Latest Bulletin - St. Thomas More Boynton Beach

Thomas More Catholic Church
** Priest is not obligated to read name aloud in Mass.*
Scheduled Mass Intentions
Saturday, June 14th
8:30 AM † Andrea Escobar by Barkman Family
Saturday Vigil Masses:
4:00 PM † Rubino Family by daughter Frances
5:30 PM † John Mondrosch by Greg & Nancy Cannon Family
7:15 PM † Ivan Morris by his family
Sunday, June 15th
7:00 AM † Lydia Gepponi by her friend
8:30 AM † Albert & Rose Tenebruso by Carol, Marie & Len
10:30 AM ~ STM Parishioners by Pastor Harris
12:30 PM † Barbara M. Gonzalez by mother, brother &
Monday, June 16th
8:30 AM † Philip Dolcemascolo by Michael & Eileen
Guadagnino & Lucille Ricca
5:30 AM † Patrick di Maggio Minnick by Enza Golden
Tuesday, June 17th
8:30 AM † Carmeline Cerami by Nancy Monusky
5:30 PM † Carmen Lopez Diaz by WZ Smith & Caridad staff
Wednesday, June 18th
8:30 AM ~ Aca Tomeski’s Birthday by Dr. Aurea Tomeski
5:30 PM † Andrew Raymond Gioseffi by Elisa & Patrick Kelly
Thursday, June 19th
8:30 AM † George Wilcox by Carlo & Addie Borgis
5:30 PM † Raymond Carlisle by his niece Dorothy Kaiser & Family
Friday, June 20th
8:30 AM † Olga Suarez by her daughter Claudia McConoha
5:30PM † Brandon Barkman by his parents
Saturday, June 21st
8:30 AM † Rosemary Jose by Aurea Tomeski
Saturday Vigil Masses:
4:00 PM † Albin & Margaret Morariv by their son Albin
5:30 PM † Jerry & Ruth McKeon by Pat Martin
7:15 PM ~ Sacred Heart of Mary & Jesus by the Sanchez Family
Sunday, June 22nd
7:00 AM † George Dion by Leo & Betti Gregg
8:30 AM † Robert Guadagnino by Michael & Eileen Guadagnino
10:30 AM ~ STM Parishioners by Pastor Harris
12:30 PM † Steven Charlock by the Sohn Family
Un-Scheduled Mass Intentions
† Helen & Ed Piechock by Janet Downey & Janice Scanlon
† Dennis Cordella by Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gorora
† Jack McVey by the Maresca Family
† Scott Phillips by the Galvin Family
~ Pope Benedict XVI by Agnes Thalmann
~ Alexandra Sennet by Mrs. Eugene Sullivan
† Nghia H. Lee by Cindy Barna & Lynne Moss
† Marte Melegrito by Earnest Escobar
† Abraham Pilara by Earnest Escobar
// Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity // June 15th 2014
Proclaiming the
Greatness of the Lord
Pastor Rev. Julian P. Harris
Parochial Vicar:
Rev. Alex Vargas
Priest in Residence:
Rev. Danis Ridore
Assisting Clergy:
Rev. Randall
Rev. DeVita
Msgr. Badia
Msgr. McCullough
Rev. William Cresswell
Rev. Silvio Menendez
Mass times & Parish Office Hours
561-737-3095 l 10935 South Military Trail
Boynton Beach, FL 33436
Weekend Masses:
Saturday Vigil:
4:00 PM & 5:30 PM
7:00 AM, 8:30 AM
10:30 AM, 12:30 PM
Saturday Misa en Español:
7:15 PM
Weekday Masses:
Monday through Friday: 8:30 AM & 5:30 PM
Saturday Morning: 8:30 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM, in Church & Chapel
Español: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (First Saturday only)
Parish Office Hours:
Mon—Fri: 8:30 AM—5:30 PM
Sat: 9 AM—7 PM & Sun: 7 AM—3:30 PM
Parish office phone: 561-737-3095
Fax: 561-737-8697
Faith Formation Office
St. Thomas More Preschool
St. Thomas More Gift Shop
The Bible Speaks
by Pastor Julian P. Harris
Sunday, June 15, the Nation will
honor fathers with the annual
celebration of Father’s Day.
