WELCOME St. Matthew`s Parish - St. Matthew`s Roman Catholic

St. Matthew’s Parish
13131 - 86 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5E 3B5
Phone: (780) 475-2888 or FAX: (780) 475-3366
e-mail: stmat@telus.net
PASTOR: Rev. Paul Moret
SECRETARY: Phyllis Normandeau
March 1, 2015
I will walk before the Lord,
in the land of the living
Weekend masses: Saturday @ 5 pm
Sunday: @ 9 am
@11 am
Weekday masses: Monday 8:30 am
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday no mass
Friday Dickinsfield 10:30 am
Friday 6:30 pm mass followed by the Stations of the Cross
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday @ 4 pm to 4:45 pm or by appointment
2nd Sunday of Lent
"Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone but Jesus alone with
them." Peter, James, and John must have been in a bit of spiritual shock. What a
strange thing had just happened! They had witnessed Jesus, their teacher and
friend, start glowing in his "dazzling white" clothes while engaging in conversation with two holy dead men. Then, a voice from the sky declared that Jesus was God's son.
This was not natural. It was supernatural. These three chosen apostles were given a glimpse
into the divine nature of their leader. They were shown something that no one else had a
chance to see until after the Resurrection: Jesus in all of his glory. But this vision was shortlived. It suddenly disappeared and then Jesus instructed his friends to keep it quiet until "the
Son of Man had risen from the dead."
Perhaps we can relate in some small way to this Transfiguration experience. Perhaps there
has been a time or two in our lives when we have had a spiritual experience, when we experienced God's healing, felt his mercy, or knew his presence was real. But then, maybe it went
away. For most of us, we don't spend the majority of our time "on the mountaintop" with these
"dazzling" insights into who God is. Rather, we tend to walk a journey that is shrouded by
mystery and dependent upon faith. At times, we may even second-guess the spiritual experiences of our past once they have "disappeared." Possibly Peter, James, and John wondered if it
had all been a crazy illusion. But when the Resurrection happened, they knew it was all for
real. As we await the Resurrection this Lent, may we have the faith to believe that Jesus really
has touched our lives and that he can lead us to eternal life.
The Road to Discipleship: Transfiguration
A week before the Transfiguration, Jesus told the crowds the Son of Man would suffer, be
rejected, killed, and rise again in three days. To be Jesus’ followers, they were to deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow him. Days later, Jesus’ dazzling transfiguration reveals
the divine source of his incarnation. Jesus stands talking with both Moses and Elijah to signal
the fulfillment of both the Law and the Prophets. Then a voice from the shadowing cloud says,
“This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!” Real listening means to act on what the person
speaking says. Truly listening to Jesus is demanding and difficult. The road to discipleship
takes both boldness and courage.
Request for Prayers for Special Intention
May our sick and suffering find strength in Jesus along with the parish family. Let us pray
for Theresa Anderson, Denis Theroux, Monolo Relova, Quincy. Baby Ellie, Alice Kormos,
Gerry Giguere , Michael Bilodeau and Julius Seifner, Nicole Doman, Tina Prins, Betty Ann
Yarmuch, Peter Humeniuk and Jim Scaber.
Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, but faith looks up!
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly
and trust in our Creator, who loves us.
Thank you—Sunday February 15 - A delicious breakfast was enjoyed by many parishioners
with crepes, sausages, fruit and beverage. A big thank you to Father Paul Moret who slaved
away in his kitchen making all the crepes so his parishioners could enjoy. Also thank you to all
the helpers that so willingly helped in any way.
The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement which brings Christians of
many traditions together to observe a common day of prayer each year. In Canada, the day is
coordinated by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, which includes representatives
from 11 church partners. This year’s WDP featured country is The Bahamas, and the theme is
“Jesus said to them, ‘Do you know what I have done to you?’” (John 13: 1- 17,NRSV)
World Day of Prayer ecumenical celebrations will be held on Friday, March 6 at the following
locations in our Archdiocese:
Robertson-Wesley United Church (10209-123 Street, Edmonton) at 12 p.m.
