Bulletin 150301 - St. William the Abbot

Saint William
the Abbot Parish
Parish Office: (516) 785-1266
Fax: (516) 785-4824
Web Page: www.stwilliam.org
Email: information@stwilliam.org
2000 Jackson Avenue – Seaford, New York 11783
Second Sunday
Of Lent
March 1, 2015
Rev. Robert L. Hayden
Associate Pastors
Rev. Belevendiram Rathinam
Rev. Ryszard Ficek
In Residence
Rev. Richard Viladesau
Thomas Buchenberger
John Lynch
Michael Metzdorff
Pastoral Associate
Sr. JoAnn Bonauro, S.C.
Mass Schedule
Our Parish Mission Statement
We, the Parish Family of St. William the Abbot, are a welcoming community of
faith, guided by the Holy Spirit and centered in God’s Word and the Eucharist.
Through the Sacraments, prayer and the stewardship of our God-given gifts,
we are called to minister with respect and compassion to all,
from the youngest to the oldest.
We commit ourselves to continue the mission of Jesus Christ,
to proclaim His Gospel and to love one another as He has loved us.
Saturday Evening: 5:00 & 7:30 PM
Sundays: 7:45, 9:15 and 10:45 AM
12:15 and 5:00 PM
Holy Days of Obligation:
Eve of Holy Day: 7:30 PM
Holy Day: 7:30, 9:00 AM, 12:00 Noon
4:30 and 7:30 PM
Monday - Friday: 8:00 & 9:00 AM
Saturday Mornings: 8:30 AM
In This Issue
Liturgy, Prayer
and Sacraments
Page 3
St. Peregrine Prayer Hour
Page 3
Parish Social Ministry
Page 4
Bereavement Ministry
Page 4
Faith Formation
Page 5
Family Lent Night
Page 5
School News
Page 6
SWS Reverse Raffle
Page 6
Parish Survey
Pgs. 7/8
Parish Lenten Mission
Page 9
Ushers Needed
Page 9
Irish Night in Celebration
Of St. Patrick’s Day Page 10
Purgatorial Society
Page 13
Page 16
Is there a secret for achieving the goals we set for ourselves?
Conversely, is there a reason, for example, why most diets don’t work and
why New Year’s resolutions are more famous for being broken than for
being kept?
These questions occur to me now because we are in the season of
Lent. Although Lent has the primary goal of preparing us for the
celebration of the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord, there are
specific, recommended practices that help us make this preparation
effective. They are usually summarized as prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
This year, for example, you have been asked to pay special attention to the
role of fasting in this process of conversion and renewal.
Unfortunately, our promises to pray more, to fast more rigorously,
or to be more generous with our donations often fail outright or gradually
fall apart. Being all too familiar with this outcome, I can say that Lent is
always a good lesson in humility.
This problem, however, should not be met with a shrug or a sigh.
You and I do not have an infinite number of Lents in which to try and try
again, nor do we want to waste our time for even one season. I therefore
offer two suggestions.
First, recall how in the Marcan version of our Lord’s temptation in
the desert (which we read last Sunday) there is no statement that Jesus
totally vanquished the devil at that time. Moreover, in St. Luke’s account
we read that “[the devil] departed from him for a time.” The implication is
that the Lord would be doing battle with Satan in the future, and, as the
Gospels relate, this battle continued throughout many encounters with
demons and other temptations of the spirit.
If the temptation in the desert is a paradigm for our own forty days
of Lent, the implication is that we should view Lent as only a beginning.
We are not therefore especially interested in the before or after of Lent but
rather in a continuous process of conversion in which Lent represents a
time of more intense and more focused renewal, characterized by its
penitential spirit and undertaken as a communal act of the whole Church.
My second suggestion is that this process of conversion be
primarily incremental rather than drastic. There are, of course,
dangerously bad habits that should be discarded as quickly as possible,
but lasting change usually develops step by step over a period of time. We
usually can’t change overnight from someone who prays now and then, for
example, to someone who makes a Holy Hour every day; we rarely give up
every food we like and maintain this practice for forty days; and likewise
our increase in charitable donations should move to a level that can be
sustained throughout the year.
This process of incremental conversion also has the benefit of
building up within us good habits that can be further developed as the
days go by. We view ourselves therefore as a work in progress, which may
have periods of intense labor but is always following the same general
plan. Accordingly, our strength comes not from our memory of having once
done something very great but from our humble awareness that God is
always at work in us and that we are trying to cooperate with his grace
each and every day.
Lent is therefore more than a season. It is a plan for life.
Fr. Robert L. Hayden
Presider Schedule
Saturday, March 7, 2015
5:00 PM Mass
Fr. Richard Viladesau
7:30 PM Mass
Fr. Robert Hayden
7:45 AM
9:15 AM
10:45 AM
12:15 PM
5:00 PM
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Fr. Ryszard Ficek
Fr. Bala Rathinam
Fr. Robert Hayden
Fr. Bala Rathinam
Fr. Ryszard Ficek
Next Sunday’s Scripture
Exodus 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17
1 Corinthians 1:22-25
John 2:13-25
God gave Moses the Ten Commandments so that we could
direct our behavior in ways that help us to grow in our love
of God and in our love of neighbor. Given that we have
received these commandments, you would think it would
be easy to live as beloved children of God. However,
sometimes the things we want are not the things we need
and we can become distracted by what culture would
command us to do. The wisdom of God helps us to make
decisions for our lives that keep us growing in our love of
God and others.
