l' Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine BPS/RE 2015 Application for Review of Entitlements Please read 'Guidelines governing the Review of Entitlements' before completing this Form Section 1: Personal Details Completed application forms must be returned to: Name: Address: Review of Entitlements Section Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Knockmay Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. (Lo-Call — 0761 064447) PPS Number: Herd Number Tel. No. Mob. No. Section 2: Criteria to be Reviewed Please tick the appropriate box to indicate the criteria to be reviewed 1. 2013 Land Area — (If you have reason to believe that the Guide to Basic Payment Scheme entitlements which ou have received does r not accurately reflect the number of eligible hectares you declared in 2013) 2. 2014 Reference Value — (If you have reason to believe that the Guide to Basic Payment Scheme entitlements which you have received does not accurately reflect the value of entitlements owned by you in 2014 or the value of the payment you received under the Grassland Sheep scheme, if any) 3. Division of Entitlements — Partnerships — (If you were farming in an existing partnership in 2013 and or 2014, please complete a review of entitlements application to allow the department to allocate entitlements for each individual partner) I 4. Division of Entitlements — 2014 Scission - (If, having established an allocation right in 2013, the original holding has been divided to form two or more separate farming entities, on or before 15th May 2014, you should request a review of the allocation of entitlements so that the allocation reflects the division of the holding)- On a separate page describe in writing the circumstances that you consider support a review of your allocation of entitlements. Please include all documentation relevant to your case. Declaration: I hereby declare that the information given by me in this application is accurate and true in all respects and I declare that I have enclosed all relevant documents relating to this application. I acknowledge that the Department reserves the right to withdraw an allocation of entitlements if the information supplied is found to be false or inaccurate. Office Use Only Date Received Signature of Applicant f Sequence No. 1/3 Guidelines governing the Review of Entitlements General Principles 1.1 The Single Payment Scheme came to an end on 31 December 2014 and all entitlements held under that scheme expired on that date. A new set of entitlements will be allocated to eligible farmers under the Basic Payment Scheme in 2015. A Provisional Statement of Entitlements has now issued to farmers which gives an estimate of the number and value of entitlements they will be allocated under the Basic Payment Scheme. 1.2 If you have reason to believe that this statement does not properly reflect your allocation references, i.e. 2013 land, 2014 Entitlement Value or 2014 Grassland Sheep Scheme payment value you may request a review using the Department's online Entitlement Allocation Review facility available at www.agfood.ie or alternatively, by completing this application and submitting it to Review of Entitlements Section, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Knockmay Road, Portlaoise, Co Laois. 1.3 All documentation presented (including supporting documentation) must be submitted with the Review of Entitlements application. Please note that during the processing of applications it may be necessary to request additional documentation from applicants. 1.4 The Review Process is not appropriate to persons where; • there is an outstanding application relating to entitlements in any year of the Single Payment Scheme, e.g. a transfer of entitlements, consolidation application, etc • the area of eligible land has been reduced as a result of a LPIS review As the Provisional Statement reflects a farmer's circumstances at time of printing, it will not take into account any changes that may occur during the 2015 scheme year. For example where a farmer declares less land in 2015 than s/he declared in 2013, the number of entitlements will be based on the lesser of the two figures. Such changes will be incorporated automatically into a farmer's Entitlement position and are not appropriate to the Review Process. 1.5 The final decision regarding the value of Basic Payment Scheme entitlements that will be allocated to a farmer will be determined by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine on the basis of the procedures for calculating entitlement values as contained in Regulation (EU) 1307/2013. 1.6 In accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 1306/2013, no person shall receive an allocation of entitlements for whom it is established that they have artificially created the conditions required for obtaining such allocation with a view to obtaining an advantage contrary to the objectives of the Basic Payment Scheme. 2. Information on the Allocation of Entitlements The calculation of a farmer's allocation of entitlements is based on three Reference Points; I. Allocation Right: Any farmer who was eligible to receive a direct payment in 2013 (Single Payment, Grassland Sheep Scheme, Burren Farming for Conservation Programme, Beef Data Programme) in excess of €100 is automatically eligible to receive an allocation of entitlements under the Basic Payment Scheme in 2015. II. Number of Entitlements The number of entitlements allocated to a farmer will be based on the number of eligible hectares declared in 2013 and 2015, whichever is lower. 