Second Sunday of Lent February 28th & March 1st, 2015 Saint Pius The Tenth Catholic Church 2210 North Elm St. Reverend Monsignor Anthony Marcaccio, V.F., Pastor Rev. Mr. Ron Steinkamp, Deacon - Rev. Mr. Phil Cooper, Deacon, Rev. Mr. Bill Shaw, Deacon - Rev. Mr. Robert Morris, Deacon Masses Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m., Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 11:30 a.m. Holy Days 7:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. Daily Mass Monday & Tuesday 7:00 a.m., Thursday & Friday 5:15 p.m., First Saturday 8:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 4:00-4:45 p.m. & by appointment Handicapped Parking is in front of the Church. Hearing Assistance devices available. Signing available. Nursery: Provided during 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday and 9:00 & 11:30 a.m. Masses on Sunday. Ministry to the Sick & Shut-In: Please call the parish office to arrange visitation. Preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist and to enter the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, please call the parish office. Marriage: For arrangements & Pre-Cana instruction call office at least 6 months prior to date of wedding. Business and Administration Pat Spivey, Pastoral Associate Liz Pendergrass, Administrative Assistant Maureen Schwoyer, Receptionist Community and Parish Life Carolyn Painley, Community Life Glenn Spivey, Seniors’ Ministry Faith Formation and Liturgy Derek Rotty, Director of Faith Formation Wendy Barber, Administrative Aide Sallie Kelton, Music Ministry, Brian Otter, Music Ministry Natasha McNair, Nursery Coordinator Pre-School - 5th: Sunday 10:15-11:15 a.m. BREAKOUT (Middle School): Wed. 7:00-8:30 p.m. The GATHERING (High School): Sun. 7-8:30 p.m. Sacramental Preparation: call the parish office. St. Pius X School: 273-9865 Anne Knapke, Principal, Ann Flynt, Assistant Principal Beth Jones, Receptionist, Julie Wise, Business Manager Nancy Carmean, Administrative Assistant Jean Navarro, Admissions Coordinator Ministry to the Sick & Shut-In: Please call the parish office to arrange visitation. Parish Office: 220 State Street, Ph. 272-4681·Fax 274-8112 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 13588, GSO, NC 27415-3588 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Wed. only 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - email at “Contact Us” Catholic Charities: 288-1984 Bulletin deadline: Friday for a week from Sunday. Submit to: Second Sunday of Lent Msgr. Marcaccio and the parish community of St. Pius X wish to extend their prayers to… Al Waters on the death of his brother, Fr. Joe Waters; to Abigail Seymour on the death of her sister, Mary Seymour. February 28th & March 1st, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK February 28 - March 8, 2015 Mass is offered for the intentions of those present and the following: SATURDAY SUNDAY PRAYERS We ask that you pause a moment to offer a prayer for the sick of our community, especially: Alma Adamo, Linda Orren, Gloria Long, Ray C. Miller, Carlos A.Gomez, Brennan Simpkins, Tom Daye, Bob Luckett, Denise Rose, Gregory Daye, Carol Kelliher, Isabel L. Bennett, Diane Roselli, Jim Savage, Connie Dillion, Gayle Demarest, Joshua Chautin, Joanne Lysaght, Arnold Lewis, Caleb Varner, Larry Weston, Jeannet Cape, Christine Teipel, Jennie Gray, Phyllis DiVasto, Joyce Leonard, Julie Husted, Michael Fecile, Michael Samuleman, Ed Uhland, Mark Garin, Ann Frank, Judi LeBlanc, Ann Aulisi, Michael Costello, Peter Poulath, Evelyn Gertrude Lemons, Lisa Cotterer, Janet Law, Cathy Shelton, Pat Jessar, Joseph Gabriel Fulton, Richard Vanore, Joann Last, Mary Jane Wheaton, Vernon & Dea Aune, Don Straffin, Rich Thomae, Andrea Godwin, Mary Aurand, Ann Cashin, Kaki Sowinski, Josie Snarr, Donna Dickson, Alejandro Pulecio, Alba Tovar DePulecio, Sharon Odeh, Gerard Volz, Leonard Williams, Andy & Marie Boh, Sid Proter. well as those in extended care, Joan Reed, Theresa Metz, Jim Koch, Mary Hays, Alice Massaro, William Krueger. MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Rose Marie Cook St. Pius X Parishioners +Fran Luedtke +Meg Thompson +Connie Wright +Bernadine Gertrude Sullivan Saint Pius X School St. Pius X Parishioners Rev. Mr. Thomas E Gahey +Thomas Keiner St. Pius X Parishioners +Gregory Corgan +Herman Sarwi +denotes deceased WEEKLY CALENDAR MONDAY 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. March 2 Bible Study Walking Towards Eternity CH WE CARE KC Sacramental Prep Parent Mtg CH Bible Study-Timeline KC St. Joseph Intercessory Pray Grp PO TUESDAY 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. March 3 Bible Study-Psalms KC Community Life Mtg. KC Bible Study-Acts KC WEDNESDAY 10:00 a.