New Life 2015 Outreach Event

WELCOME - A very warm welcome to everyone today. If you are new to Aldridge Parish Church, we
would love you to fill in a ‘Welcome’ card, which you will find at the back of church. We will be in touch
to welcome you and let you know about events that might interest you. You can also pick up our
‘Welcome Pack’ from the information point or visit for a full picture of
what we do or contact the church office if you have a specific query.
Verse for the Year: ‘Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Colossians 3:17
Sunday 29th March – Palm Sunday (Clocks go forward)
10.00am Holy Communion 3.30pm Memorial Service
6.30pm Evening Worship
Minizone: Looking at the events of Palm Sunday. Luke19 verse 28-40.
Midizone and Kidzone: Time to die, at the right time Jesus died for my sins. Romans 5:6.
Megazone: Forsaken. Christ died for us. Mark 15 verse 25-39.
Wednesday Worship - Wednesday 1st April 10.30am in church.
Easter Services
Maundy Thursday 2nd April – Celebrate Easter – 9.45am – 12.30pm – event for families to discover all
about Easter through crafts, activities and worship.
Maundy Thursday – Great idea for 2015... Across the Parish on Maundy Thursday members of the
congregation are encouraged to welcome others into their home for a simple meal prior to joining a
Parish wide service celebrating the Lord’s Supper 8.30pm at St Thomas’ church. Some hosts will
specifically invite someone to come; others will simply invite people to sign up and thereby welcome
anybody. Please sign up on the sheet at the back, hosts please indicate how many guests you can
welcome, guests please indicate how many will be coming.
Good Friday 3rd - Walk of Witness – meet at 10.45am at APC – Please see below notice regarding
Hour at the Cross – 2pm in church.
Saturday 4th
New Life 2015 Outreach Event
11am and 3pm, Aldridge Parish Church will be reaching out to the community of Aldridge with the
generosity and love of God as we meet in the precinct of Aldridge Shopping Centre for this year’s Easter
outreach event. Our theme for the day is ’New Life 2015’. This year’s event will be more low-key than
our previous events in Aldridge Shopping Centre. We’re going to have a family craft activity and we’d
love you to come along to help with that activity, to chat to and pray with passers by and to hand out
packs with some info about what we’re doing and some free mini Easter eggs. Let’s make use of this
wonderful opportunity to share with Aldridge the Good News of the new life that Jesus’ death and
resurrection enables us to live! To get involved, sign up to help from 10.30am to 1.30pm, or 1pm to
4pm. Contact Chris Hassell at or call 07875 307927.
Easter Sunday 5th 9.00am Holy Communion
10.30am All Age Worship
6.30pm Holy Communion
Sunday 12th
10.00am – Holy Communion
12.30pm – Baptisms
6.30pm Evening Worship
Sunday 19th
10.00am – Morning Worship and Sunday Special
6.30pm Holy Communion
Sunday 26th
10.00am – Holy Communion
6.30pm Evening Worship
Wednesday Worship – 10.30am in church on 1st, 8th, 15th (in church centre), 22nd and 29th.
Oasis – Wednesday 1pm – 2.30pm on 1st, 15th and 29th April - meet in the church centre.
Prayer Event – Please note there will not be a prayer event on Tuesday 7th April. The date for the next
prayer event is Tuesday 5th May.
‘Open Door’ – 14th, 15th and 16th April. Event when we welcome school children from different schools
into church to explore the building and find out about the reality of faith in God. Help is still needed on
the Wednesday and Thursday 15th & 16th April with Open Door. If you could spare a few hours to assist
children from local schools with a craft activity and discovery of the church and the Christian faith please
speak to Rachel Butterfield.
Alpha – New Alpha course starts on Wednesday 15th April, please speak to Rob Cook if you would like to
join this course or if you would like any further information.
Sunday Munch – Sunday 19th April, come along after church and enjoy food and fellowship together.
Parish Church AGM – Monday 20th April at 8pm in church.
Elections - At the Parish Church AGM we will be appointing churchwardens and PCM members.
Nomination forms are available at the Information Point at the back of church. All forms to be handed to
either a church warden or into the church office.
Electoral Roll – If you worship regularly at Aldridge Parish Church (and you are 16 or over), we would
encourage you to be on the Electoral Roll – the membership list of the church. The current roll and
application forms are available at the Information Point at the back of church; please also check if your
name is on the list, that your details are correct and up to date.
AGM reports from our different church groups need to be into the office by Sunday 12th April in time for
the AGM. Thank you.
PCC AGM - Monday 27th April, 8pm in the church centre.
