Mar 01, 2015 - St. Vincent de Paul Parish

St. Vincent de Paul
Roman Catholic Church
1500 DePaul Street
Elmont, N.Y. 11003
“A Parish with Heart”
arch 1, 2015
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi
(516) 352-2127
Parish Social Ministry
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
(516) 354-4976
Second Sunday of Lent
March 1, 2015
Scriptural Reflection for the Week
“God put Abraham to the test.” (see Genesis 22:1-2) And it
was quite a severe and difficult one! Would Abraham lead
his son to be the sacrifice offered to God? Abraham, having
full faith in God, made all the preparation to do so. When
God saw Abraham’s fidelity, He intervened to spare Isaac.
Abraham proved himself to be “our father in faith”, There
would come another Son who was led to sacrifice, Jesus.
But this time the obedience that was necessary was to include the actual deed. God the Father did not intervene in
the ways of men though. Instead He allowed His Son to
suffer the full brunt of man’s cruelty to man. So Jesus died
on the cross. But because of such obedience on the part of
Jesus—an obedience born out of love—death, sin, is now
overcome. What men wanted to make a disgrace becomes
the means of pure grace - the Cross leads to the Resurrection. Death is defeated by Life - that is, by obedience, by
love, true love! And what about us when we are put to the
test? Is there such obedience, such love, as shown by
Abraham, by Jesus? In the face of such life tests, they
trusted God’s plan. Do we give God’s plan a chance to happen by being as faithful, as obedient and as loving? It is in
dying to ourselves that we are born to eternal life. Don’t be
afraid to die to self-interest, self-centeredness, selfishness,
to sin. Don’t be afraid. Because God always brings life, a
new and better life to the one who is willing to be faithful,
obedient, and full of true love!
Lenten Retreat Night at St. Catherine’s
This TUESDAY, March 3rd.
6:30pm Mass
7:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30pm Meditation by Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski
8:15pm Confession
9:00pm Benediction
Lenten Examination of Conscience
♦ Do I keep Sundays and feast days holy by taking a full
part, with attention and devotion, in the liturgy of the
Mass? Have I fulfilled the precept of annual confession
and of communion during the Easter Season?
♦ Are there false gods that I worship by giving them
greater attention and deeper trust than I give to God:
money, work, superstition and occult practices, pleasure, one’s self?
♦ Do I share my possession with the less fortunate? Do I
do my best to help the victims of oppression, misfortune, and poverty? Or do I look down on my neighbor,
especially the poor, the sick, the elderly, newcomers
and refugees, and people of other races?
An Act of Contrition
“Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a
Charity Begins At Home!
This winter has taken a toll on the weekly collection
offering. Yet, there are ADDED expenses due to
heating, snow removal, repairs due to extreme
weather, etc. If you missed a Sunday due to the
weather, please try to make up your offering during
this month of March. Your understanding and generosity is greatly appreciated!
Last Weekend’s Collection and Attendance
Parish: $3,385.00
8:30am— 80
Total: 303
(Ash Wednesday: $1,493.00)
One Final Thought
“Let’s focus more on the things we ought to do in
serving our husband, our wife, our children, our
siblings - rather than on their shortcomings.”
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his only son,
Isaac. St. Paul reminds us that God Himself
“did not spare his own Son.” Are my gifts to the
Lord - of my resources, of my time, of myself also sacrificial?
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our
parish who, through fasting, become more
conscious of their faith and its interaction in
daily life!
for the Week
for this Weekend
4:00 pm
8:30 am
12:30 pm
February 28
Ernest & Catherine Dietz
March 1
Brigida Lodato
Aurora Arguelles
Second Sunday of Lent; Penitential Rite for
Candidates for Full Communion
St. Katharine Drexel
Wednesday: St. Casimir;
Purim (Jewish observance) begins at sunset
First Friday; World Day of Prayer;
Saturday: Ss. Perpetua and Felicity; First Saturday
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
4:00 pm
8:30 am
12:30 pm
March 2
Joan Hannah
March 3
March 4
Lillian Triano
March 5
For the People of the Parish
March 6
March 7
Mark Liegey
March 8
Anthony LaMantia
For the week of March 1 thru March 7
Is in loving memory of
Joan Hannah
As requested by Maureen Hannah
Please pray for the deceased and their Families:
Janaro Scibelli
Filimena Pallotta
Theodora E. Tybursti
Peter Notaro
Joseph Dwyer
Mary T. Gately
Joseph Ciccarelli
Lena Argila
Gerard Petrella
Clifford Dathe
Rino V. Anatulli
May they rest in peace...