2/3 Value of Entitlements The total value of entitlements (owned or leased out) by a farmer under the Single Payment Scheme in 2014 and where relevant the value of payment received under the Grassland Sheep Scheme forms the basis for calculating the value of his/her entitlements in 2015 under the Basic Payment Scheme. 3. Partnerships / Scissions (2014 only) 3.1 Partnerships If you were farming in an existing partnership in 2013 and/or 2014, please complete the supporting document under Annex 1 of this application form to enable the Department allocate a separate set of entitlements for each individual partner 3.2 Scissions (2014 only) If having established an allocation right in 2013, the original holding has been divided to form two or more separate farming entities, please complete the supporting document under Annex 11 of this application form to enable the Department allocate a separate set of entitlements for each individual holding. If a scission of the holding has taken place after 15th May 2014, please complete the 2015 Transfer of Entitlement Allocation Right and Reference Value application form which is available to download from the Department's website at www.agriculture.gov.ie 3.3 Witnessing of signatures in relation to Partnerships and Scissions In relation to documents required under Partnership and Scissions, all signatures must be witnessed by a Solicitor, member of Teagasc or Agricultural Consultant. Please note, the person witnessing the signatures on the form should only witness the signatures if the person(s) is physically present when the form is signed. If the applicant is not known to the witness, then the witness must request photographic proof of identification such as Passport or Driver's Licence. 3/3 ANNEX 1 Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Supporting Document for Partnerships applying for a Review of Entitlements Please read 'Guidelines governing the Review of Entitlements' before completing this supporting document Division of Entitlements — Partnerships — (If you were farming in an existing partnership in 2013 and / or 2014, you must complete this document to support your review of entitlements application and to allow the department to allocate a separate set of entitlements for each individual partner.) Each Partner should complete a separate table specifying the herd number they previously farmed under, the 2013 land parcels used by each partner, the number and the value of 2014 SPS entitlements owned by each partner. Each Partner should sign the form and the signatures should be witnessed by an appropriate person. Herd Number of New Partnership Holding PARTNER 1: . Original Herd Number for Partner 1 2013 Land Parcel Numbers brought into the Partnership by Partner 1 Number and value of SPS entitlements held in 2014 by Partner 1 2013 Land Parcel Numbers brought into the Partnership by Partner 1 PARTNER 2: Original Herd Number for Partner 2 Number and value of SPS entitlements held in 2014 by Partner 2 2013 Land Parcel Numbers brought into the Partnership by Partner 2 2013 Land Parcel Numbers brought into thePartnership by Partner 2 PARTNER 3: Original Herd Number for Partner 3 Number and value of SPS entitlements held in 2014 by Partner 3 2013 Land Parcel Numbers brought into thePartnership by Partner 3 2013 Land Parcel Numbers brought into the Partnership by Partner 3 Signature of Partner 1: Signature of Partner 2: This signature witnessed in the presence of: This signature witnessed in the presence of: (Member of Teagasc, Agriculture Consultant, or Solicitor) Witness Stamp (Member of Teagasc, Agriculture Consultant, or Solicitor) Witness Stamp Signature of Partner 3: This signature witnessed in the presence of: (Member of Teagasc, Agriculture Consultant, or Solicitor) Witness Stamp If more than one page is required to complete the land parcel details for each partner, each page must be signed and witnessed. This document must be accompanied by an application for a review of entitlements. ANNEX II Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Supporting Document for a Review of Entitlements in cases of Scission (2014 only) Please read 'Guidelines governing the Review of Entitlements' before completing this supporting document Division of Entitlements — 2014 Scission - (If, having established an allocation right in 2013, the original holding has been divided to form two or more separate farming entities, on or beforel5th May 2014, you must complete this document to support your review of entitlements application and to allow the Department to allocate entitlements to each separate holding. Each new farming entity should complete a separate table specifying the herd number of the original holding, their new herd number, the land parcels they brought from the original holding, the number and the value of 2014 SPS entitlements that they brought from the original holding. Each member of the original holding should sign the form as well as each member of the new holdings and the signatures should be witnessed by an appropriate person. Herd Number of Original Holding Member 1 Herd Number Member 2 Herd Number 2013 Land Parcel Number being brought by this member to new holding Number & Value of SPS entitlements held in 2014 by this member 2013 Land Parcel Number being brought by this member to new holding Number & Value of SPS entitlements held in 2014 by this member Signature of Member 1 of original holding: Signature of Member 2 of original holding: This signature witnessed in the presence of: This signature witnessed in the presence of: (Member of Teagasc, Agriculture Consultant, or Solicitor) Witness Stamp (Member of Teagasc, Agriculture Consultant, or Solicitor) Witness Stamp
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