pathfinder fair packet! - "FOREVER FAITHFUL"

Rocky Mountain Conference
RMC Pathfinder Fair 2015
Theme: Forever Faithful
Dear Pathfinder Director’s and Staff,
This year the Rocky Mountain Conference Fair will be held on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at the
Delta County Fairgrounds, Hotchkiss, CO. Check out the map included in this packet.
COST: $10.00 per person – (Early Bird rate registration by March 10) or $15.00 per person
after March 10, payable no later than registration at Fair.)
Camping: TENT camping is available at the fairgrounds, Friday and Saturday nights. There is
no charge this year, but you still need to let us know if you plan on camping at the
fairgrounds. Programming is Sunday only, so you’re on your own if you come early.
Trailers: If you need to bring a trailer, you will need to schedule with the Fairgrounds for a
space to park it. These are limited to 12 and are $6.00 per day.
Showers: If you would like to use their showers, they are $2.00/person per day.
Booth Setup: The Heritage building will be open after sundown on Saturday night for putting
up booths, in addition to Sunday morning from 7:00 – 9:00.
Pets: Please make other arrangements for your pets. Thank you.
Points: This is the last conference event for the theme, “Forever Faithful.” Look over the
points (online at ) for your club to make sure you have received them all to
date. The 2000 Club trophies for points are given at the Fair.
Schedule: Please note that the Drill Instructors from each club need to meet with the
Directors at the morning meeting! This is the only time they will have to meet with the Drill
Master. Remember: Routines are due at registration!!
Field Events: All materials are provided by the conference.
Sabbath Potluck: On Sabbath, for those coming early, plan on contributing to a potluck for
lunch = yummy!
Look over the following information and if you have any questions/thoughts, please let us
See you at the fair,
Connie & Sue
RMC Pathfinder Co-Coordinators
Delta County Fairgrounds
403 S. 4th St., Hotchkiss, CO
Directions from Denver:
1) Take Interstate 70 west to Glenwood Springs. Then south on Hwy. 82 to Carbondale. Take
Hwy. 133 west/south out of Carbondale to Hotchkiss.
2) Take Interstate 70 west to Clifton (Grand Junction). Then south on Hwy. 141 down to Hwy.
50. Hwy. 50 south to Delta. East out of Delta on Hwy. 92 to Hotchkiss.
Area SDA Churches:
Cedaredge – 285 SW 2nd Ave., Cedaredge, CO
Delta – 762 Meeker St., Delta, CO
Grand Junction – 730 Mesa Ave., Grand Junction, CO
Gunnison – 77 Ute Ln., Gunnison, CO
Montrose – 1401 S. Townsend Ave., Montrose, CO
Orchard Valley – 1500 E. Main St., Montrose, CO
Paonia – 1412 4100 Rd., Paonia, CO
Area sightseeing: (Google for more info)
Black Canyon of Gunnison National Park
Blue Mesa Lake
Cimarron Railroad Exhibits
Climbing Tree Children’s Museum
Colorado National Monument
Confluence Park
Creamery Arts Center
Curecanti National Recreational Area
Fort Uncompahgre Living History Museum
Hotchkiss National Fish Hatchery
Hotchkiss-Crawford Historical Museum
Montrose County Historical Museum
Sweitzer Lake State Park
Ute Indian Museum
West Elk Loop Scenic Byway
Western Colorado Botanical Gardens & Butterfly House
Delta Co. Fairgrounds, Hotchkiss, CO
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Theme: Forever Faithful
7:00 – 9:00 am
8:00 – 8:30 am
9:00-10:00 am
9:30 am
9:45 am
10:00 am
10:15-12:00 pm
12:00-1:00 pm
1:00-4:00 pm
4:00-4:30 pm
4:30 pm
5:30 pm
Arrive and set up booths
Director’s and AC’s Meeting, + Drill Instructors
Judging the Booths (Working Demo’s first)
Line up for Parade (alphabetically w/banners)
Welcome, Present Colors, Pledge to the Flag, Devotional,
Drill and March Routines
*Lunch (purchase at food booths or bring your own)
Field Events
Presentation of Trophies & Awards
**Take booths down and help clean up
Everyone on their way home
*Food booths will open at NOON – not before please. Our building will be open during
the lunch hour so that the kids have time to see the ribbon results in the club booths.
