March 1, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Gospel Insights: United Parishes of Southborough Annual Lenten Series March 3rd ~ St. Anne Church March 10th ~ St. Matthew Church March 17th ~ St. Mark’s Church March 24th ~ First Community Church Programs begin at 6:00pm with a prayer service Followed by a light supper and concludes with reflection and questions. A wonderful evening for all parishioners. ST. ANNE'S PARISH LENTEN RETREAT with Sr. Rosemary Mulvihill, RSM Saturday, March 7th, 9:30am to 1:30pm at Betania Center, Medway, MA. Cost: $35.00. per person (this includes lunch). We need at least 20 people to proceed, or we will have to cancel the event. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE PALM SUNDAY ~ March 29 Saturday, 5:00 pm Sunday, 8:30am, 10:30 am HOLY THURSDAY ~ April 2 No morning Mass 7:30 pm ~ Mass of the Lord’s Supper GOOD FRIDAY ~ April 3 3:00 pm ~ Stations of the Cross 7:30 pm ~ The Passion of the Lord Easter Vigil ~ Saturday April 4 No 5:00 pm Mass 7:30 pm ~ Mass of the Easter Vigil Easter Sunday, ~ April 5 Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord : 8:30 am, 10:30 am 01772 Thoughts on Lent by ~ Pope Francis Living Lent with PASSION Second Sunday of Lent: The Crosses of Community “The sign that we are drawing closer to the Lord with repentance, asking for forgiveness, is that we care for the needy brethren. May the Lord give us all light and courage: light to know what’s happening within us and courage to convert, to draw closer to the Lord. It is beautiful to be close to the Lord.” Stations of the Cross Every Wednesday at 12 noon through March 25th followed by a light lunch of homemade soup and bread in the Parish Hall. SOUTHBOROUGH MA 2015 Liturgical Publications Inc. LENT ~ 2015 20 BOSTON ROAD "Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone but Jesus alone with them." Peter, James, and John must have been in a bit of spiritual Raphael shock. What a strange The Transfiguration (1518-20) thing had just happened! They had witnessed Jesus, their teacher and friend, start glowing in his "dazzling white" clothes while engaging in conversation with two holy dead men. Then, a voice from the sky declared that Jesus was God's son. This was not natural. It was supernatural. These three chosen apostles were given a glimpse into the divine nature of their leader. They were shown something that no one else had a chance to see until after the Resurrection: Jesus in all of his glory. But this vision was short-lived. It suddenly disappeared and then Jesus instructed his friends to keep it quiet until "the Son of Man had risen from the dead." Perhaps we can relate in some small way to this Transfiguration experience. Perhaps there has been a time or two in our lives when we have had a spiritual experience, when we experienced God's healing, felt his mercy, or knew his presence was real. But then, maybe it went away. For most of us, we don't spend the majority of our time "on the mountaintop" with these "dazzling" insights into who God is. Rather, we tend to walk a journey that is shrouded by mystery and dependent upon faith. At times, we may even secondguess the spiritual experiences of our past once they have "disappeared." Possibly Peter, James, and John wondered if it had all been a crazy illusion. But when the Resurrection happened, they knew it was all for real. As we await the Resurrection this Lent, may we have the faith to believe that Jesus really has touched our lives and that he can lead us to eternal life. ST. ANNE CHURCH REV. DR. CONRAD S. PECEVICH, PASTOR DEACON STEPHEN LUNDRIGAN PARISH LIFE PARISH LENTEN RETREAT-Register NOW With all the crazy snow storms this past month, we have almost lost sight of the upcoming Lenten Retreat with Sister Rosemary at Betania in Medway on Saturday, March 7, 9:30am-1:30pm.We have very few parishioners registered at this time and have extended the registration deadline until Monday, March 2 at 12 noon. The cost to attend is $35 and includes lunch. Unless we have a minimum of 20 people to attend we will be forced to cancel. You may register by calling the Parish Office at 508-485-0141. Please feel free to invite a friend. We hope that many more parishioners will take advantage of this opportunity to enrich their Lenten experience. THIS