Sterling silver Young at art - The Cygnet and Channel & Kingston

Covering Kingston, Kingston Beach, Blackmans Bay, Howden and nearby areas
5 March 2015
Phone: 6295 1708
Young at art
No 873
Born in Orange, NSW, Mahalia White-McColl
moved with her parents to Tassie, then after
some years, to South Australia where she attended a Steiner school, and finally back to
Kingston in Tasmania, where in this last year,
she has completed her secondary education.
While she residentially and physically may have
been quite itinerant, her interest in art has been
both constant and rewarding. Drawing and
painting since Grade 2, she says “I’ve always
been trying to make something, (or break
something). This was helped, in a way, by the
requirement at school to do a drawing a day.”
Since primary school, she has created around
thirty major works, an impressive and, in terms
of her passion, telling quantity since she was at
the same time having to study other academic
Her artistic subjects are mostly people; she
produces fine portraits, and says “I strive to
capture something of the character of the folk
I paint; something of their personality.” In the
 continued page 7
Sterling silver
The go-to place
Everywhere has its meeting places. England
has its village greens, Italy its town squares,
and France its market places. They’re the
place to be, where the action is whenever
there’s likely to be any action. In Tasmania we
have our community centres, neighbourhood
houses – whatever they’re named they are the
hubs on which hinge the various spokes that
make up a community. One such community
centre in the Channel is West Winds. This year
the West Winds Community Centre reaches
an important milestone, celebrating 25 years
of serving the Channel community. “The past
25 years have seen West Winds develop and
evolve to become the ‘Welcoming Heart of
the Channel’”, said Director, Sue Sagewood.
“This year, our Silver Anniversary year, will see
West Winds relaunch with new energy and new
focus, as we continue to strengthen our ties with
the community.”
Born in the 1960s
West Winds is a community centre with a history. Located at Woodbridge, it was purposebuilt in the 1960s as a home for boys in need,
and retains that home-like atmosphere today.
With shower and toilet blocks, a gym and
large recreation room, a library, small meeting
rooms, wood fire, television, a large commercial kitchen and plenty of outdoor recreational
area, its potential for a variety of enterprises
makes it unique among Tasmania’s 30 or so
neighbourhood houses. West Winds was saved
from the 1967 fires by its residents, among
them those boys who called it home. When it
was no longer needed as a home for boys, West
Winds stood unused for eight years until the
building was rescued in 1990 by people who
could see its potential for serving the general
community. Over the years, West Winds has
met needs, risen to challenges, and initiated
activities for the local community. Today their
mission to be the ‘welcoming heart’ remains
strong. “We aim to diversify our programs to
meet the ever-changing needs of the community,” said Sue Sagewood. “We have a new and
modern logo which better reflects our centre,
a new look website, and a host of exciting
programs scheduled for the year.”
An anniversary needs a party
The new look West Winds kicks off with several
celebratory parties. The first is a morning tea
with invited guests, plenty of speeches, a media
presence – and of course a birthday cake! A
week later 60 guests will attend a dinner dance,
complete with live band, and, of course, a
birthday cake! Before the next party happening,
an Underage Rage with DJ and disco, and the
theme ‘Something Silver’, West Winds will have
a stall at the Woodbridge School Fair. More
special events follow. The Channel Challenge,
an annual fun, family and fitness fundraiser for
 continued page 5
are inside
the back page
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Blackmans Bay Childrens Services
6wks-12yrs 7.30am-6pm, 177b Roslyn
Avenue 6229 4914
Blackmans Bay Play Group 10am12pm, B/Bay Comm Hall, (Ocean Espl).
Playgroup Association: 6228 0925
Bruny Island Quarantine Station
Open Thurs to Mon 10am-4pm, 816
Killora Rd, North Bruny 0435 069 312
Colour Circle Art Group Adult classes/
workshops. Bernadette 6229 8938
Free Bread & Rolls Mon-Fri 9am3.30pm Maranoa Comm Ctre 6229 4066
Kingston Beach Educational Care
7.15am - 6.15pm. 46 Beach Rd.
6229 6070
Kingston Croquet Club Mons & Weds,
1.30-3.30pm. Learn to play golf croquet.
159 Summerleas Rd. 0402 091 840
Little Penguins Birth - 4yrs, Tues
1-3pm; Fri 9-11.30am, Bruny School.
6293 1147
Puddleducks Play Centre Tues-Fri
Pre-kinder sessions for 3-5yrs Kingston
Beach Kinder. Beach Rd 6229 2852
U3A Kingborough 0405 327 071
email or
AA Kingborough 8pm Christ the Priest
Church, corner Roslyn Ave & Jindabyne
Road. 6234 8711
Coffee, Chat & Craft 9am, Maranoa
Heights Community Centre, 24 Hawthorn
Drive 6229 4066
Craft & Play - drop in 10-11am,
Kids Allowed Shop, Channel Ct, Kingston
Friendship for Disabled, 6pm Uniting
Church, 42 Jindabyne Rd, Kingston.
6229 6152
Kingborough Women’s Club
Needlework 10-12n, 34 Ewing Ave
Kingston Beach, in KB oval behind
Community Hall. 6286 8206
Kingston District Garden Club
4th Mon 7.30pm (not Jun/Jul/Dec)
Kingston LINC 6229 1606
Kingston Men’s Probus Club Last
Mon/mth, Snr Citizen Centre, 35 Redwood
Rd,10am-12pm.6229 3573
Limited food assistance Afternoons
Maranoa Heights Comm. Ctre 6229 4066
Lions Club of Kingborough 1st &
3rd Mondays, 6.30pm, Kingston Beach
Golf Club
Rotary Club of Kingston 6.30pm
Kingbrgh Bowls Club, Margate. David
0437 849 470
Zumba 12 noon, Maranoa Heights
Community Centre, 6229 4066
Anglicare Family Mental Health
Services Every 2nd Tues LINC D block
6229 4066
At The Beach Playgroup 9.3011.30am, Blackmans Bay Hall, Ocean
Espl. Emma 0420 903 284
Beehive Playcentre Margate 9-12n,
3-4 yr olds. 6267 1301
Bingo 7.30pm Twin Ovals Pavilion
Kingston, Michelle 0418 548 611
Christian Men’s Fellowship
10am-12pm Christian Reformed Church
of Kingston, Denison St. 6229 6927 or
6227 1930
Friends of Coningham NRA Working
Bees - 3rd Tues/month, Feb- Nov, Jean
6267 4870 times and locations
Friends of Snug Village Home 2nd
Tues 1.30pm, Beverley 6267 9537
Heart Foundation Walking 9am.
Join the Peter Murrell Walkers. All
welcome. No cost. 6229 5391
Kingborough Carers Support Grp
fortnightly, 1pm, Ph June 6229 6946
Kingborough Senior Citzs Indoor
Bowls 1pm, 35 Redwood Rd Hall
6229 4487
Kingborough Spinners &
Handweavers Uniting Church,
Jindabyne Rd, 1st Tues 6264 1714
Kingborough Women’s Club
Scrabble from 1.30pm, 34 Ewing Ave
Kingston Beach, in KB oval behind
Community Hall. 6286 8206
Kingston Cub Scouts 6.30-8pm, 6227
1313 behind sports centre
Kingston Classifieds - 5 March 2015
Kingston Scrabble Club 7.30pm
Kingston Library. 6229 5840
Kingston Tennis Club Social tennis
9am - 12 noon. 6229 1732
Rotary Club of D’Entrecasteaux
Channel, Villa Howden 6.30pm.