Santa Maria Goretti Roman Catholic Church (9110-110 Avenue, Edmonton) at 2 p.m.
Sherwood Park United Church (20 Fir Street, Sherwood Park) at 7 p.m.
For more information, please visit http://www.wicc.org/world-day-of-prayer/2015-thebahamas.
Let Us Remember …… in prayer, our priests who have died in the month of March:
Most Rev. Anthony JORDAN, OMI
March 4, 1982
Most Rev. Henry Joseph O’LEARY
March 5, 1938
Rev. Thaddeus RATAJ
March 8, 1993
Rev. M. Gerard DOYLE
March 9. 1977
Rev. Michael C. HEFFERNAN
March 9, 1989
Most Rev. Emile LEGAL, OMI
March 10, 1920
Rev. Gordon ROEBUCK
March 10, 2006
March 14, 1988
Rev. Ernest R. DORAIS
March 16, 1908
Rev. Joseph Owen SULLIVAN
March 17, 1967
Rev. Hippolyte BEILLEVAIRE
March 18, 1937
Rt. Rev. Emile TESSIER
March 19, 1964
Rev. Victor PERRON
March 19, 2013
Rev. Michael Philip ROONEY
March 21, 1953
Rev. Cornelius LANDRIGAN
March 22, 2000
Rev. Patrick O'NEILL
March 23, 2014
This bin is located in the parking lot near the street. Only newsprint is accepted.
No glossy paper. If you bring your papers in a plastic bag, do not put the plastic
bag in the bin take it with you. This is one of our parish fundraisers. Thank you
for supporting this project.
Mark your calendar for our Spring Social on April 11, 2015.World Day of
Prayer Friday, March 6, 7 pm at Our Lady Loreto church in Namao.
March 2 — 8:30 am
Michel Gigeure
repose of his soul
6 —10:30 am
Theodore Fonseca
repose of his soul
7 — 5 pm
Rick Kaiser
repose of his soul
8— 9 am
Emilda Hughes
repose of her soul
— 11 am
Rick Kaiser
repose of his soul
Archbishop O’Leary Catholic High School Open House
8760-132 Ave Phone: 780-476-6251 March 5, 2015.
Join us anytime between 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Information session will be ongoing throughout the evening.
Advanced Placement Program Comprehensive CTS Programs
Soccer and Hockey Academy Christian Action Academy
Fine Arts and Athletics
Production Performance Academy
Fast Track Classes
French, Spanish and Italian as a Second Language
Romero Celebration—Join us for a celebration of Archbishop Oscar Romero in the year of
his beatification and 35th anniversary of his martyrdom. We begin with Mass on Saturday,
March 21, at 5 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples, 10891 - 96 Street, Edmonton.
Mass will be followed by a moment of sharing. For more information, please call 780-4309491. Sponsored by the Christian base community of Edmonton & Sisters of Providence.
Poster on the bulletin board at the front entrance
Together We Serve- This year, Together We Serve supports nine different charties, including Catholic Social Services. Giving to this annual appeal is easy– make
one donation during Lent, or give when you are able during the year, or break your
gift into monthly donations. Questions? For more information about the appeal, or
to see how each charity benefited from the Together We Serve.
Questions & Answers
Q. How can I be sure that Development & Peace and Catholic Social Services will still get the
support they received through special collections?
