LY FREE WEEK e-mail: FREE WEEKLY Vol. 19, No. 4 THE ANACORTES, WASHINGTON FREE WEEKLY FREE WEEKLY FREE WEEKLY Thursday, February 26, 2015 — Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Kathy’s Upscale Resale Boutique ALL NEW PURSES • SHOES • CLOTHING 50% OFF SATURDAY, FEB. 28TH TREASURE HUNT Come See If You Can Find a Free Item NOTHING OVER $10 ROOM Junior to Plus • New Maternity • Over 2000 Items 360-588-0237 • 716 Commercial Ave, Anacortes • Mon. - Sat., 11am - 5:30pm OUR CLASSIFIEDS WORK - CALL 299-DIGG(3444) FOR ALL THE DETAILS Unidentified Photo Contest To win, be the first caller to identify this Clamdigger advertiser. By doing so, you will receive a certificate for ANY PIZZA OF CHOICE UP TO $14.99 VALUE from Papa Murphy’s Take ‘N’ Bake Pizza. Pick-up your prize. No deliveries! Call 299-DIGG (3444) AFTER NOON, Friday, Feb. 27th. Phone Calls Only, No Walk-Ins! Limit one win in a 52 week period. Last Week’s Winner: Don Campbell Last Week’s Answer: Nils Larsen Rolfing Clamdigger Index Animals & Pets ............................................... pg. 56 Arts & Crafts .................................................. pg. 17 Boats / Motors / Marine ............................. pg. 58-59 Business Announcements ..............................spg. 27 Clam Chat with Claudia ................................... pg. 65 Clam Kitchen ................................................... pg. 70 Classes & Workshops ..................................... pg. 30 Community Announcements .................... pgs. 8 - 15 Crossword ...................................................... pg. 62 Food & Drink................................................... pg. 70 Free ................................................................. pg. 19 Funny Money .................................................. pg. 34 Furniture/Appliances ....................................... pg. 59 Garage Sales ..................................................... pg. 4 Health & Fitness ..................................... pgs. 18 - 19 Help Wanted.................................................... pg. 25 Home Improvement ........................................ pg. 33 Lost & Found .................................................. pg. 27 Miscellaneous ................................................. pg. 54 Motorcycles/ATVs/Scooters .................................. 54 New This Week .............................................pgs. 4,8 Ongoing Events/Activities ............................... pg. 60 Open Sundays ................................................. pg. 42 Professional Services............................. pgs. 45 - 46 Real Estate ............................................. pgs. 72 - 73 Service Club Schedule .................................... pg. 52 Service Guide ......................................... pgs. 37 - 41 Special Sales & Discounts .............................. pg. 20 Sudoku............................................................ pg. 65 Tide Table ........................................................ pg. 65 Travel Trailers/Motorhomes/Access. ......................... Used Vehicles/Accessories.............................. pg. 54 Wanted............................................................ pg. 46 Work Wanted .................................................. pg. 25 2.58 acre BEAUTIFUL building site overlooking Hope Island! Priced to sell! $329,000! Call a Professional, Call Candy Cooper!” 27 Years Experience 360-588-0643 2 Anacortes Computer Services Garage Sales•Yard Sales• Estate Sales Data Recovery Virus & Spyware Removal Networking Repair’s Upgrades Service Multi-Family Yard Sale: Household, crafts, toys, homemade jewelry. 904 and 910 23rd St., Fri. & Sat., Feb. 27th & 28th and Sun., March 1st, 9am-4pm. Cash only. Rain cancels. Huge Tool Sale: Shipwright boat builder. Collection of fine woodworking tools, most antique, every type imaginable. Organized by “Mercantile”, Friday, 10am-2pm and Sat., 10am-noon. 1109 7th. Enter on alley. This is a once in a lifetime sale! 2/26 Moving Sale: Furniture, kitchenware, huge cookbook collection, plants. collectibles. Fri. & Sat., Feb. 27th & 28th, 9am-4pm, 2211 Cascade Ct., just off “D” and 23rd St. Moving Sale: 717 Fidalgo Ave., Feb. 27th - March 1st, 9am-5pm. Furniture, lift chair, table, hutch, household items, baby items and toys, antique items. Cash only. Estate Sale: Sat., Feb. 28th, 9am-2pm, 4223 Mitchell Dr., Stittwood. Everything goes Estate Sale: Sat., Feb. 28th, 9am-2pm, 4223 Mitchell Dr. Bedroom furniture, 50’s era dining set, bookcases, sewing machine, tools, canning, household To place your FREE Garage Sale ad here, call 299-3444. Ads must be received by noon on Monday, for the Thursday publication. Speciailizing in Custom Built Computer Systems to meet your needs Hours: Mon thru Fri 9:00 to 6:00 2316 31st Street Anacortes, WA 98221 360.588.0951 G A Rick Tolson In the computer industry since 1991 L L E R Y at the Framemaker Custom Picture Framing and Regional Fine Art 293-6938 420 Commercial Avenue ▲ Anacortes, WA 98221 Boshie Morris Custom Sewing 360-299-1414 1618 7th St. Anacortes, WA 98221 Marine / Residential Yacht Interiors • Cushions • Bedding Slipcovers • Pillows • Home Accessories Anderson Glass For all your glass and window replacement needs Shower doors, mirrors & screens Curtis Anderson Bus. 360-333-7661 2200 23rd St. Fax. 360-293-5107 Anacortes, WA 98221 Lic# ANDERG*942NA The friendliest offices in YOUR towns are there to serve YOU! Anacortes Oak Harbor 360-293-2135 360-240-9911 Reputation • Integrity • Service NEW THIS WEEK For Rent: Small 2 bedroom apartment. Utilities, cable, Wi-Fi, and furnishings all included. $250 weekly, $1,000 monthly. $300 deposit. Outside Oak Harbor. 360-540-1704 3/19 Estate Cleaner: Will haul off anything, everything or move your items. Dump fee required. Contact 360-421-7195. 3/19 Electronics: Fix or haul away. TVs, flatscreen, plasma, LCD. We haul for nothing. Contact 360-421-7195. 3/19 2005 Hewscraft 20’ Searunner, 150hp Yamaha with 252 hrs, 9.9 Yamaha 2 years old, radar, 2 GPSs with sonar, VHF/CB, AM/FM stereo, 2 electric Penn downriggers, 2 survival suits, EZ loader trailer with spare, more extras. Asking $29,000. 360-293-6385 or 360-708-6743 3/12 Arnold Joinery - Expert yacht carpentry and refit specialist. Classic boat repair and refinish at reasonable rates., 360391-4346 4/2bo For Rent: Heatherwood Apartments, 2102 Commercial. 1 bedroom, $695. 2 bedroom newly remodeled with dishwasher, microwave, $895. Off street parking. Call 360-293-1336. 3/19 Sweetgrass Massage Studio - $35 for 60 minutes. Located downtown Anacortes is now accepting weekend appointments. Please contact Merlinda to schedule your appointment today! 360-540-4488 3/26ba/h&f Beautiful Thomasville 88” couch, celery green fabric and sleeper as well, $300. Two smaller brown leather recliners, $100 each. On a scale of 1-10, these are a 9. Bob, 425-417-9096 3/19 CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 BOXES and BEARS We have the largest selection of jigsaw puzzles and the games you love Stop by and pick up some fun! Open 9 to 5 Wed. thru Sat., 11-3 on Sunday 709 Commercial Avenue • 299-9593 (DUO\'HWHFWLRQ6DYHV/LYHV +DYH\RXKDG\RXU PDPPRJUDPWKLV\HDU" 7KH$PHULFDQ&DQFHU6RFLHW\UHFRPPHQGVWKDWZRPHQ DJHDQGROGHUVKRXOGKDYHDQDQQXDOPDPPRJUDP 3HUIRUPLQJPRQWKO\EUHDVWVHOIH[DPLQDWLRQDQG KDYLQJUHJXODUFOLQLFDOEUHDVWH[DPLQDWLRQVLVDOVR DQLPSRUWDQWSDUWRI\RXUEUHDVWKHDOWK 0DNH<RXU$SSRLQWPHQW7RGD\ [O:[(UHJVY[LZ ^^^PZSHUKOVZWP[HSVYN Advantage Window Coverings D. HERMSTAD CONSTRUCTION “The Herminator” Mini Blinds • Honeycomb Shades • Shutters Luminettes • Verticals • Pleated Shades Wood Blinds • Silhouettes • Solar Shades Woven Woods • Vignettes • Repairs NO JOB TOO SMALL! Cabinets Windows • Doors Decks • Fences And More! HunterDouglas Dealer Highest Quality • Personalized ServiceHighest Quality • Personalized Service Best Prices Remodels • Custom Work Shop Service as well Free Home Estimate “We’ll Bring the Showroom to you.” Linda James Serving Anacortes since 1994. 360.293.0384 Cell 360.708.4452 (360) 299-8977 Lic. #dhermc* 991MO Anacortes, WA Scalibut Cakes! A deliciously rich combination of Alaskan Scallops and Alaskan Halibut, with hand selected herbs and spices. 6 / 3 oz. cakes with dipping sauce only $34.99 Smoked Salmon Trio Taste, compare and enjoy three varieties of smoked salmon Smoked King - Very moist, mild, succulent flavor Smoked Sockeye - Rich red color, robust flavor Smoked Pink - Light, delicate flavor Price of Trio only $35.99 / A $20.98 SAVINGS SeaBear Smokehouse- 605 30th Street Anacortes 360-230-1082 and at “Fresh from the sea at 30th and “T”! NEW THIS WEEK The United Methodist Church of Anacortes Join us for Sunday Worship Services 9:00 am Contemporary Worship & Children’s Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Worship Service Nurseryavailableforbothservices Cornerof22&HAve.•(360)293-0604•PastorRichFeagin SNIP ‘N’ SAIL HAIRCUTS FOR MEN SKYLINE MARINA 2013 SKYLINE WAY ANACORTES, WA 98221 PHONE: (360) 588-0838 Mon & Fri - 10-2 Tues-Wed-Thurs - 10-6 WALK-INS WELCOME ANACORTES DENTAL CARE dr. dave olausen, ddS • Voted Best dentist in anacortes 2011 • Complete, Gentle, Quality Care for the whole Family • Great, Caring, and professional staff • new patients always welcome. most insurance welcome 360-293-2000 • 1302 8th St., Anacortes, WA 98221 For Rent: 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fenced yard, 1043 square feet, gas heat. 5904 Sunset Ave. Neutered dogs. $995. 360-588-1414 3/19 For Rent: 400 square foot warehouse available immediately. $450 plus $450 deposit. Water available. Very clean, walk-in door. 360-588-1414 3/19 Building Lot for Sale: Prime subdivision. 9851 square feet near airport, next to 2108 Pennsylvania Court, Anacortes. $174,500. Contact 360707-8724 3/19 Research assistant/writer/editor wanted for small Anacortes publisher of nonfiction books. Part-time, flexible schedule. Hourly rate; employee is independent contractor. Applicants need editing experience; proofreading skills; research skills (internet); familiarity with Macs. Interest in history and some knowledge of French a plus. Experience in marketing desirable. Send or email cover letter and resume to: Cave Art Press, 13589 Clayton Lane, Anacortes, WA 98221; 3/12 Call Fidalgo Mobile Repair: Specializing in Toro, Husquavarna, Craftsman, MTD, John Deere, Troybilt. For all your riding or walk behind mower needs. Engines: Briggs & Stratton, Kawasaki, Honda, Kohler and Tecumseh. Ask for Patrick, 360-840-8765. See at Skagit Craigslist skilled trades. 3/19 1008 5th. Street. Street front commercial rental available now. 850 sq. ft. with private restroom. Lots of parking. Contact Kathy 360-293-6938. 3/19 Beth’s House Cleaning Services - Homes, boats, RV’s. I do it all! 11 years experience. Call for immediate scheduling. Licensed, bonded, insured, local. Call Elisabeth, 520-298-7922. 3/5 Chair Caning - Hand caning, rush, Danish seat cord. 37 years experience. Carla, 360-746-8298 8/27 Community AnnounCements Anacortes Newcomers Plus will meet at 10am on Monday, March 2nd, in the Anacortes First Baptist Church’s Fellowship Hall, 2717 “J” Avenue. The speaker of the day will be Elaine York, whose subject will be the history of the hula dance, and she will also give a demonstration. For further info call Pat at 293-3483. Everyone welcome. Anacortes Farmers Market - Open in Winter! 2nd Saturdays, JanuaryApril. Next market dates - March 14th and April 11th, 9am-2pm, at The Depot, 7th and “R” Ave. 4/9 Free memory screenings will be held on Tuesday, Mar. 3 from 9 to 11 a.m. in the Island Health Resource Center at Island Hospital, 1211 24th St., Anacortes. This series of questions and tasks designed to test memory, language and other intellectual functions can help determine if you are suffering from memory loss. Appointments required, please call 299-1367. Anacortes Sister Cities Association (ASCA) invites public to their next monthly meeting at 7 pm on Thursday, March 5th at the Anacortes Public Library. Drs. Tim and Michaela Bertch will discuss a coast to coast driving tour of Ireland from the streets of Dublin on the East coast, through counties south along the shores to Galway in the West. The experiences of staying in bed and breakfast establishments and renting cottages on 8 Community Announcements the sea will be covered as well as tours of ancient ruins, and unexpected surprises along the way. Support group for parents and children of any age struggling with alcohol or chemical additions. Join other parents at the Youth Dynamics building at 2410 “J” Ave. at 6:30pm each 1st and 3rd Monday of the month starting March 2nd. Questions? Beth, 360-840-3256 3/26 “Like” new Facebook page “SKAGIT AREA GARDENERS” to post garden club programs and events, gardening related items for sale, questions, etc.! For info call Mary Lou Childs, 299-8280. 3/5 Transition Fidalgo Skill Share Workshop series: “Vegetable Growing in Skagit County”, Tuesday, March 3, in the meeting room of the Anacortes Library, 7:00-8:30 p.m. WSU professor Carol Miles will help beginner and advanced organic gardeners decide what to grow and how to increase productivity. Get your questions answered. New Anacortes Kiwanis Scholarships: Applications are due April 17 for Anacortes Sunrisers scholarships, which are being offered for the first time to students who have been previous Sunrisers scholarship winners, and who are continuing their education after high school. Special consideration is given to students who are returning to interrupted studies, and will include those attending a vocational/technical school. Applications for these two $1,000 scholarships are available through the Anacortes High School website. Skagit Topic Presentation - Bret Lunsford of the Anacortes Museum will present a talk and slide show on the life and times of early Anacortes photographer and entrepreneur, Lance Burdon. Burdon’s subjects include canneries, salmon fishermen, and Anacortes street scenes, as well as early farm practices on Fidalgo Island. A book titled, “Lance Burdon – A Photographic Journey” will be available for sale. The Museum is located at 501 S. 4th Street, La Conner. For more info call 360-466-3365 or visit Hard Times: Hank Cramer Sings of the Great Depression - The 1930s were an era of hard times across America. People wrote and sang about what they experienced, and left us a rich legacy of folk songs dealing with poverty and dislocation, often tinged with hope and humor. Folksinger, historian, cowboy poet, and traveling musician, Hank Cramer will perform at the Oak Harbor Library on Monday, March 9 at 6:30 PM. Free. The library is located at 1000 SE Regatta Drive. Visit or call 360-675-5115 for more information. USPS Cruising and Cruise Planning Course will be taught by Skagit Bay Sail & Power Squadron at Anacortes Marina, Mondays and Wednesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., March 30 to April 29. Covers cruise preparation and planning, boat and equipment, anchors and anchoring, security, chartering, cruising outside the United States, crew and provisioning, voyage management, communications, navigation, weather emergencies. Cost is $150, or $175 for two sharing a book. Contact Bob Miller, 360-588-9950 or bobmillerwa@hotmaiLcom. Registration closes March 10. 