JOIN US TODAY FOR . . . 2nd Sunday of Lent: Series: 10.30am 'Corinth' Acts 18: 123 Leader: Tim Lewis Speaker: Roger Chilvers Creche is available for under 3‘s led by Kate & Naomi Children's activities: Rainbow Club (3yrs reception) Kids Club (Y1 Y2 & Y3 Y5) ALive (Y6 Y8) Risen (Y9 Y12) WORSHIP SPACE: 6.30pm Worship & Communion ACF [Y9+]: 8.00pm at Tim & Christine's home A loop system is available in the main worship area for the hard of hearing WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK MONDAY Quilting 10.00am 1pm TUESDAY Kidzone Table Tennis 6.30 7.30pm 8.00pm WEDNESDAY Coffee 'n Chat 10.30am Speaker: Caroline Anderton followed by TEAR Fund Lunch Noah's Ark 12.30pm parent & toddler group Life Matters: Jonathan Berry THURSDAY Noah's Ark We are pleased to pray for individuals needs at our morning service. Hand us a note on Sunday morning, call us or message us through our website by Friday. We take an offering during the Morning service, usually to the General Fund (including support for Mission work, our paid staff, and operating costs of the church). Alternatively, there is an offering box in the foyer as well as forms if you prefer to set up a standing order with your bank. The Elders are always pleased to help with any practical or spiritual issue. Please contact Martina Jolley or Ruth Westall in the Church office if you wish to see an elder. We regularly arrange: Discovery Groups / Baptismal classes / Marriage classes / Care for the Family courses / ‘21st century parents’ / ‘How to Drug Proof your kids’ / CAP money. Please see our website for more details. 7.30pm 10 11.30am Please email the office or message us through the website with items for the bulletin no later than noon on Thursday. Parent & toddler group Youth Discipleship Course 7.30 9.00pm FRIDAY Prayer Breakfast 6.30 8.00am Tea & Toast 9.00 11.00am Thanksgiving Service for Mark 1.00pm Biddlecombe Women's World Day of Prayer 7.30pm Service Youth Clubs Fireworks NEXT SUNDAY . . . 10.30am 3rd Sunday of Lent 'Ephesus Badly Born?' Acts 18: 24 19: 7 23 Speaker: Simon Duan 6.30pm WITNESS SPACE 1ST MARCH 2015 (WEB) We welcome all who have come to Hillview this Sunday to worship with us. We trust you will feel at home with us and find the services challenging, a help and blessing to you. Those who would like a CD of any of the messages, please see Rob Foster, or listen to the MP3 online at The elders are very pleased to let you know that Simon will be coming back to preach again next Sunday, 8th March. He will be here with his wife Natalie and their children Bethany and Jacob. Although we recognize that it's short notice, we would encourage as many as possible to stay for a 'bring your own lunch' (the simplest thing to do with short notice) and then to have an opportunity to be involved in a Q&A session with Simon from 2pm for an hour or so. Please note this in your diaries and plan to attend if at all possible. Youth Discipleship Course on Thursday, 5th March from 7.30pm 9pm in the Church Flat. Thanksgiving Service for Mark Biddlecombe will be at 1pm on Friday, 6th March at Hillview Church, followed by burial on Chosen Hill. Everyone is invited to both services. There will be refreshments in the church hall afterwards. Please pray for John and Kate, Anne and Carl and the wider family at this time and especially on Friday. Women's World Day of Prayer Service 6th March, 7.30pm at Hillview. Please see Jenny for further details. PRAYER FOCUS Please pray for the following people this week: Kate, John and Anne pray they will know the Lord's presence and peace following Mark's homecall. We rejoice that Mark is with his Saviour but know how much he will be missed by the family and all who knew him and cared for him. Kathy's father, David, did not have his planned liver cancer surgery due to lack of suitable beds. Please pray this will go ahead soon and remember Kathy's Mum during this anxious time of waiting and whilst David is on intensive care following the operation. George has had a further admission to hospital this week with a chest infection. Please pray for his ongoing recovery. Gary recovering from surgery. Pray he will soon be fully well. Gillian please continue to pray for a decrease in pain in her eye and that the recent injections will be successful. Lily is improving from her acute back pain pray that this will continue. Pray for our housebound friends, Esther and Olive, that they will not feel forgotten. Counties Day Conference 7th March at Winterbourne International Academy, Bristol. 1030am 4pm. Lunch provided. Hustings Event: Thursday 12th March, 7.30pm at Christchurch Abbeydale. Richard Graham MP will be attending and the parliamentary candidates for 4 other main parties have been invited. Let David Whitaker ( have any questions for the candidates by Friday 6th March. DDIY and Spring Clean. Please book 14th March in your diary to help with this annual event. We plan to start at 9.30am. Numbers needed for breakfast and lunch please. Ladies Quiz Night 28th March at 7pm. Tickets £3.50 including refreshments. From the ticket sales we want to give a donation to Sue Ryder Hospice. Please see Julia, Claire, Jan or Daphne for tickets. Wedding news on 4th April Becky and Tom will be married at Hillview and, as is customary, we want to give them a monetary gift from the Fellowship. If you would like to contribute there will be a special box on the shelf in the entrance area to receive your gift. Interserve Conference St Andrew's, Churchdown 11th April, 10am 4pm. "Together building God's Kingdom" Mike C an evening of celebration 25th April at 7.30pm at Hillview. Book this date in your diary and come to hear about future plans. Continue to pray for: If you are new to Hillview and have been attending regularly over the last few months, we warmly invite you to join us at a Newcomers' Lunch on Sunday, 22nd March after the morning service at church. Please let Paulette or Liza know if you would like to come. "Thank you immensely for your love and generosity in these painful and sad moments, that beyond any doubt, our Lord Jesus Christ has put in the hearts of each one of you for the gift of £558.60. Thank you very much. My husband loved Hillview Church very much and he was always grateful for your love and involvement in the ministry that our Lord Jesus Christ gave to us in Mexico. He also gave this ministry to you, and you have been faithfully caring for it. Eidi, Saulito, the Armonia people, the indigenous students and I, pray that Hillview Church keeps shining for God's glory. With much love and gratitude, Pilar " There will be a Thanksgiving Service for the Life and Ministry of Saul on Saturday, 21st March at 11.30am at All Souls Church, Langham Place, London, W1B 3DA. Some from Abbey Church will be attending and if any from Hillview wish to go please let David W know as soon as possible. HILLVIEW EVANGELICAL CHURCH: Colwell Avenue, Hucclecote, Gloucester, GL3 3LX, (01452)618485 | | Company No. 5899178 | Charity No. 1115938 | Registered Office: as above
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