PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Sunday, March 8 PAGE 2 Sunday, March 29 at 6 pm FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MORRISTOWN — 504 WEST MAIN STREET, 37814 — PHONE: (423) 586-0522 — Dean Haun, Senior Pastor On Sunday, March 1 we hope to open our first prayer station inside our building. It will begin in the Prayer Room. A prayer partner will be available to personally pray with you between our second and third services. I hope you will take advantage of this new part of our effort to be a powerful praying church. On Sunday, March 22, we will “Focus on Four at First Baptist” as our Missions Committee endorses four key ministries that will become the primary focus of our church international outreach efforts. What this means is that we will be taking a very strategic approach in our efforts to prioritize where we go on international mission trips, where our mission resources will be expended, and where our primary prayer efforts will be targeted. In order to learn about those four ministries we will have a "MiniMissions Fair" in Missions Hallway. At 6:00 pm that evening, we will have each of these groups share, so that you can become more familiar with them. It is our desire to have a ministry presence throughout our world. It is also our heart to adopt what our International Mission Board calls an Unreached Unengaged People Group (UUPG). This plan will do just that. I am grateful for our Missions Committee. They are passionate about reaching our community and our world for Christ. Also, Sunday, March 29, is Palm Sunday. We will be sharing together in the Lord’s Supper that evening. May the Lord continue to lead us and use us for His glory! Your Shepherd loves you. mezzo soprano Sunday, March 8 6:00 PM First Baptist Morristown is delighted to have mezzo soprano, Shelley Waite with us in concert on Sunday, March 8. She will share in our 10:45 AM service and then present a full concert in the 6:00 PM evening service. She will sing selections of hymns, Sacred classics and also premiere an original Christmas Triology that features songs of Joseph, the Inn Keeper and Simeon. Ms. Waite’s career spans the United States and abroad showcasing her talents in all musical genres from opera to jazz. Don’t miss out on this joyful night of worship! Accompanying Shelley Waite will be composer and conductor, Amy Mills. Ms. Mills has distinguished herself as one of the few female conductor/ composers active in American classical music today. She has conducted the La Crosse Symphony Orchestra, the Dubna Symphony Orchestra, Szczeczin Philharmonic, the Israel Kibbutz Orchestra, and the U.S. Air Composer & Conductor Force Band, Orchestra, and Chorus. Page 2 Sunday, March 29 with Lord’s Supper that evening Family Focus Week March 29—April 4 Please note that there will be NO student or children’s choirs on Sundays, March 29 & April 5 or evening meal/activities on Wednesday, April 1 Wednesday, March 4 11:30 am Fellowship Hall Join together to learn about and pray for our North American Mission Board missionaries. Bring a sandwich, WMU will furnish desserts and drinks. All are invited! Our church is so blessed to have incredible musicians festival who lead out each week to help bring us to the throne of God in worship! What a blessing it is to have Jean Huntsman direct our Praise Ringers and Lynn Brewer work with our children’s Joy Ringers! Come join our Praise Ringers and a host of Handbell Choirs from area Baptist Churches for a MASS CHOIR Concert conducted by Tim Waugh! Friday & Saturday, March 6 & 7 at 11:15 am Carson-Newman University’s Maddox Student Activities Center Irene Bales, WMU Director "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow." Thank