3/5 HOMESCHOOLERS: Free good condition educational books available at the FriendShop Bookstore located in the lobby of the Anacortes Public Library. For appointment to view, please call 293-4149. The 2015 Writers’ Forum will be on Saturday, February 28, 1-3pm in the meeting room at the Anacortes Public Library, 1220 10th St. The event CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 Kathy’s Upscale Resale Boutique NEW purses, shoes, clothing Trendy Plus Sizes & Maternity Pre-Teen & Junior Racks NOTHING OVER $10 ROOM 716 Commercial • 360-588-0237 • Open Mon-Sat. 11-5:30 ROCK FISH GRILL LOCAL FOOD LOCAL BEER MADE HERE Open Daily at 11:00 320 Commercial Avenue (360) 588-1720 13 Time Winner Best of Anacortes! LARRY RESTORES Quality Furniture and Wood Restoration/Repair Larry Heiner PO Box 979 Anacortes, WA 98221 • Pianos • Tables • Cabinets • Dressers • Chairs • Much more Superior quality custom built furniture upon request Phone: 360-428-7846 Email: 3218 R Avenue, Suite A Anacortes, WA 98221 (360)299-8999 Passionately Loving God ... Genuinely Loving People Every Sunday - 10:00 AM 1319 35th Street • (360) 293-4475 West on “M” Ave & West on 35th St. • Pastor Dwight Woodruff Wednesdays this Lent Welcome to the Greek Islands Greek Islands restaurant Join us at 6pm in the fellowship hall for Lenten reflections on Feasting & Fasting with music, scripture, & communion. Greek Island Restaurant brings you one of the best diets in the world, authentic Greek cuisine, made with fresh ingredients everyday. The owners Anna and Manolis take great pride in serving and cooking for the city of Anacortes. Followed by a Soup & Bread Supper . Tuesday-Saturday: 11-2 and 4-8 Closed Sunday and Monday As a small family business, we thank you very much for your patronage. Westminster Presbyterian Church 1300 9th St | 360-293-3880 CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 293-6911 • 2001 Commercial Ave. Experience and Expertise Beth Bell Design Consultant Check it Out! Beth has been serving the community since 1999 with her comprehensive technical k n ow l e d g e, o u t s ta n d i n g design abilities and an unyielding passion for customer service. Call for a FREE in home consultation. EasyYear & Beautiful Made Affordable 30 Anniversary Sale Your One Stop Shop for... Thank you friends and neighbors for choosing us for over 30 years! Cabinets, Countertops, Hardwood, Carpet, Tile & Stone, To celebrate, we have two fabulousPaint, offers for you. Fashions Vinyl, Laminate, Designer Window Island View School 2501 J Avenue, Anacortes $30 Carpet Installation, a FREE Cushion with any In-stock FACTORYorDIRECT PRICING Purchase Ask for Details! Huge Carpet Savings on Warehouse Inventory 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Kid’s Place, Nursery and Toddler Care will be available at both services. Store Info: Always a Place for You! 400 W Fir Street Mount Vernon, WA 98273 800-735-7193 360-336-6533 Check us out on the web at 10 Community Announcements con’t is free and open to the public and will include a panel discussion and a question and answer period. Featured authors include Reanne Hemingway-Douglas, Wendy Lynn Clark, and Sandra Pollard, and topics range from sailing adventures, romance in the San Juan Islands and preserving orcas in our waters. Sponsored by the Anacortes Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), the Anacortes Public Library and Watermark Book Company. Soroptimist International of Anacortes and Fidalgo Island are again coming together for a “Day of Service” to support the Island Prenatal Clinic. Stop by the Market or Walgreens on Saturday, March 21st from 9am-3pm where we will be gathering donations of new baby items. Most needed are baby blankets, diapers, ointment, baby powder and wipes. Cash donations also accepted. To donate before March 21st bring your items to the Soroptimist Thrift Shop, 1107 3rd Street on Tuesdays or Fridays during open hours. Questions contact Carol Garner at 293-6615. March Programs for adults at the Library: TECHNOLOGY: TechWise Tuesdays @ the Library. Tuesdays, Mar. 3, 10, 24, 31, 10am–12noon. Hands-on technology help is available on a drop-in basics for: downloading ebooks and audiobooks, learning computer basics for beginners, trying new software or internet applications, signing up for Microsoft IT Academy.Bring your own mobile device or laptop. Android Devices (Galaxy, Windows Surface, Google Nexus, etc.) Except Kindle Fire Devices - Tues., Mar. 17, 10am–12noon. Designed for beginners, this class covers the fundamentals of using an Android device including: downloading library ebooks and audiobooks, downloading an app, getting the most out of your device. Open only to Android devices except Kindle Fire users; limited to 20 seats. Registration is required at 360-293-1910 x21. WEDNESDAY EVENING PROGRAMS: Holland in the Spring- Wed., Mar. 4, 7pm. A visit to Holland with avid travelers and amateur photographers Jim and Elaine Walker. 100 Years in Anacortes Parks - Wed., Mar. 11, 7pm. Through historic images, Anacortes Museum Educator Bret Lunsford and Washington Park Manager Bob Vaux highlight the creation of the Anacortes Parks Board in 1914 and the development of our incredible parks and more. The North Cascades - Wed., Mar. 18, 7pm. Bill Dietrich, lead author of the Mountaineers Books collaboration The North Cascades, discusses this book and the North Cascades range and its future. Orca Tribes of the Salish Sea - Wed., Mar. 25, 7pm. Orca Network co-founder Howard Garrett discusses our two resident communities and how they have been completely distinct and separate from each other. MUSIC PROGRAMS: Second Sunday Jazz, Mar. 8, 2-3:30pm -- Mark Lewis Trio. Free live performance; details at Acoustic Music in the Library - 3rd Sunday, Mar. 15, 2-2:30pm -- Ann Falk, 3rd Tuesday, Mar. 17, 6:30-7pm -- Ben Starner. Enjoy soft background music performed on our baby grand piano or the performer’s acoustic instrument. Musicians interested in playing may inquire at the desk. Listening Like a Jazz Musician Series - Fridays, Mar. 6, 13, 20 & 27, 7pm. Jazz musician Todd Anderson highlights the essentials of jazz, including influential artists and their contributions and more. MARITIME SPEAKER SERIES: Puget Sound Pilots, Sat., Mar. 21, 4pm. Captain Edmund Marmol, a Puget Sound pilot, shows you what it’s like through the eyes of a pilot in a presentation that includes time-lapse videos and a PowerPoint overview of the piloting profession. Programs are free and open to the public. Questions? 360-293-1910 x21 or library. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 11 Studio 29 Inc. A Full Service Salon 360.299.2929 911 29th St. Anacortes, WA 98221 2719 Commercial Avenue Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 293-4053 The & COFFEE Donut DONUTS ESPRESSO House PASTRIES OPEN 24 HOURS - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Proud to be your Donut House! Relax z Rejuvenate z Restore Sarah Nicodemus, LMP (360) 202-7252 Therapeutic massage customized for you! 902 28th Street Lic. MA00009874 Just Call Brad HANDYMAN SERVICES Serving Anacortes and Fidalgo Island since 2005 360-333-1430 Licensed, Bonded, Insured #JUSTCCB946BC Arvin’s Pressure Washing & Window Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning • Siding • Concrete 360-941-6973 Bonded & Insured Lic#ARVINPW881QN Adb alice Bohnker Insurance Services, llC • HealtH INSURaNCe • Medical • Dental • life • waSHINgtoN HealtH plaN fINDeR • for employer group and Individuals free Quotes • free Review of Your Current plan 2517-B Commercial ave. anacortes, wa 98221 360-588-8302 alice D. Bohnker licensed Insurance agent A New Concept in Automotive Service Your One Stop for Service and Repair! 1012 12th St. Anacortes (360) 293-8882 Brakes, engines, exhaust, electrical, tune-ups, transmissions, scheduled maintenance, heating, air conditioning, fuel injection service, gas and diesel. “The Official Site” Medical Marijuana Authorizaton Anacortes, Oak Harbor, Mount Vernon, Bellingham & Seattle 360-422-3623 Autobody & Accessories FREE ESTIMATES Insurance authorized direct repair shop (360) 293-8080 1013 10th St, Suite A, Anacortes Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-3pm WALK-INS WELCOME 630-8816 2011 COMMERCIAL AVE. Community Announcements con’t The Soroptimist Thrift Shop will be open on the following Saturdays: March 7, April 4, May 2 and June 6 from 10am-4pm. All proceeds from sales on these Saturdays will be donated to the American Cancer Society (Anacortes Relay for Life). Shop at 1107 3rd Street on these dates and join us in the fight against cancer! Bay View Women’s Run & Walk, 10k, 5k, 2 mile fun run/walk, will be held May 16. Registration 8:00-9:30am. For more info go to New Venue! Padilla Bay Interpretive Center, Bay View, WA Animals as Natural Therapy (ANT) invites you to an enchanting evening at the 5th annual “A Night of Mystery” fundraising event taking place on Saturday, March 7th at the Silver Reef Event Center. Help solve the horse heist whodunit mystery when ANT’s own mini-horses Toby and Persephone disappear during the evening’s festivities. The $85 ticket includes dinner, wine, fun raffles, intriguing silent and live auctions, live music and dancing. For more info visit Children’s Library Programs: Tots Storytime begins March 4, and will be held in the Library Community Meeting Room at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. Designed for children birth to 36 months and their caregivers. Preschool Storytime takes place in the Children’s Library on Thursdays at 11:15 a.m. Designed for 3 to 5 year-old children and includes stories, rhymes, learning activities, and more. Legos in the Library! Join Ria most Sunday afternoons 2 to 4 p.m. for her special Legos Building Club. Children ages 5-12 (younger with adult supervision) meet in the Children’s Library to create masterpieces from Legos. We provide everything you need, so do not bring Legos from home. Teen Programs - Youth in grades 7-12 join Ria most Wednesdays at 2:45 to 4 p.m. in the Activity Room. There will be assorted fun projects, including arts & crafts programs, preparation for various library programs, and other cool activities. Family Reading Night - Join our guest reader, Sherry Chavers, in the Children’s Library at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17 for special St. Patrick’s stories. Our Children’s Librarian, Mr. Doug, will also share a fun story from Ireland. Each child in attendance will receive a free hardback book to take home. Made possible by Jeane Thomson Read ‘n’ Grow and is organized by Anacortes Public Library, Read Me a Story, and Watermark Book Co. Tales for Tails - Made possible by Dogs on Call and held from 1-2 p.m. on the 2nd Saturday of the month in the Children’s Library. Children read to a dog in the comfort of the Children’s Library. Dates include March 14, and April 11, and May 9.All programs are free of charge and registration is not necessary. Call the Children’s Library at (360) 293-1910, ext. 28 for more information. Anacortes Sailing Team Grades 8-12: Last chance to register for co-ed racing Mon, Tues, Thurs 2:45-5:30 practices and racing Saturdays, some Sundays, throughout the Pacific Northwest. No experience needed to sail in FJ two person dinghies. Contact Lisa at 3/11 The Skagit Conservation District is accepting pre-orders for its native plant sale, which will be held on Saturday March 28 from 9 a.m. to 1 pm. No minimum order is required. Get the order form at or by calling 360-428-4313. Saving Pets One at a Time (SPOT) seeks donation items or sponsors for our 6th Annual Dinner and Auction on February 28th, Saint Joseph Center, 215 N. 15th St, Mount Vernon. Doors open at 5PM. Advance tickets $35, at the door $40. SPOT helps homeless and abandoned 12 Community Announcements con’t cats and dogs find “forever” homes. To make a donation or purchase tickets call 360-336-5388. Tickets are also available at Chuckanut Valley Veterinary Clinic, 530 N. Burlington Blvd and Doggie Come Play at 530 N. Burlington Blvd. Please visit our web-site at 20th Annual Black Cat Auction HSSV, Early bird tickets $35 until March 5. Get at or the Shelter Thrift Store. Volunteers needed. Donations needed. If you can help, please call Ellie at 360-610-0261 or email humane@ 3/26 There is a new Amateur Radio (HAM) Club in Anacortes. We are the Skagit Amateur Emergency Radio Communications Club (SAERCC) and we meet on the first Monday of the month at 6:30PM in the Fidalgo room at Island Hospital. We also teach classes leading to a HAM ticket. If you are a HAM or would like to explore becoming one please feel free join us. For more information please call Ann Marie, KF7WMN at 293-1087 or Bill, W4JQK at 293-8509. 