WALK THE TALK - Tuesday 14 April - Join us for a level ramble (approx. 4.5 miles) around Kingsbury
Water Park with a stop for light refreshments part-way round
We will leave from the front of the Parish Church at 9.15 & should be back by 1.30
It's a chance to enjoy fresh air & exercise, make new friends & chat about things that matter to you.
Please let Nigel Hopley know if you plan to come - also, if you need a lift or can provide transport. We
want to be sure we have enough cars. Either phone 01922 459296 or email
Next walk: Brewood (second attempt, weather permitting) on Thursday 14 May
Parish of Aldridge Women’s Weekend - 'Dancing on the Edge' 17th - 19th April 2015
@Whitemoor Lakes Conference Centre, Lichfield Relax, enjoy fellowship, make new friends and enjoy
our Guest Speaker Chine Mbubaegbu, Director of Communications at the Evangelical Alliance
Cost: £125 – Balance now due for all ladies who have paid deposits.
Contact for details and bookings
‘Men of Aldridge’ - Tuesday 19th May 7.30pm for 8.00pm start in the church centre, £10 a ticket
includes cooked meal and guest speaker. Look out for more details soon.
Diary Note : Wednesday 17th June – Adrian Plass and the Church Weekend, 7.15pm at the church
centre. Tickets are available via the internet or from the church office £12
each – no concessions.
On the 60th anniversary of Brother Andrew's first encounters with the persecuted church please give
thanks for the development of the ministry of Open Doors worldwide wherever Christians suffer for their
faith. Please pray against the rise of Islamist attacks throughout sub-Saharan Africa where Boko Haram
and al-Shabaab have committed many unprovoked assaults on Christian communities and individuals.
Please those who have been bereaved or injured in recent attacks in Pakistan and that a just peace will
prevail there. For more detail on the work of Open Doors, a chance to register for challenge fund raising
events or to get a free copy of "God's Smuggler" see the Open Doors website.
Walk of Witness Stewards – We need volunteers to act as stewards for this years ‘Walk of Witness’, If
you are able to help could you please speak to either Keith Callear, one of the church wardens or phone
the church office. Stewards will need to be at church at 10.30am on Good Friday for a short briefing
before the walk.
Aldridge Youth Fellowship - could you join our leaders' team? Did you know APC has a vibrant
youth fellowship with around 120 teenagers attending every Friday evening? And then a Sunday
evening group where 20-25 teenagers meet to explore faith in a deeper way? They are such fun to be
with! We're looking for new leaders to join the existing team of 7 in this really rewarding ministry. You
don't need to be young to join our team but you do need quite a lot of energy! Take a look at the role
description on the notice board near the sound desk and speak to one of us if you'd like to explore
whether God is calling you to join us. Contact: Andy & Kate Watson 01922 447771 or
Rob Cook 07739 878303.
Church Office – The church office will be closed on the following dates over Easter, Good Friday 3 rd
April, Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th and re-open as normal 9.00am on Wednesday 8th April.
Christian Adventure Holidays for Children and Young People. Have you ever thought of your child
going on a fun packed adventure holiday run by a Christian organization in the summer? If you are
interested Rachel Butterfield has information about CPAS Venture holidays and others run by Christians
in Sport, and Urban Saints.
Gluten Free Wafers – are available for Holy Communion for anyone who needs them, please note that
they will only be served at the front of church.
Sunday Munch: future dates for your diary April 19, May 17, June 21st Father’s day – no munch
and July 19.
Notice Sheet Our notice sheet is available by email. Please email the church office if you would like to
be on the distribution list. A limited number of copies are available for those who do not have email
access or who would prefer to collect a copy in church. Our notices are also on our website and copies of the monthly notice sheet, with full details of our services,
regular activities and contact information, are also available at the Information Point in church.
YF After Café Squashes
9.30am & 12.30pm Little Fishes Playgroup
Little Fishes Playgroup
Crafty Sew ‘n’ Sews group
Small Groups
Noah’s Ark Parent/Carer & Toddler
Cre8 & Freezer
Small Groups & Beta
Bell ringing practice
Little Fishes Playgroup
Youth Fellowship
Wednesday Worship
Oasis 4th and 18th
Small Groups & Beta
John Coyne, Rector – 01922 516939
Chris Hassell, Curate – 07875307927
Pastoral Care – Contact Maxine Roberts or Rev John Coyne via the office.
Rob Cook, Church Growth Co-ordinator 07739878303
Rachel Butterfield, Church and School children’s worker.
