Government of Gujarat R&B (Mech.) Online E-Price Bid Auction Tender Notice No-14-2014-15 Online Price bid for disposal of unserviceable machineries like , Ambassadors /Jeep/Paver Machine & Scrap materials on line “as it is where it is basis” 1.Name of work 2. ON line Tender Downloading & uploading Dt. 16 -02-2015 Up to 18.00 Hrs 3. Document physically submission date 4. ON line Tender Technical bid Opening 5. Name and address of office. Dt. 17-02-2015 TO 23-02-015 Up to 16.00 Hrs Dt. 24-02-2015 Up to 12.00 Hrs Executive Engineer, Ahmedabad Mechanical Division (R&B) , Office of the Executive Engineer, Ahmedabad Mechanical Division (R&B) ,Bahumali Bhuvan ,B-Bock ,7 th , Foor,Opp.Himalaya Mall ,Gurukul Road, Vastrapur , Ahmedabad – 380 052 (Phone No.079-27910056) Online Price bid for disposal of unserviceable machineries like , Ambassadors /Jeep/Paver Machine & Scrap materials on line “as it is where it is basis” Interested bidders are invited to lodge their online offer.with Pan card, vat registration certificate , Letter pad & proof of Proprietor ship More information will be seen like Tender fee lot wise E.M.D. Lot details on following web site & online Tender available on and Detailed notice available on notice board of the office. & The Department reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons. any corrigendum will be displayed on line. Executive Engineer, Ahmedabad Mechanical Division (R&B) Ahmedabad NOTICE INVITING ON-LINE AUCTION PRICE BID OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,AHMEDABAD MECHANICAL DIVISION(R&B) AHMEDABAD Online Public Auction NO. 14 FOR 2014-2015 R & B Department invites Online Auction E.Price bid for sale of un serviceable Machinery. (A) Sr. Details of Tender item : Name of work Details of Lot No EMD Tender fee in Rs. Online opening of Bid offer date 5 6 Lot Rs 1 3 4 1. Online Price bid for disposal of Lot- 1 unserviceable machineries like , Ambassadors /Jeep/Paver Machine & Scrap materials on Lot-2 line “as it is where it is basis” 16000=00 20,500=00 600=00 Lot-3 27,600=00 600=00 Lot-4 53,100=00 900=00 600=00 24/ 02 / 2015 12.00 hrs (B) Schedule for e-tendering is fixed as under :- (i) Downloading of tender documents upto On date 16 – 02 -2015 Upto 18.00 Hrs. (ii) On line submission of Bid On date 16 -02 -2015 upto 18.00 Hrs. (iii) Submission of EMD, Tender fee and other Documents (As per Sr.No. 5.3.1, To 5.3,5.) during officer hours Upto date 17-02 -2015 to 23 -02 -2015 during office hrs.i.e.upto 16.00 the Office of Executive Engineer, Ahmedabad Mechanical Division (R&B) , Ahmedabad , Block –B, 7th floor, Bahumali Bhuvan ,Opp. Himalaya Mall , Vastrapur Ahmedabad- 380052 (Gujarat) Phone No. 9729298999 in RPAD / Speed Post (iv) Online opening of Bid offer On date - 24-02- 2015 12.00 Hrs. Eligibility : Further Details of this tender are as under : 1.0 R & B Department Online Price bid for disposal of unserviceable machineries like , Ambassadors /Jeep/Paver Machine & Scrap materials on line “as it is where it is basis 2.0 Down Loading Tender Document : 2.1 Bid documents will be available on web site up to Date shown above. 2.2 Bidders wishes to participate in this tender will have to register on web site https:/ 3.0 Digital Certificate: 3.1 Bidders who wish to participate in online tenders will have to procure / should have legally valid Digital Certificate (Class-III) as per Information Technology Act – 2000 using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from any of the license certifying Authority of India or can contact (n) codedc solutions – a division of GNFC Ltd., who are licensed Certifying Authority by Government of India. 3.2 All bids should be digitally signed, for details regarding digital signature certificate and related training involved the below mentioned address should be contacted. (n) Code solutions A division of GNFC 301, GNFC Infotower, Bodakdev,Ahmedabad-380 054 (India) Tel : +91 26857316/17/18 Fax : +91 79 26857321 E-mail: Mobile :9327084190, 9898589652 3.3 Bidders who already have a valid Digital certificate need not procure a new Digital certificate. 4.0 On line Submission of Price-bid. 4.1 Bidders can prepare and edit their offers number of times before tender submission date & time. After tender submission date & time, bidder can not edit their offer submitted in any case. No written or online request in this regard shall be granted. 4.2 Tendered shall submit their offer i.e. Price Bid in Electronic format on above mentioned web site & Date shown above after Digitally signing the same. 4.3 Offers submitted without digital signature will not be accepted. 