FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE OFFICE STAFF Monsignor Joseph M. Hendricks, Pastor Bulletin Editor: Normal Bulletin Deadline: Friday Noon - Ten days before publication date! Reverend Kevin Kavanagh, Parochial Vicar Deacon Frank Iannarino, Home: 798-9763 Deacon Don Poirier, Home: 889-9232 Pastoral Associate: Sr. Joan Marie Harper, C.D.P. Minister to the Sick/Bereaved & Director of Adult School of Faith Formation: Sr. Teresa Tuite, O.P. Email: Business Manager: Joseph Burger Business Assistant: Jackie Mack St. Brigid of Kildare website: Facility Manager: Jake Groce Office Manager: Karen Cremeans Receptionist/Secretary: Mary Longo Bulletin Editor: Betty Ann Santangelo Email: Development Director: Sarah Kilbane Moore Director Marketing & Communications: Allie Wing Email: Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Pam Heil, (614) 718-5832 Director of Middle School Youth Group: Kim VanHuffel (614) 593-5173 Organist/Director of Music: Katherine Florian, (614) 761-3734, ext. 248 Assistant Organist/Assistant Director of Music: Greg Strang, (614) 296-8781 Director of Choirs/Youth Ensemble: Melissa Herman Ministry Scheduler: Joanie Roma, (614) 761-3734, ext. 252 Email: Safe Environment Program Coordinator: Stacey Nerone Email: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STAFF 7175 Avery Road Phone: (614) 761-1176 Director: Mary Fran Cassidy Assistant Director: Tina White Staff: Cheryl Dranichak, Ermagene Kelly, Babs Pulsfort, Teresa Golamb-Hartzell ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STAFF 7175 Avery Road Phone: (614) 718-5825 Fax: (614) 718-5831 Principal: Kathleen O’Reilly Vice Principal: Cindy Lombardo Assistant Principal: Jill Carfagna Preschool Director: Maureen DiDomenico School Secretaries: Shannon Crawford, Cindy Sovik Latchkey: Karol Halm (614) 718-5833 The 2015 Lenten Booklet is now available for viewing and downloading on our website There will be a limited number of copies of this booklet available on the Kiosk and Parish Office for anyone who is unable to access our website. No Sunday Socials this weekend. Our socials next weekend will be hosted by the Social Action Committee following the 9:00 & 10:45 am Masses in Hendricks Hall. Come and socialize with fellow parishioners and enjoy coffee, bagels and donuts. ST. BRIGID GIFT SHOP HOURS: Readings for February 22 Sunday, February 22 - CLOSED Sunday, March 1 - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm First Sunday of Lent #1028 B To reach us, please email Karen Ernes at: ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO FEBRUARY 22, 2015 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2015 9:00 AM Mary Margaret Hogan FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2015 9:00 AM Roger Knott TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2015 9:00 AM Richard Sharpe 12:00 PM Laverne King SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 5:00 PM Special Intentions of Barbara Fischer WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2015 9:00 AM Special Intentions of the Jerry Merrell Family THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2015 9:00 AM James Nolan MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2015 10:30 AM Family First (Kelty & Carr Nursery) 4:30 PM Religious Ed Classes (School) 6:00 PM Religious Ed Classes (School) 6:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting (Room B) 7:00 PM Track & Field Meeting (Kelty Library) 7:00 PM HS Youth Bible Study (Massey Teen Room) 7:00 PM Brigid’s Gael Choir (Church) 7:30 PM Steering Committee Meeting (Room B) 7:30 PM Religious Ed Classes (School) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2015 9:30 AM Family First (Massey Teen Room) 9:45 AM Tuesday Morning Group (Room B) 4:30 PM Religious Ed Classes (School) 6:00 PM Soup Supper (Immke Room) 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross (Church) 7:00 PM Vacation Bible School Meeting (Kelty Library) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2015 9:30 AM The Three Paths to Holiness (Overview) 7:00 PM The Three Paths to Holiness (Overview) 7:00 PM Morality Course (Kelty Library) 7:30 PM Adult Choir (Church) This month we will be holding our parish collection for the Catholic Times weekly newspaper. For a minimum donation of ONLY $17 per year (parish rate), readers receive a Catholic perspective on the world around