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. March 4 Bible Study-Matthew KC Handbell Practice CH Children’s Choir CH Adult Choir Practice CH MOMS PO Bible Study-Matthew PO MS Youth Ministry KC Readings for the Week of February 1, 2015 Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/ Mk 1:21-28 THURSDAY Monday: Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/ 10:00 a.m. Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 10:00 a.m. Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6 FRIDAY Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13 10:00 a.m. Friday: Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 12:00 p.m. Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34 SATURDAY Next Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 7:00 p.m. 22-23/Mk 1:29-39 ©Liturgical Publications Inc 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. March 5 Bible Study-Acts KC Seniors Gentle Yoga PO RCIA PO March 6 Bible Study-Journey through the Bible YR Eucharistic Adoration CHPL ‘til 7 pm March 7 Hearts & Hands of Mary YR March 8 Coffee Talk YR K of C Rosary CHPL FF Special Needs Comm. KC Second Sunday of Lent February 28th & March 1st, 2015 Our Mission The Roman Catholic Parish of St. Pius the Tenth in Greensboro, North Carolina endeavors to: Know the lord through the Gospel and our ministries of Formation, Education, and Evangelization, Love the lord through our prayer and worship of Christ centered on His Presence in the Eucharist, Serve the Lord through our hospitality and our stewardship of the gifts entrusted to us that we may continue Christ’s work of charity and compassion.! STEWARDSHIP OF OUR TREASURE Your offering of as little as one hour’s wage will help us meet our daily needs. Offertory for February 21 & 22 Offering from 388 envelopes Offering loose cash & checks Last Week’s Online giving Weekly Total Building Fund Easter Offering Combined Missions $14,929.00 $4,214.20 $8,086.00 $27,229.20 $716.00 $25.00 $20.00 Lenten Reconciliation Friday Evenings, approx. 6-6:30 p.m. February 20th through March 27th Stations of the Cross at 7 p.m. Friday, February 20 through Friday, March 27 Palm Sunday is March 29th To the many parishioners who helped with the Rite of Election last Sunday. Your efforts did not go unnoticed by those in attendance. We could not coordinate an event of this scale without you! Every Christian possesses both natural talents and spiritual gifts. Our natural abilities come to us at physical birth and are developed through life. Our spiritual gifts are imparted by the Holy Spirit, enabling us to minister to others in behalf of Christ. Each of us has a unique function to perform in life and in the Body of Christ. YOUTH STEWARDSHIP CORNER Whatever you do well, what ever makes you happy when you do it, that’s your gift! God asks us to use them and share them with others. 2/22 $7.00 Youth Stewardship Envelopes are available in the parish office and at the school. Second Sunday of Lent Grief and Loss Ministry Sessions start on March 15th The mission of the grief and loss ministry is to help St Pius parishioners understand the process of grief and mourning. If you have experienced the death of a loved one, it helps to know that you are not alone in this process. Join others who want to receive affirmation of God’s continued love for all of us. Understand that through His love, God determines the appropriate time for our mourning and our healing. The next 6 week session starts on March 15th at 2 pm and will give you a safe place to express your