during Lent. All Services begin at 12-Noon, followed by a soup luncheon. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend. The schedule of services is: February 25Lynnwood Lutheran Church Rev. Richard Klein, Jr. March 4Rehoboth Presbyterian Church Rev. Bruce Merritt March 11St. Sebastian Church Rev. Suzanne Currie March 18Antioch Baptist Church Pastor Kenneth Jones March 25First Presbyterian Church Rev. Msgr. Roger Statnick February 22First Sunday of Lent 4:30 pm Sat. Helen KamenickyBrother, Vince & Irene Zuza 9:00 am For All the People of Saint Sebastian Parish 11:00 am Frank FerreriDonald & Josie Ondulick Monday, February 23 8:00 am In honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Edward & Cheryl FiorillJoe & Maryanne Tucci Tuesday, February 24 8:00 am Eileen SivekFamily Wednesday, February 25 8:00 am Dan WeiblNorman & Dolly Koch 2:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration 5:30 pm Benediction Thursday, February 26 8:00 am Toni Bitonti, Jr.Erma Zema Friday, February 27 No Mass Today 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross Saturday, February 28 11:30 am Sacrament of Reconciliation Second Sunday of Lent 4:30 pm Agnes & Herbert KingGilchrist Family Sunday, March 1 9:00 am Ronald UmbelSara Worry 11:00 am For All the People of Saint Sebastian Parish Eucharistic Adoration On Wednesdays during Lent there is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the church. You are invited to come to the church for quiet, private prayer during this time. (There will be a sign-up sheet in the church vestibule for those who will be in church for Eucharistic Adoration.) Scripture Service and Benediction begins at 5:30 p.m. We gather in the Parish Hall at 6:00 p.m. for a Lenten meal of soup and bread. If you are interested in sharing in the meager meal please complete and return the form below so we can prepare adequately. Fridays in Lent Stations of the Cross will be prayed at 7:00 p.m. on Fridays in Lent. Following Stations this week, discussion will take place on the movie “the Way” which we watched last Friday. Saint Sebastian Lenten Light Meals I plan to attend the following soup dinners: (Please circle your choices) February 25, March 4, March 11, March 18, March 25 Check here if you are able to help. ____I will help with preparation/serving of Soup Dinner. Liturgical MinistersServers Saturday, Feb. 28 4:30 pm A. Peden, B. Barber Sunday, Mar. 1 9:00 am L. Dimpel, E. Claybaugh 11:00 am J. & J. Hartman Lectors Lit. Coordinators Ministers Saturday, Feb. 28 4:30 J. Barnot RJ Kozura L. Aul, M. Free, J. Stringhill S. Wawro, T. Rodriguez, K. Rygiel, L. Santori Sunday, Mar. 1 9:00 L. Kapolka A. Osiol D. Atkinson, L. & R. Galiszewski S. Battaglia, M.A. McMillen, J. Russell, D. Seman 11:00 C. Rhodes D. Columbus M. Strickland, J. Cannizzaro D. Stasko, E. Studnicki, B.A. Wright, D. Cooper, G. Klamerus Sympathy and Prayers Please remember in your prayers those who have died: Theresa A. Caruso. We extend our sympathy to her family. May she rest in peace. NAME___________________________________ Penance Service PHONE__________________________________ Please return this form to the Parish Office. In addition to the already published Penance Services, the Holy Family Church, in West Newton, is offering their Penance Service on March 12, at 7:00 p.m.. SAINT SEBASTIAN CHURCHPAGE 3 Bereavement Support Program A six week bereavement support series on Tuesday evenings beginning February 24 and ending March 31 is being hosted at St. Sebastian Church, Belle Vernon. Each session will run from 6:30 8:00 PM and will be held in the Parish Center. Anyone interested is welcome to participate in these FREE sessions. Grief is a normal and essential part of dealing with loss. These sessions are designed to help participants better understand their grief experience, while providing practical ways of dealing with the adjustments caused by the loss. If you would like to participate in this bereavement support series or would like more information, please contact Christy Cabaniss, 724-929 -9300. Baptism Congratulations Brielle Lynn Shutterly, daughter of Zachery and Jamie (Fordanich) Shutterly, was baptized in Christ recently. We welcome Brielle into the Church and into our Parish Family. God bless her and her family. Getting Real About Drugs Reality Tour (RT) is a national parent and child drug education and prevention program. For more information call, 724-797-0955 or email The Reality Tour group meets the second Monday of the month. Labels for Education and Box Top$ Collection Please help St. Sebastian Regional School earn points that can be redeemed to purchase supplies and equipment for the school by donating your Labels for Education and Box Top$. Labels for Education can be found on products including the following brands: Bic, Campbell’s, Dannon, Pace, Pepperidge Farm, Prego and V8. Box Top$ can be found on products including the following brands: Betty Crocker, General Mills, Ziploc, Pillsbury, Hanes, Green Giant, Kleenex, Yoplait, Land O’ lakes and Hefty. A collection box will be located at the main church entrance. Contact Regina Kudla, mother of two children that attend St. Sebastian Regional School, at 724-243-3046 with questions. Thank you! Mount Saint Macrina House of Prayer A weekly Hour of Prayer for World Peace will be held at Mount Saint Macrina on Tuesdays during Lent