2/26 Kiwanis Sunrisers Scholarships: Applications must be mailed and postmarked by March 11th for Anacortes Kiwanis Sunrisers scholarships. Scholarships will be awarded for those pursuing a 2 or 4 year college or university program, and for those seeking a certificate in an accredited vocational or technical field. Awards range from $500 to $1,000. Anacortes High School (AHS) students are eligible to apply. Requirements, descriptions, and applications for these scholarships are available through the Anacortes School District web site. Kiwanis Sunrisers awarded eleven scholarships to AHS students last year; a similar number are available this year. The Anacortes Branch of the American Association of University Women is offering a $2,000 and $1,000 scholarship to women who are entering or completing an undergraduate degree program, a vocational certification program, or taking courses beyond the undergraduate level in preparation for an advanced degree. The woman must either be an AHS Graduate or have resided on Fidalgo or Guemes Island for the last 3 years. Applications can be submitted online or by mail and obtained from: AAUW Anacortes Branch email: • AAUW Anacortes Branch website: • ANACORTES PUBLIC LIBRARY (paper version). Applications questions contact: Nelle Jacobson, AAUW Scholarship Chair or 360299-0429 leave message. Applications must be post marked by 5pm April 10th. FREE INCOME TAX PREPARATION - The Anacortes Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) prepares and e-Files returns for low and middle income households and individuals. At the Anacortes First Baptist Church 2717 J Ave., Mon thru Fri 9am - 4pm, and at the Goodwill Mt Vernon Training Center (on the N side of the Goodwill Store parking lot) 102 Valley Mall Way, Tue thru Thu 3-7 pm. through Apr. 15. Mt. Vernon can prepare returns in Spanish. Stop by our site during open hours CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 13 Lic # STEVEEI963JR Little Sparrows Class 2 1/2-3 1/2 yr. olds 9am - 12noon Mon-Fri Choose 2-5 days a week! Red Robin Class 3-5 yr. olds 9am - 1pm Mon-Fri Choose 2-5 days a week! Pre-K PM Eagles • 1-3pm NOW OPEN Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Through the Garden Gate Preschool Full Bar/Bistro Enjoy offers a full morning program in a beautiful natural setting to help your 2 1/2-5 yr. old child grow into a happy, curious, individual full of the joy of learning! • Joyful, happy teachers with over 30 years combined teaching experience! • Gardens, fruit trees and a nature pond are part of your child’s daily adventure in learning. “The big yellow school” 2611 Oakes Ave. Anacortes, WA 360-299-1182 Visa/Mastercard Winter HAPPY HOUR IS THE BEST HOUR 3:30-6:30 daily • Savory and Sweet Selections • Stunning Views • Friendly Service ANACORTES Ship Harbor Inn Call today for registration information Espresso 7am-10pm Bistro 12-10pm 5316 Ferry Terminal Road • 360-293-5177 AELP Member 14 Community Announcements con’t to get a checklist of tax forms and information you will need. Drop-ins only, no appointments. for inquires. AARP Tax-Aide, offered in cooperation with the IRS, is partnering with Sno-Isle Libraries to bring free tax help to Oak Harbor. On Mondays and Tuesdays thru April 7, trained volunteers will help with tax return preparation and e-filing at the Oak Harbor Library for taxpayers with low and moderate income. Appointments are not required but are highly recommended. Please call 360-678-3000 to schedule an appointment and to get more information. The Library is located at 1000 SE Regatta Drive. Visit or call 360-675-5115. Swedish Pancake Breakfast, 37th Year, 7am-12pm on the third Saturday of the month. Includes Strawberries, Syrup, Ham, Coffee, Tea or Milk and ALL THE PANCAKES YOU CAN EAT. Adults $7, Children 7-10 $4, Children 6 and under FREE. VASA Lodge 1805 Cleveland St. Mt Vernon. Volunteers Needed at Thrifty Kitty. You can make a difference for the cats in our community! Volunteers are needed at our thrift shop, Thrifty Kitty. All proceeds from Thrifty Kitty support the Cat’s Meow, our local cat adoption center. We are currently filling shifts on Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 2-5pm, and Saturday mornings from 11 am2pm. For more info, call the Cat’s Meow at 588-9900 or go to www. Volunteer applications are also available in the shop at 1003 8th Street. OpenTues, Wed, Fri. and Sat. from 11am-5pm. Dress You for Success! Soroptimist International Thrift Shop at 1107 3rd St. will assist in selecting up to four complete FREE outfits and give helpful interview guidelines for individuals who are in transition, preparing for job or college interviews. Please phone the shop at 293-7251 any Tuesday or Friday morning for an appointment or stop by during working hours for application. Tues. 1:30-8pm, Fri.,11am-8pm. Kathy’s Upscale Resale Boutique sells new and name brand resale, sizes pre-teen to 3x as well as maternity. I have a special program for women and teen girls in need. I am not in a position to give alot, but I know every little bit helps. Call 360-588-0237, 716 Commercial, Anacortes. Open Monday - Saturday 11am-5:30pm. 15 “Responsible Repairs” Highest Quality Parts 3319 Commercial • 360-293-4188 IHI ISLAND HOME IMPROVEMENT Renovations Jim Owen Repairs Remodels Contact us for a free estimate: (360) 333-7455 License # ISLANHI952J8 !!"#$ Greene’s Gun Shop & Outdoor Pistol Range Stocking Guns & Supplies Black Powder Guns & Accessories North end of Whidbey Island 675-3421 Thursday - Friday - Saturday 10am-5pm equipment and party rentals Mirrors • Furniture Rugs • Home Décor We rent equipment for all your gardening and construction needs. 10% off one item with this ad VOTED 2010 AND 2011 Best Rentals Service in Anacortes 2615 Commercial Ave. 938 Fountain Street, Burlington 360-757-2195 Mon - Fri. 7:30am - 5pm • Sat 8am - 5pm 360-293-3161 M-F 9am-6pm, Sat 10am-5pm 16 ARTS & CRAFTS MARCh FIRST FRIDAy GALLERy WALk - Friday, March 6 from 6 – 9 pm. Participating are: Anne Martin McCool Gallery, Burton Jewelers, City Hall, Scott Milo Gallery, and The Majestic Inn and Spa. 902 28th Street Treating illness, cultivating wellness. Dr. Alethea Fleming Naturopathic Physician Accepting new patients ages 18–110. 360-630-3022 - Accepting Regence, Premera & Lifewise SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE ANACORTES HEALTH & NUTRITION 1020 7th St, Anacortes • 360-293-8849 FREE SHAKER with any Garden of Life purchase! Organic & Vegan! SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE Scott Milo Gallery presents a collection of work by gallery artists that represents “Nostalgia”, in many forms, whether it be old trucks and barns, old signs, or other collections of items from days gone by. We are featuring photographs on canvas by Dick Garvey, oil still lifes by Melissa Jander, color photographs by Lewis Jones, oils by Lorna Libert and pastels and oils by Donna Trent. We always have a great selection of jewelry, glass work, sculptures and tables! Come see the new collection coaster and scarf designs by Jennifer Bowman. The Opening Reception is Friday, March 6 from 6-9pm. Business Hours – We are open Monday through Saturday 10:30am – 4:30 pm, and closed Sundays or by appointment. Note our email address: Visit our online gallery at or like us on Facebook/Scott Milo Gallery. HEALTH & FITNESS February Special - Sweetgrass Massage Studio. Two 60 minute massages for $65. Treat yourself and pay it forward to someone special. Please contact Merlinda at 360-540-4488. Schedule your appointment today! 2/26 MASSAGE ***$55/hr, $80/1.5 hrs, $110/2 hrs*** (first visit only). Open 7 days - evening too. Chair massage for events; call to discuss. Book online @ Facebook/cozycove or or call/text Carla Meyers: 360-333-1850. Lic# MA60326028 2/26 Unstoppable Personal Training Studio - 360-840-8481, 1005 Commercial Ave., next to license dept. Get in shape for the New Year. Free fitness assessment. 3/26 Private Pilates equipment sessions by appointment. Mat classes available starting in January. Please contact Carly at POP Anacortes Affordable Acupuncture, 360-202-5600, www. Acupuncture treats stress, back and neck pain and much more. $30-$50 sliding scale. Gift certificate available. 3/26/15 DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE always feels RIGHT, because you control the amount of pressure! Say goodbye to headaches, neck, back and shoulder pains. Improve your posture and range of motion. Your muscles will THANK you. I am a preferred provider for YOUR Personal Insurance, L&I claims, and Auto accidents, with 20 years of experience, SHANNON WALTER LMP 360-333-8361. MA06202 Island Hospital specializes in healthcare to meet your personal needs. Throughout the year, they offer a variety of health classes as part of its ongoing community-education program. Check the classes section of the Clamdigger to see what is currently offered. Naturopathic doctors are primary care physicians who have extra training in preventative care. We use treatments including food, exercise, stress reduction, herbs, prescription medications and more. Many insurances cover naturopathic care. Come experience the difference of having enough time to really talk with your doc and find medicine that works for you. Dr. Alethea Fleming, ND Vital Aging Clinic 902 28th St. 360-630-3022, www Pilates classes. Linda McNamar, Pilates Instructor and Personal Trainer. 293-5023. NOW OPEN - Anacortes Natural Medicine. Accepting new members/patients. Treating medical conditions with organic, tested cannabis. 360-588-6222. “A cannabis collective coop.” Anacortes Hearing Center wants to help you maintain your hearing health! We offer: complete hearing evaluations, hearing aid sales, programming adjustments, professional cleanings and repairs. Call today for a complimentary hearing screening, 360-588-1956. Holly Kennedy, Au.D, your local independent Doctor of Audiology. RECONNECT FITNESS Activate • Train • Perform Muscle Activation Techniques® (MATTM) Certified Specialists Increase mobility, agility and stability by assessment and correction of muscular imbalances. Personal Training Increase muscular strength and endurance. Sports Performance Training Become the athlete you dream to be. Kurt Kobs ACE Certified Personal Trainer Ginger Kobs RN BSN ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer 360-202-3522 • 18 HEALTH & FITNESS cont. Acupuncture is available in Anacortes! You can be well. Come visit Ellen Geary at her new location at 1005 7th St. Lotus Natural Health, 2933461. Insurance accepted. Rolfing® Structural Integration improves mobility, balance and energy while reducing pain and stiffness. Nils Larsen, Certified Advanced Rolfer®, 360-293-5866 NL FOUNDATION MASSAGE THERAPY - 902 28th Street. Therapeutic relaxation and deep tissue massage customized to fit your treatment needs and comfort level. Sarah Nicodemus, LMP (360) 202-7252 Lic#MA00009874 PRIVATE FITNESS TRAINING. “We personalize your program”! Strength & Cardio training with nutritional guidance to help you achieve YOUR goals! Lose body fat, gain strength, Live healthier. FREE consultation. Training for teens to older adults. Kurt Kobs, ACE Trainer; Ginger Kobs, RN, BSN, ISSA Trainer. Specialists in Older Adult Fitness. 360-202-3522 Omega 3’s are essential for good skin, clear mind and a healthier body. Wild salmon is one of the best known sources for Omega 3 fatty acids. Open 7 days a week. SeaBear Smokehouse Store, 605 30th St., 360230-1082. ADDICTIONS GOT YOU DOWN? Smart Recovery self help group may be the answer. Call Howard Pellett, 360-293-8128 for further information. 12/31/15 We know it hurts, and we can help! Gateway Chiropractic Center. Great care with great results! Difficult cases welcome. Call for your appointment today. 982-2881 We’ve Moved! TARA Nurturing Massage Therapy Doors open Feb. 24th, 1412 10th St., Anacortes, WA Call for your appointment! 360-421-0478. Book your appointment online! http://www styleseat. com/taramilasswenson. FREE FREE: Used plywood panels, 3/8” and 5/8”. Good utility purposes. You haul. Anacortes area. 206-290-8418 3/5 FREE: Armoire bookcase, great condition. 360-770-5813 2/26 FREE: Boxes, 4;x4’x6’. Extra strong. Great playhouse or storage. U-haul. 360-840-6955 3/12 FREE: Moving Cartons 360-421-5676 3/12 FREE: 3 large shipping boxes. Great for moving. Double-walled Uline boxes. Two 4x2x2, one 21/2x2x2. Call 293-6357. 3/19 FREE: 6 person hot tub with cover. New heater. You haul. 293-4885 3/19 FREE: Hospital bed. 293-7634 3/19 Looking for a FREE pet? See the Animal/Pet section. Are you giving away something for FREE? If so, it is FREE to advertise it in the Clamdigger. Give us a call at 299-3444 or drop your ad by 1811 Commercial Ave. Deadline is Friday at 4pm for following Thursday issue. Peter L. Redburn, D.C. 982-2881 Gateway Chiropractic Center 1101 8th Street, Suite B Anacortes, WA 98221 for the Anacortes “Look green cross” Natural Medicine Organic tested medicine 7656 State Route 20 at Sharps Corner, Anacortes 360-588-6222 Medical Cannabis Collective Co-op deep tissue massage Shannon Walter LMP 360-333-8361 619 Commercial Ave. #14 INSURANCE ACCEPTED Foot & Toenail Care by Certified Foot Care Nurse Donna Smith, RN, CFCN 19 MA06202 360-708-9489 crnc. SPECIAL SALES & DISCOUNTS Nick Stowe Carolyn Moulton 360-588-1676 cell 360-791-5409 210 Commercial Ave. Anacortes, WA 98221 Specializing in full-service residential & commercial grounds care programs since 1990. Licensed & Bonded Free Estimates LIC # PACIFSL990PE 360-708-8018 Steve McKay Soroptimist Thrift Shop 1107 3rd St, Anacortes, WA 98221 360-293-7251• Store Hours: Tues. 2:00 till 8:00 pm Fri. 11 am till 8:00 pm Donation Hours: Tues. & Fri. 7:00 am till 5:00 pm Soroptimist International of Anacortes FULL SERVICE PRINTING 1811 Commercial Ave. ◆ Anacortes phone 293-2131 ◆ fax 293-8373 Claudia Carabba Mind Your Body Therapies CMHT, LMT, NLP, CLBLT, RMT 1015 6th Street, Suite 103 • Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 708-4441 MA 00013957 Load your freezer with premium wild salmon fillets direct from local fishermen! Riptide Seafoods is selling 10 pound boxes of flash-frozen, vacuum-sealed fillets from wild King, Sockeye, and Coho salmon. Our fish were caught, cared for, and hand-selected by local fishermen to ensure that our customers receive the highest quality seafood available. All of our fish are harvested from local waters, immediately bled and iced, and professionally processed into perfectly sized portions. Minimum order of 10 pounds. Purchase 50 pounds or more and receive a %10 discount and an awesome Riptide Seafoods t-shirt. This is what the fishermen eat! Coho Salmon fillets: $10.00/lb. Sockeye Salmon fillets: $12.00/lb. King Salmon fillets: $14.00/lb. Call Matt at 206-730-0786 to order while supplies last! Movie Monday at H20 features a film favorite on our giant HD screen, complimentary popcorn and double happy hour every week. Enjoy $2 chicken or beef tacos plus $2 tallboys of PBR or Rainier every Tuesday at H20. Stop by Thursdays and get $4 off your growler fill or a free glass growler with a paid fill. H20, 314 Commercial Ave., Anacortes. 360-7553965, Let Sebo’s fix your equipment right the first time. 1102 Commercial Ave; 293-4575. We repair all power equipment and outboard motors. Island Rentals, 2615 Commercial Ave., 293-3161 Boxes and Bears - Bearbucks never expire! Earn one for each $20 purchase. Receive 20% off your entire purchase when you have 5. Less stress shopping with great prices. Open Every Day! 709 Commercial Ave., 299-9593 Free Brake Inspection. Come on in or call for an appt. at SeaSide Automotive, 293-8882. We also offer air conditioning services, brakes, transmission repair & engine diagnostics. 