loss. All Seasons of Hope grief sessions begin with a prayer and are facilitated to help you understand and express your grief. To find out more information, please call the Parish Office and leave your name and phone number. A member of the ministry will return your phone call. Carolina Catholic Chorale to Sing A Lenten Program in Greensboro. In March the Chorale will present a musical event called Adoramus te Christe. The program features 14 polyphonic settings of the Adoramus te text sung as responses to each of the Stations of the Cross. A text taken from a Good Friday antiphon meaning: “We adore thee O Christ, and we bless thee: because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed the world”. Friday, March 6th at 7:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Grace Church. Admission is free; donations are gladly accepted to defray expenses. For more information please visit February 28th & March 1st, 2015 CELEBRATE LIFE at St. Pius X! Spiritual Adoption Baby Shower Bring a much needed baby item to place in the crib. Before each mass the weekends of March 14th and March 21st Items will be donated to Room at the Inn and Catholic Charities Wee Care Shoppe Newborn to Size 5 Diapers, Diaper Wipes, Socks for newborn to 2T, Boys clothing size 0-3 mo. Bibs & Baby Thermometers Antibacterial Hand Soap, Sensitive Skin Lotion Non-breakable plastic cups BEDAZZLE YOUR FRIENDS with “SOMEONE’S OLD BUT NEW TO YOU” JEWELRY Thursday March 19, 2015 Kloster Center 6 pm – 8:30 pm Clean out your old costume jewelry and turn it into the Parish Office March 9- 13 Sponsored by the SPX Socials Ministry Call for info and to RSVP the Parish Office or Alice Yorks - 280-1223 Friday, March 13th! 5 pm to 8 pm, Kloster Center Dine-In or Take-Out $8 adult $5 kids Kids under 5 Free, Grilled Cheese Available ST. PIUS X KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 11101 Golden fried fish, baked potato, cole slaw and a beverage! Second Sunday of Lent Out of the Garden Community Stewardship Project Consider participating in this Lenten work of Charity Out of The Garden Project began in 2009 in the kitchen of Don and Kristy Milholin. They now use a donated warehouse, need 400-600 volunteers each month to provide 1,000 bags of food each weekend. In addition, they serve 1,200-1,500 individuals each month through mobile food and drive-up food pantries. There is a definite food insecurity problem in Guilford County. You and your family can help! • Stewardship Opportunities: Volunteer at warehouse on sorting, weighing food, packing backpacks, sweeping/mopping: Wednesday March 18 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. • Distribute food to families at the drive-up food pantry: Saturday, March 28 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. • Donate food and deliver to our parish food cart in the church March 7 – March 27. Items needed Canned chicken/tuna, canned vegetables/fruits, canned ravioli/spaghetti/pasta and tomato sauce (no pork or beef in sauce and no glass jars, please!), mac/cheese, individual cereal, oatmeal or grits (regular or instant), peanut butter and crackers, granola or fruit bars. Help sort this food and drive it to the warehouse. All the details you need to know are on the St. Pius X website:, scroll down on the home page until you see the warehouse photo, click on “HERE” to the Sign-Up Genius link. Grow your awareness for others and take this time to gather together to serve our community! PRAY THE ROSARY... The Knights of Columbus "Rosary of Our Lady" on the second Sunday of each month, March 8th at 10:15 a.m. in the Chapel. All parishioners are invited to bring their rosary and join us. February 28th & March 1st, 2015 During LENT take time to be in the Presence of Our Savior Eucharistic Adoration In the Chapel “Go to Jesus. He loves you and is waiting for you to give you many graces. Friday, March 6th Noon to 5 p.m. & from 6 to 7 p.m. Food Drive Volunteers Needed: Greensboro Urban Ministry will hold its semi-annual food drive in April. This semi-annual food drive has taken place since 1992 and has provided specific food items for people who