from 12:00 Noon until 1:00 pm. A Lenten Morning Retreat will be held on Saturday, February 28 from 9:15 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Registration due February 23. A Lenten Afternoon Retreat will be held on Sunday, March 1 from 1:155:00 p.m. Registration due February 24. A Poustinia Retreat will be held March 13-14 from 7:30 p.m. Friday until 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Registration due March 6. For more information/registration for these events please call 724-4387149. Travel Group “Nana’s Naughty Knickers” Please join us for a fun time on July 31 to see the comedy play, "Nana's Naughty Knickers". Make your reservations now for this amusing performance. Cost is $97. A non refundable deposit of $25 is due by March 15, with the balance and your menu choice due by June 1. For more information call Sandy Wawro at 724-938-0865. Lord, please remember the sick, the homebound and those in nursing homes from our parish and community: Doreen Abler, Joseph Antal, Paula Baker, Brian Bellissimo, Donna Biagini, Muffy Blevins, Anthony Boyle, Dane Breakwell, Brennan Breakwell, Tricia Pelissero Bruenn, Adam Canigiani, Jr., Eric Cecchetti, Jenna Christner, Irene Colborn, George L. Cowan, Lois Cowan, Matt Davies, Bernadette Dayner, Mary Delbarre, Ron Edwards, Darlene Engel, Joan Eversburg, Dolores Frazier, Thomas W. Galley, Jr., Millie Gelotti, Mary Gira, Margaret Grant, Rudy Halgas, Jane Hazy, Betty Jean Henderson, Philomena Iacovangelo, Johnny Kelemen, Kathy Kerestes, Jason Koliscak, Joseph Krosoff, John Kushnar, James Litterini, Brandon Morris, Val Novak, Paul Novakovich, Jo O’Hara, Julia Paholski, Shirley Patten, Jack Pesi, Stella Povlish, Eugene Raffelo, Barbara Riffle, Donna Robinson, Dorothy Rodgers, Mary Ann Rocco, George Rue, Barbara Sedlak, Mary Shaffer, Brenda L. SimonZerone, Mary Smith, Sally Sposato, Dolores Sprowls, Edward Stasko, Ralph Swantek, Margaret Tomayko, Joseph P. Trenk, Christopher Valerio, Melvin Walkush, Sr., William Weaver, Kaiden Wooten, Helene Wozniak, Sherri Zitko. Lord, give them strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience in pain. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Focus on Food From all that I have written, it should be no surprise to anyone that Baxter loves food. His portly appearance, his tricks to get more, the eating routine that he follows, and his begging for scraps from the table, all attest to his preoccupation with eating. He goes on alert when a container is opened. The sound and the aroma are enough to bring him to attention, waiting for the right move that might bring him a morsel. Baxter is focused on food, and he doesn’t get distracted from pursuing his next meal or snack. He is a feline version of a “Foodie”. But Baxter is in good company. How many of us exchange recipes or suggestions for places to eat out? Movies about chefs and restaurants and their rivalries are popular. The Food Channel has a large viewership, and many of us have our favorite programs where we watch other’s prepare delectable delights. Occasionally, we are even inspired to produce our own culinary creations, and when they work, we want to tell others about our success. Food takes up a large portion of our lives financially, socially and physically. We are concerned about our diets for health and for the pleasure that comes with eating. The cost of food has risen in the grocery store, the fast food counter and the fine restaurant. We pay it though because we have to eat to live, and we love to eat well to find joy in living. Without noticing it, we focus on food a lot. What about the food for our souls, the Eucharist? Do we pay as much attention to the Bread of Life and the Chalice of Salvation as we do to our physical nourishment? The Eucharist is the heart and center of our lives of faith as Catholic Christians. When we gather each week to worship, we celebrate the Eucharist. It incorporates into one liturgical prayer all of our hearts’ desires. We ask for forgiveness and healing there. We give praise and thanks to God for His blessings, especially the blessing of His Son who saved us in His cross and resurrection. We seek what we need to live our faith concretely in the circumstances of our families, friends, and neighborhoods, and in the demands of our work and world. We strengthen our bond of unity as God’s people by singing, praying, listening and taking communion together. We intimately share in God’s divine life while we share this life with each other. All of these dimensions are part of our Eucharist each week. It is a complete, balanced meal for our soul, and without it, we struggle to remain spiritually healthy. Lent calls us to fast from bodily food a little, so that we can indulge ourselves on the spiritual food offered at Eucharist. It’s a slight change of focus to assure that our whole persons not just our physical selves--are nourished and grow. Take the time to think about what we are doing when we come together each week at Eucharist. Savor its tastes. Take in its atmosphere, and use this food to offer excellent service to others because of this nourishment God’s gives us. Become fat with grace this Lent through eating well and fully at God’s table. There is no greater joy in life. ~Monsignor Statnick Archived reflections can be found at:
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