us: local, national, and worldwide. To sign up or to continue to receive this paper, simply place your donation in an envelope marked “Catholic Times” and your Name and drop it into the Sunday collection basket during February. Come enjoy “A journal of Catholic life in Ohio”. SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2015 7:30 AM Mary Margaret Hogan 9:00 AM Special Intentions of the Mitchell and Vandergrift Families 10:45 AM Mary Kovacs 12:15 PM Barbara Rubadue THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2015 10:00 AM Women’s Scripture Study (Massey Teen Room) 1:00 PM Little Rock Bible Study (Kelty Library) 6:30 PM Scouts (Hendricks Hall) 7:00 PM Family Rosary (Church) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2015 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 4:30 PM Mother/Son Ice Skating (offsite-Chiller) SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2015 Sunday Socials hosted by the Social Action Committee in Hendricks Hall after the 9:00 & 10:45 am Masses New Student Registration (Hendricks Hall) Children’s Choir (Enke Hall) Anointing of the Sick Mass First Communion Rapid Rites (School) Scout Patrol (Kelty Library) Vespers (Blessed Sacrament Chapel) Evening of Reflection-Centering Prayer Fr. Vinny McKiernan (Church) 6:30 PM High School Youth Group (Hendricks Hall) 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:15 PM 1:30 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM The second collection this weekend, February 21/22, will be held for the Catholic Relief Services in conjunction with our High School Youth Food Fast. This collection supports six Catholic agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around the world. These funds help provide food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and Christ’s love and respect to all people. Next week, please give generously to the Catholic Relief Services and help Jesus in disguise. (The Black & Indian Missions collection will be held on March 15.) NOTICE: On Saturday, March 7, our 185 Confirmation Candidates are having a day of retreat here at St. Brigid and will be attending 5:00 pm Mass with their parents. Seats will be reserved for the Confirmation candidates and their parents at this Mass in the east transept (Baptismal side) of the Church. They will occupy the entire side and will be arriving there about 4:45 pm. If you usually attend the 5 pm Mass, please plan accordingly. Please keep these young men and women in your prayers. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Ministry Schedule, February 28 - March 1, 2015 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM Ministry Captain Jeff Zimmerman Maureen Howard Tom Cotter Shelly Cocumelli Melanie Hart Altar Servers Gianni Eramo Caroline Newcomb Natalie Weirtz Dana Axner Lindsey Axner Drew Curtin Kayla Gutridge Matthew Jasniecki Laura Schmeling Marc Arndt Brendan Flynn Jessica Flynn Jack Curry Sam Curry Amanda Springer Announcement/ First Reader Vicky Humphrey Lisa Patt-McDaniel Ray Jasniecki Dick Bringardner John Thompson Second Reader Frank Voegele Brian Pero Dianne Schmeling Jim Gregory Christine Van Ormer Eucharistic Ministers Maureen Cones Deacon Don Karen Eramo Sally Falk Chris Herold Bob Humphrey Peggy Iannarino Janet Jenkins Tim Luis Cid Rhomberg Jennifer Taylor Rhonda Timko Claire Voegele Sherry Voet Debi Willet Jeff Zimmerman Michelle Cacchio Deacon Don Karen Ernes Laura Flaherty Mike Hessenauer Evelyn Weyer Jennifer Conroy Lisa Cooper Tom Cotter Deacon Don John Doll Greg Haeuptle Melanie Hanson Maria Jeric Rick Jeric Theresa Jeric Abigail Paez MaryJane Pajk Susan Paul Karen Prenger Meghan Sparks Josephine Watts Tammy Arndt Jill Bennison Shelly Cocumelli Deacon Frank Jim Flynn Chryssa Gartner David Guza Nancy Guza Brian Hagerty Mary Kay Klang Karen Komatsu Catherine O’Connell Cathryn O’Connell Buffie Pepe Jodi Renard Walter Williamson, III Deacon Frank Lori Harrup Steve Harrup Melanie Hart Sharon Kendzior Denise Leitch Sheila Reiner Susan Wilcox Ushers Keith Arnold Joe Falk Fran Moquin Joe Nerone Harold Young Nicholas Arnold George Gillespie Patrick Sheridan Brian Weyer Vacant Susan Burke Todd Paul Jeff Prenger Michael Schmeling Paul Schmeling Maria Santa Emma Tom Hodgson Shawn Parker Todd Pepe Rann Thomas Sean White Jacob Samenuk Ron Kendzior Tom Neidecker Ken Vick Vacant Vacant Matt Vick Greeter (s) Schraer