6267 1161
Sandfly Play Group 10 –12pm, 0-5yrs
During school terms. 0409 941 774
Alcohol & Drug Service 1300 139
641 Kingston Comm Hlth Ctr, by appt.
Australian Plants (APST) 1st Wed 2pm
Centacare meeting room Kingston Beach.
Fran 6229 9443
Blackmans Bay Salvation Army
Playgroup 9.30-11am, 3 Opal Dve,
BBay, $5 per family. 6229 8058
Christian Meditation 4.30pm,
Meeting room, Church of Christ the Priest,
Kingston. 6229 7529
Community Market Brookfield
Margate, 10am
Fortefied SATB vocal group
Blackmans Bay 7.30pm 6229 1231
Grow Tas Mental Health Support
Group 7-9pm, Kingston Community
Health Ctre. 1800 558 268 / 6223
6284 / 6229 8170
Guides B’Bay Guide Hall, Burwood
Dve. Rainbow 5-7yr 5-6pm, Bahloo
7-11yr 6.15-7.45pm 6231 0433
Kingborough Bridge Club 7.15pm
Snr Citz Hall Redwood Rd. 6229 7234
Kingborough Prostate Cancer
Support Group Meets 2nd Wed 2pm.
Kingston LINC. Keith 6229 9479 or
Cynthia 6233 2072
Kingborough Senior Citizen Bingo
1.30pm, 35 Redwood Rd Hall 6229 4487
Kingborough Women’s Club
Mahjong 10.30am-3pm. 34 Ewing
Ave Kingston Beach, in KB oval behind
Community Hall. 6286 8206
Kingston Apex Club 2nd Wed, Mt
Nelson Tavern,
Kingston LINC - Rock & Rhyme 11
Hutchins St. 11-11.30am for babies
1-24 mnths. 6165 6208
Kingston School for Seniors 10am12pm Snr Ctzns Club Rooms during term
time. Ph 6229 5495
MaJong 1.30-3.30pm Senior
Cititzen Hall, 35 Redwood Rd, Kingston.
Ph 6229 2453
Over 50s Exercise Class Kingston
Beach Hall, 10-11am. Ph physio Janice
Laud 6267 4936
Sing Australia Kingston 12-2pm
Uniting Church, Jindabyne Road,
Blackmans Bay 6229 3990
Songs for Life 6.30-7.30pm Parents
& primary school-age children, Kingston Primary School. 0419 757 941
Yoga 9.45am Maranoa Heights Comm
Centre 6229 4352
Yoga for Seniors and Beginners
11am Maranoa Heights Comm Centre
6229 4066
Beehive Playcentre Margate 9-12,
3-4 yr olds. 6267 1301
Bellydancing 10am Kingston LINC D
block 6229 4066
Craft with a Cause 10am-2pm school
terms, Kingborough Family Church
6229 2196
Channel Painters 9.30am-12. West
Winds. Beginners & exp. 6267 4903
Chess Club 4-6pm during school term.
Kingston LINC 6211 8500
Coffee Club 3pm, The Beach,
Blackmans Bay 0437 527 840
English Conversation Group 1011am. Kingston LINC. 6211 8500
Friends of Peter Murrell Res.
2nd Thu (Apr,Jun,Aug,Oct,Dec) 7.30pm
Centacare Cottages, Kingston Beach
6267 2939
Guides Hall, Burwood Dve, B’Bay
Forester 7-11yr 5.30-7pm, Storm Bay
10-15yr 7.15-9pm, Ranger 14+
7.15pm 6231 0433
Kingborough Bowls Club Euchre
7.30pm, 0407 799 421
Kingston LINC Storytime 10.30 11am for pre-schoolers. 11 Hutchins St.
6165 6208
Mahjong 10-12pm Senior Citz Hall, 35
Redwood Rd, Kingston. 6229 4747
Playgroup 9.30-11am yspace Kingston
6229 4066
Praying for you 8-9.30pm, K’brgh Life
Healing Rooms, 5 Mertonvale Circuit,
Kingston. 6227 1488
Snug CWA 2nd Thursday of month,10am.
Upper level, Brookfield, Margate. 6267 5060
The Southern Voices adult choir,
Kingston Uniting Church, 7.15-9.30pm.
Margot 6244 5344
Ukulele Group Maranoa Heights Cty
Ctr, 5.30-7pm. Alan 0417 193 265
Unity in Diversity Discuss on spiritual
themes. 7.30pm Kingston Beach 6229 4535
Yoga Kingston Beach Sailing Club.
5.30pm. 0429 504 995
Zumba Taroona Community Hall,
5.30pm, Carmen 0437 011 766
Friends of the Kingston Library
Book Sale 1st Fri, 10am - 12noon
Kingston LINC
Kingborough Bridge Club 1-5pm
Senior Citz Hall Redwood Rd 6229 4747
Kingbrgh Senior Citz Line Dancing
10am, 35 Redwood Rd 6229 4487
Kingston LiNC - Rock & Rhyme 11
Hutchins St. 11-11.30am for babies
1-24 mnths. 6165 6208
Kingston Tennis Club Social tennis
9am - 12 noon Ph 6229 1732
Science Fun - drop in 10-11am, Kids
Allowed Shop, Channel Ct, Kingston
Zumba 9.30am & Zumba Gold 10.40am
Maranoa Heights Community Centre,
6229 4066
Catholic Parish Kingston / Channel
Vigil 6pm
Seventh Day Adventist Margate 11am
Worship Service, 9.30am Sabbath School
Theosophical Society last Sat, 2-4pm
13 Goulburn St, Hobart 6267 4868
AA Kingston 7pm, Community Health
Centre, John Street
Anglican St Clements, 100 Beach Rd,
Kingston 7:45am, 9:30am & 5pm; St
Peters Roslyn Ave, B’Bay 8am 6229
7678 / 0407 880 384
Bay Christian Church 10am,
177 Roslyn Ave Blackmans Bay (Primary
School) 6229 2268
Catholic Parish Kingston /Channel
Church of Christ the Priest 10am; St
Mary’s Snug 8.30am; Bruny 3pm 4th Sun
Christian Reformed Church 17
Denison St, Kingston. 9.30am
Citylight Church 150 Redwood Rd,
Kingston. 10am Worship Svc, 6229
1944, 0417 541 883
Free Presbyterian Church 50 Channel Hwy, Kingston. Svcs 10am/4pm
Kingborough Family Church
11 Glory Place, Huntingfield. 10am
worship/children’s. Enquiries 6229 2196
Kingborough Life Church 10am,
5 Mertonvale Crt, Kingston 6227 1488
Kingborough Quakers 4th Sun
10.30am 6267 2571 for venue
Kingborough Salvation Army 10am
Family Service. 3 Opal Dve, Blackmans
Bay 6229 8058
Kingston Beach Handmade Market
2nd Sun of mnth, Kingston Beach Hall
Kingston Rotary Market 8am-1pm
KingstonTown Shopping Centre, Annette
0419 543 287
Kingston Uniting Church Service
10am & Sunday School 42 Jindabyne Rd,
Kingston 6229 8112
Margate Garden Club last Sun mth
outings, Anne 6267 2152
One Way Christian Church 10am
Endeavour Ave, Margate. 6229 2268
Summerleas Christian Church
Meeting 9.30am Sea Scout Hall,
Kingston View 6229 2268
Taroona Comm Market last Sun/
mth,10-3 Taroona Shops, 6227 9697
Taroona Uniting Church Service
9.30am 1 Taroona Cres 6227 9863
Vine Christian Church Service 4pm
Kingston LINC, Hutchins St, Kingston
Yoga 4pm Blackmans Bay Community
Hall 6229 4352
Strange but true
Cunning alligators
You have heard of crocodile tears. Now, it
seems that alligators have a trick of their
own. Wildlife experts have spotted alligators in the USA balancing twigs on their
noses in an apparently successful attempt
to lure birds that have gone in search of
nesting materials. In the first study of reptile
tool use, Vladimir Dinets of the University
of Tennessee monitored alligators at two
lakes in Louisiana. He noticed that the alligators balanced sticks on their heads only
when they were close to bird rookeries,
during the breeding season, when the birds
were building their nests. Other wildlife
experts report having often seen alligators
catching birds using this technique.