A. Actually, together we are stronger. Through Together We Serve in 2014, a total of $275,000
was forwarded to Development & Peace, compared with $222,600 through the Share Lent collection in 2013. In fact, the amount raised in 2014 was also more than each Share Lent collection dating back to 2010. The generosity of our parishioners is awesome. We look forward to
similar success in 2015, now that Catholic Social Services has become part of Together We
Serve. For more questions and answers about Together We Serve, visit
Jesse Manibusan Concert—Our Lady of Perpetural Help Parish and Elk Island Catholic
Schools are pleased to present an evening with Jesse Manibusan, a singer, songwriter, storyteller, undercover catechist and energizer evangelizer. In Jesse's own words, he's a Catholic
Ninja. Please join us at OLPH Parish, 13 Brower Drive, Sherwood Park, on Tuesday, March 3,
at 7 p.m. for a free concert. (Please note: a free will offering will be taken)
Poster on the bulletin board at the front entrance to the church.
Justice in a Culture of Fear—The Edmonton Social Justice Institute presents "Doing Justice
in a Culture of Fear," with guest speaker Scott Bader-Saye from Seminary of the Southwest.
Instead of allowing your own or others' fears to motivate you, you'll be encouraged to forsake
an "ethic of safety" for an "ethic of risk." This new way of living manifests itself in hospitality,
peacemaking, and generosity. Join us on Friday evening and Saturday, March 27-28, at Newman Theological College, 10012-84 Street, Edmonton. Tickets are available now; register in
advance by email to reception@newman.edu or by phone 780-392-2450.
The Edmonton Social Justice Institute is an ecumenical working group that includes Newman
Theological College, The King’s University, The Micah Centre, Kairos-Edmonton, Edmonton
Catholic Schools and the Presbyterian Church in Canada. For more information, please visit
“Look Back to Go Forward." Western Canadian Catholic Home School Conference
Guest Speakers: Jim Morlino & Fr. Leonard Revilla (MFVA)
When: March 12-14, 2015
Where: Providence Renewal Centre, 3005-119 Street, Edmonton
Cost: Early bird (prior to Feb 20th) $75.00 per adult or $100.00 per couple
Questions: Veronica – 780-467-8410 or email wcchscreg@shaw.ca
Mail registration to:WCCHSC, 83 Granville Cresc., Sherwood Park, AB T8A 3C1
Do NOT mail anything after March 2nd
All Welcome –geared for home schooling families but all Catholic parents will enjoy!
Online Faith Formation Courses- Registration now is open for the next cycle of online faith
formation courses offered through the Benedict XVI Institute for New Evangelization at
Newman Theological College. All are offered online, so you can study from the comfort of
home and work around your personal schedule. Each course runs five weeks and costs just
$70. Take an individual course for interest, or work toward one of the six specialized Certificates in Catholic Studies. The following courses begin on March 30:
Catholicism, Scripture, Prayer, Church History, Youth Ministry - Human Development &
Growth, Pastoral Care, Pauline Literature, ¦Essential de la foi Catholique (dix semaines, 30
mars - 14 juin)
This program is open to adults and youth of all backgrounds and education levels. Students
may register completely online at www.newman.edu/CCS. Visit our website for further details
or contact Sandra Talarico at 780-392-2450 Ext. 5239 or toll free 1-844-392-2450.
CONFIRMATION—MAY 23, 2015 @ 1 pm
Please note the dates for Confirmation classes
Confirmation classes begin on April 18 , Saturday @ 10:30 am to Noon.
April 25, Saturday @ 10:30 am to Noon
May 2, Saturday @ 10:30 am to Noon.
May 9, Retreat
A Preparation Package has been prepared. Please pick this leaflet up at the parish office or
have it e mailed to you. Please e mail Sophia at gals79@gmail.com and she can forward you a
copy. This package should be picked up now or e mailed to you, so that the requirements can
be met before the actual Confirmation date. E mail Sophia if you have any questions.
Lenten Missions & Retreats—
Resurrection Church– 10555—50A St. Edmonton. Join Bishop Gerald Wiesner for a Lenten Mission on “The Vocation & Mission of the Family” on Monday- Wednesday, March 2-4,
at 7 p.m. nightly. For more information, call 780-468-4071.