are in need. St. Pius X is responsible for collecting canned food from shoppers on Saturday, April 11th at the Golden Gate Food Lion between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. We need 1-2 volunteers for each 2 hour time frame. This is a great volunteer activity for confirmation candidates, high school service hours, or for parents to do with their children. If you are interested in volunteering, please call Peggy Murphy at 336-209-8457. YWCA Winter Emergency Shelter The Greensboro Urban Ministry WE Shelter, along with other area churches and the YWCA is now open at 1807 East Wendover Avenue. St Pius is working with many area churches to provide volunteers, dinner and lunch bags. The women at the shelter need the following items: • Pod laundry detergent • umbrellas (medium-size) • bottled water, decaf coffee • plastic forks, spoons and knives. A volunteer sign-up website has been created and there are links that include volunteer opportunities for most evenings of the week. Visit our website at and find the blue snowflake. For more information, email Geri Mccomb at Second Sunday of Lent February 28th & March 1st, 2015 ! 2015 Diocesan Support Appeal The Goal for Saint Pius X Parish is $163,462.54 With Whom We Share God’s Gifts Seminarians.......................................................................................................................... 18 Permanent Deacons .......................................................................................................... 122 Catholic High Schools in Diocese/number of students enrolled .................................. 3/2,031 Catholic Middle Schools and Elementary Schools/number of students enrolled #... 16/5,554 College Campus Ministry Programs/number of students supported............................... 3,500 Young People Participating in Youth Ministry Programs................................................. 6,700 Children Enrolled in Faith Formation Programs............................................................ 25,100 People Served by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Charlotte................................. 19,200 31% Education - Adult Education/Evangelization - Campus Ministry - Faith Formation Office - Youth Ministry - Catholic Schools Office - Media Resources - Office of the Vicar of Education 15% Multicultural Ministries - Hispanic Ministries - Hmong Ministry - African American Ministry 8% Vocations - Seminarian Education - Permanent Diaconate 35% Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Charlotte - Counseling - Immigration - Food Pantries - Clothing Closets - Elder Ministry - Respect Life - Teen Parenting - Youth in Crisis - Financial Assistance - Marriage Preparation - Natural Family Planning - Pregnancy Support and Adoptions - Social Concerns & Advocacy - Refugee Resettlement 7% Other - Eucharistic Congress - Housing Ministry - Hospital Ministry 4% DSA Campaign Costs Second Sunday of Lent Join us at 10:20 a.m. in the Youth Room / Kloster Center ALL ADULTS ARE WELCOME! 1/25 - 3/29 - SYMBOLON SERIES Dr. Edward Sri, The Journey of Faith Wk 7 3/8 The Holy Spirit and the live of Grace God’s Divine life within us Wk 8 3/15 Why Do I Need the Church? The Mystery of the Catholic Church Baptismal Preparation Class The next class will be Sunday, March 15th at 1 pm, in the Youth Room Both parents must attend, Please call the parish office at 272-4681. Bishop Peter Jugis is seeking your input. In preparation for the Synod on the Family in October, comment is being sought from Catholics all over the world on the bishops' working document, the Relatio. Although this is a time-consuming request, it is also an opportunity to learn more about our great faith. You can read the Relatio and answer the survey questions by visiting the diocesan website at, where there is a link to the survey on the homepage. Please allow several hours to complete this task. Saint Pius X Catholic School is now accepting K-8 applications for the 2015-2016 school year. For more information or to schedule a tour of the school campus, please contact Jean Navarro, Admissions Coordinator, at 