Family Young Family Teresa/Phillip Andrews Family Vacant Schmeling Family Vradenburg Family Mulcahy Family Jodi Renard Geri Hobbs Vacant Cantors Genny Hagerty Children’s Liturgy of The Word Debbie Lowers Adult Choir Mary Fran Cassidy Brigid’s Gael Jennifer Matthews Catechist Jennifer Gleichauf Jennifer Gleichauf Sino Lavric Shepherds Melissa Norton Tom Corroto Kristen Lewis Ann Cady The CARR NURSERY SCHEDULE: February 22 - 9:00 am Natalie Siston & Rob Siston March 1 - 9:00 am Maria Cramer-Kirkpatrick & Vacant Please contact Sonia Aina-Steinbauer, scheduler, at: or 614-717-5529 if you are available to help in this ministry. All volunteers interested in working in the Carr Nursery during Sunday Masses need to take Protecting God’s Children. For complete instructions on how to register as a volunteer, register for PGC and complete the fingerprinting process, please visit our website at: involvement/safe-environment-program Thank you to all our parishioners who contribute to St. Brigid Parish through Electronic Fund Transfer using their credit cards. Since many credit cards have recently been compromised or have been issued a new expiration date, we may need to update your card information in order to process your donation. Please contact the Parish Office at 7613734 with your new card number and expiration date if you have recently been issued a new credit card by your bank. St. Brigid of Kildare is very grateful for your continued support & generosity. ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO Thanks to the following people for such a successful 2015 Progressive Dinner: Jenny and Andre Swinterton and Mike McVan; host homes: Holly and Mike Ross, Allen and Linda Killworth, Kit and Mary Hagen, Rion and Allie Meyer, James and Pat Healy, Pat and Jennifer Conroy, Mitch and Lori Grant and Tom and Annlea Rumfolio; MAG Auto Group, Coopers Hawk Restaurant, Sycamore Lake Wine Co., Spa at River Ridge, Crown Plaza Downtown Columbus, Susie Marriott with Silpota and Bob with Great Photo Booth. The night would not have been possible without everyone's help! - Stacy McVan FASTING and ABSTINENCE during LENT: ABSTINENCE from meat is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years of age and older on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays of Lent. FASTING is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59. Those who are bound by this may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are allowed as needed, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. Exceptions being those persons who are ill or have other medical conditions. St. Brigid of Kildare Parish Lenten Soup Suppers Join your fellow parishioners for a simple Soup Supper before Stations of the Cross in Hendricks Hall (Immke Room): Tuesdays from 6:00 - 6:45 pm February 24, March 3, 10, and 24 Each family is to bring a pot of soup and bread, enough to feed your family and some to share. Share this simple meal and make a donation to the Operation Rice Bowl of Catholic Relief Services, then go to Church together to pray the Stations of the Cross and Night Prayer at 7:00 pm. The Respect Life Group is inviting all parishioners to join us in praying for life outside of Founder’s Women’s Health Center at 1243 East Broad St., Columbus, 43205. We will be praying on Friday, February 27th from 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM. Parking is available on street either on Broad Street or Sherman Avenue. For more information, please contact Mary Hodgson at or 614-921-8198. The SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING will be offered Sunday, March 1, at the 12:15 pm Mass. Sacred scripture gives ample evidence of our Lord’s great concern for the bodily and spiritual welfare of the sick. Persons with physical and mental health problems should consider receiving the sacrament. Health care professionals and providers are invited to attend and receive a special blessing after the Anointing has been administered to the sick. FEBRUARY 22, 2015 RCIA – RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: Meetings are held at 7:30 pm on Thursdays in the Church Basement. The calendar for this year is on our website at: under: Sacraments & Services, RCIA, 2014-2015 Calendar. February 22: Rite of Sending 10:45 Mass & Dismissal Rite of Election with Bishop Campbell 7:30 pm at St. Paul’s in Westerville