The Pastoral Area of Southport On a Journey of Faith 2nd Sunday of Lent 1st March 2015 Year B FOOD AND DRINK FOR THE JOURNEY Sometimes, when we are suffering or in the midst of great difficulties, there can seem to be no light at the end of the tunnel! Yet, whatever situation we may find ourselves in we need to remember that Jesus is that light , and we must trust in Him the way Abraham trusted in God. In today’s Gospel we hear how Peter, James and John saw Jesus in a different light! They saw the brightness of God’s glory shining out from Him. Just as their lives were touched by the brilliance of God’s power and love – if we walk in the presence of the Lord and listen to Him, so our lives will be too. As we continue our Lenten Journey trying to make our hearts like His, we pray that any goodness and beauty within us will shine so that others may glimpse the goodness and glory of God through us. Praise Him! MISSION STATEMENT OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL: “Taking to heart the last words of the Lord Jesus, we will go into the world to proclaim the Good News to the whole of Creation”. St Marie’s 25 Seabank Road Southport PR9 0EJ Parish Priest: Father John Heneghan Telephone: (01704) 531229 Fax: (01704) 512590 Email: Website: Archdiocesan Website: Liturgical Week Today – 2nd Sunday of Lent Next Sunday – 3rd Sunday of Lent **************** The Pastoral Area of Southport St Marie’s St Patrick’s Holy Family Fr John Heneghan Fr Mark Madden Fr Philip Gregory (Dean) Mgr Peter Fleetwood St Teresa’s Canon John Gaine St Joseph & Our Lady of Lourdes Fr Atli Jonsson Sacred Heart & St John Stone Fr Tony Slingo Tel: 531229 Tel: 228943 Tel: 532613 Tel: 566865 Tel: 568313 Tel: 577722 st rd Mass in Polish – is celebrated here at St Marie’s on the 1 and 3 Sunday’s of the month at 3pm. Mass in Indian (Malayalam) – is celebrated here at St Marie’s on the last Thursday of each month at 6p.m Marian Centre for Evangelisation – this wonderful resource of our parish is behind the Church.. For more info. Tel: 07544768483 email:, website: Visitors welcome to join us for tea/ coffee after the 11am Mass Liverpool Archdiocese Annual Mass for Healing At the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Friday 1st May 2015 Starting 7pm (confession available from 6:30) Celebrant: Archbishop Malcolm McMahon All Are Welcome. ***************************************** CHRISM MASS There will be a coach going to the Cathedral for the Chrism Mass on Wednesday April 1st at 7.30pm for the parishes of St Patrick’s, Holy Family and St Marie’s. If you would like to go please let Fr John know. ***************************************** NATIONAL WEEK OF PRAYER & AWARENESS OF DEMENTIA The annual national Dementia - Prayer Week takes place between 12th - 19th March. The theme this year is - .Have you got time to say a prayer? At the moment there are over 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, with numbers set to rise to 1 million by 2025. There will be an awareness day held at Cardinal Heenan House, Roby Mill, Up Holland on Thursday 12th March at 10.00am . For more info contact: Fr. Stephen Beale, or telephone Cardinal Heenan House 01695 622885 (See poster at the back of church) Let prayer be our help……… Let prayer be our strength……… Let prayer rise like a fountain of love. Lent is a Time to Feast and Fast Fast from judging others. Feast on the Christ within them. Fast from emphasis on differences. Feast on the unity of all life. Fast from apparent darkness. Feast on the reality of light. Fast from thoughts of illness. Feast on the healing power of God. Fast from discontent. Feast on gratitude. Fast from anger. Feast on patience. Fast from pessimism. Feast on optimism. Fast from worry. Feast on God’s love for you. Pray - Throughout Lent we will ponder on the Word ’Make my heart like yours’ to help us prepare for the Easter Triduum and to change more and more into the image and likeness of Jesus! Fast – ‘from strife and old debate and hate…..starve your sin, not bin’ (from a poem by Robert Herrick). Almsgiving – a basket will be at the foot of the Paschal Candle before and after the Mass’ throughout Lent for those in need. MARCH BAPTIMS We welcome into our community Julia Teresa Kiejnich….Logan Jamie Azevedo Nascimento….. Nicola Zagorska….Jan-Philip Liam Gellweiler. We hold these little ones and their families in our love and prayer. ***************************************** SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Communal Celebration for the Parishes of St Marie, St Patrick and Holy Family – at St Patrick’s Church on Tuesday 31st March at 7pm ***************************************** 100 CLUB FEBRUARY WINNERS – £100 Pat Stevenson £15 Len Balaam £10 Maureen Ducros Congratulations! Please collect your winnings from the Parish Office. March subscriptions are now due. These can be placed in the offertory bag in a labelled envelope or handed in to the Parish Office. Thank you. ***************************************** People need loving the most when they deserve it the least. Walking with Pope Francis ‘There is a Marian “style” to the Church’s work for evangelisation. Whenever we look to Mary, we come to believe once again in the revolutionary nature of love and tenderness .’ (from his letter to us ‘the Joy of the Gospel’) GOSPEL JOY - every Saturday in the Parish House anyone is welcome to join me at 1p.m. for a cuppa and half an hours sharing on the Word we are to receive in the Saturday evening / Sunday morning Mass’. R.C.I.A The next meeting is on Tuesday 3rd March at 7pm. We will explore – Sacraments of Wholeness – Reconciliation and Anointing. Please keep all who are preparing for the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil in your prayer. ANOTHER STORY MUST BEGIN A Lenten series using scripture and the characters of Les Miserable to focus our discussion. Wednesdays 7.30pm – 9pm in the Marian Centre. ALIVE AND ACTIVE - 4th and 11th March at 1pm in the Parish House. All Welcome! Tea and snack provided. ***************************************** ST. JOSEPH'S PRAYER CENTRE, FORMBY Day of Retreat for Lent Led by Bishop John Rawsthorne Monday March 9th 10.00 – 4pm £20 includes a simple lunch & refreshments. For more details Tel 01704 875850 COLLECTIONS Offertory………….£907.60 Last Week’s Retiring Collection… £1,290.41 Church Restoration Fund This week’s Retiring Collection…. CAFOD Next Week’s Retiring Collection… Marriage Care Thank you so much for your kind generosity! ACKNOWLEDGED WITH THANKS Marian-Care - £5, £4 Morrison Voucher (Thanks for the gift of an induction ring to keep soup warm and boil the eggs to feed those in need) Flowers - £10, Church Restoration Fund - £10, £50 We hold in prayer all who are sick in body, mind or spirit and those who care for them; also those who have died and gone before us marked with the sign of faith… … …. May those who grieve their passing come to experience the peace of the Risen Christ. The Parish House is open from 10.00am to 12.00 noon and from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm Mon- Fri for general enquiries, e.g. Mass Cards, and to feed the homeless and those in need. Week Commencing 1st March 2015 First Mass of Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Sunday 6pm 9am 11am 12 Noon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday 12 Noon 12 Noon 12 Noon 12 Noon 12 Noon 6pm 9am 11am People of the Parish John 0’Regan Gillian Parkhurst Service of The Word & Holy Communion Dorothy & Eddie McGuire Ron Taylor Gwen Bond Mary Kershaw Harry Kinney Eugene O’Leary The Leach Family People of the Parish The Rosary will be prayed Monday to Saturday after 12 00 Noon Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Tuesday to Saturday 11.30 to 12.00 noon (or by appointment with Father John) EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday to Saturday 11.30 to 12.00 noon Liverpool RC Archdiocese Trustees Inc. Registered Charity No. 232709
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