Anointing of the
Anyone going to the hospital
or who has a serious illness
can celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the
Sick, which will be celebrated communally immediately following the 12:15 PM Mass on Sunday,
March 1, 2015.
Prayers & Devotions
Morning Prayer
Monday through Friday:
8:35 AM
9:00 AM
Miraculous Medal:
Saturdays at 8:15 AM
Eucharistic Adoration:
Monday-Saturday after
8:30 AM/9:00 AM
First Friday of the month
Holy Hour - 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Third Sunday of the month
11:00 PM – 7:00 AM
(Nocturnal Adoration)
Mass Intentions
March 2, 2015 - March 8, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015
8:00 AM Kevin McNamara
9:00 AM Martha Thompson
Friday, Mar. 6th continued
Marinovich, Smolich Families
9:00 AM Loretta Power
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
8:00 AM Jack O’Donnell
9:00 AM Maximo Ramirez
Saturday, March 7, 2015
8:30 AM Purgatorial Society
5:00 PM Emil Tari
7:30 PM Michael Russell
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
8:00 AM Peter Di Natale
9:00 AM Grace Kuehn
Thursday, March 5, 2015
8:00 AM Louise Rowney
9:00 AM Jean Riordan
Friday, March 6, 2015
8:00 AM Collective Intentions
John Lercari, Marty & Millie
Stipicevic, Bob & Jeannette
Stipicevic, Joseph & Julia
Sunday, March 8, 2015
7:45 AM People of St. William’s
9:15 AM Michael Russell
10:45 AM Thomas M. Quinn
12:15 PM Collective Intentions
Marty & Millie Stipicevic, Bob
& Jeannette Stipicevic,
Joseph & Julia Marinovich,
Smolich Families
5:00 PM Richard Siriano
Reflecting on the Word
The story of Abraham’s “binding” or near-sacrifice of Isaac has fascinated and troubled Jewish and Christian interpreters for millennia. The nineteenth-century Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote an entire work, Fear and
Trembling, that is an extended meditation on this event that begins by playing out our various alternate scenarios by
which the story might have ended. For Kierkegaard, Abraham is an example of how God’s command can suspend all normal ideas of morality, heightening the demands that faith places upon us and showing us the ultimately mysterious nature of God.
But another way of reading this story is offered when we read it in tandem with our second reading, from Paul’s
letter to the Christians in Rome, and our Gospel. In the story of the Transfiguration the voice from the cloud identifies
Jesus in the same terms by which Isaac is identified in the first reading: the “beloved son.” Moreover, God’s statement to
Abraham - “you did not withhold from me your own beloved son” - echoes Paul’s statement that God “did not spare his
own Son but handed him over for us all.” In this way, the juxtaposition of the readings invites us to read the story of
Abraham’s willingness to give us his son as a foreshadowing of God’s willingness to hand over Christ for our salvation.
In the story of the binding of Isaac, the ram becomes a substitute sacrifice for Isaac. In the Gospels, it is Jesus,
God’s beloved Son, who becomes the sacrificial Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. In handing his Son over for
our salvation, Paul says, God gives us “everything else along with him.” Rather than suspending all ideas of morality,
God’s handing over of Jesus reveals a moral order based on self-sacrifice and generosity, in which God becomes the supreme example of such generosity, an example we are invited to follow.
A Way of Life
February 22, 2015
February 23, 2014
Ash Wednesday, 2015
Ash Wednesday, 2014
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish
who, through fasting, become more conscious of their
faith and its interaction in daily life!
Please pray for the sick…
In order to keep our list current, names of the sick will be
in the bulletin for 3 weeks.
Scarlet Holohan
Park McKenna
Bob Powers
Baby Piper Palmieri
Gerry Nobiling
Rosalie Kirincic
Patrick McGrath
Mary Ann Crean
...and for the deceased
Rose Rzasa
Nancy Viola
Genevieve O’Donnell
Anne Cantin
Gail F. Holub
Wine and Hosts
The Bread and Wine used at Mass this
week have been donated in honor of the
95th Birthday of Dorothy Meinke
with love from all of her children and
Banns of Marriage
Banns 1
Banns II
Ashley Asquino (SWA) & Patrick Mitchell
(St. Cyril & Methodius, Deer Park)
Banns III
Stations of the Cross
On the Fridays of Lent we are invited to
enter into the Mystery of God’s love in
which he emptied himself and gave his
life on the cross so that we might have new life. Stations of the Cross begin at 7:00 PM in the Church on
Friday, March 6th.
4:00 PM-4:45 PM
Eve of Holy Day
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Thursday before
First Friday
9:30 AM & 4:00 PM
You may also schedule penance by appointment by calling
the Rectory Office at (516) 785-1266.
Initiation of Infants Baptism
First Four Sundays
of the month
2:00 PM
Parents must contact the rectory office to register their
child. For additional information, please visit our website:
Initiation of Adults: Adults who have not been baptized,
received first Eucharist or Confirmation should contact the
rectory office and ask about enrolling in the R.C.I.A.