History is not bunk
It is often reported that Henry Ford said that
“history is bunk.” Professor Emeritus Garel
Rhyl, Cardiff University, Wales disagrees.
“He said nothing of the sort. What he did
say was that much history was dead history
and was, therefore, more or less bunk.
He was not criticising history but the way
it was interpreted and taught. He was so
concerned that well based history should
be available that he endowed history
faculties in a number of USA universities.
I suspect Ford would have a chuckle over
the way history has recorded his comments. It illustrates what he was saying
most wonderfully.”
Chaste nation
Half of all Japanese adults are not having
sex, according to a survey by the Japan
Family Planning Association. The findings
will have come as a blow to the government, which is trying to halt the country's
sliding birth rate. The survey of 3,000 people found that 49.3% of them had not had
sex in the previous month, up five points
since 2012. It also found that 20% of men
aged 25 to 29 are so-called “herbivores”
- they have little or no interest in sex.
The bargain that wasn't
A British couple who booked cheap tickets
from Birmingham to Trinidad for a winter
sun break turned up at the airport only to
be informed that their flight was leaving
from a terminal 6,400 km away. It turned
out that the tickets had been a “bargain”
because the departure airport was Birmingham, Alabama, in the USA. “We had
no choice but to get our car out of the long
stay and drive home,” said Kevin Jones. He
and his partner Jeanette eventually went to
Benidorm instead.
Statistics watch
According to French publisher Gallimard
Voltaire's Treatise on Tolerance sold more
than 120,000 copies in the week after the
Paris terror attacks.
Bon mots
“This is the terrifying paradox of zealotry:
no one hates humanity more than those
who believe they know what's best for
it” - British author and journalist Howard
Art - from the horse’s mouth Love Living Locally – from
strength to strength
Cygnet Riding Club has come up
with an idea that not only offers a
unique opportunity to learn how to
draw horses, but also puts the fun
into fundraising.
On Sunday, 15th March the club
will host an all-day Drawing Horses
workshop with tutor Anna Williams
(B. Fine Arts and B. Ed.), with horses
of various breeds, shapes and sizes
as life-models.
The workshop will suit anyone from
the raw beginner to experienced
artists wishing to study horses at
close quarters.
After Anna has demonstrated techniques of line and shading, participants will make detailed drawings
of parts of a horse’s anatomy such
as an eye, an ear, a nostril, a hock,
and a hoof and pastern.
They will also make lightningsketches of a horse’s body movement and sequence of footfalls as
it is being ridden at walk, trot and
canter, before making a lengthier
drawing using their sketches as a
Cygnet Riding Club has been lucky
to secure Anna to tutor this workshop as, with her combined talents
of artist, teacher and horsewoman,
she has an immense understanding
of horses and their characteristics
and movement, and can convey
her knowledge and expertise in a
practical and easy to understand
She has supported herself from her
art for the past 15 years, creating
and teaching in a variety of media
including drawing and painting
materials, bronze, welding, ceramics and linocut. Some examples of
her work will be on display at the
The workshop, costing $40, will
run from 10 am to 4.30 pm at Cygnet Riding Club, just past the Men’s
Shed at the Cygnet sportsground.
Booking details and a
comprehensive information sheet
may be obtained by emailing or
phoning 6295 1636.
the best elements of bigger events
like the Tasmanian Sustainable Living Festival, the Taste of Tasmania
and Festivale, to bring together a
huge variety of local Kingborough
highlights, including:
• Local food and produce
• Music and entertainment, including buskers
• Sustainable living information
and displays
• Childrens’ activities
• Bush care and coast care information.
For more information, please
contact Mel Staples at Kingborough
Council on 6211 8228, or email
Love Living Locally also has a new
website at www.lovelivinglocally.
com. The site includes a CWA
competition schedule.
Kingborough Council
Media release
w w w .s o uth bus. c o m . a u
Lesley Parker
Kingborough’s premier sustainable
living event is just around the corner, and officially bigger and more
diverse than ever. The 5th annual
Love Living Locally festival will be
held in and around the Kingborough Civic Centre on Sunday
March 15th, from 10am to 3pm.
More than 80 stalls have registered
for this year’s event, smashing last
year’s record of 60. There’s an
extra carnival atmosphere this year,
with the Snug Country Women’s
Association running a Living Local
Expo. The CWA will judge competitions in about 100 different
categories, including cooking, art,
horticulture and children’s section.
Renowned Tasmanian cookbook
author, Sally Wise, will be on hand
to offer advice and present cooking demonstrations.
The free Love Loving Locally event
has traditionally attracted more
than 3,000 people for a day of
stall-shopping, entertainment and
community celebration. It builds on
new builds & renovations
kitchens, bathrooms & laundries
solar & electric hot water systems
heat pumps
septic & drainage systems
general plumbing & maintenance
For cost effective plumbing solutions phone
Mark on 0407 465 646
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5 March 2015 - Kingston Classifieds 3
Sleeping Beauty and the talented artists of Tasmania
The lure of a peaceful life brings
many new residents to the Huon
Valley. In the case of regular visitor Nader Shirvani, who has been
coming here for his holidays for
more than fifteen years, the attraction has been the beautiful
scenery, especially the mountains.
Mr Shirivani is so taken with the
views of Sleeping Beauty, that he
has started two new businesses in
Huonville with the name Sleeping Beauty attached. He left his
home country, which he prefers
to call Persia, but is now known
as Iran, in 1982, and has been
in Australia for over thirty years.
He first lived in Sydney, and has
been visiting Tasmania every time
he could get a holiday. He has
a connection to Petcheys Bay,
and now to Huonville. “I’m just
trying to get established in the
district... I’ve only been here for
three months... I love Tassie ... a
sunny day is good, but I love a
foggy day. The cloud in the early
morning... it’s beautiful. I wake
up to the Sleeping Beauty... on
my first day, I saw the mountain
with snow, and then there was
a wonderful rainbow. I love the
valley. People say - come to the
valley for the rainbows. I love the
rainbows, and the green, and the
changing scenery, and the depth
of the horizon. The scenery is important, but most important is the
talent of Tasmanians. Locals may
not appreciate how much talent is
in this state, and it is like a renewable resource. I want to mention
generosity – God’s generosity. In
Tasmania, it has human dreams.
You can sit for a whole day and
dream what you want to do.”
Contribution because of
The natural assets of Tasmania
have inspired him to try to help
develop Tasmanian artists.
On Thursday 26th February, Paul
Harriss MP opened the Sleeping
Beauty Art Gallery in Huonville, as
a new venue for Tasmanian artists
to exhibit. Nader Shirvani, who
has an information technology
business in Hobart, is keen to sell
local art, by local artists, to local
Support Red Cross Calling
One of Australia’s most enduring
charity events, Red Cross Calling
begins this week with an amazing number of fundraising events
organised throughout March to
support the work of Red Cross.
Donations to Red Cross Calling
help fund the everyday work of
Red Cross including relief and
recovery assistance for people
affected by floods, cyclones and
other disasters.