273-9865, or February 28th & March 1st, 2015 While we regularly pray at mass for all those who bravely serve our country, we would like to pray for and recognize those who are a part of, or are an extension of our parish family. Please call the parish office with the name, rank, and branch of service. Please pray for: Lt. Col. Michael Durham, USA, CO SGM Frank Luedtke, USA, Ft. Bragg Lt. Col. Dwayne A. Gray, USAF Lt. Col. Nick Plesh, USA, Ft. Hood Cmdr. M. Shawn Johnston, USN Col. Edwin L. Anderson, USA, MO Chief Edwin L. Anderson, Jr., USA, Afghanistan Sgt. Richard Hammer Anderson, USA, Ft. Bragg 1st Lt. Brendan Walmsley, USA, Ft. Bragg Lt. David Walsh, USN, NAS Oceana Christopher J. Cassidy, NASA PFC Stephen Mardis, USA, Afghanistan PFC Kenny Frech, USA, Afghanistan Major Joseph Dewey, USA, Qatar SPC Marques Watson, USA, Ft. Lewis, WA Stf. Sgt. Nathan Burgmann, USAF, Kuwait PO2 Matthew Guggenheimer, USCG, Staten Island, NY Major Matt Adamczyk, USA, Afghanistan FC3 Lindsey Graves, USN, USS Arleigh Burke SPC Eb F. Emolo, USA, Ft. Bragg, NC Cpt. Daniel Gibbon, USMC, Japan Cpt. Tyler Brewer, USAF, Baghdad SPC. Agent Scott Messick, Afghanistan Cpt. Joel M. Joyce, USA, Ft. Bragg, NC SPC. Ernest Hunter, USA, Afghanistan PFC Michael Bresson, USA, California SSG Elizabeth Babiarz, USA, Ft. Gordon, GA CPL Russel Henderson, Virginia NG, VA PVT2 Brandon Lemmer, USA, Ft. Gordon, GA PVT Christian Morris, USA, Fort Jackson, SC PFC Taylor Johns, USA, Afghanistan LCPL Marcos Hernandez, USMC Jacksonville, NC 1st Lt. Eric Johnson, USAF, England 1st Lt. David Makowski, USA, Iraq Chief MS Mark Henrenquez, USA, Qatar CPT Christopher Plum, NC ANG, Greensboro CPT Dr. Lane Walsh, USAF Eglin AFB, FL LCPL Ryan Raffen Berger USMC, Bahrain Lt. John Royce Valituto USA, Ft. Bragg, NC 1st Lt. Sean Callahan USA, Kuwait PRAYER FOR THE SAFETY OF SOLDIERS Almighty and eternal God, those who take refuge in you will be glad and forever will shout for joy. Protect these soldiers as they discharge their duties. Protect them with the shield of your strength and keep them safe from all evil and harm. May the power of your love enable them to return home in safety, that with all who love them, they may ever praise you for your loving care. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen Second Sunday of Lent February 28th & March 1st, 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS Catholic Charities 12th Annual Partners in Hope, Thursday, March 19th, at the Benton Convention Center. Event Details: Join us for cocktails at 5:30 and dinner at 6:30 to support the Mission of Catholic Charities in providing life-transforming Services to the Piedmont Triad Region. Guest speaker is St Pius X Catholic Church parishioner Stephen Martin, speaker and author. This event is complimentary however you will be invited to make a generous gift to help raise our goal of 200,000. A cash bar is available and wine is provided with dinner. For more information, contact Gwen Easter at or 336.714.3227 The Annual Ancient Order of Hibernians Trip to Ireland Raffle. The Na Cara Division 1 of the AOH is holding its annual Patrick J. Rooney Charity Raffle. All proceeds generated go to support local charities such as: The St. Vincent de Paul Society, Right to Life, Urban Ministries, Victory Junction, et al. For a donation of $100. you can win a week in Ireland for four, this includes, bed and breakfast, rental car and $1000 spending money. The winner can opt to receive $5000 cash in lieu of the trip. Only 150 tickets will be sold. This raffle has enabled the AOH to distribute $50,000 to numerous charities. Please contact Kevin Proehl @558 5259 to purchase (please leave message with contact info) a raffle ticket. The drawing will take place on Sunday, April 12th, you need not be present to win. Senior Games & Silver Arts through Smith Senior Center and the NC Division of Aging and Adult Services. Beginning April 7th join us for physical fitness, fun, socializing and the opportunity to share your creative arts and craft accomplishments. Eligible ages 50-95, demonstrate our engagement and human spirit! Participate with your age group, (i.e. 60-64,) in any of 30 athletic events and enter your photography, writings, painting, performance, etc. in competition. 