GOLF TOURNAMENT IS GOING TO HAPPEN- But I can't do it without YOUR HELP! First of all, my mother didn't wean me on Norman Vincent Peale's book, "Power of Positive Thinking," for nothing! "If you believe it can happen, it will!" St. Anne's is in a "financial crunch," and we've got to explore ways to raise revenue to offset our annual deficit. My thought: An annual St. Anne's Golf Tournament. There are plenty of golfers, golf buffs and fans sitting in our pews each week. This is your call to stand up and "tee off" for St. Anne's! Let's make it a grand ole time! We need all kinds of people to lead, work, sponsor, assist, promote, publicize, plan, to golf etc. at this new event. At my first meeting only 1 person showed up! My RussianIrish personality doesn't give up, folks! Get out of the way, the Golf Tournament is coming! If you want to be on my "band wagon," hop on board TODAY! NOW! I'll find something for everyone who volunteers. Don't worry about "chipping a nail!" Non-golfers especially welcome! Spouses of golfers most welcome! DATE TO BE DETERMINED! Brave enough to be on my Golf Committee? Contact Father Conrad immediately. Meeting: this Sunday, March 1, at 9:30am in the Parish Center Conference Room. ADULT BIBLE STUDY: Monday, March 9th, from 7 to 8:30 pm in the Conference Room of the Parish Center. Newcomers are welcome! Come and explore the Word of God! Make it a part of your life. We are a small community of faith seeking to walk in the footstep of the Holy Scriptures. Refreshments SNOWSTORMS, STEWARD(HARD)SHIP AND SURVIVAL: The past few weekends have hit us hard. Church attendance and subsequently the Stewardship Collection have taken a "blow," and are down considerably! WE NEED YOUR WEEKLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT IN ORDER TO RUN OPERATIONS SMOOTHLY! If you haven't done so, may we ask you to help us to make up for the "Bad Weather Weekends" in your Offertory Donations? We've already been operating in "crisis mode!" In advance, thanks for supporting OUR wonderful parish of St. Anne's! UNITED PARISHES SOUTHBOROUGH FOOD PANTRY: Thank you for your continuous support. Currently we are in need of cookies, canned pears and pineapple, tinfoil, plastic wrap, baggies (all sizes) and kitchen trash bags. Donations may be left in the foyer of the parish hall. If you know of anyone who may benefit from the Food Pantry, please encourage them to come. Pantry hours (located at Pilgrim Church) are Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m. and Fridays from 1011 a.m. Again, thank you for your continued generosity to the Southborough Food Pantry. Pat Draper THE PILGRIM QUEEN DEVOTION Blessed Icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe: The Pilgrim Queen awaits a family to host her in their home. This is a wonderful way to pray with and for your family. Please sign your name and the date you take her into your home. THE PILGRIM QUEEN IS MISSING...WOULD WHOEVER HAS HER, PLEASE LET US KNOW. THANK YOU. IF YOU TAKE THE PILGRIM QUEEN TO YOUR HOME, PLEASE SIGN YOUR NAME ON THE SHEET PROVIDED SO WE KNOW WHERE SHE IS. BUILDING & FACILITIES COMMITTEE: Thank you to the parishioners who have stepped forward to volunteer to serve on the committee to recommend updates and improvements to the facilities when needed. Fr. Conrad would like to have a couple more people in the building or construction field on board to donate their time when needed. Please contact Father or call the Parish Office. TO HAVE YOUR CHILD BAPTIZED Call the Parish Office if you are planning to have your child baptized in the coming months. If this is your first child, you must arrange for baptism preparation prior to setting your baptism date. Baptisms are generally celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. VISITATION OF THE SICK Our extraordinary ministers are always pleased to bring the Eucharist to parishioners who are unable to join us for weekly worship. If you or a family member would like to receive Communion, please call the Rectory. If you know of someone from the parish who is in the hospital, please let us know. BOOK DISCUSSION: THE FOUR SIGNS OF A DYNAMIC CATHOLIC On Wednesdays starting on March 4 at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall Conference Room. Facilitated by Monica Shay All are invited