Parish Bulletin

1700 8th St. South, Brookings, SD  57006
Office: 692-4361
1st Sunday of Lent
February 22, 2015
Mass Times:
Saturday 5 PM
Sunday 9 AM 11 AM
Tue & Wed 4:45 – 5:10 PM
Saturday 3:45- 4:30 PM
Fr. Rodney Farke, Pastor E-mail:
Sr. Elaine Garry, Pastoral Associate
Laura Kondratuk, Pastoral Assistant
Deb Gilk, Elementary DRE 692-6941
Rachel Mark, Youth Formation DRE 692-8309
Nancy Bechel, Youth Ministry
Kathy Gilpin, Preschool RE
Sara Olson, Music/Liturgy
Meghan Kelly, Preschool 692-6796
Carol Covrig, Receptionist/Secretary
Lisa Elsinger, Bookkeeper
Jerry Nissen, Maintenance
SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURES (# 996 in the red Gather hymnal)
Genesis 9:8-15 “See, I am now establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you.”
Psalm 25: Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant.
1 Peter 3:18-22 “Christ suffered for sins once, the righteous for the sake of the unrighteous, that he might lead you to God.”
Mark 1:12-15 “The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days.”
Each year the church invites us out into the desert of Lent,
to give God the opportunity to renew us, by setting aside
some of the distractions and luxuries of our usual life, and
undergoing the traditional ways of keeping Lent. Our fasting
and self denial, our almsgiving and sharing with others, and
our increased prayer, all help prepare our hearts for God’s
healing touch. May we all have a great Lent!
TODAY- Feb. 22nd: 1:15pm Parent Meeting in Social Hall for
First Communion and Student Retreat in
Room B (for First Reconciliation)
2:00pm Celebration of First Reconciliation (Parent and Child)
Next weekend Glen Gauer, FOCCUS missioner, formerly at
SDSU Newman Center, and now at DeSmet & Arlington parishes, will present a parish mission to us. He will present
programs Sunday, Mar 1, Monday, Mar 2, & Tuesday, Mar
3, from 6:30—8:30 each evening. His teaching is most
suitable for high schoolers through adults. We will provide
babysitting for younger children. Please take advantage of
this opportunity for spiritual growth and education in our
Lenten Regulations:
Wednesdays at noon at First Lutheran Church. A
soup and sandwich luncheon, with serving beginning at 11:30 AM ($5), with proceeds going to the Ministerial
Association’s assistance to the needy. This series of talks
can be a meaningful contribution to your Lenten journey and
is easily doable over your lunch hour.
On February 25th the menu will be Creamy Tomato Soup,
Ham Salad croissant, Cookie & Coffee and Fr. Rod will
give the reflection.
Help Needed We need some workers for the Lenten
Luncheon at 1st Lutheran Church this Wed, February 25.
Volunteers for the following roles:
 3-4 volunteers for set-up & serving (starting at 10:30)
 3-4 volunteers for clean-up (starting at 12:15)
NOTE: We could have 4 volunteers total if they were willing
to stick around for all of the tasks. Please let Sr. Elaine or
Laura know if you can help, 692-4361.
The Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast
TODAY, Sunday, February 22. Enjoy pancakes, good
company & donate to a worthy cause.
• The Christian faithful are to do penance through prayer and fasting,
abstinence and by exercising works of piety and charity. All Fridays
through the year, especially during Lent, are penitential days.
• Abstinence: All who have reached their 14th birthday are to abstain
from eating meat on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays of Lent.
• Fasting: All those who are 18 or older, until their 59th birthday, are
to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Only one full meal is
allowed on days of fast. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain
strength, may be taken according to one’s need; but together, they
should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids are allowed.
Catholic’s DIVORCE HEALING Program – Lent is a special
time of prayer, penance, sacrifice and good works in preparation of the celebration of Easter. Perhaps you or someone you
love is a Catholic who feels separated from the church due to
divorce? St Thomas More Parish is offering a special Lenten
program just for you called "The Catholic's Divorce Survival
Guide." The program meets Monday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm
for 6 weeks and is for people who are currently experiencing a
divorce or were divorced years ago. You can leave your
shame, fears, feelings of rejection at the door. This is program
of hope and healing. Call Carol at 692-4361 or Margi Culhane, Catholic Family Services, 800-700-7867, Scholarships are available. Help with
childcare is available upon request.