Red Cross also provides safe
drinking water and sanitation for
remote communities, makes daily
phone calls to isolated or elderly
people to check on their welfare,
and helps young parents or young
homeless people who are doing it
tough. Last year Red Cross assisted
more than 56,000 people affected by disasters and served over
800,000 meals to school children
who might otherwise have gone to
people. “My intention is to make
a little contribution. We have ages
in our lives ... play, education,
money, family, now it is my age,
the age for contribution” he said.
“What I am offering is contribution... I hope the money generated from the art gallery will remain
in the valley, for the benefit of the
valley and Tasmania. There is so
much talent here. I want to bring
quality art to the valley,” he said
at the launch. Five artists - Vicki
McDonald, Peter Barraclough,
Roger Murphy, David Hopkins and
Ned Trewartha were represented
at the launch. Lisbeth Driessen is
now exhibited there, with more
artists to follow. “In my opinion,
these artists are the treasure of
Tasmania ... I admire them all.
I admire Vicki McDonald – I call
her the Aussie Lady Monet.” At the
launch, artist Vicki McDonald was
embarrassed by the description,
but appreciated the compliment,
and is thrilled to have her art exhibited at a conspicuous location.
Earlier that day, Nader Shrivani
said: “Art is not only creative, but
school hungry.
Community fundraising for Red
Cross Calling includes arts and
craft auctions, backyard barbeques, bingo, bowls and bocce
afternoons, cake and plant stalls,
community car washes, fashion
parades, golf days and trivia nights.
For more information about Red
Cross Calling, to register a community event or to make an online
donation go to
au or call 1800 811 700.
it is also an investment. My father
was a bank manager/auditor, but
he was really an artist. He was a
painter, a sculptor, and he could
create anything. My brother is
also a talented artist. It has always
been my dream to open up an art
gallery. It is focussing on residents
of the valley and the surrounding districts. It highlights and
celebrates Tasmanian art, and
the beauty of the state reflected
in the art.” As well as natural
beauty, Nader Shirvani appreciates architecture, especially the
built heritage of Hobart. “I love
the traditional look of Hobart.
I love the natural beauty of the
countryside, particularly in the
evening, and I love the Sleeping
Beauty, at any time of the day”
he said. The Sleeping Beauty Art
Gallery will mostly be open in
the afternoon and early evening.
“The business is evolving, and so
are our trading hours” said Nader
Merlene Abbott
Talk to
a mate
prevention &
mental health
rural support
(1300 4357 6283)
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Sterling silver
the West Winds gym, will be held
on March 29th, and on March 31st
the happening event is the opening of the first art exhibition to be
held in the hall, newly refurbished
for this purpose and launched at
the morning tea as the Community
Arts Inclusion Project. This project,
led by local artist Wendy Edwards,
will be for local and visiting artists
to display their work. “It’s a space
that’s already drawn much interest
from Kingborough Council,” said
Sue Sagewood. Midwinter will see
the Lantern Parade and Bonfire
held at West Winds.
Already on offer
Photography, art and craft, yoga
and tai chi are just some of the
activities already available at West
Winds. Fitness for both brain and
body are catered for, with regular
gym classes and exercise sessions,
U3A courses, and ‘pop-up’ activities such as the current course for
people learning Spanish. School
groups spending time at the local
Marine Discovery Centre regularly
use West Winds for overnight stays.
Wombats provides occasional
childcare at the centre, and some
local food production businesses
have begun life in the commercial
kitchen at West Winds which is
always available for similar enter-
From front page
prises. Organisations looking for
rooms, for committee, group or
board meetings find them at West
Winds. A Probus group meets there
regularly, as does a Seniors Social
Club, and a Men’s Shed is located
within the grounds. West Winds
now manages the adjacent online
centre, running programs that offer assistance with, for example,
ipads, iphones, basic computer
skills and online banking. Services
such as Meals on Wheels and
Community Transport are also
centred at West Winds.
Going for gold
The building has been there for
almost 50 years; West Winds
Community Centre is celebrating
25 of those. Sue Sagewood pays
tribute to those who’ve contributed
to making it a special place in the
Channel. “The Silver Anniversary is
a great opportunity to show them
their hard work and commitment
back then has paid off, and it also
gives us the chance to showcase
our new and exciting projects,” she
said. For further information about
upcoming events contact Director
Sue Sagewood or Trina Blazely,
Community Program Manager,
on 6267 4713. Visit westwinds@
Judy Redeker
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Danger Down Under?
This last week has seen massive destruction with a couple of
cyclones up north. One cannot
imagine the terror of the winds at
the speed recorded.
Fortunately Tasmania seems to
avoid the worst of these events.
Imagine our surprise when, just
across the ditch in New Zealand
recently, we came across signs
warning of the dangers of tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic
The first such notice was in Mount
Maunganui. We already knew that
the Mount was an extinct volcanic
cone at the end of the peninsula.
The cruise ships arrive in the
early morning with a welcome
greeting from the joggers making
their way around the base of the
Mount and waving to the visitors
coming to add to the economy of
their delightful little town. There
were wonderful views all day as
the ships berth right alongside the
low lying land joining the Mount
to the town. Just a short walk off
the jetty and there it was, a large
notice saying what to do in the
event of a tsunami! "Walk quickly
to the Mount and get up onto
higher ground"!
Not all the volcanoes are extinct,
in fact many are still active. There
is one off the coast in the Bay
of Plenty called 'White Island'
which erupted last in 1981-83.
The eruption was so large that it
completely changed the landscape
of the island and destroyed an
extensive forest which had been
on the outside of the main crater
wall. As well as the direct effects
of the actual explosions, volcanoes pose various other hazards
to the New Zealand populace.
These can include the damming
of lakes and then subsequent collapse sending a wall of water or
mud down the valleys. One such
disaster occurred in December
1953 when the railway bridge
across the Whangaehu River collapsed from a mudflow just before
an express train was about to cross
it. The train could not stop in time,
and 151 lives were lost. Other effects can be widespread even for
eruptions of only moderate size.
Ash plumes from an 1996 eruption forced the closure of eleven
airports, including Auckland International Airport. New Zealand
has a very enlightened attitude to
natural disasters and the need for
insurance. Even volcanic damage
is covered by the "Earthquake
Napier is a city which was destroyed by an earthquake in 1931.
Officially known as the "Hawke's
Bay earthquake", it was devastating, killing 256 people. It remains
New Zealand's deadliest natural
disaster. Out of the ruins has been
built an 'Art Deco' city. When we
were there, the enterprising citizens
offered rides in immaculate vintage cars and we were entertained
by a dance troupe suitably dressed
as per the 1930s and dancing the
"Charleston". Outside one of the
buildings was a notice advertising
a company 'making the premises
earthquake proof' a reminder that
the danger is ongoing.
The whole of New Zealand is
sitting along the 'ring of fire' part
of a 40,000km horseshoe shape
area in the basin of the Pacific
Ocean where a large number of
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.
The more recent Christchurch
earthquake made headlines all
around the world. Those from our
party who travelled into Christchurch reported that much of what
was once a beautiful city is still in
ruins. I decided not to revisit as I
have wonderful memories of taking my mother there on her last
cruise (aged 97). The Cathedral
was a serene place in the centre of
a delightful square. We sat in the
Cathedral cafe and watched the
world go by - a memory not to be
spoilt by seeing it in ruins.