Program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).
Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made as
soon as possible, preferably before reserving a place for your
reception, but no later than six months prior to the
wedding. The same priest initiates and completes all the
arrangements with wedding couples.
Communion and Anointing of the Sick: Those who are
unable to attend Mass because of age or declining health
may arrange with the rectory to receive Holy Communion
at home. The Anointing of the Sick is available to those who
are going into the hospital or seriously ill and can either be
administered communally (first Sunday of the month
following the 12:15 PM Mass) or by contacting the rectory
as soon as possible in the event of immediate need.
St. Peregrine Prayer Hour
Please join us on Monday afternoon,
March 2nd from 2:00 - 3:00 PM in the
Church, for the St. Peregrine Prayer
Hour. St. Peregrine is the patron saint
of those suffering from cancer. Future
prayer hours will be held on the first
Monday of each month. All are invited to come
and pray.
Sign of Peace
Since hand to hand contact is one way of transmitting the flu
and other viruses, as we enter the cold and flu season, we once
again recommend that at the Sign of Peace you please exchange a greeting other than a handshake. You can exchange
the Sign of Peace verbally and with a smile or a bow of the
Baby Shower in
Honor of Baby Jesus
The Baby Shower will benefit
Birthright, the Long Island Life
Center and several young
moms right here in our parish.
It will be held in the ABBEY
following all the Masses on
Sunday, March 8th until 2:00
Suggested items include
clothing - newborn to size 24
months, layette items, diapers - all sizes, and wipes.
Monetary donations are always welcome.
Refreshments will be served.
Any questions, please call
Mary at 516-826-7229 or Rosemary at 679-8532.
This week our pantry needs
Corn Beef Hash
Whole Tomatoes
Peas and Carrots
Hot Chocolate
Cough Tablets
Parish Social Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul Society – Lent is a call not just to “give up something”
but more important to “give something for the poor.” Wherever you live in
the parish there are poor families within walking distance of your home.
When in need, they ring the Church bell. They are in effect ringing your
doorbell. Your almsgiving in the St. Vincent de Paul poor box will help the
poor to celebrate the grace of God’s love this Easter. If you or anyone you
know would benefit from the use of the food pantry or assistance from Saint
Vincent de Paul Society please call Parish Social Ministry 679-8532. Utmost
confidentiality is promised.
Earned Income Credit and Child Tax Credit - If you worked in 2014, had
children living with you and earned less than about $48,000 or did not have
children living with you and earned less than about $14,000 you may qualify,
speak with your tax preparer or call Parish Social Ministry 679-8532.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – Weekly classes for family
members of people suffering with major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder and other mental disorders starting Thursday, March 5th 7:00 PM at
Love For Jesus Church, 906 Newbridge Road, North Bellmore 326-0797 or
221-6168. Registration is required.
HEAP Benefits – Home Energy Assistance Program - HEAP Program is
available to help with home heating in the winter months for income eligible
homeowners or renters. An example of the HEAP monthly income level for a
family of two is $2844 and for a family of four is $4,182. Additionally, HEAP
offers heating equipment repair and/or replacement benefit for homeowners
with inoperable heating equipment. HEAP may help you pay for Oil,
Electricity, Propane, Natural Gas, Wood, Kerosene, Coal, or any other
heating fuel. For further information, please contact the HEAP Hot-line 1800-342-3009 or www.mybenefits.ny.gov or Rosemary at Parish Social
Ministry 679-8532.
Bereavement Ministry
When the words, “I’m sorry for your loss” have
ended, there is more to be done. The quality
and quantity of understanding support you get
during your work of mourning will have a major impact on your capacity to heal. Let us help
you on this journey. Trained, compassionate people will help you
through the emotions that you are experiencing with the loss of
your loved one.
Starting Wednesday, March 25th at either 11:00 AM or 7:00
PM, Bereavement sessions will be held in the Convent Meeting
Room. The evening group will meet for 7 weeks and the daytime
group will meet for 5 weeks. Both groups will participate in a
Mass of Remembrance on May 13th at 7:00 PM. For more information and registration, please call Parish Social Ministry at
679-8532 before March 18th. All registrants must have experienced their loss before January 1, 2015.
Faith Formation
The Office of Faith Formation (Religious Education) hours are as
follows: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10 AM – 1 PM
and 1:30 PM – 4 PM. Wednesday: 10 AM – 1 PM and 2 PM – 4 PM.
The office is also open during class hours.
Please note Faith Formation Classes this week as follows:
Grade 3 – Monday, March 2nd 4:15 – 5:15 PM
Grade 1 – Monday, March 2nd 4:15 – 5:15 PM (makeup class)
Grade 4 – Tuesday, March 3rd 4:15 – 5:15 PM
Grade 5 – Wednesday, March 4th 4:15 – 5:15 PM
NOTE: There will be no Grade 6 class on Wednesday, March 4th
All Grade 6 students and their parents are encouraged to attend the
Parish Mission at 7:30 PM in the Church.
