LET US WORSHIP HIM TOGETHER! Rio De Paz Spanish Church Saturdays 6 p.m. 903-5765 Pastor Hector & Noemi Briseno Thursday morning, 6:30-7:15 a.m. CEC Children’s Equipping Center Today! All Children ages 3 -5th grade can go straight to class. Please use our new sign in and sign out system! Middle and High School Class (6th-12th) leaves service after worship music. Everyone is invited! Cleansing Stream Seminar Classes will start Sunday evenings March 15 @ 5:00. The Retreat will be April 25. Sign up has started! Please stop at the info table and see Dave or Robbie Parker or call 731-4201! Ahavat Adonai Messianic Group Gene & Marianna Dwinell March 1, 2015 Wednesday evening, 6-7:00 p.m. FLC Everyone is invited! Saturdays 10 a.m. 946-5262 Announcements 2 Prayer Times to check out! Restoration Fellowship Church Leadership Alan DeBoer Sharon DeBoer 731-5531 Deacons Elders Mark Thompson These small groups are a great way to connect with people. We invite you to join us as we study and encourage one another in our walk with the Lord. See more about these four home groups on our website or call the office! You’re invited to join in our ministry at Pine Ridge! We lead the church services at the nursing home on the 1st, 4th and 5th Sundays at 2:30 p.m. If you have a gift for preaching or singing hymns please Call Don at 903-0997 or just come by and hold a hand! George Love 264-6318 903-0701 Ben Franklin Jody Ellis 264-5808 903-0122 Greg Wells 749-4790 Charlie Caywood 903-2121 David Parker 946-3885 Wayne “Max” Maxwell Justin Frie 903-9171 946-2046 Staff Children’s Equipping Center Whitney & Zach Wood 731-2937 Ext 0 Office Manager Vickie Fahrenkrug 903-0996 Administrative Charlie Caywood Healing Rooms Ministry is at Restoration Fellowship every Tuesday from 6-8 p.m.! Bring yourself, your sick/struggling family, friends or neighbors POWER HOUR Prayer time Wednesday’s 6-7 p.m! VOLUNTEERS needed for our growing food ministries. Please consider being part of our pantry and TEFAP teams! Talk to Don or Vickie today! Visit the Pagosa Springs Community Prayer Room at pagosaprayerroom.org Care & Share Food Pantry will be open at 10:45 this morning to provide assistance to Archuleta County Residents with a food need. Our Pantry is also open by appointment (call 731-2937 or 903-0997). “THE RESURRECTION” our special Easter musical presentation will be preformed on Good Friday at 7:00 p.m. & Easter Sunday at 9:00 a.m.! REHEARSAL TIMES : Sunday, Children’ s CEC 9 -10am. DRAMA TEAM 1– 3:30 DANCE TEAM 3:30 –5 731-2937 Ext 0 SEE YOU THERE! MARCH: Leadership Meeting and Pot Luck Fellowship on March 8th from11:30-1:30 in the CEC after the service!! This meeting is open to anyone who is currently a leader of or serving in any sort of ministry happening through Restoration Fellowship. We will be focused on fellowship, establishing our core values, vision casting, and corporate prayer and worship. 903-2121 Contributions Gary Thompson Monday, CHOIR 7-8:30 p.m. Saturday, TEENS 7–8 p.m. Last Week General Tithe Designated Funds $ 1,717 $ 1,738 Year To Date $ 26,148 $ 32,009 (Weekly General Tithe Amount needed to meet the budget is $5,700.) On Line Giving is available on the website! Check it out at restorationfellowship.net! A New Season is coming......2015 will be full of new opportunities. Get all of what God has for you! DIVINE CONNECTION YOUTH GROUP AT THE YOUTH CENTER ! THURSDAYS 6-9 P.M. BJ JONES 749-9028 2015 Dates have been set! Cleansing Stream Seminar Classes will start March 15th! Retreat will be April 25th! Sign up starts February 1st! Prayer Through the Schools! Join a prayer team and come pray for our Contact David and Robbie Parker at 731- 4201 for more information schools! Call Stan Gill at 946-1128 if you have questions or interest. Prayer makes a BIG difference! Pagosa Springs Healing Rooms are an affiliate of the International Association of Healing Rooms. Children’s Equipping Center Children’s Church 9 a.m. We are open downtown in the hallway next door to the Liberty Theater: Thursdays from 5 - 8 p.m. Saturdays from 10 a.m.- noon CEC Directors Whitney & Zach Wood can be reached at wood@ restorationfellowship.net Classes for age 3 through High School childrenÕs Call Stan Gill at 946-1937 to pray or schedule an appointment. equipping center Now at Restoration Fellowship on Tuesday nights from 6 - 8 p.m. !! We are blessed to offer our community a Care & Share Food Pantry (Sunday 11 am and by appointment) and both the TEFAP & CSFP food distributions (the 3rd Monday of every month)! Call the office at 731-2937 if you have questions or are interested in serving in this vital ministry! www.restorationfellowship.net You can now get our Sunday messages online!!! WEDNESDAYS 6:30 A.M. MEN’S BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER GROUP Deep Freedom Prayer M i n i s t r y Te a m s a r e available for personal prayer. Please contact Sharon DeBoer at 731-5531 to schedule an appointment. Wednesday Night Prayer Pagosa Springs Healing Rooms Ministry update for February 2015 Luke 13:11-17 nasb (with a focus on verses 16 and 17) V16 And this