St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church March 1st “The Second Sunday of Lent” The Lenten Soup Suppers will follow the Reconciliation service’s 3/04 Reconciliation 7:00 pm with Soup Supper immediately afterwards 3/09-11 Parish Lenten Mission Save The Date !! 3/16-17 “ Misión Cuaresmal en la Parroquia.” “Aparten la fecha” 3/18 Reconciliation 7:00 pm with Soup Supper immediately afterwards 3/25 Reconciliation 7:00 pm with Soup Supper immediately afterwards 40 Days The Season of Lent Parish Information Pastoral Associate Deacon Pat Sacramental Life Ministries 676-4403 Pastoral Council Don Hitzeman 676-4403 Finance CouncilJeff Irwin676-4403 Pastoral Care Adm. Ann Lawlor 695-6657 Business Manager Emmy Lontoc 695-6658 Office Manager Sharla Ortiz 676-4403 Bulletin Editor Parish Librarian John Lawson Terry Antuzzi 870-9990 676-7318 Infant Baptisms Julie Sprengelmeyer 970-8050 Confirmation/Adults Anthony Karganilla 506-6653 Confirmation/Youth Mary Hitzeman 693-2146 Holy Communion/Sick Frank Dagonese 676-9766 Resurrection Ministry Rita Hernandez 676-5655 Marriage Convalidations676-4403 Retrouvalle Program Dcn. Bob & Fran 695-6653 Vocations Director Frank Dagonese 676-9766 Marriage Encounter John & Raquel 699-6750 FuneralsAnn Lawlor695-6657 Deacons Ministerios En Espanol Directora De Edu. Maria Barth 587-0023 Eucharestia Eduardo Baltonado 699-2801 BautizosMaria Barth587-0023 LectoresAmado Garcia696-2706 Movimiento Fam. Fernando Martinez 760-8726 Caritas Casesoramiento 909-763-4970 #449 Uncion De Los Enfermos Maria Barth 587-0023 Groupo De Jovenes Maria Barth 587-0023 Faith Formation Little Church Grades K-5 Coord. Allison Willits Letha Heylmun 244-6315 695-6656 Director Religoius Ed. Diane Axline 694-8614 Sacramental Prep. Mary Hitzeman 693-2146 Adult Faith Formation R.C.I.ASusan Cline295-5971 Remebering Church Dcn. Pat 676-4403 Journey of Faith Frank Dagonese 676-9766 Liturgical / Worship Ministries Altar Servers Sharla Ortiz 676-4403 Holy Communion Rene Micallef 302-8557 GreetersMary Kleinvachter551-4813 LectorsTito Alvarez760-3093 UshersTerry Purpura587-0862 Environment & Art Armando / Yolanda 201-8348 Music 7:25 am Daily 8:00 am Sun. (Eng) Nancy Marshall 285-5233 5:00 & 7:00 pm Sat. & 2:00 pm Sun. Rudy Vergara, Jr. 775-1969 10:00 am Sun. & 6:00 pm Sun.(Eng)Lori Ascani 698-3288 12:00 Noon (Eng) Andy & JR Santos 249-9175 Bob Phillips695-6653 Dennis Malkowski302-3140 Efren Ramirez225-6240 Jim Kincaid265-1517 Christian Life Ministries Filipino Ministry Healing Ministry Knights of Columbus Christian Life Ministries Bereavement Support Women’s Guild Regina Applegate George Montano Miguel Rodriguez Paul Watkins Rita & Bea Gisela Bueno 587-0982 522-9072 663-9494 302-5326 676-5655 972-4322 Outreach Programs Birth Choice Crisis Pregnancy 699-9808 Boy Scouts Ken Radosevich 302-6070 Cub Scouts Rob Waldron 299-0240 St. Vincent De Paul Help/Food Pantry 587-6752 Catholic Charities924-9964 Notices & ts n e v E g n i Upcom ___________________________________ If your group or ministry has an announcement to be placed in our bulletin, please submit it to Sharla Ortiz 3 weeks prior to publication for approval. If you would like the event to be announced at Mass, the same 3 week policy holds. Thank you. ___________________________________ Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) are desperately needed. The needs are for the 7:00 p.m mass, 12:00 noon mass and the 6:00 pm mass. If you can help, please contact Renee at (951) 302-8557, email: TRAINING IN THE CHURCH Saturday 2/28/15 9:00 a.m. Friday 3/13/15 6:00 p.m. Saturday 3/14/15 9:00 a.m. March 2015 Mark Your Calendar 03/04/15 Wednesday 7:00 pm Reconciliation 03/06/15 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm 03/09-11 Parish Lenten Mission Save The Date !! 