Grade 7 – Wednesday, March 4th 7:30 – 8:45 PM - our Grade 7
students and their parents are to come to the Parish Mission at 7:30
PM in the Church. This will take the place of regularly scheduled
class for Grade 7. More information will follow via e-mail and on the
Faith Formation website.
NOTE: There will be no Grade 2 class on Thursday, March 5th.
Family Mass every Sunday at 9:15 AM in the Church. March 8th –
Grade 3
Family Lent Night
March 20, 2015
In the Abbey - 6:30 PM
Learn About Lent and Holy Week
Craft and Refreshment to follow
Please RSVP by March 17, 2015
Call the Faith Formation Office 516-679-9558
SWA 2020 IS
You will find on the following
pages the Parish Survey which
marks the first stage in putting together a 5-year Strategic Plan for the parish. This
survey will give the Strategic
Planning Committee a better
idea of the direction in which
parishioners hope the parish
will move in the future. In addition to the survey, there will
be future opportunities for
you to express your thoughts
and opinions in various meetings.
Most of all, please participate
in this survey. After you have
completed it, you may deposit
it next weekend in one of the
baskets in the church lobbies
or mail it or drop it off at the
Prayer Shawl
Parishioners that
are interested in
knitting and crocheting prayer
shawls or lap blankets for our sick
and homebound are invited to join
us on Tuesday, March 3rd at
10:00 AM in the Convent Center.
We meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
of the month.
You need not know how to knit or
crochet. We have talented parishioners who will guide you. Bring
your needles or crochet hook.
For additional info, call Parish Social Ministry - 679-8532,
Saint William the Abbot School
(A Middle States Accredited School)
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, March 1, 2015
9:15 AM - Gr. 4 Mass
Monday, March 2, 2015
Cogats Grade 1
6:30 PM - HSA
Thursday, March 5, 2015
12:15 PM dismissal
1:30 - 3:30/6:30 - 8:00 PM - Optional
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Cogats Grade 1
2:20 - 6:00 PM - MSS
Friday, March 6, 2015
Cogats Grade 1
7:00 - 9:00 PM - Winter Dance Grades 7 & 8
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Cogats Grade 1
Yankee Candle Begins
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Bingo Team 10
7:00 - 11:00 PM - Reverse Raffle
St William the Abbot HSA Presents
“The Luck of the Irish”
Reverse Raffle
Saturday, March 7th
SWS Auditorium @ 7 PM
Only 250 tickets sold – each ticket is $100
First ticket drawn wins 2 Night Stay in Great Wolf Lodge
Last ticket drawn wins the Grand Prize - $10,000
Another lucky ticket holder wins 4 tickets to an Islander game with
VIP parking
Stay tuned for other prizes...
Prizes added for every 50 tickets sold!
The raffle ticket enters you in the raffle and invites two adults to attend
the cocktail party with unlimited beer, wine and hot & cold buffet that night.
If you have any questions, please call Ginny Ritter (516) 798-3260.
To join us please drop off a check in the rectory.
Please have check written out to St. William the Abbot HSA
in an envelope labeled “Reverse Raffle”
Winner need not be present to win.
Parish Lenten Mission
“An Invitation to the Desert Which Becomes God’s Garden”
Abbot Thomas O’Connor, OSB
We journey with Jesus through the desert, and we are called to fast from those
things which may distract us from living as his disciples. Our desert time
makes us more able to appreciate the blessings of God’s garden.
March 2, 3 and 4: Regular Presentation after 9:00 AM Mass and at
7:30 PM in the evening.
The presentation on March 2 will include the celebration of the Eucharist; March 3 will include the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation; March 4 the Singers of Long Island (S.O.L.I.) will provide the music. This talented group of singers will share selections from their repertoire of sacred music.
Lenten Soup Supper
Parish Social Ministry invites you and
your family
Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 6:00 PM in the Abbey
Soups are donated by local food establishments
A free-will donation will be appreciated.
Proceeds from the Supper will benefit
a family in need from our parish
“If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me! Let the person
come and drink who believes in me.” John 7:38
Girl Scout
Girl Scouts are invited to attend the Girl Scout
Sunday Mass on March 8th at
9:15 AM. Girls are encouraged
to wear their Girl Scout uniforms. Patches will be available
for purchase at the end of Mass.
Girls who have earned a religious medal are asked to contact Christine Kollar teetee74@aol.com to be placed
on the list of girls who will be
recognized at this Mass.
One-Time Volunteer Ushers Needed for Easter Masses
As many of you may know, we are extremely low on Usher participation at many of our
Masses. In order to be better prepared for Easter we are asking for volunteer Ushers for
our Easter Masses. The duties consist of assisting parishioners with seating, taking the
collection and distributing the weekly bulletin at the end of Mass.
We will need assistance at the following Masses: Church: Saturday, April 4th - Easter
Vigil - 8:00 PM. Sunday, April 5th - 7:45 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM and 12:45 PM. Auditorium:
Sunday, April 5th - 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:45 PM.
A sign-up sheet has been placed in the Usher’s Closet in the lobby of the Church for your convenience. Please
see any Usher should you have any questions and to locate the sign-up sheet for this one-time volunteer assignment. As always, regularly assigned Ushers should also sign-up for our Easter Masses. Please contact
Joseph Missilli at joemissilli@optonline or by phone - 516-799-3327 if you have any questions.