Another Lenten opportunity: Besides daily Mass, we invite
you to participate in Stations of the Cross, Fri., 6:30 pm.
Deadline is this week.
Msgr. James Doyle Scholarship Deadline is March 1.
St. Thomas More Scholarship Deadline is March 1.
Fr. B. Alton Kelley Award. Deadline March 1.
Bishop Lambert Hoch Scholarship Deadline March 15.
STM Preschool is excited to announce that we are
currently enrolling for the 2015-2016 school year.
Sessions are filling up quickly. If you are interested in enrolling, forms can be picked up in the main
office or outside the preschool classroom. For more
information please contact Meghan at 692-6796 or
Eucharistic Adoration
Did you know our parish is blessed with Eucharistic Adoration from Thursday, 7:30 AM until Friday at 6:45 AM? If
you‘d like to make a commitment for an hour per week, we
have the following times available: 11pm-12am, 2–3 am, 34am, 5-6 am and additional people throughout the night
are needed. You may also sign up at other times even if
others are already filling those slots or get added to our sub
list Sometimes the commitment is what we need. Stop in
any time for a visit with Jesus. The benefits are life changing! All are welcome! Call the office for more information or
to make a commitment.
Catholic Family Sharing Appeal (CFSA) 2015
Our goal this year is $136,300. We have received pledges of
$31,763. So far, 11% of our families have responded to the
appeal with either a monetary donation or a commitment to
pray for the success of our efforts. Thank you to all those
that have returned their pledge cards and for those who
haven’t, please prayerfully consider your pledge and return
your form as soon as possible, even if you aren’t able to give
a monetary donation.
Lighthouse Catholic Media
Please note the display of Catholic CD’s on a variety of
topics regarding our faith. These are very instructional, and
are very reasonable at a suggested donation of $3. Check
them out!! Some great topics for your Lenten Journey!!
In Sympathy we offer our prayers, love and support to Alan
& Ann Hess at the loss of Ann’s brother, Dennis Charron.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
Baptismal Planning Class
Parents who are anticipating the baptism of a child are reminded of the next meeting on Thurs., March 12, 7 PM,
Room B. To pre-register, call 692-4361.
Brantley James Ahartz, son of Anthony Ahartz &
McKenzie Vlaminck and David Lawrence Schmit, son of
Chris & Kathryn. May Brantley & David grow with us in the
love of God. Our faith community continues to grow!
Rosary Makers Group
Come join us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month
in Room C from 6:30-8:00 PM. Dates for March are the
10th & 24th. We have all the supplies and tools needed.
Welcome to all our visitors! It is a joy to welcome
you to St. Thomas More Parish. We hope that our prayer
together has made a difference for you. Thank you for
being with us today.
Religious Education News
JULY 13-17, 2015 Please check with Nancy Bechel for a registration form. Registration forms are also available for
download at the Presentation Sister website – as of January 9, 2015. Please
call Karen Harrington (605) 770-3671 for more information.
Food & Fellowship Supper is served from 5:15-6:45 PM in
the Social Hall every Wednesday that RE classes are scheduled. The menu for March 4 will be Chicken Noodle Soup.
Activity Center Schedule
Activity Center Schedule
The activity center is open 8:30 am-5 pm for adult walking or use of
our exercise room.
Other scheduled events:
Low Impact Aerobics : Mon, Tues, Thurs: 5:30-6:30 pm Sat.: 10-11
am. Call Joan: 695–6994
Dance Aerobics: Tues & Thurs 6:30 to 7:30 pm and Sat. 9-10 am.
Contact Leanne at 605-690-4420
Men’s Basketball - 7:30 PM Thursdays - STM Gym
Everyone is welcome.*All activities are free and open to the public.