Contact via the church office or email
Church Office 01922 455229
Open weekday mornings 9am – 12.30pm
Email Prayer Chain
Email Church Information
Global and Local Outreach (GLO) Mission Focus for April is Walsall and Local Ministries
Please pray for the following local ministries in Walsall and that the Lord will prompt folk to volunteer and
actively join in with their work: The work of Walsall Street Pastors who go out on the streets of Walsall
late at night at the weekends to reach out to young people who come out of the clubs and pubs and can be in
distress. This is a real ministry to show the love and care of Jesus. Pray that others will be stirred to
participate in this outreach which includes prayer ministry on the streets. - The work of Betel operating in
Walsall through the ministry of St. Peter’s Church on Wednesday evenings. - The work of Street Teams in
Walsall which is a more specialist Christian based service reaching out to vulnerable young people under the
age of 18. Some of the problems they address are drug and alcohol misuse, broken homes, homelessness and
exploitation. - The Big Feed and the good work done in providing meals for vulnerable people and
empowering them cook and work to a simple budget. Pray for Chris Hill who started the cooking training
programme, Pray for the many mums of children at Cooper and Jordan school who are engaged in this work
that they will be blessed through this work and encouraged by our church folk. - Pray for the Thomas
Project in Aldridge which is supported by our local churches and reaching out to the community in a variety
of ways. - Pray for the Glebe Centre which reaches out to vulnerable people in Walsall and that the YMCA
who has taken the project under its wing will enable it to have a much greater impact in the town.
PRAYER DIARY - Week commencing Monday 30th March
Monday - The start of Holy Week leading up to perhaps a familiar & well known event for many of us. Pray
and ask God to make it more real, vivid, and personal than ever before. Ask God to intensify our awareness of
just what God accomplished for us that first Easter time. Read Hebrews 10 verses 5-10 and be in awe of the
servant heart of God. Ask God to help you not make this week just another Holy Week, but one that is special
and new.
Tuesday - Journey with Christ this week and imagine how He must have been feeling as Good Friday
approaches. His work on earth coming to completion, God’s rescue plan for all mankind coming to fruition.
Pray a brave prayer and ask God to give you an opportunity to share your faith with someone and what Easter
means for you. God’s word says to be ready to defend our faith, but do it with gentleness and respect. Ask
God to give you the right words to say to your neighbour, work colleague, best friend or whoever you come
into contact with this week.
Wednesday - How’s your heart? Do we have the heart of God in our daily lives? Do we have a servant’s heart
as Christ did? Pray and ask God to reveal something new to you about Easter time that you never knew
before. We may have been a Christian for years but there is always something new to learn from God and His
promises to us. How exciting!
Maundy Thursday - The agony of the cross and all that means is but a day away. John 13 verses 34-35 says
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this
everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” At the Passover meal, Jesus washed
the feet of His disciples as a sign of humility, love and exemplifying the servant heart of God. Our church
families in Aldridge are meeting for a simple meal in homes tonight before a Holy Communion service at St
Thomas at 8.30pm. Pray for these times together, for a real sense of unity and purpose. Come and share in
bread and wine.
Good Friday - From birth to death, Christ was God’s servant, living out his Father’s wishes. Today was the
reason Jesus came to us, culminating with His glorious resurrection in three days time. As we meet for our
Good Friday services/Walk of Witness, pray and ask God to remind us once more of the reasons for this day.
The physical agony of the cross was bad enough, but a sinless man become sinful so that we might live is
incredible. Christ was separated from His Father for a time as He bore our sins on the cross. That must have
been indescribably hard and painful for Him. He did this out of pure love so we might be one with our
heavenly Father once more. Praise Him!
Easter Saturday - On this day the disciples of Jesus thought they had lost everything. They had seen their
Lord brutally put to death and seemingly evil had won. They forgot the teaching of Jesus and became
frightened and felt alone. Pray today for those in our community who feel lost and alone. Pray for listening
ears and discernment to reach out to those in our community who need to hear the glory of the Easter
message. Pray for our outreach in the precinct today, that through our witness and love, people will become
more aware of what Easter really means.
Easter Sunday - Get the chocolate out!! Today is for glorious celebration and joy. Jesus is alive. He has
risen. Evil & death has been conquered, eternal life is for everyone who turns to Christ. We are saved by the
precious blood of Jesus. Pray that our community will sense/feel our joy and ask questions. May our voices
ring out in all our services today....”Christ has risen, hallelujah”
Also, through the week please pray for those who are unwell, including Clare Eveleigh,
Elaine Fry, Tina Jones, Neil Margetts, Olivia Stanford and Brian Trimmer. Pray too for those who have been
bereaved recently, we especially remember Robert Oakley, Valerie Wilkins, John Gardner and Norma Flood