Burn Management - Kingston General Hospital

How to Register
The registration fee is $25 (cash or
cheque made payable to Kingston
General Hospital).
students may attend free of charge but
do need to register. Free (printable)
parking decals will be available to
registrants. Registration information and
fee by Thursday, February 26, 2015 to
Mary Pope at:
Mail to: Mary Pope
Watkins 2, Room 4-212
76 Stuart Street
Kingston General Hospital
Kingston, Ontario
K7L 2V7
Required Registration Information:
Job Title:
Email address:
Specify Any Food Allergies:
*Primary Research Focus/Interest (e.g. pain; patient safety; wound care;
 The collaborating organizations are
acknowledged for their significant
financial contributions in support of
this conference.
 Elsevier Canada for their continued
donation of copies of the book:
Reading Research.
 Pfizer Canada for its generous
financial sponsorship.
Conference Directions:
Davies Hall
St. Lawrence College
100 Portsmouth Avenue
Kingston, ON
(enter front doors of College,
& im m ediately turn left to
Davies Hall)
*This relates to the Interactive Session. Participants will be
grouped according to their research interest & teams will be
asked to generate research questions/ideas on their topic.
Cancellation P olicy:
If you register and are unable to attend,
please contact Mary Pope as soon as
possible at (613) 549-6666 ext. 3344 or
popem@kgh.kari.net. Refunds granted
until February 26, 2015.
Keynote Speaker
NOTE: To ensure your comfort, please bring a
sweater as the room temperature may fluctuate.
Kevin Y. Woo, PhD, RN, FAPWCA
Assistant Professor,
School of Nursing, Queen’s University
Dr. Kevin Woo is an Assistant Professor at
Queen’s University, School of Nursing in
Kingston, Canada. Kevin is an adjunct research
professor at Western University, teaching for
their Masters of Clinical Science in Wound
Healing program. He is the Early Researcher
Award recipient 2014-2019 from the Ministry of
Research and Innovation. He is the co-editor of
Chronic Wound Care 5, a clinical source book
for health care professionals. He served on
expert panels to develop Best Practice
Guidelines (BPG) in collaboration with the
Registered Nurses’ Association in Ontario for the
Assessment and Management of Stage 1 to 4
Pressure Ulcers and Screening for Dementia,
Delirium and Depression in older persons.
Kevin maintains his clinical expertise and
functions as an Advanced Wound Consultant at
the West Park Health Center, a specialized
chronic care and rehabilitation hospital in
Toronto. Additionally, he is the Web Editor for
Advances in Skin and Wound Care journal
website and he is a member of several editorial
2015 Annual
Kingston Nursing
Research Conference
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Davies Hall
St. Lawrence College
100 Portsmouth Avenue
Kingston, ONTARIO
Presenters continued
Kelly Baker, RN, BNSc, GNC(C)
Jolene Heil, RN, BScN, ET, MClScWH
Program Manager,
Seniors Mental Health, Inpatient Unit,
Providence Care Mental Health Services
Crystal Blakely, RN, BScN, CCN(C)
Advanced Practice Nurse,
Clinical Nurse Specialist – Wound Care,
Providence Care
Marian Luctkar-Flude, RN, MScN
Clinical Nurse,
Cardiac Sciences Unit,
Cardiac Program,
Kingston General Hospital
Lecturer, School of Nursing; & PhD student,
School of Rehabilitation Therapy,
Queen’s University
Debra Campbell, RN, BScN, CCN(C)
Family Integrated Care Study Coordinator,
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,
Kingston General Hospital
Nursing Coordinator,
Cardiac Rhythm Device Clinic,
Kingston General Hospital; & Allied Health
Representative, Canadian Heart Rhythm Society
Angela Dickieson, RN, BScN
Nurse Educator,
Seniors Mental Health,
Providence Care Mental Health Services
Belinda Dundon, RN(EC), MN
Nurse Practitioner,
Division of Neurosurgery,
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Katie Goldie, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor,
School of Nursing,
Queen’s University
Judith Gould, BFA, MEd
Mental Health Program,
Kingston General Hospital
Susan Hall, RN, MSc
Clinical Documentation,
Kingston General Hospital
Program Schedule
Coffee & Registration
Opening Remarks
Cathy Szabo
A Bird’s-Eye View of
Psychiatric Disorders and
Cardiovascular Risk and
Disease in Canada:
Implications and Strategies
for Nursing Practice
Katie Goldie
MaryAnn Ottenhof, RN
Kerry Oulton, OT, MSc
Occupational Therapist,
Mental Health Program,
Kingston General Hospital
Linda Ready, RN, BNSc, CNCC(C)
Clinical Practice Coordinator,
City of Kawartha Lakes Family Health Team;
& MN/NP student,
Athabasca University
Break and Poster Vewing
Order Sets in the Clinical
Setting: A Realist Review
Susan Hall
Cathy Szabo, RN, BScN, MPH, CHE
President & Chief Executive Officer,
Providence Care
Kevin Woo, PhD, RN, FAPWCA
Assistant Professor,
School of Nursing,
Queen’s University
The Power of Art and SelfExpression
Judith Gould & Kerry Oulton
Nancy Sears, RN, PhD
School of Baccalaureate Nursing,
St. Lawrence College
Tools’ Use for Identifying,
Managing and Preventing
Delirium in the Seniors Mental
Health Population
Angela Dickieson & Kelly Baker
Keynote Address: Quality
Indicators in Wound Care:
Disruption or Innovation?
Kevin Woo
Lunch (provided)
Interactive Session
Evidence-Based Breast
Cancer Survivorship Care in
Southeastern Ontario: A
Mixed Methods Study
Marian Luctkar-Flude
Program Schedule continued
Family Integrated Care: A
Randomized Control Study
MaryAnn Ottenhof
Unplanned Extubations in a
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Belinda Dundon
Break & Poster Viewing
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) in Patients with
Conditional Cardiac Devices:
Are We Prepared? A Case
Study Presentation
Debra Campbell
Cardiac Rhythm Devices and
End of Life Care: Development
of an Educational Tool
Crystal Blakely & Debra Campbell
Sustaining a Pressure Ulcer
Prevention Program in
Complex Continuing Care
Jolene Heil
Patient Safety: Preliminary
Perceptions of Newly
Registered RPNs in Ontario
Nancy Sears
Impact of Prodromal
Symptoms on Future Adverse
Cardiac-Related Events: A
Systematic Review
Linda Ready
Closing Remarks & Evaluation