**Please do not begin taking booths down before 3:00 PM unless you have a distance
to go and have someone other than the kids (we want them to be involved in the field
events) to take them down. We understand those who live a long ways away.
Drive carefully!
A special trophy will be awarded to each club in that has earned their 2000 points for the year.
Check your points on the website ( and if you have any concerns contact Connie
at, or fax info to 970-330-3045, or call 970-284-5354 and leave a message
which she will return.
You should have the following information:
 Trip Emergency Form
 First Aid Kit
 Health Record for each Pathfinder
 Pathfinder Contact Form
 Fire Extinguisher
 List of any Medical Personnel with you
The cost for the fair is $10 per person (early-bird registration rate) or $15.00 per person if
registered after March 10. That includes the fair pin.
TENT camping is available at the fairgrounds for free this year. We pass along camping fees as
we are charged for them, so we lucked out this year!
Bring a floor covering to put under your booth. All club display booths will be set up in the large
gymnasium and we want to take care not to scratch or ruin the floor. Booths must be no larger
than 12 ft. square. You must furnish all tables, chairs, cords, etc. The main building will be open
on Saturday night, after sundown, in addition to Sunday morning for putting up your booths.
Craft displays – Clearly mark each craft, or set of crafts on index cards (see sample page). Include
Pathfinder’s name and grade with the name of the craft. If more than one Pathfinder helped
with the craft, be sure to include each one on the card so that the judges will know how many
ribbons to leave for that craft. Please do not allow your Pathfinders to roam the booths without
a club staff member. After all booths have been judged, directors should mark ribbons with the
Pathfinder’s name, so as not to become lost, but left with the craft so that others may see how
they did. It should be left up to the director when to give the ribbons to the Pathfinders.
Judging – The Working Demonstrations will be judged first, so that all Pathfinders involved may
leave to get ready for the Parade while the rest of the booths are judged. If you have a float or
decorated bicycle, put them in front of your booth to be judged until time for the parade. The
director must remain at the booth to answer any questions from the judges. (For instance judges would take into account a craft done by a handicapped child.) No other Pathfinders or
Staff will be allowed in the gym during judging. Make sure your booth is identified with your
club name, even while your banner is out for the parade. Judges need to know who you are!
Every Pathfinder should take part in the Field Events.
You may bring a food booth to sell breakfast or lunch for a fundraiser for your club. Bring your
own electric cords if needed. Set up in designated area, only.
Have your March & Drill routines ready to turn in when you first arrive at check-in. See the Basic
and Advanced Drill criteria in this packet. There are no criteria for the Exhibition Drill, but must
be pre-approved by the drill master. Drill Instructors from each club need to meet with the
Directors at the morning meeting! This is the only time they will have to meet with the Drill
Master. Check out helpful March & Drill files online at
If you need help coming up with a Basic Drill routine, check out the new Conference Basic Drill
recommendation, included in this packet and also online (you are still welcome to make up your
Please keep a continuous watch on the bathrooms as you use them, and keep trash picked up.
Let a conference staff member know right away if there is more toilet paper needed or if a toilet
overflows, etc. Please, no defacing of bathrooms or anywhere else – thank you.
ALWAYS pick up any trash you may see during the day, and dispose of it in a trash container. “If
you can see it – don’t walk by it – pick it up!”
Each club is encouraged to prepare a photo book and/or scrapbook that gives the history of the
club. Make this book a part of your booth.
A special pin and certificate will be awarded to Pathfinders, Teens, and TLT’s who have been
nominated by their clubs and that meet the qualifications for excellence in Pathfindering. You
must submit the necessary paperwork to the Conference Youth Dept. office! (or via email, if
Note: Pathfinder of the Year (Boy, Girl, Teen, TLT) Certificates are awarded at each club’s
Dress uniforms (Class A) are required (if you have them) for the parade and the March & Drill
competitions. Field uniforms (club t-shirts) are appropriate for afternoon Field Events.
Full Dress Uniform and Flags are required (if you have them) for the parade. The
parade will start at the allocated time. Directors should have their Pathfinders lined up
one-half hour before that time. Please don’t be late. It takes time to get things
organized. All clubs should participate in the parade!
1. Lineup for the parade will be assigned by the Conference Drill Master at the assembly area.
2. Keep approximately 25 feet distance behind the club that you are following. This will give a
better opportunity for your club to receive their due recognition.
