U N I T E D WAY O F D A N E C O U N T Y COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER AWARDS NON PROF I T NOM I NAT ION F OR M R E C O GN I Z E A N ON PR OF I T T H AT H A S ST R ON G VOLU N T E E R E N GAGE M E N T PR AC T IC E S An agency’s commitment to increase the impact of volunteers through engagement, research and funding plays a critical role in making volunteering a core strategic function of their organization. The United Way Community Volunteer Awards is a great way to recognize the nonprofit community’s commitment to addressing critical issues through volunteerism so Dane County is better educated, safer, and heathier. All 501(c)3 nonprofit agencies in Dane County are eligible to be nominated. All nominated nonprofits will be recognized, and award recipients will be announced at the Community Volunteer Awards luncheon held on Friday, May 1, 2015 from 11:30am - 1:30pm at The Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor’s Club. DI S T I NGU I SH E D S E RV IC E NON PROF I T AWA R D Catholic Charities 2014 Distinguished Service Nonprofit Award E L IGI BI L I T Y • Complete the nomination form and answers to the questions in this packet that tell the story of your nominee’s work. • Nominee must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency that serves the community at large and engages volunteers on some level of their organization. • Volunteers engaged by the nonprofit agency must not receive any payment for their services, but may perform service as part of work-release time or for student course credit (reimbursements for out-ofpocket expenses, like travel, are acceptable). • Employees of United Way of Dane County, CUNA Mutual Group, WKOW Channel 27, all other sponsors, judges or their families may not participate as a nominator or nominee. • Nominations for faith-based organizations and service clubs must be for service(s) provided to the community at large (not just for their congregation or members.) • Award Recipient may not be nominated for two consecutive years. • Eligibility and the selection of award recipients are at the discretion of the judges and judges’ decisions are final. A nonprofit will receive $250 for their organization. 2014 Community Volunteer Awards Presented by ® U N I T E D WAY O F D A N E C O U N T Y COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER AWARDS NON PROF I T NOM I NAT ION F OR M 1. N OM I NAT ION CAT E G ORY Mark with an “x” the community issue that fits the nonprofit nominee’s impact area. Improving academic achievement Supporting early childhood development Improving public health Decreasing homelessness Supporting seniors, persons with disabilities and/or their caregivers Reducing violence and crime Strengthening nonprofit leadership Caring for animals Protecting the environment Innovating agriculture practices Preserving arts/culture Other___________________ 2 . N OM I NAT OR I N F O Name: _____________________________________ Affiliation: ___________________________________________ Mailing address:___________________________________________ City/state/zip:________________________________ Daytime phone: _______________________________ E-mail:_________________________________________________ Today’s date:________________Your signature:__________________________________________________________ 3. NON PROF I T NOM I N E E I N F O Nonprofit Name: _______________________________________ Phonetic spelling: _____________________________ Primary contact name:___________________________________ Number of volunteers: ___________ Primary contact phone:_________________________ Primary contact email address:_______________________________ Nonprofit nominee mailing address:_____________________________________________________________________ Nonprofit nominee city/state/zip:_______________________________________________________________________ 4 . N OM I N E E PHOT O Send a close-up, digital photo to volctr@uwdc.org. If no photo is available, contact the Volunteer Center (608-246-4380 or volctr@uwdc.org) Bank of Sun Prairie 2014 Community Volunteer Award Nominee Nominations must be submitted, delivered, or postmarked by March 13, 2015 U N I T E D WAY O F D A N E C O U N T Y COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER AWARDS NON PROF I T NOM I NAT ION F OR M NOM I NAT ION QU E ST ION S I N S T RUC T ION S : • Answer each of the questions below using up to four single-sided sheets. • Typed responses are preferred, but handwritten responses are acceptable. • When answering the questions, focus on how the agency’s volunteer engagement strategies help build their capacity (i.e. leadership, direct service, skill based, etc.) as well as other strategies that best represents the agency’s commitment to volunteerism. • Since judges will not know your nominee, be thorough. • Include details of the community needs that the agency is addressing. NOM I NAT ION QU E ST ION S Answer each of the following questions using up to four single-sided sheets. 1. How does the nonprofit make volunteering a core strategic function of the organization? In what ways does it engage volunteers to achieve objectives, advance the mission, serve more people and affect the economics of the organization? 2. Describe how the nonprofit works with various sectors (i.e. businesses, government, education, faith-based, etc.) to accomplish its mission. 3. How does the nonprofit use skilled volunteers to address community needs? 4. How is the volunteer impact measured; other than by number of volunteers and the hours served? FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who chooses the award recipients? Recipients are selected by a group of volunteer community leaders. Should I tell the volunteers they’ve been nominated? Yes! It is a great honor to be nominated for a United Way Community Vounteer Award. What happens after a volunteer is nominated? After the nomination form is received at the United Way Volunteer Center, a congratulatory letter will be sent to the nominee. Later, the nominee will receive an invitation to the awards luncheon on May 1, as a guest of United Way of Dane County and event sponsors. Are only United Way partner agencies eligible? ANY nonprofit organization in Dane County can be nominated as long as they meet eligibility requirements. I don’t have a photo. What do I do? You will be notified of dates that the nominee can come to United Way to have their photo taken. 5. In what ways has the nonprofit invested in volunteer management, making volunteers central to their work? SU BM I T YOU R NOM I NAT ION BY M A RCH 13, 2015 Mail to: United Way Volunteer Center, PO BOX 7548, Madison, WI 53707-7548. Drop off at: Anderson United Way Center 2059 Atwood Ave., Madison Online at: unitedwaydanecounty.org/cvaform CVA NOMINATION CHECKLIST Nomination form Answers to nomination questions Nominee Photo
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