Instead of the usual port of Lyttleton with its easy access to
Christchurch the cruise ships now
anchor further south in Akaroa
Bay and passengers are taken
ashore by 'tender'. Walking along
the beautiful foreshore, with the
New Zealand Christmas Bush in
full flower, we came across whole
buildings still wrapped in white
plastic waiting for the earthquake
damage to be repaired.
Do not be alarmed, New Zealand
is a wonderful place to visit and the
dangers are small really. No need
to wrap oneself in cotton wool and
stay in bed - most people die there
anyway! And at least in NZ they
don't have snakes.
Marian Hearn
Lookinag local
Check out the ads
inside back page
5 March 2015 - Kingston Classifieds 5
Holmes memorial dedicated at Snug
On 25th February over 60 members and families of the Kingborough RSL Sub Branch and the Snug
Fire Brigade and four members of
the Holmes family, gathered at the
Snug Fire Station to dedicate a memorial to four deceased members
of the Holmes family. The service
was conducted by the RSL executive while all four members of the
family present participated in the
plaque unveiling.
The memorial, comprised of a
Gallipoli pine tree (provided by
Kingborough Council) and a
beautiful brass plaque and sandstone plinth (donated by Turnbull
Family Funerals), has been pro-
vided by the RSL and tended by
members of the local volunteer
Those to whom the memorial has
been dedicated were Betty Holmes,
former RSL Secretary for five years
in the early part of this century and
her late husband and WW2 veteran Roy who also was Secretary/
Treasurer for five years. The third
member was the late June Holmes,
the wife of RSL stalwart (Bill) and
first President of the Kingborough
RSL Ladies Auxiliary.
Bill Holmes, OAM, AFSM, , brother
of Roy, also saw active service in
WW2 and then served the RSL for
over 40 years. During that time he
was Sub Branch President for 36
years, State RSL Vice President for
21 years, State RSL President for
four years and National President
for one year. Bill also earned the
rare award of the RSL’s Meritorious
Service Medal for his outstanding
service in 1989 and was also
awarded life membership of the
Bill gave outstanding service to
the Tasmania Fire Service as a
volunteer fire officer, from shortly
after the disastrous “Black Tuesday” bushfires of 1967 until his
death a few years ago. He was a
Brigade Chief and a Group Officer
and held executive office on the
Tasmanian Volunteer Firefighters
Association for many years. He
gained many Service long service
awards before receiving the highest recognition, a Australian Fire
Service Medal, in 1984. He was
often consulted by officers throughout the Service on operational
aspects of fire-fighting.
Bill Holmes also was Club President at North-West Bay Golf
Club for three years and was the
“Diggers Day” organiser there
for over two decades, raising
funds for Legacy. His tremendous
depth of community service was
also recognized by Kingborough
Council which presented him with
a Municipal Merit Award.
RSL President Martin Bastick and
Secretary Dick Goodwin conducted the dedication service whilst
Vice President John Ward recited
the Ode of Remembrance.
Bill’s son Tom responded to the
dedication on behalf of his family,
thanking the RSL and fire brigade
for their efforts, recalling the
families’ early days living at Snug
and their great interest in the Fire
Service and RSL. He concluded
by stating that were the relatives
being recognised to be present
today, they would all be suitably
Kingborough RSL Sub Branch
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Kingston Classifieds - 5 March 2015
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Look out for
DM Jennings
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Buy direct from the grower
Young at art
number of works I have seen, she
does that in no uncertain manner,
and other viewers of them have
reinforced this opinion.
“My art will be beneficial to expressing my journey through life.
It’s good to be able to express what
you see and feel without the need
to write it down or talk about it.”
Asked about her relationship with
Tassie, her reply was “It pulls people back; one of its best things is
how easy it is to get back into nature – drive for twenty minutes and
we are in bush, or near mountains
or beautiful beaches, it’s all inspiring, it’s visually and emotionally
clean, and refreshing and it has
influenced my art.”
From front page
A graduate from Friends School,
her current thinking on directions
in painting are that “Photo-realism
has had its run with me; I think
we spend too much time worrying
about perfection. What’s more
important is to create something
that people can react to. Art can
make a big difference – messages
can be political, be of humanity, or
of a psychological nature and can
offer opportunities for connection,
interaction and reflection.”
She has begun to write and illustrate a children’s story based on
Bruny Island, something I’m sure
we can look forward to.
Senators on notice
I have just read the article, 'A pox
on both parties', (‘The Classifieds’
19 Feb).
Thank you for an excellent article,
a most enjoyable read. And yes, I
didn't know all the current Federal
senators for Tasmania you mentioned at the end of the article. I
hope the senators mentioned read
the article and make themselves
known to not only those in their
electorate, but to all Tasmanians.
I am looking forward to reading
many more thought provoking
articles from John Fleming.
Wendy N
Eastern Shore
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5 March 2015 - Kingston Classifieds 7
Garden Guide
The world is much smaller now.
Everyday I read wonderful, innovative pieces online which stretch my
brain in every direction, giving me a
deeper and broader understanding
of not just food gardening but its
changing place in providing for our
population explosion.
Did you know that 70% of the
world’s food is still produced on
small farms, in backyards and
community gardens, with human
energy, not machinery? However,
as city populations spread like cancer over the earth’s soil, small scale
agricultural land and the world’s
richest soils are being covered in
concrete jungles. Convoys of trucks
and ships are shifting millions of
tons of food daily from hundreds
and even thousands of kilometres
away, into cities where once food
was grown locally. Consequently,
arable land is on the decrease but
food production needs to increase
and to do so using less energy, with
poorer soils and erratic climate
change conditions.
Despite our connected, educated
lives world health is deteriorating due to poorer quality foods,
chemical inputs, lower nutrient
availability in the soils in which it
is grown, contaminated water and
people not taking the time to understand they are dying from their
own hands…. the hands holding
their knife and fork! So, what can
we do?
I learnt a new word this week:
agritecture; the redesigning of cities to become living, agricultural
producers. No, it is not unrealistic;
Utilise unwanted trees/fallen limbs
cut, split & stacked to your needs
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J & B Prehn – Grove (most areas)
Kingston Classifieds - 5 March 2015
it is exciting and wonderful and
totally possible and necessary.
Imagine all the café and home
green waste turned into compost,
all the water recycled, every horizontal space on the ground and
on rooftops and every vertical wall
space being given to local food
production. It is being done all
over the world and even in Sydney,
where forward-thinking people are
seeing the light.
The nutrients from the green waste
produced by cities can raise fish
too. It is a closed system where fish
poo feeds the garden and garden
waste (and post-eaten garden
waste such as café waste) feeds the
fish. Floating green houses have
already been designed for some
Chinese mega-cities, floating on
the sea, without discharging anything into the sea. Seaweed farms
are springing up too, incorporating
all manner of seafood and sea
plants. Those of us with access to
clean ponds are dams can grow
some of the thousands of varieties
of water plants, yabbies etc.
Most important of all are consumers who make choices based on
their health and the health of the
planet and consumers who value
innovation over the status quo
because there is no longer a status
quo; we must adapt and evolve or
become one of the earth’s extinct
species, destroyed by our own
*Much of this information was
gleaned from an article called The
Age of Food by Julian Cribb in the
Pip#3 magazine*
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March in the Tasmanian
vegetable garden
Now is the time to plant out good
sized seedlings for winter soups,
stews and warm salads. Brassicas
grow wonderfully in the cold and
they are so healthy for our bodies.
There are hundreds of varieties
from all over the world. European
brassicas include broccolis, cauliflower, cabbages, collards, Brussels
sprouts and all the kales. My tips
for growing these are:
• Get good sized seedlings into
the ground now and cover them
with lace curtains or white shade
cloth to keep off the cabbage
moths which are still active. (The
moths will disappear when we get
a cold snap.)