1012 12th St., Anacortes. Kathy’s Upscale Resale Boutique looks like spring! Lots of NEW sweaters, scarves, dresses and designer jeans! We have expanded our pre-teen and junior section in our NOTHING OVER $10 ROOM. Our size 14 & up and new maternity racks are full of cute trendy name brand clothing at amazing prices. That’s what kept us going for over 18 years! Check us out on Facebook! 716 Commercial, Anacortes. 360-588-0237. Open Monday - Saturday 11am-5:30pm. On your next oil change use the Funny Money coupon for Havoline Xpress Lube full-service oil change. Save $3.00 with coupon. Questions call: 299-1270, 1319 “O” Ave. Kids Eat FREE Tuesday at the Rockfish Grill. Bring the family to the Rockfish Grill on Tues. where kids 12 & under eat free all day. (One child entree complimentary w/ each adult entree purchased). Advantage Window Coverings - Hunter Douglas Winter Rebate Program event on lots of window coverings. See our ad in the Clamdigger or visit our website Call today for a free estimate. 299-8977. Remember ... if you’re not advertising in the Clamdigger, you’re not being seen... 299-3444 HP10001047 20 Full Service Salon in Anacortes Since 1994 Hair Design with Master Colorist, Perms, Eye Lash & Brow Tinting, Shampoo & Sets, Manicures, Pedicures, Turbo Tanning, Full Waxing Services Are Just A Few Services That We Offer You! Senior Ladies Hair Cut & Style $28.00 Senior Men’s and Military Cuts $12.00 WALK-INS WELCOME Gourmet Mexican Cuisine Open 7 days a week Sunday - Thursday 11am-9pm Friday & Saturday 11am-10pm Guest Guitarist Skip Hamilton starting May 24th & every Friday there after 6-9pm Check Out Our Spa Services Brazilian blowouts And split-in treatments Book A Custom Facial And Chemical Peel Eyelash Extensions BODY WAXING OR SUGARING Swedish Massages, Deep Tissue & Hot Rock Are Just An Example Of Our Spa Menu! Turbo Tanning 49.99 a month no contract $8.00 off with 2 regular entrees and 2 beverages. LADIES HAIR CUT AND STYLE $35.00 Not good with other offers - 1 per party We are open from 8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Saturday. for online booking check us out on facebook, instagram and twitter 416-1/2 Commerical Ave., Anacortes 360-299-2120 3218 R Avenue • Anacortes • 360-299-2227 TWO PERSON SPA!! 2,700 $ + tax • All New Parts • 2 year warranty on parts only • Ozone 1 year warranty • 54x85x7.5R Call for a vailabilit y 360 -588-91 25 FOR SALE: REFURBISHED 2-PERSON HOT TUBS $2,700 + tax delivered • $2,400 + tax pickup 2 Year Warranty of Parts Only • 1 Year Warranty on Ozone Specs: 85” x 54” x 31” • 150 gal. • 9 jets Weigh dry: 430 lbs • Weight wet: 1681 lbs See at Natural Eco Solutions 2002 Commercial Ave., Anacortes • 360-982-2115 21 Tune Up Time! Consignment Furnishings and Home Decor Downsizing? Re-Feather Your Nest is always looking for consignment furniture! Contact us at one of our three locations: Anacortes - 899.4327 La Conner - 399.1057 Mount Vernon - 755.3126 17th and Commercial Ave., Anacortes, WA Find us on Facebook! 360-588-8776 • e v o C t e r Sec LUNCH DINNER ANACORTES, WA JOIN US FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH STEAK AND PRAWNS $11.95 HAPPY HOUR 9:30AM-1:30PM 3-7PM DAILY I LOUNGE 6 oz. Top Sirloin, 3 Prawns hand dipped in beer batter, house cut French Fries and Coleslaw. + $11.95 All you can eat breakfast buffet. BRUNCH Includes coffee, tea or soda. $11.95 I 9:30AM-1:30PM Juice $1 AVAILABLE DAILY! ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET ALSO INCLUDES COFFEE Champagne or Mimosa $2.50 209 T AVE. ANACORTES WA 98221 I 360-982-2008 I SECRETCOVEANACORTES.COM @SecretCoveAnaco 22 @secretcoveanacortes MATH HELP IS JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY! “Where your house becomes your home” CALL SHARON MOREHEAD TODAY. Cheval Mirrors • Tiffany Lamps • Benches Custom Sofas • Unusual Gifts • Table Lamps Wood High Chairs • Chidren’s Rockers Bar Chairs • Entertainment Centers Coat Trees • Storage Beds Coffee Tables Entry Tables • Large Mirrors Custom Bookcases • Desks Wood File Cabinets • Lots of Kitchen Chairs Local Maps & Charts on Marble Coasters We know you want the best for your child, now and in the future. Making sure your child (and you) needs a little support along the way. That’s where Sylvan can help students succeed, offering guidance, support and a commitment to learning every step of the way. Together, we reach goals and celebrate achievements. And we make a difference. Sylvan Learning of Oak Harbor WITH A LOCATION IN ANACORTES 360-675-8010 360-639-8155 360-424-8455 919 Riverside Dr. • Mount Vernon, WA Looking for p/t teachers now in Anacortes. Hours: Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30, Sun 11-4 SYLVANLEARNING.COM SKAGITFARMING.COM is a FREE and innovative way to connect backyard growers with potential customers. SKAGITFARMING.COM was designed under the premise to connect you and your community to a common goal. That goal is to allow individuals to know where and by whom the produce they receive comes from. If you want to know the quality and the nature of the produce you eat then SKAGITFARMING.COM is the forum that connects local gardeners. For further information go to or contact Gordon Janz at 360-982-2913 23 DR. AMBER FOWLER is the owner and senior physician of Rosario :RPU*SPUPJ7H[PLU[ZJHUÄUKH^HYT^LSJVTPUNLU]PrVUTLU[JV\WSLK ^P[OHJJLZZPISLHUKH[[LU[P]LZRPUJHre professionals. AMBER FOWLER, MD LAURIE JACOBSON, MD AMY GOULEY, PA-C CaSONDRA WEBB, PA-C RANDY BANKS, PA-C 5 NE 4th Street, Suite B, Coupeville, WA 3110 Commercial Ave., Suite #105, Anacortes, WA 1600 Continental Place, Suite #101, Mt. Vernon, WA 360-336-3026 BoarK*LY[PÄLK :RPU9LQ\]LUH[PVU (TLYPJHU)VHrKVM+LYTH[VSVN`4LTILY 4LKPJHS:\rNPJHS+LYTH[VSVN` (TLYPJHU:VJPL[`VM4VOZ:\rNLY` 4VOZ4PJrVNYHWOPJ:\rNLY` 2 HELP WANTED Anacortes local since 2004 WORK WANTED Gutter and Roof Cleaning without pressure washing. I do Composition, Cedar and Tile roofs. Maintenance and Projects. “Winter” is the best time to remove and/or treat moss and black algae. These organisms are active in the cold and wet months causing the majority of roof damage. Please call Joe, (360) 299-8030. Local, Licensed and Insured. 30 years experience. Free Estimates. 3/19 Work Wanted: Man for all jobs - house, yard, pets, repairs, security, etc. Bondable. Brian, 360-391-9950 2/26 To place your ad here, call 299-3444 2 All Ages! Any Style! Learn guitar the way Kyle Miller 420-0622 learn. EVERy TUESDAy • $2 Tacos, • $2 Tall Boys 314 Commercial, Anacortes 360.755.3956 Silk Filled Bedding Naturally Hypoallergenic • Comforters • Pillows • Duvet covers • Sheets • Organic cotton A Quantum Business Park across from Swinomish Casino 866.949.7455 • • Perfec&tion Heat f o in rt HANDYMAN SERVICES ARTOFPERFECTIONHEATING@GMAIL.COM Serving Island & e Skagit County sinc 2001 g Custodian - Fidalgo Pool & Fitness Center is seeking a responsible person for the part-time, hourly position of Custodian. This individual cleans the district’s facility. Variable hours; night or weekend shifts. Entire job description and application on or at the Fidalgo Pool and Fitness Center, 1603 22nd Street, Anacortes, WA 98221. 2/26 SeaBear Company is looking to fill the following positions: PlannerProcurement & Materials, Website Marketing & Administration, and Production. For more information, visit us on the web at www.seabear. com/joinourteam. 2/26 Help Wanted: Housekeeper/Dietary Aid. P/T Apply in person, Cap Sante Court Retirement, 1111 32nd St. Anacortes. 293-8088 2/26 Help Wanted: Bayside Fitness is a premier athletic club seeking an experienced Group Exercise Instructor who will lead members in a variety of class formats designed to enhance overall fitness, strength and endurance, while ensuring the safety of the members. The Group Exercise Instructor must possess: Knowledge of basic physiology and body mechanics, positive and effective interpersonal communication skills, specialized and licensed in ZUMBA, Dance Fitness, Strength, Conditioning, etc., must provide verifiable proof of education. Minimum of 6 months successfully teaching in a group environment. Group fitness certification by ACE, AFAA, ACSM•Current CPR certification and basic first aid training is required. Applicants may submit resume to: Bayside Fitness, Attention: Don, 8212 S. March Point Rd., Anacortes, WA 98221. 360-293-0123. Anacortes Construction Services is looking for an experienced Journeyman Carpenter for a full-time position. Pay DOE, EOE. Please send your resume or a letter listing your experience to: ACS, PO Box 380, Anacortes, WA 98221 or fax to: 360-293-7331. We are a growing private destination boasting a complete modern day spa experience. Seeking a licensed professional massage therapist. This position requires a calm, confident, compassionate, self motivated professional. Who enjoys helping clients with pain management using multiple deep relaxation techniques. Constantly striving to help achieve optimal health for our clients. Our promise: To provide an exceptional experience and personal care that nurtures your spirit; thereby encouraging you to further enjoy your life. Part time-full time position. Commision based. Contact Tara 1-360-421-0478 TARA 360-672-5772 Lic#ARTPEPH897M2 FIREPLACE Installation - Sales - Service • Gas - Wood - Pellet Gas Service & Chimney Cleaning • Full inspections hANDyMAN SERVICES Sears Authorized Appliance Installation Specialist Gas Piping Installation & Repair • Flashing & Masonry Repair Concrete, Roof/Gutter Cleaning & Pressure Washing Rodent Exclusion & Crawlspace Insulatioin “Anacortes’ Kitchen Shop” 714 Commercial Ave., Anacortes 360-293-9025 26 Business Announcements Lina has moved from Washington Nails to Lina’s Nails, 2509 Commercial Ave. 360-610-8866. Dermalogica is here at Salon Bella Bella and Spa! Full line of anti-aging products. 360-299-2227. Facials available. SBB Anacortes Health and Nutrition has bulk spices available. Buy a pinch or a pound. Spices and herbs for all your baking! 1020 7th St., Anacortes. 360-293-8849 Marine Servicenter includes heated indoor storage, as well as a full service boat yard, fuel dock and dry storage. Indoor storage rate is $15.50 per foot per month. Keep your boat safe and clean without the need for winterizing or shrink wrapping. Call 360-293-9521 to reserve your place now., since 1977. MSC Art of Perfection offers handyman services, including appliance installation - gas and wood. Call 360-672-5772. #ARTPEH897M2 50 years experience. Same location 35 years. Best men’s haircuts 18 years. Call Lee and Cody at The Clipper, 360-293-5296 Gidget’s Barber Shop, 2011 Commercial Ave. Hours: Mon-Fri. 9am5pm, Sat 9am-3pm. Dianne Fri & Sat. and Gidget Mon-Thurs. Walk-ins welcome. Experienced barbers. Bikespot is a service-oriented bicycle shop with a wide variety of parts & accesories. We have new and used bikes for sale. Visit us in Old Town at 210 Commercial Ave. (next to Marine Supply) or call 588-1676. Snip ‘n Sail Haircuts For Men. Hours: Mon and Fri 10-2, Tues, Wed, Thurs 10-6. Enjoy coffee and the view. 2013 Skyline Way, located behind the Skyline Marina Office Building (upstairs). No appointment necessary. 360-588-0838 It’s A New Season! start it off with an new look! Studio 29! 299-2929 Let your creativity blossom! We did! Come in to get your American Paint for your own projects! Sassy Frass, 1717 Commercial, Anacortes. 360-202-2089. Open Thurs. - Sun. 10-5. To place your ad here, call 299-3444 MR. SEW DANDY Restoration-Sales-Service Handcranks-Treadles-Child’s-Featherweights Jan W. Sabin Phone: 360-299-2535 • Nails by Kenna Kenna Wright, Nail Tech Gel Polish $25 • Manicure $20 Pedicure $25 • Acrylics/Glitter Acrylics $25-28 (360) 333-2933 Call 7 days a week! 3216 W. 3rd St., Anacortes Just a 30 minute drive from Anacortes to the Best BBQ in WA State! 360-679-3500 Custom Computer Builder Hardware & software repair and configuration Virus Removal • System Cleanup Housecalls Serving Anacortes since 1995 910 Commercial Ave, Anacortes, WA 98221 LOST/FOUND FOUND: A black 18 speed bicycle Call Anacortes Police Department. tfn 293-4684 LOST: Very tiny ring in tiny plastic bag, between post office and Burton’s. $50 reward. 360-303-2403. Sentimental value. 3/19 LOST: Fleece camo baby blanket at Tugboat beach on Feb. 8th. Sentimental value. Text/call 360-201-9199 3/5 This section is free. If you have lost an item or found an item, please let us know by calling 299-3444, stopping by 1811 Commercial Ave., or e-mailing: 27 601 NE Midway Blvd., Oak Harbor Cwest Computer 360-588-8580 Introducing EARLY DINNERS 4 COURSES $20 Welcomes Cody Carpenter! AVAILABLE DAILY 3-6PM Best Men’s Haircuts 18 years! No tricks, no gimicks, just good haircuts! ~ reservations suggested ~ Please visit our web page for full menu (Not valid with any other coupons/specials or discounts) Walk-ins always Welcome! Appointments Available HALIBUT MACADAMIA NUT IS BACK ON OUR MENU! Tues. - Fri. 8am-6pm • Sat. 8am-3pm La Conner Seafood & Prime Rib Come See Cody and Lee Today! 614 South First St 812 1/2 Commercial 360-466-4014 293-5296 Across from Visitor Information Center Northwestern Landscape and Design We provide a full range of landscape and hardscape services. • Patio Pavers 17994 SR 536, Mt. Vernon • Retaining Walls • Flagstone Recycle your House • Water Features • Outdoor Lighting • Irrigation Buy • Sell • Trade • Lawns Installed • Drainage Solutions Used building materials and more • And More! 360.333.2995 360-416-3399 Lic# NORTHLD936PE • ICPI Certified Paver Installer 28 CITY TREE SERVICE, INC Bucket Truck Fast • Chipper • Stump Grinding • Safe • Reasonable 24 Hour Emergency Service Care • Removal Senior and Veteran Discount Rated A+ with Better Business Bureau since 2001 CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE TODAY!! 360-202-6369 Lic#CITYTTS89707 2 CLASSES & WORKSHOPS anaCortes phYsiCal therapY Boating Skills and Seamanship class being offered by Flotilla 17 Anacortes, United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Starting March 3rd. Class will be 7 to 9 on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the month of March and the 1st of April. The classes will be held at the Anacortes Senior Center. WA boaters card will be covered and certificates will be issued. Cost is $40 per person. Contact Walt Barnard, 360-293-3586 to sign up. Parenting class - Island Hospital presents “Positive Discipline: Effective Parenting Skill for all Ages” on Wednesdays, Mar. 11, 18 & Apr. 15, 6-8 p.m., at the hospital. This 3-session class will focus on interpreting children’s behavior and responding effectively, normal growth and development patterns and discussion about participants’ specific parenting concerns. Cost is $10 per household and scholarships are available. Register online at or call 299-4204. Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve will be having three volunteer trainings for anyone interested in helping with the education and aquarium programs. Training dates are 2/18, 9AM-12PM for those interested in working at the front desk & Interpretive Center, Tuesday 2/24, 10AM-12PM for Aquarium Docents, and Wednesday 2/25, 9AM-12PM for K-12 Educational Program. 2/26 The Skagit Marine Resources Committee is now accepting registrations for the 2015 Salish Sea Stewards FREE volunteer training program. Training will consist of 30 hours of classroom presentation on topics related to Salish Sea ecosystems, human interactions, current issues and recovery, and will be at Padilla Bay Reserve on Thursdays from 3-6PM, March 5-April 30. Applications at 2/26 Ten-day intensive Spanish workshop in Mount Vernon, March 2-11. Fun and effective. Call Alison, 360-941-5374, www. 2/26 Alzheimer’s Support Group meets 2nd and 3rd Monday of each month, 1-3pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Call Ann G., 299-9569 Island hospital offers grief support group - Island Hospital’s grief support group meets every Wednesday from 3:30 - 5 p.m. in the Guemes Room at Island Hospital, 1211 24th St., Anacortes. Call 202-1699 for more information. SWSS (Skagit Widowed Support Services) Monthly Schedule of Events: First Wednesday of the month: Lunch at Longhorn Tavern at 11:30 am, Downtown Edison, WA. First Monday of the month - Lunch at the Royal Star at 11:00 am, Mount Vernon across from Walmart. Second Monday of the month - Lunch at the Curious Chef at 11:00 am, Outlet Mall in Burlington. Second Friday of the month - Dinner at San Remo at 5:00 pm in Oak Harbor. Third Monday of the month - Lunch at the Farmhouse Inn at 11:00 am, On Highway 20. Third Saturday of the month - Breakfast at the Swinomish Casino at 9:00 am, On Highway 20. Fourth Monday of the month - Lunch at the Skagit Casino at 11:00 am. Meet at the buffet line. Fourth Thursday of the month - Dinner at the Curious Chef at 5pm, Outlet Mall in Burlington is pleased to welcome Erin Atkins, DPT “Making friends, feel better, fast” 3001 R Avenue, Suite 100 (next to the Salvation Army) Anacortes, WA 98221 360-299-2781 • NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS! Providing exceptional experiences and personal care that nurtures your spirit, thereby encouraging you to further enjoy life! Massage Therapy, Reflexology and Body Wraps Tara Milas-Swenson Owner /Massage Therapist 360.421.0478 Find me on Facebook 0 at ACUPUNCTURE HERBAL MEDICINE MASSAGE THERAPY ORGANIC SUPPLEMENTS Village Pizza Come in for our Happy Hour 3-6 $1.00 off well drinks $1.00 off domestic draft beer $1.00 off microbrew draft beer $1.00 off house wines $1.00 off appetizers (360) 293-7847 807 Commercial Ave. “Old Town,” Anacortes North West Colors P A I N T I N G Serving Skagit and Island Counties Since 1989 • Interior/Exterior • Repaint Specialists • Power Washing/Gutter Cleaning 360-391-5054 Best of Anacortes 2014 SAME GREAT SERVICE Over 26 years in business Paint Specials Ask about our power washing special Ask about our Winter Deals! 31 Lic#NORTHWC975N1 Chris of Dave’s Anaco TV and Appliance now in business! ISLAND GEMOLOGY AND JEWELRY APPRAISAL E</E'DE͕''͕ZDs/ 'Zhd'DK>K'/^d͕Z'/^dZD^dZs>hZ/EdZEd/KE> ^Zs/E'^<'/d͕^E:hEΘ/^>EKhEd/^ WWZ/^>^&KZ/DKE^͕K>KZ'D^dKE^͕WZ>^ td,^͕KEdDWKZZzEEd/Yh:t>Zz /E^hZEZW>DEdͬ&/ZDZ<ds>hͬ^dd͕ /sKZΘWZKd^dd>DEd^ͬDK/>>KZdKZz s/>>ͬ:t>Zz/^EsZKhdK&zKhZ^/',d "I do not buy or sell gemstones, gold or jewelry, thereby providing my clients with true honest value." ANACORTES APPLIANCE REPAIR with shop 360-770-8166 SERVICES: VIRUS REMOVAL HARDWARE REPAIR ates stim Free E NEW PC SETUP IN-HOME NETWORK SETUP PC REPAIR DATA TRANSFER the Computer Guy NO FIX / NO FEE NO “GEEK SPEAK” 360-826-2649 32 HOmE ImPROVEmENT ISLAND hOME IMPROVEMENT: Experienced in all phases of residential repair, replacement, remodels. Small jobs my specialty. Free consultation and estimate. 360-333-7455. Lic#ISLANHI95J8 Additions, Remodel or Custom home Needs? Call Brian D. Johnson of ACS - Anacortes Construction Services L.L.C. (General contractor) Quality without compromise at a great price! 360-293-7100. Lic #ANACOCS971DP 22 years experience offering full service grounds care programs. Licensed, insured. Residential/Commercial. Free estimates. Pacific Style Lawn Maintenance, Inc. PACIFSL990PE, 360-708-8018 FENCES: ALL TyPES! What makes a good neighbor is a good fence. Build that dog the fence it deserves! 708-4452, 2930384. Cont. Lic. #DHERMC* 991MO HermCon Island Rentals has equipment for all your home improvement needs! 293-3161 IsRent SHAY WARD Stylist Available by appointment Tuesday~Saturday To place your ad here, call 299-3444 360.293.0299 2216 Commercial Ave, Anacortes, WA 98221 WINTER SPECIALS Call Ahead! We’ll Have It Ready! NEW Thin Crust LARGE Large Gourmet Pizzas PEPPERONI Choose from • Angus Steak & Roasted Garlic • Spicy Fennel Sausage 9 $ 99 Family Size for $2 more With Coupon • Not valid with any other offer. 6 99 $ (Next to Blockbuster) Family Size for $2 more With Coupon • Not valid with any other offer. 3 OFF Full Service® Oil Change $ Service Highlights •Change oil •Change oil filter •Check air filter •Check brake fluid •Check power steering fluid •Fill windshield washer reservoir •Check and fill battery •Check transmission fluid •Check differential fluid •Lube chassis •Check wiper blades •Check tires •Vacuum interior •Wash windows • 5 qts. included 299-2299 ANACORTES 675-5505 OAK HARBOR 5.00 OFF $ Anti-Freeze Flush & Fill Includes 2 gallons anti-freeze Ask about our fleet program With this coupon. Expires 2/28/15 Expires 2/28/15 Fidalgo Bay XpressLube • 299-1270 1319Avenue “O” Avenue • Mon.-Sat. Fidalgo Bay XpressLube • 299-1270 • 1319 •“O” • Mon.-Fri. 8 to8am-5pm 6; Sat. 8 to 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (360) 293-7847 Dine In, Take Out, Delivery $ 807 Commercial Ave. “Old Town,” Anacortes 2 OFF Expiration 2/28/15 1st Large Pizza Please Mention Funny Money When Ordering Coupons May Not Be Combined With Any Other Offer. Please, one per household ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 34 Sher-E-Panjab Cuisine of India 360-588-4793 2120 Commercial Ave Lunch Buffet: Mon- Sat 11:30am-2:30pm Dinner: Mon - Sun 3-9pm • Closed Thursdays FREE Delivery within 3 miles with minimum $40 order Like us on Dine in - take out - catering - delivery All you can eat Lunch Buffet Now $9.95 + tax Expires Feb. 28th, 2015 36 Fidalgo Island & Anacortes Service Guide Sidney, BC 41 Guemes Island State Ferry Anderson's General Store & Restaurant Guemes Ferry 6th & “I” St. tree Anacortes Airport t Rotary Park South Harbor Park Lake Erie "R Mt. Erie Elementary Whistle Lake March Point Bayside Fitness Ros ari oR d. Mount Erie Padilla Bay Spur. O ALG ISLAN D FID Cap Sante Fidalgo Bay Highway 20 He ar t 55 Rosario Beach "A ve . "A ve Heart Lake Lak e Burrows Bay Biz Point "H Marine r. D Ship House Inn 5 Secret Cove er ci a San Juan e. Airlines Av Senior Center 1701 22nd D" s l i " ra re y T y Ca p p a Ha ie D gg Do 32n st 40 dS ko tree ve t Ha . An 69 hS lA ve . . sway ng Ki 12t 4 m Sk 7 m ay eW n yli aco Beach Rd Lighthouse RV Park & Mini Storage Guemes Island Resort Guemes Channel Co Washington Park 99 Ca m pb e Lake Campbell Lodging ll Sharpes Corner La ke 13 Similk Golf Bowmans Bay Pass Lake Campbell Lake 3 3 Hig hw ay 8 Highway 20 Sunnyhill Kennels 20 Deception Pass Bridge Similk Bay North Deception Pass Map Not Drawn To Scale 04/03/14 Whidbey Island 37 Swinomish Indian Reservation UPTOWN ANACORTES ACCOMMODATIONS (14)Anaco Bay Inn 916 33rd Street, 299-3320 AUTO PARTS & SERVICE (65)Corvette Alley 1103B 23rd St., 360-299-9303 (76) Cap Sante Inn 906 9th Street, 293-0602 (49)Fidalgo Bay Xpress Lube 1319 “O” Avenue, 299-1270 (20)Island Import Garage 3319 Commercial, 293-4188 (3) Lake Campbell Lodging 6676 SR 20 Near Deception Pass 360-293-5314 • 1-888-399-1077 (75)O’Reilly Auto Parts 2215 Commercial, 293-2164 (46)Seaside Autobody 1013 10th St., Suite A, 293-8080 (69)Lighthouse RV Park 6060 Sands Way, (360) 770-4334 (70)Seaside Automotive (55)Ship House Inn Bed & Breakfast 1012 12th St., 293-8882 12876 Marine View Drive Anacortes 360-293-1093 Computer Service 2316 31st St 50 ANTIQUE & ART GALLERY (63)Scott Milo Gallery & The Framemaker 420 Commercial, 293-6938 BEAUTY SERVICES (92)Sara Kelley Profiles Salon 802 Commercial Ave, 360-708-4366 (6)6th Street Hair 907 6th St., United Methodist 26 293-7571 Senior Center 36 Fidalgo Pool & Fitness 37 38 "M" Ave. Ana. Middle School Police Station 32 15 65 62 10 Commercial Ave. Commercial Ave. 27 38 Str "W" Ave. "R" Ave. th 24 02/19/15 t ee "V" Place "V" Ave. Str "U" Ave. th "T" Ave. "T" Ave. 25 89 et SeaBear Smokehouse Store e Str 16 th 26 25 t "R" Ave. "S" Ave. tree 12 7 hS 27t 17 103 h "Q" Ave. 39 28t 110 et Stre t Stree et Stre t Stree 29th 30th 31st 32nd 14 treet S 33rd treet 34th S treet 35th S 88 20 (37)Fidalgo Pool & Fitness 1603 22nd, 293-0673 Snip ‘n’ Sail (58) Compumatter 2002 Commercial, 299-2428 2013 Skyline Way, 588-0838 (9) The Clipper Fitness & Health 812 - 1/2 Commercial, 293-5296 (25)Anacortes Physical Therapy 3001 R Ave., 299-2787 (7) Salon Bella Bella (21)Anacortes Health & Nutrition 3218 R Ave., 299-2227 1020 7th, 293-8849 (110) Studio 29 Anacortes Dental 911 29th St., 299-2929 Dr. Olausen COMPUTER/ELECTRONIC SERVICES 1302 8th St., 293-2000 (11)Computronics West (13)Bayside Fitness 910 Commercial, 588-8580 8212 S. March’s Pt Rd., 293-0123 (50)Anacortes Computer Service 2316 31st St., 588-0951 (31)Gateway Chiropractic Center 1101 8th St., #B, 982-2881 (17)Jennings Chiropractic 3218 R Ave, 299-8999 Mind Your Body Therapies Claudia Carabba, 708-4441 (77)Thrive Community Fitness 1609 “R” Ave., 299-2180 (62) Rosario Skin Care 3100 Commercial, 360-755-3253 (39)Vital Aging Clinic 902 28th St., 360-630-3022 2 12 th h et re St St re et Rite Aid 4 13 th t 15 et re St t ee Str t ee 19 St re fe th t ee Str t 77 "T" Ave. 22 Harbor Park 39 Dock A Seafarer's Way The Market et Sa McDonalds 20 t t ree ee Str ree nd 22 rd 23 t St 21s 43 49 th 16 th Str 75 13 th 17 18 th 19 7 58 47 w ay HOME IMPROVEMENT Advantage Window Coverings, 299-8977 (19) Anacortes Construction Services Brian Johnson, 360-293-7100 D. Hermstad Construction 2308 33rd St., 293-0384, cell: 360-708-4452 Island Home Improvement Jim Owen 360-333-7455 (103) Island Rental and Supplies 2615 Commercial Ave., 293-3161 (80)Sebo’s Do-It Center, 1102 Commercial Ave., 293-4575 MARINE Boshie Morris Custom Sewing, 299-1414 (22)Marine Servicenter 2417 “T” Ave., 293-8200, MEDICAL - PHARMACY (32)• Island Hospital, 2991300 • Health Resource Center, 1211 24th Street, 299-1367 (10)Anacortes Hearing, 3202 Commercial, 588-1956 (16)The Salvation Army, 3001 R Ave., 293-6682 (26)United Methodist Church, 2201 H Ave., 293-0528 REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGE CO. (34)Allied Realtors, 713 Commercial Ave., 588-0643 (88)John L. Scott, Curt Oppel 3201 Commercial, 360-202-0121 or 800-542-7815 RESTAURANTS, FOOD & DRINK (41)Anderson’s General Store & Restaurant Guemes Island, 293-4548 (79)H20, 314 Commerical, 755-3956 (2) Chandler’s Square SHOPPING - MISC. (78)Boxes & Bears, 1300 O Ave., 293-1300 907 Commercial, 299-9593 SERVICES - SUPPLIES (18)Kathy’s Upscale Resale - MISC. (43)Anacortes Printing, Boutique 1811 Commercial, 293-2131 716 Commercial, 588-0237 (54)Bikespot, (4) Sassy Frass Co. 1717 Commericial, 210 Commercial, 588-1676 360-610-7227 (35) Cat’s Meow (89)SeaBear Adoption Center Smokehouse Store, 803 4th St., 588-9900 605 30th St., 360-230-1082 (43)Clamdigger, 1811 Commercial, (73)Skagit Cycle, 1620 Commercial, 588-8776 299-DIGG(3444) Custom Sewing - Boshie Morris, 299-1414 (42) Thrifty Kitty, 1003 8th St. (27)RIS Insurance, 901 24th Street, 293-2135 (24)Mad Hatter Ice Cream, 6th & R Street, 360-755-3799 (47)Papa Murphy’s, 1710 Commercial, 299-2299 (75)Frida’s Mexican Restaurant, 619 Commercial, 299-2120 (5) Secret Cove 219 T Ave., 982-2008 (60)The Rockfish Grill, 320 Commercial, 588-1720 (39)Vital Aging Clinic, 1015 6th St., Ste 108, 360-630-3022 (74)Village Pizza, 807 Commercial, 293-7847/293-8009 PLACES OF WORSHIP (48)Christ Episcopal Church, 1216 7th St., 293-5790 SENIOR SERVICES (36)Anacortes Senior Center, 1701 22nd Street, 293-7473 Christ the King Community Church, Island View School, 2501 J Avenue (15)Cap Sante Court, (8) Sunnyhill Kennels, 1111 - 32nd St., 293-8088, 8033 Summit Park Rd, 293-3434 CLAMDIGGER CLAMDIGGER is a community project prepared by the staff of Anacortes Printing, featuring material contributed by interested residents of Fidalgo Island . . and supported by area advertisers. Readers are invited to submit photos, stories, historical articles and other items of interest for possible publication in the pages of this digest. CLAMDIGGER and its contents are in their entirety copyright 2015 by Anacortes Printing except as otherwise noted. Bylined articles and attributed artwork are published by permission, all rights retained by their creators. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of this publisher. The CLAMDIGGER reserves the right to edit or refuse any ads, articles or cartoons at any time to keep with the nature of our publication. Publisher accepts advertising on the condition the advertiser agrees that at no time shall Publishers’ liability exceed the cost of the space involved and Publisher is not liable for incidental or consequential damages. Publisher accepts no responsibility for ad contents, or errors in spelling or grammar. The Clamdigger cannot guarantee specific page or location placement for an advertisement. Any error in your advertisement should be reported prior to the next week’s publication. Published by Anacortes Printing 1811 Commercial Ave. • Anacortes, WA 98221 360.299.3444 fax 360.293.8373 Open 8:30am to 5:30pm — Monday thru Friday (38)New Hope Christian Fellowship, 1319 35th St., 293-4475 5,000 DISTRIBUTED EACH THURSDAY ADVERTISEMENT DEADLINE- FRIDAY, 4:00 PM 40 Visitor Information Chamber of Commerce 293-7911 Information Center 293-3832 City of Anacortes Airport 293-4691 City Hall 293-1900 Fire Dept. 293-1925 Harbor Master 293-0694 Island Hospital 299-1300 Library 293-1910 Museum 293-1915 Police 293-4684 Senior Center 293-7473 D O W N T O W N A N A C O R T E S OPEN SUNDAYS Re-Feather Your Nest, Consignment furniture, home decor and accessories. Open Sundays 11-3pm, 909 Commercial. Home decor, accessories, furniture, and so much more. Sassy Frass, 1717 Commercial, Anacortes. 