As members of St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Parish, we are committed to assisting
our members in both the spiritual and temporal needs of life. We are a parish with heart
who are committed to “Let all things be done with Charity” and show we are disciples of
Christ by our love for one another.
The Paschal candle represents the Light of Christ.
The candle is blessed at the Easter Vigil in the
Service of Light and the light is passed throughout the Church symbolizing the Light of Christ is
within all of us.
Each year a new candle is needed for the Church
to be used throughout the year at liturgical events
and celebrations. We again are offering an opportunity for sponsorship. It can be an individual, a
family, or even a group. The cost is $300.
Please contact the parish office at 516-352-2127.
Sharing faith through the
eyes of our Catechists:
I started teaching in 2002 when the 1st grade
class was in the home. Then I taught 2nd grade
and I am still teaching that grade. Why do I
teach? That is a loaded question with only one
(good) answer. For our (the Church's) future. I
believe so strongly that the home is the first place
to teach our children about God and his great
love for us, but without Catechists (teachers), our
youth, our future, will not prosper. I would often
ask my family “should I return to teaching”, each
year I was asked to come back. The response
would be divided. Of course, they wanted me
home making dinner and attending to their every
need. I learned to prep for them and still do
what I truly loved to do. That's it. I teach because
I truly love it. Each year returning, saying this is
my last year, but seeing the children's faces
each week, I feel this is where I should be.
The children have so many questions that I get
upset that I am not able to address every one
of them each week. They are so full of curiosity,
love and the need to know. I am so privileged to
be able to help them understand God’s love and
hope that they get it and are able to spread and
share it. So many of the children that I've taught
in the past have come up to me and said thank
you for being the best teacher ever. That's another reason I keep coming back. I really feel that I
am making a difference. I love to explain and
teach them the right way to receive Jesus and
that they will always have him with them forever.
Josephine Catapano
2nd Grade Catechist
St. Vincent's 42nd Annual Boys
Basketball Tournament ended last
week and we'd like to thank our
coaches and volunteers for making it
another successful and memorable
event. Here are the results:
In the 4th grade red division, St. Agnes of Rockville
Centre won the final with a victory over St. Rose of
In the 4th grade gold division, once again another team
from St. Agnes won with a victory over Our Lady of
Hope of Carle Place.
In the 5th grade level, it was St. Catherine of Franklin
Square taking the title by defeating Long Beach CYO.
The 6th grade red division saw St. Brigid of Westbury
win the tournament with a win over Our Lady of Victory
of Floral Park.
The 6th grade gold division winner was our own
St. Vincent team with a win over St. Aloysuis of
Great Neck.
Our own St. Vincent team also won the 7th grade
level with a championship win over Our Lady of
Lourdes from Malverne.