Fathers certainly deserve a day to
relax and to put aside for a time
the heavy burden of work and
worries that they carry. Most
fathers are, I believe, great
worriers. They can’t show it, for
our sakes, but they feel the
pressure to perform, to provide
and to protect. They live under
the daily pressure to go forth and
to battle in conditions over which
they have little control. Yet they
present to their families a facade
of mastery. That is, after all, part
of the fatherly mystique—the
desire of fathers everywhere to be
seen as the unvanquished
protector of the family, the
benevolent provider of all good
things, the safe harbor against all
harm and all fears.
Despite all the assurances to the
contrary, our economy is
sputtering. Fathers worry about
making ends meet. They feel a
sense of growing uneasiness about children, which is why they push
their children to do their best.
the spiraling deficits, the
To be sure, some fathers have
uncertain future of Social
taken this perhaps to unseemly,
Security, the weakening of
America’s global competitiveness
dangerous extremes as the
to the high price of international
stories of some “sports dads”
conflict, the corporate scandals that
attest. But most
could rob them overnight of their
lifetime of work for pensions. What fathers want their children to
develop a healthy sense of
kind of future are they leaving to
competition coupled with
their children?
fairness, to learn to win and to
to lose graciously, to foster
On a very personal level, fathers
a sense of perseverance that will
also share common fears. Where
stand their children in good
are their children? Are they
stead no matter what field of
behaving? Are they growing up to
endeavor they play upon.
be good people? Will the world be
good to them in return? I know that
Fathers want to encourage a
fathers with sons and daughters in
work ethic. They want to
the military carry particularly heavy
encourage good study
burdens of worry these days, as well
habits. They want to inculcate
as fathers in uniform themselves
the character traits of
with families waiting, waiting, and
praying for their safe return home. reliability—according to an old
Greek ideal, character is
I hope these fathers sense that our
destiny—and dependability,
prayers and the prayers of the
thoughtfulness, and generosity
Nation are with them today.
of spirit, traits that will make
good students, respected leaders,
Fathers want the best for their
able employees and some day,
good fathers and mothers.
the hallmarks of our old
educational pedagogy. (We sorely
The best fathers practice what they need it in the Church catechism
preach. Parents are the first and
today.) He watched me play the
indispensable teachers of their
piano and hummed in that high,
children in the ways of faith and
shy tenor of his. He feared for me
life. It is claimed that St. Francis
when I wanted to follow him on
of Assisi said: Preach the
the road as a salesman. He shared
Gospel always, and if necessary,
his fear and he shared the love
use words. Fathers teach best
that was behind it. He gave me a
without ever giving a word of
whipping a time or two. He
instructions. They teach by the
always told me before he whipped
example of their own lives. For as me that he loved me, and I know
the old adage goes: As the tree is
it hurt him to do it. I only saw
bent so grows the tree. The great
my father cry when I cried. He
Mormon prophet Brigham Young
pushed me to do better, to reach
took this truth to heart in the
higher, and to work harder. He
rearing of children: We should
didn’t want me to have to work
never permit ourselves to do
on the road. He gave me pride
anything that we are not willing
in him. He never used crude
to see our children do. We should
language. I never heard him use
set them an example that we wish God’s name in vain in all the years
them to imitate.
that I knew him—ever!
My own father, J.P. Harris, Sr.
was such a man, the greatest
man I ever knew—hard working,
God-fearing, generous with the
little that he had, silent in
suffering, modest in joy, he had
no vices. It is not flesh and blood
but the heart which makes us
fathers and sons, wrote Friedrich
Schiller. Like many of your
fathers, mine is looking down
from heaven right now. He is
looking down. And some day I
will meet him again. He was my
He never raised a fist in anger.
He never treated anyone with
anything but courtesy, even when
they were discourteous. He was
a poor, humble, hard-working
man. He took life as it came.
He didn’t
at the meal
my mother
placed before him
- 1 Corinthians 16:13
on the table as long as there was
meat and sliced white bread. He
praised my mother always. He
carried himself—a man without
two nickels at times to rub
together—with the quiet dignity
of a true gentleman. There was
a man. I am proud to share his
name. I think that is one of the
greatest compliments that any
child can give to his or her
father—that proud
inflection in their voice when
they say: It’s Father’s Day, and
this is my Father!
and Memorials
The placing of flowers in the Sanctuary as
adornments to worship and in memory
of the living and
deceased is a time-honored tradition in our
parish.If you wish to dedicate the
Sanctuary Flowers at St. Thomas More Parish as a memorial or in
After long, exhausting days at
celebration of a special
work he spent time with me. He
anniversary, birthday or some other significant occasion, then
listened more than he talked. (In
contact Ms. Fanny Diaz, a senior member of the STM staff, and
that I have failed my lessons.) He
she will assist you in selecting from among her beautiful
loved to hear me recite poems.
arrangements, or make a custom order.
