St John the Baptist Parish Newsletter Parish Office: Sacred Heart Church, Silver Link Rd, Tamworth, B77 2EA Parish Office: 01827 769403 Parish Centre Bookings: 01827 288226 Priests: Fr Michael – Fr Noel – Centre Bookings: Rev Deacon Brian Cox and Mrs Nora Cox – Tel. 288226 Admin: Wendy Quinn – Gift Aid, HOT, database (Tues & Wed): Rob Breeden – St John’s Church in on St John St, Tamworth, B79 7EX Second Sunday of Lent (B) – 1st March 2015 Psalm Response: I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living Saturday 28th February Lent feria Second Sunday of Lent Sunday 1st March 10.30am (S.J.) Betty Creed 6.00pm (S.J.) The O’Dwyer family – Hughie McKenny 9.00 am (S.H.) Patrick Lineham & Nora Brown – Thanksgiving David Munro – Kath Wakelin Second Sunday of Lent 10.30 am (S.J.) 12.00 noon (S.H.) Mick Bradley – John Paul Brogan Monday 2nd March St Chad 10.00 am (S.J.) Bro. Martin Morris Tuesday 3rd March Lent feria 7.00am (S.J.) Martin Costello 10.00 am (S.J.) Sarah White (Note the time change) Wednesday 4th March Lent feria 10.00 am (S.J.) Frances and Eamon Byrne Thursday 5th March Lent feria 7.00am (S.H.) Martin Morris 10.00am (S.J.) Justine Entwistle & Family Friday 6th March Lent feria 9.15am (S..) Pat Ranahan 12.30pm (S.J.) Mass for the sick and housebound of the parish 7.00pm (S.H.) Stations of the Cross th Saturday 7 March Lent feria 10.30am (S.J.) Teresa Weir Third Sunday of Lent 6.00pm (S.J.) Maureen McDonnell – Pat Lane Sunday 8th March 9.00 am (S.H.) Baby Izaiyah & Family – Megan O’Connor Holy Souls – Mary & George Carroll Third Sunday of Lent 10.30 am (S.J.) 12.00 noon (S.H.) Sarah White – Marion Fleming Confessions at St John’s: Sat 11.00 till 11.30 am and 5.15 – 5.45 pm. Please pray for the sick: Mick Evans, Chad Williams, Steve Brindley, Finn Lynch, Teresa Woodcock, Gill Horsley, Margaret Thompson, Phil Crook, Keith Waterhouse, Mary Pullen, Kit Liversidge, Patrick O’Hara, Maggie Gordan, Noreen Doherty, Christine Lavery, Michelle Mason, Julie Orme, Nikolas Atkins, Sheila Brown, Stephen Morley, Jaden Walker, Frank Ryan, Elsie Newbold, Gillian & John Solanky, Edna Mundin, John Barrass, June Beggan, Michael Fox, Betty Meehan, Mary Miller, Sarah Gillen, Conan Teyssou, Winnie Claridge, Ann-Marie Purslow, Eileen and Vincent Murphy, Janine & Philip Nolan, Margaret Fenn, Ann Bernes, Teresa Weir, Morag Deighton, Joan Trevis, Linda Winwood, Nellie Mattison, Tony Soden, Matthew Luck. Reflection: Our lives are filled with up and downs. We have many roles to fulfill: wife, mother, husband, son, daughter…. how can we integrate these roles into who we really are? With the pressure of these different roles in our lives we can become discontented from who we truly are. Calm down, stop acting, be yourself and see what happens. When you are running so fast it’s hard to know who you are. Slow down, let all of the pieces of yourself melt together, and see what happens in your life. Dear Lord, Help me to know you and in knowing you to discover my true self. Grant me the faith to relinquish control and to place my life in your hands. Amen Na każdej niedzielnej mszy dostępne są polskie tłumaczenia czytań i Ewangelii. Można je znaleźć w prz edsionku kościoła. Miłej i owocnej lektury! Please pray for those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Peter Bradley, Winifred Morrisroe, John O'Malley, John Cuffe, Margaret Curnock, George Boonham, Mary Carney, Frank Meehan, Margaret Bird, Christian Davies, Magdalen Slater, James Porter, Albert Collett, Alfred Duncomb, Alice Woonton, Francis Kelly, Bruno Chyla, Edna Parsons, Albert Maloy, Mary Butler, Mary McDermott, Julie Grace, Beryl Felton, Kevin Stack, Teresa Coleman, John Farrington, Josephine Byrne, Douglas Stait, Michael Moloney, Patrick Hickey, Donald Martin, Vincent Cunneen, Eva Heafield. Please pray for the Repose of the soul of Elizabeth Das, Nelly Jones sister who died in Belgium. May all who are experiencing loss in their lives find consolation and peace in love of Jesus Christ. Lent: Personal daily prayer is our starting point – so please use the Walk with Me booklets (these are available again this weekend). Here are other opportunities to expand our spiritual horizons in Lent: 1. Soup: Again we would like to offer a Fast Day lunch each Friday after 12.30 Mass. Our generous donations can make a real difference to the work of CAFOD but it also links our fasting into helping the poor. Please join us: Mass at 12.30 Soup at 1.00. 