Host Family/Individual:
William Hale
The Sanon Family
Please Pray for our Sick relatives and
Rev. Msgr. Thomas Hartman
Matthew Haygood ; Anthony Gangemella
Madelyn Kushner; Maria Scuccimarra
Linda Rome; Charlotte Orlando; Bob Soveign; Maria Gloe
Helen Strohm; Maria Rossi Pashayen; Ann Parazelli
Patricia DeRosa; Kaelyn Judith Donlon
Ann Mitarotonda; Margaret McCabe
Arlindo Marcelino; Jack Musolino
Janet Falco; Diane Drescher; Ralph Wilson
Diane Wilson; Brittany Wilson; Raul Matos; Mary Italo
Penny Wyckoff; Matthew Noah; Karen Hoffmeyer
Tommy Lannan; Vincente Mejias; William Ross
George McAuliffe; Michael O’Malley; Ann Donahue
Thomas McCreight; Jean Henry; Dominick Consolazio
Anna Marie Orlando; Theresa Chevalier; Frank Saccone
Eugenia Lane; Barbara Ostipwko
Dorie Harbin; Carlos Mackey
Shane Harbin; Veronica Dixon
Florence Kobel; Bill Gilbert
Madeline Corrigan
Karen Carlucci
Tom Camberiarti
Howard Wirth
Albert Bartlett
Dorothy Mink Honald
Please Pray for our Men & Women in the
U.S. Armed Forces:
Diane Rosemary Patrick
Aaron J. Shattuck
Thomas Bradshaw
Arlindo Almida
Thomas Lainis
Peter Dilos
Frankie Umile
Rev. David Kruse (Chaplain)
Joseph Giordano
John Marco Militano
Joseph A. Galante
Jimmy Bustamante
Latasha Coward
Nicholas Russo
James E. Allen
Brian Kevin Corrigan
Michael Borg
Christopher Messano
Carlos Felix
Michael Arana
St. Vincent de Paul
Parish Office – (516) 352-2127
Monday thru Thursday - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Saturday - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Friday and Sunday – Closed
Fax – (516) 305-5474
For Emergency relating to death or dying after 2 pm call
St. Catherine of Sienna - (516) 352-0146
We Celebrate the Eucharist
Saturday Vigil – 4:00 pm
Sunday – 8:30 am & 12:30 pm
Weekdays: Monday thru Friday 8:30 am
Holy Day Mass Schedules will be announced in the
Bulletin on the prior Sunday.
We Celebrate the Sacraments
Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon – Saturdays
immediately after celebration of the Vigil Mass, or by
calling the Parish Office for an appointment with a
Sacrament of BapƟsm – call the Parish Office to
arrange for an interview. This should be done while
awaiting the birth of your child.
Sacrament of Marriage – call the Parish Office to make
an appointment with a priest before making social
Visitation of the Sick and Homebound
call the Parish Office to arrange for a visit by a Priest to
receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, and
also to receive Holy Communion.
Holy Hour – on the first Friday of the month after the
8:30 am Mass with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
and concluding with Benediction.
The Rosary – is recited daily before the 8:30 am Weekday
Masses. Miraculous Medal Novena and Special Prayers
to St. Anthony are said on Thursdays after the 8:30 am
The Clergy from St. Catherine of Sienna who serve us
here at St. Vincent de Paul are as follows:
Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi
Associate Pastors
Rev. Allan Arneaud
Rev. Johnny Mendonca
Rev. Charles N. Srion
Joseph Benincasa
Frank Gonzalez
Pope Francis: Never use God as a cover for injustice
(Vatican Radio) Saying we must never use God as a cover for injustice, Pope Francis warned on
Friday (February 20th) against those who follow all the outward signs of piety but then exploit or
mistreat their employees or dependents. The Pope’s words came during his homily at morning
Mass celebrated in the Santa Marta residence.
Listen to this report by Susy Hodges (including clips of the Pope's voice): Pope Francis used
his homily to reflect on how Christians, especially during Lent, should not confine themselves to
outside signs of piety like fasting and charity and instead must reach out to those in need. He said
Jesus wants from us a fasting that breaks the evil chains, frees those who are oppressed, clothes
those who are naked and carries out justice. This, he explained, is a true fasting, a fasting which
is not a just an outward appearance or observance but a fasting which comes from the heart.
Love of God and neighbor are one and the same
“And in the tablets of the law, there’s the law towards God and the law towards our neighbor and both of these go together. I
can’t say: ‘But no, I follow the three commandments first and the others more or less.’ No, if you don’t follow one, you can’t follow
the other and if you follow one you must follow the other. They are united: Love of God and love of our neighbor is one and the
same thing and if you want to show genuine and not just formal penance, you must show it before God and also towards your brothers and towards your neighbor.”
