JOIN US TODAY FOR . . . 'they gathered the church...and reported all...God had done through MORNING SERVICE: 10.30am 'Mission Completed' Acts 14: 21b - 28 Leader : Adelina Clarke Speaker: Peter Godfrey Series: them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.' Acts 14:27 Creche is available for under 3‘s led by Sue & Stephen Children's activities: Rainbow Club (3yrs - reception) Kids Club (Y1 - Y2 & Y3 - Y5) A-Live (Y6 - Y8) Risen (Y9 - Y12) REFRESH: 6.30pm Speaker: Colin Wells ACF [Y9+]: at the Church 7.30pm - 9.15pm A loop system is available in the main worship area for the hard of hearing WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK MONDAY Quilting 10am TUESDAY Kidzone Trustees Meeting 6.30 - 7.30pm 7.45pm WEDNESDAY Coffee 'n Chat 10.30am We are pleased to pray for individuals needs at our morning service. Hand us a note on Sunday morning, call us or message us through our website by Friday. We take an offering during the Morning service, usually to the General Fund (including support for Mission work, our paid staff, and operating costs of the church). Alternatively, there is an offering box in the foyer as well as forms if you prefer to set up a standing order with your bank. The Elders are always pleased to help with any practical or spiritual issue. Please contact Martina Jolley or Ruth Westall in the Church office if you wish to see an elder. Speaker: Jo Woodhead Faulkner/Taylor Group Noah's Ark 12.15pm 12.30pm Parent & toddler group Fellowship Groups THURSDAY Noah's Ark We regularly arrange: Discovery Groups / Baptismal classes / Marriage classes / Care for the Family courses / ‘21st century parents’ / ‘How to DrugProof your kids’ / CAP money. Please see our website for more details. 7.30pm 10 - 11.30am Please email the office or message us through the website with items for the bulletin no later than noon on Thursday. Parent & toddler group Youth Christianity Explored Course 6 - 8.00pm in church flat FRIDAY Prayer Breakfast Friday Club (in Church) 6.30 - 8am 7 - 8.30pm YCO (meet in Church Flat) 8.15 - 9.45pm NEXT SUNDAY . . . 10.30am 'Good News for ALL' Leader: Stephen Mortin Speaker: Phil Gent 6.30pm KINGDOM SPACE HUB SERVICE at Hillview Speaker: David Bradford 19TH OCTOBER 2014 (WEB) We welcome all who have come to Hillview this Sunday to worship with us. We trust you will feel at home with us and find the services challenging, a help and blessing to you. Those who would like a CD of any of the messages, please see Rob Foster, or listen to the MP3 online at This morning is Kids Club Special. Parents may bring their children to the lounge from 10.20am and collect them from their group rooms at the end of the morning. Note from the Building Committee: During October, members of the committee will be in the sports hall every Sunday during coffee to gather feedback on the buildings we have at Hillview. If you have any thoughts, opnions or ideas on how the buildings could be improved, please take five minutes to sit with us and complete a questionaire. Next Sunday morning the offering will be for the Abbey Project. HUB SERVICE - next Sunday evening. Refreshments will be provided after the service, please join us if you can. Bible Reading Notes need to be ordered for next year. There will soon be an opportunity in church to know what is available. If you know already which notes you require please make your order with Ruth. PRAYER FOCUS Parentalk 'live' - Care for the Family: Rob Parsons speaking in Bristol on 13th November. Details on notice board and shelf in foyer. Evening of encouragement and helpful hints for parents. CHRISTMAS BOXES for the shoe box appeal will be collected from Hillview on Thursday, 20th November. Please make sure that your boxes are here for collection. Samaritan's Purse have 'Go Boxes' which are already decorated so you just have to fill them! All informaton for prices can be found on their web site at MBG Curry & Quiz Night, Saturday 29th November. Make a note in your diary and invite family and friends along to this fun event. Full details to follow. There is a Newcomer's Lunch planned for Sunday, 2nd November, and we would like to invite all who are new to Hillview over the last six months. This is a chance to meet others, hear about Hillview and enjoy some good food. If you would like to attend please let Liza or Paulette know by Wednesday, 29th October. Continue to pray for: Please pray for the following people this week: Rob's mother, Ann, who remains very critically ill following a severe stroke. Please pray for her to know the Lord's presence and for Rob and the family to be held in His arms at this very difficult time. Gary went into hospital last Friday for an operation which we hope will have taken place this time. Cynthia's knee remains very painful and she is awaiting a further appointment at the hospital this week. Please pray she will feel more comfortable soon and for the specialist to be able to help her condition. Both Josie and Marie have had significant problems with their vision. Please pray for them both that their vision will stabilise and for wisdom for the specialists looking after them. Di planning to return to the Czech Republic this weekend. Pray for stamina and safety as she undertakes the long journey and for her to settle back into her life and work. We pray the Lord will bless her work there. A 7 week course for young people wanting to investigate Christianity began last Thursday, 6.30 7.30pm in the church flat. The 'SOUL' sessions are free (with pizza) and are open to all young people of Risen/YCO age. Please invite your friends. See Adam for more details. Please pray for lives to be changed each Thursday night!. It is time to order the ECHOES Prayer Diary for next year. Di, Heather and Andy and Eira, who we support, are out with ECHOES. Please see Bob. HILLVIEW EVANGELICAL CHURCH: Colwell Avenue, Hucclecote, Gloucester, GL3 3LX, (01452)618485 | | Company No. 5899178 | Charity No. 1115938 | Registered Office: as above
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