1st, 2nd 3rd place winners move on to State competition. Registration is $10, applications available at the Smith Center, 373-7564 and are due by March 6th. For info, call Dick von Stamwitz, 601-4622 or The Annual Mini Retreat for the Greensboro Council of Catholic Women will be held on Thursday, March 26, 2015, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Saint Francis Springs Prayer Center. The Celebrant will be Father David Hyman, OFM, and the Retreat Master will be Father Louis Canino, OFM, on Franciscan Spirituality. Since it is an unfair burden to the facility preparing the food and setting up for the event, the Board has unanimously decided to set an absolute deadline date for reservations --- NO EXCEPTIONS. However, late reservations could be put on a waiting list should there be any cancellations. MARCH 19, ABSOLUTE DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS Send your $25 reservation check made out to the GCCW to Cindy Bratton, 2403 Wood Meadow Rd, Greensboro, NC 27455, to be received by March 19th. Please arrange your own car pools. Take 68 or 220 north from Greensboro. They will merge about 10 miles south of Madison. Continue north on 220 and exit at Mayodan/Eden Route 135 Exit. Drive east towards Eden on Rt. 135 for 3.5 miles. Turn right onto Stone Mountain Road. Drive .8 mile and make your first left, which is Grogan Road. Drive .7 miles and turn left into St. Francis Springs Prayer Center. Remember non-perishable food donations for the Rockingham County Food Pantry. For more information, contact Judy Martineau at 298-4084 Spaghetti Dinner Benefiting Senior Resources of Guilford’s Senior Wheels Medical Transportation Program. Friday, March 27th at 5:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. They will have door prizes and a silent auction of specialty baskets. The auction ends at 7 pm. The dinner will be held at Christ United Methodist Church, 410 Holden Rd. You can eat in or carry out ($8). Tickets are available at Senior Resources of Guilford, 301 E. Washing ton St., 373-4816 or contact Grace Coakley, the St. Pius Team Captain at 288-5962. Friday March 20 at 7:30 pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in High Point, Sister Helen Prejean national recognized activist and author of Dead Man Walking and Death of Innocents will speak about her experiences as the spiritual advisor of death row inmates and the on-going challenges of the death penalty. For more information, call the church at 869-7739 and ask for Ann Marie Bullock. Or, call Laurette Stranieri 336-899-1970 or email her at Second Sunday of Lent February 28th & March 1st, 2015 Confirmation Retreat Friday, March 6 through Sunday, March 8 A weekend of faith & friends at Camp Harrison (near Wilkesboro) Contact Derek Rotty: (901) 272-4681 or MIDDLE SCHOOL BREAKOUT Wednesday Nights February 25th 7 –8:30pm, in the Kloster Center. Games, music, fun with friends! HIGH SCHOOL The GATHERING Next Gathering: Sunday, February 22 from 7 to 8:30pm in the Youth Room. Come for food, stay for fellowship BRING A FRIEND! Catholic Heart Work Camp Roanoke Virginia! July 19th thru 25th During Lent take the “40 Days of Kindness Challenge” Registrations due immediately, with $100 deposit All high school students are eligible to attend. Like SPXYouth on Facebook or follow Contact Derek Rotty if you are interested: 272-4681 or @stpiusxnc on Twitter to take the challenge. Bishop’s Annual Youth Pilgrimage Saturday, April 11th Belmont Abbey College Book your spot now! Details will come soon. Contact Derek Rotty for more details: (336) 272-4681 or Like us on Facebook! • Bonded and Insured • House Cleaning and HandyMan Services • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Be Not Afraid Everything is Possible With God 292-7800 Hank and Maria Williamson, St. Pius X Parishioners 336.303.0486 Elegant. Intimate. Wedding. Events. #6 North Pointe Ct (VF Corporate Park) Lisa Jo Adornetto • DDS Parishioner General and Cosmetic Dentistry ~ New Patients Always Welcome ~ Handcrafted Shaped Bulletin Boards™ Organize with Fun & Style Michele Lalumondier 7750 Robinson Road • Summerfield, NC 336.643.7697 • 3861 Battleground Ave. (336) 288-9878 THIS SPACE IS Gina Marie Interior Design, LLC Gina Simmons - Parishioner E: P: 336 430 7969 For more information contact Liturgical Publications Inc at 800-477-4574 Please Call 800-477-4574 Novant Health Triad Obstetrics and Gynecology PLEASE CALL LPI TO PLACE AN AD TODAY! • Expert pregnancy care • Gynecologic care from adolescence to menopause !"