Grave sin to use God as a cover for injustice
Pope Francis highlighted the example of somebody who goes to Mass every Sunday and receives communion but then asked: does
that person pay his or her employees in cash under the table, maybe a salary below the going rate and without making the necessary
social security contributions? “So many men and women of faith, have faith but then divide the tablets of the law. ‘Yes, I do this’ –
‘But do you practice charity?’ – Yes of course, I always send a cheque to the Church’ – ‘Ok, that’s good. But at your home, within
your own Church, are you generous and are you fair with those who are your dependents - be they your children, your grandparents, your employees?’ You cannot make offerings to the Church on the shoulders of the injustice that you practice towards your
dependents. This is a very serious sin: using God as a cover for injustice.”
At Lent make room in our hearts for those who have erred
The pope went on to explain how during Lent Christians should be reaching out to those who are less fortunate, be they children, old
people without private health insurance who may have to wait eight hours to be seen by a doctor and those who have erred and who
are now in prison. “No, with those types of people I don’t (associate) ….’ He’s in prison: if you’re not in prison it’s because our
Lord has helped you not to sin. Do you have room in your heart for prisoners in jail? Do you pray for them so that the Lord can help
them to change their life?’ May the Lord accompany us on our Lenten journey so that our external observance becomes a profound
renewal of the Spirit. That’s what we prayed for. That the Lord may give us this grace.”
This Spring, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honored at liturgies on
Sunday, April 19 at the Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville, and on Sunday, April 26
at the Church of Maria Regina in Seaford. Both liturgies will begin at 2:30pm. Registration
forms and complete instructions can be obtained at the rectory/ or by the church doors.
Registration must be received by the Office of Worship by April 6th and by April 13th
If you have any questions you may call
516-678-5800— ext. 207
Register for bus transportation only, drop off the completed form below along with check payable to “Office of Faith
Formation” at Saint Catherine of Sienna, Parish Office, Welcome Desk. (write on envelope “World Meeting of Families 2015”) If there are enough registrations a bus will leave from St. Catherine.
St. Catherine of Sienna, Franklin Square ____
St. Vincent de Paul Society & Parish Social Ministry
Lent is not only the time to give something up but it is a time to give.
Every week parishioners contribute food for our food pantry. If you
haven’t contributed in the past, you can easily do so. Just bring any
nonperishable food items, and put them in the boxes at the doors of
the church. Whatever you contribute will be
most appreciated by those in our community
who are in need.
This week the pantry is in need of:
Canned pasta
Pancake mix
Canned tomatoes
We thank Duane Reade for providing the blood pressure check this past
week. Its work benefited a number of people.
We have started this center for seniors, veterans,
those in need and for anyone wishing to share a
simple meal. It is open on Saturdays from
9:30am to 1:00pm.
The Center meets in the former school
cafeteria (entrance off de Paul street)
Faith Formation News
This is an opportunity to participate in the Sacrament of
Reconciliation as part of your Lenten observance:
Levels 5 & 6 - March 7th
12:30 pm in the Sienna Center at St. Catherine’s
Level 7 - Thursday, March 19th
Level 8 - Thursday, March 12th
7:00 pm in the Sienna Center at St. Catherine’s
Level 5 Mass
All fifth grade students and their families are invited to
attend Mass on:
Sunday, March 8, 2015
9:30 am
Sienna Center at St. Catherine’s
Level 8 Confirmation Retreat
Level 8 Second Year Confirmation Preparation students are required to go on Retreat. We have two retreat
dates — Saturdays, March 14th and 21st. The schedule has been mailed home.
Let Us Pray For Our Confirmation Candidates
For our young people
preparing for Confirmation,
that they may be encouraged
by the living faith of this parish.
God, our loving Father,
these young people come before you
as your children. They belong to you.
Send the Holy Spirit upon them
as they begin this time of preparation
so that they may come to know
your presence in all they do.