St. Albert Parish- You are invited to join Bishop David Motiuk of the Ukrainian Eparchy of
Edmonton for a Lenten retreat on “The Holy Family: A Model of Faith for the Family Today”
at 7 p.m. nightly, Monday-Wednesday,March 9-11, at St. Albert Parish, 7 St. Vital Avenue, St.
Albert. On March 11, Bishop Motiuk’s Lenten reflection will take place within a penitential
celebration, followed by an opportunity for private confessions. Refreshments to follow. For
more information, call the parish at 780-459-6691.
Poster on the bulletin board at the front entrance to the church.
St Charles Parish—You are invited to join Renee DeSilva on March l12-18 2015 @ 7 pm to
speak on Reflections on how God continually sends love to us and through us. Fellowship in
the activity center immediately following. Bring a friend!
Poster on the bulletin board at the front entrance to the church.
Santa Maria Goretti Parish 9110—110 Ave. Edmonton. Most Rev. Nicola De Angelis,
CFIC Bishop Emeritus of Peterborough, Ontario, will be the speaker at a Lenten Mission on
Monday– Tuesday, March 9-10at 7 pm each evening. The theme “A Call to Conversion” readying one’s heart and mind adequately during this season of Lent in preparation foe Easter.
Coffee and refreshments will be served at Center Hall after the March 10 session.
“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams” (Tennyson) People praying for
people in need of prayers. If you know of someone in need of prayers for any special intention please contact Eileen Joyal @ 780-475-5139, Margaret Dedrick @ 780-475-3818 or Hank
Carriere @ 780-459-9252. If you would like to be a member of the prayer line or would like
to know more about it, please contact one of the above.
Liturgical Ministers March 7/8, 2015
Sat/ 5 pm
Sun/9:00 am
Sun/11:00 am
John Sikora
Larry Ofner
Sharon Leibel
Dave Leibel
Patricia Benvenuto
Bernie Chalifoux
Ministers of
Imelda Aba
Elsie Sikora
Jackie Gartner
Paulette Marocco
Need replacement
Maria Saccomanno
Karson Gartner
Need replacement
Helen Cober
Margaret Dedrick
Need replacement
Rachelle Lefebvre
Eveline Molnr
Halina Tapankov
Eliane Diletzoy
Need replacement
Louise Holtom
Lucy Hernandez
Kathleen Linck
Jane Percy
Marie Kash
Jacinta Lip
Geraldine Kolacz
Carol Wilson
Gift Families
Adult Servers
Don Ropchan
Vic Lefebvre
Wayne Provencal
Altar Servers
Zoe Chinni
Stephanie Ferron
Andrew Nanista
Julia Nogolica
Catherine Laidlaw
Jared Alcantara
Rayne Desjarlais
Seim Gebrekidan
SUNDAY COLLECTION—February 21, 2015
Deposit $ 5,776.00 Breakdown: Maintenance—$115.00 Pennies for the Poor—$18.00
Initial Offering— $5.00 Together We Serve - $290.00 Envelopes/Loose Cash $5,348.00
PAP—Sunday Collection $262.00 Maintenance $32.00
We are in need of Eucharistic Ministers at all masses. If you would like to help out training
Isi provided. Please you are interested please call the parish office.
THANK YOU to Tim Hortons (97 St.—132 Ave.) who supply treats each week for
serving at our hospitality gatherings after the Sunday masses. This gathering allows
parishioners to chat while having coffee, juice or a donut. Thank you for your generosity.
Thank you Tim Hortons
Paper for this weekly bulletin
compliments of The Floral Chapels
Connelly-McKinley Funeral Homes—Ph. 780-422-2222
Parish Advertising Directory
Greenhouses Inc.
2506 - 195 Avenue NE
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got flowers ?
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13445—97 Street
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I make home-made scarves for $35.00 dollars.
They are made of yarn and can be 2 different colors.
If interested, contact me by e-mail @
miss4366@hotmail.com or at
ef=bookmark for pictures of a few scarves I’ve made,