#$%$&'(()"$%*'+$*,"'%-"./0/12"-'"3$%2$"+4.5,.) !"6./&/1%5",7,21*,8"&,-$2'(()"+/4%-"&,9:/-+"/;" """%'94.'(";'&$()"<('%%$%5"'%-"<./&/1%5"'"<./=($;,8" """%/%=2/%9.'2,<1*,"'<<./'2:"9/">/&,%?+":,'(9: @,>$+"@$<+2/&08"#A 800-477-4574 DR. DAVID R. SULLIVAN FAMILY DENTISTRY 2713 Pinedale Road BCDD"EF"G'>9:/.%,"H/'-8"E4$9,"IBJ" K$%+9/%=E'(,&8"LM"NOBDP 288-8745 Near Holden, Benjamin & Battleground Insurance Accepted • Laughing Gas 336-277-0340 %:9.$'-/05)%F/.5 The Triad’s Most Trusted Source Of Affordable Companionship and Non-Medical Homecare. Companionship Alzheimer’s Care Light Housekeeping Meal Prep Errand & Appointments Personal Care Assistance NC Licensed Call: 294-0081 Joe Bauer Joe Thompson 274-3598 “Quality Construction Since 1976” 2-D-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0816/a 2605 Lawndale Drive Greensboro, NC 27408 Phone: 288-4900 Big or Small We Can Store It All! • Climate Control Units • Units Start at $25 • Move into any size storage for $50 & get a free truck rental Two Greensboro Locations: • 4310 Highpoint Rd. - 336.855.5231 • 1401 Norwalk St. - 336.852.8525 Olga Ines Fratoni - Parishioner GREGORY JOHNS, OWNER 336-294-2301 24/7 WWW.GOJOHNS.COM HARRIS TEETER SHOPPING CENTER 423 Pisgah Church Rd. • Greensboro, NC (336) 288-3663 Donate online to St. Pius X Catholic Church 15% OFF LUNCH w/ coupon $3 OFF WHEN YOU SPEND $15 OR MORE 1 coupon per visit, Alcohol Excluded, Valid Sun-Thurs Not Valid w/ any other offer MON & TUES KIDS 12 & UNDER EAT FREE FROM KIDS MENU Accompanied by Adult • 1 kid per table / not valid with any other offers a3DULVKLRQHUa PODIATRY ASSOCIATES DR. RICHARD SIKORA, PARISHIONER (336) 375-6990 2706 St. Jude Street, Greensboro, NC 27405 Scott Knox Parishioner 210 Stage Coach Trail Greensboro, NC 27415-3295 Serving Greensboro for over 40 years Phone: 336-855-9034 E-mail: Award Winning Designs! REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 336-668-0111 CALL ANA 336-706-4901 Weddings & Funerals our Specialty New Garden Rd. (336) 288-1908 CUSTOM HOMES • RENOVATIONS • CABINETRY Greg Seifert, Parishioner RICK KEPLER, Agent 336-362-2512 follow us at: “Providing Insurance and Financial Services” 3820 N ELM ST SUITE 104 GREENSBORO, NC 27455 336.543.0786 ELIZABETHDEWEYMD.COM 3912 Battleground Ave. #108 • Greensboro, NC (336) 282-4855 ~ Parishioner~ (336) 545-5468 4100 WELL SPRING DR. GREENSBORO, NC 27410 2-D-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0816/b Patrick & Charlotte Valente REALTORS® S!Q>STU'V>>.8'>W PARISHIONER EH3X5E'QE<S!HXV8'>W PARISHIONER • Comprehensive Eye Care utilizing the latest technology in diagnostic care, spectacle lenses and contact lenses • Excellence in eye care for your entire family in a caring environment • Tired of your children’s ever changing prescriptions? E-P';-',+?;&'D,F$'9?7"$,1'Q?1#2"NR 1305 Lees Chapel Road, Suite 101 • Greensboro, North Carolina 27455 336•IJG•2020 MMM4&72,#$0$6$"&$746?O Keith G. Kordsmeier, DDS Family Dentistry G R E R 1591 Yanceyville St. Suite 200 B (336) 287-6981 336-272-6235 Parishioner ~ Parishioner ~ ~ Thoughtful service since 1919 ~ 272-5157 NORTH ELM ST. CHAPEL • VANSTORY ST. CHAPEL • SEDGEFIELD CHAPEL Parishioner - WILLIAM SCHLOSSER Your Trusted Greensboro Mover ITALIAN RESTAURANT BAR & GRILL NEW YORK STYLE PIZZA AND SUBS BRYAN JONES, Owner and Parishioner 3927 Battleground Ave. Greensboro, NC 336-288-1515 336-273-0546 2116 Lawndale Dr. Greensboro, NC 336-370-0800 Need help planning your future? We’re here to help you with all your financial needs Innovative Financial Solutions, LLC. Christopher A. 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