Don’t Forget Your Baby Bottle!
On the weekend of March 7th and 8th St. William the Abbot will be hosting a Baby Bottle Fundraiser to
benefit The Life Center of Long Island. The Life Center is a crisis pregnancy center that counsels
women and men who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Did you know that they provide free
pregnancy tests, maternity housing with eligibility requirements, medical care, referrals, cribs, car seats,
diapers and ALL other baby items that are needed. We are asking that you pick up a baby bottle and fill
it with your spare change. Most importantly, we are asking you to recite the prayer on the bottle.
The prayer attached to the bottle will enable the counselors at The Life Center to say just the right words a mother or
father may need to hear. It especially opens a mother’s heart to accept the truth. We believe these prayers lead abortion-minded women to call The Life Center in the first place. Let us pray with our whole heart for the lives of our unborn children.
The Saint William the Abbot
Women's Spirituality Group Sponsors
Through the Eyes of Mary, Mother of God
The Stations will be Prayed and Reflected on
Through the Perspective of our Blessed Mother
Friday Evening, March 13, 2015
7:00 PM, Church
Following our Praying of the Stations, we will have a Reflection and Discussion on the “Words of Mary” in
The Saint William the Abbot
Social Events Committee Sponsors
Irish Night in Celebration of St. Patrick’s Day!!!
Featuring Fabulous Irish Entertainment!
Music - Sing-Along - Dancers - Bagpipes
Sunday Evening - March 15, 2015
Church Abbey, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
(Immediately following the 5:00 PM Mass)
Be Our Guest - No Fee to Attend!
We invite you to bring your own pre-sliced Irish Soda Bread to Share!
50/50 Raffle to be Held!
Door Prize
Complimentary Light Refreshments for All!
20th Annual Golf Outing - Monday, May 11th!!!!
Plans for our 20th Annual Golf Outing are underway! This year we will be playing
at the beautiful Rock Hill Golf Course. The date is set for Monday, May 11th. The
cost is $160/player. We will be playing a Scramble format. Tee-off time will be 1:00
PM. Each golfer’s reservation will include a BBQ lunch starting at 11:00 AM, greens
fees, electric golf cart, driving range and free gifts, along with a dinner with open
bar. All proceeds will benefit the youth of our parish.
CYO Basketball - 3rd Grade
The St. William’s CYO Basketball Clinic for boys and
girls in the 3rd Grade will take place in the Seaford
Manor School during the months of March and April.
Participants will receive instructions on the basic
skills used in basketball. The registration fee for this
clinic is $30. Registration for the clinic will take place from Sunday,
February 22 through Monday, March 2. Participants may register
online at https://st-williams-cyo.sportssignup.com. Please see the
CYO Ministry page at stwilliam.org for more information about St.
William’s CYO.
Blood Pressure Screening Awareness
2014 Year End
Please note that year-end
statements for your taxes
will not be automatically
mailed out. They may be
obtained upon request
from the Rectory.
Spring Fair
The Retired Nurses Group of St. William the Abbot are
offering complimentary Blood Pressure Screening on:
Thursday, March 12th in the Abbey from 9:30 AM 11:00 AM. It’s a good idea to be aware of your blood pressure, an important step toward maintaining good health. Any questions, call Parish Social Ministry - 679-8532.
The Elijah Cup Ministry - Praying
for Vocations
All individuals and families of St. William the Abbot
parish are invited to receive the Elijah Cup Chalice at
a Sunday Mass, and take it to your home. We ask you
to pray the one important prayer for vocations each
day, included with this Chalice. Please participate in
this important ministry. It’s a special honor to host
the Elijah Cup!
For information, or to reserve a week to host the Cup, please contact Elijah Cup Ministry member Pat Goldberg at 516-781-1174.
Consider special calendar dates. You will be reminded and directed of all details. Your participation and prayer is a special
blessing. Thank you.
St. William the Abbot’s
15th Annual Spring Fair
will be held on Saturday,
March 28th from 10:00
AM - 4:00 PM in our
School Auditorium. There
will be over 50 vendors for
your shopping pleasure,
Easter Plants, Raffle Baskets, Grand 50/50, Baked
Goods, Hot & Cold Food,
and Pictures with the
Easter Bunny!
Please join us on Saturday, March 7th, 1:00 PM @ Johnny McGorey’s, Massapequa Park
while Volunteers will shave their heads to help conquer Kids’ Cancer!
Please also consider making a monetary donation or a Raffle donation for this worthy
cause. All money collected goes to St. Baldrick’s Foundation to help find cures for these
beautiful children! Your help is appreciated!!
Kids touched by cancer are the greatest HEROES of St. Baldrick’s! It is our hope that the stories of these
children give others the courage and hope to live and love each day in all ways!
Our event honorees are:
Maya Annunziato and Colin Conaty
Maya, a 5 yr. old cousin of St. William parishioners Don & Debbie Camp and a Massapequa resident, has been
battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Despite all that she has gone through, Maya remains a happy and loving child who has shown strength and bravery each day during her fight with cancer. As of June, 2014 Maya has
finished her treatment and is cancer free!