03/18/15 Wednesday 7:00 pm Reconciliation 03/16-17 “ Misión Cuaresmal en Español en la Parroquia.” “Aparten la fecha” 03/25/15 Wednesday 7:00 pm Reconciliation St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Parish Mission Presents Fr. John Struzzo Discussion Topics..... • • • • • The meaning and purpose of marriage. The main difficulties couples face in marriage The main resolutions to get the marriage back on track. He will also talk about families and the difficulties they face and what are the remedies. How to heal the wounds of moms and dads, and how it affects children and family life. Fr. John Struzzo CSC, has been ordained a priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross, for 49 years. He will celebrate his golden jubilee this year. He has a Ph.D. in Sociology and a Post-Doctorate in Marriage and Family Therapy and Individual Psychotherapy. He has taught at several universities in the areas of sociology, psychology, and marriage and family relations, and psychotherapy. Fr. John has served on the clinical staff of the House of Affirmation, a residential treatment center for priests and nuns with severe emotional problems. He also served as a hospital chaplain for six years at Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo, Ca. He has spent over 30 years doing marriage and family and individual counseling, and inner healing. He served as chaplain for Mother Teresa’s Sisters in San Francisco for several years. He also lived with the Intercessors of the Lamb for almost two years in Omaha, Nebraska. There he learned the Ignatian Exercises and was introduced to deliverance ministry. He has been involved in the healing ministry for the past 30 years. He has spoken at many Marian and Charismatic conferences, and has had an international ministry of evangelization and healing. Mission schedule: Monday 03/099:00-10:30am Mission talk with Q&A Wednesday 3/11 9-10:30 Mission talk with Q& A 6pm Mass Confession to follow AM Mission talk 7pm Mission talk with Q&A 6pm Mass 7pm Mission talk with Q& A Tuesday 03/109:00-10:30am Mission talk with Q&A NO Confessions or Soup Supper to follow 6pm Mass 7pm Mission talk with Q&A Please join us after Mission Talks and Q&A for a Cookie Fellowship in DiLeo Hall Fr. John will tentatively speak at the Masses on Sunday March 8th to give us an overview of his talk St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church 41875 C Street, Temecula, CA 92592 PLEASE MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US For more information, please call the Parish Office 951-676-4403 2015 DDF Assessments: ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA 1st SUNDAY COLLECTION February 14th & 15th 2015 Diocese Goal: 109,300 Parish Goal: 200,000 Total Goals 309,300 MASS TIME # of ENV. PLATE ENV. TOTAL 5PM 115 $1,040.00 $2,520.00 $3,560.00 7PM 53 $624.00 $310.00 $934.00 8AM 117 $1,139.00$2,615.00$3,754.00 10AM 105 $1,478.00 $1,948.00 $3,426.00 12PM 93 $890.00 $1,697.00 $2,587.00 2PM 76 $688.00$992.00$1,680.00 6PM74 $950.00$1,131.00 $2,081.00 Office TOTALS 633 $6,809.00 $11,213.00 $18,022.00 Comparison from 4th Sunday in January 2014 $4,506.00 $12,295.00$16,801.00 Previous Year Increase/(decrease) $2,303.00.00 $(1,082.00) Young Adult Youth Ministry Thank you all for your cooperation in our smooth transition to signing in and out! Don’t forget: Our final speaker will present this afternoon at 2:30 in the Hall on Sources of our faith: Why do we believe! As we are in Lent, we humbly ask that no sweet snacks be sent in. Fruit, veggies and salty snacks would be preferred as many give up sugar and sweets. $1,221.00 Received to Date: 4,901 Percent to Date: 1.58% Diocese Over-goal cash to Parish Pledge to Date: 10,591 # OF DONORS 29 THE NEW CHANGE TO K-5 First Reconciliation For 2nd thru 5th grade Please keep our children in your prayers As they begin to celebrate their first Reconciliations during Lent. Thank you To all our parents who are leading by example. Keeping our Faith, and to the community for their prayers. First Holy Eucharist Preparation classes will begin on April 12, 2015. The child and at least one parent attends three Preparation classes. Each class is from 1:30 to 3:30. The dates are, April 12, 19, & 26. There is a posted list of children eligible for the CONFIRMATION WILL BE APRIL 16 at 7PM!!! The final Sacrament this year. PLEASE check the list!! And contact me second year Confirmation retreat is Saturday, Feb 28! for any clarifications. If you are eligible for first Reconciliation or first Eucharist, check your email for class times. If you have not received an email and your child needs Sacraments, contact Mary High School: NO CLASS MARCH 15! 