February 23-26: Individual Conferences March 5: What is Prayer? - Mary Fran Cassidy March 8: 1st Scrutiny-9:00 am Mass & Dismissal For more information, contact Mr. Paul Zemanek at: Registration materials for new students in grades preschool through eight are due by Tuesday, March 3 at 2 pm. New this year, there will be an online application form available beginning February 18. All other materials may be submitted online, or in person during the following New Student Registration dates: Sunday, March 1, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., Hendricks Hall Monday, March 2, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., School Office Tuesday, March 3, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., School Office The following items are needed to complete registration: • Online Registration Form (available at under Prospective Families/Application Information began on February 18) • Copy of Birth Certificate • Copy of Catholic Baptismal Certificate • A copy of most recent report card (if registering for grades 1-8) • Copy of Custody papers (if applicable) • $50.00 non-refundable registration fee per child (can be paid online via credit card through the online registration form, or a check may be dropped off to the school office) School personnel will be available during registration times to answer questions. A school tour will be available on March 3 at 1:30 pm. Please call the school to register for the tour if interested. Other tour times are available by appointment. Deadline: All properly completed applications submitted by the March 3rd deadline will be considered equally based on the St. Brigid admission criteria. Mailed applications must be postmarked by March 3. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT BYBS, Brigid Youth Bible Study, is held every Monday from 7-8 in the Massey Teen Room. Come when you can! Volunteer at Run the Race Center: A ministry to the inner-city children with Rachel Muha is every Tuesday from 3:55 to 6:30 pm. Please bring a completed permission form, to be found on the website, with you. Call Pam at 975-3930 to tell her if you are coming, so we are sure to have enough drivers. Volunteer with Fruit of the Vine, our ministry to the homeless, once a month on Wednesdays from 5:30-9:30 pm. Our next night out will be February 25, and March 25. Please bring a completed permission form. On March 8th, in the afternoon, we hope to take a large group to the movie, Old Fashioned. Times of the viewing are not yet released, but we will not meet that night, so we can catch this movie together. We will need parent drivers to either the Lennox or Polaris theaters. March 29: We will meet in the Church for Vespers at 5:00 and celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation afterwards. At around 6:30 we will go to Hendricks Hall for reflection on the Stations of the Cross to prepare for Holy Week. Senior Appreciation Mass and Brunch have been moved to an earlier time on May 17th. We will worship together at 10:45 Mass, and then share a brunch with 2014 graduates and their families in Hendricks Hall. RSVP with a count of attendees at 718-5832. February 22…Following 12:15 pm Mass and pizza/discussion in school cafeteria today, EPIC students will load some of the food from the Ash Wednesday food collection to the Dublin Food Pantry, where we will weigh, sort, shelve and box the food. Time permitting, we will then take the food to their warehouse behind Kroger at Perimeter Loop. Thanks to all of our parent drivers and everyone that donated food. Pick up will be from the school cafeteria at 4:15 pm. March 29...EPIC will run differently this month since it is Lent and we have Vespers on our scheduled day. We are going to take this opportunity to have the kids experience Vespers and Reconciliation, so everyone should go to Mass whenever it works for your family. We will meet in the school cafeteria from 3-5 p.m. on March 29 and discuss prayer as service to those we love and to the world. We will have pizza at 4 p.m., so the kids can consider it an early dinner. Pick up will be at 6 p.m. from the Church. Please come in to get your child. You may have to wait if they are in line for reconciliation. Parents are welcome to join us for Vespers and Reconciliation if you would like. EPIC (Endless Possibilities in Christ) is for all 7th or 8th grade students who are parishioners at St. Brigid. As always, sign up for any of the EPIC meetings through our Google Doc online or contact Kim VanHuffel at: or 593-5173 for more information. Corks for a Cause…Please join us Saturday, March 7, at 7 p.m. in Hendricks Hall for our 9th annual SPiCE wine tasting and silent auction. Enjoy hors d'oeuvres, wine and beer, a silent auction, the return of the popular wine grab, and a new ladies boutique with a champagne tasting. 