to attend. ANNUAL SAINT PATRICK’S DAY DINNER SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2015 after the 5:00 pm Mass Cost: $10.00 per person $30.00 per family You may wish to remember family members or friends with a Memorial Easter Flower offering for the flowers that enhance the Church during the Easter season.. In addition to an envelope in your weekly envelope packet there are extra Easter flower envelopes at the foyers of the Church. Tickets on sale this weekend after the Masses It is requested that each attendee please bring a dessert. PARISH LIFE & STEWARDSHIP RELIGIOUS EDUCATION STEWARDSHIP REPORTS FOR: CHILDREN’S LITURGY: at the 8:30 am Mass. All children grades K-5 are invited to join in hearing the Gospel and reflection at an age appropriate level. Younger children are welcome with a parent. High School or adult parishioners interested in participating in this program may contact Joanne Flathers at or 508-485-4345 . February 21 AND 22, 2015 Weekly Offertory Collection…………...……. $1,763.00 Ash Wednesday……………………………….$ 785.00 Your ongoing generous donations are very much appreciated. MARCH SPECIAL AND SECOND COLLECTIONS: Capital Improvement Fund Easter Flower Offering Catholic Relief Services March 1 (basket passed a second time) Anytime during the month March 15 HAITIAN APOSTOLATE UPDATE: The total amount received is $13,778.00 towards a goal of $30,000.00. Donations are always appreciated. Checks can be made payable to St. Anne Parish, Haitian Canteen Project. Camp Perrin is our sister-parish to which we have been linked in our Worcester diocesan “Twinning Project.” PLEASE CONSIDER ELECTRONIC GIVING: To give through Parishpay visit the Parish Web site and click on Parishpay or go online to Parishpay. You may also contact Parishpay at 1-866PARISH1(866-727-4741) to have a Customer Service Representative assist you with enrollment. THE CHURCH OF SAINT ANNE DEVELOPMENT FUND: The Development Fund will be used for future projects for the buildings and grounds of the Church. Donations may be made in memory of a loved one, deceased or living at any time. GENERAL ANNOUNCMENTS 15th ANNUAL DIOCESAN CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE: All men are invited to this important annual Conference, at Worcester’s DCU Center on Saturday, March 21. For Conference brochure, information or registration call 508-929-3445, Visit website MONTHLY RETREATS on themes of Consecrated Life and Mission Today at Fatima Shrine, Holliston. The next half day retreat will be Sunday, March 8th, beginning at the 11:00am Mass. A second input will be offered at 1:45pm for those who wish to stay for both sessions, concluding with the World Mission Rosary at 3:00pm. The retreat director will be Fr. Tony Lalli, s.x and the Theme will be Mission as Solidarity. Information call 508 429 2144. March Class Dates Sunday, March 1 Sunday, March 1 Sunday, March 1 Monday, March 2 Sunday, March 8 Sunday, March 8 Monday, March 9 Monday, March 9 Tuesday, March 10 Confirmation First Communion Grades 1-3 Grades 1-3 Grades 4 & 5 High School Grades 4 & 5 Grades 6-8 Grades 6-8 9:00 am*** 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 4:15pm YOUTH MINISTRY OUR FATHER’S TABLE: Grades 6-12 Thanks to the crew of chefs and servers who prepared and served this month’s meal of Shepherd’s Pie. Our next dates are March 25th and 26th. Watch for the sign up email. YOUTH LEADERSHIP MEETINGS ~ Grades 6-8: First Sunday of each Month at 6:00 pm. Next meeting is March 1st. New members always welcome! A HIGH SCHOOL TEEN GROUP IS FORMING FOR ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS (GRADES 9 - 12) AT ST. ANNE PARISH: Teens will plan opportunities for sharing in spiritual, service and social events. All teens are encouraged to get involved! For more information, contact Mary Piekarz at 508-272-9378 or PRAYER SPONSORS FOR THE CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES: In order to involve our whole parish community in the sacrament program of Confirmation we have developed the Prayer Sponsor Program. It involves parishioners like you, who choose to sponsor a Candidate with prayer as they prepare for Confirmation. Prayer is a powerful way to support our candidates, especially as they journey towards the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of