Registration Form - 10th ASCOLA Conference Tokyo 2015- Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan Please send an e-mail with the Registration Form by April 15 to the following addresses: ;; Name: ………………………………….….. [starting with surname, name(s)] Institution/Position: E-mail address: ………………………………….………………………. …………………………………..……………………… I will participate in the following parts of the conference (circle the selected dots): *Welcome reception on 21 May (19.00) *Conference and workshop *Facultative: Official dinner 22 May 2015 (special charge of 50 euros per person is kindly requested to cover the costs); I will be accompanied by ….. person(s) *Facultative : on 23 May, Tokyo Night Bus Tour with dinner” Or “Kabuki” *Facultative: One day trip to “Nikko” and “Izakaya-Restaurant” on 24 May 2015 INFORMATION ON CONFERENCE FEES (to be paid in cash at the conference) A – ASCOLA Members: 0 Euro B – Non-ASCOLA Members: 180 Euro C Special charge for official dinner: 50 Euro. D Special charge for Tokyo Night Bus Tour with dinner: 8900Yen [Payment in Yens in Tokyo] E Special charge for Kabuki : 5000Yen. [Payment in Yens in Tokyo] F Special charge for One day trip to “Nikko” + “Izakaya-Restaurant”(dinner) Train 2800Yen per person) [Payment in Yens in Tokyo] ……………………………………………………………………………………. [Date] [Signature] 1
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