you and praises to our Lord and King that we gave to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Praises that we reached our goal to support our missionaries as they go and share the wonderful love of Jesus "to the ends of the earth." Does that mean our task is finished? NO! Pastor Dean is preaching and focusing on "The Power of a Praying Church" this year. Are we only to pray for things locally? NO! Do we pray for our great land of North America every day? Only YOU can answer that. Do you know that we are the third largest mission field in the world, only preceded by China and India? That is scary! The need is quite great and the task is very urgent. "Evangelicals are losing ground in the church-to-population ratio. During World I, there was one Southern Baptist Church for every 430 people. Now there is ONE for every 6,194 people in the United States. In Canada the statistics are even more staggering - ONE Canadian Baptist Church for every 115,040 people." (MISSIONS MOSAIC Magazine, March 2015, p.15) So what can we do? We must PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! Our Annie Armstrong Offering Week of Prayer is March 1 - 8, 2015. This year’s emphasis and theme is SEND >>NORTH AMERICA. Our church goal is $40,000. The Prayer Lunch, with special emphasis on North American Missionaries, will be W ednesday, March 4 at 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. All men and women are welcome and invited. Bring a sandwich and WMU will furnish desserts and drinks. God is at work, but the need is BIG. Come and see what God is doing in some of our larger cities in North America. There is a comment in one of the Prayer focuses for the Week of Prayer. "Are we a mature Christian striving to live a missional life or a 'sleepy Christian' that needs to wake up and begin to understand our call as a believer in Jesus Christ?" What a question for each of us to ponder and answer! WILL YOU PRAY, GIVE, & GO? Page 3 Danny Georges, Pastor of Care/Senior Adults Spring is just around the corner. Doesn’t that have a great ring to it? At last warm weather has arrived! As you look ahead toward March, let me share with you what has been planned for the month. Monday, March 2 Tuesday, March 31 NEW Bible Study First Monday Organ Concert at the Tennessee Theater in Knoxville Attend the Country Tonite show in Pigeon Forge Leave from church at 10:15 am Leave church at 4:00 pm Cost—$20 plus money for dinner Reservations only! begins February 24 at 9:30 AM in the Parlor Studying: HEAVEN Cost—$3 plus money for lunch Brunch Luncheon March 10 at 10:00 am March 24 at Noon Homebound Visitation March 16 at 10:00 am Nursing Home Schedule March 4 1:30 Heritage March 26 2:30 Life Care by Randy Alcorn NEW LDI Class begins April 8 at 6:00 PM in the Parlor led by Bonnie Peyton Studying: Always True by James MacDonald Thursday, March 5 6:30 PM ~ 8:30 PM in Fellowship Hall Purchase ticket for $3.00 Come learn all you ever needed to know about flowers and making your yard beautiful. Purchase a ticket today! Light snacks provided. Guest Speakers: Master Gardener, Michelle Morgan Plant Whisperer, Diane Temple Page 4 John Griggs, Pastor of Prayer Thursday, March 26, 6:00 PM Fellowship Hall ~ Cost is $15.00 (plus the cost of your freezer bags and the meats you add to your meals) Pre-registration required! Deadline is Monday, March 23 To register, call Michelle in the church office (423) 586-0522 or Sherry Pewitt (865) 621-0812 Crockpot Chicken Noodle Soup Tomato Parmesan Chicken Crockpot Pizza Casserole (Kid Pleaser) Skillet Beef Stroganoff Slow Cooker Pineapple Glazed Ham MARCH 14 π 9:26 AM Children’s Building 5th & 6th Grades “Be there or be squared!” Free Event! Breakfast & Lunch Provided! February 27—March 1 Dates To Be Announced Please be in prayer for this event as students from around the Lakeway area will be presented with the Gospel Abide—Girls Retreat Battle of Fire Island—Guys Retreat See upcoming publications for more information! What is the key to revival? 