3. Make your corners look sharp. Stay in step. Remember, many eyes will be watching you.
4. Your club line-up should be in the following order:
a. Club Name/Banner
b. United States and Pathfinder flags
c. Guidons and Pathfinders
d. Float and/or Bicycle (if you have one)
Director: Be sure to salute as you pass by the Reviewing Stand with the Conference Youth
Director. Only the Club Director should salute. Eyes Right should be given just before
your club reaches the Reviewing Stand, and Ready Front should be given just after your
entire club is past the Reviewing Stand.
5. Floats: Let us attempt to have some beautiful floats again this year depicting our theme:
“Forever Faithful.” To make it equal for everyone, please remember the following rules
about our floats. They should be limited in size to no more than 4’ x 8’ and pulled by no more
than two (2) Pathfinders. There will be no motorized vehicles allowed to pull a float. The float
should be designed to go along with our theme for the year. Awards will be made according to
the originality and theme of your float. The floats will be judged during the parade. Remember,
small, attractive floats can be very beautiful and add much to our parade!!
6. After passing the Reviewing Stand, the floats/decorated bicycles will exit the parade while the
color guard and Pathfinders keep marching and form up in front of the reviewing stand for
the opening ceremonies.
7. Club Name/Banner: It must be at least 18” x 48”. Make an attractive banner, one to be proud
of that will represent your club and who you are. This banner is to have your club name on it.
Booth Information/Score Sheets
Club Name: ___________________________________________________
Director’s Name: _______________________________________________
Judge’s Name: _________________________________________________
The theme of the Fair for this year is “Forever Faithful” This theme should be evidenced in your booth.
Judging will be done by the Area Coordinators. All displays will be judged using the following criteria:
Twenty (20) points are possible. This section covers the overall appearance of the booth and its
attractiveness and motif, which should bring out the general theme of the Fair. Adult leaders may assist
the Pathfinders in arranging and preparing the booth. However, at least 75% of the work on the booth
both at the Fair and the preparation prior to coming must be done by the Pathfinders themselves. Points
are as follows:
Overall attractiveness
Club name/banner
75% of work done by Pathfinders
1-5 points
2 point
1-5 points
1-3 points
Total points: _______
Five (5) points are possible. This section covers how well the theme of the fair is displayed.
How well the theme is displayed
1-5 points
Total points: _______
Ten (10) points are possible. This section covers the collections, hobbies, crafts, honors, or other exhibits
made by the Pathfinders which bring out the theme of the booth. These collections, etc., are to be the
work of the Pathfinders in the club. Each individual craft must be marked with a 3” x 5” index card with
the name, age and grade of the Pathfinder that completed it. All crafts will receive a separate ribbon.
Please display each type of craft all together. For example; all model cars should be together, all candles
should be together, etc. Also, please display the Honor Requirements with each craft/honor.
Neatness and quality of displays
Each item marked w/name, etc.
Written work included w/honor
Bonus points if one craft/honor goes with theme
1-3 points
1-3 points
1-2 points
1-2 points
Total points: _______
Ten (10) points are possible. This section covers the active working demonstration by Pathfinders in the
booth during the judging. No adult leaders should be obvious in this demonstration.
Working Demonstration
Connection to the theme
1-5 points
1-5 points
Total points: _______
Five (5) points are possible. This section covers at least one Nature Honor that is displayed in a pleasing
manner. The nature honor(s) displayed must have been completed during this Pathfinder year.
Nature Honor displayed in a pleasing manner
1-5 points
Total points________
Overall points earned: _______
Sample Craft Display Cards
Pathfinder Club:
Pathfinder Club:
Pathfinder Class:
Pathfinder Class:
Honor / Craft:
Honor / Craft:
Pathfinder Club:
Pathfinder Club:
Pathfinder Class:
Pathfinder Class:
Honor / Craft:
Honor / Craft:
Basic Conference Drill Routine
(Recommended Basic only drill routine, if you would like to use it. Or you may use your own.)
