Upton United Reformed Church- SUNDAY SERVICES Morning Service (with children’s groups and crèche) Evening Worship Holy Communion 10.30 am 6.30 pm 1st Sunday morning 2nd Sunday evening ________________________________________________________________________ REGULAR ACTIVITIES Monday 6.30 pm - 8.00 pm 7.30 pm Churches Together in Upton Coffee Morning at Scout HQ, Weston Grove) Girls’ Brigade MOT Group Tuesday 2.30 pm (1st & 3rd weeks) 10.00 am (every 2 weeks) Friendship Group NTG (New Tuesday Group) Wednesday 9.45 am (1st Wednesday) 1.30 - 2.45 pm 6.45 pm Upton Amblers Midweek Walk Babies & Toddlers Group Prayer & Praise in the Vestry Thursday Friday Saturday 10 00 am- 12 noon 10.00 am 7.30 pm (1st and 3rd weeks) 1.00 pm (last Thursday) WD 40’s (Women’s Discussion Group) Thursday Home Group Food ‘n’ Fun 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm Boys’ Brigade 10.00 am - 12 noon 10.00 am Church open for coffee Upton Amblers (dates vary) ________________________________________________________________________ MONTHLY ACTIVITIES st Church Meeting (alternate months) rd Elders Meeting 1 Wednesday 7.30 pm 3 Wednesday 7.30 pm Task Groups (dates vary) 16 GOD’S LOVE IS FOR ALL OUR MISSION IS TO SHOW IT, SHARE IT, LIVE IT Heath Road, Upton, Chester, CH2 1HX Tele: 01244 373854 MARCH 2015 visit our website at: www.uptonurc.org.uk email: info@uptonurc@org.uk CHURCHES TOGETHER IN UPTON SECRETARY Mrs Marilyn Roberts 01244 678248 marilyn_roberts@hotmail.co.uk FRIENDSHIP LUNCH Thursday, 12 March in our Church Hall TREASURER Robin Hodgkins 12 noon - 1.00 pm Homemade Soup Sandwiches Cakes 01244 383038 Everyone is welcome WRHodgkins@aol.com Donations, please, to the Hospice of the Good Shepherd NEWSLETTER EDITORS Mrs Margaret Hainsworth 01244 381396 FRIDAY LUNCHEON CLUB jm@johnmarg.plus.com in Upton Village Hall Mrs Christine Beeston Every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month 01829 740556 From 12 noon until 3.00 pm c.beeston688@btinternet.com Membership £2 per term and then each lunch £6 Open to over-65s CHURCH HALL BOOKINGS Robin Hodgkins (Welcome drink, 2-course meal, tea/coffee/mints and cabaret) 01244 383038 All enquiries and bookings—tele: Geoff 380068 WRHodgkins@aol.com If you have difficulty in getting to the Hall, transport is available, telephone 323527 £2 for return trip— payable when booking lunch 2 15 New Life in the Spring SUN 15 Give thanks for the love we know, or have known, from our mothers. Mon 16 For the Ambulance and Paramedic Services. Tues 17 For those suffering from dementia Wed 18 Pray for our Elders as they meet tonight. Thurs 19 Pray for all who are awaiting medical tests and / or results. Fri Sat 20 For those in our congregation who are unable to attend 21 church because of age or illness. Give thanks for the work of the Guide Dog Association SUN 22 For Revd Philip Kennerley and Ms Sheila Dunbar who lead our services today. Mon 23 For those seeking employment. Tues 24 For the work of the Samaritans. Wed 25 For the work of the Macmillan Nurses. Thurs 26 For all who use our church premises. Fri 27 For all who maintain our church premises and gardens. Sat 28 As British Summer Times starts, give thanks for the Susan loves to feed the birds in our garden, and we are noticing a lot of activity and tweeting as they start to mark out their territory and call for mates for a new year and hopefully new offsprings. The plants are showing new shoots and buds and the first blossoms are already out. We have planted our first batch of seeds to go out in the greenhouse in April and May. I find this gives me a tremendous uplift after the dark winter days and the increasing warmth of the sun gives us hope to look forward to the full summer days ahead. In the same way we can look forward to Easter and the hope which the resurrection brings. A wonderful time of the year – and don’t forget Mothers’ Day and putting the clocks forward ! Keith Reading beauty of Spring. SUN 29 Today is Palm Sunday - take time to remember the start of Jesus’s journey to the Cross. Mon 30 For the lonely and housebound. Tues 31 Pray for the work of Save the Family. 