I don’t suppose they do that in
school these days, but recitation,
Your intention will be published in the
memorization and public
Parish Bulletin as a public testimonial to
demonstration of knowledge were
your love and remembrance.
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church//
Train a child in the way he
should go, and when he is old
he will not turn from it
- Proverbs 22:6
Sanctuary Flowers
Who from their place in
Heaven watch over us still
and guide us home in this
world and to the world to
Remove not the ancient
landmark, which thy
fathers have set.
Proverbs 22:28
For recovery from serious
By her brother
Patrick and Bernadette
In Honor of
Edgar Albert Guest
Only a dad, with a tired face,
Coming home from the daily race,
Bringing little of gold or fame,
To show how well he has played the game,
But glad in his heart that his own rejoice
To see him come, and to hear his voice.
Only a dad, with a brood of four,
One of ten million men or more.
Plodding along in the daily strife,
Bearing the whips and the scorns of life,
With never a whimper of pain or hate,
For the sake of those who at home await.
Only a dad, neither rich nor proud,
Merely one of the surging crowd
Toiling, striving from day to day,
Facing whatever may come his way,
Silent, whenever the harsh condemn,
And bearing it all for the love of them.
Only a dad, but he gives his all
To smooth the way for his children small,
Doing, with courage stern and grim,
The deeds that his father did for him.
This is the line that for him I pen,
Only a dad, but the best of men.
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity// June 15th 2014
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church//
Be on your guard;
Stand firm in the faith;
be men of courage;
be strong.
- 1 Corinthians 16:13
Father’s Day
On this Father’s Day pay homage
to him by placing his name on
the altar of St. Thomas More.
His name will remain on
our altars and in our prayers
at all Masses throughout the
month of June.
It is not flesh and blood but the heart which
makes us fathers and sons.
- Johann Schiller
Chancellors of
St. Thomas More
The Chancellors of St. Thomas More would like you to join
them. This is a group of men who take the time and dedication
to study and practice the word of the Lord.
With the love of Christ in the life of each man there in makes
better husbands, fathers and men.
If you would like to join please
contact Roberto - 561-699-1507
Parishioners, visit our
website today!
// Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity// June15th 2014
•Calendar of Events • Photos • Registration Forms •
• Weekly Bulletin PDF • Seasonal Mass Parts •
• Upcoming Events • Directions & much more •
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church//
Train a child in the way he
should go, and when he is old
he will not turn from it
- Proverbs 22:6
Weekend of June 7-8, 2014
Black & Indian Missions/Home Missions
St. Peregrine Shrine
Total Cash and Pledges Received
As of June 6, 2014
Total Number of Donors:
Pledge Balance:
DSA 2014 Pledge Envelopes are available at all
entrances to the Church, in the Parish Office and
Online at STMBB.ORG
Please mark your gift or pledge for the benefit of
St. Thomas More Parish.
Thank you Parishioners and Guests,
For giving so generously and cheerfully!
Rev. Julian P. Harris, Pastor
Eucharistic Ministers
St. Thomas More is in need
of Eucharistic
If you would like to join and
be a part of this wonderful
group in serving Christ as
well as your fellow
Please Contact
The Parish Office.
Madonna CCW
Bunco Party!
Ladies of our Parish come
enjoy an afternoon of fun,
food and fellowship with
Madonna CCW’s
Bunco Party
Friday, July 18th from
11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
A box lunch, dessert and
beverages are included for
$20.00 per person.
Contact Terry @ 967-0358
for information.
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity// June 15th 2014
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church//
Be on your guard;
Stand firm in the faith;
be men of courage;
be strong.
- 1 Corinthians 16:13
The Madonna CCW are a
devout group that look to
bring members spirituality
and their own devotion
to the Blessed Mother
under the patronage of
Our Lady of Good Counsel.