4.4 Offers in physical form will not be accepted in any case. 5.0 Submission of Tender Fees, Bid Security and Other Documents : 5.1 Tender Fee : for Lot-wise ( as shown on page-1, in by Demand Draft in favour of “Executive Engineer, Ahmedabad Mechanical Division (R&B) Ahmedabad”, payable at Ahmedabad from any Nationalized /Scheduled Bank except Co-operative Bank. Demand Draft issued after the date of submission of Bids i.e. t. 16-02 -2015 will not be considered or accepted. D.D.shall be required to be submitted in electronic format only through online Last date of submission of tender fees D.D. is on date - 23 -02 -2015 during office hours i.e.18.00 Hrs. 5.2 Bid Security i.e. EMD : As per each Lot ( 1) , ( 2) ( 3)& ( 4) (in the form of DD in favour of “Executive Engineer, Ahmedabad Mechanical Division (R&B) Ahmedabad” from any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank except Co-operative Bank. shall be valid 16-02 -2015 will not be considered as valid or accepted in any case. DD/ Treasury Challan shall be required to be submitted in electronic format only through online Last date of Submission EMD in hard copy is date . 23-02 - 2015 during office hours i.e. upto 18.00 hrs. 5.3 The following Mandedory Documents required to be submitted in electronic format only through online ( By Scaning) hard copy will not be accepted. 5.4 5.3.1. Income Tax Permanent Account Number 5.3.2. Proof of proprietorship 5.3.3 Vat Registration Certificate 5.3.4 Letter pad 5.3.5 D.D of E.M.D & Tender fee Bidder shall have to submit DD for Tender Fee, DD /Treasury Challan against EMD and other Documents as mentioned above in physical form so as to reach Ahmedabad Mechanical Division (R&B) Ahmedabad office on Date shown above during Office Hours at Executive Engineer, Ahmedabad Mechanical Division (R&B) ,Barrack No.4, 1st floor, in Govt.Polytechnic Compound, Ahmedabad – 380 015 (Phone No. 079-27910056)) in R.P.A.D / Speed Post A.D. in time. Any delay in Post, this office will not be responsible. Tender Fee, EMD and other documents received later than the time specified will not be accepted in any case and the bid of that bidder shall be considered non-responsive. 5.5 Bidder has to submit the documents as said in 5.3 above and no other condition in any form shall be considered at all, at the time of evaluation of the tender i.e. The bidder shall have to submit unconditional offer without differing from any of the tender condition. 6.0 Opening of Tender : 6.1 Opening of bid documents will be held on Date and time shown above in the Office of Executive Engineer, Mechanical Division (R&B ) Ahmedabad , Block –B, 7th floor, Bahumali Bhuvan ,Opp. Himalaya Mall , Vastrapur Ahmedabad- 380052 (Gujarat) Phone No.07927910056 6.2 Intending bidders or their representative who wish to remain present at Executive Engineer, Mechanical Division (R&B), Ahmedabad , Block –B, 7th floor, Bahumali Bhuvan ,Opp. Himalaya Mall , Vastrapur Ahmedabad- 380052 (Gujarat) Phone No. 079-27910056 premises at the time of tender opening can do so. 6.3 The offline price bid evaluation of the tenders received on or before last date of submission would be done and results will be displayed on website. 7.0 Contacting Officer : 7.1 Further details/ clarification if any required will be available from Executive Engineer, Ahmedabad Mechanical Division (R&B) , Ahmedabad , Block –B, 7th floor, Bahumali Bhuvan ,Opp. Himalaya Mall , Vastrapur Ahmedabad- 380052 (Gujarat) Phone No. 079-27910056 7.2 In case bidder needs any clarification / assistance or if training required for participating in online tender, they can contact at following office : 8.0 (n) Code solutions A division of GNFC 301, GNFC Infotower, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad-380 054 (India) Tel : +91 26857316/17/18 Fax : +91 79 26857321 E-mail: Mobile :9327084190, 9898589652 General Instructions : 8.1 The fees for on line tender document will not be refunded under any circumstances. 8.2 EMD in the form specified in tender document only shall be accepted. 8.3 Tenders without Tender document fees, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and which do not fulfill all or any of the condition or submitted incomplete in any respect will be rejected. 8.4 Offer of only those shall be opened whose tender fee and EMD is received in electronic format. 8.5 Bidder shall send the DD in original through R.P.A.D. so as reach this office 23 -02-2015 . Penaltative action for not submitting D.D. in original by bidder shall be initiated by Executive Engineer. 8.6 Conditional Bid- offer shall not be accepted. 8.7 This tender notice shall form a part of tender document. 8.8 The tenders are advised to read carefully the “Instruction for Tendered” and “Eligibility Criteria” contained in the tender documents. 8.8 The Internet site address for E-Tender is and that of corporate web site is 8.9 Any documents in supporting of bid shall be submitted in electronic format only through online (by scanning etc). 9 Free training camp for bidders will be organized on every Saturday between 1.00 to 5.00 P.M. at (n)Code solutions, A division of GNFC, 301, GNFC Info tower, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad – 380 054 (India). Bidders are requested to take benefit of the same. 9.1 Department reserves the rights to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Executive Engineer, Ahmedabad Mechanical Division (R&B) , Ahmedabad
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