2. Early Morning Masses throughout Lent continues throughout Lent Tuesdays at St John’s, Thursdays Sacred Heart, both at 7am. Attending these Masses is a great opportunity for quiet prayer before the rush of the day begins. We also have Masses each morning at St John’s at 10.00 or 11.00 or 10.30 am. 3. Stations of the Cross a powerful way to contemplate, and enter into, the mystery of Jesus' gift of himself to us. Every Friday evening at Sacred Heart 7.00pm 4. Open Day: In Saint Joseph's Convent, Haunton this Wednesday 4th March from 10am to 4pm. Come and spend time in our convent for prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament with occasional times for guided prayer. Meet and talk with the sisters even though we are few! This day is in honour of the year dedicated to Religious Life which began in November 2015. 5. Live Simply this Lent: The Live Simply group have produced a calendar for parishioners to use during Lent. This can be used to help you to follow your Lenten Journey. The calendars will be shared out after mass. “Live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor.” 6. CAFOD: Donate to our Lent appeal up to Sunday 17 May 2015, and the UK government will match what you give, £1 for £1*. And if you set up a direct debit, your first three months will be matched! 7. The internet can help! 40 days of giving back, doing good and living generously. It is an online resource with lots of great ideas on how to make the most of Lent. 10’s of thousands of people are doing it. Just log on to: and give it a try. Today’s Live Simply prayer: For those who work to create the goods we buy: that we never rob them of their human dignity. Lord hear us CAFOD Collection: The second collection today is your chance to donate the money you saved from last Fridays CAFOD Fast Day. It links our fasting from food with the hunger of millions of people in our world. We are asked to put the money we save towards a collection for CAFOD. If you pay tax please complete the form on the CAFO envelope so that they can claim the tax back on your donation. The Government will double every pound we give! That means your efforts this Lent - perhaps cutting out coffee, bringing out your bicycle, or taking up baking - will be worth double, at no extra cost to you. Easter Sunday Lunch – We need volunteers to help with cooking and serving Easter Sunday Lunch for people who may live alone or are in need. Also if you can help with transport. Please ring the parish office or speak to Fr Michael, Fr Noel or Deacon Brian. The Padre Pio prayer group meet on the 1st Wed of each month after 10pm Mass. All welcome on Wed, 4th March. Thank you - The family of the late Nancy Lynch wish to thank you all most sincerely for your kind expression of sympathy an on-going support in their sad loss. A special thank tour o Fr Michael, Fr Noel, Fr Con, Nora and Brian. We miss Nancy/mom/nannie so much every day and your thoughts and good wishes have been a great source of comfort to us all. Irish Evening: 'A warm welcome is extended to all to come along to the UCM Irish evening. We hope to entertain you with some Irish music, Irish dancing, Irish food and Irish drinks. For those willing and able there will also be the opportunity to get on your toes and jig along. An eminent Irish dance teacher will be in attendance to teach us how to do it. So bring along those dancing shoes. Cost per entrant £2. Fancy a Treat? Come and join us for Afternoon Tea at Sacred Heart Centre on Sunday 8th March, 2.30pm – 5pm with musical entertainment. £10 adults £7 children. For more information or to purchase tickets please contact the parish office. Tickets are also available at the back of the Church – a top Tea for a great price. All proceeds to parish funds. Can you help? Have you got any china cups, saucers, tea pot and cake stands we can borrow for our afternoon teas? Please contact the parish office if you can help. This spring Traidcraft are promoting the Big Brew! People are being encouraged to raise money through holding tea and coffee events using Fairtrade goods, including cakes and biscuits. The Big Brew events in our parish will be on the following days: Sunday 8th March at St John’s, after 10:30 mass. This will include a cake raffle. Join us for a cuppa after mass and help farmers grow more, earn more and eat more.! All monies raised at these events will be doubled by the government! Easter Vigil Choir – There will be practices on Wednesday at 7.30pm at the Sacred Heart Church starting this Wednesday, 25th February. Everyone is welcome. Carer/companion wanted for a sociable female parishioner. You would need to have your own transport and payment will be negotiated. Please contact the parish office by email: or telephone with your details. Help needed - Have you a couple of hours to spear to help in the parish office? It would be for general office duties without any pressure. Please ring Wendy in the office or speak with Fr