14 3 PRAYER DIARY FOR MARCH 2015 ROTAS FOR MARCH FLOWERS 1 8 15 22 29 CAR FERRY Anne & Richard Sykes Margaret & John Hainsworth Felicity & Alan Crewe Sue & Keith Reading Anne & Richard Sykes SUN Mon 2 For those who care for rescued animals. Tues 3 For the work and dedication of Macmillan Nurses. Wed 4 Pray for guidance as we meet for our Church Meeting Thurs 5 The Spiritual Centre at the Countess of Chester Hospital. SUNDAY MORNING TEA / COFFEE Eric Morgan Keith Reading Niall Ormerod John Hainsworth 1 8 15 22 Debbie & Phil Mason Margaret & John Hainsworth Lesley & Paul Ivison Eleanor & Stan Hornsby URC ‘BIG DAY OUT’ 2015 at SOUTHPORT SATURDAY, 18 JULY 10.00 am - 5.00 pm Mersey Synod is joining North Western Synod at the Southport Convention Centre for this Big Day Out. There will be keynote speakers (Revd Michael Jagessar and Steve Chalke), workshops, Blackburn People’s choir, market stalls, Bollywood dancers, a magician, balloon modelling and children’s events. We are planning to go as a group from church, and coach transport will be arranged. If you would like to go, please sign up on the notice which is on the back wall of church. Cost for the event is £7 per adult if booked before 5 April (£10 if later), and under 18’s go free. John Hainsworth 4 Revd Arnold Harrison who leads our service this morning. Fri 1 8 15 22 1 6 The power of prayer as we celebrate Women’s World Day of Prayer. Sat SUN 7 8 For the staff who work for MAF. For John Yates and Peter Linsey who lead our services today. For all volunteers who work at the Foodbanks Mon 9 Tues 10 And for the people who need to use them. Wed 11 For the work of the committee members of Churches Together in Upton Thurs 12 Pray for the work of the RSPB. Fri 13 For the work of the Street Pastors. Sat 14 From Christine Beeston’s Pastoral Group we pray for: Betty Hall Catherine Hinchcliffe Marjorie Kemp Anna Patterson Doreen & Peter Pleasant Paul & Margaret Seymour Peter Sowerby 13 PASTORAL NEWS A Prayer for those who live alone · Lilian Dangerfield died on Sunday, 1 February and her funeral will be on Friday, 27 February. The Cremation Service will be for family only following which a Service will beheld in our church at 2.00 pm. We extend our sympathy and prayers to her daughters and family at this sad time. · Greta Latham is in hospital, please remember her in your prayers. · Please also pray for those who have recently been bereaved, those who are undergoing or awaiting hospital treatment. · We also remember in our prayers those of our Church family who are not able to attend church at this time. I live alone, dear Lord, stay by my side. In all my daily needs be Thou my guide. Grant me good health, for that indeed I pray, To carry on my work from day to day. Keep pure my mind, my thoughts, my every deed. Let me be kind, unselfish, in my neighbour’s need. Spare me from fire, from flood, malicious tongues; From thieves, from fear and evil ones. If sickness or an accident befall, ************ Then humbly, Lord, I pray, Alison and Brian Stephenson would like to thank everyone for the lovely flowers, kind thoughts, get well wishes and prayers sent to them during their illnesses. Hear Thou my call. And when I’m feeling low, or in despair, Lift up my heart and help me in my prayer. I live alone, dear Lord, yet have no fear, Because I feel Your presence ever near. Amen Many congratulations to Alison Stephenson says: “I found this in my mum’s handbag, she carried it since my Dad died. I hope it may help our friends who live alone.” 12 John and Margaret Hainsworth who celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary on 6 March 5 On Thursday, 12 February, we held our second Messy Church. DAY DATE TIME Fri 20 6.30 pm Sat 21 10.00 am 10.00 am SERVICE / MEETING Boys’ Brigade Upton Amblers to Rawhead—Leader Phil Jones Church open for coffee The theme was ‘God is Love’ SUN 22 10.30 am 6.30 pm Amy painting her hands Mon 23 Tues 24 Wed 25 Thurs 26 Fri 27 Sat 28 SUN 29 As did all the children and this is the finished painting! 