2 Chronicles 7:14 gives the answer: “If my people, called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven; forgive their sins; and heal their land!” Pastor Dean has been calling us to do this in his messages on prayer! We must not overlook, however, the deceitfulness of sin! It is so easy to rationalize and overlook the very things that block God’s power from moving in our lives...the “little sins” in the “hall closets” that need to be confessed and forsaken...“turning from our wicked ways!” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Miss Bertha Smith, an International Mission Board missionary to China, used to say “Get off by yourself. Ask God to show you your sins. Write them down. Confess them. Repent. Receive God’s forgiveness of 1 John 1:9. Make right with others anything God has shown you! Destroy the paper of your sins! Revival has come!!” You say, “How do I maintain revival?” I have found the following five simple steps, practiced daily upon rising in the morning, the secret of victorious, joyful, Christian living! It was the way Jesus lived His life! 5 STEPS FOR DAILY “VICTORY” IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE: 1. DIE TO “SELF”! (Luke 9:23) (Galatians 2:20) 2. ENTHRONE JESUS AS LORD! (Romans 10:9) (Luke 18:18-30) 3. PUT YOUR HAND IN THE HAND OF YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER AS A LITTLE CHILD! (Proverbs 3:5-6) (John 4:34) (Matthew 18:3) 4. READ YOUR BIBLE! (Psalm 119:9-11) (Jeremiah 15:16) (2 Timothy 2:15) (John 5:39) 5. LISTEN TO HIM AND OBEY! (John 14:21) (1 Kings 19:13,19) (1 Samuel 15:22) Page 5 Marrow Donor Registry Drive for Jamie Godfrey daughter of Mark & Laura McInturf diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, March 8 •10:30 am—2:00 pm FBC Fellowship Hall VBS Teacher Training: April 19 Testing men & women ages 18—44 Following the 10:45 AM service in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up in the foyer! Sign up at Information desk if interested! Vacation Bible School: June 1-5 **No Needles! Testing involves a swab in mouth.** Donations also needed to sign up with testing! 9:00 AM—12:15 PM Ages 4 years old to 6th grade Preacher Ray, Biker Church A wise person knows when to speak and when to keep silent. I have wished many times that someone would whisper into my ear to be silent. There have also been many times when I have wished someone would have said, “Okay Preacher Ray, this is your time. Speak up!” I was reading an article the other day about the 1994 National Prayer Breakfast which was held in conjunction with the National Religious Broadcasters Convention. Those in attendance witnessed a time for speaking, when a woman by the name of Mother Teresa, took the podium and pleaded for the lives of unborn children. Page 6 The article showed a picture of her, barely tall enough to be seen over the lectern. This tiny nun began her address by reading a portion of Scripture. She then stunned the assembled dignitaries, including the President and Vice President of the United States by saying, “The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion. If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell people not to kill each other?” Following the event, the author of the article wrote, “Mother Teresa was invariably polite and respectful. She did not flinch in speaking the truth. She demonstrated civility wedded to bold conviction, confronting world leaders