100% of proceeds benefit Saint Brigid of Kildare SPiCE (Special People in Catholic Education). SPiCE supports the education of children with special learning needs in our parish and school, including those who may be gifted and those who have roadblocks to successful learning. We believe that each child in our parish is a child of God and possesses his or her own unique spiritual and educational needs. To reserve your admission, please contact Sarah Moore at Admission is $60 per person through February 25, and $75 per person after February 25. RSVPs are limited to the first 250 guests. Young Adult Ministry for post high school individuals and young professionals of the St. Brigid parish includes opportunities for continued faith development through social and service opportunities as well as a weekly Bible Study. Cathryn O’Connell is our Young Adult facilitator and can be reached at: Bible Study meets on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Massey Teen Room. Questions? Call Pam Heil at 614-975-3930. THE 55 PLUS CLUB EVENING TRIP on Wednesday, February 25, to Ohio State University Observatory/Planetarium Smith Labs, 174 W. 18th Avenue, Columbus. Bus leaves at: 6:15 pm. Contact Bernie Zwick 389-4180. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING on Wednesday, March 4, at 1:30 pm in Hendricks Hall. Speaker: Dr. Todd F. Hoadley, Superintendent of Dublin City Schools. FALL 2015 TRIP September 23-25. Bus trip to Mackinac Island. WAIT LIST ONLY. Contact Jerry Merrell 889-9760. Parishioners 55 years of age or older are welcome to participate. For more information on membership in the Club, please call Bill Campbell 325-4858. If you need a ride to the meetings, please call Steve Markos 740-917-5386. ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION...St. Brigid of Kildare Religious Education Program offers opportunities to allow parishioners to improve their knowledge and practice of Catholicism. Through year-long classes for students preschool through grade eight, high school youth ministry, seasonal studies, speakers, Bible Study, and specific courses offered on site for adults, all parishioners are encouraged to know and share the truths of our Catholic faith. “The Kingdom of God is at hand!” (Mark 1:15) Life is now! At the beginning of the Lenten Season, most Catholics make good resolutions to do or not do certain things. Often these plans include praying more regularly, more faithfully, more sincerely, or more generously. Many include food: eating less or even fasting, eating more healthy foods or abstaining from certain foods, e.g. chocolate or desserts. Whatever the resolution, sadly many lose their fervor a week or two into Lent. But Jesus reminds us that the time is NOW! Resolve today to continue whatever you resolved to do for Lent. Perhaps you began reading the “little black book” each parish family was given. (It’s not too late to begin!) Perhaps you were going to go to Stations and Night Prayer on Tuesdays, or turn off the TV at a particular time of night. It’s not too late! Now is the time! This Wednesday, the Morality Cycle of classes begins from 79 p.m. Deacon Frank Sullivan will be the facilitator and classes will be held in the Kelty Library of Hendricks Hall. To register, please call the Religious Education Office at 614761-1176 or on line through the diocesan office click on “certification” and then “offerings” and then “St. Brigid” under Course 5: Morality. “The Kingdom of God is at hand! Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15) A Parent’s Lenten Prayer Let my presence to my children be my prayer. When I reach to pick up laundry, errant toys, dirty dishes, or scattered DVDs, may I lift them up as prayer to you. Let me fast from critical words, sniping words, pain-inflicting words. Let me forgo small-heartedness and feast on generosity. Let me fast from the junk food of my distractions and taste the plain sweetness of the present moment. Let me give of my abundance by offering time, attention, interest, and what wisdom I possess. May I give freely of myself, to put away the newspaper, put down the phone, look eye-to-eye and listen heart-to-heart. I ask this because all things are possible in you, Almighty God. *From “At Home With Our Faith” by Tom McGrath FEBRUARY 22, 2015 St. Brigid Elementary School News Saint Brigid of Kildare students have been busy both inside and outside the classroom this winter. Last weekend, the 7th and 8th grade Power of the Pen team competed at their district tournament. Liam O'Reilly, Henry Owens, and Megan Gawronski all earned individual medals in the top 15, Lauren Allison earned a Best of Round award, the 7th grade team earned 3rd place overall, and the 8th grade team took first place. This is a significant win for the team, who competed against 18 other diocesan and public schools across Franklin county. Many of our writers will go on to the Regional competition in March. St. Brigid of Kildare School held their annual school-wide Scripps Spelling Bee competition for grades 4 through 8 on Friday, January 9th in the school gym. The winner of the classroom spelling bee from each homeroom represented his/her class at the bee that was held in the school gym. Students, parents, and families were in attendance. The first place winner was eighth grader, Alex Goodlive, from Mr. Yeazell's homeroom, and the runner up was sixth grader, Chloe Matuska from Mrs. Brinkman's homeroom. Each student received a one-year subscription to Encyclopedia Britannica Online for Kids donated by Encyclopedia Britannica, a supporter of the Scripps Spelling Bee since 1957. Alex then went on to take the online Scripps National Spelling Bee test along with other school spelling bee champions. His score qualified him for participation in the Ohio University Scripps College of Communication Region II final local spelling bee on March 14 on the campus of OU. He will be among 52 Ohio spellers, 12 of which are from the Diocese of Columbus. The Saint Brigid of Kildare School community provides Catholic faith formation and strong academic foundations to inspire life long learners and leaders in the twenty first century. Rooted in Christ, we offer a challenging and integrated Catholic education to children in preschool through grade 8. Catholic Relief Services’ OPERATION RICE BOWL As part of the observance of Lent, we ask any family wanting to participate in Catholic Relief Services’ Operation Rice Bowl, a program of prayer, fasting, learning, and giving, to please be sure to take home a Rice Bowl from the Gathering Area in the back of the Church and follow this simple yet powerful Lenten practice. Collection of all donations made during Lent will take place on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday in the Gathering Area of the Church. Visit for more info. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT The St. Brigid Playgroup is open to everyone in the parish with small children. We meet at a different location each Wednesday at 10:00 am unless otherwise noted. Contact Melanie Pizzino at: for more details. You can also “Like” us on Facebook: February 25: Playdate @ Sherri Niekamp’s house. March 4: Playdate @ Carr Nursery, Hendricks Hall. March 11: Wacky Wednesday @ Kaltenbach Park & Community Center, 5985 Cara Rd., 43016; Lucky Shamrock theme; $1.50/child. March 18: (DCS Spring Break) Anthony Thomas Tour, 1777 Arlingate Ln., Cols, 43228; Children under 2 FREE, Ages 3-18 $1, Adults $2 (admission fee may be used towards a purchase); please RSVP by March 16th. St. Brigid Adult Faith Formation During Lent we will have the opportunity to begin Rev. Robert Barron’s series, Untold Blessing: Three Paths to Holiness. Father Barron paints a beautiful and mysterious image of what it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ. He lays out three intriguing paths to holiness: Finding the Center, Knowing You Are A Sinner and Realizing Your Life is Not About You Over the course of this study, we will be taking a look at the teaching of the Catholic Church concerning our center in Christ Jesus, his power to heal our lives, and his command to go on mission. We begin the series during Lent and will meet in Hendricks Hall for about 90 minutes per session. The Three Paths to Holiness (overview) Wednesday, February 