360-202-2089. Open Thursday through Sunday 10-5. H20 features Anacortes’ best and most affordable brunch menu plus an amazing Bloody Mary bar every Saturday and Sunday starting at 9:30am. 314 Commerci Ave., 360-755-3956 Secret Cove (formerly Randy’s) Open Sunday at 9:30 for Brunch. 209 T Ave, Anacortes. 360-982-2008, Channelside Café@ Andersons is open Sundays from 9am7pm. Last seating at 6:30 p.m. Best Waterfront Views in Anacortes., 360-293-4548 New Hope Christian Fellowship - 1319 35th St. New Hope Christian Fellowship is a loving, friendly, accepting fellowship where Jesus Christ is Lord. Praise Band and nursery are provided. For more info call Dwight Woodruff, pastor, at 293-0399. The Rockfish Grill features fresh Northwest cuisine and Anacortes Ales and Lagers brewed with care on the premises. Open daily at 11am. 320 Commercial Avenue; 588-1720. 42 AUTOMOTIVE WE’VE GROWN! Winterization • Tune-ups and Computer Diagnostics Suspension and Brakes • Engines and Transmissions Air Conditioning • 30, 60, 90k Mile Scheduled Maintenance Timing Belts • Water Pumps • Alternators and Batteries WE DO IT ALL! ALL WORK GUARANTEED! All Makes and Models - Foreign & Domestic! CALL 360-293-3001 23rd & Commercial, Anacortes Senior Discounts on major services 44 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL PET/HOUSE SITTING. References available. 425-2751175 Lisa. 4/9 Jose’s-Detail-you - Car or boats. Do upholstery. Your home or mine. For more info call 360-982-3493. 3/12 Housekeeping/Licensed NAC. 360-588-8562 2/26 Housesitting/Pet Sitting - Honest, reliable and caring. Local, right here in Anacortes. Excellent references. Available now. Call 562-235-6914. 3/26 APPLIANCE REPAIR: Most makes and models. Anacortes Appliance Repair. Haven’t left town - Chris, 360-770-8166 Time to get your yard ready for the growing season. Commercial and residential. Tree and shrub pruning, landscaping, planting, hauling, bark, dirt, gravel. Thatching and aerate, gutter cleaning, pressure washing, remove unwanted or dead plants, year round maintenance, brush mowing. Mention this ad to get 5% off your first service. Senior citizen discount. Call today for your free estimate. 360-914-0668 Lic#BLUESYMO44K8 2/26 Busy B’s Cleaning - 25 years experience. Home, office, moveouts. Senior’s rates. Bonded, references, attention to detail. Pet care, house sitting. 360-420-8985 3/5 Local Estate Buyouts from The Predecessors. We buy everything but the Kitchen Sink! Call or text us at 360-610-7377 and see how we can help you cleanup. 2/26 ThROUGh ThE GARDEN GATE PRESChOOL - Call today for current enrollment information. 299-1182, Marilyn. Inter-Island Clean Service - 20 years experience. Can manage estate properties year round. Terri Simundson, 509-280-3753. FT Dynamic Coatings is a full service painting company. Interior, exterior, fine finishes. Call today for your free estimate. 360-630-9040, Lic. # DYNAMCL861N2 Perfectly Square Handyman Services; Call Mike at 360-770-3252 to get those household projects done. Anacortes resident. Experienced, licensed, bonded and insured. Lic# PERFES*902CS PSq SORE FEET? Thick hard to cut toenails, fungus, corns, or calluses, Let me examine and care for your feet and nails in the privacy of your own home. Don’t know what to get for the person who has everything, Gift Certificates available. Donna Smith, BSN, Certified Foot Care Nurse 360708-9489 CRNC ACS - Anacortes Construction Services L.L.C (General Contractor) 360-293-7100. Quality without Compromise at a Great Price! We are a Professional General Contractor with over 20 years of construction expertise. Our experience covers everything from kitchen and bath remodels, additions, custom homes and restaurants. We have tons of local customers/references! Just ask! 360-293-7100 or www.anacortescs. com Lic# ANACOCS971DP Home is where your friends are. Home is Cap Sante Court. Welcome home. 293-8088. Stop taking harmful pain pills. Obtain your medical marijuana authorization. Call today, 425-512-6880 or visit CONTINUED ON PAGE 46 (360) 466-8067 Robert Enos formerly with the Navy Exchange Barber Shop 2511 Commercial Ave, Anacortes, WA NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL INSPECTIONS L.L.C. Aaron Partridge 206 859-7838 email: Washington licensed Home Inspector #1232 Anacortes Plumbing We want to be “ Your” Plumber! Check us out at and on Facebook! (360) 299-3205 lic#anaCop*863Jp Susan Carol friedrich Home organizer project assistance Home sale preparation, downsizing, de-Cluttering Simple and Efficient Ways to Organize Your Stuff 360-840-3663 • anacortes, washington Compass Point plumbing Commercial Residential 360.499.2836 lic#compapp863pa PO Box 1573, La Conner WA 98257 • PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONT. Anderson Glass - For all your glass and window replacement needs - including shower doors, skylights, mirrors, and screens. 30 years experience. Call Curtis, 360-333-7661. ANACORTES DENTAL CARE - Dr. Dave Olausen, DDS. Voted Best Dentist in Anacortes 2011. Complete, gentle, quality care for the whole family. Great, caring and professional staff. New patients welcome, most insurance accepted. 360-293-2000, 1302 8th St., Anacortes, right across from Causland Park. Quality, Low Cost Bicycle Repairs. Same day service, new and used parts. Skagit Cycle Center, 17th & Commercial, 360-588-8776 D. hermstad Construction - Specializing in remodels, additions, decks and more. Licensed and bonded. Lic. #DHERMC*991MO. 2308 33rd St. Ph: 360-293-0384, cell: 360-708-4452 The Framemaker offers 1,000’s of frames to choose from. Come see us at 420 Commercial Avenue; 293-6938. Open Monday thru Saturday 10:30am - 4:30pm and by appointment. LAWN CARE - Full landscape maintenance packages to one-time mows. TOTAL hOME SERVICES, locally owned in Anacortes since 1996. Call for a free estimate, 360-299-2575. #TOTALHS887DA Dennis F. Cullen, Inc. General Contractor. Home additions, remodels, maintenace. Emergency, storm, and fire repair. Licensed and bonded. #DENNIFC014Q2. 360-202-1981, 360293-6749 Eslick house Watch offers responsible and educated care service for individuals or companies whose homes or buildings are left unattended. 360-293-8757, health Insurance - Medical, Dental, Life for Employer groups and Individuals, please call Alice Bohnker Insurance Services, LLC for a free quote or a free review of your current plan. Alice Bohnker, 360-588-8302, 2517-B Commercial Ave. Goes beyond the sale to the service of her clients! Have you been driving to Bellingham, Seattle or further for your import vehicle’s high tech quirks? Island Import Garage can help! 293-4188 CUSTOM SEWING - MARINE & RESIDENTIAL. Offering slipcovers, window seat cushions, chair pads, small upholstery projects, bedding, pillows, foam replacment and fabrics. Call Boshie Morris at 299-1414. Also serving the Islands. Melissa McFarland is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and local resident. She treats most common acute medical conditions in the comfort of your home, office or hotel and is often at your door within hours. Seven days a week from 9am-9pm • 360-770-2219 WANTED Wanted: Room for rent. Housesit, caregiver, rent room. Retired science teacher. Background check complete. Substitute teacher. Intelligent companion. Monthly. 719-480-1698. References. Sailor. Stuart Bryan. 3/12 Cash paid for WWII Military. Guns, swords, daggers, medals, helmets, etc. German and Japanese. 360-395-8994 4/30 NOW OPEN IN OAK HARBOR located on the school property in charming downtown edison 360-766-6960 Skagit Recovery Center • Assessment, Intensive Outpatient and Outpatient Treatment • Alcohol/Drug Information School • MRT, Relapse Prevention, UA and recovery services will be offered for individuals, couples and families EDISON CHICKEN PARADE! Insurance, private pay, low sliding fee scale SATURDAY, FEB. 28 NOON No one will be turned away due to inability to pay Please visit our new center at 1100 SW Bowmer St (near Walmart) Oak Harbor, WA 98277 Phone: 360-720-2207 BYOC! SAME GREAT FOOD! SAME GREAT SERVICE! src ... where recovery BeGins Open Tuesday-Saturday, 7am-2pm • Sunday 8am-2pm Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm Sat. & Sun: 9-10am & 4-5pm 8 INDEPENDENT AND ASSISTED LIVING Chandler’s Square A Community Within A Community Providing a truly unique senior living community for those with memory loss. • Dignity • Compassion • Respect • Chandler’s Square Retirement Community is located within walking distance of the charming Anacortes downtown corridor. Lighthouse Memory Care Community in Anacortes, WA, is an excellent option for seniors with memory impairments. The atmosphere of the community is relaxed, comfortable, cheerful, and energetic. Chandler’s Square truly offers an alternative environment from the standard retirement community. The magic of Chandler’s Square is more than its location. In the HEART OF ANACORTES at 35th & K Avenue 360-293-1300 3502 K Avenue, Anacortes, WA • 360.399.7263 1300 “O” Ave., Anacortes • Doing Dirt Right Since 1974 Muddy Paths? Hog Fuel $15.60 cu. yard Fall Hours Open Monday - Friday 8-4 12469ReservationRoad,Anacortes (picked up) 360-293-7188 MENTION THIS AD FOR A 5% DISCOUNT Lic#SUNLABT088PL Home Is Where Your Friends Are! Come Home to Cap Sante Court! “Living at Cap Sante Court is like celebrating my birthday every day!” — M.M. Enjoy home-cooked meals, housekeeping, linen service, activities, entertainment, and more. Cap Sante Court is all on one level with staff available 24 hours a day. “I’m content, and that means a lot to me.” — J. L. Cap Sante Court 360-293-8088 RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 1111 32nd St. in Anacortes Visit to learn about the Best in Retirement Living! 50 ANACORTES SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER 1701 22nd Street, for details on any of the events listed below call 293-7473 10 Silver Foxes Excercise Group Monday, March 2 10:30Flyswatter Volleyball 8 Indoor Walking 11:30Jim Smith, Piano 8:30 Footcare 11:30Lunch 9 Creative Circle 12:30Double Deck Pinochle 9 Woodcarving 12:30Partner Bridge 9 Men’s Pool 1 Mexican Train 9:30 Acrylics Studio 1:15 Reiki Therapy 9:30 Computer Assistance 3:10 Piano Lessons 10 Silver Foxes Excercise Group 11 Receptionists Meeting Thursday, March 5 11:30Lunch 8 Indoor Walking 12:30Bridge 8:30 Cribbage 12:30Scrabble 9 Wellness Meeting 12:30Living Well Support Group 9:30 Computer Assistance 1 Footcare 9:30 Book Group 1:30 Strength and Balance 9:30 Tai Chi Chih 11 Mah Jongg Tuesday, March 3 11:30Needlepoint Guild Meeting 8 Indoor Walking 11:30LUNCH 9 Chair Massage 1 Guitar Group 9 Women’s Pool 1 Gentle Yoga 9 Creative Writing 1:30 Ukelele 9:30 Computer Assistance 9:30 Sign Language II Friday, March 6 10:30Sign Language I 8 Indoor Walking 11 Cultured Purls 9 Men’s Pool 11:30Lunch 9 Fiction Writers Seminar 12:30Chess Club 9:30 Watercolor Open Studio 1 Miracle of Art 9:30 Sign Language II 1 March for Meals Meeting 2 Spanish Conversation Practice 10:30Silver Foxes Exercise Group 10:30Sign Language I 2 Seated Wellness 11:30LUNCH 12:30Cultured Palette Wednesday, March 4 12:30Pinochle 8:30 Indoor Walking 1:30 Zumba Gold 9:30 Computer Assistance 9:30 Mosaic Art Workshop Watercolor and Acrylics: Color Theory - In the Monday morning acrylics and Friday morning watercolor classes, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon, instructor Dee Doyle will teach color theory and color’s role in the process of painting in watercolors. The class will explore various palettes and color schemes, ways to mix and use color, and how to apply it. All skill levels welcome. Cost $15 a class. Contact Dee Doyle for information at deedoyle or call 630-0208. Trips - Seattle Underground and Smith Tower: Wednesday, March 4. Cost: $76 • Bullitt Center and Seattle Public Library: Wednesday, March 25. Cost: $65 • Best of BC Gardens: Wednesday, April 15. Cost: $67 • Whistler Village Getaway: Tuesday & Wednesday, April 28 & 29. Cost: $295, double occupancy. 20th Anniversary Open House - The Anacortes Senior Activity Center will be celebrating the 20th year being in our present facility with an Open House on Saturday, April 25, from 1 to 4 p.m. There will be displays and demos, refreshments and music and a big thank you to all who made it possible to offer our programs in this beautiful facility. Please plan to Jom us. 51 Premium Wild Salmon Fillets Local fisherman owned & operated Call now to stock your freezer! 206-730-0786 My Tailor Professional Alterations by Tara Hakenson 1010 17th St., Anacortes 360-941-6622 LIC# DYNAMCL861N2 Licensed & Bonded The Final Touch! “Show Quality Cleaning for New & Remodel Homes” Terri Simundson Cell: 509-280-3753 FULL SERVICE PRINTING 1811 Commercial Ave. ◆ Anacortes phone 293-2131 ◆ fax 293-8373 52 New to Anacortes! unstoppable personal training Jeff and Christ y have over 20 years experience in the fitness industry and strive to provide the best results for each Client. 1005 Commercial Ave. • 360-840-8481 zERO MEMBERShIP FEE FAMILy FRIENDLy Call to schedule your free fitness assessment today! ECIAL! VALENTINE SP 0 5 SAVE $ GE! ON ANY PACKA e ificates Availabl Gift Cert SEN IORS WE LCOM E! Come and get the BEST PERSONAL TRAINING in ANACORTES! see what’s out there with ilasik Precision Focus...From Every Angle. SKA GI T P U I NG P E OP LE O I CE 2 0 IN 13 SH CH Clear vision is just a short drive away. LI W 360-755-EYES (3937) B ’S 2100 Little Mountain Ln. Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 Is iLASIK for you? Find out! Schedule a FREE consultation with Miah Anderson, NCEA’s LASIK coordinator. NER USED VEHICLES/ACCESSORIES 1993 Passat not running. $7,500 in receipts on rebuild in 2006. Make offer. 360-293-6123 5/14 Classic 1968 GMC pickup, rebuilt V8, original interior, original exterior paint, 95,200 miles. $4,850. Phone 360-941-0199. Picture and details at 2/19/15 AUTO REPAIR Domestic & Foreign Repairs MOTORCYCLES/ATVs/SCOOTERS Everyday Repairs for Everyday Cars We do: • CV Shafts • Water Pumps • Tune Ups For Sale: Jazzy scooter, like new, $400. 293-3818 • Service • Timing Belts • Brakes 2/26 MISCELLANEOUS Never used, still boxed Craftsman 38” tow lawn sweeper. $280 new, asking $100. Mod#24207 for lawn tractor. 907-6871832 2/26 For sale: Dell Latitude 2100 Ultra portable laptop. Freshly refurbished. Windows 7. $119.35 (including tax). Call 360826-2649. ComGuy Cash paid for WWII Military. Guns, swords, daggers, medals, helmets, etc. German and Japanese. 