Non-parishioners must sign waiver.*
Wellsprings of the Deep Heart: A Lenten Retreat
Enter into the desert of solitude and discover the wellsprings
of grace that lie hidden there. This retreat will be held at the
Benedictine Peace Center, Sacred Heart Monastery, Yankton
on Saturday, February 28, from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The suggested donation is $15. For more info or to register, go to, call 605-6686292, or e-mail Registration
requested by Feb.24. If you are coming from further away,
and would like to stay overnight Friday or Saturday call or go
to the Personal Retreats page on our website.
Day of Renewal February 28, 9 am-3pm, St. Lambert Parish, SF- ‘The Year of Unity’. Phil 2:1-11 encourages us to
work together towards unity, not look to our own interests, but
the interests of others. Dr. Chris Burgwald will share insights
to this scripture and how it should impact our personal lives
and the life of the church we share. Mavis Kemnitz will speak
to the use of personal Charisms and how using them contributes to the building up of the body of Christ. Registration requested for planning purposes. Free will offering will be taken
for the day and lunch served. For more info call/text 60594041-1, email or go to
40 Days for Life February 18th - March 29th there will be
prayer vigils held outside the Planned Parenthood facility at
6511 W. 41st St. in Sioux Falls. This will be a peaceful time of
prayer and fasting for an end to abortion and increased respect for human life from the time of conception. To sign up for
prayer times please call/text Cathy Crisp (605) 940-4650, or
email Cathy Crisp at and she
will get you signed up. Or go to to sign
up to join in prayer from home.
Word of Life
“Our culture … has become hardened to many who cry out.
We idolize the strong and beautiful and tend to disregard the
weak and imperfect. In our own lives, have we been programed not to call for help ourselves or to look past those who
do?” — Learning to Cry, Life Issues Forum, December 19, 2014, Tom
Grenchik USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
All are welcome! Questions? Call Sara Olson
our music liturgist at 692-4361 or 680-9853
STM Choir (High School and Adults) Wednesday
rehearsals in the Sanctuary, 6-7 PM.
STM Choir will sing Sundays at 9 AM and is directed by
Dr. Laura Diddle-Hildebrant.
Youth Choir (Grades 2-8) Wednesdays from 2:30-3:40
(snack time in Social Hall first).
Youth Choir will sing once a month on Sunday morning
and is directed by Sara Olson.
Watch the Bulletin Board - Broom Tree Schedule
See the bulletin board for more info.
Ignatian Silent Retreat Schedule:
 Women’s: Feb 19-22, Mar 5-8, May 14-17, June 18-21,
Aug.13-16, Sept. 17-20, Oct. 22-25, Nov. 5-8;
 Men’s: Feb 26-Mar 1, Mar 19-22, Aug. 20-23, Sept. 24-27,
Nov. 19-22
GRIEVING THE LOSS OF A CHILD Six Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm March 3- April 7, 2015– Catholic Family Services, 523 N. Duluth, Sioux Falls. Directed
by Dr. Marcie Moran. Call 988-3775 or 1-800-700-7867 to
register, the program is non-denominational. Cost – Donation. This program is for adults who have lost a child
and are trying to understand and reconcile their grief.
The program is designed to be educational and will offer
positive suggestions to help people to survive and learn
to live fully again.
Non-Denominational Retreat for adults who have lost a
loved one and are trying to understand and reconcile
their grief. Starts Friday, March 20, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
and concludes Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. at
Broom Tree Retreat Center, Irene, SD. Directed by Dr.
Marcie Moran and guests. Call 988-3775 or 1-800-7007867 or email for more information or
to register. Registrations limited.