with a message of biblical righteousness.” Clearly she saw the breakfast as a time to speak. The United States of America is supposedly the greatest nation on earth and will send its young men and women to any place in the world. It seems, however, that an injustice against human beings is taking place. It seems that the murder of human beings is an atrocity anywhere else. But here in the United States of America— supposedly the greatest nation on earth, one nation under God, founded by our forefathers on the principles of God’s holy Word—we allow a woman to murder her unborn child. “Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances.” (Proverbs 25:11). Hayes \ JANUARY TRIBUTED GIVING IN MEMORY Building Fund George Bradfute Fred & Joan Lehrer Bernadeane Finney Fred & Joan Lehrer General Budget Fund Bernadeane Finney Nelson & Rosemary Collins Schneitman SS Class Charlie Georges Richard & Ruth Ann Ford Ella Hostetter Nelson & Rosemary Collins Schneitman SS Class Harrison & Mary Lee Kevin Lee Sherman Turner Richard & Ruth Ann Ford Lottie Moon Offering Virginia Amos Terry & Tinker Amos George Bradfute Paula Wallace Charlie Georges Janet Rhodes Glenn Sams Anna Lou Sams Philip West Janet Rhodes IN HONOR March 1 Autumn Barnard Alex Hartsell William Richardson Bobby Sams Megan Strader Daniel Thompson Forrest Trent General Budget Fund Lois Hickman Kevin Lee March 2 Dale Schneitman Lottie Moon Offering Mildred Miller Amos/Griel SS Class Other Offering Dean Haun David & Joyce Goff Ken Lingerfelt Ken Naysmith Welcome to First Baptist! Not Pictured: David, Lanette, & Marissa Breeden Arthur & Barbara Crites Cheryl Frazier Ricky & Martha Grey Juliana Pressley Church Website First Baptist App Scan QR code to download app! Facebook First Baptist Church, Morristown, TN Twitter @fbcmtn Charter Cable Sundays—316 TV Channel 196 MUS FiberNet Sundays—316 TV Channel 4 AM Radio Sundays—8:00 AM Prev. Sunday Service ROKU All Day, Every Day Search “316tv” FM Radio Sundays—10:45 AM LIVE Celebration Service March 3 Mariel Blair Molley Bowman Ben Duby Gloria Gann Hunter Maxey Adriano Mendoza John Mountain Christine Stockwell Donna Velie Janet Wright March 4 Paige Brannan Melinda Brooks Paul Chapman Mike Crider Dave Davison Ellie Hickle Chris Lloyd Emily Ortiz Tonya Wallace March 5 Nancy Bell Sam Carter Lee Kimbrough Joseph Leyvas Ken Lingerfelt Carole Utsman Carolyn Winstead March 6 Ashley Cutshall Jack Fielden Holly Helton Rachel Lambach Alex Massey Lucas McGuire Rachael Meek Rena Mills Martha Tidwell March 7 Georgette Armstrong Emily Davies Brenda Hammer Wanda LaForce Katy Rabon March 8 Leann Barnard Mark Creech Luke Dillard Susan Johnson Dewey McGuire Jerry Rutherford Annalise Sisco Stevie Wells Meredith Young March 9 Kevin DuBose David Frazee Marlee Garcia Jake Watkins March 10 Wanda Cupp Kathy Gallaher Brad Gerhardt Alice Litz Joshua Romeike Peggy Spearman March 11 Marsha Anderson Nick Hamilton Benny Littrell Summer Moore Michelle Morgan Hayden Queener Ruth Ramsey March 12 Ty Boler Jonathan Hodges Mike James Monica Mendoza Wayne Miller Gloria Monteiro Phillip Vineyard March 13 Jessica Adams Jeremy Ellingburg Hannah Johnson Van McElhaney Alice Pierce Emma Senter March 14 Libby Brooks John Griggs Anita Kimbrough Kevin McDaniel Judy Morelock Mike Richardson Tammy Ripley Christian Romeike Justin Rymer March 15 Larry Burnett Joe Fry Jacob Lawson Janie Massey Jan Stansberry March 16 Inez Arnott Melinda Ortiz Loletta Rogers Sonya Tichenor March 17 Tashia Bales Kylie Dickerson Karen McGuire Deana Smallman-Lloyd March 18 Andrew Ezell Mike Freeman Robin Jones Carol Monroe Jose Ortiz Gary Poythress Anna Vesser March 19 Norm Camper Rex Epps Joslyn Frazee Harley Johnson Charlotte Long Nancy Noe March 