10th graders have snack on March 1, .11th graders on March 8. Middle School: Don’t forget to sign your Middle School child in and out! 6th grade bring snacks on March 2. As part of the Lenten Mission, we will have an ice cream social on March 9. 4th and graders are asked to bring bowls,5th graders bring a bottle of syrup, 6th graders ice cream, 7th graders whipped cream and 8th graders cookies. 3/10/15 from 7-9 pm we will have First Confessions for grades 6-12. Contact Mary for more info LENTEN FOOD DRIVE The K-5 faith formation classes are collecting food For St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. We are competing to see what class can bring in the most food items. While teaching the act of giving to those who need. The winning class will receive a “Family pancake breakfast” And will be announced on Palm Sunday. Letha L. Heylmun CCM St. Catherine of Alexandria 951-695-6656 WE WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS TO OUR PARISH FAMILY NEW PARISHIONER ORIENTATION If you are interested in joining Saint Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church please make plans to join us at our next New Parishioner Orientation scheduled for the following date and times: April 22nd, 2015 at 6:15 PM Spanish Parish Social Hall April 22nd, 2015 at 7:00 PM English Parish Social Hall This is an information meeting lasting about 30 minutes and we are committed to serving the needs of all those who show interest in joining our Parish. In order for people to understand the mission of the parish, we invite all prospective members to this gathering. We will explain the mission and focus of our parish and tell you how we meet our goal of loving Jesus and growing together in His love. Our Pastor, Fr. Anthony Dao, Fr. Sergio Renteria (Parochial Vicar), deacons and staff are committed to our parishioners. We will also share with you the expectations of the new parishioners who will participate in the active life of the parish. At the New Parishioner Orientation, literature and registration forms are given out and you can complete them on site if you wish. The priests, deacons, and staff are available to assist new parishioners through every step of their journey and if you would like additional information, we can be reached through the Pastoral Office at 951676-4403. We look forward to meeting you. Blessings, Dcn. Pat Necerato, Pastoral Associate RCIA: The Rite of Sending... Across the entire world, Catholic bishops welcome those catechumens sent by the parish to gather together with their godparents and sponsors in what is known as the Rite of Election. Today we celebrate The Rite of Sending, which offers the parish community an opportunity to acknowledge the spiritual progress the catechumens and candidates have made, express approval of their election or recognition, and send them forth to our bishop with assurance of the parish’s care and support. Please join us in welcoming the following people who will celebrate the Rite of Sending today: Catechumen NIRA KOHL Candidates CINDY ACCURSO TERRY EARNHART GINA MISCH, ART ROCHEFORD BRIAN SCOTT BETHANY WILLIAMS Mass Card High School All youth in preparation for sacraments must participate at Mass on a weekly basis Name________________________________________ Date March 1st Mass _______________________ Priest________________________________________ Homily Topic _________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _____ Mass Card Middle School All youth in preparation for sacraments must participate at Mass on a weekly basis Name________________________________________ Date March 1st Mass _______________________ Priest________________________________________ Homily Topic _________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Mass Intentions Date March 2nd Ernest De Soto March 3rd Mary Crabtree March 4th Ruby Bright Hour Monday 7:25 am Tuesday 7:25 am Wednesday 7:25 am March 5th Jerry Greaney March 6th Daniel Slater March 7th Mark Wilson Marina Meza March 8th Thanksgiving Mass for the Cacpal Lontoc Family Intentions of Parishioners Marian Crowell Jesus Salcedo Angela Caposio Thursday 7:25 am