• Plant seedlings into damp soil
rich in compost and lime to get
them growing fast before the end
of May when day length and low
sun angle bring a halt to further
growth if the leaves are too small
to provide enough energy to do
more than survive.
• Protect with iron based slug and
snail pellets.
Asian brassicas can be sown
throughout autumn because they
grow so fast that nothing slows
them down all winter. These include bok choy, tatsoi, Chinese
cabbage, mustard greens, mizuna,
mibuna, kalian, daikon, hakurei
turnips. Most parts are eaten;
stems, leaves, flower shoots and
some roots. My tips for growing
these are:
• Wet the soil thoroughly. Put your
fork into it and check it is wet down
at least 15 centimentres. Keep
watering until it is!
Tips of the
•Last chance to do summer
pruning of fruit trees. Wounds will heal quickly and you can see where to prune while the leaves
are still on
•Rake up all fallen fruit to reduce over-wintering of diseases
•Let your chooks range under the fruit trees to get rid of codling moth larvae
• Spread with well rotted sheep
manure and some chicken manure
pellets or similar then dig it all in
well, to the depth of the wet soil.
They are less fussy about pH than
European brassicas but prefer near
neutral conditions.
• Rake to a fine tilth. Sow thinly.
Asian vegetable seeds germinate
quickly and reliably and will provide a long season of fabulous
food right through late autumn,
winter and early spring.
• To stop birds disturbing them
while they germinate, cover wire
crates (from a tip shop) with lace
curtains and place over the area.
I use this system a lot as rain and
irrigation go through, white lets the
light through and the lace reduces
the wind.
• Protect with iron-based slug and
snail pellets.
Julie’s Nursery
Roses 1/2 price
2273 Huon Highway, Grove
Closed Tuesdays Ph 6264 2900
Kate Flint
Preparing for garlic
March is the time to prepare the
soil ready for planting out garlic
in April. If your soil has set like
concrete over summer it will
need some well composted manure (sheep is great), mushroom
compost or homemade compost
and plenty of elbow grease! If
you have grown potatoes in it
previously, that will have loosened it up somewhat. You don’t
want to fertilise the soil now, just
condition it.
First, simply place gypsum at 1/2
kg/square metre over the soil.
Then add a good five centimetres of the compost/old manure
on the bed where you want to
grow garlic and water well. That
means using a sprinkler to apply
at least two centimetres of water.
Water again after four days.
After a week or so you may find
Myrtle rust outbreak
you are able to dig in with a fork
and incorporate that compost
into the top few centimetres of
the soil. Add more compost and
keep working it in, if you can,
down to about 10cms. Otherwise,
this will do. There is no need to
dig deeper. I would keep the soil
damp, not wet, and work on improving the incorporation of the
compost all month, if necessary.
Now you have raised your bed
above the surrounding soil a little,
you will have better drainage and
garlic hates being drowned! Next,
add a good dusting of dried kelp
and garden lime. Rake in. Leave
to rest. Weed regularly. You must
be able to stick your finger right
into the soil or your garlic will not
be able to grow. Wait until April
to plant out the garlic.
Biosecurity Tasmania is currently
conducting an emergency response operation in Tasmania following the recent confirmation of
the fungal disease myrtle rust in the
state. Emergency response officers
are continuing to conduct surveys
of commercial nurseries, gardening outlets and related businesses,
and in residential gardens around
Tasmania in an effort to determine
the extent of the spread of the disease. To date there are currently
16 confirmed infected properties
and a number of suspect premises.
The confirmed infected properties
include seven commercial nurseries, two in the north-west and five
in the south of the state. There are
nine residential properties, eight
in the Burnie area and one in
southern Tasmania.
Kate Flint Focus on Lophomyrtus
Veg It Up
Eat Well Tasmania has, with the
support of Farm Gate Market,
launched the ‘Veg It Up’ social
media campaign. This eight week
campaign will utilise a variety of
social media platforms to inspire
Tasmanians to eat more vegetables
by showcasing easy, interesting
ways to make vegetables delicious
and to get extra serves of vegetables into their day.
Tasmania has some of the best
produce in the world and our
cool climate makes our vegetables
sweeter and tastier than those
grown in other climates, yet most
Tasmanians are not eating enough
vegetables. ‘Lack of inspiration’
and ‘limited time’ are often named
as reasons for low vegetable consumption. ‘Veg It Up’ has been
designed to address these barriers.
“We know that people of all ages
are not eating enough vegetables
to sustain good health. At present
only 6.8% of the population are
getting in the required serves of
vegetables in Australia. We are excited that the ‘Veg It Up’ campaign
can be part of the solution,” says
Melanie Blackhall, nutritionist, Eat
Well Tasmania board member and
University of Tasmania lecturer.
“Farmers’ markets are a powerful platform within communities,
delivering accessible and nutritious
fresh produce. We see a great
synergy between Farm Gate Market and the ‘Veg It Up’ campaign
as our primary goal is to increase
consumption of fresh, Tasmanian
The ‘Veg It Up’ campaign content
will include cooking demonstrations, recipes, tips and ideas on
how to make vegetables delicious,
via the following social media
platforms: Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter and YouTube.
People will be encouraged to get
involved in the campaign by taking
the ‘Veg Pledge’, that is pledging
to eat an extra serve of vegetables
each day over the campaign life,
for a chance to win some great
To get involved simply follow
@EatWellTasmania on Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter and/or You
Tube, post to any platform with
your favourite vegetable or dish
during the campaign and include
the #vegitup hashtag to be in with
a chance to win.
Eat Well Tasmania acknowledges
and thanks the Farm Gate Market
for supporting the ‘Veg It Up’
Eat Well Tasmania
Media release
To advertise
in the next Classifieds
monthly Garden Guide
Ph 6295 1708 by 5pm
on Monday 30th March
To date the data and observations from surveillance activities
in Tasmania indicates that myrtle
rust has only infected cultivars of
Lophomyrtus – varieties include the
cross-bred “black stallion”. The
confirmed presence at this time
of myrtle rust in only one variety
improves the chances the response
operation has in eradicating the
disease before it can establish in
the state.
Biosecurity Tasmania wants to hear
from anyone that has planted any
cultivars of Lophomyrtus within the
last three (3) months. This information is vital in assisting the response
operation to ensure that properties
with new plantings of Lophomyrtus
varieties can be included in the
ongoing myrtle rust surveillance
As a precautionary measure it is requested that landscape gardeners,
garden maintenance contractors,
parks and reserves maintenance
crews and the Tasmanian community generally do not, until further
notice, prune, trim or remove any
cultivars of the Myrtaceae plant
variety Lophomyrtus, even if the
plants are showing no signs of a
myrtle rust infection.
There should be no new plantings
made using Lophomyrtus varieties.
Everyone is urged to remain vigilant and to report any suspected
sightings of myrtle rust to the
emergency response hotline at
6165 3785.
DPIPWE Media release
Looking for
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on the inside back page
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5 March 2015 - Kingston Classifieds 9
ADVANCED ROOFING OPINION cont’d from back page
Experienced professional local service
Gutter Guard Installation
Replacement Gutters
COLORBOND® Fascia Covers
Servicing all southern Tasmania areas
Ph 6239 6615 / 0428 293 619
Kingston Classifieds
Due to the public holiday for Eight Hours Day on Monday
9th March, the deadline for submitting display adverts to the
Kingston Classifieds and the Cygnet & Channel Classifieds for
the 12th March editions will be Friday 6th March. The deadline
for classified line adverts will be Tuesday 10th March as usual.