25, at 9:30 am or 7:00 pm Finding the Center (pt 1) Wednesday, March 4, at 9:30 am or 7:00 pm Finding the Center (pt 2) Wednesday, March 18, at 9:30 am or 7:00 pm It is helpful if you have your Bible with you. Any questions or for more information, contact Sr. Teresa Tuite, OP, at: or call the parish office at 761-3734 ext. 275. We will continue the series after Easter. The next Parent Like a Champion Today training will be offered Tuesday, March 10 from 7-8 p.m. in Hendricks Hall. Click here to sign up: http:// WHO: Since the diocese is staging this training (and ‘grand-fathering’ in the ‘older grades’), this training must be completed by July 2015 for this year's 4th grade parents (NEXT YEAR’S 5th Grade Parents), and starting fall 2015 will need to be completed before children can participate in DRA sports programs for next year's (20152016 School year) 4th and 5th grade parents. Only 1 parent per family needs to attend but both parents are welcome. This training only needs to be attended by parents once (not for each sport or each year). Head coaches who have completed Play Like a Champion do NOT need to also take Parent Like a Champion Today. WHAT: The Diocese Recreation Association (DRA) has implemented this training. This is a sports workshop for parents which teaches them strategies to be champion sports parents in their attitude and behaviors and enables them to positively partner with their children’s coaches. QUESTIONS? Please contact Scott Kasun, St. Brigid Athletic Director and Football Commissioner at: Mike Matthews, St. Brigid Asst. Athletic Director & Baseball/Softball Commissioner at: or Stacey Nerone, Safe Environment Coordinator at: The Diocese of Columbus Recreation Association has posted an upcoming Play Like a Champion (PLC) class which is required of all head coaches in any Diocesan sport. It is scheduled for March 7 from noon to 3 pm at St. Catharine’s Church, 500 South Gould Road, Cols, 43209. Registration is required at: DiocesanRecreation/PlayLikeaChampion/ PLACTCoachRegistration.aspx Any potential head coach will need this training – especially for upcoming baseball/softball and track & field season. The newly formed Mt. Carmel St. Ann's Women's Auxiliary (WAC) has volunteer openings in the Maternity Ward at St. Ann's Hospital in Westerville. These positions have been created just for our auxiliary members and training will begin soon. If you are interested in receiving information about this special opportunity, please contact Amy Creekmur, Auxiliary Volunteer Chair at: If you would like to learn more about the St. Ann's Women's Auxiliary, please visit our web page at: Or, contact Co-Presidents Mary Ann Cochran at or Kim Johnson at ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO Enhance Your Lenten Journey with a Reflective Retreat Sunday, March 1 & Monday, March 2 Do you feel like there just isn’t enough time in the day for you to get everything done, and you find yourself wishing for more time? You don’t actually need more time. You need more stillness. Lent is a good time to take the time to take the time to be still so we invite you to consider some ways to relearn how to be still. Fr. Vinny McKiernan, C.S.P., will be with us on two evenings; Sunday, March 1 at the 5:00 pm Vespers and again on Monday, March 2, at 7:00 pm, he will share with us Centering Prayer which is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer; prayer in which we experience God's presence within us and also introduce other contemplative prayer practices. Fr. Vinny ministers at the St. Thomas More Newman Center at Ohio State. Questions? Contact Sr. Teresa Tuite, OP, at 761-3734 ext. 275 or FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Family Easter Project Sponsored by the Social Action Committee Drop off needed items after Mass in the Immke Room in Hendricks Hall in the designated boxes on the weekends of March 7/8 and March 14/15. Individually packaged cookies , crackers and candy; and Individually packaged seedless dried fruits: raisins, apricots, prunes, etc. Bring the whole family to help assemble the Easter baskets on Saturday, March 21 at 10:00 am St. Brigid School Cafeteria The baskets will benefit families at Holy Family Food Pantry and the Dublin Food Pantry For more information, please contact Kathy Kelly at:
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