Friday 7:25 am Saturday 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm Deployed Military A1C Kyle Banogon USAF Korea RDML Allile Coetzee USN Afghanistan LtCol Kodie L Dean USMC Afghanistan SPC Arturo De La Cruz III US Army Afghanistan PO2 Johnathan D. Buckles USMC Iraq Major Damian Bess US Army Afghanistan PFC Andrew Soria US Army Afghanistan 1st. Sgt Edward Gonzales USMC Iraq Sgt. Juan C. Ramos-Torrelio USMC Afghanistan Sgt. Anthony Zabala USMC Afghanistan LCTL David S. Parrett USMC Iraq AFC Miguel Echavarri USAF UAE LCPL Dane Davis USMC Afghanistan SSGT Shane Lipetzky USMC Afghanistan LCPL Richard M. Charron USMC Afghanistan SGT Damian Michael Root USMC Afghanistan CPL Paul A Borrero USMC Afghanistan SGT Erik Ortiz USMC Afghanistan AFC Mary Rose Banogon USAF Korea SGT Antonio Aranda USMC Afghanistan ASI Constantino Ramos USN Afghanistan CPL Dominique M Lamelin USMC Kuwait CPL Jake Parrett USMC Afghanistan Tech Sgt Paul M. Lamelin USAF Pusan Korea Blessings of the Pastoral Council Father Anthony blessed the Pastoral Council as they embark on the journey to be a consultative body on behalf of the parish and community needs. Pictured from Left to Right; Mary Kleinvachter, Don Hitzeman, Father Anthony, Msgr. Webber, Deacon Bob Phillips, John Lawson, Yolanda Ortiz, Nhut Tran, Bonnie Wilson, Leng Gonsales, Rene Micallef, John Gabrielle Sacramento de la Reconciliación El Viñedo de Raquel Retiros de Sanación Este sacramento es celebrado durante después del Aborto nuestro servicio mensual de reconciliación cual se efectúa a las 7:00 p.m. el primer ADORACION DEL SANTISIMOelSACRAMENTO Marzo 20th–Marzo 22nd 2015 miércoles de 2015 cada mes. Este Sacramento Primer viernes del cada mes. Se inicia el 6 de marzo de también lo ofrecemos por cita solamente: Para mas información: llame al oficina ¿Usted esta personalmente conectado a Jesús en la Eucaristía? Nuestro próximo servicios de Si usted está casado, o si tiene un muy buen amigo, entonces ya sabes676-4430 lo que es estar en una "relación" con algui(951) 365-1035 Reconciliación será elen próximo en. Y sabemos que si queremos que siga siendo fuerte relación y tienen esa relación crecer amistad,miércoles tenemos 7 de enero y sábado 3 de enero a las 8:00am que hacer dos cosas: una es la de pasar tiempo juntos, y la otra es la de hablar con los demás con frecuencia. Los retiros del Viñedo de Raquel son una oportunidad hermosa para a 10 am. Como Cristianos Católicos sabemos que el mejor amigo y el amor de nuestras almas es Jesucristo. Sin embargo, cualquier mujer o hombre que ha luchado con el dolor emocional muchos de nosotros sufrimos por la sensación de que realmente no sabemos quién es Jesús, o no nos parece o espiritual de un aborto. Durante el fin de semana, nos reunimos que tienen una relación personal con Él. Jesús es más como un personaje de un libro de historia para algunos de Bautizos como Cuerpo de Cristo que sufre para ministrar unos a otros en Su nosotros, o un misterioso hombre-Dios a quien tenemos obligaciones, pero que en realidad no sentimos nada en Nombre. Compartimos los ejercicios espirituales, que nos ayudan a nuestros corazones hacia Él. trabajar con la pena reprimida, la cólera y muchos rituales para ayu- Padres de Familia: Para bautizar a su Una de las respuestas para profundizar nuestra relación con Cristo dar a llorar la pérdida de tu niño/a no nacido aceptando el perdón hijo/a, debe vivir en Temecula, ser miemLa solución a esta lucha personal es la de profundizar su relación con bro Jesús. Tal como lo haría cualquier activo de la Iglesia decon Santa Catalina de Dios. Este retiro es presentado en la tradición Católica. amigo humano o su cónyuge, tiene que realizar un decidido esfuerzo ypara conocerlo Que tiene Como que pasar llenar la formamejor. de membrecía. el tiempo con él, y hablar con él a menudo. En otras palabras, es necesario pasar tiempo en oración. cupo es limitado, es necesario reservar la Adoración Eucarística es la mejor manera que tenemos en esta tierra fecha para pasar un meses largo tiempo en una tranquicon tres de anticipación. llame la conversación con Jesús. Recordará usted que sólo físicamente antesade que Jesús dejó a los apóstoles y ascendió Maria (951) 587-0023. al Padre, les tranquilizó, "Y mirad que Yo estoy con ustedes todos los días hasta el fin de los tiempos” (Mateo 28:20) Esta declaración se cumple en la realidad de la presencia real de Jesús en la Eucaristía, en manos del sacerUncion Para Los Enfermos dote en la Misa cada día reservado en los tabernáculos en el corazón de nuestras iglesias, y ante nuestros propios ojos en la Adoración Eucarística. Si tiene una enfermedad seria, va ser hos"Siente el Amor" en la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento pitalizado/a o se va someterse a una cirugía, Lo que distingue a la Adoración Eucarística aparte de otras formas de oración es que podemos estar en la misma usted debe de recibir el Sacramento de la habitación con El, presente en el Santísimo Sacramento, la Eucaristía. Aunque disfrazado bajo la apariencia de unción de los enfermos, se ofrece todos los pan, en realidad estamos contemplando en Su Sagrado Corazón, y el amor que irradia desde la pequeña hostia días de la semana en la misa de las 7:25 am. Bienvenida blanca en la custodia, el soporte hermoso que sostiene la hostia detrás de un vidrio para que el adorador lo vea Llame para hacer una cita. Si por alguna transformando. Sentándose o arrodillándose en la presencia de Jesús de esta manera podría ser llamado "recibirazón no puede venir a la Iglesia, a recibir la Extendemos manos el corazón, hospitalidad endo la gracianuestras del Hijo." Igual yque los rayosaldeofrecerles sol que caliente la piel, los rayos de Su amor toca nuestras almas y unción podemos ir a su casa. Y también le en nuestra parroquia. Le damoscomodidad, gracias a Dios por susea presencia, seaque provee curación, tranquilidad, fuerza… lo que sea necesitamos en esta vida para ayudarnos podemos llevar la comunión. 587-0023. hansegún estado con nosotros por mucho o sean aque vivir la voluntad de Dios para quetiempo podamos un nuevos. día vivirLes con Él eternamente en el cielo. invitamos a registrase comoamiembros de nuestra comuniAsí que cuando usted visita Jesús en elnuevos Santísimo Sacramento del Altar puede rezarMisa el Rosario, un libroque Tarjeta Juvenil Todos leer los jóvenes dadoración, católica. QUERIDOS MIEMBROS No olviden sus sobres, de lectura de la Biblia... contemplar, meditar,usar maneras de hablar con él son muchas... pero sobre todo... están en la preparación de recibir los sacralos cuales los identifica como parte activa de esta familia. hacer que visitar una vez al mes – cada primer viernes... no importa cuando… visítalo él cada vezsemanalmente que puedas. mentos, deben deaparticipar Usted se sorprenderá de la transformación que hará en su vida si usted sóloMisa unos minutos al mes, sólo para entoma la Santa Jovenes¡ él en adoración. Si desea tratar este tema con más detalle, por favor llámenos. Bendiciones, Diácono Pat Nombre:___________________________ Horario para la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento Fecha 8 de febrero. Atención a todos los jóvenes de nuestra Comunidad! El Señor Horario de la Misa:___________________ Jesús, esta buscando jóvenes como tú, tantoa hombres Primer Viernes: Marzo 6, 2015 de 5:30PM 6:30PM como muSacerdote:__________________________ jeres. Ven a conocerle mejor, a convivir con él y a conocer otros Abril 3, 2015 de 5:30PM a 6:30PM Mensaje de la Homilía: ________________ jóvenes con las mismas inquietudes que tú atienes.Las Mayo 1, 2015 de 5:30PM 6:30PM reuniones se ___________________________________ llevan acabo los* jueves de 6:00cada - 7:30primer p. m. para masdel información Y continuará viernes mes de 5:30 pm___________________________________ a 6:30 pm llame a María, 587-0023. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 2015 DDF Annual Appeal The DDF (Diocesan Development Fund) What is the DDF and what does it do… The DDF provides a source of finance and funding for expenditures in the works of the Church and provides funds for welfare and pastoral programs in the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino. The Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) is our opportunity to support the work of the Church in San Bernardino and Riverside counties and with your generous donations to the DDF we can support over 40 ministries and programs that are offered by the diocese. These are ministries that no one parish could sustain alone and are imperative to fulfilling our mission of filling people's lives with hope. This vision will be developed in those areas of greatest concern to us: • Youth Evangelization • Unity in diversity • Stewardship of resources • Leadership • Organizational structures The 2015 Diocesan Development Fund reminds us who we really are… that we are to grow beyond ourselves and join the community of faithful dedicated to serving others and called everyday to be His disciple. By sharing our gifts and ourselves, we can really make a difference in living out our mission of discipleship. Please join us in being as generous as you can…you can receive a donation envelope at the end of Mass and you can return it to us through the church office… please see one of representatives outside of the church…thanks and blessings to you and your family. Ministry & Parish Updated Information Blessing of Ministers; On the fourth weekend of each month a ministry will be selected to be recognized at all masses in appreciation of your dedication and service to community of St. Catherine of Alexandria. This month will be the Pastoral Council. Diocesan and Church policy does not permit any type of solicitation on the Church campus. You are not required or obligated to give money or donations of any kind to persons asking after Mass. On the first Friday of every month beginning 03/06 we will have the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The sacrifice of Abraham, our father in faith (Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18). Psalm — I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living (Psalm 116). Second Reading — If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31b-34). Gospel — Jesus was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white (Mark 9:2-10). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Dn 9:4b-10; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Lk 6:36-38 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sunday: Ex 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]; Ps 19:8-11; 1 Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Second Sunday of Lent; Penitential Rite for Candidates for Full Communion Tuesday: St. Katharine Drexel Wednesday: St. Casimir; Purim (Jewish observance) begins at sunset Friday: First Friday; World Day of Prayer; Abstinence Saturday: Ss. Perpetua and Felicity; First Saturday LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Dios puso a prueba la devoción de Abraham al pedirle que sacrificara a su hijo Isaac (Génesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18). Salmo — Siempre confiaré en el Señor (Salmo 116 [115]). Segunda lectura — Dios entregó a su único Hijo para que ahora interceda por nosotros (Romanos 8:31b-34). Evangelio — Jesús, acompañado por Elías y Moisés, se transforma de manera luminosa ante Pedro, Santiago y Juan (Marcos 9:2-10). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Dn 9:4b-10; Sal 79 (78):8, 9, 11, 13; Lc 6:36-38 Martes: Is 1:10, 16-20; Sal 50 (49):8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12 Miércoles: Jer 18:18-20; Sal 31 (30):5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28Jueves: Jer 17:5-10; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 16:19-31 Viernes: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Sal 105 (104):16-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Sábado: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 9-12; Lc 15:1-3, 11-32 Domingo: Ex 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]; Sal 19 (18):8-11; 1 Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma; Rito Penitencial Martes: Santa. Katharine Drexel Miércoles: San Casimiro; Purim (festividad judía) comienza al atardecer Viernes: Primer viernes; Jornada Mundial de Oración; Abstinencia Saturday: Santa Perpetua y santa Felicidad; Primer sábado You are Invited! Cookie Fellowship at the DiLeo Hall “Lotsa Cookies!” All parishioners are invited to a “Cookie Fellowship” at the DiLeo Hall following each Parish Mission session to be held on: March 9, 2015 (Monday) - Morning Session - 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. March 9, 2015 ( Monday) - Evening Mass - 6:00 p.m. Evening Session - 7:00 p.m. March 10, 2015 ( Tuesday) - Morning Session - 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. March 10, 2015 ( Tuesday) - Evening Mass - 6:00 p.m. Evening Session - 7:00 p.m. March 11, 2015 (Wednesday) - Morning Session Only - 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. *Please bring cookies to share in the fellowship. Drop your cookies in the DiLeo Hall kitchen before you go to the church for the Parish Mission. Mark it “For the Mission”. See you then. For More Information Please Contact: Leng & Manny Gonzales - (951) 676-1219 Please Pray for the ill and hospitalized members of our Parish, their families & caregivers. “Please remember our Elderly and Homebound as well” Please email to If you would like a prepetual prayer request please contact Irene Roney at 304-2474 Elvira McDaniel Mary A Hague Elias Sabbara Emmanuel Lopez Francisca Soto Mary McClintock Jonathan Touzinsky Gabriella Stumetz Jim McCarthy Patricia Pedersen The Hill Family Marc Wright Stacy Gibbons Our facility will be CLOSED for our Parish Lenten Missions and Holy Week March 9-11, 2015, March 16-17, 2015 and March 30-April 4, 2015 Please make arrangements for your group to meet at an alternate location. Thank you. St. Catherine’s Women’s Guild Baked Potato Luncheon & White Elephant Sale Date: Thursday, March 19, 2015 Time: 11:00am to 1:00pm Place: Di Leo Hall RSVP before March 14th Cost: $10.00 To Nancy Benjamin 699-9073 To have items picked up or for further info Call Chairperson: Myra Healy 326-0890 Reflecting on God’s Word Two of today’s readings take us up a mountain. Mountains are sacred places in the scriptures. Moses meets the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob on Mt. Sinai. Elijah has an experience of this same life-giving God on Mt. Horeb. Today Abraham goes up Mt. Moriah in obedience to God’s command to “take your son Isaac, your only one, whom you love” (Genesis 22:2) and offer him there as a holocaust. It is hard to get past this reading today and focus only on the story of the Transfiguration. This story of God testing Abraham to see if Abraham will obey is a story of great anguish. “See” is an important word here: Moriah means “the place of seeing.” Abraham responds to Isaac’s question about a victim, saying God will provide, a word rooted in the Latin word for seeing. God will see to it that there is a victim, just as God will see that Abraham is obedient in all things. Seeing also takes place on Mt. Tabor. Peter, James, and John see Jesus in glory, his clothes dazzlingly white; they see him speaking with Moses and Elijah, representing the law and the prophets; and they see a cloud overshadowing them, and hear a voice calling for their obedience: “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him” (Mark 9:7). With them, we are invited to see Jesus as the beloved Son whom the Father “did not spare . . . but handed over for us all,” as Paul reminds us (Romans 8:32). The mystery of the Cross and Resurrection is an invitation to see God’s love for all God’s beloved children and trust in it. —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. General Mass Schedule Day of the Week Mass Times Monday Thru Friday 7:25AM (Eng) Saturday Vigil 5:00PM (Eng) 7:00PM (Span) Sunday 8:00AM (Eng) 10:00AM (Eng) 12:00 NOON (Eng) 2:00PM (Span) 6:00PM (Eng) Reconciliation Services March 4, 2015, 7:00 PM - Lent (soup supper) March 18, 2015, 7:00 PM - Lent (soup supper) March 25, 2015, 7:00 PM - Lent (soup supper) Rev. Anthony Dao, Pastor Rev. Sergio Rentería, Parochial Vicar Assistant Clergy: Rev. Anthony DiLeo, Pastor Emeritus Rev. John Wagner Pastor Emeritus Msgr. Don Webber Deacons: Jim Kincaid - Robert Phillips Dennis Malkowski - Efren Ramirez Deacon Pat Necerato Pastoral Associate Parish Information Church Office Hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday - Friday Tel. (951) 676-4403 Fax. (951) 695-6659 41875 “C” Street, Temecula, CA 92592 Email: Web: Facebook: St Catherine Of Alexandria Catholic Church
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