Changed deadline
Line ads
5pm Fri 6th Mar
4pm Tue 10th as usual
5 March 2015
This week’s puzzle
2 6
6 7
4 8
8 5
The numbers 1 to 9 must appear in every row, column
& 3 x 3 box. Use logic to define the answer, which will appear in next week’s Classifieds.
Kingston Classifieds - 5 March 2015
Last issue’s solution
as a cake shop and pie bakers.
In 2003 the present owners, the
six sons of the founders bought
Four ‘n Twenty, their pies were so
good. They moved into other fields,
acquiring Nanna’s and Creative
Gourmet in 2007, and soon they
were supplying half the frozen berry
market in NSW. Until they got the
phone call telling them that their
berries were the source of the Hep
A outbreak.
Every player in the frozen berry
game is waiting to see what happens now. Food labelling is a bitterly contested area, and the looming changes will be significant. If
Australia cannot compete on price
alone, then the imported products
from countries with less well paid
workers should certainly not be
given any concessions in terms of
quality, hygiene, and description.
‘Made from Australian and imported fruit’ will no longer cut it. Nor
will food which so demonstrably
fails to meet Australian standards.
Which means more red tape, more
exacting labelling. Watch the main
players start to wriggle.
John Fleming II
Judbury’s Sunday market
The Judbury Community indoor/
outdoor market is on this Sunday
and once again offers a huge
variety of stalls from fresh produce
to every style of craft. We have an
inside kitchen offering Devonshire
teas and other home style goodies
with plenty of undercover seating
overlooking the river. For those
who prefer, we have the Wombat
Café offering vegetarian food and
have of course our great BBQ. The
Eight Hours Day
Display ads
Nanna’s berries
Labels must also show the proportions per recipe for manufactured
products where more than one
ingredient is used. The ‘point of
origin’ requirement is loose, ambiguous or downright misleading.
Our factories and processes are
rigorously overseen, and protocols
enforced. And it is now becoming
apparent that the protocols for
manufactured or raw products,
especially in the matter of hygiene
are less exacting for imported items
than for those picked, packed and
processed at home, where each
apple, mango or pear must carry
a tiny label with the grower’s or
packer’s ID number.
So the playing field is uneven,
perhaps, deliberately made so, on
that score, and likely to get more
uneven as the FTA with China
bites. For big players like Coles
and Woolworths, it doesn’t matter.
They buy their inputs from wherever
they are cheapest. It is our small,
often family, businesses which have
most to lose. The business which
imported Nanna’s berries is one
such. ‘Patties’ began life in 1966 at
Lakes Entrance in regional Victoria
Judbury Progress Association runs
the market for the community and
as our sole fundraiser so come
along and join us, our market offers a relaxed and cheap alterative
to the Taste. Oh and don’t forget
this month’s competition is largest
potato and tomato so bring them
along and you could be a winner!
For further information contact Tony
on 6266 0228 or judburymarket@
Local Weather Forecast
Shower or two
Possible early shower 10/17°
Possible shower
Partly cloudy
Possible shower
Weather forecast for Kingston from on Wednesday morning
No job too small.
Call Peter 0417 302 739
All home maintenance
& repairs.
Plastering, painting, doors,
windows, re-grouting tiles.
Fences, gates, mowing &
general yard work.
No job too small. Call for
quote Chris 0407 248 450.
Fully insured.
Flue/chimney cleans,
gutter & roof cleaning,
wood heater installs. Local
service. Ph 0448 950 303
$30 / room. $30 / seat.
Insured / all areas.
Please call Henk,
Detail Clean 0448 695 429
Available for shed & house
slabs, driveways, etc.
Experienced with exposed
aggregate & colour finishes.
Phone Andrew on
0407 873 009
All renovations - indoor & out.
Carpentry, heritage
restorations, painting, tiling, V.A.S.T. free to air satellite TV.
plastering. Bespoke timber TV Channel Restack Retuning
Homeright Electrical
furniture made to order.
0419 566 341
Decking, fencing & timber
6267 9698
gates made to your design.
Quality workmanship,
cost-effective. Free quotes.
Fully qualified & insured.
Car parks, driveways,
25 years’ experience.
footpaths repaired.
Ph Michael Van Heel.
No obligation free quote.
0412 823 925
Ph 0428 554 439
Switchboards, lights,
safety checks, etc.
SeaSpark Contracting,
Jon Ph 0429 926 516.
Lic 1222249
Repairs and installations.
Call the Flue Pro
0407 040 641
Local supplier of quality
garages, farm sheds and
industrial buildings.
Accredited builder.
0419 309 146 / 6295 1301
By Trowel Art
27 years experience.
Free quotes.
Call 0418 983 659
General plumbing,
emergency repairs and
Hot water cylinders and
blocked drains.
Phone 0427 776 456
AAA Electrical. For all your
electrical needs large or
small. Lic 1373166.
Ph Anthony 0432 019 914
Cleaning ~ Gardening
Carpet Cleaning
Lawns / Pruning / Gutters
Regular/Spring/Bond cleans
Reno/Builders. Police check.
Call Carolyn 0448 779 981
Iron and tile roof restoration.
Free quotes. The Flu Pro.
Ph 0407 040 641
Advice in all areas of law
and court work. Reasonable
rates. Rodney Skiller
6223 3904 / 0409 201 215
A home delivery service
for tax returns. We pick
up your papers, compile
your return and deliver the
papers back for lodgement.
If you have a refund due,
then we take our fee from
your refund and transfer
the balance to you.
Bloomfield & Associates tax for busy people! Call
and book your pickup now!
6231 6886
A helping hand with all
your technology: iPads/
android tablets, computers,
smartphones, A/V devices, etc.
Pensioner rates offered.
Call iFred now 0418 807 589
UNDER $100
VGC $35. Ph 0419 336 868
or 6267 9725. Can deliver
Kingston/Channel area.
Items under $100
$5 for 4 lines.
Private ads only.
Cash or credit card only.
Full terms at
0419 700 014
Exc cond, little use, $600
when purchased. Simpson
6kg top loader Ezi Sensor.
$295. Ph 6295 1623
Left over from house-build.
Top quality, uniform size,
tightly bound and dry; stored
in shed. $10 each.
Ph 6295 1636
the guitar school
Self - contained
1km from Cygnet.
$130 P/W inclusive.
0-5 years, 10-12 Tuesdays
(during school term)
All welcome! For more info
call 0409 941 774
Fair Trade / Organic
Women’s Funky Fashions.
Grab a Bargain! Eco
Emporium, 3399 Channel
Hwy, Woodbridge.
Or shop online at
The Esplanade,
Kingston Beach.
Lower Sandy Bay.
One two & three bedroom
self contained, self catering.
Convict built in1823,
overlooks historic Richmond
Enquiries for all above
phone 0419 523 672
Bruny Island, two bedroom,
fully fenced, opposite
dog-friendly beach,
All levels and styles taught
all Foxtel channels supplied.
at studios in City and
Rates (per couple, excl school
Kingston areas.
Ph Roger Southey 6229 4453 hols / long weekends)
$115 p/n couple (min 2 nights)
$100 p/n couple (min 4 nights)
$85 p/n couple (min 7 nights)
These rates apply for:
•Sharing the one room, extra
for 2nd bedroom opened.
•Supplying own linen.
Ph 0428 568 852
Eco & Pet friendly
6297 8290 / 0438 411 916
Up to 1K for information
leading directly to the safe
return of DOZER, large male
staffy, dark brindle with white
chest blaze. Missing from
Oyster Cove, 22/02/15.