360-395-8994 4/30 Corvette and Street Rod Repair Est. 1994 • 47 Years Experience ASA Master Cert. Dave Overton 360-299-9303 1103B 23rd Street, Anacortes, WA 54 WWW.JERRYSMITHCHEVROLET.COM JERRY SMITH KIA JERRY SMITH CHEVROLET "52,).'4/.s !.!#/24%3s 2015 KIA SOUL LOOKING FOR A GREAT BUY ON A NEW OR USED VEHICLE? WE GOT ‘EM! MSRP .................. $16230 KMF REBATE ............. $500 MILITARY REBATE ..... $400 SMITH DISCOUNT .... $1497 NEW 2015 CHEVROLET SPARK YOUR PRICE $13,833 STK# K5227 VIN KNDJN2A21F7178307 2015 KIA OPTIMA MSRP ..................$ 22,615 CUST CASH REBATE .. 1,500 MILITARY ................. $400 SMITH DISC ........... $2,118 LIST ..................................$19,390 JERRY SMITH DISCOUNT... -$4,895 REBATE ............................... -$500 YOUR PRICE Your Price $18,597 13,995 $ STK# K5079 VIN 5XXGM4A75FG393247 2015 KIA SPORTAGE STK# C5025 VIN KL8CD6S95FC728655 NEW 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 REG CAB 2WD MSRP ................... $24240 KMF REBATE ............. $750 MILITARY ................. $400 SMITH DISC ............$ 2251 YOUR PRICE $20,839 LIST ..................................$30,800 JERRY SMITH DISCOUNT... -$4,555 REBATE ............................ -$3,250 STK # K5158 VIN KNDPBCAC6F7714623 WE BUY VEHICLES Paid for or Not! Your Price 22,995 STK# T4147 VIN 1GCNCPEH7EZ352659 CHECK OUT THESE RECENT TRADE-INS 2009 HYUNDAI SONATA ........................... VIN 2003 BUICK REGAL .................................. VIN 2005 DODGE DURANGO ............................ VIN 2012 CHEVY EQUINOX .............................. VIN 2013 DODGE JOURNEY ............................. VIN 2008 CHEVY 1500 SILVERADO .................. VIN 2005 GMC YUKON XL ................................ VIN 5NPET46C098453444 2G4WB52K131144824 1D4HB58N85F547888 2GNFLNEK5C6248708 3C4PDDDG9DT539551 1GCEK19J18Z280276 1GKFK66U55J149172 DISCLAIMER: ALL VEHICLES ARE SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE AND ONE ONLY. PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE TAX, LICENSE, AND $150 NEGOTIABLE DOCUMENT SERVICES FEE. MUST QUALIFY FOR REBATES. MUST BE A MEMBER OF USAA TO QUALIFY FOR USAA REBATE. MUST TRADE IN A 1999 OR NEWER VEHICLE TO QUALIFY FOR TRADE-IN REBATE, REBATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF CREDIT. EXPIRES 3/3/15. *Only one vehicle available at this price. All vehicles are subject to prior sale and one only. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. Price does not include tax and license and $150 document service fee. Customer must qualify for all Kia rebates. KMF rebate: must finance through Kia Motors Finance. Customer may receive either Loyalty or competitive rebate but not both. All Lease Cash and rebates from Kia. *Warranty is a limited powertrain warranty. For details see retailer or go to Prices good through 3/3/15. VISIT US 24/7 @ VISIT US 24/7 @ WWW.JERRYSMITHCHEVROLET.COM WWW.JERRYSMITHKIA.COM 55 ANIMALS & PETS PET OF THE WEEK FREE: Good home needed for beautiful Siamese cat. 293-4394 or 360-434-6788 3/12 Fun for owners & dogs at Smarter than your Dog! See “Today in Daycare” at for dogs in action. 360-421-5968 or info@smarterthanyourdog. com Barking Beauties Grooming Boutique - Anacortes’s best kept secret. Full service in-home grooming. Let your pet experience the difference! Cage free home environment. One on one care for your four legged family member! Where every pet is treated like Royalty! Appt. only. 360-293-1073 3/19 “Ginger” Breed: Shichon Age: 1 year The romeo from Maryland with all the right moves Owners: Bella and Stevie Sikic He’s a handsome devil and he has all the right moves. He’s Nathan the bloodhound, who has gathered himself a pack of fans, after his best-in-show title earlier this year. Nathan stole the spotlight in the National Dog Show ring, amid some very steep competition. The four-year-old hound attempted to bribe the judge in his own special kind of way. Nathan stretched and scratched as the judge touched him and then, evidently well-pleased by the whole experience, Nathan rewarded Judge Edd E Bivin, with a big slobbery kiss. Bring your pet to Anacortes Printing so we may get a photograph of your companion for future publication. Or, bring a photograph of your pet to 1811 Commercial Avenue. Or, e-mail a photo of your pet to Anacortes Animal Relief Fund SPAY OR NEUTER YOUR PET FOR LESS! Spay and Neuter Discount 25% OFF! Valid Feb. 1-28, 20 Anacortes Animal Hospital..........293-3431 Fidalgo Animal Medical Center...293-2186 * For residents of Fidalgo and Guemes Island only .* Look for us on Facebook, or email us at AARF-The Anacortes Animal Relief Fund PO Box 906, Anacortes, WA, 98221 (360) 293-2865 56 Volunteers Needed Want to become a part of Predators of the Heart’s volunteer team? Sign up today at and complete the application. WE NEED YOUR HELP! 360-840-6164 57 BOATS / MOTORS / MARINE TRADEWINDS USPS Cruising and Cruise Planning Course will be taught by Skagit Bay Sail & Power Squadron at Anacortes Marina, Mondays and Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m., March 30 - April 29. Covers cruise preparation and planning, boat and equipment, anchors and anchoring, security, chartering, cruising outside the US, crew and provisioning, voyage management, communications, navigation, weather emergencies. Cost is $150, or $175 for two sharing a book. Contact Bob Miller, 360-588-9950 or bobmillerwa@hotmaiLcom. Registration closes March 10. 3/5 Dock Rental. For Rent: 50’ dock west side of Bay Pl. in Skyline Marina. $500/month including electricity and water on dock. Prefer annual rental. Contact Ed at 775-721-0718. 4/2 1971 Uniflite Express cruiser, full canvas, lots of extras, moorage available. Priced to sell. Very clean boat. Call Gary, 360-293-3356. 4/23 For Sale: Boat slip in Skyline Condo 18 for 50’ boat LOA. Parking, gated entry, showers, laundry, includes FBYC membership. $110,000. 3/26 TRADEWINDS BOAT CANVAS - Repair and refurbishment, window replacement, restitch, water proofing. Get ready for winter. Quick turnaround. 360-770-4339. Yacht and Aircraft Interiors ✦ UPHOLSTERY ✦ CANVAS COVERS ✦ LEATHER ✦ ENCLOSURES ✦ CARPET ✦ DODGERS ✦ LIGHTING ✦ DRAPES & BLINDS ✦ BEDDING ✦ CABINET WORK 360 770 4339 Please call for appointment 6040 Sands Way (Skyline) Anacortes how did the early christians worship jesus christ? Come and see BYZANTINE CATHOLIC DIVINE LITURGY Every Sunday at 5:30pm St. Charles Catholic Church 935 Peterson Road, Burlington experience heaven on earth! Coffee and treats after liturgy. Catechism classes run Oct-May. Please call 206-329-9219 for more information. it will change your life! 58 BOATS / mOTORS / mARINE Marine Servicenter’s Explore Store is in full swing at 700 28th St.! Come visit the retail chandlery, where you can find AB dinghies, Ray Marine electronics, retail boat parts, and more. The Ullman sail loft is upstairs, there is a huge indoor service bay, inside heated dry storage, outdoor dry storage, and an expanded new and brokerage sales dept. Stop by and talk to our knowledgeable staff!, since 1977. Moorages 28’ to 82’ available for purchase or lease at: FURNITURE / APPLIANCES Skyline Marina Anacortes Marina Anchor Cove Marina Fidalgo Marina Solid oak roll top desk, $50. 360-661-5284 3/12 Make offer - Whirlpool white dishwasher and stove in great working condition. 360-293-5654 2/26 Remember ... if you’re not advertising in the Clamdigger, you’re not being seen... 299-3444 360-293-1255 2201 Skyline Way #103, Anacortes 700 - 28th Street, Anacortes, wA 98221 BOATS ARE SELLING WE NEED QUALITY LISTINGS! We have affordable dry storage for good listings Call us NOW! marine Servicenter retail & dry Storage Center marine servicenter’s eXplore store is an expansion of our bustling boatyard and sales office, just a few hundred feet north of the store. Come browse our showroom for electronics, aB dinghies, custom metal work, inside heated dry storage, and the ullman sail loft- all in one convenient location. Jeanneau, Blue Jacket, Greenline, island packet, nauticat, and lagoon and seawind catamarans. (360) 293-9521 Patrick harrigan Yacht broker raymarine A78 bundle Blowout price! includes 18” raydome, a78 multifunction display, and Chirp transducer with downVision for photo like sonar views of the bottom. plus a free navionics Gold chart chip for north america! originally $2,399.99 now $1,797.99!! not what you’re looking for? stop by and let us put a package together customized for your needs! Winter 2015 Sailing Schedule ONGOING EVENTS/ACTIVITIES Effective 12/28/14-3/21/15 WA State Ferries Anacortes / San Juan Islands: Westbound Monday-Friday Leave Leave Anacortes Lopez 4:30 5:30 6:20 —— 7:40 8:55 9:25 —— 10:20 —— —— 2:10 2:35 Fri 3:05 —— 4:50 Fri 5:20 6:00 —— 7:10 7:50 Fri 9:05 —— 6:20 7:10 —— —— —— 10:05 9:55 11:10 9:55 1:05 —— —— 3:55 3:35 —— 6:00 —— 6:50 —— 8:35 Fri 9:50 Leave Shaw —— 7:15 —— 7:00 9:10 —— —— 10:15 —— 12:20 12:40 —— —— 4:15 3:55 —— —— —— 6:25 8:00 —— 10:05 Eastbound Monday - Friday Leave Sidney —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— Leave Fri. Har. 5:55 6:10 —— 8:05 8:25 —— —— 10:30 11:30 12:10 —— 2:05 3:40 —— —— 5:25 —— 6:15 Fri 7:30 —— 9:15 Fri 11:15 Leave Orcas —— 7:20 7:00 —— 9:15 8:55 —— —— 12:25 —— 12:55 2:55 —— 3:40 Fri 4:50 6:10 —— —— —— 8:25 —— 10:25 Leave Orcas —— 6:35 —— 7:20 8:30 —— —— 10:35 —— 12:30 12:25 —— 3:25 Fri 4:25 4:15 —— —— —— 6:10 8:10 —— 10:25 Leave Shaw —— 6:55 7:15 —— 9:30 9:10 —— —— 12:40 —— 12:20 3:10 —— —— 4:15 6:25 —— —— —— 8:00 —— —— Westbound Saturday and Sunday Leave Leave Anacortes Lopez 5:00 5:35 7:40 9:00 9:25 10:15 12:40 1:25 1:50 3:20 5:20 5:55 8:20 8:55 —— 6:20 —— —— 10:15 —— 1:30 —— 2:40 —— 6:10 6:45 9:05 9:40 Leave Shaw —— 6:40 —— —— 10:35 —— —— —— 3:00 —— 6:25 —— —— 9:55 Leave Orcas —— 7:00 8:30 10:00 10:50 11:05 1:45 —— 3:20 4:20 6:45 7:00 —— 10:05 Arrive Fri. Har. 5:35 —— 7:40 8:10 —— 10:00 —— 11:15 11:40 —— 1:45 3:15 —— —— 4:55 5:55 Fri —— 7:05 7:40 —— 9:05 Fri 11:05 Leave Lopez Skagit-Anacortes International Folk Dancers - Teaching most Tuesdays at 7pm, dancing follows. Bay View Civic Hall, C Street, Bay View. Call Joel, 360-391-0601 for information. Men! Want have fun singing four part barbershop harmony? Attend a free, no-commitment rehearsal of the An-O-Chords. No experience required. Learn by rote; you don’t have to read music. Ages 12 to 90-plus welcome. Drop in any Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Northwest Educational Service Building, 1601 “R” Ave., Anacortes. Rides available. Questions? ... or request for a ride: Call 360-941-5733 or email FREE ADULT ACTING CLASSES! Every 3rd Saturday of each month, 10 AM to 1 PM, at Anacortes Community Theatre, 918 M Ave., Anacortes (M Ave. & 10th St.). Activities include: Attendee Introductions, Theme Monologues, Improv Games, Random Cards and Scripted Scenes with a different Main Topic each month. Each class is independent, so you don’t have to commit to every session. More info: (360) 840-0089, Come play table tennis at the Middle School gym. Tues and Thurs nights from 7-9:30pm. All are welcome. Deception Pass Model Yacht Club. RC sailboat racing Wednesday and Sunday from noon. Free counseling domestic violence prevention, non-profit CSIRI. org, offers problem teens community service hours, training in web design. 360-941-0459, Reverend Andi Bowe. Indoor Pickleball - Drop-in adult pickleball Tues. and Thurs. 7-9pm, Sun. 10am-noon at Mt. Erie Elementary gym. Email or 299-3507 for more info. Come play ULTIMATE FRISBEE Tuesdays 6:30pm, Sundays, 1:30pm at Storvik Park. More info? Email mmanderson.67@ WA Old Time Fiddler jam sessions open to the public. 1st Fri. Oak Harbor Senior Center, 2nd & 4th Fridays Mt Vernon Senior Center Join us Thursday nights at 7pm for adult co-ed pick-up soccer at Smiley’s Bottom. This is a Parks & Rec activity and all experience levels welcome! The Anacortes Chapter of Days for Girls Int’l host a monthly Sewing Day the 2nd Thurs. of each month at the Cottage Hobby House, corner of 12th & M, from 10am-6pm. For more info, call Carol Olsen, 360-708-7960 or visit Arrive Sidney —— —— —— —— —— 11:10 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— Arrive Anacortes 6:40 7:20 —— —— 7:45 8:25 —— 9:10 9:50 —— —— 10:00 10:20 11:00 —— 11:35 1:00 —— 12:55 1:35 —— 1:45 3:30 —— 4:20 5:00 —— 4:30 Fri —— 5:40 6:45 —— 6:10 6:50 —— 7:20 Fri 8:10 8:50 8:50 9:30 —— 10:20Fri —— 12:20 Arrive Fri. Har. Arrive Sidney 6:05 7:40 —— 10:40 11:30 —— —— 2:30 4:00 5:00 7:25 —— 9:35 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— Leave Lopez Arrive Anacortes Eastbound Saturday and Sunday Leave Sidney —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— Leave Fri. Har. 6:25 8:00 —— 11:10 —— 11:55 —— 2:50 4:30 5:25 —— 7:50 9:50 —— Leave Orcas 7:15 —— 8:50 Noon 11:30 —— 2:10 3:35 —— 6:20 7:20 —— 10:40 10:20 Leave Shaw 7:30 —— —— 12:15 —— —— —— 3:50 —— 6:35 —— —— 10:55 —— 8:00 —— 9:15 12:45 —— —— —— 4:20 —— 7:00 7:45 —— 11:15 —— Remember ... if you’re not advertising in the Clamdigger, you’re not being seen... 299-3444 8:40 9:05 9:55 1:25 12:20 1:00 3:00 5:00 5:35 7:40 8:25 8:55 11:55 11:10 60 6th street hair co. 360.293.7571 Jackie Diane Lindsey Accepting new clients Mel Casey 907 6th Street, Anacortes, WA 98221 • 61 CROSSWORD This crossword puzzle was created and printed by Crossword Magic Computer Software 1 1 23 45 6 7 8 9101112131415 2 (14,4) Vermont (14,5) European Community (14,8) laser disc (14,11) California (14,14) alternating current 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ACROSS (1,1) any of various small low carts or vehicles (1,2) road (1,4) number (1,5) short skirt with many pressed folds, worn traditionally by Scotsmen (1,7) in the condition of (1,8) United Kingdom (1,10) measure of length, 1/12 of a foot (1,12) police department in the US, particularly concerned with matters of national security (2,6) stretch of flat ground covered with closely cut grass (3,3) for example (3,11) limited (3,14) northeast (3,15) Texas (9,6) Virginia (9,10) Idaho (9,12) note well (9,15) famous news network (11,2) large animal of the cattle type, wild or used by man (11,5) the subject of (11,8) contained by (11,11) hour (12,7) with no others in the same group (12,9) place with a spring of mineral water where people come for cures of various diseases (12,10) movable shelter made of cloth supported by poles and ropes (12,12) become old (12,13) tuberculosis (13,3) doctor (13,15) take a seat (14,2) United Nations (4,2) Iowa (4,4) fleshy part