20 Kim Allman Bill Burns Joseph Jaynes Cade Richardson Meka Wilhoit March 21 Michael Berry Nicole Cole Teresa Lafraniere Joan Lehrer Hazel McClellan Todd Roberts Judy Willis March 22 Irene Bales Rachel Bezio Brandon Carter William Hall Judy Holt Nicole Martin Cathy Sheffield Clay Stewart Robert Willett March 23 Scott Galyon Maxton Gray Carolyn Guilford Cheryl Harold Brian Roberts March 24 Sarah Cates John Collins Barbara Hayes Ray Jenkins Lydia Ripley Steve Thayer Patsy Wright March 25 Barbara Davenport Macayla Dickerson Larry Mangum Noah Stamper William Titus Dennis Wilson March 26 Allen Beswick Emma Kitts Howard Triplett March 27 Blake Bales David Davies Morgan Dillard Roy Johnson Ronnie Sisco Larry Snowden Kelanna Trent Charles Wisecarver March 28 Kristin Armstrong Tommy Cobble Dan Cole Kyle Grigsby Donna Guffey Zachary Lynch Dena Majors Tom Owen Reece Sexton Martha Turner Peggy Vesser March 29 Jason Felknor Evan Flores Harry Hodges Paul Jeffries Christopher Reyes March 30 David Amos John Clawson J.J. Dalton Carrie Miller Rebecca Pope March 31 Tommy Cox Reeve Elliott Allie Moore Griffin Price Mattie Rogers Tom Stewart Page 7 Charter Cable Channel 196 MUS FiberNet Channel 4 Sundays: 6 am until Midnight LIVE Streaming Online Sundays at 9:15 am, 10:45 am & 6 pm “First Family” USPS 780800 is published monthly by First Baptist Church Morristown. Periodicals Postage Paid at Morristown, TN 37813. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to First Baptist Church P.O. Box 1899 Morristown, TN 37816 10:15 AM Sr. Adults to First Monday Organ Concert 6:00 PM Community Prayer Mtg. (City Center) Normal Sunday Schedule + 12:15 Lost Episodes Tour Informational Meeting 4:30 Stewardship Promotion Team Meeting 4:45 Baptist Woman Aware WMU Group 23 22 Normal Sunday Schedule + 4:00 FBC Church Bible Drill Family Focus Week begins! NO Student or Children’s Choirs 29 Normal Sunday Schedule Palm Sunday + 6:00 Lord’s Supper 16 15 Normal Sunday Schedule + 4:00 Missions Committee Mtg. 30 3 17 24 12:00 JOY Group Luncheon 10:00 Caregiver Support Group 10 10:00 JOY Group Brunch 1:30 Griggs-Naude-Haun WMU Group 2:00 Barbara Brown WMU Group Tue 31 4:00 Sr. Adults to Country Tonite Show in Pigeon Forge Celebration Choir CD Recording 6:00 pm—10:00 pm 9 8 Normal Sunday Schedule Daylight Savings Day + 10:30 “Be the Match” Testing 6:00 Evening Worship w/ Shelley Waite No EXALT Student Choir 2 Mon 1 Sun 4 Wednesday Night Schedule Wednesday Night Schedule + 5:30 Stewardship Committee Mtg. Wednesday Night Schedule 25 18 11 Wednesday Night Schedule + 11:30 Week of Prayer Lunch for Annie Armstrong Offering 7:15 Personnel Committee Mtg. Wed Normal Sunday Schedule 8:00 Traditional Service 9:00 FBC Library Opens 9:15 Contemporary Service Sunday School 10:45 Celebration Service Sunday School 12:00 Pastor's Reception 4:45 EXALT Student Choir 5:00 Children’s Choirs FBC Library Opens 6:00 Evening Worship Children’s Bible Drill 26 6:00 AM Men’s Bible Study at West End Fire Dept. 6:00 PM Freezer Meal Friends 19 6:00 AM Men’s Bible Study at West End Fire Dept. 6:30 PM Deacon’s Meeting 12 6:00 AM Men’s Bible Study at West End Fire Dept. 12:00 PM Property Committee Mtg. 5 6:00 AM Men’s Bible Study at West End Fire Dept. 6:30 PM Bloom Where You Are Planted Ladies Event Thu 6 7 21 8:00 AM First Love on Main Medical Clinic 14 9:26 AM 5th & 6th Grade Pi Day Event Sat 28 Wednesday Night Schedule 4:30 Fellowship Meal (FH) 5:00 FBC Library Opens 5:15 JOY Ringers 5:30 EQUIP Student Worship 6:00 LDI (Adults) AWANA (Children) Praise Ringers Group Therapy 6:15 Orchestra Rehearsal 7:15 Choir Rehearsal 27 WMU & Acteens to Gatlinburg for Missions Get Together 20 13 Fri
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