woman, a daughter of Abraham, as she is whom satan has bound for eighteen long years, should she not have been released from this bond on the Sabbath day? V17 ... and as he said this all his opponents were being humiliated…. According to Jesus, it was this woman’s right and His obligation to set her free from her affliction...and that any voice that came against the healing power of Jesus should be humiliated by the obvious truth that one of the main ministries of Jesus was to set us free from not just sin, but sickness and demonic bondage. Stan and Linda Gill, Healing Rooms Directors Testimony: I received a phone call from a dear friend who wanted us to pray for a friend of hers who was suffering from a serious infection as a result of dental surgery to put in tooth implants. She assumed we would just pray for her on the phone and hope for the best, but I asked her where her friend lived and if she could get permission for us to go to her house and pray for her there. I told her that I would put together a team to go with us. She said yes and we went over to her house one evening to pray for her. It was shocking to see her condition. She could not have weighed more than 90 pounds. She had been bed ridden for months, had no appetite, was frail and weak and was waiting to die. No medicine or treatments had helped, so she had run out of options. A spirit of death was in the place, waiting to take her. She was in her bed and the whole team went into her bedroom along with my friend and her husband. We took authority over the spirit of death as a team and spoke the healing power of Jesus into her and she received it greatfully! Death and sickness left her and as strength came back into her she was able to get out of that sick bed. In a short time she was back to doing what she loved to do...being outside enjoying God’s wonderful creation and telling people about this amazing Jesus who saved her from death and sickness!! Amen!! “God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil.” E. M. Bounds We are a small group of prayer warriors who have taken on the responsibility to shape Pagosa Springs history by prayer! We have decided to stop complaining about the head lines in the news; and to start praying about them instead. Restoration Fellowship gets many prayer requests each week and we pray for each of those personally, by name and by situation. Everyone who asks for prayer gets prayer... REAL prayer! We are inviting all those who attend Restoration Fellowship to please join us. This is our corporate prayer gathering and we believe that the more people we have here praying, the mightier Pagosa country and Restoration Fellowship will be! Prayer is a very important aspect of our faith. Jesus taught us to pray and to be persistent in our prayers. (Luke 11: 9-10, Luke 18:1-5, 1 Thes. 5:17). Please join us on Wednesday nights, from 6-7 p.m. in the FLC (we call it POWER HOUR). If you have questions or prayer requests, call Stan Gill 946-1937 (Healing Rooms) or fill out a green prayer form in the seat back in front of you and put it in the bag when the offering is taken or give it to one of the leaders after the service. “Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians more than praying together. Never do they love one another so well as when they witness the outpouring of each other’s hearts in prayer.” Charles Finney 4. The beauty of God is the necessary revelation to grow in love and will take us into fullness of maturity and identity as lovers of God (Prepared Bride). III. Embracing our Destiny in the Beauty of God (Isaiah 42) “Encountering God’s Beauty” part 2 Elder Justin Frie I. Review A. God’s Beauty, Glory, Name 1. What/Why 2. We were created to behold the Beauty of God. 3. Destiny of the believer 4. 2 Corinthians 3 - 4:6 New Covenant reality of the Spirit revealing the Beauty of God to the believer that they would have shining hearts unto shining actions. A. The practical workings of unfolding plan of God 1 Isaiah 42:1-8 2. Isaiah 42:10-12 The result of beholding the Beauty of Jesus will be a world wide bride singing a love song declaring His beauty and praise. 3. Isaiah 42:13-17 The Lord’s response to the love song will be His second coming! II. God’s plan to capture the heart of His people with His Beauty A. God is committed to giving us unrelenting intentional revelation of His Beauty. The call to behold the Beauty of Jesus 4. Isaiah 42:18-20 The Lords call again to behold the Beauty of Jesus and to have open eyes and ears to see and hear Him. 1. Corinthians 2:6-11 Holy Spirit’s desire and purpose 2. John 16:13-15 Holy Spirit will reveal the Glory/Beauty of God to us in a personal ongoing relational way. 3. John 17:20-22,26 The deep desire of Jesus reflecting the deep desire of the Father. IV. Asking for increase A. Let’s contend for an increase measure of the unveiling of the beauty of God in our hearts March 15 - April 19, 2015 Restoration Fellowship, CEC Spring 2015 - April 25 Restoration Fellowship, Pagosa Springs Dave & Robbie Parker, 731-4201
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