North Aurelius Elementary February 2015 News and Events Kindergarten Round-up Children whose fifth birthday occurs prior to September 1, 2015 are eligible to enroll in kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year. A registration form is available in the school office. Mark your calendars with the following Round-up dates and locations. Sessions will be held in the evening. Uncertain of your child’s round up site? Call Transportation Department at (517) 676-6496. Alaiedon ~ March 16 North Aurelius ~ March 17 Steele ~ March 18 Pennies for Pasta From February 23– March 13 each classroom will be participating in Pasta for Pennies. Change is collected in each classroom which will be donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help fight cancer. The classroom that raises the most money will earn a spaghetti lunch donated by the Olive Garden! Start saving those pennies!! Recess Participation Children should be in school only when well enough to go outside. A doctor’s statement is required for a child to be excused from outdoor recess. Thursday, March 26 6:30—7:30 (signup forms due March 6) (BOOK DONATIONS ACCEPTED) More forms available in the office Parent-Teacher Conferences As our March Parent-Teacher Conferences quickly approach, we are thrilled to announce that North Aurelius will continue the program of having parents schedule conferences online. ParentTeacher Conferences are so important in communicating between home and school. Please be sure to schedule a conference for each of your children! You are invited to sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences at the following website: North_Aurelius_Elementary In order to use the above process, you need to have an email address that you can receive emails from the website. If you do not currently have an email address, you may set one up for free at or If you have difficulty using the online system or do not have internet access, please contact the school office at 517-676-6506. We can assist you in scheduling your conference(s). We sincerely hope you find this system user-friendly and easy to use! M-Step for Students This spring we will be conducting a new online state standardized test called M-Step for Students in grades 3-5. A preview is now available at the link below. You must use Google Chrome to open the sample test. More information about M-Step will be coming home with students in March. portals/mi/ott1 North Aurelius SKATE NIGHT On Monday, March 23, and again on Tuesday, May 19 the North Aurelius PTO will be sponsoring Edru Skate Night. The fun begins at 6:00 pm and lasts until 8:30 pm. Come enjoy the fun, meet your friends, and make some new friends, too! Mason Pizza Day Wednesday, March 4 Participating Pizzerias will donate $1.00 to the MPS Foundation for each pizza sold on the first Wednesday of each month! Please Remember… Handicapped parking spaces are not to be used for dropping off or picking up students, unless your vehicle has the appropriate sticker. Please leave these spaces open for those who truly need them. We ask that parents who pick up their children at the end of the day park in the south lot and wait near the office area or main entry, keeping the hallways clear for our students to exit. February 16 NO SCHOOL 20 Popcorn Day 23 Pasta for Pennies begins 24-27 Gr. 1 to Impression 5 Museum March 2 4 5 March 23— 23—27 9 BIG Zoo Lesson 13 17 18 20 23 Grade 2 Jump Rope for Heart! Money due week of February 23 2014-2015 Yearbooks Orders due March 6 Additional order forms available in the office 24 26 Reading Month Kickoff Assembly NO SCHOOL Conferences—12:30 - 3:30 4:30 -7:00 School in Session— Guest Illustrator Visit Conferences—5:00—7:00 PTO Mtg. ~ 6:00 MPS Board Mtg.—7:00 Pasta for Pennies ENDS Kindergarten Roundup (evening) Gr. 3—Field Trip ~ 9:00 Popcorn Day Edru Skate Night—6:00-8:30 STEM Academy—Gr. 4 Gr. 5—Field Trip ~ 8:55 STEM Academy—Gr. 5 BINGO for Books Night—6:30 April 3 No School - Teacher Release Day 6-10 No School –Spring Break 13 Classes resume PTO Mtg. ~ 6:00 14 Spring Pictures March is Reading Month Plans are being made for March is Reading Month! We will have Michael Glenn Monroe visiting our school. Michael enjoys being a successful Wildlife Artist, illustrating children’s books, and traveling the nation speaking to children about wildlife, conservation and about never giving up on our dreams. His illustrating work has won him many awards including Best Children’s Book 2006 from the Writer’s Notes Magazine, for his book A is for Ark, Noah’s Journey and Best Children’s Book 2007 for his book, I saw it in the Garden. His newest release is The Christmas Boot, written by well-known children’s author, Lisa Wheeler. March will be full of special dress days, including special guest readers and special surprises to motivate students to read! Look for a special Reading Month Newsletter and Calendar coming home soon! Bulldog Stem Academy 3:45—5:00 North Aurelius Computer Lab Monday, March 23– 4th Grade Tuesday, March 24—5th Grade Signup forms have been sent home All forms MUST be turned in no later than February 12 An adult must come into the school computer lab to sign out your child by 5:00 pm NO SCHOOL Monday, February 16 Student Medication Reminder...any medication sent to school must be in the original container. Authorization forms for prescription or over the counter medications are available from Mrs. Yuhasz in our office. Emergencies Emergencies do happen! Please keep the office updated as your address, telephone numbers (home and cell) and emergency contact information changes. FAMILY LUNCH ACCOUNT Prepayment is strongly encouraged Questions? Call 517-676-6529
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