Michael. Date for St Gabriel’s year 6 pupils – Year 6 Leavers Prom will be held in Sacred Heart on the 18th July 2015 6pm – 9pm. Just to confirm that the prom is to be held at the Sacred Heart on 18th July 2015 at 6pm until 9pm. We will have a VIP red carpet entrance, Disco with DJ, Surf Machine, Bungee Run, Racing Simulators, Signature Wall (in which the name of the winner will be drawn from a hat), Group Photographs, and Buffet Meal/Drinks. For more information please contact Michelle Collins 07870748405 World Youth Day Krakow – 19th July – 3rd August 2016 An opportunity for any young person in the parish who will be 18 years of age or year 13 by the 19th July 2016. Come and find out more about this epic adventure! Join other young Catholics from across out Diocese as we journey at the invitation of the Holy Father to meet for the 31st World Youth Day in Krakow. To find out more come to the information evening nearest to you. Dates and venues below: Cardinal Newman School, Coventry – Monday 23rd February 7pm The Grimshaw Room, St Chads Cathedral – Thursday 5th March 7pm. Alternatively down load an application form and information pack from YOSH is our youth group for young people in yrs 5 and 6 (mainly). We have lots of fun with exciting activities like big indoor games, team events, arts and crafts, musical chairs, puzzles, swimming, local walks and outdoor sports. At the end of each session we gather together in prayer circle for simple sharing of our faith. The Parish AGM this year will be at Sacred Heart on Sunday April 19th at 1.00. We will provide soup and a sandwich. As usual, we will be producing an annual report for 2014. This should be ready by the end of February with an opportunity to write questions in advance of the meeting. Developing St John’s Church and Meeting Facilities: Two weeks ago we showed some images of how our Church can be developed later this year. This has come about by the response to consultation that many were involved in last year. This gave us some principles to which we have tried to work. These include: 1. Making St John’s a vibrant centre of community activity for parishioners. 2. Developing facilities for the parish for luncheon clubs, meetings, catechesis, youth work, teas/coffees after Mass, parents & toddlers etc 3. Working with other community groups, charities, with the bereaved, people with learning disabilities, AA and other groups but 4. Making use of existing building rather than extending. 5. Not trying to duplicate facilities we have at Sacred Heart but rather to complement what we have elsewhere. If you haven’t already given in any constructive comments you wish to make, please put them on the sheets provided. These comments are important and valuable to the steering committee. Favourite Recipes - collection of favourite recipes from the Friends of St Michael’s and St James, Haunton have been put into a book. We a small number to sell at just £3.25 each or £6 for 2. Everyone we sell the parish will be given a donation of £1 per book. Starfish: Our Starfish ‘breakfast club’ takes place at Sacred Heart from 10am till 12.00 am. Thanks to all our volunteers – more are welcome. Multiple Sclerosis (M S) Society and Tai Chi – Meet on a Tuesday at 11.30am in the Modwen room. The Tai Chi class is open to anyone. The MS Society meets for their meeting after the class at 12.30pm Irish Dancing Classes now run from the parish centre every Saturday. It is open to people of all ages. If you are interested then contact Katie Martin on or tel. 07932 359413 The Bridge Club are also keen to recruit new members – come and play the King of card games on Monday evenings at 7.00 pm. Pilates Classes – A set of exercise performed in standing, seated and lying positions. Pilates exercise can be beneficial for everyone whatever their fitness. Thursday 7pm – 8pm. £5 per session - pay as you go. Money Matters Senior Citizens at Sacred Heart – Meet every Tuesday for social Envelopes 205.01 gatherings at 1.30am. Standing Order 650.00 A.A. meeting at St John’s upper room on Mondays at 8.00 pm for people Loose 260.03 recovering from alcohol related problems Total: £1115.04 2nd Collection 336.21 St Editha’s Book and Fairtrade Shop We have lots of new things in St Editha’s shop for the coming season – a special range of books for Mothering Sunday, for Lent & Easter incl children’s books. A new Traidcraft catalogue is also out with lots of lovely gifts. We are stocking the “Real Easter Egg” again. Don’t forget that the first week in March is Fairtrade Fortnight – pop in for a free tea/coffee & Fairtrade sweet to try our range before you buy. Registered Charity 234216
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