Service Times Sunday: Bible Study: 9:00 AM Worship Service: 10:00 AM Evening Service: 5:00 PM Wednesday: Bible Study 7:00 PM 801 E. John Sims Parkway, Niceville, FL 32578 (850) 678-2911 March 1st, 2015 A Place to Belong……………..A Place to Become…………..A Place to Call Home……. Join us in Bible Class The Bible is the number 1 selling book of all time. It was the first book printed on a printing press. Some version of a Bible is one of the most common apps that people have on their cell phones and tablets. More important than all this the Bible is the word of God. It contains the most vital information that man can ever learn. 1. Genesis 1 tells us our origin and who our creator is. 2. In Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 6 God reveals his law for Israel, which shows us God desired ethics for us today. 3. Beginning in Genesis 3 and throughout the Old Testament we learn that God has a plan for redeeming man. 4. In the Gospels we learn of Christ the savior. 5. In Acts we learn of the kingdom of God, the church, the bride of Christ. 6. The Bible tells us what sin is, how much God loves us, and what we must do to be saved. 7. The Bible reveals the truth about heaven and hell and judgment and eternity. These and many other important lessons are in the Bible. Starting in March we begin a new series of Bible classes. These classes are great opportunities to learn and share in the fellowship of group Bible study. Other opportunities exist to teach children the Bible by participating in our children’s Bible classes. I hope you will join us in Bible class as we begin this new quarter and bring a friend with you. Joe Palmer WORSHIP CAFE ITEM NEEDED Curtains are needed for the 2-5 year old classroom. The sun comes in very bright on Sunday mornings. If you could be of help please see Sarah Tate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HELPING HANDS The next Helping Hands lunch will be this Tuesday, March 10th at 12 PM. All are encouraged to attend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Come and have supper Wednesday night with us! Come join us and make it a time for great fellowshipping before Bible Class begins. Please sign up if you are eating. Meal for March 4th– Red Beans & Rice MEAL PREPARATION March 11th– Tammy McCown– Taco Salad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LADS TO LEADERS We are in our last month before convention for Lads to Leaders. Every Sunday after morning worship in March, we will meet for lunch in the fellowship hall and practice afterwards. Puppets, Song Leading, Songs of Praise, Debate, Speech and Oral Bible Reading are Sunday afternoons. Yes, it makes for a long day, but, it is the Lord’s Day. Today we will have Taco’s (crunchy/soft) and Taco Salad with all the trimmings. Parents are more than welcome to join us for lunch and help afterwards. Please encourage our kids by mentoring them, encouraging them to be at all practices, and encouraging them to be at bible class and worship. The kids attending convention this year are as follows: Aiden Tate, Parker L’Orange, Mercedes Rose, Emma Butler, Ethan Rose, Gabe Jacobs, Maggie Santiago, Aiden Santiago, Jimmy Croxton, Nikki Croxton, Gabe Seabrook, Trey Miles, Jadan Barrow, Larry Wheeler, Richard Wheeler & Shelby Moore. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAVORITE SCRIPTURES Don’t forget if you have any favorite scriptures, please give them to Joe Palmer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAMP WIREGRASS If there are any youth who are interested in attending Camp Wiregrass this summer please see Travis for camp information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LADIES CARD MINISTRY The next ladies card ministry meeting will be Wednesday, March 4th at 7 PM. All ladies are encouraged to attend. SCHEDULE TO PICK UP MRS. MOORE Mar. Mar. Mar. 1st……...Dewayne McCormick 15th……..Stacey Clements 29th…….Jim & Donna Gummere ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHOWER There will be a wedding shower honoring the wedding of Kevin & Jennie Geyer on Sunday, March 15th after evening worship. Their registries are at Target & Bed, Bath & Beyond. Please see Keri Butler if you would like to help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AREA-WIDE SING/ FELLOWSHIP The next area wide sing/fellowship will be Sunday, March 29th at the Destin Church of Christ starting at 5 PM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WELCOME BACK Debbie Stokes has moved back to our area and will be attending with us again. Her information is: Debbie Stokes 194 A Bradley Dr. DeFuniak Springs, FL. 32434 727-666-8183 IN OUR PRAYERS BIRTHDAYS & ANN. THIS WEEK 1st– Ron Higdon, Marie Herron, Angie Seabrook 4th– Jeffrey Chapman, Gabe Seabrook 5th– Melanie McCown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AREA WIDE LADIES RETREAT The Timberlane Church of Christ cordially invites the ladies (high school age and older) of our church to their Area– Wide Ladies Retreat March 6th-8th. The retreat will be held at their church building. Please see the info in the foyer if you are interested in attending. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BAPTISM Scott Laird who is Clifton Laird’s son was baptized into Christ last Sunday. Let’s encourage Scott on his new walk with Christ. Scott Laird 50 Powell Ave. Freeport, Fl. 32439 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LADIES MINISTRY MEETING There will be a ladies ministry meeting on Thursday, March 26th at 6 PM in the fellowship hall. Any questions please see Nita Kirkland. Also, please turn in your surveys. Please continue to remember all of our military, especially, Bryan Carrender at Camp Lejeune, N.C., Tim Carrender at Fort Hood, Andrew Atchley at Ellsworth, South Dakota, Jason Hunt at Qu antico MCB , Vir ginia, Daniel Morphew in Anch or age, Alaska, Curtis Thomas at Dover AFB , Delaw ar e, & Ryan Ehrhard in Afgh anistan If there is anyone who needs the addresses of these individuals let me know. - Keri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PRAYER REQUESTS “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18 Sue Marley– Bob Wheeler’s mother– throat cancer Dave Steiver– Bob Wheeler’s sister’s husband– tongue cancer Ashley Lasiter’s father– heart problems Jamie Clampitt– dental issues Martha Dossey’s mom– upcoming heart procedure Elsie Ezell– health issues Jim Hutchinson– health issues Barbara Summers– moved to a wound center in Pensacola. Phillip– brain swelling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADDRESS CHANGE Jamie & Jason Clampitt have moved. There new address is: 301 23rd Street Niceville, Fl. 32578 Jamie– 461-9981 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2015 BUDGET The 2015 Niceville Church of Christ budget pamphlets are ready. Please pick up one per family in the foyer. BACK HOME Barbara Eggart, Linda & Suzzie’s mom is out of the Manor and now back living with the Dunn’s. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Cody Autry who was selected by the Walton County School District as the recipient of the 2015 Sunshine State Scholars. He is Larry & Theresa Gibson’s grandson and the cousin of Nikki & Jimmy Croxton and Richard & Larry Wheeler. Way to Go Cory!! An honor to serve… ELDERS Mark Conner………………………….897-2403 Doug McCown………………………..598-3822 Ken Stanley…………………………….678-1494 Bill Tipton……………………………...897-1894 The Elders meet as a group every Wednesday evening after worship time. If you wish to meet with the group please schedule a visit with Keri. The group can also meet with you at other times by working with Keri to coordinate a mutually convenient time. Individual elders are available according to each Elder’s personal schedule. DEACONS Dennis Dwyer………………………….Treasurer Don Brock…………………………..Benevolence Ray Nevius……………………...Building Maint. Ron Higdon………...Lord’s Supper/Greeters Basel Queen……………………………..Visitation REMINDERSSERVICE FOR THOSE WHO SERVE REMINDERS Preside TableTable PresideOver overLord’s the Lord’s Mar. 1st Aug. 26th: Jim Gummere AM Service……………………… Tom Jones Aug. Doug McCown PM19th: Service………………………Doug McCown Mar. 8th Lead Prayer - Sunday Hall AM Service………………………Wayne PM Service………………………Doug McCown Aug. 26th: 10 AM: Open: Tom J ones Close: Randy Ever son Aug. 26th: 5 PM: Dar r Hall yl Lamar Chuck Sanders Open: Wayne Demetrio Gonzales David Close: BaselRose Queen Men to serve on the Lord’s Table Joe Butler David Dunn Dennis L’Orange Randy Aug. 19th: 10 AM: Open: WaltEverson Stephens Bob Wheeler Close: Greg Murry Steve Hor ton Aug. 19th: 5 PM: Open: J eff Cowan Lead Prayer-Sunday Close: J im Gummer e Mar. 1st 5 PM Aug. 15th March 8th Aug. 22nd: Keith Stephens…………………….Sound Room 10 AM Open: Doyle Babe Lead Prayer - Wednesday Close: Tim Stickel Open: David Rose Close: JoeMur Butler Open: Gr eg ry 10 AM Open: DougL’Orange McCown Close: Dennis Close: Mark Conner 5 PMOpen: Open: Travis Heflin Ken Stanley Close: Steve Stephens Close: Fr eddy Stokes Lead Prayer-Wednesday, March 4th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open: Robert L’Orange PALS SCHEDULE FOR AUGUST Close: Bob Lauderdale MINISTERS Every member of this Congregation Joe Palmer ~ Evangelist…………….217-7101 Reggie Gardner~ Evangelist..1-208-608-9282 Travis Heflin~ Assoc. Minister………324-7283 Keri Butler ~ Secretary……………...678-2911 Lead Devotion– Wednesday, Aug. 26th: Bobbie Edwards & LeannaMarch Palmer4th Helpers: Angela Marshall / Sarah Feese Don Brock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aug. 19th: Teachers: Scott and Wintress Stephens Helpers: Jill Roy / Alana Lamar MARCH– LOCK BUILDING Sept. 9th: Teachers: Tim Lindsay Harrison Ronand Higdon Helpers: Dylan Babe / Jacquelyn Babe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEEKLY REPORT February 22nd, 2015 Sunday Bible Class………………………...112 AM Worship…………………………….......189 Wed. Bible Study………………...……......124 Contribution…………………...….$6,463.45 Weekly Average YTD……………$6,666.55 Budget………………………….…….$6,423.96 Building Fund Total………….$320,027.69 COMMUNION PREPARATION LOCK BUILDING Basel Queen Kay Blystone
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