Colin, is a 9 year old Massapequa resident and St. William the Abbot School student. He was diagnosed with
an ependymoma. After countless surgeries and tests, Colin’s tumor was removed. He is in remission for 6 years.
Colin’s joy and wonder consumes him and touches others.
For information or to make a donation, please call Gail Tomczyk - 516-795-4542 or Tom Stryska 516-473-9251.
Antioch Retreat
Please join us for a two-day retreat of stories, music, reflection, prayer, scripture,
Mass, delicious food, good company and lots of laughter!
When: Saturday, April 11, 8:30 am - 9:30 pm
Sunday, April 12, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Where: St. William the Abbot School
2001 Jackson Avenue, Seaford, NY
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes, I would like to attend the Antioch Retreat.
I have enclosed a $50.00 check (Only $45.00 if paid before April 1)
made payable to St. William the Abbot to cover the cost of meals.
(Please don't let the cost be an issue as scholarships are available.)
Name: _________________________________________________________Email:________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________Phone #______________________________________________
Emergency Contact (Required)__________________________________________Relationship to you_____________________
Phone #__________________________________Email _______________________________
Please mail to: Chris Wilson, 43 Orchard Street, Massapequa, NY 11758
If you have any questions, please call Chris at 516-798-6157 or Susan at 516-809-5251,
Or email us at AntiochSWA@aol.com. Visit:http://Antiochweekend.blogspot.com
Purgatorial Society
Mary Anne Stauder, Dominick J. J. Lappas, Margaret Butler, Harold Schmutz, Carmine Chioccariallo, Mark Koetzner,
Joseph Hughes, Louise Blake, Chrissy Fox, Maryann Toscano, Florence Carbone, Robert Santorelli, Jaghab Easa, Jr., Dr.
Charles Cassaro, Charles Macedonia, Jennie Varvaro, Albert Bukofzer, Kay Ebering, Paul Rallo.
Frank Alfisi, Frederick P. Anusiak, Joseph Barbuto, Antonio Berone, Joseph Angelo Cingari, Ruthanne Colarossi, Lena
Cosco, Philip DiPalma, Victoria Fagan, Elizabeth Garfield, Muriel M. McDonald, Salvatore Mucerno, Anne Penja, Joseph A.
Puoplo, Richard Tanner, Frances D. Vitucci, Angelino Marrano, Michael Orlando, Bernadette Pfeifer, Michael Bartolo, Clair
Ann Kinney, Michael Palermo, Blanca Gianza, Vincent Boller, Lorenzo Fernandez, Louise Androso, Dorothy Jannotte, Lillian
Ford, Blanche Godek, Mildred Callahan, Michael Russell, Michael England, Christopher Vitolo, Keith Brower, Martin Garvey,
Geraismoula Drevis, John Pfeifer.
Charles Feeney, Joseph Sclafani, Thomas Joseph Gallagher, Joan Dolloff, Adelade Sullivan, Patricia Murray, Bill Romps,
Emily Bonelli, Richard Dittmeier, Paul Sabagh, Thomas Scalise, Giovanna Gizzo, Marion Hawkey, Mildred Hutter, Rose
Cavallo, Patricia Kiggins, Thomas Heron, Thomas Critelli, Thomas J. Volpe, Jr., Ralph Botti, Mary Moran, Joseph Prestofino,
Ralph Martino.
Frances Schimmele, Gail Hewitt, Virginia Gaoaen, John Pilgrim, Antoinette D’Amato, Claire Lyon, Regina Schnitzer,
Ruth Farrell, Carmen Maggio, Edward Guido, Robert Oerzen, Sr., Onofrio Agnello, Laurie Gernant, Christine Digney, Thomas
Yates, Timothy F. Sullivan, Michael & Mary Crehan-Hynes.
Edward Bayudan, Thomas Carlough, Nancy Cerosani, Lorraine Donder, Patricia Freeman, Angela Folterman, Blanche
Godek, Michael Gogliucci, Gail S. Hewitt, John Kaiser, Mark G. Klein, Jr., Albert P. Kurre, Dorothy Minami, Baby Michael E.
Mosca, Felix A. Novelli, Ulises Nunez, Anna M O’Connor, Mary J. Peles, Kay Quinn, Rubina V. Scarberry, Frances Schimmele,
Michael Wildes, Francis J. Allaire, Nicholas Bologna, Joseph W. Cusumano, Christine Digney, Andrea MacBurney, Marjaorie
Quirk, Wray W. Vassallo, Jr. Martin Paraghan, Anthony & Jennie Gisonda, Arthur Renz, Jr., Arthur Cromarty, Ann Hosek,
Theresa Lammer, Joyce Murphy, Harold Devlin, Patrick J. Collins, Jane Donnellan, Thomas Campo, Janet Swanson, Clifford
Lohr, Antonia Cipriano, Jean Sais, Matilda Wernert, Robert Calame, Joan Daly.
Sophia Ross, Marie Kristich, Thomas Meany, Sheila Lane, William Brown, Dolores Stoddard, Brian Mills, Peggy
Reagan, Concetta Sansone, Donald A. Ruffner, Ralph Astarita, Theresa Zoine Jay Callahan, Barrie O’Keefe, Lisa Beadle, Stanley
F. Derby, Susan McNally-Wagner, Gisele Sullivan, Don Vallario, Dave Lamb, Donald Rocovich, Michael Perna, Thomas Sheedy,
Linda Mosley.