For more information please
contact Terry - 561-967-0358
Saint Peregrine Mass
Rev. Julian P. Harris and Rev. Alex J. Vargas
join many devoted parishioners, family and
friends in wishing Father Ridore every joy as he
celebrates the Anniversary of his Priestly
Father Ridore:
“Your love of God and unswerving devotion to
the Church and the people of God these many
years Inspires and beckons us all to follow.”
Father Ridore retired from his official assignment
at St. Thomas More on April 6, 2014, but not from
his ministerial life. Let us gather around the
Eucharist and Banquet Table to thank God and
bid farewell:
Join us on Saturday, June 21st at 10:30am
for a Saint Peregrine Mass which will be held
in the Chapel
This is a blessed time to come and pray for
cancer victims and survivors.
Hope to see you there.
// Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity// June15th 2014
Mass of Thanksgiving and Reception
Father’s Day Mass
Sunday, June 15, 2014
12:30 PM
Followed by a Reception outside the
Parish Center and Church.
Please make plans to pray and celebrate the life of
this good man, holy priest and dear friend.
Dr. Aurea Tomeski, MD and her able assistants provide
physical exams, medical assessments and treatments for
sickness, disease, malnutrition and disabilities
associated with advanced age and hardships of life.
The Father Julian Harris Communal Center in the
mountain village of Las Moras, Honduras is the focus of
our medical outreach from St. Thomas More Parish.
Our 1987 Ford F-150 pick-up finally broke down after
many years of good service on the mountain trails. Our
great volunteers were not deterred, but improvised by
bringing our medical supplies and team to the clinic on
dirt bikes!
Fr. Alex Vargas is an accomplished dirt-biker and
Dr. Tomeski has overcome her fear of riding.
Our Medical Mission Team is the best—the most caring,
happy and humble people I have ever known. Many
blessings and graces to all of our
St. Thomas More Parishioners and Friends
for your many donations of vitamins, medications,
money, clothes and above all, LOVE.
Father Julian P. Harris, Pastor
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church//
Be on your guard;
Stand firm in the faith;
be men of courage;
be strong.
- 1 Corinthians 16:13
12 Day Eastern European Pilgrimage
(Includes: Roundtrip Air Transportation from Miami,
First Class Hotels, Double Occupancy, 2 Meals a Day - Breakfast & Dinner, Daily
Sightseeing, Airport Taxes, Entrance Fees, Tips to Drivers and Guides, and
Fuel Surcharges
Which are subject to Change.
SEPTEMBER 1-12, 2014 $3,690.00
Spiritual Director: Fr. Alex Vargas
Brochure and registration form Parish Office Contact:
Mrs. Nora Tacoa
available on our website at:
Join our STM choir or Cantor!
You love to sing. You wonder how it would be to sing in a choir, right? Why not think
about joining the choir at St. Thomas More? Music is at the heart of our worship and
our choir is the heart of our music. No matter what your skill level, we hope you'll join
us in singing a variety of contemporary and traditional music each week during weekend
masses. Come to sing to the Lord!
If you are interesting in singing to the Lord, please join Nora Tacoa at our Soloist
Rehearsal every Friday at 6pm in Room 2 in the Faith Formation Building
Happy Father’s Day
Celebrate this Father’s Day by
giving your Father a gift to
Come visit our gift shop and
see all our new beautiful
Father’s Day items.
// Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity// June15th 2014
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church//
Train a child in the way he
should go, and when he is old
he will not turn from it
- Proverbs 22:6
Help our Youth Group Attend the
Stuebenville Conference!
The STM Youth Ministry will be going to the
Steubenville Florida Youth Catholic
Conference this summer in Orlando, FL. This is a 3
day spiritual event which includes guest speakers,
musicians, and presenters, as well as Mass,
reconciliation, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,
adoration, and much more. The Steubenville
Conference is intended to strengthen the faith of each
teen and give them a deeper understanding and love
for their Catholic faith. To sponsor a student from our
STM Youth Group “FUZE” please contact our
director Ms. Gabi Reel at
Full Sponsorship: $369.00
(Includes ticket, room, meals, transportation etc.)
Ticket Only: 169.00
Any Donation Helps
Come join St. Thomas More Preschool as we embark on summer
adventures. Say “Hello to Summer” as we join the
“Ocean Commotion,” before we become “Frozen.”
“Let’s Discover Science,” Let’s Play Sports,” and learn about other
cultures. These are a few of the themes the children will be
exploring. Part time and full time spaces are available,
as well as individual weeks.