of either side of the human body above the legs (4,7) Edward’s nickname (4,9) soldier in the US army (5,12) large natural or man-made hole in the ground (5,13) round, colored part of the eye (6,3) equally (6,5) ability to do something without difficulty (6,8) Illinois (6,10) South Carolina (6,15) Minnesota (7,2) one of the 12 pairs of bones (7,7) couple (7,9) a very small amount (7,11) back in time from now (7,14) directly above (8,4) produce young (9,1) disbelief in the existence of God 62 DOWN (1,1) large box in which clothes or belongings are stored or packed for travel (1,7) gold (1,10) arrival, or movement inwards, of large numbers/quantities (2,1) road (2,4) cloth treated with oil (3,5) Los Angeles (3,10) person who pays a professional person for help and advice (4,1) weighting between 126 and 135 pounds (4,14) example (5,1) Louisiana (5,6) North Dakota (5,11) dot per inch (6,3) large monkey without a tail (6,12) iridium (7,1) yours (7,5) request in writing (8,4) Bachelor of Science (8,13) sub voce (9,1) shortened form of a word (9,14) European Community (10,6) Arkansas (10,9) advertisement (10,12) become on fire (11,1) stay in the air in one place (12,1) example (12,4) show clearly (13, 9) physical education (13,12) Great Britain (14,1) close watch kept on someone believed to have criminal intentions (14,14) artificial intelligence (15,1) manganese (15,4) traveler’s check (15,7) yard(s) (15,10) thank you (15,13) take action SUDOKU 3 5 Clam Chat with Claudia 1 9 3 8 7 6 Got a question, problem, or just nosy and have to know? Write sweet Claudia (and yes, she is a real person) at: The Clamdigger, 1811 Commercial Ave. 2 1 8 8 4 4 1 1 7 Dear Claudia, Last summer we had four windows replaced in our house. On the outside of the house, all the siding was put back in place and it looked just fine. Over the winter, my husband decided to tackle the job of replacing the window frames on the inside of the four windows we had replaced. He finally completed the first of the four frames on the inside of the house. I thought he was going to do a better job of it. The frames around the window that he just finished looks more like a frame you would find around a window at the fun house at some carnival. He is getting ready to purchase more wood for the next window. This would be a waste of money and good wood to have him continue with his project. He is so proud of the job he did with the framing of the window that I just don’t have the heart to tell him that his work is just not up to par. I don’t think that there is any way to make this easy. Any thoughts? Signed, Framed 9 2 6 6 9 2 5 Puzzle by Instructions: Fill in the puzzle so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9. LAST WEEKS 9 5 2 3 7 8 1 4 6 7 6 4 9 5 1 3 2 8 1 8 3 4 6 2 9 5 7 8 2 7 1 9 6 5 3 4 3 9 6 5 4 7 2 8 1 5 4 1 8 2 3 6 7 9 6 3 9 2 8 4 7 1 5 2 7 8 6 1 5 4 9 3 4 1 5 7 3 9 8 6 2 Puzzle by Port Townsend District Tide Table - 2015 Corrections: To determine the time and tide for any of the following places on a certain date, add or subtract the time and height from the time and height of the Port Townsend daily tide prediction for that same day. Use the high tide corrections to correct the high tides and use the low tide corrections to correct the low tides. Place Anacortes, Guemes Channel Deception Pass St. Park, Bowman Bay, Fidalgo Island Swinomish Channel entrance, Padilla Bay Thatcher Pass High Tide Correction Low Tide Correction Time Height Time Height +0:22 *0.96 +0:33 *1.00 -0:18 *0.90 +0:02 *0.98 +0:36 +0:31 0.0 +1:17 *0.96 +0.18 0.0 Dear Framed, The truth hurts sometimes, but better to let him know, than living with bad frames. Start looking for a contractor now before they all get busy for the spring and summer. Good Luck, Claudia *0.92 * Multiply by ratio for height correction. Day Time Ft. Time Ft. Time Ft. Time Ft. Th 02/263:41 AM 5.79:27 AM 8.14:43 PM 0.8 --------------------------F 02/271:07 AM 7.65:15 AM 6.110:23 AM 7.75:48 PM 0.8 Sa 02/28 2:07 AM 8.06:48 AM 6.111:30 AM 7.46:46 PM 0.8 Su 03/01 2:53 AM 8.37:54 AM 5.812:39 PM 7.27:35 PM 0.8 M 03/023:30 AM 8.5 8:37 AM5.41:40 PM 7.2 8:15 PM 0.9 Tu 03/034:01 AM 8.59:08 AM 5.0 2:30 PM 7.3 8:51 PM 1.0 W 03/044:25 AM 8.49:34 AM 4.53:15 PM 7.39:25 PM 1.2 Light Face - Low Tide Bold Face - High Tide 65 Restyled - Restored - Upcycled Furniture, Home Decor & Vintage Finds 1717 Commercial, Anacortes • 360-202-2089 • Let your creativity blossom! We did! Come in to get your American Paint for your own projects Open Thursday through Sunday 10-5 66 LAST WEEK’S CROSSWORD ANSWERS P A R T I C I P A T E M T E N X V R A F C G L O U A P C C F E D N T V G R A S S H O P P E R I F U I H A O R R E C A L L I N O L I N S H L T P A N N E O D P A L R I N D A T C U Y R D F A I D V A F N E T A T G A E O T U S P S A T L R O U T E M S K E Y M A I L N N C A C R O W D N A R E V U E G G U N K S I T U E S O N O R C E W E R A I G A G Pilates on Point Carly Keelan, PMA-CPT® Mat classes starting in January Private Sessions by Appointment 1015 6th St. #107, Anacortes New to the area DARRYL SILVERS Now teaching at the Eagles 360-202-1243 Teaching / Coaching / Demonstrations / Weddings Kneading Touch Massage Lauren Drum, L.M.P Theraputic & Relaxing L&I - Auto Claims 3218 R Avenue Suite B Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 826-2976 MA60293062 FULL SERVICE PRINTING 1811 Commercial Ave. ◆ Anacortes phone 293-2131 ◆ fax 293-8373 8 FOOD & DRINK Clamdigger Kitchen Secret Cove (formerly Randy’s) has daily food and drink specials, lots of burgers, sandwiches, appetizers, seafood and hand-cut steaks. 209 T Ave, Anacortes. 360-982-2008, Open 7 days a week. Mon-Sat open at 11am. Sunday open at 9:30 for Brunch. Frida’s Gourmet Mexican Cuisine: Lunch from 11am-3pm, dinner from 3-9pm. Really authentic Mexican cuisine and gourmet Mexican cuisine. Come and try us! The Rockfish Grill features fresh Northwest cuisine including steak & local seafood, woodfired pizza, a great selection of sandwiches & appetizers, decadent desserts, daily specials & Anacortes Ales and Lagers brewed with care on the premises. Entertainment Calendar: 3/4 - Savage Jazz 6PM, 3/6 - Eric Madis and Paul Anastasio 8PM 3/11 - The Stilly River Band 6PM, 3/12 - Cheryl Hodge 6PM, 3/13 - Wayne Hayton 8PM, 3/18 - Little Joe Argo 6PM, 3/20 - Mia Vermillion 8PM, 3/25 - Fidalgo Swing 6PM. Music runs Wed, Thurs 6-9pm. The Rockfish Grill is open daily at 11am. Smoke free, families welcome. 320 Commercial Ave.; 588-1720. www.anacortes H20 Entertainment: Open Sun 9:30am-10pm, Mon & Tues 3pm10pm, Wed & Thurs. 3pm-11pm, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 9:30am-1am. Featuring any NFL game live game day on our multiple screens. Entertainment Calendar: 3/5 - Brewer’s Night with Diamond Knot, Big Time, Anacortes 6PM 3/6 - DJ Boombox 9PM, 3/7 - Jessica Lynne 730PM / DJ Z 10:30PM, 3/13 - DJ Triple Crown 9PM, 3/14 - Fabulous Roof Shakers 7:30PM /DJ Z 10:30PM 3/19 - Distiller’s Night with Sun Liquor 6PM, 3/20 - DJ Clint Westwood 9PM, 3/21 - Gertrude’s Hearse 7:30PM / DJ Z 10:30PM, 3/27 - DJ Ryan I 9PM, 3/28 - Bobby Holland and the Breadline 7:30PM / DJ Z 10:30PM, Every Monday - Double Happy Hour All Day / Movie Monday 6PM Every Tuesday - Taco and Tall Boy Tuesday. Every Thursday - Trivia with Boston Bob 8:30PM. Every Sat and Sunday - Brunch Menu and Bloody Mary Bar starting at 9:30AM Every Sunday - Karaoke 8PM. Closed Wednesday. H20, 314 Commercial Ave., Anacortes, 360-755-3956 Channelside Cafe at Anderson’s - Casual Dining, great food made fresh to order with local ingredients. Outdoor Patio & Deck on 3 acres of waterfront. Full bar with daily happy hour 3:00-600, $1 off wells, drafts, house wine, and appetizers, Taco Tuesdays: $2.00 Beef Tacos, Weds: Poquitou Cheese Quesadilla $3.00, Slider Thursdays: $5.00 Sliders. For the latest live entertainment info, reservations, and catering menus see guemesislandstore. com. Feb 21- Acoustic Jazz Vocals Mia Vermillion; We’re located at 7885 Guemes Island Road, just a 5 minute ferry ride from 6th and I streets in old town Anacortes. Meeting room for functions available with Waterfront Views. Consider us for your next party or special event catering Winter hours Mon-Closed; Tues- Thurs 9am-7pm, Fri-Sat 9am-9pm, Sunday 9am-7pm, last seating 30 minutes prior to close Breakfast Friday, Saturday, Sunday until 11:00am. 360-293-4548 Seafood Chowder 1⁄4 pound bacon, diced 1⁄2 stick butter 2 stalks celery, sliced 1⁄2 large onion, diced 3 14-ounce cans chicken broth 2 medium potatoes, diced with skin on 1 8-ounce bottle Snow’s clam juice 3⁄4 cup all-purpose flour 1⁄4 pound raw shrimp, peeled and deveined 1⁄2 pound small scallops 1/3 pound fresh salmon, cut into 1-inch pieces 1/3 pound any white fish, cut into 1-inch pieces 12 ounces heavy cream 1⁄4 dry white wine (such as Chardonnay) 1⁄2 tsp. thyme 1 tablespoon dried parsley salt and pepper, to taste Brown bacon in heavy 6-quart pot over medium-high heat. Don’t drain. Add butter. Sauté celery and onion in fat until translucent. Add 2 cans of the broth and potatoes; cook until potatoes are tender. Mix third can of broth with flour thoroughly--no lumps. Add to pot. Stir until thickened. Add thyme, parsley, and seafood. Cook until shrimp is pink and fish flakes easily, about 5 to 6 minutes. Add cream and wine and season to taste with salt and pepper. Heat through. Serve with hot, crusty bread. Makes about 8 servings. Send us your favorite recipe: Fax: 360-293-8373 • Email: 1811 Commercial Ave., Anacortes, 98221 70 Office available, 10x10’s available. Call us! 360-770-4334 LIGHTHOUSE PARK Mini Storage & RV Park 6060 Sands Way • 360-770-4334 or 360-293-3344 Supporting Property Owners ...At home or away, former builder Tim Eslick will keep a well-trained eye on your buildings & systems. Tel. 360-293-8757 • cell: 360-770-3813 • Dennis F. Cullen Inc. Home Repair & Remodel Specialist 360.202.1981 #DENNIFC014Q2 Rawls Tree Service LLC Danger Tree Removal • Limbing Timber Marketing • Tree Topping Stump Grinding • Timber Falling LICENSED & INSURED Satisfaction Guaranteed 20 Years Experience Lic# RAWLSTS913ND 360.303.8825 FULL SERVICE PRINTING 1811 Commercial Ave. ◆ Anacortes phone 293-2131 ◆ fax 293-8373 REAL ESTATE HOT SHEET FSBO: Old Town Charmer. Remodeled 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 978 sq. ft. home. Large kitchen with marble counters. Great pantry. Gas heat. Enclosed fenced yard. Separate garage. $219,000. Call 360-914-7579. 3/25 HOME / SPACE for RENT For Rent: Efficient 2 br bungalow in Anacortes, 1 bath, fenced yard, large covered patio, $800/month. Security deposit required plus credit check. ISLANDS WEST REAL ESTATE LLC (360) 293-1024 3/12 For Rent: 1 bedroom apartment, beautifully furnished, including linens and dishes. Master suite, living room, full kitchen. Includes utilities and cable. Near ferry. No pets/smoke. Short term ok, 2 months minimum, monthly $850 + deposit. Call 360-393-5331. 3/12 For Rent: Anacortes, 720 sq. ft., one bath, 2 bedroom, 1920’s house. Walk to town, gas stove, water heater & central heat, washer & dryer hookup. 120 sq. ft multipurpose shed, $250 security deposit. $900 per month + Utilities, first & last, no pets. 360-588-8158 3/12 For Rent: 1790 sq. ft. commercial building, 3015 Commercial Ave., Anacortes. 293-6998 3/5 For Rent: Oak Harbor, 1344 SF, two bedroom, 2 bath home. Views, bonus room, shop, deck. $1,150 + $1,150 deposit. Credit check. Lease. 360679-3355 or 760-346-3727 3/26 Heated mini storage - 22nd Street Heated Storage has units from 5’x6’ to 10’x13’. Conveniently located on 22nd St. just west of Commercial. 24 hour access, 24 hour camera surveillance, key pad entry. Call 360-7075588 or 360-708-5240. 7/16/15 Office space available at Lighthouse Park Mini Storage & RV Park in Skyline, Anacortes. 746 sq. ft. upstairs view office, carpeted with bathroom and kitchen set up available now. Rent includes utilities, WSG and electricity. Call to see 360-770-4334. Lrv ‘Clinical Pediatrics’ says ... ‘Kick’ scooters cause a 40 percent increase in injury rates The light-weight, collapsible scooter (like the Razor and others) appear to be largely responsible for a 40 percent increase in children’s injuries between 1990 and 2011. Injuries from other types of toys continued at a steady pace. Boys and young children were most at risk, and falls were the most common mishap. They sent 195,363 children to emergency rooms in 2011, up from 121,249 toy injuries in 1990, say researchers at the Center for Injury Research and Policy in Columbus, Ohio. The study on children younger than age 18 is the first nationally representative long-term look at toy-related injuries says the Consumer Product Safety Commission. 72 GUEMES IPHONE: SLAND FERRY SCHEDULE (360) 293-6356 Friday Saturday Sunday 6:30 AM 6:30 AM 6:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:15 AM 9:15 AM 9:45 AM 9:45 AM 9:45 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:45 AM 10:45 AM 10:45 AM 10:45 AM 11:15 AM 11:15 AM 11:15 AM 11:15 AM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:45 PM 2:45 PM 3:15 PM 3:15 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:15 PM 5:45 PM 6:15 PM 6:15 PM 6:15 PM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 9:15 PM 9:15 PM 10:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM Wednesday 9:15 AM to Guemes and 2:00 PM from Guemes are hazardous materials runs only. No other vehicles or passengers may travel on these runs. Ferry may make one extra trip when overloaded at 11 :15 AM, or when there is an hour between runs. No extra trips at 5:45 PM or 6:45 PM. For one extra trip on the 8:00 PM, 8:30 PM, or 11 :00 PM, the fare will be $100.00, plus fare, regardless of how many vehicles are in line. This fare may be split by all those who wish to travel. When New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas falls on a Sunday through Thursday, service will be provided on a Saturday schedule, ending at 10:00 PM. SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 73 Serving Anacortes & All San Juan County REFINISH YOUR CABINETS FOR THE NEW YEAR 70% LESS Than Replacing or Refacing! • Done in one day Got Peeling? Looks Great! • No Dust • No Toxic Chemicals! Tracy Booth, Founder Fre Estim e & Demates os Before After Got Greasy, Sticky Cabinets? We Will Refinish and Make Your Cabinets EASY TO CLEAN! Call Today 360-483-0025 27 Years in Business Sebo’s Has The Most Trusted Brands! • Appliances • Electrical • Equipment Rentals • Gardening • Housewares • Painting • Plumbing 1102 Commercial Ave. • 293-4575 76
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