Anthony Barcellona, Maria Borowski, Marie McCormack, John Baierlein, James Connelly, Maria Brazius, Mark Klein,
Jr., Roy Roberti, Connie Curran, Marty Stipicevic, Millie Stipicevic, Bob Stipicevic, Jeannette Stipicevic, Joseph Marinovich,
Julia Marinovich, Smolich Families, Jeraldine Gonz, Claire R. Fredericks, Paul F. Smith, William C. Fredericks, Doris
Wiechert, Rev. John Mariano, Isabel DiMola, Vincenzo Aiello, Margaret O’Dwyer, Maryann Sannicandro, Veronica Wynne,
Matthew Piccone, Carmen Guzman, Dan McGovern, Julia Diane Wilson, Art D’Alessandro, Samuel Tarrant, Barbara Ann
Mary McGrath, Kathleen Gemski, Evelyn Blakeney, Charles Love, Albert John Penn, Jr., Michael McCafferty, Barbara
Marchiony, Joan Petraca, Jeanine Howley, Sam Grimaldi, James DeFino, Maria Boiano.
Carol Adinolfi, Brian Boiko, Lisa Beadle, Willaim M. Brown, Tara Burke, Phillip Cavallaro, Vincent Fiorello, John Egan,
Jr., Douglas Hallinsworth, Mary Koetzner, John McEvoy, Susan McNally Wagner, Harold Miller, Salvatore Mirabito, Carol
Piorkowski. Elizabeth Speres, John Tedesco, Josef Miksits, Charles O’Donnell, Vincenzo Petralia, William Rothfuss, Gisele
Sullivan, Kathryn Walsh, Margaret Wenthen, Patricia Sowinski, Lawrence Scherer, Louis Bridda, Joseph Hennessy, Donna
Cucuzza, Roberta Ekberg, John Broderick, Dennis H. Golden, Frederica Geraghty, Catherine Cassano, Frank Pisano, Felicita
Rosado, Jeanne Bambino, Joan Vacca, August Laubis, Anthony Carozzo, Kathryn Walsh, Marie McCormack, Barbara & Larry
Marchiony, Frank Ryan, Joe Eckl, Johannah Marie Scully, Harold Shepperd, Eugene J. Clark.
Kathleen Aylward, Michele Pagnotta, Raymond Bruno, Blanche Calangeli, Gary Satriano, Rocco Cornelia, Robert
Mogavero, Gerald Kilcullen, Shirley Halprin, Marra Genesio, Ann Csajko, Irene Daly, Victor J. Rodowicz, Maria Elena
Maldonado, Edward Kollar, Leonard DiBonio, Larry Meyer, Regina Barone, Robert Phelps, Helen Cleary, Rose V. Picarello, Patrick Balzano, Kiburis and LoStrappo Families, Diane Whalen, Lila Decicco, Robert Moulder, Sr., Biagio Forgione, Robert Kirzak.
Josephine Barbera, Catherine Colvin, Thomas Chieffo, Leonard DiBono, Genaro Ferrante, Tillie Ferraro, Robert
Fischer, Anne Gonzalez, Phyllis Grimes, Joan Hawrylynko, Josephine Manougian, Allen Martin, Mary May, Robert J. Moulder,
James Mulligan, Domenic Pantoleo, Arthur Rauscher, Marina Rerecich, Dennis Sheridan, Catherine Tighe, Richard Wolf, Patrick Lawless, Andrew Dickson,Jim Cutulo, Cornelius J. McAllister, Gerasimos Paizzis, Gloria T. Campanella, Sam Marino,
Dorothy Pellegrino, Arthur Boudreau, Matthew Tobin, Peter Pisano, Peter Tavernese, Maria Muskardin, Canio Pierro.
John Danielson, George J. Thorman, Lilliane Delbeau Domond, Elaine Viscardi, Barbara O’Donnell, Albert Venezzio,
Louis Demarco, Philip Criscuoto, Pasquale Scafuri, Mario Cuomo Acquaintane, Mary Hebbeler, John & Jennie Giannone, Julia
& Joseph LaBarr, Ching Ngor Ng, Pik Chee Tang, Richard Zuercher, Joseph Nadol, Irma Honor, Joseph Dwyer, Richard Matejov, Angela Pignataro, Orlando Molinares, Christine Loomie, Richard Rogers, Healey Family, Napoli & Sliwak Families, Vincent Macchio, Herman E. Muller, Sr.
Let us pray in a special way for those who are
serving our country in the Armed Forces who are
parishioners or family members (sons, daughters,
and spouses) of our parishioners:
Airman Michael Alba, USAF
1st Sgt. Craig Bianco, Armed Forces
Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Brendel,
US Army
PV2 Anthony Caputo, US Army
1st Lt. Michael DiPietro
HN Sean Farrell, Marine Division 1
1st Lt. Matthew Fernandez HHC-2
Col. Pete Ferraro, USMC
Lt. Joseph E. Fitzgerald, US Navy
Captain Michael Fitzgerald, US Army
2nd Lt. Christopher J. Frasse,
US Army
US Army Spec. Michael Gale
LCPL Christopher Henao,
Marine Div.