Phone Graeme – 0427 091
129 or Kate – 0417 721
962 or take to your nearest
council or vet. Microchip #
$10 per bale delivered to
Kingston areas in lots of
100 bales or parts thereof.
0418 604 286
Mowing, brushcutting,
weeding & rubbish removal.
Ph 0419 744 566
Ornamental trees, weeping
maples, rhododendron &
camellia. Good selection.
This Saturday.
Car park. Huonville Market
at Town Hall.
Pruning, hedging and lawns.
General maintenance.
Ph 6239 3894
or 0456 190 830
Now servicing all
lower Channel areas.
Ph 0477 165 583
Dynamic health industry.
Company of the year.
Nobel prize-nom technology.
New in Tas. Phone Jen
6227 8386 / 0413 953 386
37 Auburn Road Kingston
Beach. Sat 7th March,
9am til 2pm. Cane chairs,
rocker, couches, bed heads
& bases, drawers, Safen-Sound carseat, vinyl
records classical boxed sets
& others, garden & electric
tools, books etc.
Friday 20th March 4-7pm.
Meals, cakes, plants,
seedlings, second hand
clothes and books, craft,
egg and spoon, zorb balls
and laser tag. Come along
for a fun-packed evening
and why not stay for dinner?
Dear customers. Please note
that we will be closed on
Tuesday and Wednesday
next week following the Taste
of the Huon. Throughout
March we will revert to 5 days
a week trading, Wednesday
to Sunday. All the best.
Boat House Cafe
on 6 ACRES
Margate area. Large 5
bedroom. Dam, fenced
paddocks, school bus stop
nearby. Ph 0419 523 672
2/3 bedroom house.
Must have either
bush or water views,
small garden to maintain.
Contact 0417 866 511
Daniels IT would like
to remind you that Paul
is available to repair
your home or work
machines. He has 15 years
professional experience in
Networks, Windows and
Linux solutions. He can
come to you, or just drop
your machine in. All results
and explanations in
PLAIN ENGLISH! 0428 388 165
Qualified arborist, fully
insured, ethical tree care.
Modern Arbor 0449 150 471
you can read the
Classifieds online at
You can also lodge
an ad at our website
or call us
on 6295 1708
5 March 2015 - Kingston Classifieds 11
Nanna’s berries
Nanna’s berries, free
trade agreements and
Australia’s standard of
Not so long ago, I was a partner
in a small and thriving Tasmanian
business, centred on value-adding
to Tasmanian produce: fruit, vegetables and berries. Over about
twenty years we developed strong
relationships with Tasmanian
growers, and came to appreciate
the depth of their involvement in
growing first-rate produce. We
never bought second-grade fruit
and always paid the growers their
asking price. We were seldom disappointed or let down. Our raspberries came from a single grower
just down the road, and the first
20 kilo bucket invariably arrived
on Boxing Day. If we couldn’t buy
fruit in the immediate district, we
went out to find it: to the foothills
of Mount Wellington, up and down
the Coal River Valley. The growers
were prospering and so were we.
It’s different now. The disaster
for another small company, the
infected Nanna’s Frozen Berries and its associated Creative
Gourmet brand is the tip of a
huge iceberg, adrift on the tides
of free trade agreements. In case
you don’t know, imported products
under this label, sourced in China
and Chile, were shown to be carrying a Hepatitis A infection, and
instant recalls were issued. Recalls
are every food manufacturer’s
nightmare: hideously expensive
and brand-smashing.
The issues were skewered by Alan
Kohler who often delivers the
business news segment at the end
of Auntie’s evening News Bulletin. In an ABC ‘Opinion Piece’
called ‘Berries and Hepatitis ‘ he
led by saying that he thought the
incident was partly a consequence
of Australia’s ‘high cost of doing
business’. No: it’s not a RinehartAbetz complaint about high wages
here, but a sober analysis of the
difficulties which globalisation
presents for wealthier economies,
of which ours, comparatively
speaking, is one. You may find this
hard to believe, especially if you’re
a Joe Hockey watcher! The point
is that Australia’s labour costs are
comparatively high, an advantage
to workers, but a hindrance to effective free trade competition in
relation to products with a high
labour input.
We have been looking at the pros
and cons of free trade agreements,
notably that recently concluded
with China, whose labour costs, although rising, are way below those
incurred by Australian employers.
The much-touted advantages
expected to be derived from the
China FTA are highly selective:
importers like Gerry Harvey do
very well out of Chinese goods.
Some exporters like Fonterra, now,
ironically, owned by the Japanese,
and its dairy products stand to do
very well. Inevitably Australian
Kingston Classifieds - 5 March 2015
Event Diary
10am-5.30pm, Ranelagh Showground
96 Taste
the Huon –Exhibition
– 6.30pm,
Cygnet Town Hall
Bupa Kidfit
– Blackmans
Bay -Beach
– 10am
4pm, Cygnet Town Hall
8 Taste
Huon – 10am - 5.30pm, Ranelagh Showground
9 Taste of the Huon – 10am - 4.30pm, Ranelagh Showground
15 Love Living Locally – 10am - 3pm, Kingborough Council Civic Centre & surrounds
15 Bupa Kidfit Triathlon – Blackmans Bay Beach
18 Talk - Author Ross McMullin – 10am - 11am Kingston LINC
14 Geeveston Farmers Market – 9am-1pm, 20 Church Street, Geeveston
20 Woodbridge School Twilight Fair – 4-7pm, Woodbridge School
15 Cygnet Market – 10am-2pm, Cygnet Town Hall
15 Kingston Rotary Car Boot Market - 9am-1pm, Kingston Town Car Park
15 Dover Market – 9am-1pm, check check check check
Huonville Market – 10am-2pm, Huonville Town Hall and surrounds
– 10am-2pm,
HallHall and surrounds
7 Snug
– 10am-2pm,
Market Diary
Market Diary
7 Geeveston Farmers Market – 9am-1pm, 20 Church Street, Geeveston
Judbury Market
Park Franklin
Market –– 10am-2pm,
10am-2pm, Calvert
Palais Theatre,
Kingston Beach Handmade Market – 10am-3pm, Kingston Beach Hall
Kingston Rotary Car Boot Market – 9am-1pm, Kingston Town Car Park
Cygnet Market – 10am-2pm, Carmel Hall, Cygnet
Geeveston Farmers Market – 9am-1pm, 20 Church Street, Geeveston
exporters will want to drive down
Australian wages, especially to the
less skilled. We will review FTAs in
a future column.
As to berries: we can buy fresh
raspberries or strawberries at the
farm gate for $10 to $20 a kilo,
three times this in mainland cities. Good steak is around half
this price. The explanation of this
high cost in part lies in the high
proportion of hand, as opposed
to machine, labour involved.
Australians are not prepared to do
the job, and for many years now,
the greater part of pruning and
picking, grading and packing is
done by backpackers, sometimes
under the radar, sometimes on a
457 visa. Look in on any packing
shed in Huonville or the Channel
during the fruit season: very few of
the faces are Caucasian. The fresh
fruit has a short, very short shelf
life. Neither does it stand up to the
rigours of shipping or flying very
well. So fresh fruit, especially berry
fruit is usually eaten or processed
close to where it is grown.
Freeze it or dry it, however, and
it becomes a globally tradeable
product, subject to processing
wherever wages or raw product
are cheaper, and therefore not in
Australia. Nanna’s Berries, it is alleged, come from China or Chile,
or possibly somewhere else. Our
labelling laws are a shambles.
Australian products are required
to show nutritional analyses, per
‘serving’ and per each 100 grams.
 continued page 10