Enter Field Fall Out
About Face
Attention Fall In
Parade Rest
Present Arms Parade rest
At Ease
Request Permission to Drill Prayer Attention
Order Arms Attention
Forward March
About Face Forward March
Right Flank March
Right Face Right Flank March
Right Flank March
Left Face Halt
Rear March
About Face Present Arms
Left Flank March
Dress Right Dress Drill Team finished using your
drill field Sir
Change Step March
Ready Front Order Arms
Cover Dismissed
Recover Exit Field
Count Off
Column Left March
Rear March
Column Right March
Mark Time March
Judge's Name:_____________________________________
Total Time: ___________
Drill Team's Name:_________________________________
Total Score:___________
Required Movements
1. About Face
2. At Ease
3. Attention
4. Change Step March
5. Column Left March
6. Column Right March
7. Count Off
8. Cover/Recover
9. Dress Right Dress/Ready Front
10. Fall in/Fall Out
11. Forward March
Score Sheet
1. Alignment
2. Complete/Accurate Maneuvers
3. Overall Appearance
4. 3 Minute Time Limit
1 – 10
1 - 22
1 - 10
1 - 10
Point Totals
47 - 52
42 - 46
36 - 41
0 - 35
Required Movements
12. Halt
13. Left Face
14. Left Flank March
15. Mark Time March
16. Parade Rest
17. Prayer Attention
18. Present Arms/Order Arms
19. Rear March
20. Request Permission to Drill
21. Right Face
22. Right Flank March
Time Limit Penalties
1 - 10 seconds over
11 - 20 seconds over
21 or more seconds over
-1 point
-5 points
-10 points
A copy of the drill routine MUST be turned in upon check-in at the fair. Copies submitted after that will not
be accepted. The drill team may still participate, but they will be awarded a participation award only. This is
required so that the Conference Drill Master (CDM) can review the routine to determine the movements
being performed and to ensure accuracy in scoring for complete maneuvers.
A list of all drill team members' names along with the Drill Master’s name will be submitted upon check in
with the routine so that we can have the correct number of pins ready for presentation.
Each drill routine will be judged by a pre-determined team of judges familiar with drill and march to ensure
a fair and high standard of judging.
The CDM will tally the total score and will also make the final decisions if there are any questions.
The required movements listed above are in alphabetical order only and not the order that they need to be
performed in. They are also the minimum to be done. Go the extra mile and be creative when designing
your routine, but use all of the above movements properly at least once to ensure full credit. Remember,
this is not the Exhibition Drill Team, so keep those movements for those routines.
The Exhibition Drill has a 6-minute time limit and must be pre-approved by the CDM.
Judge's Name: _____________________________________
Total Time:______________
Drill Team's Name:__________________________________
Total Score: ____________
Required Movements
Required Movements
1. Cadence Call
2. Close Interval (3 options)
3. Column Right or Left March
4. Counter March
5. Double or Triple Rear March
6. Finale Salute
7. Halves to the Rear March
8. Normal Interval (3 options)
9. Open/Close Ranks March
10. Quick Time March
11. Request Permission to Drill
12. Right or Left Flank March
13. Right or Left Oblique March
14. Route Step March
15. Squads to the Rear March
16. Stand at Ease
Score Sheet
1. Alignment
2. Complete/Accurate Maneuvers
3. Overall Appearance
4. Uniqueness
5. 5 Minute Time Limit
1 – 10
1 - 16
1 - 10
1 - 10
1 - 10
Point Totals
50 - 56
45 - 49
39 - 44
0 – 38
Time Limit Penalties
1 - 10 seconds over
11 - 20 seconds over
21 or more seconds over
-1 point
-5 points
-10 points
1. A copy of the drill routine MUST be turned in upon check-in at the fair. Copies submitted after that will
not be accepted. The drill team may still participate, but they will be awarded a participation award
only. This is required so that the Conference Drill Master (CDM) can review the routine to determine
the movements being performed and to ensure accuracy in scoring for complete maneuvers.
2. A list of all drill team members' names along with the Drill Master’s name will be submitted upon check
in with
the routine so that we can have the correct number of pins ready for presentation.
3. Each drill routine will be judged by a pre-determined team of judges familiar with drill and march to
ensure a fair and high standard of judging.
4. The CDM will tally the total score and will also make the final decisions if there are any questions.
5. The required movements listed above are in alphabetical order only and not the order that they need
to be performed in. They are also the minimum to be done. Go the extra mile and be creative when
designing your routine, but use all of the above movements properly at least once to ensure full credit.
Remember, this is not the Exhibition Drill Team, so keep those movements for those routines.
6. The Exhibition Drill has a 6-minute time limit and must be pre-approved by the CDM.
The field events this year will include the following:
Lashing Camp Furniture
Mental Puzzle
Stilt Races
Memory Verse Telephone Game
Nature ID
Teens only Blindfold Course
Triathlon Relay
And more . . . .