US Army Spec John Michael James
Pvt. 1st Class Brian Kirby
Private Patrick Lynch, US Army
Capt. Eamon G. McArdle
Pvt. 2nd Class
2nd Lt. Caitlin McArdle, US Army
Corporal Sean McNulty, USMC
Lt. Shannon Meyer,
US Navy Nurse Corps
Commander Paul Markland, US
Coast Guard
Commander Daniel Montgomery
1st Lt. Sean Mormon, Navy
Lance Corp. Conor Murphy, USMC
2nd Lt. Mary Theresa O’Donnell,
US Army
Pvt. Christopher Nee, US Army
S.A. Gregory J. O’Neill, FBI
Lance Corp. Joseph J. Pirro, USMC
PFC Dominick Pititto
Sgt. Donald Rogers,
US Army
Private 1st Class Christopher Rossi
Capt. Thomas F. Shields, US Air
Daniel Timpanaro, US Coast Guard
Matthew Timpanaro, US Marines
Major Curtis Unger
Captain Christopher James Ustler,
US Army
Lt. Jg. Katherine Ustler,
US Coast Guard
Lance Corp. Robert Vitale, USMC
Brendan Wemessen, US Coast Guard
Airman John Zimmerman, ISAE
Pregnant and
Birthright Can Help
Bingo is played every Saturday in St. William the Abbot
School Cafeteria. Doors open
at 6:00 PM and games start at
7:00 PM.
Envelopes for Easter
Flowers have been
sent to parishioners who receive
monthly envelopes. These envelopes provide an opportunity to
remember loved ones this Easter
by providing Easter Flowers.
Please place the envelope in the
collection basket or bring it to
the Rectory.
HEaling Link® Ministry Is Here!
The next meeting is Tuesday, March 3rd - Small Abbey
HEaling Link® focuses on allowing the healing energies of Jesus to manifest through powerful prayers, sacred scripture, uplifting Christian music, healing meditations, and purposeful expression in a friendly and relaxing environment. Join us for a faith-filled evening that will expand
and nourish your relationship with Jesus, and inspire you as a Catholic.
For more information, please contact: HEalingLink03@gmail.com
Gift Box Drawing
02/21/15 $50
02/22/15 $50
02/23/15 $50
Synod on the Family
This past fall there was a great deal of media coverage regarding the
preparations for the Bishops’ Synod on the Family. At this time, parishioners are being invited to offer input to a series of questions in the
“Lineamenta” or final preparation document. Visit www.drvc.org and
click on the “Synod of Bishops” icon to access the questions and directions. The deadline for all responses to be received by the Diocese if
March 13, 2015.
02/24/15 $50
02/25/15 $50
02/26/15 $50
02/27/15 $50
M/M J. Minieri,
Marie Falsetta,
Celine Gallagher,
M & S Closson,
Nicol Family,
Morgan Bianco,
Sharon Novak,
Parish Directory
Parish Office -2000 Jackson Avenue – Seaford, NY 11783
Mrs. Sue McCormick, Office Manager
Mrs. Judy Goldman, Business Manager
Mrs. Susan Valdez-Le Goff and Mrs. Catherine Federici, Parish Receptionists
Parish Office: 516-785-1266
Parish Fax: 516 785-4824
Saint William the Abbot School – A Middle States Accredited School
2001 Jackson Avenue
School Office: 516-785-6784
School Fax : 516- 785-2752
Mrs. Margaret Grimaldi, School Principal
Web Page: www. stwilliamtheabbot.net
Email address: mgrimaldi@stwilliamtheabbot.net
Faith Formation
(School Building - 2001 Jackson Avenue)
Mrs. Laura Walsh, Director Grades K - 5
Sr. JoAnn Bonauro, S.C., Director Grades 6 - 8
Bill D’Alessio, Coordinator, Confirmation Program
Religious Education Office: 516-679-9558
Web Page: www.swafaithformation.org
Fax: 516-679-1649
Email address: reledswa@yahoo.com
Music Ministries
(Convent Center - 2020 Jackson Avenue)
Mr. Alfred Allongo, Director of Music and Organist
Matthew Georgetti, Assistant Director
Mrs. Louise Sewall, Folk Group Director
Music Ministry Office: 516-781-3253
Fax: 516- 679-1083
Email: stwilliamsmusic@gmail.com
Parish Social Ministry
Mrs. Rosemary Graziano, Director
(Convent Center - 2020 Jackson Avenue)
Office: 516-679-8532
Fax: 516- 679-1083
Email: socialministry@stwilliam.org
Parish Grounds and Maintenance
Mr. Joe Mormon, Head of Maintenance
Pastoral Council
Parish Representatives
Mrs. Maggie Bobby -- Mr. Bill D’Alessio -- Mr. Steve DeCillis -- Mrs. Catherine DuPlessis
Mr. George Gilmartin -- Mr. Richard Hass -- Mr. Joseph P. Missilli -- Mrs. Susan Neubauer
Mrs. Nancy Schleyer -- Mr. Thomas Ward --
Parish Trustees
Mr. Edward Lettieri
Mr. Robert Gerhard