Retrouvaille: Help for Troubled & Strained Marriages
The next Retrouvaille weekend is scheduled for Feb. 2728, March 1, 2015. The weekend will take place at The
Abbey of the Hills near Marvin, S.D. This is a confidential
weekend that offers hope and help for couples to heal
and renew their marriage relationship. To register and for
general information visit: or call 605
READINGS: February 23– 28
Mon. Lev 19:1-2,11-18 Ps 19:8-10,15 Mt 25:31-46
Tues. Is 55:10-11 Ps 34:4-7,16-19 Mt 6:7-15
Wed. Jonah 3:1-10 Ps 51:34,12-13,18-19 Lk 11:29-32
Thurs. Ester C:12,14,23-25 Ps 138:1-3,7-8 Mt 7:7-12
Fri. Ez 18:21-28 Ps 130:1-8 Mt 5:20-26
Sat. Deut 26:16-19 Ps 119:1-2,4-5,7-8 Mt 5:43-48
Stations of the Cross February 27
Lector: Ana Braga-Henebry
Servers: Regalado, Elizabeth, Regalado, Rachel, _____________
Counter Schedule March 1:
Kathleen Fromelt, Barb Nelson, Phyllis Lauer
5:00 PM MASS George Roth †
9:00 AM MASS Loretta Quinn †
11:00 AM MASS For the Parish
23 Mon.
24 Tues.
25 Wed.
26 Thurs.
No Mass at STM
5:15 PM Joe Hiess †
5:15 PM Janette Abbey †
7:00 AM Pam Kneip †
7:00 AM Suzann Breen †
Kondratuk & Deceased of Kondratuk/
5:00 PM MASS Eric
Nelson Families
9:00 AM MASS Intention of Marta Braga
11:00 AM MASS For the Parish
Schedule at Pius XII Newman Center:
Sunday - 10:30 AM & 6:30 PM MASS - Pius XII
8:30 AM – St. Paul’s, White
22 Sun.
9:00 AM
22 Sun.
10:00 AM
22 Sun.
23 Mon.
24 Tues.
Preschool/K Religious Education
KC Pancake Breakfast
1st Communion Parent Meeting &
First Reconciliation for 2nd Graders
6:30-8:30 PM Catholic Divorce Group - Room B
7:00 PM
RCIA - Social Hall
6:30-8:00 PM Rosary Makers– Room C
25 Wed.
All Evening
Religious Education
26 Thurs.
9AM /7PM
Bible Reflection with Sr. Elaine
26 Thurs.
6:30 PM
26/27 Th-Fri
Seasons Of Hope - Room C
7:30pm-7 am Eucharistic Adoration - Chapel
27 Fri.
6:30 PM
**Stations of the Cross
28 Sat.
9:00 AM
Fr. Rod’s Bible study - Room C
9:00 AM
Preschool/K Religious Education
10:00 AM
Rolls, juice & coffee - St. Rachael’s
6:30-8:30 PM Lenten Mission with Glen Gauer
Serving the Assembly
Weekend of February 28/March 1
Saturday 5 PM
Sunday 9 AM
Sunday 11 AM
L Van Sambeek, Rick (1) Weninger, Dee (1)
Braga-Henebry, Ana (2) Weninger, Ed (2)
Kantack, Ronda (1)
Holm, Jens (2)
Even, Jack
S Thompson, Libby
Murphy, Sean
Bachar, Danielle
Bachar, Colton
Bachar, Kasey
Gatzke, August
Hogan, Meredith
Van Sambeek, Joan
Austreim, Doug
Gramm, Sally
EM Purcell, Kris
Ficek, Chris
Streier, Margie
Nelson, Brittany
Struck, Don
Parmely, Jan
Martin, Judy
Luze, Gail
Schulte, Dan
Ruane, John
Ruane, Mary
Wiemann, Shelly
Wiemann, Brad
Leiferman, Deborah
Palmer, Tom
Palmer, Kathy
Jennings, Connie
Berg, Ellen
Girard, Dave
U/G Vlaminck, Frank
Hoff, Blaine
Klug, Greg
Parmely, Ron
Maher, Ned
Maher, Rylene
Scholl, Joe
Hogan, Tim
Hogan, Joan
Helsper, Mary
Helsper, Rich
Zink, Bill
Skubic, Mary Ann
Skubic, Lou
Hansen, Dan
Schmitt, Melissa
Puetz, Julie
Puetz, Curtis
Munson, Lane
Austreim, Cheryl
Austreim, Doug
Foerster, Dave
Heinemann, Larry