10.00 am 6.30 pm 2.30 pm 7.30 pm 1.30 pm 6.45 pm 10.00 am 1.00 pm 6.30 pm 10.00 am 10.30 am 6.30 pm There were heartshaped biscuits to decorate. Pictures to colour and loom bands to make. 6 Mon 30 10.00 am 6.30 pm Tues 31 10.00 am MORNING SERVICE led by Revd Philip Kennerley EVENING SERVICE led by Ms Sheila Dunbar CTU Coffee Morning at Scout HQ Girls’ Brigade CTU Lent Study Group CTU Lent Study Group Babies & Toddlers Group Prayer & Praise in the Vestry WD 40’s - Easter Thoughts Food ‘n’ Fun Boys’ Brigade Church open for coffee PALM SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE led by Mrs Liz Warrington Churches Together in Upton EVENING SERVICE at Holy Ascension Church CTU Coffee Morning at Scout HQ Girls’ Brigade NTG 2.30 pm CTU Lent Study Group 7.30 pm CTU Lent Study Group 11 DAY DATE TIME Mon 9 10.00 am 6.30 pm Tues 10 2.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm Wed 11 1.30 pm 6.45 pm 7.30 pm Thurs 12 10.00 am 12 noon Fri Sat 13 14 6.30 pm 10.00 am SUN 15 10.30 am Mon Tues Wed Thurs SERVICE / MEETING CTU Coffee Morning at Scout HQ Girls’ Brigade CTU Lent Study Group Saving to Share Meeting CTU Lent Study Group Babies &Toddlers Group Prayer & Praise in the Vestry Churches Together in Upton Meeting WD 40’s - Clumps CTU Friendship Lunch in our church hall Boys’ Brigade Church open for coffee MOTHERING SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE led by Mr Alan Robinson 6.30 pm EVENING SERVICE at Caldy Valley Copy Date for APRIL Newsletter All items for inclusion to Margaret Hainsworth, please 16 10.00 am CTU Coffee Morning at Scout HQ 6.30 pm Girl’s Brigade 17 10.00 am NTG 2.30 pm Friendship Group 2.30 pm CTU Lent Study Group 7.30 pm CTU Lent Study Group 18 1.30 pm Babies & Toddlers Group 6.45 pm Prayer & Praise in the Vestry 7.30 pm Elders’ Meeting 19 10.00 am WD 40’s - Recipes and Food Tasting 7.30 pm Thursday Home Group 10 Morgan and Eilidh decorated spiral hearts and Amy and Gracie made ‘Lovebugs’ Daisy (with a little help from Mum and Granny) made a badge. Owen made a Lovebug, a butterfly and decorated a heart biscuit (then had a nibble). Now what shall I make next? 7 Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday, 6 March at 10.30 am in our church The Day of Prayer service for 2015 has been CHURCH DIARY for MARCH 2015 DAY DATE TIME SUN 1 10.30 am written by the Christian Women of the Bahamas, an expanse of water with scattered islands covering approximately 100,000 square miles in the Atlantic Ocean. Although written by women, all are invited. Increasingly, men and children are participating. Mon 2 Tues 3 Over 36 hours, 170 countries will have taken part. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, over 5,000 services will be held focusing on the theme: 6.00 pm 10.00 am 6.30 pm 10.00 am 2.30 pm 2.30 pm 7.00 pm ‘Jesus said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you?” Wed 4 7.30 pm 9.45 am This is an ecumenical service to which men, women and children are welcome. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN UPTON LENT STUDY GROUP ‘CALLED TO COMTEMPLATIVE ACTION’ Thurs 5 Fri 6 1.30 pm 6.45 pm 7.30 pm 10.00 am 7.30 pm 10.30 am Sat 7 6.30 pm 10.00 am SUN 8 10.30 am Holy Ascension Church, Kempe Room SERVICE / MEETING MORNING SERVICE with COMMUNION led by Revd Arnold Harrison EVENING SERVICE at Vicars Cross CTU Coffee Morning at Scout HQ Girls’ Brigade NTG Friendship Group CTU Lent Study Group at Holy Ascension , Kempe Room MOT Group - Meal at West Cheshire College, Ellesmere Port CTU Lent Study Group Upton Amblers Midweek Walk Leader - Mr Frank Mawdsley Babies & Toddlers Group Ecumenical Prayer & Praise in the Vestry Church Meeting WD 40’s - Room 101 Thursday Home Group Women’s World Day of Prayer Service in our church Boys’ Brigade Church open for coffee Tuesday 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 March Two sessions on each Tuesday at 2.00 pm and 7.30 pm ALL WELCOME 8 6.30 pm MORNING SERVICE with Church Parade led by Mr John Yates EVENING COMMUNION SERVICE led by Mr Peter Linsey 9
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