Confirmation on May 31st at the Saint Paul Cathedral in Worcester. A basket can be found in the front foyer with envelopes with candidates names. For questions, please contact Karla Reuter at or call at (508) 335-7968. PREVENTING CHILD ABUSE IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is every adult's moral responsibility to protect possible victims by reporting suspected abuse or neglect to the responsible authorities. For particular help you may call: Frances J. Nugent, Director of Office for Healing and Prevention, Diocese of Worcester, at 508-929-4363. St. Anne Parish requires Safe Environment Training for all staff & volunteers and CORI background checks for all those who work with children and young people. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Bob Levangie, Bill MacIver, June Stephens, Steve Coldwell, Sr. Yvette Beford, Faith Stephens, Caitlin O’Hara, Jenny Polanik, Sr. Paula Norton, Ray Coldwell, Sr. Norene, Sr. Ann Mary Blute, June Phillipo, Jan & Charlie Mangana, Phyllis Dumas, Christian Campero, Fred Anketell, Danielle Taylor, Sr. Ruth Virginia, Jamie Farley, John Gagliano, Catherine and Cynthia Galbraith, Rachel Knoll, Stephanie McMahon, Diane Toomey, Doris Campero, Patty Morgan, Ben Watkins, George Paine and Family, Sue (Infante Despo, Sr.Virginella, Jessica Hendron, Sr. Mary Veronica, Richard Dehlham, George Mitchell. Jim Garden, Ruthann Scaringi, Brad Arsenault, Janet McGuire, Diane Provencher WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE and MASS INTENTIONS: Saturday, February 28 through Sunday, March 8, 2015 Daily Mass Schedule: Week Day Mass: 9:00 am (check Bulletin Intention List for weekly Mass schedule) First Friday: 9:00 am Lord’s Day Mass Schedule: Saturday ~ 5:00 pm Sunday ~ 8:30 am & 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word 8:30 am Mass during the school year Confessions: Saturday ~ 4:15 pm or by appointment Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: SATURDAY 5:00 pm: SUNDAY 8:30 am: Emma Daboul by Neighbors Healing Intention for Dr. Lionel Pelletier by Matthew and Barbara Malloy 10:30 am: John Urbinati (22nd Anniversary) by his Family MONDAY TUESDAY 9:00 am: 9:00 am: Edith Welch (Month’s Mind) Margaret Anne Hostage WEDNESDAY 9:00 am: Marguerite Anderson by Jim and Millie Garden THURSDAY 9:00 am: Parishioners of St. Anne Parish First FRIDAY 9:00 am: Helen Ferris (4th Anniversary) by her Family SATURDAY 5:00 pm: SUNDAY Shirley and Nelson Enjem by the Family 8:30 am: Parishioners of St. Anne Parish 10:30 am: Sherman Olson (3rd Anniversary) by his wife and Family Wednesdays ~ 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Baptism Celebrated on the First Sunday of the Month We pray for the recently deceased: John Williams, Rev. John F. Connell, Kate Borreani (cousin of Mary Beth Philbin-Hannigan) May they rest in peace Marriage Arrangements with a Priest required at least one year prior to the wedding date. Music Ministry Organist & Choir Director: Paul Crivello 508-366-0821 (work) (personal) Kathy Bernier FILIPINO COMMUNITY MASS Parish Intern Sunday ~ March 22, 2015 ~ 1:00 pm St. Anne Church Followed by a Pot Luck gathering in the Parish Hall. Paul Reuter ~ Religious Education Ministry: Cynthia de la Peña Coordinator grades 1 through 8 stannechildrensliturgy/ Karla Reuter High School Coordinator/Youth Ministry Parish Office Hours: Linda Bradstreet - Administrative Assistant Bridgitte Morgan- Bookkeeper Monday ~ Friday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (to 12:00 pm on Friday) Telephone 508-485-0141 Parish Fax 508-481-9374 Internet Information: E-mail: Web: Liturgical Minister Schedule Next Week’s Readings: 3rd Sunday Of Lent Exodus 20:1-17 February 28 and March 1 5:00 pm Lector: Laura Schroeder 8:30 am Lector: Tom Bhisitkul 10:30 am Lector: Pat Draper Counters: Susan Sheehan and Sue LoVerso March 7 and March 8 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 5:00 pm Lector: + 8:30 am Lector: John 2:13-25 10:30 am Lector: Russell McCarthy Kate Battles Janice Brown Counters: Joanne Flathers and Susan Sheehan ST. ANNE PARISH WELCOMES ALL VISITORS AND NEW RESIDENTS WHO WORSHIP WITH US. TO JOIN OUR FAITH COMMUNITY, PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE.
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