遠山千春教授 退職記念シンポジウム 2015年(平成27年)3月13日(金)10:00~ 東京大学医学部本館 大講堂 International Symposium Recent Topics on Molecular, Epigenetic, and Cognitive/Behavioral Toxicology of Environmental Chemicals Date: March 13th (Fri.), 2015 (10:00 − 15:00) Place: Medical Building No. 2 (Main Building), Large Auditorium, The University of Tokyo O Cl Cl Hideyuki Yamada (Kyushu University) Dioxin-produced retardation of fetal growth: dual mechanisms targeting on nursing dams and developing pups Cl Cl O Chiharu Tohyama (The University of Tokyo) Developmental neurotoxicity of environmental chemicals displayed by microstructural analysis Yue-Liang Leon Guo (National Taiwan University College of Medicine (NTU) and NTU Hospital) Human reproductive effects of dioxin-like chemicals Wataru Yoshioka (Tokyo College of Pharmacy) Molecular basis of dioxin-induced hydronephrosis in mice [Lunch break] Alvaro Puga (University of Cincinnati College of Medicine) Gene-Environment Interactions in the Developmental Origins of Adult Heart Disease Mayumi Ishizuka (Hokkaido University) Species differences in xenobiotic metabolism Tomoki Takeda (Kyushu University) Mechanism whereby maternal exposure to dioxin imprints sexual immaturity of the pups after reaching maturity Keiko Nohara National Institute for Environmental Studies Molecular mechanism of tumor augmenting effects in the F2 generation by maternal arsenic exposure CH3HgOH This symposium is supported by Grant-in-Aids for Scientific Research (S) to the following studies: 1) Elucidation of developmental neurotoxicity mechanisms by microstructural analysis (C.T.) 2) Molecular mechanisms underlying the imprinting of sexual immaturity and failure of maternal nursing caused by environmental pollutants (H.Y.) No requirement for pre-registration / fee Chairs Hideyuki Yamada, Ph.D. Chiharu Tohyama, Ph.D. Organizing Committee Graduate School of Medicine Sciences, The University of Tokyo mtohyama@mail.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp; TEL, 03-5841-1431 Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University hyamada@phar.kysuhu-u.ac.jp; TEL, 092-642-6585 遠山千春教授 最終講義 「環境と健康の科学」 2015年(平成27年)3月13日(金)15:30~ 東京大学医学部本館 大講堂 東京大学大学院医学系研究科 疾患生命工学センター 健康環境医工学部門 eh-office@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp Tel:03-5841-1917
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