Please call the school for more information.
561-737-3770 - 561-737-3736
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity// June 15th 2014
Our Clergy & Staff is proud to
invite you to our annual
Saint Thomas
be strong.
More Feast
- 1 Corinthians 16:13
Join us on July 13th at 12:30PM in the Parish Center
Each year our Parish celebrates the feast day of our patron
Saint Thomas More. Mark your calendars now and plan to join
us for a solemn mass followed by an evening of entertainment,
food, and fellowship in the Parish Center.
We are also in need of voulunteers to help out. If you are
interested then please contact Fanny Diaz at 561-737-3095.
Thank you!
Auditions for Talent Show
June 21st 1:00pm - 3:00pm
July 13th during the St. Thomas More Feast
after the 12:30 p.m. mass.
We are looking for singers, dancers, musicians, comedians, poets,
acrobats, and more to be a part of the show. , to sign up please contact
the Parish Office at (561) 737-3095, thank you, thank you very much.
Phone: _______________________________
Address: ______________________________
Date: _________________
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church//
Train a child in the way he
should go, and when he is old
he will not turn from it
- Proverbs 22:6
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity// June 15th 2014
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church//
Be on your guard;
Stand firm in the faith;
be men of courage;
be strong.
- 1 Corinthians 16:13
Faith Formation
Altar Server Registration Form
Phone: _______________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Date: _________________ Class: ___________________________
A thank you to everyone who was able
to join us for a truly wonderful and
inspirational experience through the
lenten sermon series.
And remember whether you were able or
unable to attend, or you would like to
rekindle the flame of your faith from home.
The three part sermon series by our
Pastor, Rev. Julian P. Harris is now available
for purchase on CD. Stop by the parish
office and get your copy today!
Women of God Ministry
The Women of God invite you to join them as they pray to
and study the word of Christ. This devout group of
women give for the better of God and our church.
They meet every Wednesday at 6:00pm to 7:00pm in the
// Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity// June15th 2014
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church//
Train a child in the way he
should go, and when he is old
he will not turn from it
- Proverbs 22:6
Would you like us to pray for you?
We make it simple through our app!
Here’s How:
1. Go to Google Play (Android) or
Apple App Store (Iphone)
2. Search for “Thomas More Church”
4. Click Download
5. Go to our Prayer Wall
6. Submit your prayers and let our priests
and parishioners pray for you or a loved one
Phone: __________________________
Address: _________________________
at 9:30 AM
It is that time of year again for our
semi-annual Season of Service. STM is in need of
volunteers to tend to the many housekeeping needs
of our church and campus. We are looking for
carpenters, electricians, handymen, cleaners, and
any helping hands willing to assist us!
Please check if you are gifted as a:
___ Carpenter ___ Electrician ___Handyman
___ Other:_____________________________
My Blessing Light
Candle Dispenser
Remember St. Thomas More in
your Last Will & Testament!
Located in the Saint Peregrine
Garden & Grotto. Get yours today
for a modest fee!
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity// June 15th 2014
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church//
Be on your guard;
Stand firm in the faith;
be men of courage;
be strong.
- 1 Corinthians 16:13
Festival St. Thomas More
Cada año nuestra parroquia celebra la festividad
de nuestro patrón Santo Tomás More. Marque su
calendario ahora y acompañenos para una misa
solemne seguida de una noche de entretenimiento,
comida y el compañerismo en el Centro Parroquial.
Julio después de la misa de las 12:30 pm
en el Centro Parroquial
Visite nuestra tienda de regalos
Queridos feligreses, por favor, no olvides visitar nuestra tienda
de regalos después de la misa de hoy para artículos religiosos
únicos, así como nuestros alquiler de videos semanales por sólo
$ 5.00! También recuerde que puede obtener
Copias de CD de nuestras homilías del fin de semana.
del 2014
Es el mayor alcance anual de la comunidad en el país, compartiendo el simple mensaje
y la misión de invitar a todos en Estados Unidos Volver a la iglesia. La campaña permite
a las iglesias y miembros de la iglesia con las herramientas que necesitan para dar la
bienvenida a sus vecinos, amigos y seres queridos de vuelta a la iglesia, al tiempo que
proporciona a los no creyentes una forma fácil de encontrar una iglesia acogedora en su
// Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity// June15th 2014